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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättrat glidskikt till hjälmar / Improved low friction layer for helmets

Persson, Joel, Raij Montanari, Johannes January 2024 (has links)
Företaget Mips har utformat en teknik vilket ökar skyddet mot hjärnskador vid olyckor då det sker ett islag mot huvudet och hjälm används. Tekniken är ett utformat glidskikt mellan hjälmens yttre skal och användaren som minskar rotationsvåldet mot hjärnans nervtrådar i huvudet. Vid islag mot bakhuvudet hjälper däremot inte glidskiktet i den mån som önskas enligt Mips. Detta är på grund av att storleksjusteringen vid bakhuvudet för hjälmen agerar som en fast punkt för det annars roterande glidskiktet. Gruppen har därför undersökt alternativa lösningar och utformningar av glidskiktet för att öka den positiva effekten vid islag mot bakhuvudet. Gruppen har som mål att komma med flera lösningsförslag på utformning av glidskiktet för att undkomma den fasta punkten och integrera glidskikt med storleksjusteringen. Under projektet ska gruppen göra en förstudie av dagens lösningar och varför det finns ett problem idag. Förutom att göra en förstudie ska gruppen även tillverka fysiska prototyper och utföra funktionstester som påvisar en förbättring enligt uppdragsgivarens testmetod. De flesta av dagens lösningar för justering i höjdled av justersystemet använder sig av ett snäppförband. Gruppen har valt att använda ett standardiserat justersystem från uppdragsgivaren som konceptframtagningen kommer utgå från. Gruppen valde därefter att skapa tre olika prototyper som berör stiften. De tre olika innefattar ändringar av stiftens utformning, ta bort stiften och behålla stiftens ursprungliga utformning. Gruppen genomförde därefter tester enligt uppdragsgivarens testmetod för att komma fram till effekten av de olika koncepten. För att väga de olika idéerna mot varandra användes en beslutsmatris där olika relevanta parametrar värderas. Gruppen har med hjälp av beslutsmatrisen beslutat om rekommendationer för vidare arbete. De två lösningsförslag som gruppen rekommenderar vidare arbete med är idé 1 och idé 3 då de ses med störst potential enligt beslutsmatrisen. Båda de presenterade lösningsförslagen har olika potential beroende på förutsättningar. / The company Mips has developed a technology that enhances protection against brain injuries in accidents where there is an impact to the head while wearing a helmet. The technology consists of a designed low friction layer between the helmet's outer shell and the user, reducing the rotational force on the brain's nerve fibers inside the head. In cases of impacts to the back of the head, the low friction layer doesn't provide as much help as desired by Mips. This is because the size adjustment acts as a fixed point in the back of the head for the otherwise rotating low friction layer. Therefore, the group has investigated alternative solutions and designs of the low friction layer to enhance its effectiveness in impacts to the back of the head. The group aims to propose several design solutions for the low friction layer to avoid the fixed point and integrate it with the size adjustment. During the project, the group will conduct a preliminary study of current solutions and why there is a problem today. In addition to the preliminary study, the group will manufacture physical prototypes and perform functional tests demonstrating improvement according to the client's testing method. Most of today's solutions for height adjustment of the adjustment system use a snap-fit solution. The group has chosen to use a standardized adjustment system from the client as the basis for concept development. The group then decided to create three different prototypes concerning the pins. The three different prototypes include changes to the design of the pins, removing the pins, and retaining the original design of the pins. The group then conducted tests according to the client's testing method to determine the effectiveness of the different concepts. To weigh the different ideas against each other, a decision matrix was used where various relevant parameters were evaluated. With the help of the decision matrix, the group has decided on recommendations for further work. The two solution proposals that the group recommends for further work are idea 1 and idea 3 as they are seen to have the greatest potential according to the decision matrix. Both presented solution proposals have different potential depending on the conditions.

Performance Comparison of Public Bike Demand Predictions: The Impact of Weather and Air Pollution

Min Namgung (9380318) 15 December 2020 (has links)
Many metropolitan cities motivate people to exploit public bike-sharing programs as alternative transportation for many reasons. Due to its’ popularity, multiple types of research on optimizing public bike-sharing systems is conducted on city-level, neighborhood-level, station-level, or user-level to predict the public bike demand. Previously, the research on the public bike demand prediction primarily focused on discovering a relationship with weather as an external factor that possibly impacted the bike usage or analyzing the bike user trend in one aspect. This work hypothesizes two external factors that are likely to affect public bike demand: weather and air pollution. This study uses a public bike data set, daily temperature, precipitation data, and air condition data to discover the trend of bike usage using multiple machine learning techniques such as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest. After conducting the research, each algorithm’s output is evaluated with performance comparisons such as accuracy, precision, or sensitivity. As a result, Random Forest is an efficient classifier for the bike demand prediction by weather and precipitation, and Decision Tree performs best for the bike demand prediction by air pollutants. Also, the three class labelings in the daily bike demand has high specificity, and is easy to trace the trend of the public bike system.

Cyclists’ road safety - Do bicycle type, age and infrastructure characteristics matter? / Verkehrssicherheit von Fahrradfahrern - Welche Rolle spielen der Fahrradtyp, Alter der Radfahrer und Infrastrukturgegebenheiten?

Schleinitz, Katja 27 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In den letzten Jahren hat die Verbreitung von Elektrofahrrädern, sogenannten Pedelecs, stark zugenommen. Dies ist vor dem Hintergrund der Umweltfreundlichkeit und Gesundheitsförderlichkeit dieser Form der Fortbewegung zunächst grundsätzlich positiv zu bewerten. Gleichzeitig besteht jedoch die Sorge, dass Elektrofahrradfahrer häufiger und in schwerere Unfälle verwickelt werden könnten als Fahrradfahrer. So bieten motorgestützte Elektrofahrräder das Potential, höhere Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen als konventionelle Fahrräder, und werden zudem vor allem von älteren Verkehrsteilnehmern genutzt. Nicht zuletzt deswegen könnten sich durch diese neue Mobilitätsform auch neue Herausforderungen für die Verkehrs-, insbesondere Radinfrastrukturen ergeben. Tatsächlich jedoch blieben die Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrssicherheit bisher weitestgehend ungeklärt. Um dieser Problematik zu begegnen, wurde im Rahmen einer Naturalistic Cycling Studie (NCS) und mehreren experimentellen Untersuchungen folgenden Fragen nachgegangen: Fahren Elektrofahrradfahrer tatsächlich schneller als nicht-motorisierte Radfahrer? Wie wirken sich diese potentiell höheren Geschwindigkeiten darauf aus, wie Elektrofahrradfahrer von Autofahrern wahrgenommen werden? Welchen Einfluss hat das Alter der Radfahrer auf die Geschwindigkeiten und auch auf deren Neigung zu Unfällen bzw. sicherheitskritischen Situationen im Verkehr? Und welchen Einfluss hat die Infrastruktur auf die gewählten Geschwindigkeiten und die Auftretenshäufigkeit von kritischen Situationen? Diese und weitere Fragen wurden in insgesamt vier Arbeiten, die in internationalen Fachzeitschriften publiziert sind (I - IV), beleuchtet. Im ersten Artikel werden die Geschwindigkeiten von Fahrradfahrern (n = 31) im Gegensatz zu Pedelecfahrern (n = 49; Motorunterstützung bis 25 km/h) sowie S-Pedelecfahrern (n = 10; Motorunterstützung bis 45 km/h) betrachtet. Als Einflussgrößen wurden das Alter und die Nutzung verschiedener Infrastrukturtypen der Probanden ausgewertet. Alle Räder wurden mit einem Datenaufzeichnungssystem inklusive Kameras und Geschwindigkeitssensoren ausgestattet, um für vier Wochen ein Bild des natürlichen Fahrverhaltens zu erhalten. Unabhängig von der Infrastruktur waren S-Pedelecfahrer schneller unterwegs waren als Fahrrad- und Pedelecfahrer. Pedelecfahrer fuhren ebenfalls signifikant schneller als konventionelle Fahrradfahrer. Die höchsten Geschwindigkeiten wurden für alle Radtypen auf der (mit dem motorisierten Verkehr geteilten) Fahrbahn sowie der Radinfrastruktur gemessen. Das Alter der Fahrer hatte ebenfalls einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit: Unabhängig vom Fahrradtyp waren ältere Fahrer (65 Jahre und älter) deutlich langsamer als Probanden jüngerer Altersgruppen (41-64 Jahre sowie 40 Jahre und jünger). Die beiden jüngeren Altersgruppen fuhren selbst ohne Motorunterstützung (konventionelles Fahrrad) schneller als die älteren Pedelecfahrer. Genauere Analysen (wie etwa das Verhalten beim Bergabfahren) legen nahe, dass dieser Befund nicht allein der physischen Leistungsfähigkeit zugeschrieben werden kann. Es scheint vielmehr so, als ob ältere Fahrrad- und Elektroradfahrer durch die geringere Geschwindigkeit versuchen, Defizite in der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit auszugleichen bzw. generell vorsichtiger fahren. Der zweite Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwieweit sich die Art und Häufigkeit von Unfällen und kritischen Situationen bei den drei verschiedenen Altersgruppen unterscheiden. Auch hier wurde auf die Daten aus der NCS zurückgegriffen, auf deren Basis eine umfassende Videokodierung durchgeführt wurde. Es zeigten sich keine Unterschiede zwischen den Altersgruppen hinsichtlich des Auftretens kritischer Situationen; weder in Bezug auf die absolute Anzahl, noch gemessen an der relativen Häufigkeit (pro 100 km). Ebenfalls keine Zusammenhänge fanden sich zwischen dem Alter der Fahrer und der Art von Konfliktpartnern oder der Tageszeit der kritischen Situationen. Auch hier scheint es so, dass Ältere keinem erhöhten Risiko unterliegen, und etwaige altersbedingte Einschränkungen kompensieren können. Bei der Betrachtung des Einflusses des Infrastrukturtyps auf das Auftreten von kritischen Situationen zeigte sich, dass, bezogen auf die zurückgelegten Wegstrecken, die Nutzung der mit dem motorisierten Verkehr geteilten Fahrbahn als relativ sicher einzustufen ist. Demgegenüber ergab sich ein erhöhtes Risiko für Unfälle oder kritische Situationen auf designierter Radinfrastruktur. Dies widerspricht der Wahrnehmung vieler Radfahrer, die diese Infrastruktur als besonders sicher empfinden. Es ist allerdings anzunehmen, dass diese Wahrnehmung nicht nur auf der vermeintlichen Auftretenshäufigkeit, sondern auch auf dem angenommenen Schweregrad einer möglichen Kollision beruht. Zwei weitere Artikel beschäftigen sich damit, wie Autofahrer die Geschwindigkeit beziehungsweise die Annäherung von Elektrofahrrädern wahrnehmen. Dies ist insbesondere in Kreuzungssituationen relevant, in denen Autofahrer abschätzen müssen, ob sie noch rechtzeitig vor einem Fahrrad abbiegen können ohne mit diesem zu kollidieren. Es wurde vermutet, dass die fehlende Erfahrung mit Elektrofahrrädern und der von ihnen erreichbaren Geschwindigkeit vermehrt zu entsprechenden Unfällen führen könnte. Der Frage wurde mit einem Experiment zur Lückenakzeptanz auf der Teststrecke (Artikel III) und einer Videostudie zu Schätzungen von Zeitlückengrößen (Artikel IV) nachgegangen. Es zeigte sich, dass Autofahrer die verbleibende Zeit bis zur Kollision für Elektrofahrradfahrer geringer einschätzten als für konventionelle Radfahrer. Zudem wählten Autofahrer bei einem herannahenden Elektrofahrrad signifikant kleinere Zeitlücken zum Abbiegen, als bei einem konventionellen Fahrrad. Dieser Effekt verstärkte sich sogar noch, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des herannahenden Zweirades zunahm. Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass die Einschätzung der Geschwindigkeit beziehungsweise Annäherung von Elektrofahrrädern durchaus risikobehaftet ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit helfen dabei, die Auswirkungen der steigenden Verbreitung von Elektrofahrrädern auf die Verkehrssicherheit einzuschätzen. Auch erlauben es die Erkenntnisse, Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit für Fahrrad- und Elektrofahrradfahrern aller Altersgruppen abzuleiten. Damit leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung einer sicheren, gesunden und umweltfreundlichen Mobilität. / Electric bicycles (e-bikes) are a relatively new form of transport. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate their effects on road safety. In 2012, at the beginning of this dissertation project, knowledge of e-bikes in general and their impact on road safety in particular was relatively scarce. As a starting point of this work, the influence of e-bikes on road safety was investigated compared relative to the road safety of conventional bicycles. Additionally, the influence of the age of the rider on safety is considered as a supplementary factor. Special attention is paid to the impact of the infrastructure utilised by riders and its characteristics. This cumulative dissertation consists of four research articles, labelled Paper I to IV accordingly. Papers I to IV have been published in peer reviewed journals. The synopsis provides an overview of previous research as well as a theoretical framework of the safety of cyclists and e-bike riders. Speed, and its perception through other road users (measured with experiments to gap acceptance and time to arrival (TTA) estimates) are considered as relevant factors for road safety. In Chapter 4, the research objectives are presented in detail. The methodology is clarified in Chapter 5, and in Chapter 6 and 7 the results are summarised and discussed. The implications of the results are considered in Chapter 8. In Paper I, the differences in speed between bicycles, pedelecs (pedal electric cycle, motor assistance up to 25 km/h) and S-pedelecs (pedal electric cycle, motor assistance up to 45 km/h) were investigated. Additionally the influence of infrastructure type, road gradient and the age of the rider were taken into account. Paper II is concerned with the influence of different conflict partners in crashes, and the utilisation of infrastructure on the safety of cyclists. For this purpose, safety critical events (SCE) involving cyclists were examined, with a special focus on the differences between younger, middle aged, and older cyclists. Papers III and IV focus on the perception of speed of e-bike and bicycle riders through other road users and its implications for road safety. Paper III specifically deals with the gap acceptance of car drivers at intersections in the presence of cyclists and e-bike riders with different speeds and under varying conditions (e.g. at intersections with different road gradients). Paper IV looks at drivers TTA estimates of approaching bicycles and e-bikes in combination with other influencing factors (e.g. speed, cyclist age).

Vztah morfometrických charakteristik terénu a síťových analýz v prostředí GIS / Relationship between morphometric characteristics of the terrain and network analysis in GIS

Kufner, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of the diploma thesis is creation of methodology and automatization of calibration process of network graph based on the values of morphometric characteristics and motion vectors. The resulting morphometric values of the terrain have been detected on the basis of mathematical and cartographic methods for line course expression. The most accurate one has been used in GIS network analysis over the road network and digital terrain models, which were chosen as the most appropriate for this purpose. Relationship between morphometric values and values suitable for use in network analysis (speed, time, ...) has been studied using specific examples in appropriately selected territory with using selected vehicle, which was designated as a bicycle. The practical part for the verification of functionality of the suggested methodology has been compared with other models of accessibility, available web-map portals and route planners. The process of transport network evaluation based on selected parameters has been automated in Python programming language as a tool in ArcGIS software, which is attached to the diploma thesis. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

L'usage du vélo en libre-service : impact de l'environnement socio-économique des stations sur la génération de la demande : application sur la Métropole de Lyon / The usage of bike sharing : impact of built environment of the stations on the generation of demand : the case of the metropolis of Lyon

Tran, Tien Dung 20 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de mobilité durable, le vélo en libre-service (VLS) représente un élément important dans les politiques de mobilité urbaine pour favoriser les modes doux dans le centre urbain. Son développement rapide dans le monde nécessite des recherches pour mieux comprendre le succès de ce mode de déplacement. Notre contribution à travers cette recherche est d’analyser les éléments socio-économiques importants ainsi que les caractéristiques du système VLS qui influent son usage pour construire des modèles de prédiction de la demande en VLS. Partant de l’hypothèse que les éléments socio-économiques autour des stations de VLS constituent des facteurs qualitativement et quantitativement explicatifs pour l’usage du VLS, notre démarche de recherche repose d’abord sur une analyse statistique, temporelle et spatiale des éléments explicatifs du système VLS pour ensuite les quantifier. Ces éléments sont utilisés pour modéliser la génération de la demande journalière en VLS par la méthode de régression linéaire multiple. Les modèles estimant les flux entrants et sortants journaliers en VLS ont été développés. Ils sont basés sur l’environnement socio-économique autour des stations et des variables d’offre de VLS. Ces modèles sont utiles pour comprendre le fonctionnement du système VLS, l’améliorer et estimer la demande des nouvelles stations dans une perspective d’élargissement d’un système VLS existant. Les modèles développés peuvent être également utilisés pour la localisation et le dimensionnement des stations d’un nouveau système VLS. La démarche de détermination, de quantification des variables explicatives et de modélisation forment un cadre de travail pour modéliser la demande d’autres modes de déplacement partagés. / In a context of sustainable transport, the bike sharing is an important factor in the policies to promote soft modes of transport in the urban center. Its rapid development in the world requires a need to deepen the usage of this mode of travel. Our contribution through this research is to analyze the important built-environment factors and the characteristics of bike sharing system that influence the use of bike sharing in order to build predictive models of demand for bike sharing. Assuming that socio-economic elements around the bike sharing stations are qualitatively and quantitatively explanatory for the use of bike sharing, our approach are based primarily on statistical analysis of temporal and spatial elements explaining bike sharing usage in order to determine and quantify the important built-environment variables. These variables are then used to model the generation of the daily demand of bike sharing using multiple linear regression method. The models estimating inflows and outflows of bike sharing using socioeconomic variables determined in a buffer area of each station are built. These models are useful for estimating the demand for new stations in an enlargement perspective of an existing bike sharing system or location and sizing of a new bike sharing system. The similar process of determination, quantification of the explanatory variables and modelling can be used to form a framework to predict the demand of other vehicle sharing systems.

Impacto de medidas para estímulo ao uso da bicicleta em viagens ao trabalho : estudo de caso envolvendo funcionários da Companhia Riograndese de Saneamento

Peña Rodrigues, Fernando Schultz January 2017 (has links)
Diversos problemas de transporte, observados nas grandes metrópoles, têm sido mitigados com o aumento da capacidade da infraestrutura viária, voltada à circulação de veículos motorizados individuais. Com isso observa-se, atualmente, aumento dos congestionamentos, das poluições sonora e ambiental, mudanças climáticas e redução nos índices de atividade física da população. Uma alternativa encontrada por muitas cidades é a transformação de seu sistema viário em um local atrativo para utilização dos Modos Ativos de Transporte – realização de viagens a pé ou de bicicleta. Nesse sentido, a cidade de Porto Alegre desde 2010 vem aumentando a quantidade de ciclovias e ciclofaixas disponíveis. No entanto, a literatura indica que existem diversos outros fatores que influenciam na decisão por usar a bicicleta como modo de transporte, principalmente para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. Dessa forma, essa dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto que a implantação de vestiário, bicicletário, empréstimo de bicicletas, treinamento para trafegar de bicicleta e ciclovias disponíveis nas principais vias de Porto Alegre, causariam na probabilidade dos funcionários da Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) utilizarem a bicicleta para realizar pelo menos dois deslocamentos por semana entre a sua casa e o trabalho. Para isso foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Preferência Declarada, incluindo essas variáveis e características socioeconômicas dos funcionários. A análise das medidas foi realizada utilizando o Modelo Logit Ordenado. Foi observado que o impacto da implantação das melhorias propostas possui magnitude maior que as características socioeconômicas das pessoas. Pessoas que atualmente utilizam o automóvel particular para seus deslocamentos diários são menos propensos à inclusão da bicicleta nos seus deslocamentos, assim como as que possuem filhos. A disponibilidade de vestiário com chuveiro e armário mostrou-se a variável mais importante para o estímulo do uso da bicicleta. A presença de um bicicletário interno e seguro, disponibilidade de bicicletas para empréstimo no local de trabalho e a presença de ciclovias no trajeto também apresentaram impactos significativos. O impacto da disponibilidade de treinamento para o uso de bicicleta foi significativamente menor que os observados nas outras variáveis. Considerando a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios observados, recomenda-se a implantação de vestiário e bicicletário, como medida de estímulo ao uso da bicicleta para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. / Most metropolitan areas mitigate transportation problems by increasing road infrastructure for motorized vehicles. This practice results in an increase in traffic congestion, noise and environmental pollution and reduction in the population’s physical activity levels. Many cities have tackled these externalities by transforming their road system into an attractive environment for Active Transport Modes - walking or cycling. As an example, the city of Porto Alegre has invested in the expansion of its cycling network since 2010. According to the literature, cycling infrastructure is one of the main factors that influence the use of bicycle for transportation, especially to work. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of implementing different measures to improve the use of bicycle for commutes using as case study Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The evaluated measures included availability of changing rooms, cycle parking, bike sharing systems, training on bicycle use, and cycle paths. An Ordered Logit Model was estimated based onStated Preference data. The impact of the proposed measures has greater magnitude than employee’s socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals who currently use the private car for commute are less likely to use bicycles for those trips, as well as those with children. The availability of a changing room with shower and locker proved to be the most important variable to increase bicycle use among CORSAN employees. Cycle parking inside the building in a safe place, a bike sharing system and the presence of cycle paths along the way also had significant impacts. The impact of training availability for bicycle use was significantly lower, compared to other variables. This research also suggests that implementation of changing room and appropriate parking facilities for bicycles are affordable and important measures to promote the use of bicycle for commutes to work.

Aging on wheels the role of age in a queer female biker community /

Sheehan, Brieanne M. January 2009 (has links)
Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 56-58).

Impacto de medidas para estímulo ao uso da bicicleta em viagens ao trabalho : estudo de caso envolvendo funcionários da Companhia Riograndese de Saneamento

Peña Rodrigues, Fernando Schultz January 2017 (has links)
Diversos problemas de transporte, observados nas grandes metrópoles, têm sido mitigados com o aumento da capacidade da infraestrutura viária, voltada à circulação de veículos motorizados individuais. Com isso observa-se, atualmente, aumento dos congestionamentos, das poluições sonora e ambiental, mudanças climáticas e redução nos índices de atividade física da população. Uma alternativa encontrada por muitas cidades é a transformação de seu sistema viário em um local atrativo para utilização dos Modos Ativos de Transporte – realização de viagens a pé ou de bicicleta. Nesse sentido, a cidade de Porto Alegre desde 2010 vem aumentando a quantidade de ciclovias e ciclofaixas disponíveis. No entanto, a literatura indica que existem diversos outros fatores que influenciam na decisão por usar a bicicleta como modo de transporte, principalmente para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. Dessa forma, essa dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto que a implantação de vestiário, bicicletário, empréstimo de bicicletas, treinamento para trafegar de bicicleta e ciclovias disponíveis nas principais vias de Porto Alegre, causariam na probabilidade dos funcionários da Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) utilizarem a bicicleta para realizar pelo menos dois deslocamentos por semana entre a sua casa e o trabalho. Para isso foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Preferência Declarada, incluindo essas variáveis e características socioeconômicas dos funcionários. A análise das medidas foi realizada utilizando o Modelo Logit Ordenado. Foi observado que o impacto da implantação das melhorias propostas possui magnitude maior que as características socioeconômicas das pessoas. Pessoas que atualmente utilizam o automóvel particular para seus deslocamentos diários são menos propensos à inclusão da bicicleta nos seus deslocamentos, assim como as que possuem filhos. A disponibilidade de vestiário com chuveiro e armário mostrou-se a variável mais importante para o estímulo do uso da bicicleta. A presença de um bicicletário interno e seguro, disponibilidade de bicicletas para empréstimo no local de trabalho e a presença de ciclovias no trajeto também apresentaram impactos significativos. O impacto da disponibilidade de treinamento para o uso de bicicleta foi significativamente menor que os observados nas outras variáveis. Considerando a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios observados, recomenda-se a implantação de vestiário e bicicletário, como medida de estímulo ao uso da bicicleta para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. / Most metropolitan areas mitigate transportation problems by increasing road infrastructure for motorized vehicles. This practice results in an increase in traffic congestion, noise and environmental pollution and reduction in the population’s physical activity levels. Many cities have tackled these externalities by transforming their road system into an attractive environment for Active Transport Modes - walking or cycling. As an example, the city of Porto Alegre has invested in the expansion of its cycling network since 2010. According to the literature, cycling infrastructure is one of the main factors that influence the use of bicycle for transportation, especially to work. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of implementing different measures to improve the use of bicycle for commutes using as case study Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The evaluated measures included availability of changing rooms, cycle parking, bike sharing systems, training on bicycle use, and cycle paths. An Ordered Logit Model was estimated based onStated Preference data. The impact of the proposed measures has greater magnitude than employee’s socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals who currently use the private car for commute are less likely to use bicycles for those trips, as well as those with children. The availability of a changing room with shower and locker proved to be the most important variable to increase bicycle use among CORSAN employees. Cycle parking inside the building in a safe place, a bike sharing system and the presence of cycle paths along the way also had significant impacts. The impact of training availability for bicycle use was significantly lower, compared to other variables. This research also suggests that implementation of changing room and appropriate parking facilities for bicycles are affordable and important measures to promote the use of bicycle for commutes to work.

Technické památky jako součást cestovního ruchu v oblasti Týna nad Vltavou / The technical monuments as a part of tourism in the region of Týn nad Vltavou

DOBEŠ, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This thesis processes a database of technical monuments in the city of Týn nad Vltavou and its surroundings. There was made a survey and controlled interviews with local businessmen and on its basis two plans of tourist routes and one cycle route were created. These plans of technical monuments include also its financing and project of new bike rentals.

Impacto de medidas para estímulo ao uso da bicicleta em viagens ao trabalho : estudo de caso envolvendo funcionários da Companhia Riograndese de Saneamento

Peña Rodrigues, Fernando Schultz January 2017 (has links)
Diversos problemas de transporte, observados nas grandes metrópoles, têm sido mitigados com o aumento da capacidade da infraestrutura viária, voltada à circulação de veículos motorizados individuais. Com isso observa-se, atualmente, aumento dos congestionamentos, das poluições sonora e ambiental, mudanças climáticas e redução nos índices de atividade física da população. Uma alternativa encontrada por muitas cidades é a transformação de seu sistema viário em um local atrativo para utilização dos Modos Ativos de Transporte – realização de viagens a pé ou de bicicleta. Nesse sentido, a cidade de Porto Alegre desde 2010 vem aumentando a quantidade de ciclovias e ciclofaixas disponíveis. No entanto, a literatura indica que existem diversos outros fatores que influenciam na decisão por usar a bicicleta como modo de transporte, principalmente para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. Dessa forma, essa dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto que a implantação de vestiário, bicicletário, empréstimo de bicicletas, treinamento para trafegar de bicicleta e ciclovias disponíveis nas principais vias de Porto Alegre, causariam na probabilidade dos funcionários da Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) utilizarem a bicicleta para realizar pelo menos dois deslocamentos por semana entre a sua casa e o trabalho. Para isso foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Preferência Declarada, incluindo essas variáveis e características socioeconômicas dos funcionários. A análise das medidas foi realizada utilizando o Modelo Logit Ordenado. Foi observado que o impacto da implantação das melhorias propostas possui magnitude maior que as características socioeconômicas das pessoas. Pessoas que atualmente utilizam o automóvel particular para seus deslocamentos diários são menos propensos à inclusão da bicicleta nos seus deslocamentos, assim como as que possuem filhos. A disponibilidade de vestiário com chuveiro e armário mostrou-se a variável mais importante para o estímulo do uso da bicicleta. A presença de um bicicletário interno e seguro, disponibilidade de bicicletas para empréstimo no local de trabalho e a presença de ciclovias no trajeto também apresentaram impactos significativos. O impacto da disponibilidade de treinamento para o uso de bicicleta foi significativamente menor que os observados nas outras variáveis. Considerando a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios observados, recomenda-se a implantação de vestiário e bicicletário, como medida de estímulo ao uso da bicicleta para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. / Most metropolitan areas mitigate transportation problems by increasing road infrastructure for motorized vehicles. This practice results in an increase in traffic congestion, noise and environmental pollution and reduction in the population’s physical activity levels. Many cities have tackled these externalities by transforming their road system into an attractive environment for Active Transport Modes - walking or cycling. As an example, the city of Porto Alegre has invested in the expansion of its cycling network since 2010. According to the literature, cycling infrastructure is one of the main factors that influence the use of bicycle for transportation, especially to work. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of implementing different measures to improve the use of bicycle for commutes using as case study Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The evaluated measures included availability of changing rooms, cycle parking, bike sharing systems, training on bicycle use, and cycle paths. An Ordered Logit Model was estimated based onStated Preference data. The impact of the proposed measures has greater magnitude than employee’s socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals who currently use the private car for commute are less likely to use bicycles for those trips, as well as those with children. The availability of a changing room with shower and locker proved to be the most important variable to increase bicycle use among CORSAN employees. Cycle parking inside the building in a safe place, a bike sharing system and the presence of cycle paths along the way also had significant impacts. The impact of training availability for bicycle use was significantly lower, compared to other variables. This research also suggests that implementation of changing room and appropriate parking facilities for bicycles are affordable and important measures to promote the use of bicycle for commutes to work.

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