Spelling suggestions: "subject:"E. coal"" "subject:"E. col""
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Metodiky a metody snímání jednorázových dějů / Methods of single impulse detectionJuřík, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with measurement method pulsed quantities of electromagnetic field. This thesis was focused on methods, which make use of optic effect. Specially Faraday effect, Pockels effect and magneto-optic Kerr effect. Next it was focused on method makes use of Rogowski coil. At the end was shortly noticed about method makes use of calorimetric sensor. For experimentally realized has been chosen Faraday Magneto-optic Effect. In optic laboratory has been realized absolute methods and different methods making use of Wollaston polarizer on pneumatic optical desk. The main advantage of this method is the capability to measure the high frequency and high current signals. Next in this thesis has been written theory about Rogowski coil. This method has been experimentally realized in laboratory.
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Optimalizace interního mikroklimatu velkoprostorové kanceláře pomocí stínění / Optimization of indoor climate in the "open space" officeVysloužil, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is design air-conditioning system and optimization of indoor climate by solar shading. In theoretical part I focused on dividing and description off different types of solar shading. In the next part I designed suitable air-conditioning system for the open space office. The last part is first concentrating on the simulation of the indoor climate in software BSim2014. And then on evaulation of the appropriate solar shading system, whick I can use in the building.
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Hydrodynamics in the Calibration of Optical Tweezers for Coiled-Coil StudiesEhrlich, Christoph 13 November 2019 (has links)
Coiled-coil motifs are part of 5–10 % of the eukaryotic proteome and are involved in important cellular processes such as membrane trafficking, chromosome segregation or mechanosensing. Their canonical form is well understood and based on a heptad repeat with hydrophobic amino acids at positions 1 and 4. A sequence of these peptides folds into an α-helix and two, or more, of these helices bind together by winding around each other, covering up the hydrophobic residues and giving rise to the coiled-coil structure. Coiled-coil proteins appearing in nature do, however, deviate from this form by introducing discontinuities into the heptad repeat. The effect of these imperfections on the structure is only known for few cases and not generally understood or predictable. The additional impact of these discontinuities on the dynamic function of coiled-coil domains is unknown altogether. Here, in order to tackle these questions, the adhesive forces between the α-helices are studied in single-molecule experiments.
To measure these small forces (∼ pN) with a high spatial and temporal resolution, a dual-trap optical tweezers setup was constructed. Special emphasis was put on realizing the required high resolution, a large degree of automation and versatility during the building process. The instrument’s performance was assessed by recording force-extension curves of DNA yielding results for the molecular parameters persistence length and stretch modulus in good agreement with those found in the literature. Additionally, the Allan deviation was computed for different configurations of beads and a high stability and resolution of the instrument was found with optimal performance on the time scale of 1–10 s.
Optical tweezers require calibration to accurately measure forces. To this end, generally a scheme is used that leverages the Brownian motion of a trapped object in the harmonic potential, created by the laser focus, to determine the parameters required to convert the analog voltage signal to distances and forces. However, this approach requires prior knowledge of the bead’s drag coefficient. A method was suggested previously that allows to measure this parameter by exciting the trapped bead through an external fluid flow and observing its response. Yet, this scheme was proposed for single-trap devices only. The precision and versatility of the new instrument was increased by extending this technique to work with two traps and implementing it in the apparatus. To this aim, the underlying equations of a trapped bead’s motion were modified to include hydrodynamic interactions between the objects resulting from the external fluid flow. It was found that a single multiplicative factor is sufficient to correct the calibration results for the hydrodynamic effects and ensure precise calibration. The drag coefficient of several beads yielded the same result for a single and two traps within the measurement error thus confirming the validity of the method.
The newly built instrument was then used to study the coiled-coil protein early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1). This 200 nm long homodimer was shown to undergo an entropic collapse upon binding a small GTPase at the N-terminus. For further investigations of this effect and the adhesives forces at play, an experiment was designed here to unzip the two α-helices of the protein. To this end, DNA handles were attached to each of the two helices using a sortase A based ligation reaction as force moderators and first optical tweezers experiments were performed with the protein-DNA chimera. Thus, the necessary tools for unzipping assays of EEA1 are now at hand to further research the entropic collapse process.
To summarize, a dual-trap optical tweezers setup was built, the calibration routine extended and realized in a more precise way and the instrument was used to investigate binding energies of EEA1 α-helices. / Coiled-Coil Strukturmotive sind in 5–10 % aller Proteine von Eukaryoten vertreten und wichtiger Teil zellulärer Prozesse wie Membrantransport, Segregation von Chromosomen oder Mechanoperzeption. Ihre grundlegende Struktur besteht aus dem sogenannten Heptadenmuster, einer Sequenz aus sieben Aminosäuren mit hydrophoben Molekülen an Position eins und vier. Eine Reihe dieser Muster kann sich zu einer α-Helix falten und zwei, oder mehr, solcher Helices sich umeinander winden, um die hydrophoben Moleküle abzuschirmen. Das Ergebnis ist eine Coiled-Coil- oder Doppelwendelstruktur. Natürlich vorkommende Coiled-Coil Proteine weichen jedoch durch Fehlstellen im Heptadenmuster von dieser kanonischen Form ab. Die Auswirkung dieser Störstellen auf die Struktur des gesamten Moleküls ist bisher nur für einige wenige Fälle untersucht und nicht allgemein vorstanden oder vorhersagbar. Der zusätzliche Einfluss dieser Fehlstellen auf die Funktion und dynamischen Prozesse solcher Proteine ist gänzlich unbekannt. Um diesen Fragen nachzugehen werden hier die Bindungskräfte zwischen den α-Helices in Einzelmolekülstudien untersucht.
Um diese winzigen Kräfte (∼ pN) mit hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung untersuchen zu können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit eine optische Doppelfalle konstruiert. Besonderes Augenmerk lag dabei auf dem Erreichen der erforderlichen Auflösung, einem hohen Grad an Automatisierung und der vielfälting Einsatzfähigkeit des Instruments. Die Leistungsfähigkeit dieses Kraftmikroskops wurde besonders durch zwei Experimente überprüft und sichergestellt. Zum einen wurden DNA Moleküle gedehnt und die Polymerparameter Persistenzlänge und Zugmodul gemessen, welche sehr gut mit veröffentlichten Referenzwerten übereinstimmten. Zum anderen wurde die Allan Schwankung für verschiedene experimentelle Konfigurationen von mikroskopischen Kugeln ermittelt, was eine hohe Stabilität und Auflösung des Gerätes, mit optimaler Leistung bei Mittelung auf Zeitskalen von 1–10 s, bestätigte.
Optische Fallen müssen kalibriert werden, um Kräfte exakt messen zu können. Im Allgemeinen kommt dafür ein Verfahren zum Einsatz, welches die brownsche Bewegung eines gefangenen Objektes im harmonischen Potential des Laserfokus ausnutzt. Aus diesen Fluktuationen werden die benötigten Parameter ermittelt, um das gemessene analoge Spannungssignal in Abstände und Kräfte umzuwandeln. Dieser Ansatz erfordert jedoch die Kenntnis des Reibungskoeffizienten des gehaltenen Objektes, meist einer mikroskopischen Kugel. Daher wurde eine Methode vorgeschlagen, die durch ein oszillierendes Flussfeld eine zusätzliche Bewegung der Kugel anregt aus welcher der Reibungskoeffizient bestimmt werden kann. Dieses Vorgehen reduziert die im vornherein benötigten Informationen, wurde jedoch nur für eine einzelne optische Falle entwickelt. Der Ansatz wurde in dieser Arbeit erweitert, indem die zu zugrundeliegenden Bewegungsgleichungen einer gefangenen Kugel um hydrodynamische Wechselwirkungen zwischen mehreren Objekten ergänzt und die Kalibrationparameter basierend darauf hergeleitet wurden. Im Ergebnis konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein einzelner multiplikativer Faktor ausreicht, um die Hydrodynamik zu berücksichtigen und die exakte Kalibration des Instruments sicherzustellen. Dieses Vorgehen wurde überprüft, indem der Reibungskoeffizient einer einzelnen oder mehrerer mikroskopischer Kugeln gleichzeitig durch Anlegen eines externen Flussfeldes gemessen wurde. Die Ergebnisse stimmen im Rahmen der Messgenauigkeit überein und bestätigen damit den gewählten Ansatz.
Das neu implementierte Kraftmikroskop wurde im Folgenden eingesetzt, um das Coiled-Coil Protein Early Endosome Antigen 1 (EEA1) zu erforschen. Dieser 200 nm lange Homodimer kollabiert aufgrund entropischer Kräfte sobald eine kleine GTPase an seinen N-Terminus bindet. Um diesen Effekt und die wirkenden Bindungskräfte besser zu verstehen, wurde hier ein Experiment entwickelt bei dem die beiden α-Helicen auseinandergezogen werden. Dazu wurde mittels einer Sortase A basierten Ligationsreaktion an jede Helix ein DNA-Stück gebunden, über welches Kräfte auf das Molekül übertragen werden können. Erste Experimente wurden mit der optischen Doppelfalle und dieser Protein-DNA Chimäre durchgeführt. Somit sind alle benötigten Werkzeuge zum weiteren Studium des entropischen Kollapses von EEA1 verfügbar, indem die Bindungskräfte der α-Helicen untersucht werden.
Zusammenfassend wurde eine hoch auflösende Doppelfalle konstruiert, die Kalibrationsmethode weiterentwickelt und verfeinert und das Kraftmikroskop zur Erforschung der Bindungskräfte der α-Helicen von EEA1 eingesetzt.
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Intermediate states in bivalent ion induced shrinking of polyacrylate coils on surfaces and in solution: Intermediate states in bivalent ion induced shrinking of polyacrylate coils on surfaces and in solutionSinha, Prashant 09 July 2009 (has links)
Specifically binding ions induce the transition of anionic polyacrylate coils from
extended conformation to collapsed globules passing through a cascade of intermediate
states when solution conditions approach the L-type precipitation threshold. It is the
conformation of these intermediate states on surfaces and in solution which is at the focus
of this thesis. In comparing the surface and solution conformations of intermediate states,
we were able to qualitatively and quantitatively underline the effects of sample history.
Two types of quantitative comparisons have been emphasized. In real space, the radius of
gyration values of adsorbed molecules have been evaluated incorporating fully the x, y
and z axes. These values have been compared with radius of gyration values of the very
same sample solution obtained using SLS. In reciprocal space, a novel image processing
protocol has been used to generate the 2D form factor curve wherein the correlation
maxima have been compared with corresponding maxima obtained for the very same
sample solution using small angle scattering techniques like the SANS.
The influence of bivalent ions, respectively, Strontium, Lead and Calcium, on the shape
of polyacrylate coils is studied. In the last case, temperature has been introduced as a
secondary parameter to shed further light on the mechanism by which polyelectrolytebivalent
ion complexation takes place. Both scattering and AFM experiments reveal
formation of necklace-like structures as intermediates for NaPA-Sr2+ system. Since the
mol. wt. of the NaPA coils used was relatively large in this case, adsorption on mica
surfaces was strong. Under such conditions, the molecules undergo a z collapse upon flux
drying but do not get altered in x and y directions. The ratio Rg(AFM)/Rg(SLS) was
found to be in the range 0.7-0.9. The remaining (insignificant) differences in the Rg
values arise due to the fact that AFM gives the square root of number averaged mean
squared radius of gyration while SLS gives the square root of z-averaged mean squared
radius of gyration. The differences in radius of gyration values observed in solution and
on surfaces were more prominent for NaPA-Pb2+ system. Again, although both scattering
and AFM reveal necklace-like structures as intermediates, the ratio Rg(AFM)/Rg(SLS)
was now found to be nearly 0.6. The fact that Rg(AFM) is the square root of number
averaged and Rg(SLS) is the square root of z-averaged mean squared radius of gyration,
alone cannot explain this low value. Since the mol. wt. of NaPA coils used in this case
was quite low, adsorption on mica surfaces was weak. Under such conditions, the
molecule does not only undergo a z collapse upon flux drying, but also shrinks in the x
and y directions due to capillary forces. Finally, with NaPA-Ca2+ system, the picture did
not show a one-to-one correspondence between solution and surface conformations at all.
In fact, it showed a one-step-ahead correspondence. As already stated, the coil to globule
transition was induced by increasing the equilibration temperature from 15°C to 30°C in
this case. SANS could not identify any necklace-like intermediates in solution at the
equilibration temperature of 15°C while AFM scans at this temperature showed the
beginning of formation of pearls. Likewise, at the equilibration temperature of 30°C,
SANS could identify necklace-like intermediates in solution with a large majority of
dumbbells while AFM scans at this temperature showed a mix of dumbbells, sausage-like
structures and globules. Indeed, we were witnessing an accelerated coil to globule
transition on surfaces as compared to the situation in solution resulting in a pre-emption
in the formation of intermediate states on surfaces. Since the ratio Rg(AFM)/Rg(SLS)
(given the square root of number averaged and the square root of z-averaged mean
squared values respectively) at the equilibration temperature of 30°C showed a range of
0.7-0.9 indicating strong adsorption of the relatively high mol. wt. NaPA coil on mica
surfaces, our suspect were the substrate-sample interaction forces. The AFM scans were
therefore analysed with 2D form factor curves, a better protocol when no assumptions
about the shape of adsorbed molecules are made a priori, to trace the effects of sample
The thesis establishes the general utility of AFM to capture the essential features of a
collapsing coil which the very coil exhibits in solution. The shape of the coil on surface
and in solution may not be exactly the same, yet reveal the same characteristics. The
comparative advantages and disadvantages of salt pre-treated mica surfaces and
chemically modified mica surfaces have been brought out. Finally, a definitive new
insight is gained as regards the mechanism of coil collapse induced by specifically
binding ions. The entropic nature of the process as well as the visualized shape of the
collapsing intermediates does not support a mechanism along an electrostatically driven
shrinking with linear, rod-like arrays of pearls as intermediates. On a molecular level, it is
the liberation of water molecules and Na+ ions which promotes binding of bivalent ions
to COO- residues. This binding in turn increases the hydrophobicity of the polyacrylate
chains. As a consequence, the chains shrink due to an increased propensity for polymerpolymer
contacts (and finally precipitate).
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Peptidtemplat-vermittelte Transferreaktionen / eine chemische Methode für die selektive Markierung von Proteinen auf lebenden ZellenReinhardt, Ulrike 06 March 2017 (has links)
Um die Funktion von Proteinen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu verstehen, ist es unerlässlich ihre Lokalisation und Bewegung im lebenden System durch z.B Fluoreszenz-markierung sichtbar zu machen. Eine ideale Markierungsmethode zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie das Zielprotein (protein of interest, POI) selektiv und in kurzer Zeit mit einer maßgeschneiderten Reportergruppe ausstattet, ohne die Proteinfunktion und -lokalisation zu beeinflussen. Dabei ist die Größe der Erkennungssequenz von großer Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung einer Markierungsstrategie beschrieben, bei der die Ausbildung eines parallelen Coiled-Coil-Motivs den Transfer einer Reportergruppe auslöst. Untersucht wurde dabei die Übertragung eines Sulfonat-gebundenen Fluorophors auf ein Cystein in der Erkennungssequenz durch nukleophile Substitution. Ebenfalls untersucht wurde der Transfer verschiedener Thioester-verknüpfter Reporter auf ein N-terminales Cystein der Erkennungssequenz durch eine Acyltransferreaktion. Beide Strategien zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Selektivität und einen geringen Massenzuwachs am Zielprotein aus. Der Acyltransfer mit Arylthioestern zeigte zudem eine bemerkenswerte Reaktivität und erlaubte eine Markierung innerhalb weniger Minuten Reaktionszeit. Die Vielfältigkeit dieser Methode wurde anhand der Fluoreszenzmarkierung von sieben verschiedenen G-Protein gekoppelten Membranrezeptoren auf der Oberfläche lebender Zellen demonstriert. Die markierten Rezeptoren blieben dabei funktional und konnten ihren entsprechenden Liganden mit hoher Affinität binden. / In order to understand the function of proteins in their native environment, it is crucial to visualize their localization and trafficking in living cells by means of e.g. fluorescence labeling. An ideal labeling method adds a custom reporter group to the protein of interest (POI) in a selective and fast manner without disturbing the POIs function and localization. Hence the size of the recognition sequence is of major concern. This work describes the development of a labeling strategy in which the formation of a parallel coiled coil motif triggers the transfer of a reporter group. The transfer of a sulfonate-linked fluorescence dye onto the cysteine-modified recognition sequence via a nucleophilic substitution reaction was tested. Also the transfer of various thioester-linked reporters onto the N-terminal cysteine of the recognition sequence via an acyl transfer reaction was investigated. Both strategies are characterized by a high selectivity and low mass increase at the target protein. The acyl transfer with aryl thioesters also showed a remarkable reactivity and allowed labeling reactions to proceed within minutes. The versatility of this method was demonstrated by applying it to the labeling of seven different G-protein coupled membrane receptors on the surface of living cells. The labeled receptors remained functional and were able to bind their respective ligand with high affinity.
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Peptide und Peptidnukleinsäuren zur Markierung und Organisation von Rezeptoren auf lebenden ZellenGröger, Katharina 14 August 2018 (has links)
Nukleinsäuren und Peptide erlauben es, Kontrolle über molekulare Prozesse auszuüben. In dieser Arbeit werden strukturgebende Elemente wie Coiled-Coil-Peptide oder PNA∙DNA-Strukturen genutzt, um Rezeptoren auf lebenden Zellen zu markieren und in ihrem Verhalten zu modulieren, oder cytosolische Proteine in ihrem Bindungsverhalten zu steuern.
Im ersten Konzept wird die Interaktion des Coiled-Coil-Paars K3/E3 genutzt, um eine Transferreaktion, in welcher eine PNA-Sequenz vom K3-Donor auf den E3-Akzeptor übertragen wird, zu induzieren. Durch die Fusion des Akzeptorpeptids mit einem Rezeptor werden kovalente PNA-Rezeptorkonjugate auf der Oberfläche lebender Zellen geschaffen. Die Reaktion zwischen Thiol und Thioester erlaubt dabei einen schnellen Transfer. So wurden Rezeptoren aus der Familie der GPCR sowie der EGFR mit einem PNA-Strang versehen und durch fluoreszente PNA oder DNA selektiv markiert. Zusätzlich wurden verzweigte DNA-Architekturen mit mehreren Fluorophoren genutzt, um die Helligkeit der Markierung quantitativ zu erhöhen. Die PNA-EGFR-Konjugate wurden durch eine zwei Rezeptoren verbrückende Cy3-DNA adressiert und so zeitgleich markiert und dimerisiert. Dadurch wurde die Rezeptoraktivität gesteigert, was über Western Blot-, Immunofluoreszenz- und Fluoreszenzmikroskopieanalyse belegt wurde.
In weiteren Ansätzen wurden Coiled-Coil-Systeme genutzt, um i) parallel zwei verschiedene Akzeptorpeptide mit verschiedenen Fluorophoren zu markieren und ii) Coiled-Coil-Peptide schaltbar zu machen. Durch die asymmetrische Verlängerung von K3/E3-Paaren mit Coiled-Coil-Sequenzen kann die Interaktion der Peptide an und aus geschaltet werden. Dies wurde sowohl in einem Fluoreszenzassay als auch in einer direkten Anwendung an der Syk-Kinase demonstriert. Die Liganden der Kinase wurden an den schaltbaren Peptiden angebracht und so die Affinität zur Syk-Kinase kontrolliert. / Nucleic acids and peptides can be used to obtain control over molecular processes within living cells. In this work, structural elements as coiled-coil peptides or PNA∙DNA-structures were used to label and modulate receptor behavior on living cells and to control ligand binding of cytosolic proteins.
For the first concept the K3/E3-coiled-coil peptide pair was used to establish a proximity-guided, covalent transfer of a PNA strand from a K3-donor peptide onto the complementary E3-acceptor peptide. By fusion of the acceptor peptide to a receptor, PNA-receptor-conjugates were generated selectively on living cells. The native chemical ligation type of reaction allowed a fast PNA-transfer within minutes. Receptors from the family of GPCRs and the EGFR were tagged with a PNA-sequence and subsequently labeled by the addition of a fluorescent DNA or PNA. By recruiting branched DNA architectures which were decorated with several fluorophores, the total brightness of the labeling was increased quantitatively. A twice complementary Cy3-DNA was used to simultaneously label and dimerize the EGFR. Thereby, an artificially induced increase in receptor activity could be achieved, which was shown in Western Blot and immunofluorescence analysis as well as in fluorescence microscopy.
In two other approaches coiled-coil peptides were used to i) label two different acceptor peptides simultaneously with two different dyes and ii) introduce coiled-coil peptides as part of a dynamic switchable system. Using an asymmetric coiled-coil elongation on the K3/E3 pair the interaction of both can be turned on and off. This was demonstrated in a fluorescence assay and applied to the Syk kinase, were Syk ligands were attached to the switchable peptides. Those ligands were changed from a bi- to a monovalent presentation status and thus the affinity of the Syk kinase towards its ligands can be controlled.
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A study of the influence of nanofiller additives on the performance of waterbourne primer coatingsLewis, Oliver David January 2008 (has links)
Organic coatings are frequently applied to metals, often in circumstances where there is a need to protect the substrate from corrosion or to improve the aesthetic quality of a product. Increasingly, coatings are also expected to provide additional functionality, such as anti-bacterial properties. Concurrent with the need to satisfy ever more demanding specifications, coating formulators are being obliged to comply with stringent environmental legislation. A research area which may benefit the development of coating formulations is that of nanocomposite synthesis, in which the composite additives have at least one dimension in the nanometre size range. The current research has sought to modify a waterborne organic coating primer with two types of nano-sized additives: layered clays and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Dispersion of the particles at loadings up to 5% w/w was achieved by ball milling and the modified coatings were subjected to numerous tests to ascertain the effect of the additives. Titanium dioxide was found to improve the tribological properties and corrosion resistance of the coatings, while the addition of magnesium aluminium hydroxycarbonate (hydrotalcite) layered clay had a deleterious effect. Some coatings exhibited a cracked morphology, although no correlation between particle loading and the presence of cracks could be determined. A preliminary investigation into substrate preparation was also conducted. This ensured that the degree of cleanliness of the hot-dip galvanized substrates was both satisfactory and consistent.
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Pulsed magnetic field generation for experiments in high energy density plasmasWisher, Matthew Louis 18 September 2014 (has links)
Experiments in high energy density (HED) plasma physics have become more accessible with the increasing availability of high-intensity pulsed lasers. Extending the experiment parameters to include magnetized HED plasmas requires a field source that can generate fields of order 100 tesla. This dissertation discusses the design and implementation of a pulsed field driver with a designed maximum of 2.2 MA from a 160 kJ capacitor bank. Faraday rotation measurement of 63 T for a 1.0 MA discharge supported Biot-Savart estimates for a single-turn coil with a 1 cm bore. After modification, the field driver generated up to 15 T to magnetize supernova-like spherical blast waves driven by the Texas Petawatt Laser. The presence of the high field suppressed blast wave expansion, and had the additional effect of revealing a cylindrical plasma along the laser axis. / text
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Optical Tweezers studies of Nucleic Acids and their Interaction with ProteinsKalafut, Bennett Samuel January 2011 (has links)
Mechanics and biological function of nucleic acids are intimately coupled. The DNA double helix must be opened to allow base pairing of RNA during transcription; RNA must bend and fold in its many cellular functions. Presented in this dissertation are two investigations of mechanical deformations of nucleic acids, conducted with optical tweezers.In the introduction, the mechanical properties of DNA and RNA and their relevance to their cellular functions are introduced, to give the reader context for the results presented in the Chapters 2 and 3. This is followed by an introduction to the theory of semiflexible polymer elasticity. The optical tweezers instruments used in conducting these investigations are then presented, along with calibration procedures and a short introduction to optical trapping physics.Chapter 2 presents an investigation of the effect of downstream DNA tension on initiation by T7 RNA polymerase. A hidden Markov model is fit to force-dependent lifetimes obtained from optical tweezers experiments, allowing us to identify which steps in initiation are force-dependent and estimate rates and transition state distances. We find that 1-2 pN of tension is sufficient to turn o gene expression by causing transcription bubble collapse and destabilizing the bound state. Our force-dependence scheme and estimated transition distances provide independent supportfor the \scrunching" model of initiation.The effects of cation binding and screening on single-stranded helix formation in poly(A) RNA are presented in Chapter 3. Magnesium and calcium bind to poly(A), stabilize the helix, and change its mechanical properties. A new model of helix-coil transitions is presented and used to estimate energetics and mechanical properties.Chapter 4 presents the first fully objective algorithm for use in analyzing the noisy staircaselike data that is often produced by single-molecule fluorescence experiments. A test based on the SIC (BIC) statistic is used in conjunction with a progressive step-placement scheme to locate changepoints (steps) in noisy data. Its performance is compared to other step detection algorithms in use by biophysicists by repeating tests performed in a recent review.Experimental protocols and computer codes used in these investigations are presentedin detail in the appendices.
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Analyse fonctionnelle de la polycystine-1 et de son domaine intracellulaire dans le développement de la polykystose rénale autosomique dominanteCôté, Olivier 04 1900 (has links)
La polykystose rénale autosomique dominante (PKRAD) est la maladie génétique rénale la plus commune touchant 1/500 personnes. Elle se caractérise principalement par la formation de kystes rénaux dans tous les segments du néphron, entraînant l’insuffisance rénale, et par des manifestations extrarénales kystiques (foie, pancréas, rate) et non-kystiques (anomalies cardiaques, vasculaires et cérébrales). Deux gènes, PKD1 et PKD2, sont responsables de 85 et 15% des cas respectivement. Ces gènes encodent les polycystine-1 (PC-1) et -2 (PC-2) qui forment un complexe à la membrane plasmique et ciliaire des cellules épithéliales rénales. PC-1 est une protéine transmembranaire de 4302 acides aminés possédant un court domaine intracellulaire incluant un motif coiled-coil impliqué dans l’interaction entre PC-1 et PC-2 in-vitro. L’importance du coiled-coil est démontrée par des mutations affectant spécifiquement ce motif chez des patients PKRAD. Le mécanisme pathogénétique responsable de la PKRAD est indéterminé. Chez la souris, la PKRAD se développe suite à l’ablation (Pkd1-/-) ou lors de la surexpression (SBPkd1TAG) de Pkd1, ce qui suggère un effet de dosage. Des anomalies ciliaires sont aussi souvent associées à PKRAD.
Mon objectif était de déterminer in-vivo le mécanisme pathogénétique de la polycystine-1 dans le développement des symptômes PKRAD rénaux et extrarénaux et plus spécifiquement, le rôle du motif coiled-coil dans le mécanisme de kystogenèse. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré deux constructions, Pkd1 sauvage (Pkd1TAG) et Pkd1 tronquée de son motif coiled-coil (Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil), par recombinaison homologue à partir du BAC-Pkd1 sauvage comprenant la séquence murine entière de Pkd1. Trois lignées de souris Pkd1TAG générées par microinjection démontrent un niveau d’expression de Pkd1 qui corrèle avec le nombre de copie du transgène (2, 5 et 15 copies). Les souris Pkd1TAG reproduisent la PKRAD en développant des kystes rénaux dans toutes les parties du néphron et des cils primaires plus longs que les contrôles non transgéniques. Les analyses physiologiques supportent que les souris Pkd1TAG développent une insuffisance rénale et démontrent une augmentation du volume urinaire de même qu’une diminution de l’osmolalité, de la créatinine et des protéines urinaires. De plus, les souris Pkd1TAG développent des kystes hépatiques, des anomalies cardiaques associées à des dépôts de calcium et des anévrismes cérébraux. La sévérité du phénotype augmente avec l’expression de Pkd1 appuyant l’hypothèse d’un mécanisme de dosage. Nous avons aussi déterminé que l’expression du transgène Pkd1TAG complémente le phénotype létal-embryonnaire des souris Pkd1-/-. D’autre part, nous avons générés 4 lignées de souris Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil (2 et 15 copies du transgène) dont le nombre de copies corrèle avec le niveau d’expression du transgène. Ces souris Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil, contrairement aux Pkd1TAG de même âge, ne développent pas de kystes et possèdent des cils primaires de longueur normale. Afin d’évaluer le rôle du motif coiled-coil en absence de polycystine-1 endogène, nous avons croisé les souris Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil avec les souris Pkd1-/-. Contrairement aux souris Pkd1-/- qui meurent in-utéro, les souris Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil; Pkd1-/- survivent ~10 à 14 jours après la naissance. Elles démontrent des kystes rénaux et pancréatiques sévères, un retard de croissance et des anomalies pulmonaires. Tous les segments du néphron sont affectés.
Mon projet démontre que la surexpression de Pkd1 est un mécanisme pathogénique de la PKRAD tant au niveau rénal qu’extrarénal. De plus, il démontre que le motif coiled-coil est un élément déterminant dans la kystogenèse/PKRAD in-vivo. / Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common genetic disorder affecting 1:500 people worldwide, independently from sex and origin. ADPKD is characterized by formation of large bilateral kidney cysts affecting all segments of the nephron and increasing progressively in size and number leading to end stage renal failure by mid-fifty. Moreover, this systemic disease includes several extrarenal symptoms such as intracranial aneurysms, valvular defects and cysts formation in the liver and the pancreas. PKD1 and PKD2 genes mutations are involved in 85 and 15 % of the clinical cases. PKD genes encode polycystin-1 (PC-1) and -2 (PC-2), which both form a complex at the cell and ciliary membrane of renal epithelial cells. PC-1 is a large transmembrane protein with a small intracellular tail including a coiled-coil motif implicated in PC-1/PC-2 interaction in-vitro. Interestingly, specific mutations affecting the coiled-coil motif cause ADPKD in humans. The pathogenetic mechanism of ADPKD is unknown. In mice, both ablation (Pkd1-/-) or overexpression (SBPkd1TAG) of Pkd1 cause ADPKD, suggesting a dosage model. Ciliary anomalies are also linked to polycystic kidney disease.
Herein, we evaluated in-vivo the role of Pkd1 in the development of renal and extrarenal manifestations of ADPKD and more specifically, the role of the coiled-coil motif in cystogenesis. We generated two constructions, wildtype Pkd1 (Pkd1TAG) and coiled-coil deleted Pkd1 (Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil), by homologous recombination from the wildtype Pkd1-BAC comprising the whole Pkd1 murine sequence. Three Pkd1TAG mice lines have been generated by microinjection and show expression patterns correlating with the copy number of the transgene (2, 5 and 15 copy). All Pkd1TAG mice develop renal cysts affecting all nephron segments as in ADPKD and longer primary cilia compared to wildtype mice. Physiologic analysis supports renal failure by increased urinary output and decreased of urinary proteins, osmolality and creatinin levels. Pkd1TAG mice also show cysts in the liver, cardiac and valvular anomalies associated with calcium deposition and cerebral aneurysms. The severity of the phenotype increased with Pkd1 expression suggesting a dosage model. Importantly, the Pkd1TAG transgene rescue embryonic lethality of Pkd1-/- mice. Furthermore, we generated 4 lines of Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil mice of 2 and 15 copies of the transgene correlating also to the level of expression. Compared to age-matched Pkd1TAG, Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil mice develop no cysts and show normal cilia length. To gain more insights on the role of coiled-coil motif in absence of endogenous Pc-1, we mated Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil with Pkd1-/- mice. Compared to the lethal embryonic Pkd1-/- mice, Pkd1ΔCoiled-coil; Pkd1-/- live ~ 10 to 14 days. They show severe renal and pancreatic cysts as well as growth retardation and pulmonary defects.
My study demonstrates that Pkd1 overexpression is a pathogenic mechanism to induce ADPKD renal and extrarenal phenotype. Moreover, this work shows that the coiled-coil motif of polycystin-1 is a critical determinant in ADPKD cystogenesis.
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