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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Allelic and genetic heterogeneity of two common genetic diseases

Hejmanowski, Ashley Q. 12 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Zur Klinik und Genetik von Skelettdysplasien mit Modellierungsstörungen, Hyperostose und Sklerose

Tinschert, Sigrid 08 March 2004 (has links)
Die Homöostase des Knochengewebes wird durch das balancierte Zusammenspiel von Ossifikation und Resorption gewährleistet. Eine in Relation zur Resorption zu starke Ossifikation führt zur Modellierungsstörung, Hyperostose und Sklerose. Knochenerkrankungen mit diesen Merkmalen werden als Sklerosierende Skelettdysplasien erfasst. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind fünf Skelettdysplasien aus dem Formenkreis der Sklerosierenden Skelettdysplasien: (1) Craniometaphysäre Dysplasie, autosomal dominante Form (MIM #123000); (2) Metaphysäre Dysplasie, Typ Braun-Tinschert (MIM *605946); (3) Caffey-Syndrom (MIM *114000); (4) McCune-Albright-Syndrom (MIM #174800); (5) Melorheostose (MIM 155950). Diese werden auf unterschiedlichen pathogenetischen Ebenen charakterisiert, die den Etappen des Weges entsprechen, der mit der Analyse des Phänotyps beginnt und zu einer Aufklärung des Basisdefektes führt. Die Arbeit gliedert sich ein in die Reihe von Bemühungen, zum molekularen Verständnis von Erkrankungen des Skelettsystems beizutragen. / Homeostasis of bone tissue is maintained by the balanced process of bone formation and resorption. Increased ossification in relation to resorption gives rise to conditions with modelling defects, hyperostosis and sclerosis. Skeletal diseases with these signs are classified as sclerosing bone dysplasias. The work presented here focuses on five skeletal dysplasias from the group of sclerosing bone dysplasias: (1) Craniometaphyseal dysplasia, autosomal dominant form (MIM #123000); (2) Metaphyseal dysplasia, Braun-Tinschert type (MIM *605946); (3) Caffey syndrome (MIM *114000); (4) McCune-Albright syndrome (MIM #174800); (5) Melorheostosis (MIM 155950). They were investigated at different pathogenetic levels that represent different steps on the path from phenotypic characterisation to clarification of the respective basic molecular defect. This work has contributed to our understanding of the molecular basis of skeletal diseases.

Praktická aplikace imunohistochemických a molekulárně - genetických metod v diferenciální diagnostice lézí urogenitálního a gynekologického traktu / Implementation of Immunohistochemical and Molecular-Genetic Methods in Differential Diagnosis of Urogenital and Gynecologic Tract Lesions

Ondič, Ondrej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on gynecopathology. It consists of a collection of seven papers published in pathology journals with impact factor. Introduction section contains selection of examples showing scientific application of molecular genetic methods. Further on the aims of individual research projects are described. The first project comprises histomophologic study of skin endometriosis addressing "mullerian" differentiation. A case report of a rare tumor namely borderline papillary serous tumor of the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube follows with molecular genetic analysis of KRAS, BRAF and p53 gene mutation status. Prospective longitudinal study on high grade squamous dysplasia (HSIL) of the cervix in HPV vaccinated women, so called DAV (dysplasia after vaccination), aims to elucidate pathogenesis of this phenomenon. Two other studies focus on incidence of fumarate hydratase deficient leiomyomas of the uterus and hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome (HLRCC). The aim of those studies is to improve our diagnostic capability and increase detection rate of the patients with HLRCC syndrome. Finally a new subtype of HSIL namely bizarre cell dysplasia is described in two separate studies. Conclusion remarks contemplate the role of molecular genetics in surgical pathology.

Genetic background and antenatal risk factors of bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Mahlman, M. (Mari) 08 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract Advances over the past few decades in ante- and neonatal care have led to the survival of a growing number of premature infants of extremely low gestational age. However, the occurrence of serious diseases, particularly those affecting the most immature infants, remains high. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a chronic lung disease of premature infants, is one such disease. Our current understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of BPD is incomplete; consequently, there are few preventive and therapeutic options for BPD. Moreover, it is challenging to predict the risk of BPD. Previous studies of BPD in twins revealed that the heritability of BPD is quite high. However, the individual genes that predispose premature infants to BPD are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to identify and study genes associated with BPD in order to investigate its pathogenesis. An additional aim was to add to knowledge of the risk of BPD in newborn premature infants, with an emphasis on twins. A candidate gene study found no consistent association between common polymorphisms of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 and BPD. A second candidate gene study noted an association between the gene encoding Kit ligand and BPD. A genome-wide association study found a suggestive association between a locus close to the gene encoding C-reactive protein (CRP) and BPD, and in subsequent analyses, plasma levels of CRP during the first week of life predicted BPD. Finally, a nationwide register study found that the risk of BPD was lower in twins than in singletons. The results of this study add to what is known of the genetics and pathogenesis of BPD. They also provide new data on the risk of BPD, which may be used to improve early identification of infants for whom the risk of developing BPD is high. / Tiivistelmä Ennenaikaisen syntymän ja keskoslasten hoidon kehittymisen myötä yhä useammat huomattavan epäkypsinä syntyneet lapset jäävät henkiin. Samalla erityisesti juuri näitä lapsia uhkaavien sairauksien esiintyvyys on pysynyt korkeana. Bronkopulmonaalinen dysplasia (BPD, keskosen krooninen keuhkosairaus) on yksi näistä sairauksista. BPD:n molekyylitasoinen tautimekanismi on vielä osin tuntematon, eikä BPD:tä tehokkaasti estävää tai siitä parantavaa hoitoa ole. Myös BPD riskin arvioiminen vastasyntyneen keskoslapsen kohdalla on vaikeaa. BPD on huomattavan perinnöllinen tauti. BPD:lle altistavista geeneistä on kuitenkin vasta vähän tietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoa BPD:n tautimekanismista tutkimalla BPD:lle altistavia geenejä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin BPD:n esiintyvyyttä ja syntymää edeltäviä riskitekijöitä erityisesti kaksosten osalta. Ehdokasgeenitutkimuksessa verisuonten endoteelikasvutekijää koodaava geeni ei assosioitunut toistuvasti BPD:hen. Kit ligandia koodaava geeni sen sijaan assosioitui. Koko genomin assosiaatiotutkimuksessa C-reaktiivista proteiinia (CRP) koodaavan geenin lähistöltä löydettiin BPD:hen mahdollisesti assosioituva alue. Lisäksi ensimmäisen viikon CRP-arvojen osoitettiin ennakoivan myöhemmin kehittyvää BPD:tä. BPD-riskin todettiin olevan matalampi kaksi- kuin yksisikiöisistä raskauksista syntyneillä lapsilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset lisäävät tietoa BPD:n perinnöllisyydestä ja sitä kautta BPD:n tautimekanismista. Tutkimus toi myös uutta tietoa BPD:n riskitekijöistä parantaen vastasyntyneen keskoslapsen BPD-riskin arviota.

Early risk factors influencing lung function in schoolchildren born preterm in the era of new bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Ronkainen, E. (Eveliina) 01 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract Advances in perinatal treatment practices—such as antenatal corticosteroids, surfactant replacement therapy, and gentler ventilator modalities—have improved the survival of infants born preterm. Consequently, later morbidity and pulmonary outcome for survivors has attracted increasing interest. The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains high and the condition is manifesting in infants born at earlier gestational weeks than before. This so-called new BPD results from the arrest of alveolar development and is associated with less structural airway injury and interstitial fibrosis than previously. Long-term follow-up data on lung function, lung structure and respiratory morbidity of children treated with modern methods is insufficiently known. We performed a follow-up study of 88 preterm-born children and 88 matched term-born controls at school age. Children born preterm had lower values in lung function measurements than term-born peers. Reductions were most marked in those with a history of BPD. In accordance with the foetal origins hypothesis, children with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) had lower lung function than gestation-controls. This indicates that poor growth in utero is an additional burden on pulmonary health. Both IUGR and BPD predicted lower lung function independently. High-resolution computed tomography of the lung was obtained from 21 children with a history of BPD. Structural abnormalities were common, children with severe BPD being most affected. Preterm children were hospitalised more often than controls, mainly because of wheezing disorders. However, BPD did not influence the hospitalisations. According to the meta-analysis of the contemporary data available, the respiratory outcome of children who had only mild BPD may have improved in comparison to old follow-up data, whereas the results for those without BPD or moderate-to-severe BPD have remained remarkably stable despite progress in treatment practices during early life. In conclusion, preterm children had subtle impairments in lung function at school age. Although they were fairly asymptomatic, concern about the possible long-term effects of preterm birth on pulmonary health is justified. It has been proposed that BPD may predispose individuals to an early COPD-like disorder. Preterm children must be protected from any additional burden on respiratory health and should be monitored appropriately for early detection of lung disease. / Tiivistelmä Keskosten tehohoito on kehittynyt viime vuosikymmeninä merkittävästi, ja yhä epäkypsempänä syntyvät keskoset selviävät hengissä syntymän jälkeen. Keskosten pitkäaikainen keuhkosairaus, bronkopulmonaalinen dysplasia (BPD), on perinteisesti johtunut hengityskonehoidon ja happikaasun aiheuttamasta keuhkovauriosta ja johtanut keuhkokudoksen arpeutumiseen. Aiempaa ennenaikaisemmilla keskosilla esiintyy kuitenkin nykyään niin sanottua uutta BPD:tä, jonka ajatellaan johtuvan enemmän keuhkorakkuloiden kehityshäiriöstä kuin hoitojen aiheuttamasta keuhkovauriosta. Selvitimme, miten nykyaikaisilla menetelmillä hoidettujen keskosten keuhkojen rakenne ja toiminta kehittyvät kouluikään mennessä. Seurantatutkimukseemme osallistui 88 ennenaikaisena syntynyttä, kouluikään ehtinyttä lasta ja 88 täysiaikaisena syntynyttä, kaltaistettua verrokkia. Keskosena syntyneiden lasten keuhkofunktio oli kouluiässä huonompi kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneiden verrokkien. Alhaisin keuhkofunktio oli niillä keskosena syntyneillä lapsilla, jotka olivat sairastaneet vastasyntyneenä BPD:n. Myös kohdunsisäiseen kasvuhäiriöön (intrauterine growth restriction, IUGR) liittyi alentunut keuhkofunktio. BPD ja IUGR ennustivat alentunutta keuhkofunktiota toisistaan riippumatta. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin myös keuhkojen ohutleiketietokonekuvaus 21 keskoselle, jotka olivat sairastaneet BPD:n. Lähes kaikilla havaittiin poikkeavia löydöksiä – eniten niillä, joilla oli ollut vastasyntyneenä BPD:n vaikea tautimuoto. Keskosina syntyneet joutuivat kahden ensimmäisen vuoden aikana verrokkeja useammin sairaalahoitoon. Yleisimpiä syitä olivat hengityksen vinkumista aiheuttavat taudit kuten ilmatiehyttulehdus, ahtauttava keuhkoputkitulehdus tai akuutti astmakohtaus. Vastasyntyneenä sairastettu BPD ei kuitenkaan lisännyt todennäköisyyttä joutua sairaalahoitoon. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin myös meta-analyysi nykyaikaisilla menetelmillä hoidettujen keskosten keuhkofunktiosta: lievää BPD:tä sairastavien tulokset näyttävät parantuneen, kun taas keskivaikeaa tai vaikeaa tautimuotoa sairastavien ja ilman BPD:tä selvinneiden keuhkofunktio ei ole muuttunut uusien hoitojen myötä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että keskosten keuhkojen toimintakyky on jonkin verran alentunut täysiaikaisiin verrattuna. Lievästi alentunut keuhkofunktio ei kuitenkaan yleensä aiheuttanut koululaisille oireita. Keskosena syntyneiden lasten hengityselinten toimintaa on syytä seurata, sillä niin sanotun uuden BPD:n pitkäaikaisesta ennusteesta ei ole vielä tietoa.

Praktická aplikace imunohistochemických a molekulárně - genetických metod v diferenciální diagnostice lézí urogenitálního a gynekologického traktu / Implementation of Immunohistochemical and Molecular-Genetic Methods in Differential Diagnosis of Urogenital and Gynecologic Tract Lesions

Ondič, Ondrej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on gynecopathology. It consists of a collection of seven papers published in pathology journals with impact factor. Introduction section contains selection of examples showing scientific application of molecular genetic methods. Further on the aims of individual research projects are described. The first project comprises histomophologic study of skin endometriosis addressing "mullerian" differentiation. A case report of a rare tumor namely borderline papillary serous tumor of the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube follows with molecular genetic analysis of KRAS, BRAF and p53 gene mutation status. Prospective longitudinal study on high grade squamous dysplasia (HSIL) of the cervix in HPV vaccinated women, so called DAV (dysplasia after vaccination), aims to elucidate pathogenesis of this phenomenon. Two other studies focus on incidence of fumarate hydratase deficient leiomyomas of the uterus and hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma syndrome (HLRCC). The aim of those studies is to improve our diagnostic capability and increase detection rate of the patients with HLRCC syndrome. Finally a new subtype of HSIL namely bizarre cell dysplasia is described in two separate studies. Conclusion remarks contemplate the role of molecular genetics in surgical pathology.

Biochemical mechanisms involved in pulmonary hypo-alveolarization induced by peroxides contaminating parenteral nutrition in newborn guinea pig

Elremaly, Wesam 05 1900 (has links)
La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP. / Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a major complication of preterm newborns, affecting nearly 50% of infants born before 29 weeks of gestation. BPD is characterized by an arrest in alveolar development. The onset of BPD is related to oxidative stress. Research has shown that parenteral nutrition (PN), which is given to preterm newborns to bypass an immature gastrointestinal system, is a major source of oxidative stress. Indeed, PN is contaminated with peroxides, including ascorbylperoxide, an oxidized form of dehydroascorbic acid. Ambient light is a catalyst for the generation of peroxides. Photo-protection of PN, although difficult to apply in the clinical situation, is associated with a lower incidence of BPD in premature infants and with better alveolar outcomes in animal models of neonatal PN. We hypothesized that the ascorbylperoxide in PN disrupts alveolar development. The main mechanism of action is an inhibition of the transformation of methionine into cysteine in the liver, leading to a lower glutathione synthesis in the liver as well as in peripheral tissues such as lung. Lower glutathione (GSH) concentrations favour a shift of redox potential to a more oxidized state and consequently, to exaggerated apoptosis. If our hypothesis is correct, the addition of glutathione to PN would help detoxify ascorbylperoxide through the action of glutathione peroxidase and prevent the deleterious impact of PN. Objectives: The aims of my research project were to investigate the biochemical mechanisms linking PN to the development of BPD in premature newborns and to propose a nutritional alternative that would prevent the occurrence of this frequently observed complication. Specific objectives were: 1) to assess the effect of intravenously infused ascorbylperoxide on the metabolic axis redox potential of glutathione in the lung; specifically, apoptosis and the alveolarization index; 2) to study the impact of ascorbylperoxide and the redox potential on the activity of methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) in the liver; methionine adenosyltransferase is the first enzyme in the metabolic cascade from methionine to cysteine; and 3) to try to prevent the deleterious impact of PN or ascorbylperoxide infusions on the lung by improving glutathione status. Methods: Through a catheter in the jugular vein, 3-day-old guinea pigs (n = 8 per group) received continuous infusions of PN or a simple solution (dextrose + NaCl) enriched with different molecules for testing. The first objective was achieved by enriching the basic solution with ascorbylperoxide at concentrations of 0, 20, 60 and 180 M. To mimic clinical conditions, these solutions contained, or not, 350 M H2O2. The second objective was achieved by investigating the mechanisms of MAT inhibition in animals infused, or not, with solutions consisting of the basic solution, peroxides, glutathione, and PN (dextrose + amino acids + multivitamins + lipids). The third objective was achieved by adding, or not, 10 M of glutathione (GSSG) to the ascorbylperoxide or PN solution until a normal plasma concentration of glutathione was obtained. After 4 days, the lungs were removed. GSH and GSSG levels in the lungs were determined by capillary electrophoresis. The redox potential was calculated using the Nernst equation. The activation and the concentration of active caspase-3 (marker of apoptosis) were determined by Western blot, and the alveolarization index quantified by the number of intercepts between histological structures and a calibrated straight line. Data were compared by ANOVA; effects were considered significant if p was less than 0.05. Results: The infusion of ascorbylperoxide, independently of H2O2, induced hypoalveolarization, activation of caspase-3, and oxidation of the redox potential, in a dose-dependent manner. These effects were prevented by the addition of GSSG to the ascorbylperoxide (180 M) or PN solutions. Ascorbylperoxide and H2O2 inhibited MAT activity in the liver. Hepatic MAT activity was linearly modulated by the value of the redox potential. Conclusion: Our results suggest that ascorbylperoxide is the active ingredient in PN that leads to the development of BPD. Correcting the low glutathione levels induced by peroxides in PN solutions would promote the detoxification of peroxides and re-establish proper pulmonary redox potentials. Glutathione correction further protects the lungs from the deleterious effects of PN by bypassing hepatic MAT inhibition. This result is of great importance because it gives hope for the possible prevention of BPD.

International breeding programs to improve health in pedigree dogs / Programmes d'élevage internationaux pour améliorer la santé des chiens de race

Wang, Shizhi 15 June 2018 (has links)
La santé du constitue une préoccupation croissante pour les éleveurs, propriétaires, et le grand public, plusieurs rapports ayant récemment souligné les potentiels impacts négatifs des pratiques d'élevage sur la santé des chiens de race (APGAW 2009, Nicholas 2011), au travers de la diffusion d’affections héréditaires par exemple. Ainsi, l’OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, http://www.offa.org) considère que la dysplasie de la hanche affecte au moins 163 races de chiens, avec des prévalences allant de 1,2 à 72,1%. La mise en œuvre de stratégie d'élevage afin de réduire l'incidence des maladies héréditaires et leur impact sur le bien-être constitue une priorité pour les éleveurs et les organisations d'élevage. L'efficacité de ces stratégies dépend toutefois fortement de facteurs tels que leur déterminisme génétique, la disponibilité de diagnostics cliniques ou génétiques efficaces, ainsi que les conditions spécifiques au contexte (la prévalence, la démographie, l'existence d'autres affections, la coopération des éleveurs ...). Par exemple, il a été montré que pour une maladie monogénique récessive, à fréquence égale, l'impact d’une stratégie sur la variabilité génétique sera extrêmement différent en fonction de la race (Leroy et Rognon 2012). Il est important de souligner également que le contexte et le cadre réglementaire de l'élevage varient beaucoup en fonction des pays. A titre d'exemple, en Suède, la proportion importante d'animaux de compagnie assurés (environ 50%) permet la mise en place d’enquêtes sur la santé des chiens à grande échelle (Bonnett et al., 2005), facilitant l'identification des affections impactant le bien-être. En fonction des pays, des mesures différentes de luttes contre les affections héréditaires ont pu être mises en place, pouvant aller de l’incitation à utiliser des reproducteurs sains, à l’interdiction de reproduction pour des individus atteints d’affection problématiques. Dans le cas de dysplasie de la hanche, un système d'évaluation génétique a été mis en œuvre dans certains pays (Allemagne, Suède, Royaume-Uni) pour quelques races, alors que dans certains autres pays, il est encore en cours de développement. Notons qu’un projet préliminaire à la thèse sera mise en place à l’échelle des kennels clubs nordiques (KNU) pour s’intéresser à la valeur ajoutée des échanges internationaux de données généalogiques et de santé. / Dog health constitutes a major concern for breeders, owners, as well as the general public, all the more since several study and reports have recently underlined potential impacts of breeding practices on dog health and fitness (APGAW 2009, Nicholas 2011). According to Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA, omia.angis.org.au) more than 586 disorders/traits have been reported in dogs, with various prevalence and consequences for canine health (Collins et al. 2011, Nicholas et al. 2011). As an exemple, Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA 2011, http://www.offa.org) consider that Hip Dysplasia, a polygenetic trait affected by environmental factors, with variable impact on welfare, affects at least 163 dog breeds, with prevalence ranging from 1.2 to 72.1%. Implementation of breeding plans in order to reduce incidence of inherited disorders and their impact on welfare should be a priority for breeders and breeding organizations. Efficiency of such strategies is however highly dependant on several factors such as inheritance pattern, availability of efficient clinical/genetic test, and specific context conditions (prevalence, demography, existence of other disorders, cooperation of breeders…). For instance, it has been showed that for a monogenic recessive disorder with the same frequency, impact of a given strategy on genetic diversity will be completely different depending on the breed (Leroy and Rognon 2012). It is also important to underline that breeding context and breeding rules are very different according to countries. As an exemple, in Sweden the large proportion of pets insured (about 50%) allows the settlement of large surveys on dog health (Bonnett et al. 2005), leading to the identification of disorders critical to breed welfare. Depending on countries, the control of inherited disorders is implemented through various measures, from breeding recommandations to mating ban. In the case of hip dysplasia, a genetic evaluation system has been implemented in some countries (Germany, Sweden, UK) for a few breeds, while in some other countries, it is still under development. The fact that for many breeds there is an exchange of breeding animals between several countries with different breeding policies constitutes also a critical point to be taken into account, when settling a breeding strategy. Moreover it has been showed that efficiency of genetic evaluation for a polygenic trait such a hip dysplasia could be improved by joint evaluation between different countries (Fikse et al. 2012). For this purpose, a preliminary project, starting 2013 in Sweden, will investigate the interest of exchanging pedigree and health data within the framework of Nordic Kennel Union. The aim of this project is to provide operational tools to improve breed health in an international context, concerning both genetic evaluation and implementation of breeding policies.

Dysplasies corticales focales de l'enfant : localisation par l'imagerie de perfusion in vivo et caractérisation électrophysiologique des activités épileptiques in vitro / Focal cortical dysplasia in children : in vivo localization with perfusion imaging, and in vitro characterization of epileptic activities

Blauwblomme, Thomas 04 April 2017 (has links)
Les dysplasies corticales (FCD) sont une cause fréquente d’épilepsie lésionnelle requérant un traitement chirurgical, caractérisées par l’association de troubles de l’architecture corticale et la présence de cellules neuronales et/ou gliales anormales Les FCD restent parfois difficiles à identifier / localiser et la physiopathologie des activités épileptiques qu’elles produisent reste mal connue. L’objectif de ce travail est d’optimiser la localisation anatomique et fonctionnelle des FCD chez l’enfant et d’étudier leur épileptogénicité par une double approche, in vivo en imagerie de perfusion IRM-ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling), et in vitro par enregistrements de tissus humains post-opératoires sur matrice de micro électrodes. L’intérêt de l’étude de ces dysplasies chez l’enfant est majeure à un âge où la récurrence des crises n’a pas encore modifié le réseau … Tout d’abord, nous avons montré une hypoperfusion focale des dysplasies corticales focales de type II colocalisée à l’hypo métabolisme en 18FDG-PET scan et au défect histologique. Nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse statistique du signal ASL permettant l’intégration des données objectives de l’imagerie dans une approche multimodale des anomalies interictales associant ASL et IRM fonctionnelle-EEG. Ensuite, nous avons exploré in vitro des tranches de cortex humain dysplasique post-opératoire. La présence d’activités épileptiques interictales spontanées témoignait de la persistance des caractéristiques épileptogéniques des FCD, variables selon les sous types histologiques. L’étude de la signalisation GABAergique et de la régulation du chlore a montré que le co transporteur du chlore NKCC1 chargeait excessivement les neurones en chlore alors que son concurrent KCC2, extrudant normalement ces anions, était down-régulé. La dérégulation neuronale du chlore qui en résulte est à l’origine d’effets paradoxalement dépolarisants du GABA, rendant compte non pas d’une perte d’inhibition GABAergique mais de son implication active dans les processus épileptiques. Enfin, nous avons contribué à mettre en évidence le rôle des hémicanaux Pannexines1, et de la transmission purinergique dans l’initiation et la maintenance des activités ictales, ouvrant une nouvelle piste thérapeutique chez les patients présentant ces épilepsies pharmaco résistantes. / Focal cortical Dysplasias (FCD) are a frequent etiology of lesional epilepsy, requiring surgical treatment. They are defined by abnormalities of cortical architecture intermixed with the presence of abnormal neuronal or glial cells. Imaging FCD remains challenging, both to detect and map the lesion, and the pathophysiology of the epileptic discharges they produce is incompletely understood. The aim of this PhD is to improve in vivo FCD mapping in children with perfusion MRI, and to study in vitro their epileptogenicity with human postoperative cortical slices electrophysiological recordings on micro electrode arrays. First, we showed with ASL MRI (Arterial Spin Labeling) a focal hypoperfusion in type II FCD, colocalized with 18FDG-PET hypo metabolism and histological defects. We developed a statistical analysis of ASL under SPM integrated in a multimodal approach of FCD with EEG-fMRI and ASL-MRI. Second, we studied in vitro slices of human postoperative dysplastic cortex. We could record reliable spontaneous inter ictal discharges, specific of the histological subtype, showing that tissues retain epileptogenic features. We focused our study on GABAergic signaling and neuronal chloride regulation. We have identified an excessive chloride load in neurons by the co transporter NKCC1 whereas chloride extrusion was deficient because of KCC2 down regulation. The consequent chloride dysregulation resulted in paradoxical GABAergic depolarization, responsible for a loss of inhibitory processes but also a shift to excitatory effects of GABAergic signals. Third, we also contributed to a study on Pannexin hemichannels, revealing that Pannexin1 channels sustain initiation and maintenance of ictal activity though purinergic neurotransmission in human cortical slices, supporting new anti epileptic targets in human pharmaco resistant epilepsies.

Screening de uma bibliotecade expressãode cDNA de cerebelo de rato usando-se como sonda o anticorpo anti-KM+ e expressão de drebinas em displasia cortical focal IIB (DCF IIB) associada com epilepsia de difícil controle medicamentoso / Screning of a lambda zapii rat cerebellum library using an affinity-purified anti-lectin KM+ antibody expression of drebins in focal cortical dysplasia type type IIB (FCD IIB) associated with drug-resistant epilepsy

Maia, Roberta de Assis 01 June 2007 (has links)
p83 é uma proteína com massa molecular aparente de 83 kDa, supostamente ainda não descrita, específica de sistema nervoso, e desenvolvimento regulada. p83 interage fortemente com laminina, Tau, tubulina e heat shock protein 90. p83 foi inicialmente detectada por imunohistoquímica e western blot usando-se um anticorpo anti-lectina KM+ purificado por afinidade. Sua purificação a partir de cérebro de rato está em progresso. Identificar o envolvimento de p83 em processos do Sistema Nervoso Central humano é um passo necessário em direção à compreensão de sua função biológica. Uma biblioteca de expressão de cDNA de cerebelo de rato (Lambda ZAP II, Stratagene) foi submetida ao screening, usando-se um anticorpo específico para isolar o cDNA de p83. O anticorpo anti-KM+ foi pré-adsorvido contra proteínas de E. coli XL1 Blue MRF, antes de ser usado no screening. As membranas foram reveladas por imunodetecção cromogênica (fosfatase alcalina e NBT/BCIP). A análise de todos os clones Lambda ZAP II foi feita por excisão in vivo do fagomídeo pBluescript, subclonagem em E. coli XL1 Blue MRF, purificação do DNA plasmidial e digestão com Eco RI. A seqüência correspondente ao clone isolado foi analisada usando-se ferramentas e bancos de dados do NCBI. A seqüência nucleotídica mostrou identidade com as isoformas A e E de drebrina. As isoformas A e E de drebrina foram detectadas em adulto e embrião, respectivamente. Drebrina A é uma proteína sistema nervoso-específica, desenvolvimento regulada e associa-se com F-actina. Embora drebrina e p83 compartilhem propriedades em comum, nossos dados de western blot indicaram que parecem não se tratar da mesma proteína. Nós investigamos a expressão de drebrina em Displasia Cortical Focal tipo IIB, comparando com córtex normal. As secções de tecido foram coradas com hematoxilina-eosina e prata (Bielchowsky). Secções foram processadas por imunohistoquímica usando-se os anticorpos anti-drebrina M2F6 e o DAS2, e recuperação antigênica. A detecção foi feita usando-se um anticorpo biotinilado, e DAB como cromógeno. Os tecidos displásicos (13 casos) foram obtidos cirurgicamente de tecidos exibindo epilepsia droga-resistente. Os controles foram obtidos de necrópsia de 15 pacientes sem história prévia de doenças neurológicas ou alterações patológicas. Nossos resultados sugerem uma associação entre drebrina e DCF IIB, um distúrbio do desenvolvimento cortical. / p83 is 83 kDa protein supposedly not yet described, nervous system specific, and developmentally regulated. p83 strongly interacts with laminin, Tau, tubulin and heat shock protein 90. It was initially detected by immunohistochemistry and western blot using an affinity-purified anti-lectin KM+ antibody. Its purification from rat brain is in progress. Identifying the involvement of p83 in human Central Nervous System processes is a required step towards understanding its biological roles. A premade cDNA rat cerebellum expression library (Lambda ZAP II, Stratagene) has been screened, using a specific antibody to isolate p83 cDNA. Anti-KM+ antibody was pre-adsorbed against E. coli XL1 Blue MRF proteins, before using in screening. Membranes were revealed by cromogenic immunodetection (alcaline fostase and NBT/BCIP). The analysis of all positive Lambda ZAP II clones was carried out by in vivo excision of pBluescript, subcloning in E. coli XL1 Blue MRF, plasmidial DNA purification and Eco RI digestion. The sequence corresponding to the clone isolated was analyzed using the NCBI tools and database. The nucleotide sequence showed identity with drebrin A and E isoforms. Drebrin A and E isoforms were detected in adults and embryos. Drebrin A is a neuron-specific, development-regulated F-actin-binding protein. It participates in growth cone extension and dendritic spine formation. Although have same drebrin and p83 properties in common, they not seem to be the same protein. We have investigated the expression of drebrin in Focal Cortical Dysplasia type IIB (FCD IIB) as compared to normal cortex. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and silver (Bielchowsky). Sections were processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-drebrin antibodies M2F6 and DAS2, and an antigen retrieval technique. Detection was carried out using a biotinylated antibody, using DAB as chromogen. Dysplastic tissues (13 cases) were obtained at surgery for drug-resistant epilepsy. Controls were obtained at autopsy from 15 patients without history of neurological disorder and gross pathological changes. A specific drebrin labeling in dysplastic tissue was more intense than in controls. Indeed, most control cases exhibited at most a slightly higher staining than the background. Balloon, clear and undetermined cells, and giant, dysmorphic neurons, showed a conspicuous labeling by anti-drebrin. These cells showed a thin rim labeling of the nuclear membrane, and a finely punctate nuclear labeling. In contrast, a coarse nuclear, but a faint cytoplasm labeling was observed in autopsy cases. Our data suggest an association between Drebrin expression and the FCD IIB, a disturbance of cortical development.

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