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Estudo dilatométrico das transformações de fase em aços maraging M300 e M350. / Study dilatometric of the phase transformations on maraging steels M300 and M350.Leandro Gomes de Carvalho 09 December 2011 (has links)
Os aços maraging são aços de baixo teor de carbono com estrutura martensítica (CCC), que são endurecidos pela precipitação de fases intermetálicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar as transformações de fases desses aços: precipitação, reversão da martensita para a austenita e transformação martensítica. Nesse trabalho, foram caracterizadas uma corrida de aço maraging da série 300 e três corridas da série 350, usando diversas técnicas complementares: microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura com análise dispersiva de energia, microdurômetro, difração de raios-X, ferritoscópio e dilatometria. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as corridas com maiores teores de cobalto e titânio apresentaram maiores valores de microdureza nos estados solubilizado e envelhecido. Por outro lado, medidas dilatométricas mostraram que há uma influência significativa tanto da composição química, quanto da taxa de aquecimento nas reações de precipitação e reversão da martensita para a austenita. No entanto, a transformação martensítica mostrou-se dependente apenas da taxa de aquecimento. / Maraging steels are steels with a low carbon martensitic structure (BCC), which are hardened by precipitation of intermetallic phases. The aim of this work is to study the phase transformations of these steels: precipitation, martensite to austenite reversion and martensitic transformation. In this study, one cast of 300 grade and three casts of 350 grade were characterized using several complementary techniques: optical microscopy, scanning el ectron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis, microhardness, X-ray diffraction, ferritoscope and dilatometry. The results showed that the casts with higher concentrations of cobalt and titanium showed higher microhardness in the solution annealed and aged states. On the other hand, dilatometry measurements showed that there is a significant influence of both the chemical composition and the heating rate on the reactions of precipitation and reversion of martensite to austenite. However, the martensitic transformation was dependent solely on the heating rate.
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Commissioning Of An Arc-melting/vacuum Quench Furnace Facility For Fabrication Of Ni-ti-fe Shape Memory Alloys, And The CharacterizationSingh, Jagat 01 January 2004 (has links)
Shape memory alloys when deformed can produce strains as high as 8%. Heating results in a phase transformation and associated recovery of all the accumulated strain, a phenomenon known as shape memory. This strain recovery can occur against large forces, resulting in their use as actuators. The goal of this project is to lower the operating temperature range of shape memory alloys in order for them to be used in cryogenic switches, seals, valves, fluid-line repair and self-healing gaskets for space related technologies. The Ni-Ti-Fe alloy system, previously used in Grumman F-14 aircrafts and activated at 120 K, is further developed through arc-melting a range of compositions and subsequent thermo-mechanical processing. A controlled atmosphere arc-melting facility and vertical vacuum quench furnace facility was commissioned to fabricate these alloys. The facility can create a vacuum of 10-7 Torr and heat treat samples up to 977 °C. High purity powders of Ni, Ti and Fe in varying ratios were mixed and arc-melted into small buttons weighing 0.010 kg to 0.025 kg. The alloys were subjected to solutionizing and aging treatments. A combination of rolling, electro-discharge machining and low-speed cutting techniques were used to produce strips. Successful rolling experiments highlighted the workability of these alloys. The shape memory effect was successfully demonstrated at liquid nitrogen temperatures through a constrained recovery experiment that generated stresses of over 40 MPa. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and a dilatometry setup was used to characterize the fabricated materials and determine relationships between composition, thermo-mechanical processing parameters and transformation temperatures.
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Effect of welding thermal cycles on the heat affected zone microstructure and toughness of multi-pass welded pipeline steelsNuruddin, Ibrahim K. January 2012 (has links)
This research is aimed at understanding the effect of thermal cycles on the metallurgical and microstructural characteristics of the heat affected zone of a multi-pass pipeline weld. Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) diagrams of the pipeline steel grades studied (X65, X70 and X100) were generated using a thermo mechanical simulator (Gleeble 3500) and 10 mm diameter by 100 mm length samples. The volume change during phase transformation was studied by a dilatometer, this is to understand the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase formation when subjected to such varying cooling rates. Samples were heated rapidly at a rate of 400°C/s and the cooling rates were varied between t8/5 of 5.34°C/s to 1000°C/s. The transformation lines were identified using the dilatometric data, metallographic analysis and the micro hardness of the heat treated samples. Two welding processes, submerged arc welding (SAW) and tandem Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding, with vastly different heat inputs were studied. An API-5L grades X65, X70 and X100 pipeline steels with a narrow groove bevel were experimented with both welding processes. The welding thermal cycles during multi-pass welding were recorded using thermocouples. The microstructural characteristics and metallurgical phase formation was studied and correlated with the fracture toughness behaviour as determined through the Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) tests on the welded specimens. It was observed that SAW process is more susceptible to generate undesirable martensite-austenite (M-A) phase which induce formation of localised brittle zones (LBZ) which can adversely affect the CTOD performance. Superimposition of the multiple thermal cycles, measured in-situ from the different welding processes on the derived CCTs, helped in understanding the mechanism of formation of localised brittle zones. Charpy impact samples were machined from the two X65 and X70 grades, for use in thermal simulation experiments using thermo mechanical simulator (Gleeble). The real thermal cycles recorded from the HAZ of the SAW were used for the thermal simulations, in terms of heating and cooling rates. This is to reproduce the microstructures of the welds HAZ in bulk on a charpy impact sample which was used for impact toughness testing, hardness and metallurgical characterisation. The three materials used were showing different response in terms of the applied thermal cycles and the corresponding toughness behaviours. The X65 (a) i.e. the seamless pipe was showing a complete loss of toughness when subjected to the single, double and triple thermal cycles, while the X65 (b), which is a TMCP material was showing excellent toughness in most cases when subjected to the same thermal cycles at different test temperatures. The X70 TMCP as well was showing a loss of toughness as compared to the X65 (b). From the continuous cooling transformation diagrams and the thermally simulated samples results it could be established that different materials subjected to similar thermal cycle can produce different metallurgical phases depending on the composition, processing route and the starting microstructure.
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Influência da microestrutura nas propriedades mecânicas e na fragilização por hidrogênio em um aço microligado. / Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement in microalloyed steel.González Ramírez, Mario Fernando 28 September 2012 (has links)
A tecnologia dos aços microligados para transporte de gás natural e petróleo tem sido pressionada pelo descobrimento das novas jazidas e o aumento da demanda no mundo. As solicitações ambientais e de resistência mecânica são os parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de aços de alta resistência baixa liga para o transporte de gás e petróleo a menor custo e de forma segura. Neste contexto esta pesquisa investiga, em um aço microligado para tubos API 5L X80, o efeito das transformações de fase obtidas por resfriamentos controlados na fratura induzida por hidrogênio Hydrogen Induced Cracking-(HIC) e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os testes de HIC foram realizados no material como recebido, na espessura da chapa submetida a resfriamentos contínuos e em amostras do material tratadas de forma a simular as regiões de grão grosso da zona afetada pelo calor (GGZAC). Segundo o ciclo de resfriamento, os aços microligados têm microestruturas complexas, como é caso do aço microligado em estudo, onde sua microestrutura, estudada em trabalhos anteriores, é formada principalmente por ferrita, bainita, perlita e microconstituinte austenita/martensita (AM). A morfologia, tamanho, quantidade e distribuição dos produtos de transformação na chapa mudam as propriedades do aço. Esses fenômenos são de grande interesse tecnológico em aços microligados para a fabricação de tubos soldados para o transporte de gás e petróleo, tanto quando a solda é realizada em campo como também durante o encurvamento por indução; aqui as propriedades mecânicas do tubo decorrentes do processo de fabricação termomecânico podem ser degradadas pela ação do aquecimento e dos resfriamentos experimentados na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC), principalmente na região de GGZAC. A simulação dos ciclos térmicos para o estudo da HIC na espessura da chapa foram realizados em CP austenitizados a 900ºC e submetidos a resfriamentos contínuos no dilatômetro de têmpera. Para simular os ciclos térmicos com resfriamentos controlados focados na GGZAC e a seguir obter CP de tamanho adequado para testes de tração e Charpy, foi necessário fazer os tratamentos térmicos a 1300ºC e resfriamentos contínuos em um simulador termomecânico e dilatômetro Gleeble. O maior tamanho da amostra tratada termicamente neste último equipamento permitiu extrair amostras para avaliar as propriedades mecânicas e a HIC do material, pois as diferentes regiões da ZAC em uma solda real são restritas e não permitem este tipo de ensaios em uma região específica da ZAC. Os resultados permitiram identificar a suscetibilidade de cada microestrutura produto da transformação da austenita na espessura da chapa, sendo a região central da chapa a mais sensível ao hidrogênio no aço como recebido e quando tratado a baixas taxas de resfriamento de 0,5°C/s após austenitizado a 900°C. As bandas grosseiras formadas por estruturas de maior dureza que a matriz na região central diminuíram a resistência à HIC. Da mesma forma nos corpos de prova que simulam a região GGZAC, a fratura induzida pelo hidrogênio foi localizada na região central da espessura embora apresente bainita e ferrita acicular. A falha possivelmente se deve aos elementos remanescentes segregados nesta região central e partição de carbono para os sub contornos de grão da bainita e ferrita que cresceram a partir a austenita primária. As inclusões e precipitados, segundo seu tipo, forma e localização na microestrutura, participam ou não da nucleação e propagação da trinca, sendo a posição mais crítica quando localizadas dentro das estruturas bandeadas. Não foi observada a nucleação de trincas na presença de hidrogênio em precipitados de Nb e Ti. / The technology of microalloyed steels for the transportation of natural gas and oil has been pressed by the discovery of new deposits and the increased demand in the world. Environmental requests for safety and ever increasing mechanical strength are the parameters for the development of high strength low alloy steels for transporting gas and oil at lower cost and safely. In this context, this research investigates, in a microalloyed steel pipe API 5L X80, the effect of phase transformations obtained by controlled cooling on the behavior when loaded with hydrogen - Hydrogen Induced Cracking - (HIC) and in the mechanical properties. HIC tests were performed on as-received material, on samples extracted from the thickness of the plate and subjected to continuous cooling and on samples of the material treated to simulate the coarse-grained regions of heat affected zone (CGHAZ). According to the cooling cycle, the microalloyed steels have complex microstructures: in the steel under evaluation its microstructure, studied in a previous work, consists mainly of ferrite, bainite, pearlite and austenite/martensite constituent (AM). The morphology, size, quantity and distribution of the products of transformation change the properties of plate steel. These phenomena are of great technological interest in microalloyed steels for the fabrication of welded tubes for the transport of gas and oil, when the welding is performed in the field as well as during hot bending; here the mechanical properties of the tube from the process of thermomechanical fabrication can be degraded by the action of heating and cooling experienced in the heat affected zone (HAZ), mainly in the region of CGHAZ. Simulations of thermal cycles for the study of HIC on sheet thickness were performed in coupons subjected to austenitization at 900ºC followed by continuous cooling in the dilatometer. To simulate the thermal cycles with controlled cooling, focused in the CGHAZ, and getting suitable sample sizes for tensile testing and Charpy, it was necessary to austenitize at 1300ºC followed by continuous cooling using the thermal and thermomechanical simulator in a Gleeble dilatometer. Samples heat treated in this equipment were suitable to evaluate the mechanical properties and the HIC of the material for different regions of HAZ, while a real weld would not have enough material to allow this type of testing on a specific region of HAZ. The results showed the susceptibility of each microstructure product of austenite transformation and of the position on the plate thickness. The central region of the plate was more sensitive to hydrogen in the steel as-received and when treated at low cooling rates of 0.5°C/s after austenitization at 900°C. The bands formed by coarse structures of greater hardness than the matrix in the central region decreased the resistance to HIC. Likewise in coupons that simulate the CGHAZ region, the fracture induced by hydrogen was located in the central thickness line, even when the microstructure were bainite and acicular ferrite. Failure there was possibly due to remnants of segregated elements in this central region and carbon partition to the subboundaries of the bainite and ferrite grain that grew from the primary austenite. Inclusions and precipitates, according to their type, shape and location in the microstructure, participating or not in the nucleation and propagation of the crack, were more critical when located within the banded structures; crack nucleation in the presence of hydrogen was not observed at Nb and Ti precipitates.
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A presença do nióbio em um ferro fundido branco de cromo-molibdênio: traçado da curva transformação-tempo-temperatura / not availableIbañez Ruiz, Alberto 03 April 1996 (has links)
Avaliou-se experimentalmente o ferro fundido branco de alto-cromo-molibdênio ao qual foi adicionado nióbio, a respeito de sua temperabilidade. Dilatometricamente traçou-se a curva TTT desse material, bem como a de um ferro fundido branco de alto cromo para efeito comparativo. Constatou-se por essa comparação e pelos resultados da literatura a alta temperabilidade obtida pela liga experimental. A partir da temperatura de austenitização utilizada, podem-se usar taxas de resfriamento de até 0,12°C/s sem transformação de fase, enquanto que na liga comparativa essa taxa aumenta para 5,8°C/s. Foram realizadas análises de desgaste abrasivo, de dureza e microdureza, de difração por raios-X , de fase magnética e de microanálise como forma de caracterizar as transformações de fase observadas por dilatometria. As variações estruturais decorrentes dos tratamentos térmicos realizados nas duas ligas foram acompanhados por microscopia ótica. É indicativo pelo presente trabalho que tal material além de suas características inerentes de resistência à abrasão e à corrosão oferece maior flexibilidade nos projetos que envolvam paredes espessas. / In this work we studied the hardenability of high chromium- molibdenum white cast iron with niobium. By dilatometry we obtained the TTT curve of this material as well as the high chromium white cast iron for comparison. This comparison and available results in literature confirm the high temperability of experimental material. We can use slow rate cooling 0,12°C/s or higher without phase transformation, while in the comparative alloy this rate is around 5,8°C/s or higher from specific used austenitic abrasive temperature. We also realized analysis of abrasive wear, hardness and microhardness, raios-X difraction, magnetic phase and microanalyse for verifing the phase transformation as observed by dilatometry. The structure variation as function of termic treatment in both alloys is monitored by optical microscope. The present work indicate that the material under study can offer more flexibility for projects with thick materials apart from intrinsic characteristics of abrasive wear and corrosion.
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Etude par émission acoustique et dilatométrie d'électrodes à base de silicium pour batteries Li-ion / Acoustic emission and dilatometry study of silicon based electrodes for Li-ion batteriesTranchot, Alix 19 October 2016 (has links)
Afin d’augmenter la densité d’énergie des batteries Li-ion, en particulier pour le marché des véhicules électriques, il est nécessaire de développer des matériaux d’électrode plus performants. Le silicium, dont la capacité spécifique (3579mAh/g) est dix fois supérieure à celle du graphite, est un matériau particulièrement prometteur. Néanmoins, lors de sa lithiation, il subit une forte expansion volumique (280% contre 10% pour le graphite) conduisant à la décrépitation des particules de Si et à la fissuration/décohésion de l’électrode. Il en résulte une diminution notable de la durée de vie de l’anode. Pour améliorer la tenue au cyclage des électrodes, il est nécessaire de bien comprendre/quantifier leur dégradation morphologique, ce que permettent difficilement des analyses post mortem conventionnelles. Notre objectif est d’utiliser et de développer des outils permettant d'étudier in operando la dégradation de ces électrodes. Nous avons mis en œuvre des protocoles de caractérisation in operando couplant des mesures électrochimiques à l’émission acoustique d’une part et à la dilatométrie d’autre part. Le suivi de l’activité acoustique au cours du cyclage de l’électrode a montré que les particules de Si micrométrique constituant cette électrode se fracturent dès le début de la lithiation, et que la fissuration de l’électrode se produit progressivement tout au long de la 1ère lithiation. Peu d’activité acoustique est détectée par la suite. Par l’analyse des signaux acoustiques, trois types de signaux ont été identifiés, se différenciant principalement selon leur fréquence de pic. Les signaux de hautes fréquences sont associés principalement aux micro-fractures des particules en début de lithiation, et les signaux à moyennes et basses fréquences sont respectivement attribuées à la fissuration de l’électrode et aux macro-fractures des particules de Si en fin de lithiation. L’étude dilatométrique a montré une expansion volumique maximale de ~170% avec une encre tamponnée à pH3 versus 300% si l’électrode est préparée à pH7. Cette différence s’explique par la formation de liaisons cohésives entre le liant CMC et les particules de Si lorsque l’électrode est préparée à pH 3, améliorant sa résistance mécanique. Ce qui a été confirmé par des mesures d’indentation. Ainsi, l’électrode formulée à pH 3 montre une meilleure cyclabilité. Enfin, nous avons démontré qu’une diminution notable de la durée de vie de l’électrode est observée lorsque la taille initiale des particules de Si est réduite de 230 à 85nm. Nous expliquons ce résultat inattendu par une quantité insuffisante de CMC par rapport à la surface spécifique plus élevée des particules de taille plus faible. De fait, sa résistance mécanique est insuffisante et conduit à une fissuration et une exfoliation importantes de l’électrode. Ceci est appuyé par les mesures de dilatométrie, d’émission acoustique et des observations MEB. / To increase the energy density of Li-ion batteries, especially for the electric vehicle market, the development of new electrode materials is required. Silicon is a particularly interesting material, thanks to its high specific capacity (3579mAh/g, ten times higher than the capacity of graphite). Nevertheless, upon lithiation, silicon undergoes an important expansion (300% vs 10% for graphite). This leads to the cracking of the Si particles and fracturing of the electrode film. These induces electrical disconnections upon cycling, resulting in a poor cycle life. To improve the cyclability of the Si based electrodes, it is important to better understand/quantify their mechanical degradation. Conventional post mortem analyses are insufficient for that purpose. The objective of this work is to develop and use in operando analyses techniques. Therefore, we established protocols to characterize composite electrodes by electrochemical measurements coupled with either acoustic emission (AE) or dilatometry measurements. The evolution of the acoustic activity upon cycling showed that the cracking of the micrometric Si particles and of the composite film mainly occurs during the first cycle and is initiated in the early stage of the lithiation. Very few AE signals are detected in the following cycles. The signal analysis leads to the identification of three types of signals depending to their peak frequency. High frequency signals were associated with surface micro-cracking of the Si particles at the beginning of lithiation. Medium and low frequency signals were respectively attributed to the fracturing of the electrode film and bulk macro-cracking of the Si particles at the end of lithiation. An electrode thickness expansion of 170% was measured by electrochemical dilatometry for our electrodes prepared at pH3 versus 300% for electrodes prepared at pH7. The different mechanical behavior is explained by the formation of covalent bonds between the CMC binder and Si particles at pH3, which increases the mechanical stability of electrodes. This was confirmed by the measurement of their hardness and Young’s modulus. Therefore, pH3 electrodes display a higher capacity retention. It was also demonstrated that a decrease of the Si particle size does not necessarily lead to an improvement of the electrode cycle life. Indeed, we observed a significant decrease of the electrode cycle life when the Si particle size is decreased from 230 to 85 nm. This can be explained by a lack of CMC binder in relation with the higher surface area of the smaller Si particles, leading to a lower mechanical resistance of the electrode film. Within the first cycles, Si 85 nm based electrodes suffer from important cracking and exfoliation. This was confirmed by in operando dilatometry and acoustic measurements, and post mortem SEM observations.
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Structure and mechanical properties of dual phase steels : An experimental and theoretical analysisGranbom, Ylva January 2010 (has links)
The key to the understanding of the mechanical behavior of dual phase (DP) steels is to a large extent to be found in the microstructure. The microstructure is in its turn a result of the chemical composition and the process parameters during its production. In this thesis the connection between microstructure and mechanical properties is studied, with focus on the microstructure development during annealing in a continuous annealing line. In-line trials as well as the lab simulations have been carried out in order to investigate the impact of alloying elements and process parameters on the microstructure. Further, a dislocation model has been developed in order to analyze the work hardening behavior of DP steels during plastic deformation. From the in-line trials it was concluded that there is an inheritance from the hot rolling process both on the microstructure and properties of the cold rolled and annealed product. Despite large cold rolling reductions, recrystallization and phase transformations, the final dual phase steel is still effected by process parameters far back in the production chain, such as the coiling temperature following the hot rolling. Lab simulations showed that the microstructure and consequently the mechanical properties are impacted not only by the chemical composition of the steel but also by a large number of process parameters such as soaking temperature, cooling rate prior to quenching, quench and temper annealing temperature. / QC 20101004
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Phasenbeziehungen und kinetische Modellierung von flüssigphasengesintertem SiC mit oxidischen und nitridischen AdditivenNeher, Roland 17 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the present dissertation the formation of microstructure, the kinetics of densification and the formation of surface layers developing during liquid phase sintering of silicon carbide are studied. The focus is on the additive systems Al2O3 plus Y2O3 and AlN plus Y2O3.
Phase and especially liquid phase formation in both of the systems SiC, Al2O3 , Y2O3 and AlN, Al2O3 , Y2O3 are investigated in detail examining 12 espectively 17 different compositions per system. Melting temperatures have been determined by TG/DTA, in both systems for the first time. Phase composition of samples was analysed by the combination of XRD, SEM and EDX. In the system SiC, Al2O3 , Y2O3 the formation of the phases expected from the quasibinary Al2O3 , Y2O3 could be observed thus silicon carbide has to be in equilibrium with the oxide additives. The low solubility of SiC in the oxide melt, which was suggested by Hoffmann and Nader, could be confirmed. In the system AlN, Al2O3 , Y2O3 the formation of phases as stated by Medraj was confirmed, except for the dimension of the stability region of the γ- spinel and YAG which is wider in the present work.
For the first time diffusion coefficients of the species Y3+ and Al3+ in the oxide melt formed by Al2O3 and Y2O3 at temperatures above 1825 ◦ C were determined. The values are in the order of 2 · 10−6 cm2 /s which results in a diffusion length of 14.1 μm for a diffusion time of one second. This allows the fast equilibration of Y and Al deficiencies.
Kinetics of densification was modeled by kinetic field, master curve and thermokinetic method, based on detailed experimental investigation of the shrinkage during liquid phase sintering of SiC. It could be proved that the first 30 − 40 % of densification are controlled by solid phase reactions which accelerate particle rearrangement without presence of a liquid phase. During the remaining 60 − 70 % of densification a liquid is present, resulting in the predominance of mechanisms of liquid phase sintering. The models deliver activation energies in the range from 608 KJ/mol to 1668 kJ/mol and allow, within the scope of validity of each method the prediction of densification during liquid phase sintering of silicon carbide.
When sintering silicon carbide with Al2O3 plus Y2O3 the formation of several surface layers, depending on atmosphere, maximum temperature, dwelling time and amount and composition of additives was observed. In nitrogen atmosphere with low partial pressures a surface layer consisting of AlN is forming whilst at high partial pressures SiAlON- polytypes occur. After sintering in Argon or Ar-CO- atmosphere three main types of surface layers are present. One consists of alumina, one contains only YAG and one shows highly porous, additive depleted regions. An explanation for the formation of the several surface layers could be given by the combination of the determined diffusion coefficients with the results achieved in the thermodynamics part.
The results achieved in this work can be a contribution to the knowledge based design of the production process of liquid phase sintering of silicon carbide.
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Etude des mécanismes d'oxydation et de frittage de poudres de silicium en vue d'applications photovoltaïques / Sintering mechanisms and optimisation of Silicon densification for photovoltaic applicationsLebrun, Jean-Marie 24 October 2012 (has links)
La conversion photovoltaïque présente de nombreux avantages. Actuellement, les technologiesbasées sur l’élaboration de wafers de silicium cristallins dominent le marché, mais sont responsablesde pertes de matières importantes, très néfastes au coût de production des cellules. Le défi à releverest donc la réalisation de matériaux bas coûts en silicium par un procédé de métallurgie des poudres.Cependant, le frittage du silicium est dominé par des mécanismes de grossissement de grains quirendent la densification difficile par frittage naturel. Dans la littérature, l’identification de cesmécanismes est sujette à controverse. En particulier, le rôle de la couche d’oxyde natif (SiO2) à lasurface des particules de silicium reste inexploré. Dans ce manuscrit, l’influence de l’atmosphère surla réduction de cette couche de silice au cours du frittage est étudiée par analysethermogravimétrique. Les cinétiques de réduction sont en accord avec un modèle thermochimiqueprenant en compte, les quantités d’oxygène initialement présentes dans poudre, la pression partielleen espèces oxydantes autour de l’échantillon et l’évolution de la porosité du fritté. Pour la premièrefois, des données expérimentales permettent de montrer que la couche de silice inhibe legrossissement de grain. Des nouveaux procédés, basés sur un contrôle de l’atmosphère enmonoxyde de silicium (SiO(g)) autour de l’échantillon, sont alors proposés afin de maitriser la stabilitéde cette couche. Bien que la couche d’oxyde retarde les cinétiques de diffusion en volume, sonmaintien à des températures de 1300 – 1400 °C permet d’améliorer significativement la densification.Dans ces conditions, le comportement au frittage du silicium peut être séparé en deux étapes,clairement mises en évidences par la présence de deux pics de retrait sur les courbes de dilatométrie.Ce résultat est inhabituel compte tenu de l’aspect monophasé du matériau étudié. Cependant, il peutêtre expliqué à l’aide d’un modèle cinétique de frittage, basé sur des simplifications géométriques enaccord avec l’évolution microstructurale du matériau. / Photovoltaic conversion is a promising energy resource. Bulk crystalline silicon technologies currentlydominate the market but suffer from high material losses that are highly detrimental to solar cellproduction costs. The challenge is then the elaboration of low cost silicon materials through a powdermetallurgy route. However, silicon sintering is dominated by grain coarsening mechanisms thatpreclude densification. Identification of these mechanisms is controversial in the literature. Especially,the role of the native oxide layer (SiO2) at the powder particle surfaces has remained unexplored yet.In this manuscript, the influence of the atmosphere on the reduction of this silica layer is studied usingthermogravimetric analysis. Reduction kinetics is consistent with a thermochemical model taking intoaccount the powder oxygen content, the partial pressure of oxidizing species and the pore morphologyof the sintered material. For the first time, experimental evidences support the idea that the silica layerinhibits grain coarsening. New sintering processes, involving a control of the silicon monoxideatmosphere (SiO(g)) surrounding the sample are then proposed and investigated in order to monitorthe stability of this layer. Stabilization of the silica layer at temperatures as high as 1300 – 1400 °C isshown to enhance densification although it retards lattice diffusion kinetics. In these conditions, thesintering behavior can be divided into two sequential stages marked by two shrinkage peaks on thedilatometric curves. This result is unusual for the sintering of single-phase materials. However, it canbe explained with help of a kinetic model using appropriate geometrical simplifications andobservations of the sample microstructures.
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Crescimento de graos e condutividade eletrica da ceria-samaria usando o metodo de sinterizacao e duas etapas / Grain growth and electrical conductivity of samaria-doped ceria sintered by the two-step methodREIS, SHIRLEY L. dos 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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