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New encapsulation concept for robot controller cabinet / Nytt inkapslingskoncept för robotstyrskåpGuo, Siyu January 2020 (has links)
Robot controller cabinets are specified with interfaces which make it possible to connect different modules for completing numerous tasks that are chosen for the robot manipulators. Different interfaces will be utilized depend on the kind of tasks and settings that are chosen. Thus not every interface will be put into use in a controller cabinet, some are left behind. In order to fulfill the encapsulation standards of electrical enclosures, the unoccupied interfaces are covered and sealed with on-screwed cover plates and gaskets during the assembly of the cabinet. However, a new method for encapsulation hope to be investigated and introduced to improve the current solution with respect to the encapsulation requirements from ABB. The introduced new solution is a knockout concept. The detailed design is investigated with the help of finite element analysis with the explicit dynamics method used for simulating the punching processes of the knockout designs. Where three different design variables are put into consideration for finding the most optimum knockout design. The results show that, for the particular steel plate provided by ABB, a V-grooved knockout design with a grooving angle of 90 degrees and an unaffected thickness of 0.1 mm has the best performance in terms of smoothness at edges and the amount of plastic strain occurred in the material. Traditional manufacturing methods to manufacture the obtained knockout design appear to be extremely time consuming and thus not profitable for mass production. However, a type of fairly recent developed grooving machines, the so called V-grooving machine, is believed to be able to solve the manufacturing problem. / Robot styrskåp är specificerad med mängder gränssnitt vilket gör det möjligt för anslutning av olika moduler till att kunna fullborda de uppgifterna valda för robot manipulatorerna. Olika gränssnitt utnyttjas beroende på den typ av arbetsuppgift och inställningar valda just för den. Därför kommer inte alla gränssnitt att kunna tas i bruk i ett styrskåp, vissa lämnas kvar. För att kunna uppfylla inkapslingsstandarden för elektriska kapslingar är dessa obesatta gränssnitt täckt och förseglat med påskruvad täckplåtar och packningar under montering av styrskåp. En ny inkapslingsmetod hoppas att kunna utredas och introduceras till att förbättra den nuvarande lösningen med avseende på de inkapslingskraven från ABB. Den introducerade lösningen är ett knockout koncept. En detaljerad konstruktion undersöks med hjälp av finita element analys med explicit dynamik som grunden till att simulera knockout processer. Där tre olika design parametrar tas i beaktande för att hitta den mest optimala knockout konstruktionen. Resultaten visar sig att, för den här särskilda stålplåten som tillhandahålls av ABB, en V-spårad knockout konstruktion med en spårvinkel på 90 grader och en tjocklek på 0.1 mm har den mest tillfredställande prestandan med avseende på jämnhet, d.v.s. reduceringen av vassa kanter, och mängder av plastiska töjningar som inträffas i materialet efter knockout processen. Traditionella tillverkningsmetoder till att tillverka en sådan knockout konstruktion visar sig vara väldigt tidsödande och anses därför inte vara lönsamt för massproduktion. Emellertid upptäcks det en typ av relativt nyutvecklad spårmaskin, så kallad V-grooving machine, som tros att kunna lösa tillverkningsproblemet.
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Joining High Thickness Materials by Sewing – first Modelling Steps of the Stitched PlaceKyosev, Yordan, Kühn, Tino 30 May 2024 (has links)
Many textile products are using materials with higher thickness like foams, spacer fabrics and nonwoven materials in order to provide comfortable softness of the contact surface to the body. Such materials are often joint to another external layer who have to provide optical and mechanical stability of the system, and are joined together into a 3-dimensional geometry. This paper analyses some steps of joining such materials by sewing. The forces in the sewing threads are analyzed analytically. A numerical model based on finite element method (FEM) is implemented in LS-Dyna and the process of compaction of the sewing line, based on the thread force is simulated. The thread force propagation is numerically analyzed in the time, at different friction coefficients and for different foam stiffness. All simulations demonstrate logical results and can be used as a fundament for more complex investigations and optimizations of such products.
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Hållfasthetsanalys och optimering av pressplatta i balpressarAhlqvist, Christian, Hedlund, Tobias January 2013 (has links)
Nättraby Verktygs AB i Ronneby konstruerar och producerar balpressar vars funktion är att pressa samman kartong, plast eller liknande material till kompakta balar. Dessa balar medför underlättad hantering av material som kan återvinnas för företag. Balpressarna används främst inom verksamhetsområden med stor åtgång av återvinningsbart material, exempelvis livsmedelsaffärer. Problemställningen vid detta examensarbete är att i en äldre version av en balpress har sprickbildning på pressplattan upptäckts efter en viss tids användning. Huvuduppgiften för detta examensarbete har därför varit att utföra hållfasthetsanalyser på pressplattorna för tre olika balpressar i deras sortiment. Denna rapport beskriver momenten samt arbetsgången för att genomföra dessa analyser och beskriver utförligt metoderna som använts. Hållfasthetsanalyserna är uppdelade i två delar, en statisk FEM-analys och en utmattningsanalys av konstruktionen. I den första delen av rapporten genomförs en FEM-analys på den gamla varianten av pressplattan för att se om analysen påvisar samma kritiska områden som företaget upptäckt. Resultatet visade att spänningen var högre i dessa områden än i övriga konstruktionen men under sträckgränsen för materialet. Därför beskriver nästa del av rapporten utförandet av en utmattningsanalys av pressplattan. Denna analys består av en svetsanalys för de svetsförband som finns i de kritiska områdena. Som metod vid svetsanalysen har “hot spot-metoden” använts vilken ger en uppskattning av hur många lastcykler dessa svetsförband kan belastas innan sprickbildning sker. Därefter har samma analyser genomförts på den nuvarande pressplattan och en pressplatta för en kommande modell. I sista delen av rapporten tas ett koncept av en möjlig framtida pressplatta fram där fokus ligger på minskad vikt, minskat antalet detaljer samt ökad hållfasthet. Det framtagna konceptet analyseras på samma sätt som de tidigare tre pressplattorna för att verifiera om detta koncept har ökad hållfasthet och livslängd.
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Vom CAD-Modell über die Simulation zum 3D-Druck und zurück : Simulationsansätze in einer, durch den 3D-Druck entfesselten, neuen GestaltungsfreiheitPrinz, Ralf 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
War bisher die Gestalt von Bauteilen und Baugruppen in Konstruktionen sehr stark durch ihre Fertigungsverfahren beeinflusst, so ändern sich diese Vorgaben durch die Verwendung von 3D- Druck auf beinahe revolutionäre Art und Weise. Und somit werden Ansätze salonfähig, die bisher doch eher selten in Anwendung waren, wie z.B. Gitterstrukturen oder Topologieoptimierung. Diese finden nun wieder häufiger ihren Weg in die Bauteil- und Baugruppenstrukturen. Die Verwendung birgt aber auch damit einhergehende Herausforderungen, da sich z.B. die Bauteilgrößen nach einer Topologieoptimierung drastisch vergrößern und z.B. auch die Glättung der Teile für den Druck, sowie die Rückführung in die CAD-Systeme, häufig noch eine ungelöste Aufgabe darstellen. Diese Ansätze müssen bezogen auf den PLM Gedanken, prozesstechnisch durchdacht und entsprechend implementiert werden. Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der dafür notwendigen Prozesskette vom CAD-Model über die Simulationsverfahren wie Topologieoptimierung oder Gitterstrukturen, Glättung von Strukturen u.v.m. sowie deren Rückführung ins CAD/PLM.
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Einfluss des Materialzustandes einer EN-AW 6.xxx-Legierung auf das Umformverhalten und die FE-BerechnungGraf, Marcel, Ullmann, Madlen 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Eine effiziente und effektive Technologieentwicklung und –optimierungen im Bereich der Umform- und Fertigungstechnik erfolgt heutzutage fast ausschließlich rechnergestützt auf Basis der Finiten Elemente Methode (FEM) oder der Finiten Differenzen Methode (FDM). Die aktuellen Umformsimulationssysteme sind in der Lage die notwendige Energie der Anlagen, den prozessbedingten Stofffluss des Umformgutes inkl. der resultierenden Temperaturen und die Spannungen des Halbzeuges bzw. Bauteiles als auch der Werkzeuge vorauszuberechnen. Allerdingssind bereits dafür die sehr sensitiven Materialdaten, wie z. B. temperatur- und umformgeschwindigkeitsabhängige Fließkurven, Wärmeleitfähigkeit usw., notwendig. Momentane Forschungsaktivitäten beschäftigen sich damit, den nächsten Schritt der FE-Simulation zu bewältigen, in dem die Gefügeentwicklung und die daraus resultierenden mechanischen Eigenschaften (Zugfestigkeit, Bruchdehnung etc.) numerisch ermittelt werden können. Auch dafür müssen sehr aufwendige und materialspezifische Materialdaten generiert und modelliert und abschließend in Simulationssysteme über Schnittstellen implementiert werden. Die Vorhersage zu Verschleiß und Versagen von Werkzeugen wird in Zukunft immer mehr in das Interesse von Anwendern von FE-Software rücken, um die kompletten Einflussgrößen der Prozesse abzubilden. Dieser Beitrag soll am Beispiel einer aushärtbaren Aluminiumlegierung (EN AW 6.xxx) verdeutlichen, wie unterschiedlich das Materialverhalten in Abhängigkeit des Ausgangszustandes (stranggepresst, stranggegossen) und der Erwärmungsmodi (konvektiv, induktiv) sein kann und wie sich diese Variationen für ein und denselben Werkstoff auf die Berechnungsgenauigkeit ausgewählter Warmmassivumformprozesse (Reckwalzen, Gesenkschmieden) auswirkt.
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FEA to Tackle Damage and Cracking Risks in BEoL Structures under Copper Wire Bonding ImpactAuersperg, Jürgen, Breuer, D., Machani, K.V., Rzepka, Sven, Michel, Bernd 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
With the recent increase in Gold (Au) wire cost Copper (Cu) wire becomes an attractive way to manage overall package cost. On the other hand, Copper wire bonding introduces much higher mechanical impact to underlying BEoL structures and actives because of the higher stiffness and lower ductility of Copper compared to Gold. These trends are accompanied by the application of new porous or nano-particle filled materials like low-k and ultra low-k materials for Back-end of Line (BEoL) layers of advanced CMOS technologies. As a result, higher delamination and cracking risks in BEoL structures underneath bonded areas represent an increasing challenge for the thermo-mechanical reliability requirements. To overcome the related reliability issues the authors performed a two level nonlinear FEM-simulation approach. Initially nonlinear axi-symmetric modeling and simulation of the copper bonding process are coupled with a spatial simulation model of the whole BeoL and bond pad structure. Cracking and delamination risks are estimated by a surface based cohesive contact approach and the utilization of a crushing foam constitutive material model for ultra low-k materials.
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The functional performance of joint implants is largely determined by the surface layer properties in contact. Wear/debris-induced osteolysis and aseptic loosening has been identified as the major cause of failure of metal-on-metal joint implants. A crucial requirement for the long-term stability of the artificial joint is to minimize the release of debris particles.
Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processes have been used to modify the surface integrity properties by generating ultrafine, or even nano-sized grains and grain size gradients in the surface region of many materials. These fine grained materials often exhibit enhanced surface integrity properties and improved functional performance (wear resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue life, etc.) compared with their conventional coarse grained counterparts.
The aim of the present work is to investigate the effect of a SPD process, cryogenic burnishing, on the surface integrity modifications of a Co-Cr-Mo alloy, and the resulting wear performance of this alloy due to the burnishing-induced surface integrity properties. A systematic experimental study was conducted to investigate the influence of different burnishing parameters on distribution of grain size, phase structure and residual stresses of the processed material. The wear performance of the processed Co-Cr-Mo alloy was tested via pin-on-disk wear tests. The results from this work show that the cryogenic burnishing can significant improve the surface integrity of the Co-Cr-Mo alloy which would finally lead to advanced wear performance due to refined microstructure, high hardness, compressive residual stresses and favorable phase structure on the surface layer. A finite element model (FEM) was developed for predicting the grain size changes during burnishing of Co-Cr-Mo alloy under both dry and cryogenic conditions. A new material model was used for incorporating flow stress softening and associated grain size refinement caused by the dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The new material model was implemented in a commercial FEM software as a customized user subroutine. Good agreement between predictions and experimental observations was achieved. Encouraging trends are revealed with great potential for application in industry.
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The construction and use of physics-based plasticity models and forming-limit diagrams to predict elevated temperature forming of three magnesium alloy sheet materialsAntoniswamy, Aravindha Raja 22 September 2014 (has links)
Magnesium (Mg) alloy sheets possess several key properties that make them attractive as lightweight replacements for heavier ferrous and non-ferrous alloy sheets. However, Mg alloys need to be formed at elevated temperatures to overcome their limited room-temperature formabilities. For example, commercial forming is presently conducted at 450°C. Deformation behavior of the most commonly used wrought Mg alloy, AZ31B-H24, and two potentially competitive materials, AZ31B-HR and ZEK100 alloy sheets, with weaker crystallographic textures, are studied in uniaxial tension at 450°C and lower temperatures. The underlying physics of deformation including the operating deformation mechanisms, grain growth, normal and planar anisotropy, and strain hardening are used to construct material constitutive models capable of predicting forming for all three Mg alloy sheets at 450°C and 350°C. The material models constructed are implemented in finite-element-method (FEM) simulations and validated using biaxial bulge forming, an independent testing method. Forming limit diagrams are presented for the AZ31B-H24 and ZEK100 alloy sheets at temperatures from 450°C down to 250°C. The results suggest that forming processes at temperatures lower than 450°C are potentially viable for manufacturing complex Mg components. / text
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Reverse Engineering the TreeDavies, Nicholas Tuatahi January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the typical radial pattern of density and microfibril angle within Pinus radiata with respect to structural stability. In order to investigate changes in mechanical stability with different radial patterns, first experimental work was carried out in order to obtain elastic constants, Poisson ratios and limits of proportionality for green corewood and outerwood, these values, a discussion on their accuracy and the implications of the values are included along with a comparison to previous literature. These constants were used to parametrise a finite element model of a tree stem with different radial patterns, including patterns not observed in nature, wind loadings were applied to the stem and failure evaluated. It was found that patterns consisting of high density stiff wood and/or low density high flexibility wood could withstand the greatest wind speeds for a given stem and canopy, while high density flexible and low density stiff profiles generally performed poorly. The analysis was considered at ages 5, 10 and 15 years, each providing similar results. Why these profiles perform best, what errors need to be considered, and other evolutionary pressures which could narrow this list of profiles were discussed. The need for further research, and the directions for this research are suggested.
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Kontinualių struktūrų diskretizavimas vaizdų algebros metodais / Discretization of continuum structures via image algebra methodsPalionytė, Agnė 16 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami struktūrų modeliavimo, diskretizavimo ir optimizavimo uždaviniai, jų sprendimo būdai ir algoritmai. Pasiūlyta originali strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo ir diskretizavimo technika, kurioje naudojami vaizdų algebros metodai ir baigtinių elementų metodo (toliau – BEM) programiniai paketai. Atlikta BEM programinių paketų apžvalga, parinkti tinkamiausi paketai darbo tikslams realizuoti ir rezultatams verifikuoti. Išanalizuoti skaitmeninių vaizdų skeletų išgavimo metodai. Pasiūlytas originalus vaizdo skeleto apdorojimo algoritmas skerspjūvio charakteristikoms nustatyti. Sudarytas ir programiškai realizuotas strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo-diskretizavimo algoritmas. Realizuota programinė sistema susideda iš vaizdų apdorojimo ir duomenų paruošimo dalies (MATLAB kalba) bei BEM skaičiavimų dalies (ANSYS vidine programavimo kalba APDL). Skaičiavimo rezultatai atvaizduojami ir verifikuojami STAAD.Pro paketu. Diskretizavimo metu strypinės struktūros mazgų vieta randama vaizdo skeleto segmentų sankirtos taškuose, o segmentų skerspjūvių plotai randami atkarpų, jungiančių šiuos mazgus, vidurio taškuose. Kai struktūros mazgų padėtis fiksuota arba mazgai yra per arti vienas kito atliekamas mazgų padėties koregavimas. Darbe atlikti testiniai skaičiavimai, rezultatų analizė ir verifikavimas, suformuluotos išvados. / In the master thesis the problems of structure modeling, discretization-optimization and their solution methods and algorithms are analyzed. The original technique for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested; The packages of image algebra methods and of the finite element methods were employed for that. Several packages of finite element method have been reviewed and the most suitable packages for the current problems were identified. The methods for obtaining skeletons of digital images were explored. The algorithms for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested and coded. The program created consents of the part for image processing and input data preparing, and the part for image the finite element via method. The results obtained are represented and verified by STAAD.Pro package. During the discretization, the positions of structure nodes are obtained in the intersection of skeleton segments. The segments' cross-section areas are obtained in the middle-points between two adjacent nodes. The positions of nodes may be corrected if the nodes close to each other. The test-calculation, analysis of results and verification are presented and conclusions are drawn.
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