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Síntese e estudo da atividade eletrocatalítica de nanopartículas com estruturas do tipo Core-Shell e Hollow para a redução de O2 / Synthesis and study of core-shell and nanoparticle electrocatalysts for the O2 reduction reactionOliveira, Francisca Elenice Rodrigues de 12 March 2012 (has links)
A reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO) foi estudada em eletrocatalisadores com estruturas do tipo core-shell formadas por monocamadas de Pt depositadas sobre nanopartículas a base de Au e Pd, e estruturas hollow formadas de Pt. As nanopartículas core-shell foram sintetizadas por deposição em regime de subtensão utilizando-se substratos de Au e Pd. As estruturas hollow foram preparadas a partir de nanopartículas core-shell de Pt sobre Ni ou Co, seguido por ciclagem eletroquímica em eletrólito ácido. Os eletrocatalisadores foram caracterizados utilizando-se as técnicas de Energia Dispersiva, Difração e Espectroscopia de Absorção de Raios X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão. Os testes eletroquímicos foram feitos voltametria cíclica e curvas de polarização em eletrodo rotatório. Os catalisadores do tipo core-shell mostraram uma alta atividade para a RRO, o que foi associado a mudanças nas propriedades eletrônicas e geométricas da Pt, causadas pela presença dos átomos de Au e Pd, que conduzem a uma menor força de adsorção Pt-O. Neste caso, temos um melhor balanço de reatividade para as tendências opostas de quebra e formação de ligações nos intermediários reacionais adsorvidos na superficie do eletrocatalisador. As nanopartículas de Pt hollow apresentaram maior atividade que o electrocalisador de Pt/C. Isto foi atribuído aos fenômenos de contração da rede cristalina e abaixamento do centro de banda d da Pt devido à ligação da Pt com Ni ou Co remanescente na partícula. Estas estruturas mostraram que é possível o desenvolvimento de eletrocalisadores com baixa carga de platina, mas com atividade superior ao do material no estado-da-arte de Pt/C, através de modificações na estrutura e composição da nanopartícula. / The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was studied on eletrocatalysts with core-shell structures formed by Pt monolayers deposited on Au and Pd, and by hollow strutures of Pt. The core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by the Under Potention Deposition technique, using Au and Pd as substrates. The hollow structures were prepared starting foram core-shell nanoparticles of Pt deposited on Ni or Co, followed by electrochemical cycling in acid media. The eletrocatalysts were characterized using techniques of X Ray Diffration, Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy, X Ray Absorpion Spectroscopy, and Transmission Electron Microscopy. The electrochemical tests were cyclic voltammetry, and polarization curves with rotating disk electrode. The core-shell electrocatalysts howed high activity for the ORR, this increase being associated with changes in the geometric and electronic properties of Pt, caused by the presence of Au and Pd atoms, leading to a lower adsorpion strength of Pt-O. This effect conducts to a better balance of reactivity for the two opposing tendencies of breaking and bond formation in the reaction intermediates adsorbed on the catalyst surface. The Pt hollow nanoparticles showed higher activity in relation to that of Pt/C, which was attributed to the effects of contraction of the Pt lattice and the Pt electronic strutucture modification, which results ind down-shift of the Pt d-band center, leading to a lower Pt-O adsorption strength. This work has demonstrated that it is possible to design electrocatalyst structures with low Pt loading, but with higher electrocatalytic activity compared to that of the state-of-the-art Pt/C material, using changes in the nanoparticle structure and composition.
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Síntese, processamento e caracterização de cátodo para aplicação em células a combustível de óxido sólido de temperatura intermediária / Synthesis, processing and characterization of cathode for application in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cellsVargas, Reinaldo Azevedo 16 April 2012 (has links)
Os filmes micrométricos contendo óxido misto de lantânio, estrôncio, cobalto e ferro (La0,60Sr0,40)(Co0,20Fe0,80)O3-δ - LSCF, misturado com (Ce0,90Gd0,10)O1,95 - CGO, são relevantes para a utilização como camada funcional para o cátodo da Célula a Combustível de Óxido Sólido de Temperaturas Intermediárias. Estes filmes foram depositados no um substrato cerâmico e denso de CGO ou CGO sobre (ZrO2)0.92(Y2O3)0.08 - YSZ. O estudo deste cátodo é fundamental, pois é nele que ocorre a reação de redução do gás oxigênio, e o seu desempenho eletroquímico depende da interface destes dois materiais. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho contribui para a síntese dos particulados de LSCF para o processamento de filmes, utilizando a técnica de deposição com uso de aerógrafo e para sua conformação em camadas contendo porosidade com espessuras entre 30 e 50 μm. Inicialmente, os particulados de LSCF foram sintetizados pela técnica do citratos e de LSCFCGO obtidos por mistura mecânica, sendo caracterizados por DRX para a confirmação da formação da estrutura cristalina ortorrômbica para o LSCF e cúbica para CGO. Em seguida, foram preparadas suspensões orgânicas de LSCF, LSCFCGO e CGO que foram alimentadas por gravidade em um aerógrafo manual para deposição sobre substrato do eletrólito. Para a conformação dos substratos de CGO ou YSZ, utilizou-se prensa uniaxial e isostática, sinterização e retificação. Verificaram-se, pelas micrografias, que os substratos CGO e YSZ apresentaram densidades (> 92%) suficientes para serem utilizados como eletrólitos. Os filmes de LSCF e LSCFCGO apresentaram-se com porosidades adequadas (> 30%) e espessura total de aproximadamente 40 μm, com boa aderência ao eletrólito. A presença do cátodo compósito contendo eletrólito de CGO sobre YSZ possibilitou aumento de 25% no desempenho eletroquímico (2,50 Ω.cm2 para 650ºC) em decorrência da melhora na reação de redução do oxigênio na interface cátodo/eletrólito. / The study of micrometrics films of (La0.60Sr0.40)(Co0.20Fe0.80)O3-δ - LSCF mixture with (Ce0.90Gd0.10)O1.95 - CGO is relevant for use as functional cathode of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (ITSOFC). These films were deposited on the CGO or CGO and YSZ dense ceramic substrate, used as electrolyte, structural component of the module. The study of this cathode is fundamental, because is there that occurs oxygen reduction reaction, and the electrochemical performance depends on the interface of these two materials. In this sense, this work contributes for the synthesis of LSCF particulates, for processing films using the wet powder spraying technique, adopted for the conformation of the ceramic films for allowing the attainment porous layers with thicknesses between 30 and 50 μm. Initially, the LSCF particulates were synthesized by the citrate technique and the LSCFCGO produced by solid mixture were characterized by XRD to confirm the formation of LSCF orthorhombic structure and CGO cubic structure. In the stage of formation were prepared organic suspensions of LSCF, LSCFCGO and CGO fed by gravity in a manual airbrush for electrolyte substrate deposition, sintering and grinding for thickness reduction. The micrographs showed that the CGO and YSZ substrates were dense (> 92%) enough to be used as solid electrolyte. The LSCF and LSCFCGO films presented with adequate porosity (> 30%) and total thickness of approximately 40 μm, with good adhesion to electrolyte. The presence of the composite cathode containing CGO or YSZ electrolyte allowed the increase of 25% in the electrochemical performance (2.50 Ω.cm2 to 650ºC) due to improvement in the oxygen reduction reaction at the interface cathode/electrolyte.
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Preparação e caracterização de eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos a partir dos derivados de celulose - hidroxietilcelulose e hidroxipropilcelulose / Preparation and characterization of solid polymeric electrolytes based on hydroxypropylcellulose and hydroxyethlcelluloseMachado, Gilmara de Oliveira 19 April 2004 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta os resultados da obtenção de eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos a partir dos derivados de celulose - hidroxipropilcelulose (HPC) e hidroxietilcelulose (HEC), ambas comerciais. Para atingir os objetivos do projeto, os dois derivados passaram por diferentes processos sendo que a HEC foi modificada fisicamente por meio de plastificação com glicerol e HPC foi alterada quimicamente. A transformação química consistiu nas reações de oxidação de grupos hidroxila da HPC em grupos cetona que, em seguida, foram submetidos as reações de enxertia com diamina de poli(óxido de propileno) [Jeffamina] resultando em redes por meio de ligações imina. A adição do sal perclorato de lítio, em diferentes concentrações, na matriz plastificada ou entrecruzada, resultou na obtenção de eletrólitos sólidos poliméricos, todos na forma de filmes. A caracterização destes eletrólitos foi realizada com técnicas básicas de caracterização de materiais como: análises térmicas (DSC, TGA), análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica (DMTA), análises estruturais (raios-X), medidas espectroscópicas (IR, UVNIS), análise elementar, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), e, como a mais importante, medidas de condutividade iônica utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS). / The present thesis reports the preparation and characterization of new types of solid polymeric electrolytes (SPE) based on cellulose derivatives such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) and hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), both commercial products. Aiming to reach this purpose both derivatives were subjected to modification processes, where HEC were physically modified by plasticization process with glycerol and HPC were submitted to chemical reactions. The latter ones were promoted by the oxidation of HPC hydroxyl groups and ketone groups and then subjected to grafting with diamine poly(propylene oxide) (Jeffamine), resulting in the imine bond network formation. Different concentrations of lithium salt were added to the plasticized and grafted samples, resulting in solid polymeric electrolytes, all in the film form. The characterization of these samples was performed by thermal analysis (DSC, TGA and DMTA), X-ray diffraction (XDR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared spectroscopy (UV/Vis/NIR) and, as most important, measured of ionic conductivity using the technique of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
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Níveis de fósforo, de cálcio e de cloreto de sódio para aves de linhagens de crescimento lento criadas em sistema semi-confinado /Pinheiro, Sandra Regina Freitas. January 2009 (has links)
Orientadora: Nilva Kazue Sakomura / Banca: Luiz Fernando Teixeira Albino / Banca: José Roberto Sartori / Banca: Euclides Braga Malheiros / Banca: Maria Cristina Thomaz / Resumo: Apesar da crescente demanda por produtos de aves alternativas, nota-se que existem poucas pesquisas avaliando as exigências nutricionais destas aves. Dessa forma, objetivou-se determinar os níveis nutricionais de fósforo disponível (Pd), de cálcio (Ca) e de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) para aves de ambos os sexos de linhagens de crescimento lento. Foram realizados três experimentos, abrangendo as fases inicial (um a 28 dias), crescimento (28 a 56 dias) e final (56 a 84 dias). Em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas nas instalações experimentais constituídas por 24 piquetes que dispunham de área coberta e de pastejo. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos em esquema fatorial 4x2 (níveis dos macrominerais e sexo), totalizando em oito tratamentos e três repetições de 20 aves cada. Na fase inicial recomendam-se os níveis de 0,394 e 0,489% de Pd para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente, e os níveis de 1,16% de Ca e 0,528% de NaCl para aves de ambos os sexos. Para a fase de crescimento o nível de Pd recomendado é de 0,351% para ambos os sexos e os níveis de Ca são de 0,779% para os machos e 0,881% para as fêmeas e os de NaCl são de 0,396 e 0,430% para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. Na fase final os níveis recomendados de Pd são de 0,325 e 0,298% para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente, e os níveis de 0,686% de Ca e 0,250% de NaCl, recomendados para aves de ambos os sexos. / Abstract: Despite the growing demand for alternative poultry note that there are few studies assessing the nutritional requirements of these birds. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the nutrient levels of available phosphorus (aP), calcium (Ca) and sodium chloride (SC) for male and female birds of strains of slow growing. Three assays were conducted, in the starter (one to 28 days), growth (28 to 56 days) and finisher (56 to 84 days) phases. In each assay, 480 birds with age corresponding to the phase were housed in 24 pens constituted by shelter and pasture area pickets. The experimental design was randomized in factorial arrangement 4x2 (macro minerals levels and sexes), with eight treatments and three replications of 20 birds each. In the starter phase is the recommended levels of 0.394 and 0.489% of aP for males and females, respectively, and 1.16% of Ca and 0.528% of NaCl levels for birds of both sexes. For the growth phase the recommended level is 0.351% of aP for both sexes and the levels of Ca are 0.779% for males and 0.881% for females and of NaCl are 0.396% and 0.430% for males and females, respectively. In the finisher phase the recommended levels of aP are 0.325% and 0.298% for males and females, respectively, and levels of 0.686% Ca and 0.250% NaCl, recommended for birds of both sexes. / Doutor
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Modélisation et simulation des systèmes électrolytiques multiphasiques réactifs dans l’environnement ProSim : Application aux géo-ressources / Modeling and simulation of multiphase reactive electrolyte systems in the ProSim environment : applications to geo resourcesPouget, Clémentine 20 October 2017 (has links)
La simulation des procédés est un outil de développement, de dimensionnement et d’optimisation des procédés dans les industries chimiques, pétrochimiques, pharmaceutiques, alimentaires, de l’énergie ou du traitement de gaz. Elle fournit une représentation des opérations du procédé en utilisant des modèles mathématiques pour chaque opération unitaire, s’assurant du respect des bilans de matière et d’énergie. Cependant l’utilisation de la simulation des procédés dans l’industrie peut être limitée par un manque de connaissance en thermodynamique.L’étude réalisée dans le cadre de cette thèse a pour objectif d’enrichir les modèles thermodynamiques adaptés aux solutions électrolytiques des logiciels de ProSim® avec les compétences du LaTEP dans le cadre d’applications aux géo-ressources et en profitant de la modélisation des opérations unitaires déjà présentes dans les logiciels de ProSim®.Dans un premier temps, les concepts et les définitions de base de la thermodynamique des solutions, nécessaires au développement des modèles, et notamment du cas particulier des solutions électrolytiques seront présentés, aboutissant sur l’écriture des divers équilibres permettant de décrire les solutions électrolytiques.Puis les grands principes des différents modèles thermodynamiques nécessaires à l’écriture des équilibres des solutions électrolytiques seront présentés, en mettant l’accent sur les modèles de coefficient d’activité qui sont alors spécifiques aux modèles électrolytiques prenant en compte les interactions de longue portée engendrées par la présence d’ions.Enfin, trois cas d’études de systèmes électrolytiques multiphasiques réactifs appliqués aux géo-ressources sont examinés : la géothermie profonde ; le traitement de gaz acides, issus de fumées de l'oxy-combustion d’une centrale à charbon ; la récupération du lithium. / Chemical process simulation is a very useful tool to improve the development, design and optimization of processes. Then, it can help in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, energy production, gas processing, environmental, and food industries. It provides a representation of the operations of the process using mathematical models for the different unit operations, ensuring that mass and energy balances are satisfied. However, the use of process simulation in industry is currently being limited by a lack of understanding of thermodynamics.
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Apport des liquides ioniques aprotiques à la sécurité des électrolytes pour supercondensateurs / Contribution of aprotic ionic liquids to the safety of supercapacitors electrolytesAbdallah, Thamra 28 June 2012 (has links)
L‟acétonitrile (ACN) peut être considéré comme le solvant de référence utilisé dans les électrolytes pour supercondensateurs car, industriellement, il est le plus utilisé. Il présente en effet de nombreux avantages tels qu‟une viscosité faible et une permittivité élevée, conduisant à une excellente conductivité en présence d‟un sel. Il est cependant hautement volatile, très inflammable et toxique quand il brûle (dégagement de HCN). Ainsi, dans le but de réduire sa pression de vapeur, et donc le risque d‟inflammabilité, il peut être mélangé à un liquide ionique (LI) qui lui est non volatile. Le but de ce travail est de remplacer l‟électrolyte classique des supercondensateurs à base de ACN et de sel de tétraethylammonium tétrafluoroborate (ACN + 1M Et4N+BF4-) par un mélange LI/ACN. Pour ce faire, l‟étude physico-chimique, électrochimique et thermodynamique des mélanges LI/ACN est entreprise. Dans un premier temps, les liquides ioniques ont été synthétisés et caractérisés par différentes techniques d‟analyses physico-chimiques. Ensuite des mélanges LI/ACN ont été formulés. Ces mélanges ont subi des tests de sécurité (tests préliminaires d‟inflammabilité, mesures de point flash) afin de trouver le mélange optimal. Les phénomènes de transport dans ces mélanges ont été aussi étudiés afin de comprendre leur comportement en température. Par ailleurs, l‟étude électrochimique menée sur ces mélanges a montré qu‟il n‟y avait pas de dégradation des performances électrochimiques par comparaison à l‟électrolyte classique. Enfin l‟étude de l‟équilibre liquide vapeur à partir de modèles thermodynamiques semi-prédictifs comme UNIQUAC ou prédictifs comme Cosmo-RS a permis de déterminer les grandeurs d‟excès. / Acetonitrile (ACN) is the most popular solvent in electrolytes designed for use in supercapacitors. It presents many advantages such as a low viscosity and a high permittivity, leading to excellent conductivities in the presence of salts. However it is highly flammable and very toxic when burning (release of HCN ). Thus, in order to reduce its vapor pressure and hence its flammability we propose to mix it with an ionic liquid (IL). As ILs are non volatile compounds, the vapor pressure of the mixture will be reduced (Raoult‟s law). In addition many other benefits may be expected from these mixtures. The aim of this work is to replace the conventional ACN and Et4NBF4 based electrolyte for supercapacitors by a IL/ACN mixture. Thus, the physico-chemical, electrochemical and thermodynamical studies of IL/ACN mixtures have been undertaken. Synthesized and commercial ILs are characterized by mean of different physico-chemical analysis. Then IL/ACN mixtures were formulated. These mixtures were tested for safety (preliminary flammability tests, flash point measurements) and the optimal mixture determined. Transport phenomena in these mixtures were also studied to understand their behavior in response to temperature. Furthermore, the electrochemical study conducted on these mixtures showed that there was no degradation of the electrochemical performances as compared to the conventional electrolyte. Finally the study of vapor liquid equilibrium from semi-predictive thermodynamic models like UNIQUAC or predictive models like Cosmo-RS allowed us to determine the excess properties.
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Atividade eletrocatalítica e estabilidade de nanopartículas de platina suportadas em óxido de molibdênio e carbono frente à reação de redução de oxigênio / Electrocatalytic activity and stability of platinum nanoparticles supported on molybdenum oxides and carbon towards oxygen reduction reactionMartins, Pedro Farinazzo Bergamo Dias 25 July 2014 (has links)
O envelhecimento dos eletrocatalisadores utilizados em cátodos de células a combustível de eletrólito polimérico (PEMFCs) é um dos principais fatores que restringem sua aplicação como conversores de energia em larga escala. Esse trabalho visa contribuir para o aprimoramento da estabilidade de nanopartículas de platina (NPs de Pt) por meio da modificação do suporte catalítico aos quais encontram-se impregnadas. Desse modo, foram realizadas sínteses de suportes catalíticos baseados em óxidos de molibdênio (MoO3 e MoO2) ancorados em carbono Vulcan® XC72-R, sendo os materiais produzidos caracterizados física, estrutural e eletroquimicamente antes e após a impregnação de NPs de Pt. Para investigar a estabilidade dos eletrocatalisadores, foi realizado um teste de degradação eletroquímico acelerado, o qual consistiu em aplicar os ciclos de potenciais entre 0,6 e 1,0 V vs. ERH por curto período de tempo. Os resultados mostraram que os métodos de síntese utilizados foram satisfatórios, levando a formação dos catalisadores com as proporções bem próximas das requeridas. O catalisador Pt/MoO3-C apresentou a maior atividade específica frente a reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), atribuída a efeitos sinérgicos metal/suporte. Quando investigada a estabilidade dos materiais frente ao teste de degradação eletroquímico acelerado, observou-se que, a princípio, nenhum dos óxidos de molibdênio diminui a extensão da degradação da platina. Analisando-se as atividades específicas frente à RRO para cada catalisador antes e após o envelhecimento eletroquímico, foi observado que Pt/MoO2-C apresentou-se como o material mais estável dentre os demais. / The aging of Pt based electrocatalysts used in the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEMFC) cathodes is one of the main issues that restrict its wide application as energy converters. This work aims to contribute to the improvement of the stability of platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) by modification of the catalyst support at which they are impregnated. Thus, syntheses of catalyst supports based on molybdenum oxide (MoO3 and MoO2) anchored on Vulcan® XC72-R carbon were carried out and the produced materials were characterized physically, structurally and electrochemically prior and after impregnation of the Pt NPs. To investigate their stability, an electrochemical accelerated degradation test was performed, which consisted of applying a large number of short duration potential cycling steps between 0.6 and 1.0 V vs. RHE. The results showed that the synthetic methods used here were satisfactory, leading to the formation of catalysts with compositions near to those expected. The Pt/MoO3-C catalyst showed the highest specific activity toward the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), and this was attributed to metal/support synergistic effects. When the stability against electrochemical accelerated degradation test of the materials was investigated, it was observed that, in principle, none of the molybdenum oxides really decreases the extent of platinum degradation. However, comparing the specific activities towards the ORR for each catalyst, before and after electrochemical aging, it is concluded that Pt/MoO2-C is the most stable material among all others.
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Etude expérimentale de la production de fer électrolytique en milieu alcalin: mécanisme de réduction des oxydes et développement d'une celluleAllanore, Antoine 20 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le fer est l'un des rares métaux qui ne soit pas produit industriellement par électrolyse. Pour aider au développement d'un tel procédé pour l'acier, l'électrolyse des oxydes de fer en milieu sodique est examinée, selon deux approches. La première démarche consiste en l'étude expérimentale du mécanisme réactionnel. L'électrochimie des ions indique qu'il est possible de produire du métal par électrodéposition en milieu alcalin. Parallèlement, l'étude de la réduction d'une particule d'oxyde hématite révèle qu'elle subit, lors de sa conversion en fer métallique, une transformation macroscopique en phase solide. Les analyses démontrent la formation de magnétite comme intermédiaire réactionnel. La seconde démarche est dédiée à la production du fer métallique, par électrolyse d'une suspension de particules d'oxyde dans diverses configurations de cellules. L'incidence des paramètres de procédé a été établie et permet de proposer des éléments de conception d'une cellule industrielle.
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Understanding Ionic Conductivity in Crystalline Polymer ElectrolytesBrandell, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Polymer electrolytes are widely used as ion transport media in vital applications such as energy storage devices and electrochemical displays. To further develop these materials, it is important to understand their ionic conductivity mechanisms. It has long been thought that ionic conduction in a polymer electrolyte occurs in the amorphous phase, while the crystalline phase is insulating. However, this picture has recently been challenged by the discovery of the crystalline system LiXF6∙PEO6 (X=P, As or Sb) which exhibits higher conductivity than its amorphous counterpart. Their structures comprise interlocking hemi-helical PEO-chain pairs containing Li+ ions and separating them from the XF6- anions. The first Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation study of the LiPF6∙PEO6 system is presented in this thesis. Although its conductivity is too low for most applications at ambient temperature, it can be enhanced by iso- and aliovalent anion doping. It is shown that the diffraction-determined structure is well reproduced on simulating the system using an infinite PEO-chain model. The Li-Oet coordination number here becomes 6 instead of 5; minor changes also occur in the polymer backbone configuration. The crystallographic asymmetric unit and diffraction profiles are also reproduced. On simulating a shorter-chain system (n=22), more resembling the real material, the structure retains its double hemi-helices, but the polymer adopts a more relaxed conformation, facilitating the formation of Li+-PF6- pairs. Infinite-chain simulation shows the ionic conduction to be dominated by anion motion, in contrast to earlier NMR results. The effects of doping are also reproduced. Shortening the polymer chain-length has the effect of raising the transport number for lithium, thereby bring it into better agreement with experiment. It can be concluded that it is critical to take polymer chain-length and chain-termination into account when modelling ionic conductivity mechanisms in crystalline polymer electrolytes.
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Preparation and characterization of perovskite structure lanthanum gallate and lanthanum aluminate based oxidesLi, Shuai January 2009 (has links)
<!--[if !mso]> <object classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui></object><mce:style><! st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } --> The present work was initiated to study the synthesis and properties of lanthanum gallate based oxides as intermediate temperature electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells. The wet chemical method, polymer complexing route, was used to prepare the precursor powders. To further investigate the polymer complexing method, it was also applied to the preparation of lanthanum aluminate based oxides. Single perovskite phase La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17O2.815 can be prepared by the polymer complexing method using PVA as complexing agent. The thermal decomposition of the precursor powder undergoes three stages. While complete decomposition of the precursor is obtained at 1000°C. Further investigation of LaGaO3 doped with various amounts Sr or/and Mg was conducted. Three secondary phases were identified by X-ray diffraction, e.g. LaSrGaO4, LaSrGa3O7 and La4Ga2O9. The relative amount of these secondary phases depends on the doping compositions. Sr doping produced more Sr rich secondary phases with increasing content, while enhanced solid solubility was observed with Mg addition. Sintered samples showed dense microstructures with well-developed equiaxed grains, and the secondary phases were mainly in the grain boundaries. The oxygen ionic conductivity was enhanced by doping with Sr and Mg. Mg doping showed the increased activation energy of conductivity. Preliminary study showed that the lanthanum gallate and ceria composite electrolyte is mainly fluorite CeO2 phase after sintering. The minority secondary phase, Sm3Ga5O12, was also detected by XRD. The composite electrolyte showed superior electrical performance. It exhibited the highest conductivity in the temperature range of 250–600°C, compared with lanthanum gallate and ceria specimens. The phase pure perovskite La0.9Sr0.1Al0.85Mg0.1Co0.05O2.875 powders can easily be obtained by the polymer method using PVA as complexing agent. No secondary phase was detected after calcination at various temperatures (500–1100°C). The fully crystallized LaAlO3 phase was prepared after calcination at 900°C. Meanwhile the secondary phases were difficult to eliminate in the Sr- and Mg- doped LaGaO3 powder prepared by the same polymer method. It is thus concluded that the polymer, PVA in this work, provides more homogeneous mixing for cations of lanthanum aluminate based oxides, compared with the one for doped lanthanum gallate. The influence of different complexing agents, e.g. PVA and PEG, was investigated in the synthesis of lanthanum aluminate powders. Minority impurity La2O3 existed in the PEG powder, but it could be eliminated after sintering at high temperatures. Although the pure phase LaAlO3 can be easily obtained in PVA powders calcined at 950°C, more seriously aggregated particles existed. PEG showed advantages over PVA in terms of better densification and microstructure control in the sintered products. To select proper polymers in complex oxide synthesis, the agglomeration and morphology of the powder are the most important factors to be considered. / QC 20100727
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