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Vliv pěstebních opatření na strukturu mladého březového porostuKonečný, Jan January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis was observed an influence of silvicultural treatment on the structure of young birch stand. On location Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí was chosen a 10 years old birch stand and on location Hlubočec a 15 years old one. The stands originated spontaneously from natural regeneration on clearing. On both locations were researched two stands in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Within the stands, control variants and the thinning ones were established in 2015. In the case of variants focused on a thinning was executed a repeated intervention in 2016 and in the same time a pruning of a part of individuals in the spring of 2017. On all variants all the woody plants were recorded with a height above 2 metres, which were measured a diameter at breast height (cm) during the years 2015–2017. On intervention variants at marked trees (samplers) were measured a total tree height (cm), an occurrence of a dry treetop (cm) and an occurrence of a live treetop (cm) as well. At the beginning and at the end of 2017 was also measured a treetop projection (cm) at all individuals on the area. Non-interventional stands reported a high number of individuals with a low diameter at breast height in both cases, which represented a significantly low resistence of these stands. This led to a reduction in stability, especially against the snow. Despite a major reduction in the number of individuals in the intervention stands, the proportion of trees was still higher compared to the mentioned literature. In response to this intervention was recorded an increased growth or base. The differences here did not manifest themselves as statistically significant during the first year after the intervention. Based on the results, which showed especially significant differences in the density of the cultivated stand with the non-interventional one can be recommended a very powerful intervention towards the release of the stand and the increase of stability.
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CarbBirch (Kolbjörk): Carbon sequestration and soil development under mountain birch (Betula pubescens) in rehabilitated areas in southern IcelandKolka-Jonsson, Pall Valdimar 20 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Exposure to birch pollen and development of atopic disease in childhood /Kihlström, Anne, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Moose population density and habitat productivity as drivers of ecosystem processes in northern boreal forests /Persson, Inga-Lill, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning). Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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Genetically modified silver birch and hybrid aspen:target and non-target effects of introduced traitsSutela, S. (Suvi) 02 December 2014 (has links)
The efforts to improve forest trees could be accelerated by means of genetic engineering. Thus, the performance and effects of genetically modified (GM) trees have been investigated in numerous studies, which have generally concluded that GM trees have similar effects on environment and/or other organisms as do conventionally bred trees. In the present study, GM silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx.) lines were utilized to study the influence of transgenes to the transcription of related endogenous genes and to the production of soluble phenolic compounds in relation to ectomycorrhizal symbiosis or herbivory.
The GM silver birch lines had altered lignin composition, whereas the hybrid aspen lines produced the hemoglobin of Vitreoscilla sp. (VHb). The Pt4CL1a lines were generated using biolistic transformation and monitored under greenhouse conditions for three growing seasons. The Pt4CL1a and PtCOMT silver birch lines, with altered lignin syringyl/guaiacyl ratio, had also reduced transcript levels of endogenous genes, Bp4CL1 and BpCOMT, respectively. This indicates that these members of the 4CL and COMT multigene families are likely to contribute to the monolignol biosynthesis pathway of silver birch. No unintended effects were detected in the PtCOMT or Pt4CL1a lines in relation to ECM symbiosis or performance of insect larvae. Moreover, in soluble phenolic compounds, alterations were found mainly in cinnamic acid derivatives, a group of compounds involved in the biosynthesis of monolignols. In addition, the responses of the studied hybrid aspen lines that were exposed to herbivory for 24 hours were found to be comparable. Furthermore, the proportional weight gain of lepidopteran larvae was alike when fed with leaves of the VHb and non-transgenic hybrid aspen lines. Taken together, no unintended changes were found in the GM silver birch lines with altered lignin composition or in the VHb hybrid aspen lines. However, it is acknowledged that these short-term studies that were conducted under controlled conditions have certain limitations. / Tiivistelmä
Puiden ominaisuuksia on mahdollista muuttaa geenitekniikkaa käyttämällä huomattavasti perinteistä jalostusta nopeammin. Geneettisen muuntamisen vaikutuksia puiden ominaisuuksiin ja vuorovaikutussuhteisiin on selvitetty useissa tutkimuksissa geenitekniikkaan liitettyjen riskien arvioimiseksi. Muunnettuja kohdeominaisuuksiaan lukuun ottamatta geneettisesti muunnettujen (GM) puiden ei ole yleisesti ottaen tutkimuksissa havaittu eroavan ympäristövaikutuksiltaan perinteisellä jalostuksella tuotetuista puista. Tässä työssä tutkittiin siirrettyjen geenien vaikutuksia GM-rauduskoivun (Betula pendula Roth) sekä hybridihaavan (Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx.) endogeenisten geenituotteiden ja liukoisten fenoliyhdisteiden määriin. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin ligniinirakenteeltaan muunnettujen rauduskoivulinjojen ektomykorritsasymbioosia sekä ligniinimuunnettujen ja Vitreoscilla sp. -bakteerin hemoglobiinia (VHb) tuottavien hybridihaapalinjojen lehtien laatua perhostoukkien ravintona.
Biolistisella geeninsiirrolla tuotetuista Amerikan haavan 4-kumaraattikoentsyymi A-ligaasi -geeniä (Pt4CL1) ilmentävistä rauduskoivulinjoista yhdessä havaittiin ligniinin syringyyli- ja guaiasyyliyksikköjen suhteessa muutos. Havaittu muutos aiheutui todennäköisesti koivun Bp4CL1-geenituotteiden määrän vähenemisestä. Myös kaffeaatti/5-hydroksylaatti O-metyylitransferaasi -geeniä (PtCOMT) ilmentävissä, ligniinirakenteeltaan muunnetuissa rauduskoivulinjoissa havaittiin endogeenisen BpCOMT-geenin tuotteiden määrän väheneminen. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että Bp4CL1- ja BpCOMT-geenien tuottamat entsyymit toimivat rauduskoivun monolignolien biosynteesissä. Ligniiniominaisuuksiltaan muunnettujen rauduskoivujen liukoisista fenoliyhdisteistä todettiin muutoksia ensisijaisesti kanelihappojohdannaisissa, jotka liittyvät läheisesti monolignolien biosynteesireittiin. Ektomykorritsasymbioosissa tai perhostoukkien kasvunopeudessa ei havaittu kasvien geneettisestä muuntamisesta johtuvia eroja. Merkitseviä eroja ei todettu myöskään hybridihaapalinjojen herbivoria-vasteissa. On kuitenkin otettava huomioon, että kaikki tutkimuksen kokeet suoritettiin kasvihuoneissa käyttäen vasta juveniilivaiheessa olevia kasveja. Jotta abioottisten ja bioottisten ympäristötekijöiden sekä GM-puiden vuorovaikutusta olisi mahdollista arvioida kokonaisvaltaisesti, puita pitäisi tutkia pitkäaikaisissa kenttäkokeissa.
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Treeline dynamics in short and long term perspectives : observational and historical evidence from the southern Swedish ScandesÖberg, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
Treelines in high-mountain regions are constrained by heat deficiency, although the working mechanisms are still not entirely understood. Observational and paleoecological studies on treeline performance may contribute to increased understanding of the treeline phenomenon in general. The present thesis addresses elevational shifts of alpine treelines in the Swedish Scandes. By various analytical tools, the studies embrace widely different temporal scales. The concept treeline refers to the elevation (m a.s.l.) at a specific site of the upper individual tree of a certain tree species, at least 2 m tall. All the principal tree species in the Scandes are concerned, i.e. mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Paper I deals with regional treeline dynamics at more than 100 sites over the past 100 years. Concurrent with temperature rise by c. 1.4 °C over the same period, maximum treeline advances of all species amount to about 200 m. Thus, under ideal conditions, treelines respond in close equilibrium with air temperature evolution. However, over most parts of the landscape, treeline upshifts have been much smaller than 200 m, which relates to the combined action of geomorphology, wind, snow distribution and soil depth. After 1975, the birch has lost its role as the most rapidly advancing tree species, being superseded by pine and spruce. Paper II is a short-term (2005/2007-2010/2011) study of mountain birch treeline performance along a regional maritimity-continentality gradient. Upshift by 3.0 yr-1 in the maritime part of the gradient contrasts to retreat by 0.4 m yr-1 in the continental part. In the latter area, earlier and more complete melting of late-lying snow patches has seemingly progressed to a state when soil drought sets back the vigour of existing birches and precludes sexual regeneration and upslope advance of the treeline. In the maritime area, extensive and deep snow packs still exist above the treeline and constrain its position, although some release is taking place in the current warm climate. Paper III explores treeline change by phenotypic transformation of old-established stunted and prostrate spruce individuals (krummholz) growing high above the treeline and is based on analyses of radiocarbon-dated megafossils, preserved in the soil underneath clonal groups of spruce. Living spruce clones, which in some cases may date back to the early Holocene (9500 cal. yr BP), suggests that spruce immigrated from “cryptic” ice age refugia much closer to Scandinavia than conventionally thought. As the krummholz form presupposes open and windy habitats, it is inferred that permanently open spots prevailed in the high-mountain landscape even during periods when treelines in general were much higher than today. Paper IV reports radiocarbon dates of wood samples, retrieved from newly exposed glacier forefields at three main sites, located high above the modern treelines and embracing the entire Swedish Scandes. It appears that pine colonized early emerging nunataks already during the Late Glacial. Around 9600-9500 cal. yr BP a first massive wave of tree establishment, birch and pine, took place in “empty” glacier cirques. Both species grew 400-600 m above their present day treeline position and accordingly, the summer temperatures may have been 3.5 °C warmer than present (uncorrected for land uplift). During the entire interval 9600 to 4400 cal. yr BP, birch prospered 100-150 m above the uppermost pines. In response to Neoglacial cooling, treelines of both birch and pine descended until their final disappearance from the record 4400 and 5900 cal. yr BP, respectively. Thereafter, these habitats experienced increased snow accumulation and glacier inception. / Avhandlingen belyser förskjutningar i olika tidsskalor av den alpina trädgränsens läge i de svenska Skanderna. Trädgränsen definieras som den högsta nivån (m ö.h.) för minst 2 m höga individer av en viss art i en definierad del av en fjällsluttning. Avhandlingen består av fyra separata uppsatser, publicerade i olika välrenommerade vetenskapliga tidskrifter. I Paper I analyseras förändringar av trädgränserna för fjällens vanligaste trädarter, fjällbjörk, gran och tall (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii, Picea abies och Pinus sylvestris) mellan 1915 och 2007. Undersökningen omfattar ett 8000 km2 stort, naturgeografiskt heterogent område, med mer än 100 lokaler. De maximala trädgränsförskjutningarna för samtliga trädarter uppgår till omkring 200 m. Resultaten motsvarar de trädgränsförskjutningar som teoretiskt kan förutsägas utifrån den temperaturhöjning med cirka 1,4 °C som skett under samma tidsperiod, förutsatt ideala förhållanden. För större delen av området råder emellertid andra, icke-ideala förhållanden, varför trädgränsernas uppflyttning i allmänhet blivit avsevärt mindre än 200 m. Den främsta anledningen till detta är lokala topoklimatiska begränsningar, d.v.s. kombinerade effekter av geomorfologi, vind, snöfördelning, jorddjup, etc., som i stora delar av det starkt brutna fjällandskapet mer eller mindre effektivt hindrar träden från att nå sina potentiellt högst belägna växtplatser betingade av temperaturen. Efter 1975 har björken förlorat sin roll som arten med den snabbast expanderande trädgränsen. I stället har tall och gran avancerat med större hastighet. Det innebär att även om klimatets uppvärmning fortsätter, så kommer det subalpina björkbältet att expandera i avsevärt mindre omfattning än vad som ofta förebådats. Möjligtvis kommer det att ersättas av tall. Paper II behandlar björkens trädgränsdynamik under perioden 2005/2007-2010/2011 längs en regional klimatgradient med avseende på maritimitet/kontientalitet. Trädgränsen har under den aktuella perioden avancerat 3,0 m/år i den maritimt präglade delen av gradienten, vilket kontrasterar signifikant mot en sänkning med 0,4 m/år i området med mer kontinentalt klimat. Skillnaderna diskuteras i termer av klimatförändringens varierande effekter på snötäckets utbredning och varaktighet och dess inverkan på markfuktigheten. En allt tidigare total utsmältning av snölegorna i de kontinentala områdena har av allt att döma resulterat i vattenbrist under sommaren. Torka medför reducerad vitalitet för existerande björkar och förhindrar både sexuell förökning och uppflyttning av trädgränsen. I de maritima delarna kvarligger alltjämt mycket snö under en stor del av sommaren. Trädgränsens position har därför kunnat bibehållas eller flyttas upp. Vissa omständigheter tyder på att trädgränsens stigning i högre grad har varit baserad på fröföryngring efter 1975, jämfört med perioden 1915-1975. Utgångspunkten för Paper III är erfarenheter från Paper I, som visar att trädgränsens uppflyttning för gran och björk huvudsakligen är resultatet av ökad höjdtillväxt av äldre, i vissa fall flertusenåriga, mer eller mindre buskformiga individer (krummholz), som vuxit på nivåer långt ovanför trädgränsen. Som ett svar på de senaste hundra årens varmare klimat har dessa antagit trädform, varigenom trädgränsen höjts. För en fördjupad förståelse av den här mekanismen har megafossil, d.v.s. grova vedrester bevarade i marken under gamla grankloner i trädgränsekotonen, 14C-daterats. Resultaten tyder på att granar i exponerad fjällmiljö kan uppnå i det närmaste ”evigt” liv genom sin förmåga till vegetativ förökning och möjligheten att växla mellan busk- och trädform i takt med klimatets växlingar. Vissa nu levande kloner existerade av allt att döma redan för 9500 år sedan. Den nu dokumenterat tidiga förekomsten av gran, bekräftar den på senare tid allt tydligare bilden av granen som en tidig invandrare till fjällkedjan. Möjligtvis har granen ”övervintrat” den senaste istiden närmare Skandinavien än vad som till helt nyligen varit den gängse uppfattningen. Paper IV behandlar en för Skandinavien ny metod för historisk trädgränsrekonstruktion. I uppsatsen analyseras 14C-dateringar av totalt 78 större veddelar (megafossil) som nyligen exponerats i anslutning till smältande glaciäris och ”perenna” snölegor i tre huvudområden, Helags-Sylarna, Tärna och Abisko, högt ovanför dagens trädgräns. Det framkommer att tall (Pinus sylvestris) koloniserade tidigt framsmälta nunatakker redan under senglacial tid. För omkring 9600-9500 år sedan inträffade en första massiv våg av björk- och talletablering i isfria glaciärnischer. Båda arterna växte 400-600 m ovanför sina nuvarande trädgränspositioner, i ett klimat som kan ha varit 3,5 °C varmare än idag. Under intervallet 9600 till 4400 BP uppträdde björken i ett 100-150 m brett bälte ovanför de översta tallarna. Som ett svar på klimatets successiva avkylning under senare delen av Holocen sänktes både björkens och tallens trädgränser i de aktuella miljöerna, till dess de för 4400 respektive 5900 år sedan helt försvann från lokaler där glaciärer och perenna snöfält började bildas. De analyserade trädresterna, som länge bevarats av glaciäris och perenn snö representerar en period med ett klimat långt varmare än under det senaste århundradet. Med denna analogi från det förflutna kan det därför antas att i en framtid där sommartemperaturerna rent hypotetiskt är 3,5 °C högre än i nutiden, skulle trädgränserna lokalt kunna flyttas upp med ungefär 600 m.
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Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) / Genotypische Variation der Trockenstress-Antwort der Hängebirke (Betula pendula Roth)Aspelmeier, Stella 30 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Late Quaternary vegetation history of Craven, Yorkshire DalesRushworth, Garry January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates new late Quaternary vegetation records from four sites in the Craven District of the Yorkshire Dales. The chosen sites fall along an east-west transect broadly following the line of the south Craven Fault. The rationale for site selection was not based on conventional palynological considerations of potential for rich core samples, rather to provide a range of different locations within a distinct micro-region each existing in some specific proximity to known archaeological features. The logic was to attempt to get beyond broad 'natural' climatological and vegetational inferences to understand the nature and level of potential anthropogenically produced change at a local scale as a sub-set of natural change in a broader regional zone over time. The sites reveal varied vegetation histories from the Late Glacial period to the present day and all show signs of being influenced by changes in their arboreal structure at some time, although no two sites have exactly the same vegetation communities until around 5000 BP when the tree canopy is opened to allow an open grassland to dominate. The results indicate the possibility that Betula values, in particular, might indicate cooling events found in the Greenland ice cores for Greenland Interstadial 1 as well as the Pre-boreal Oscillation and the Holocene 9.3 ka BP Event. Closer chronological control of such values could help to determine whether vegetational dynamics were synchronous with fluctuations in temperature and the speed with which trees respond to severe temperature fluctuations. Various hiatuses identified during analysis of the cores may be caused by human influence on the wetlands, given that archaeological evidence from caves shows human occupation of the Craven area from the late Upper Palaeolithic onwards.
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Evolutionary history and chloroplast DNA variation in three plant genera: Betula, Corylus and Salix. : The impact of post-glacial colonisation and hybridisation.Palmé, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>The great difference in the level of chloroplast variation and its geographic structure among the three main species studied here demonstrates that forest species do not form a homogeneous group. Hazel shows a genetic structure similar to many other thermophilous species and this structure, in combination with fossil evidence, indicates that the post-glacial colonisation of most of Europe originated in a refugium in western France while the Balkan and Italy were colonised from a south-eastern refugium.</p><p>In sallow and silver birch the chloroplast DNA variation and its structure does not fit with a scenario of glacial restriction to southern refugia and survival at intermediate latitudes is suggested for both species. The chloroplast DNA variation in silver birch suggests the presence of one western and one eastern European post-glacial colonisation route and limited contribution of southern populations in the colonisation of the rest of Europe. Unique haplotypes by the Ural Mountains indicates the possibility of a separate glacial origin of these populations.</p><p>The study of chloroplast DNA in species closely related to sallow and silver birch indicate that extensive hybridisation and cytoplasmic gene flow occurs within both the Salix and Betula genera in Europe. The nuclear and chloroplast phylogenies of 14 Betula species were not in complete agreement with each other or with the classical division of the Betula genus into subgenera or sections. The phylogenetic structure implies that hybridisation has played a role in the evolution of the Betula genus.</p><p>This thesis focuses on the chloroplast DNA variation in three forest tree genera: Corylus, Betula and Salix. Chloroplast PCR-RFLP is used to evaluate the post-glacial history of hazel, Corylus avellana, silver birch, Betula pendula and sallow, Salix caprea and to explore the possibility of introgression in the Salix and Betula genera. In addition, the chloroplast matK gene, its flanking regions and the nuclear ADH gene were used to study the phylogenetic relationships within the Betula genus.</p>
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Evolutionary history and chloroplast DNA variation in three plant genera: Betula, Corylus and Salix. : The impact of post-glacial colonisation and hybridisation.Palmé, Anna January 2003 (has links)
The great difference in the level of chloroplast variation and its geographic structure among the three main species studied here demonstrates that forest species do not form a homogeneous group. Hazel shows a genetic structure similar to many other thermophilous species and this structure, in combination with fossil evidence, indicates that the post-glacial colonisation of most of Europe originated in a refugium in western France while the Balkan and Italy were colonised from a south-eastern refugium. In sallow and silver birch the chloroplast DNA variation and its structure does not fit with a scenario of glacial restriction to southern refugia and survival at intermediate latitudes is suggested for both species. The chloroplast DNA variation in silver birch suggests the presence of one western and one eastern European post-glacial colonisation route and limited contribution of southern populations in the colonisation of the rest of Europe. Unique haplotypes by the Ural Mountains indicates the possibility of a separate glacial origin of these populations. The study of chloroplast DNA in species closely related to sallow and silver birch indicate that extensive hybridisation and cytoplasmic gene flow occurs within both the Salix and Betula genera in Europe. The nuclear and chloroplast phylogenies of 14 Betula species were not in complete agreement with each other or with the classical division of the Betula genus into subgenera or sections. The phylogenetic structure implies that hybridisation has played a role in the evolution of the Betula genus. This thesis focuses on the chloroplast DNA variation in three forest tree genera: Corylus, Betula and Salix. Chloroplast PCR-RFLP is used to evaluate the post-glacial history of hazel, Corylus avellana, silver birch, Betula pendula and sallow, Salix caprea and to explore the possibility of introgression in the Salix and Betula genera. In addition, the chloroplast matK gene, its flanking regions and the nuclear ADH gene were used to study the phylogenetic relationships within the Betula genus.
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