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Um estudo dos recursos tecnológicos disponíveis para a integração de sistemas ERP (EAI) entre empresas do Brasil / A study of the technologic resources available for the integration of ERP systems (EAI) among companies in BrazilBocca, Marcos Giansante 07 May 2009 (has links)
A Integração de Aplicativos Empresariais (EAI, Enterprise Application Integration) entre empresas de uma mesma cadeia produtiva é uma inovação organizacional que proporciona grandes ganhos em competitividade, o que chega a ser vital no atual ambiente de negócios. Essa integração necessita de recursos nem sempre disponíveis nesses sistemas de gestão. Este estudo fez um levantamento dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão Empresarial (ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning) mais utilizados no Brasil, a respectiva participação no mercado brasileiro e identificou para cada um deles quais seus recursos existentes para integração com outros ERP de outras organizações da cadeia. Tem-se como resultado um panorama no qual se pode apoiar para tomada de decisão ou usá-lo como ponto de partida para pesquisa do nível de utilização do recurso de integração de sistemas entre empresas no Brasil e das barreiras à implementação da mesma. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que pela análise dos documentos disponibilizados pelos desenvolvedores dos softwares fez a identificação dos recursos de integração dos cinco sistemas ERP mais utilizados no Brasil. / Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) among companies of the same production chain is an organization innovation that provides meaningful gains in competitiveness, which may be critical in current business environment. This integration needs resources not always available in this management systems. This paper investigated Brazil most used ERP, their market share, and identified each ones existing resources to integrate with other ERP in other organizations in the chain. As a result, there is a full view on which to rely for decision making or to be taken as a start for an research on the system integration resource utilization level among Brazil companies and implementation barriers to it. It is a exploratory research, where by means of documentation made available by the softwares developers identified the integration resources of the five ERP systems most used in Brazil.
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Um estudo dos recursos tecnológicos disponíveis para a integração de sistemas ERP (EAI) entre empresas do Brasil / A study of the technologic resources available for the integration of ERP systems (EAI) among companies in BrazilMarcos Giansante Bocca 07 May 2009 (has links)
A Integração de Aplicativos Empresariais (EAI, Enterprise Application Integration) entre empresas de uma mesma cadeia produtiva é uma inovação organizacional que proporciona grandes ganhos em competitividade, o que chega a ser vital no atual ambiente de negócios. Essa integração necessita de recursos nem sempre disponíveis nesses sistemas de gestão. Este estudo fez um levantamento dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão Empresarial (ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning) mais utilizados no Brasil, a respectiva participação no mercado brasileiro e identificou para cada um deles quais seus recursos existentes para integração com outros ERP de outras organizações da cadeia. Tem-se como resultado um panorama no qual se pode apoiar para tomada de decisão ou usá-lo como ponto de partida para pesquisa do nível de utilização do recurso de integração de sistemas entre empresas no Brasil e das barreiras à implementação da mesma. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória que pela análise dos documentos disponibilizados pelos desenvolvedores dos softwares fez a identificação dos recursos de integração dos cinco sistemas ERP mais utilizados no Brasil. / Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) among companies of the same production chain is an organization innovation that provides meaningful gains in competitiveness, which may be critical in current business environment. This integration needs resources not always available in this management systems. This paper investigated Brazil most used ERP, their market share, and identified each ones existing resources to integrate with other ERP in other organizations in the chain. As a result, there is a full view on which to rely for decision making or to be taken as a start for an research on the system integration resource utilization level among Brazil companies and implementation barriers to it. It is a exploratory research, where by means of documentation made available by the softwares developers identified the integration resources of the five ERP systems most used in Brazil.
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Effects of system integration in an organization : A case study carried out in the photo and home electronics branchAbeysekera, Ramanika January 2005 (has links)
<p>Organizations often have information systems belonging to different computer generations. These systems contain much valuable data to the organizations concerned. However, these systems are often unable to communicate with each other, due to incompatibilities. Moreover, replacing these systems with new systems is also very costly. Therefore the latest trend is integrating the existing systems with each other with the help of different system integration technologies. When the systems are integrated with new technology they bring about various effects to the organizations in concern.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to find out how system integration affects an organization in the photo and home electronics branch, namely Expert. The questions that will be raised in this thesis are how does system integration affect the organization’s work processes and how does system integration affect the organisation’s employees. I have studied how system integration has affected the work processes and employees of the retail stores. In order to find answers to these questions three qualitative interviews were carried out. One interview took place in the central organization and the rest in retail stores in Linköping.</p><p>There are many reasons, which led Expert towards using system integration. Some of the main reasons are increased profitability and decreased costs for maintenance and upgrading of different systems. Further, the retail stores required better information channelling and streamlining of work processes in order to provide salesmen at retail stores possibility to concentrate more on customers by minimising administrative work.</p><p>I have found that system integration has affected the organization’s work processes and its employees both positively and negatively, in other words system integration has helped Expert to decrease administration work, provided salesmen at retail stores more time to deliver better service to customers, has automated key work processes saving time and reducing redundancy of work. Even if, the organization is quite satisfied with the benefits the existing system integration technologies have rendered to them, there are many more privileges, which can be achieved.</p>
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Effects of system integration in an organization : A case study carried out in the photo and home electronics branchAbeysekera, Ramanika January 2005 (has links)
Organizations often have information systems belonging to different computer generations. These systems contain much valuable data to the organizations concerned. However, these systems are often unable to communicate with each other, due to incompatibilities. Moreover, replacing these systems with new systems is also very costly. Therefore the latest trend is integrating the existing systems with each other with the help of different system integration technologies. When the systems are integrated with new technology they bring about various effects to the organizations in concern. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how system integration affects an organization in the photo and home electronics branch, namely Expert. The questions that will be raised in this thesis are how does system integration affect the organization’s work processes and how does system integration affect the organisation’s employees. I have studied how system integration has affected the work processes and employees of the retail stores. In order to find answers to these questions three qualitative interviews were carried out. One interview took place in the central organization and the rest in retail stores in Linköping. There are many reasons, which led Expert towards using system integration. Some of the main reasons are increased profitability and decreased costs for maintenance and upgrading of different systems. Further, the retail stores required better information channelling and streamlining of work processes in order to provide salesmen at retail stores possibility to concentrate more on customers by minimising administrative work. I have found that system integration has affected the organization’s work processes and its employees both positively and negatively, in other words system integration has helped Expert to decrease administration work, provided salesmen at retail stores more time to deliver better service to customers, has automated key work processes saving time and reducing redundancy of work. Even if, the organization is quite satisfied with the benefits the existing system integration technologies have rendered to them, there are many more privileges, which can be achieved.
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Vägarna mot en integrerad IT-infrastrukturFigarola, Rudy January 2008 (has links)
Problembakgrund: Företag investerar bl.a. i affärssystem (ERP-lösningar) för att dra nytta av de fördelar systemen förväntas leverera i form av bättre beslutsstöd och effektivare processer vilka är viktiga för att företag skall uppnå en högre nivå av konkurrenskraft och tillväxt. I grund och botten av alla fungerande IS (Informationssystem) ligger en nödvändig integration mellan verksamheten samt deras IT-infrastruktur, vilken är nödvändig för förverkligandet av de nyss nämnda fördelarna. Integrationen mellan verksamheters IT-infrastruktur kan vara komplex och svår att erhålla. ERP-lösningar består av moduler för verksamhetsspecifika funktioner vilka rent hypotetiskt möjliggör en fullständig integration genom standardisering. ERP-system är en lösning på detta integrationsproblem, men andra lösningar finns vilka är baserade på integrationsverktyg för integrering av befintliga arvssystem och även nya. Det är denna integrationsproblematik och ett genuint allmänt intresse för affärssystem som lett till att uppsatsens fokus lagts på att undersöka hur verksamheter uppnår en integrerad IT-infrastruktur. Problemspecificering: Hur kan verksamheter uppnå en integrerad IT-infrastruktur? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur verksamheter går tillväga för att uppnå en funktionellt integrerad IT-infrastruktur. Metod & tillvägagångssätt: Inledningsvis genomfördes en granskning av befintlig tidigare forskning inom området, för att ett underlag till den teoretiska referensramen som presenteras i denna uppsats skulle erhållas. Denna gav i sin tur upphov till konstruktionen av frågeformulären som användes vid insamlandet av det empiriska materialet. Tidigare forskning: Den tidigare forskningen kring integrering av IT-infrastruktur är riklig och huvuddelen av forskningen tycks fokusera på ERP-system levererade från en och samma leverantör. Detta kan vara en lösning eller metod som passar många företag, men långt ifrån alla. EAI är en metod som går ut på att arvssystem länkas samman med modernare system och därigenom hypotetiskt löser integrationsproblematiken. Best-of-Breed (BoB) är en lösning som i dagsläget med funktionsmässiga samspel mellan ERP och EAI har visat sig vara ett intressant integrationsalternativ. BoB innebär att moduler från olika leverantörer implementeras sida vid sida. Företag som erfordrar specifika lösningar kan med fördel vända sig mot implementering enligt BoB principen, förutsatt att en integration kan verkställas. BoB har sina fördelar och nackdelar, en fördel är bl.a. att företagen får möjlighet att forma ett system som passar just deras önskningar och behov. En nackdel är integrationssvårigheter mellan delsystemen (modulerna) som måste lösas genom exempelvis integrationsverktyg. Även dubbellagring av data kan vara ett problem då data bli utspridd på flera databaser. Resultat: I och med denna uppsats undersökning framkommer det att verksamheter med fördel kan integrera funktioner för kärnverksamheten med hjälp av ett ERP-system. Detta blir extra avgörande om företaget tillverkar varor. Tjänsteproducerande verksamheter kan däremot med sina specifika krav och behov integrera befintliga eller nya IT-lösningar via integrationsmotorer. Förutsatt att en öppen standard får fotfäste som byggsten för integrationsprodukter kan BoB-lösningar möjligen komma att framföras som ett bra alternativ till att uppnå en integrerad IT-infrastruktur.
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Integrationsplattformar : Finns det säkerhetsrisker med användandet av integrationsplattformarBengtsson, Niklas, Berhane, Lidia, Petri, Markus January 2007 (has links)
Sammanfattning I dagens samhälle ställs det stora krav på att ett företags IT-system skall vara tillgängligt för kommunikation. Kommunikationen kan ske inom och mellan företag. Då dessa kommunicerande aktörer kan ha olika system och arkitekturer som gör det komplicerat att kommunicera med varandra, krävs även någon applikation som hanterar detta problem. Dessa applikationer går under namnet integrationsplattformar. Då dessa plattformar fungerar som ett centralt nav i kommunikationen är det viktigt att säkerheten i dessa är av hög nivå. Problemet är, vilka säkerhetsrisker kan tänkas dyka upp vid användandet av integrationsplattformar i ett informationssystem? Denna fråga ledde oss in på två forskningsfrågor som presenteras nedan: • Kan denna teknik för applikationsintegration få konsekvenser för säkerheten och i så fall på vilket sätt? • Hur ser den bakomliggande tekniken för säkerhet ut hos två viktiga integrationsplattformar på marknaden, är dessa likvärdiga så att de säkerhetsrisker som identifieras är giltiga för integrationsplattformar generellt? Vi började med att definiera termen säkerhet utifrån tidigare kursböcker. När detta var klart kunde vi identifiera potentiella problem som företag kunde ställas inför vid implementation av integrationsplattformar. Därefter använde vi oss av Internet och olika typer av databaser och tidskrifter för att lokalisera fakta och information som behandlar integrationsplattformar för att få en bredare förståelse för hur dessa fungerar. Vi bestämde oss för att använda primärdata vid empiriinsamlingen och valde därför att genomföra intervjuer med leverantörer, tillverkare och kunder av integrationsplattformar för att kunna få olika perspektiv från hela kedjan. En analys har gjorts av teorin och resultat av intervjun. Analysen ger ett svar på våra två forskningsfrågor utifrån våra emperiska resultat. Vi har dragit slutsatsen att det finns säkerhetsrisker med användandet av integrationsplattformar vid applikationsintegration. De säkerhetsrisker som kan dyka upp vid användandet av integrationsplattformar i ett IS är ett flertal och väldigt beroende av hur integrationsplattformens miljö är sammansatt. Vid införandet av en ny teknik finns det risk att man ärver säkerhetsproblem från den föregående tekniken. i
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Integrace aplikací v podmínkách telekomunikačního operátora / Integration of Applications in Terms of Telecommunications OperatorVilímek, Josef January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with application integration in telecommunications companies. It concerns the areas of project management, software development, enterprise architecture and system integration. The theoretical part is verified in a real practical project that was realized in cooperation with a major telecommunications company operating in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to synthesize available information relating to application integration and apply this knowledge within the telecommunications company. Another aim is to map the current methodology that can be used in integration projects and to compare various approaches to the methodology. The final objective is to verify the theoretical knowledge in real projects realized in cooperation with the telecommunications operator. This objective involves an analysis of the current state of the integration system and to realize the initial phase of the project according to the chosen methodology. Objectives are met by systematic synthesis of information from available resources and by supplementing author's knowledge and practical experience. The contribution of this work lies in the summary of the basic theory of application integration and its subsequent integration into telecommunications business. Another contribution is the explana-tion of the development of a new version of OptiNet, realized for a telecommunications operator, including activities defined in the selected methodology.
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Strategie dalšího rozvoje informačního systému VŠE Praha / Strategy of further IT development at University of Economics PragueTrčka, Adam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of development and future heading of IS/ICT at the University of Economics Prague. Its main focus is on application integration. First part of this thesis is aimed towards explanation of corporate and information strategy, its need, benefits and possible risks. Second part of this thesis covers possible approaches to integration, mainly to the integration of various applications. Last part discusses actual situation at the university. Primary goal of this thesis is to determine actual IS/ICT conditions and lay down possible ways of improvement in each area. Secondary objective is to develop a base documentation for project aimed towards implementing an integration platform to the university. Those goals were achieved by thorough analysis of present situation accompanied by discussions with experts about possible development in IS/ICT at the university supplemented by literature research. Main benefits of this thesis lay in detailed revision of current state if IS/ICT along with specification of next possible projects towards having an advanced IT at the university. Partial benefits are in the area of preparation of contractual documents for project of implementing an integration platform.
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Analýza a návrh integrační platformy v podminkách společnosti DATART International a.s. / Analysis and design of integration platform in environment of DATART International a.s.Volkmer, René January 2008 (has links)
The master thesis deals with system integration in the company DATART International a.s. focusing on analysis of current information system and descriptions of the integration of applications. The first part is theoretical and the main attention is paid to definition of system integration and related subjects. Explanation of these terms is essential for understanding subsequent chapters. The following section is devoted to analyzing and mapping of current technical solution of company's integration of applications. The last part comprises of designed proposal of company's new possible IS/ICT architecture with its main technical elements and their functionality. Moreover, the portfolio of projects which are necessary for implementation of the proposed solution is designed in this part. The main goal of this work is to map and assess the current situation in the DATART company. Sub-goal is to design a new architecture IS/ICT and to design company portfolio of projects related to proposed architecture of IS/ICT in company DATART International a.s. These goals were fulfilled through deep analysis of the company's environment. This analysis was performed in the cooperation with colleagues, experts from related branches and thanks to high-quality literature and information sources used. The contribution of this work consists of mapping of possible solutions of system integration in DATART and their evaluation. Another benefit is the proposal of new architecture of IS/ICT.
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Perceptions of risk and resilience of girl youths during an equine-assisted interventionNienaber, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Girl youth, especially those residing in resource-constrained communities such as Diepsloot, constitute a vulnerable population group because of the daily risks they face (Watts & Zimmerman, 2002). Researchers report that chronic exposure to risks can have a negative impact on girl youth’s ability to cope and adjust (Hawke, 2000). However, interventions focused on addressing risk draw on western paradigms of resilience, not accounting for cultural aspects of resilience. Therefore, understanding how girls in Diepsloot conceptualise risk and resilience is an important step in fostering resilience among girl youth. In the present study, I draw on an ecologically-oriented systemic approach to explore how girl youth from Diepsloot make meaning of risk and resilience during an equine assisted intervention called the Growing Great Girls program. Equine assisted interventions, in particular equine assisted interventions that follow an Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association model approach, has been found beneficial in promoting resilience among youth (Boyce, 2016). In the present study, equine assisted interventions played an important role in the process of gaining an understanding of risk and resilience from the perspectives of girl youth from Diepsloot. Using a qualitative exploratory case study design, I collected data from eight girl youth from Dieplsoot who attended the Growing Great Girls program over a period of eight weeks. From open-ended focus group interviews, photovoice, journal entries and observations as data sources, I used inductive thematic analysis to interrogate how girl youth make meaning of the risks they face to discover the source and nature of their resilience. Three themes emerged as the research results and included theme 1- individual psychosocial characteristics and family climate, theme 2- community related social issues and theme 3- broader societal issues. The findings of the present study contribute towards a broader understanding of risk and resilience that is ecologically relevant to the lives of girl youth from the Diepsloot community. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted
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