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Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems in a Mechatronic ContextSjöstedt, Carl-Johan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis gives different views on the modeling and simulation of physical systems, especially together with embedded systems, forming mechatronic systems. The main considered application domain is automotive. One motivation behind the work is to find suitable representations of physical systems to be used in an architectural description language for automotive embedded systems, EAST-ADL2, which is implemented as a UML2 profile, and uses concepts from both UML and SysML. As a part of the thesis, several languages and tools are investigated, including bond graphs, MATLAB/Simulink, Ptolemy II, Modelica, MATLAB/Simscape and SysML. For SysML, the modeling of continuous-time systems and how it relates to MATLAB/Simulink and Modelica is evaluated. A case study of an electric power assisted steering is modeled to show the differences, the similarities and the usage of the above mentioned languages and tools. To be able to classify the tools and languages, five realization levels were developed: Physical modeling models Constraint models Continuous causal models Discretized models Discretized models with solver and platform implementation By using these realization levels, models, tools and modeling languages can be classified, and transformations between them can be set up and analyzed. As a result, a method to describe the simulation behavior of a MATLAB/Simulink model has been developed using SysML activity diagrams as an approach to achieve integrated system models. Another result is an evaluation of the parametric diagrams of SysML for continuous-time modeling, which shows that they do not enable “physical modeling”, i.e. modeling the topology of the system and getting the underlying equations out of this topology. By including physical ports and physical connectors to SysML internal block diagrams, this could be solved. The comparison also shows many similarities between the languages. The results led to a more detailed investigation on conjugate variables, such as force and velocity, and electric current and voltage, and how these are treated in various languages. The thesis also includes two industrial case studies: one of a twin-screw compressor, and one of a simulation environment for automotive fuel-cell systems. Conclusions are drawn from these models, referring to the realization levels. / QC 20100810
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Model-based Synthesis of Distributed Real-time Automotive Architectures / Synthèse basée sur les modèles d’architectures automobiles temps réel distribuéesWoźniak, Ernest 07 July 2014 (has links)
Les solutions basées sur le logiciel/matériel jouent un rôle important dans le domaine de l'automobile. Il est de plus en plus fréquent que l’implémentation de certaines fonctions jusqu’ici réalisées par des composants mécaniques, se fasse dans les véhicules d’aujourd’hui par des composants électroniques embarquant du logiciel. Cette tendance conduit à un grand nombre de fonctions implémentées comme un ensemble de composants logiciels déployés sur unités de commande électronique (ECU). Par conséquent, la quantité de code embarqué dans les automobiles est estimée à des dizaines de giga-octets et le nombre d’ECU de l’ordre de la centaine. Les pratiques actuelles de développement deviennent donc inefficaces et sont en cours d’évolution. L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer aux efforts actuels qui consistent à introduire l’utilisation de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles dans la conception d’architectures automobiles basées sur le logiciel/matériel. Une première série de contributions de cette thèse porte sur la proposition de techniques pour soutenir les activités décrites dans la méthodologie automobile établie par le langage EAST-ADL2 et le standard AUTOSAR dont l’objectif principal est l'intégration de l'architecture logicielle avec la plate-forme matérielle. Bien que de nombreux travaux sur la synthèse d’architectures existent, cette thèse met en exergue les principaux défauts les empêchant de pleinement supporter la méthodologie EAST-ADL2/AUTOSAR et propose de nouvelles techniques aidant à surmonter les déficiences actuelles. Une deuxième série de contributions concerne les approches de modélisation. L'utilisation de langages de modélisation généralistes (dans le sens non spécifique à un domaine industriel donné) comme SysML et MARTE bien que bénéfique, n'a pas encore trouvé une manière d'être pleinement exploité par les constructeurs automobiles. Cela concerne en particulier la modélisation d’une spécification analysable et l'optimisation des préoccupations qui permettrait d’effectuer des analyses et optimisations à base de modèles. Ce travail définit une méthodologie et les concepts nécessaires à la construction de modèles d'analyse et d'optimisation de ces systèmes. / Hardware/software based solutions play significant role in the automotive domain. It is common that the implementation of certain functions that was done in a mechanical manner, in nowadays cars is done through the software and hardware. This tendency lead to the substantial number of functions operating as a set of software components deployed into hardware entities, i.e. Electronic Control Units (ECU). As a consequence the capacity of the overall code is estimated as tens of gigabytes and the number of ECUs reaches more than 100. Consequently the industrial state of the practice development approaches become inefficient. The objective of this thesis is to add to the current efforts trying to employ the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) in the context of the automotive SW/HW architectures design. First set of contributions relates to the guided strategies supporting the key engineering activities of the automotive methodology established by the EAST-\ADL2 language and the AUTOSAR standard. The main is the integration of the software architecture with the hardware platform. Although the amount of work on the synthesis is substantial, this thesis presents shortcomings of the existing approaches that disable them to fully support the EAST-ADL2/AUTOSAR methodology and delivers new techniques overcoming the current deficiencies. Second contribution concerns approaches for the modeling. Surprisingly the usage of general purpose modeling languages such as the SysML and MARTE although beneficial, haven’t found its way yet to be fully exploited by the automotive OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer). This especially relates to the modeling of the analyzable input and the optimization concerns which would enable triggering of the analysis and optimization directly from the models level. This work shows a way and defines additional concepts, necessary to construct analysis and optimization models.
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