Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egovernance"" "subject:"covernance""
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Corporate governance, Strategie und Unternehmenserfolg ein Beitrag zum Wettbewerb alternativer Corporate-governance-SystemeBrühl, Kai January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Marburg, Univ., Diss., 2009
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L'influence de l'évolution du gouvernment d'enterprise sur les dirigeants des sociétés : essai de droit comparé (France et Angleterre)Abi Chacra, Charbel. January 2006 (has links)
The essence of running an enterprise which is defined as a system by which the companies are lead and compared is generally set in priority terms. For some, they favour in the first instance to secure the economic efficiency then to scope with the social problems at a later stage---'Shareholder model'. Others are inclined to consider that the priority lies into an environmental, sharing and caring society etc.---'Stakeholder model'. / Where the evolution of the corporate governance is going to lead to? And how does it affect the directors' responsibility? / After a thorough study of its European evolution in particular in France and England, we figure out that raising the black flag of the stakeholder theory will end up into an ideology completely false dislodging the concept of the natural reality around us. On the other side, claiming the predominance of the sole shareholder system will become a dangerous apprehension opposing the objective of this theory: In our perspective we see that the ultimate global wealth of the enterprise in the long run is closely linked to the consideration and the deep satisfaction of the needs and the interests of the different parties joining the enterprise.
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Die Haftung für den deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex /Becker, Thorsten. January 2005 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2005--Mainz.
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Rechtsfragen der chinesischen Corporate Governance : auf Grundlage eines Vergleichs zwischen Deutschland und China /Hu, Xiaojing. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Köln, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.
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Corporate Governance Enforcement : mit einem Beitrag zur allgemeinen zivilrechtlichen Informationshaftung /Völkl, Clemens. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Wien, 2004. / Literaturverz. S. XV - XX.
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Staatsreform und Verwaltungsmodernisierung in Entwicklungsländern der Fall Papua-Neuguinea im SüdpazifikSeib, Roland January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Speyer, Dt. Hochsch. für Verwaltungswiss., Diss., 2008
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Towards a combined model of corporate governance : with application to the European Monetary Union /Lattreuter, Philipp. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Wirtsch.-wiss. St. Gallen, 2005 ; Nr. 3051. / Literaturverz.
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Corporate Governance im öffentlichen Sektor : Notwendigkeit und Herleitung eines Kodex für kommunale Unternehmen in Deutschland /Kersting, Friedrich-Wilhelm. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Univ. St. Gallen 2008 ; Nr. 3466. / Dissertation Nr. 3466. Literaturverz.
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Governança corporativa e seus determinantes: um estudo com a qualidade da informação contábil, competitividade de mercado e risco não sistêmico / Corporate governance and its determinants: a study with the quality of accounting information, market competitiveness and non-systemic riskGomes, Adhmir Renan Voltolini 25 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2018-07-10T14:42:57Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-25 / The present study aimed to analyze the chances of economic and financial performance, the quality of accounting information, competitiveness, and risk to determine the Code of Best Practice of Corporate Governance for the coming fiscal year. For this purpose, the theoretical foundation approaches from the agency theory, which demonstrates the interests and the relations of the principal and the agent, to the corporate governance and its mechanisms, as well as the quality of the information and its metrics and the competitiveness. Other relevant points in this research are the non-systematic risk and the economic and financial performance of companies. The present study was performed according to the quantitative approach. To analyze the objectives of this research, logistic regression was used. In which the dependent variable refers to BM&FBOVESPA's set of more demanding corporate governance practices, the Novo Mercado. However, the temporal slice refers to the subsequent year of the companies characteristics; so the results obtained in 2016 are determinant for governance practices of 2017. The sample is composed of the companies that are listed in the Bovespa Index. The results showed statistically significant coefficients to determine the chances and the probabilities of occurring the code of practices studied. The theoretical implication evidenced refers to the prediction of practices because if it is possible to predict when companies can adopt a code of practices of corporate governance from their financial reports, one cannot ignore that governance practices are strategic decisions. The theoretical implications have also shown that it may be a mistake to not associate corporate governance practices with the internal and external characteristics of the company, that is, to use it as an independent variable to influence the others without recognizing these limitations. It can be said that corporate governance practices are as volatile as the quality of information reported to stakeholders. Moreover, assets volatility is a reflection of the returns obtained through investor expectations, and thus, corporate governance practices can be one of the means of showing investor confidence, and consequently, stabilize this volatility. The risk also arises from the degree of market competitiveness. Through the Herfindahl index, it was observed an increase in the probability of occurrence of governance practices according to the degree of market concentration. Besides, it was evidenced that when companies increase their performance, the principals tend to demand the agents' governance practices with the intention of reducing the risks. They spend resources to make sure that the results obtained are reliable through governance practices. Since agents tend to adapt their management practices according to the results obtained, either underperformance or the risk associated with the high returns that require supervision of management practices. Therefore, the dissociation governance and results from the same period are important because governance practices are about the decision that can be made between the agent and the principal in advance. / O presente estudo objetivou analisar as chances do desempenho econômico e financeiro, da qualidade da informação contábil, competitividade e risco determinarem os conjuntos de práticas de governança corporativa do próximo exercício. Para isso, a fundamentação teórica aborda desde a teoria da agência, que demonstra os interesses e as relações do principal e o agente, até a governança corporativa e seus mecanismos, bem como a qualidade da informação e suas métricas e a competitividade. Outros pontos de relevância para esta pesquisa são também o risco não sistemático e o desempenho econômico e financeiro das empresas. O presente estudo foi realizado de acordo com a abordagem quantitativa. Para analisar os objetivos dessa pesquisa foi utilizada a regressão logística, na qual a variável dependente refere-se ao conjunto de práticas de governança corporativa mais exigente da BM&FBOVESPA, o Novo Mercado. Contudo, o recorte temporal refere-se ao ano posterior das características das empresas, logo, os resultados obtidos em 2016 atuam como determinantes das práticas de governança do ano de 2017. A amostra é composta pelas empresas que compõem o Índice Bovespa. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram coeficientes estatisticamente significantes para determinar as chances e as probabilidades de ocorrer o conjunto de práticas estudado. A implicação teórica evidenciada refere-se à predição das práticas, pois se é possível predizer quando as empresas podem adotar um conjunto de práticas de governança corporativa a partir de seus relatórios financeiros, não se pode ignorar que as práticas de governanças são decisões estratégicas. As implicações teóricas também demonstraram que pode ser um equívoco não associar as práticas de governança corporativa das empresas às características internas e externas da empresa, isto é, utilizá-la como variável independente para influenciar as demais sem reconhecer essas limitações. Pode-se afirmar que os conjuntos de práticas de governança corporativa são tão voláteis quanto à qualidade das informações relatadas aos stakeholders. E ainda, a volatilidade dos ativos são reflexos dos retornos obtidos por meio das expectativas dos investidores, e assim, os conjuntos de práticas de governança corporativas podem ser uma das formas de transparecer a confiança para os investidores; e por consequência, estabilizar esta volatilidade. O risco também advém do grau de competitividade de mercado, e por meio do índice Herfindahl foi constatado o aumento na probabilidade de ocorrer práticas de governança de acordo com o grau de concentração do mercado. E ainda, foi evidenciado que quando as empresas aumentam o seu desempenho, os principais tendem a exigir as práticas de governança dos agentes com a intenção de diminuir os riscos. E despendem recursos para certificar-se que os resultados obtidos são confiáveis, por meio de práticas governança. Visto que os agentes tendem a adaptar as suas práticas de gestão de acordo com os resultados obtidos, seja por baixo desempenho, ou então, pelo risco associado aos retornos altos que exigem fiscalização das práticas de gestão. Portanto, a dissociação da governança e dos resultados obtidos do mesmo recorte temporal, é importante, pois as práticas de governança estão sobre a decisão que pode ser tomada entre o agente e o principal com antecedência.
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Mognaden av IT governance på ett Västsvenskt miljöföretag : en fallstudie på Rent & Varmt ABMilton, Malin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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