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Transmission X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Silicon Anodes for Li-ion BatteriesSchellenberger, Martin 27 September 2022 (has links)
Die Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (XAS) ist eine element-spezifische Charakterisierungs-methode, welche es erlaubt die elektronische und chemische Struktur der SEI zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich ein neues Verfahren vor, das die Transmissions-XAS von Flüssigkeiten und Dünnschicht-Batterieelektroden unter in-situ Bedingungen mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung ermöglicht. Thematisch ist die Arbeit in zwei Teile gegliedert. Das neuartige Verfahren wird zunächst umfangreich vorgestellt und dann zur Untersuchung der Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) auf Silizium angewendet. Das Verfahren basiert auf einer elektrochemischen Halbzelle, die mit einem Stapel aus zwei Siliziumnitrid-Membranfenster ausgestattet ist, um den Elektrolyten einzuschließen. Eines der Membranfenster ist gleichzeitig der Träger für die Dünnschicht-Siliziumanode, die Ladezyklen mit einer Kathode aus metallischem Lithium durchläuft. Nachdem sich die SEI gebildet hat, wird mittels eines Röntgenstrahls von hoher Intensität vorsätzlich eine Blase erzeugt, um überschüssigen Elektrolyten abzudrängen und einen dünnen Elektrolytfilm über der SEI zu stabilisieren. Durch den Elektrolytfilm bleibt die SEI in-situ. Das erzeugte System aus Blase, Elektrolytfilm, SEI und Siliziumanode wird dann mittels Transmissions-XAS untersucht. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit werden dann Silizium Dünnschicht-Anoden mit dem vorgestellten Verfahren am Elektronenspeicherring BESSY II in Berlin untersucht. Bei der elektrochemischen Charakterisierung zeigen die Dünnschicht-anoden alle für die De-/Lithiierung von Silizium üblichen Merkmale. Als Hauptbestandteile der SEI wurden Lithiumacetat, Li Ethylendicarbonat oder -monocarbonat, Li Acetylacetonat, LiOH und LiF ermittelt. Darüber hinaus deuten Anzeichen von Aldehyden auf flüssige Einschlüsse in einer möglich-erweise porösen SEI Struktur hin. / X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is an element-specific technique, which allows to probe the electronic and chemical structure of the SEI. In this work, I introduce a novel approach for transmission XAS on liquids and thin-film battery electrode materials under in-situ conditions in the soft X-ray regime. Thematically, this work is divided into two parts: 1) the introduction of this novel method and 2) its application to investigate the Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) on silicon thin film anodes. The presented technique is based on an electrochemical half-cell equipped with a sandwich of two silicon nitride membrane windows to encapsulate the electrolyte. One of the membranes acts as substrate for the silicon thin-film anode, which is cycled with a metallic lithium counter-electrode. After the SEI has formed, a gas bubble is intentionally introduced through radiolysis by a high intensity X-ray to push out excessive electrolyte and stabilize a thin electrolyte layer on top of the SEI, keeping it in-situ. The obtained stack comprised of bubble, electrolyte thin-layer, SEI and anode, is then probed with transmission XAS. The second part of this work utilizes the presented method to investigate the SEI on amorphous silicon anodes at the BESSY II synchrotron facility in Berlin. The anodes’ electrochemical characterization shows all significant features of silicon’s de-/lithiation. The SEI’s main components are determined as Li acetate, Li ethylene di-carbonate or Li ethylene mono-carbonate, Li acetylacetonate, LiOH, and LiF. Additionally, the evidence for aldehyde species indicates possible liquid inclusions within a presumably porous SEI morphology.
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Entwicklung eines Festelektrolytsensor-Messsystems für die coulometrische SpurenanalytikSchelter, Matthias 22 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Potentiometrisch betriebene Festelektrolytsensoren auf der Basis von Yttriumoxid-stabilisiertem Zirconium(IV)-oxid als festem Oxidionenleiter weisen einen für elektrochemische Sensoren ungewöhnlich breiten Messbereich von über 30 Zehnerpotenzen sowie eine vergleichsweise hohe chemische, thermische und mechanische Stabilität auf. Dadurch konnten sich diese Sensoren in einem sehr weiten Applikationsbereich etablieren, der hauptsächlich die Abgaskontrolle von Verbrennungsprozessen betrifft.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob mit Festelektrolytsensoren (FES) bei coulometrischer oder potentiodynamischer Betriebsweise, die gegenüber dem potentiometrischen Prinzip Vorteile im Hinblick auf Sensitivität beziehungsweise Selektivität bieten, weitere Applikationsfelder erschlossen werden können. Dazu durchgeführte Untersuchungen, Weiterentwicklungen und Optimierungen an coulometrisch betriebenen Festelektrolytsensoren sowie deren Einbindung in ein chromatographisches Messsystem zielten auf die Applikation zur Bestimmung von Spurenbestandteilen in Gasen und Flüssigkeiten ab. Mit den Ergebnissen wird beispielhaft ein neues Anwendungsfeld für FES bei der kontinuierlichen Überwachung von Biogasprozessen eröffnet.
Zur Erreichung der Ziele wird zunächst gezeigt, wie der Messbereich potentiostatisch betriebener coulometrischer FES hin zu Spurenkonzentrationen im Vol.-ppb-Bereich erweitert werden kann. Hierfür werden Fehlereinflüsse untersucht, die die Nachweisgrenze dieser Sensoren beeinflussen. Durch die Entwicklung rauscharmer elektronischer Sensoransteuerungen, durch die Optimierung von Betriebsparametern sowie durch die Bestimmung der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit wird die Nachweisgrenze von FES verglichen mit dem bisherigen Forschungsstand um vier Zehnerpotenzen verringert. Als Ergebnis dieser Weiterentwicklungen liegen die Nachweisgrenzen für den FES im Durchflussbetrieb nun bei unter 5 Vol.-ppb für die Analyte H2, O2 und CH4.
Zur Steigerung der Selektivität von FES werden zwei Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Einerseits werden bei cyclovoltammetrischer Betriebsweise für H2-, O2- oder CO-haltige Messgase im Konzentrationsbereich unterhalb von 10^2 Vol.-ppm lineare Zusammenhänge zwischen den Konzentrationen und den Peakeigenschaften Höhe und Fläche gefunden. Auf diese Weise konnte H2 an einer katalytisch hochaktiven Pt-Elektrode in Anwesenheit eines Überschusses an Sauerstoff mit hoher Selektivität erfasst werden.
Andererseits wird die Selektivität potentiostatisch betriebener coulometrischer FES drastisch gesteigert, indem diese einer gaschromatographischen Trenneinheit nachgeschaltet werden. Im Konzentrationsbereich von 10^−1 bis 10^4 Vol.-ppm zeigte sich für H2 und CH4 ein lineares Ansprechverhalten, die Nachweisgrenzen des chromatographischen Messsystems lagen für diese Gase bei 55 bzw. 40 Vol.-ppb.
Mit einem neuartigen In-situ-Messsystem, das auf dem Prinzip der kontinuierlichen membranfreien Gasextraktion und anschließender intervallmäßiger chromatographischer Trennung und Detektion mit einem potentiostatisch betriebenen coulometrischen FES basiert, wurden im Gärmedium von Biogasanlagen Spuren von gelöstem H2 und O2 sowie das vielfach höher konzentrierte CH4 parallel erfasst. Es wird gezeigt, dass Instabilitäten im Biogas-Entstehungsprozess, die durch Überfütterung des Fermenters hervorgerufen werden, anhand des Verlaufs des gelösten H2 deutlich früher erkannt werden, als es durch die H2-Bestimmung im Biogas durch kommerziell verfügbare Gassensoren möglich ist. Auf diese Weise ließ sich mit dem FES ein praxistaugliches langzeitstabiles, robustes und wartungsarmes Messsystem für diese Kenngrößen entwickeln.
Bei der coulometrischen Bestimmung von Essigsäure mit dem FES kommt es zur Blockierung der Platinelektroden. Infrarotspektroskopische Untersuchungen des Abgases aus dem FES belegen die thermische Zersetzung dieses Analyts bei 750 °C, die mit der Bildung eines Kohlenstofffilms auf der messgasseitigen Pt-Elektrode einhergeht. Diese Blockierung führt zur Peakverbreiterung und verhindert so die Detektion der Carbonsäuren mit zwei bis fünf Kohlenstoffatomen im Molekül. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass dieser ungünstige thermische Zerfall durch die Einbringung einer beheizbaren Katalyseeinheit in die Gasleitung zwischen Gaschromatograph und FES verhindert werden kann. Die Säuren zerfallen dann an der Pt-Oberfläche des Katalysators bei 800 °C, so dass nur die gasförmigen Zerfallsprodukte in den FES gelangen, wo sie ohne die Bildung von Pyrolyseprodukten an den Elektroden coulometrisch umgesetzt werden. Mittels Austausch des FES durch einen Flammenionisationsdetektor konnte mit dem In-situ-Messsystem gelöste Essigsäure über einen Zeitraum von achtzehn Tagen im Gärmedium einer Biogasanlage mit hinreichender Langzeitstabilität erfasst werden.
Damit werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit wesentliche Beiträge zur Weiterentwicklung von coulometrischen Festelektrolytsensoren im Hinblick auf die Erniedrigung der Nachweisgrenze, die Erhöhung der Selektivität und die Verbreiterung des Anwendungsspektrums geleistet. / Potentiometric solid electrolyte sensors made of the solid oxygen ion conductor 'yttria stabilized zirconia' exhibit a very broad measuring range of more than 30 orders of magnitude as well as comparatively high chemical, thermal and mechanical stability. Therefore, these sensors were established in a large application range which covers mainly the field of exhaust gas control of combustion processes.
This work tries to answer the question if it is possible to address new fields of application with coulometrically or potentiodynamically operated solid electrolyte sensors (ses) because of their generally higher sensitivity and selectivity compared to potentiometrically operated ses. Investigations, advancements and optimizations executed for this aim on coulometrically operated ses as well as the integration of these sensors into a chromatographic measuring system were directed on the detection of traces of analytes in gas mixtures and liquids. The results of this work unlock a new field of application for ses in the continuous monitoring of biogas processes.
For the achievement of these goals it is firstly demonstrated how the measuring range of potentiostatically operated coulometric ses can be expanded in the direction of trace concentrations in the range of some vol.-ppb. Therefore, error sources influencing the detection limit are investigated. Compared to the current state of research, this limit is decreased by four orders of magnitute by developing low-noise sensor controllers, by optimizing operation conditions and by determining the electronic conductivity of the solid electrolyte material. As a result, the detection limits of the sensor operating in continuous flow-through mode range now below 5 vol.-ppb for the analytes H2, O2 and CH4.
Furthermore, two approaches for the increasement of the selectivity of ses are presented. One of them concerns an optimized cyclovoltammetric operation of these sensors, resulting in a linear increase of peak height and peak area with increasing concentrations up to 10^2 vol.-ppm for H2, O2 or CO in nitrogen based gas mixtures. Thus, hydrogen could be detected on a Pt electrode with high catalytic activity in presence of an excess of oxygen in the measuring gas. The second approach is directed on the significant improvement of selectivity by operating coulometric ses in potentiostatic mode downstream of a gas chromatographic separation unit. For H2 and CH4 this chromatographic measuring system exhibited linear operation in the concentration range from 10^-1 - 10^4 vol.-ppm and offered detection limits of 55 and 40 vol.-ppb respectively.
A novel in-situ measuring system is based on continuous membrane-free extraction, followed by periodic chromatographic separation and subsequent coulometric detection by a potentiostatically operated coulometric ses. With this measuring system, traces of H2 and O2 as well as the much larger amount of generated CH4 were determined simultaneously in the digestion medium of biogas plants. It is shown that instabilities in the microbial biogas process which are caused by fermenter overfeeding can be realized on the basis of the course of dissolved hydrogen. The novel measuring system indicates these instabilities much earlier than commercially available hydrogen sensors positioned in the biogas stream. Thus, a practicable longterm-stable, robust and low-maintenance measuring system could be developed for these parameters with the use of ses.
The ses equipped with platinum electrodes shows electrode blocking during the coulometric measurement of acetic acid. Infrared spectrometric investigations of the ses exhaust gas clearly indicate thermal decomposition of this analyte at 750 °C, which is accompanied with carbon film formation on the Pt electrode surface. This blockage leads to peak broadening and therefore prevents appropriate detection of carboxylic acids containing between 2 and 5 carbon atoms. It could be demonstated in this work that this detrimental thermal decomposition on the ses electrodes could be circumvented by integrating a heated Pt catalyst between separation column and ses detector. The acids decompose then at the Pt surfaces of the catalyst at 800 °C and the decomposition products are detected by ses immediatly without formation of pyrolysis products on the electrodes. By replacing the ses in the measuring system with a flame ionization detector, acetic acid could be measured with appropriate long-term stability in the digestion medium of a biogas plant over a period of eighteen days.
In summary this work presents substancial contributions to the advancement of coulometric solid electrolyte sensors by lowering their detection limits, increasing their selectivity and thus broadening their application spectrum significantly.
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The influence of particle type and process conditions on electrodeposited composite coatingsMorana, Roberto January 2006 (has links)
Composite materials are usually multi-phase materials, made up from two or more phases, which are combined to provide properties that the individual constituents cannot. This technology represents an economical way to improve product performances avoiding the use of expensive materials. Composite materials can be obtained as films by means of the electrolysis of electroplating solutions in which micrometre- or submicrometre-size particles are suspended: variable amounts of these particles become incorporated in the electrochemically produced solid phase, to which they impart enhanced properties. The main aims of the present work contributing to this thesis are the study of different parameters influencing the electroco-deposition process in order to promote and improve the applicability of such a technology in the high speed electroplating industry. Following a comprehensive review on the electroco-deposition of composite coatings, the phenomena have been analysed moving from a microscopic point of view i. e. the role of the metal ions present in the electrolyte and adsorption on the inert particles and their interactions with the growing metal layer, to a macroscopic point of view i. e. the electrolyte agitation, its influence on particle motion and all the issues related to the presence of particles in an electrolyte during electroplating. In particular the inert particle influence in terms of geometry, dimension and chemical nature (spherical polystyrene particles vs. irregular alumina particles with different dimensions), the metal matrix influence (nickel, copper and zinc), the influence of electrolyte agitation (using a Rotating Cylinder Electrode cell system) and the influence of the coating thickness on particle content in the final coating, using different deposition times, have been examined. The importance of the particle shape has been highlighted showing how incorporating irregular geometries gave higher particle incorporation densities than regular geometries. The influence of the substrate finishing in terms of imperfections has been related to the particle incorporation rate showing how small surface imperfections enhanced the incorporation of particles. Different hydrodynamic regimes have been analysed resulting three different regimes being discerned: laminar, transitional and turbulent. The consequence, in terms of particle incorporation levels, has been found showing how the amount of particles in the coating changed from one regime to another. Different rate-determining steps were related to the hydrodynamics: when the regime is laminar, particles were incorporated as agglomerates and the process was under particle transfer control, whilst in the turbulent zone, the rate determining step was the velocity of reduction of the ions adsorbed on the particle surface.
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An Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Printed Sensors and LogicNilsson, David January 2005 (has links)
Conducting polymers entered the research field in late 70´s and efforts aimed at achieving printed electronics started a decade later. This thesis treats printable organic electrochemical transistors (OECT). Some conjugated polymers can be switched between a high conducting and a low conducting state in an electrochemical cell. In this thesis, the work carried out using poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) as the active material in an electrochemical transistor is reported. The electrochemical transistors, presented, can be designed into a bi-stable and dynamic mode of operation. These transistors operates at voltages below 2V and current on/off ratios are typically 5000, but 105 have been reached. The transistor device can be built up from all-organic materials using common printing techniques such as with screen-printing. The bi-stable transistor can be combined with an electrochromic (EC) display cell to form a smart pixel circuit. Combining several of these smart pixels yield an actively addressed cross-point matrix display. From this an all-organic active matrix display printable on paper has been achieved. The OECT, combined with a resistor network was successfully used in inverter and logic circuits. One important feature of these organic electrochemical devices is that both ions and electrons are used as the charge (signal) carriers. This is of particular interest and importance for chemical sensors. By combining a proton-conducting electrolyte (Nafion®) that changes its conductivity upon exposure to humidity, a simple OECT humidity sensor was achieved. This proves the use of this OECT as the ion-to-electron transducer.
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Weakly supported voltammetryLimon Petersen, Juan Gualberto January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with dynamic electrochemical experiments with different concentrations of supporting electrolyte. Normally supporting electrolyte is added to a solution in order to avoid undesirable effects as migration and potential drop in solution. However, in the present thesis we focus on the study and understanding of such effects as the concentration of supporting electrolyte decreases. First a theoretical treatment is proposed, based on numerical simulation using the Nernst-Planck- Poisson system of equations. The theoretical treatment is compared with previous works as electroneutrality, the differences between both models are explained. The model is also compared with theoretical results to validate the theoretical treatment. Experimental results of chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammograms are compared with theoretical results obtaining remarkable agreement. Is noteworthy that to the best of the author’s knowledge this is the first time that experimental dynamic voltammetry under weakly supported conditions has been successfully modeled by a theoretical treatment. The electrochemical reaction of a non-charged electroactive species is presented for the system ferrocene/ferrocenium in acetonitrile in which the oxidized and reduced species are soluble in solution, the reaction is studied at different concentrations of supporting electrolyte. Comparison is presented between theoretical simulations and experimental results, for which potential drop in solution is studied. Then systems involving charged electroactive species are treated, in these cases the decrease of supporting electrolyte influence the mass transport of the electroactive species due to migration, comparison between different experimental systems as hexaammineruthenium (III)/(II), cobaltoceniun/cobaltocene and hexacyanoferrate (III)/(II) are presented in comparison with theoretical simulations. More complex mechanistic paths are also investigated, such as deposition and stripping, in which it is established that the level of support required to achieve ‘diffusion only’ voltammetry is on dependence of the concentration of amalgamated electroactive species prior to the stripping step. Comparison between theoretical simulation and experimental results of the deposition and stripping of thallium at a mercury hemisphere are presented, and found to be in good agreement for either chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry Simulations are also presented showing the necessary required amount of supporting electrolyte required to achieve ‘diffusion only’ cyclic voltammetry. This is obtained by comparison between diffusion only software and the simulation described in the present thesis. The required amount of supporting electrolyte is shown to depend on the concentration of the electroactive species and supporting electrolyte in the media, the electrode radius, the diffusion coefficient of species and the scan rate. Finally, the cyclic voltammetry in weakly supporting media is used to obtain mechanistic information, by using the migration of electroactive species to differentiate the mass transport of electroactive species to the electrode. The two single electron reductions of anthraquinone in acetonitrile is presented, and the comproportionation mechanistic path is observed in weakly supported media, diffusion only voltammetry is normally unable to present whether this mechanism path takes place, due to the similarity in diffusion coefficients of the electroactive species. In contrast in weakly support conditions the diffusion controlled comproportionation mechanistic path is observed experimentally and constraints for the rate constant are discussed.
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Effekte einer Kalium-abhängigen Variation in der Kationen-Anionen-Bilanz des Futters auf die Elektrolyt- und Stickstoffbilanz bei SchweinenEngelking, Susann 30 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Die Kationen-Anionen Bilanz (DCAB) des Futters modifiziert den Säure-Basen Status von Tieren und findet Anwendung in der Prävention von Milchfieber bei Kühen, MMA bei Sauen und Urolithiasis bei Haustieren. Durch die Veränderung des Kationen-Anionen-Verhältnisses in Futterrationen können biologische Prozesse beeinflusst werden, der Stickstoffmetabolismus.
Ziel der Untersuchung: Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Frage, ob eine kaliumbedingte Variation der DCAB des Futters für wachsende Schweine einen Einfluss auf bestimmte Parameter des Säure-Basen-Haushaltes und möglicherweise auch auf die Stickstoffbilanz hat.
Materialien und Methoden: Dem Versuch standen insgesamt 38 männlich kastrierte Mastschweine (Dreirassen-Kreuzung von Pietrain x Deutsches Edelschwein x Deutsche Landrasse) mit einem Einstallungsalter von ca. 12 Wochen und einer Lebendmasse von 17,3 kg bis 30,3 kg zur Verfügung. In randomisierter Reihenfolge erfolgte die Zuteilung der Schweine zu den acht Versuchsfuttern; Rohproteingehalt von 140 g kg-1 Futter und 200 g kg-1 Futter, sowie je 4 g, 10 g, 14 g oder 20 g Kalium kg-1 Futter. Die Versuchsfutter wiesen eine konstante Konzentration an Natrium und Chlorid auf. Die Hauptfutterkomponenten waren Mais und Weizen. Die beiden Rohproteingehalte wurden durch unterschiedliche Sojaextraktionsschrot- und Maisklebermengen gewonnen. Über Kaliumhydrogencarbonat (KHCO3) und Kaliumchlorid (KCl) resultierte die Einstellung der genannten Kaliumkonzentrationen sowie der vier DCAB-Stufen von -125 mEq kg-1, 66 mEq kg-1, 168 mEq kg-1, und 342 mEq kg-1 Futter. In einer Adaptionsphase von 15 Tagen gewöhnten sich die Scheine an das Versuchsfutter und die Umgebung. Die Einstallung erfolgte in Einzelboxen und die Versuchstiere erhielten Wasser ad libitum. Während der anschießenden zwei Bilanzphasen von je fünf Tagen wurden die Schweine in Bilanzkäfigen gehalten. Zwischen den beiden Bilanzphasen kam es zu einer fünftägigen Pause ohne Änderung der Fütterung. In der Bilanzzeit wurden der gesamte Harn und Kot der Tiere gesammelt sowie der dazugehörige pH-Wert kontinuierlich bestimmt. Harn- und Kotaliquots wurden für Stickstoff- und Elektrolytanalysen einbehalten. Jede fünftägige Bilanz endete mit der Gewinnung einer Blutprobe von jedem Schwein aus der Vena jugulares zur Bestimmung von Kalium, Natrium, Chlorid, pH-Wert, Hydrogencarbonat, Basenüberschuss und Aminosäuren.
Ergebnisse: Kalium hat einen Einfluss auf den Harn pH-Wert. Analog zur steigenden Kaliumaufnahme (DCAB↑) wurden die Harn pH-Werte basischer (-125 mEq kg-1 Futter = Ø 5,93; 342 mEq kg-1 Futter = Ø 8,37). Die Blut pH-Werte, die im Durchschnitt bei 7,21 lagen, wie auch die Hydrogencarbonat- und Basenüberschusskonzentration, reagierten aufgrund der renalen Kompensation nicht wesentlich auf die unterschiedlichen DCAB im Futter. Die dazugehörigen Kot pH-Werte waren bei -125 mEq kg-1 Futter und 66 mEq kg-1 Futter um 0,16 höher als bei den anderen beiden DCAB-Stufen. Die Stickstoffaufnahme variierte zwischen 0,90 g kg-1KM d-1 und 1,22 g kg-1KM d-1 aufgrund der beiden Rohproteingehalte (14 und 20 %) in den Versuchsrationen. Eine Senkung der DCAB im Futter bewirkte eine Verbesserung der Stickstoffverdaulichkeit von 86,1 % auf 89,9 % (p<0,05). Hingegen zeigten die Diäten mit der kaliumärmsten Konzentration die höchsten renalen Stickstoffexkretionen von 442 mg kg-1KM d-1 gegenüber den anderen drei Kaliumkonzentrationen (345 mg kg-1KM d-1). In Folge dessen ergibt sich eine Stickstoffretentionssteigerung mit zunehmender DCAB im Futter. Jedoch wurde bei 66 mEq kg-1 Futter (Kalium 10 g kg-1 Futter) die höchste Stickstoffretention von 643 mg kg-1KM d-1 festgestellt. Die Untersuchung der Blutproben ergab keine Beeinflussung der Summe aller Aminosäuren, die bei ø 44,66 mg dl-1 lag. Die Summe der essentiellen Aminosäuren war bei einer DCAB von 66 mEq kg-1 Futter im Blut geringer als bei den übrigen Variationen. Einige Parameter der Elektrolytbilanzen waren zwischen den Futtervariationen verschieden: Bei dem Versuchsfutter mit einer DCAB von -125 mEq kg-1 Futter (Kalium 4 g kg-1 Futter) schieden die Schweine Na: 2,83 mg kg-1KM d-1 und Cl: 1,54 mg kg-1KM d 1 weniger mit dem Kot und Na: 7,05 mg kg-1KM d-1 weniger mit dem Harn aus gegenüber den weiteren Versuchsgruppen. Die renale Chloridexkretion zeigte keine Variabilität. Die renale, als auch die fäkale Kaliumausscheidung nahm analog zur DCAB des Futters zu (DCAB im Futter: -125 mEq kg-1; 66 mEq kg-1; 168 mEq kg-1; 342 mEq kg-1; K-Abgabe in mg kg-1KM d-1, renal: 74,0; 273,3; 431,1; 609,1; fäkal: 24,5; 31,2; 32,6; 44,0). In der Gesamtheit betrachtet ergibt sich für die Natrium- und Chloridretention keine richtungsweisende Beeinflussung im Zusammenhang mit der DCAB der Versuchsrationen. Die Kaliumretention hingegen stieg von 66,5 mg kg-1KM d-1 (-125 mEq kg-1 Futter) auf 167,0 mg kg-1KM d-1 (342 mEq kg-1 Futter) an, was nicht von den Kaliumkonzentrationen im Blut wiedergegeben wurde. Entsprechendes gilt für die Natrium- und Chloridkonzentrationen im Blut.
Schlussfolgerungen: In der Alkalisierung des Harns zeigt sich, dass der DCAB des Futters Einfluss auf den Säure-Basen Status nimmt. Der systemische pH-Wert blieb aufgrund der Puffersysteme des Organismuses weitestgehend unberührt. Durch die KHCO3-Zulagen wurde das intragastrale bzw. das intestinale pH-Milieu verändert, was sich in der schlechteren Verdaulichkeit von Stickstoff bei höherer DCAB wiederspiegelt. Die Stickstoffretention steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Stickstoffverdaulichkeit. Mit dem DCAB von 66 mEq kg-1 Futter bzw. K: 10 g kg-1 Futter wurde die beste Retention für Stickstoff beobachtet. Die täglichen Gewichtszunahmen und die Futterverwertungen der Versuchsschweine konnten dies allerdings nicht reflektieren. Anzumerken sei, dass für einen eindeutigen Effekt auf die tägliche Zunahme eine längere Beobachtungsphase notwendig wäre (Sprung der täglichen Zunahmen von 520 g für -125 mEq kg-1 Futter auf das Niveau von 692 g für 66 mEq kg-1 Futter und mehr). Eine Empfehlung in Anlehnung an diese Studie wäre ein DCAB-Wert um die 66 mEq kg-1 Futter. Wird dieser Wert erhöht sinkt die Stickstoffverdaulichkeit auf der anderen Seite verschlechtert sich die Stickstoffretention bei Verringerung der DCAB. / Initiation:
The dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB) of the feed modifies the acid-base balance and is used in the prevention of milk fever in cows, MMA in sows and urolithiasis in pets. The modification of the cation-anion ratio in diets can take an impact on biological processes inducting nitrogen metabolism.
Objectives of investigations:
This study objectively clarifies, whether potassium-based variation of the DCAB of the food has an influence on certain parameters of the nitrogen balance and the acid-base balance.
Materials and Methods:
The trial covered a total of 38 male castrated pigs (three racial crossing Pietrain x Large White x German Landrace) with a housing-age of approximately 12 weeks and a live weight of 17.3 kg to 30.3 kg. In randomized order, the pigs were allocated to the eight experimental feed: crude protein content of 140 g per kg feed and 200 g per kg feed, as well as 4, 10, 14 or 20 g of potassium per kg feed. The sodium and chloride concentrations in the feed were kept constant. The main food components were corn and wheat. The two crude protein levels were determined by various soybean meal and corn gluten quantities. Potassium hydrogen carbonate (KHCO3) and potassium chloride (KCl) were used to establish the four DCAB levels of -125 mEq kg-1, 66 mEq kg-1, 168 mEq kg-1, and 342 mEq kg-1 feed. In an adaptation period of 15 days pigs were accustomed to food and environment. They were kept in individual pens and were given water ad libitum. During the following two trial phases of five days each, the pigs were kept in balance cages. Between the two trial periods, there was a break of five days (no diet change). During the trial period all urine and excrement of the animals was collected, and the respective pH-value was continuously measured. Aliquots of urine and faeces were used in nitrogen and electrolyte analyses. At the end of each five-day record a blood sample from the jugular vein was taken from each pig for determination of potassium, sodium, chloride, pH-value, hydrogen carbonate, base excess, and amino acids.
Potassium has a significant influence on renal pH values. Analogous to increasing potassium intake (DCAB ↑), the urine pH value turned more basic (-125 mEq kg-1 feed = 5.93; 342 mEq kg-1 feed = 8.37). The blood pH levels, which averaged at 7.21, as well as the hydrogen carbonate concentration and base excess concentration, did not respond to the different DCAB in the feed because of the renal compensation. The associated feces pH values at -125 mEq kg-1 feed and 66 mEq kg-1 feed were higher by 0.16 than at the other two DCAB levels.
The nitrogen intake varied between 0.90 g kg-1BM d-1 and 1.22 g kg-1BM d-1, based on both crude proteins (14 % and 20 %) in the experimental feeds. A reduction of DCAB in the feed resulted in an improvement of the nitrogen digestibility from 86.1 % to 89.9 % (< 0.05). However, diets with the lowest concentration of potassium showed the highest renal nitrogen excretions of 442 mg kg-1BM d-1 compared to the other three concentrations of potassium (345 mg kg-1BM d-1). As a consequence, nitrogen retention increases with increasing DCAB in the feed. However, the highest nitrogen retention of 643 mg kg-1KM d-1 was found with a 66 mEq kg-1 diet (potassium 10 g kg-1 feed). The examination of blood samples revealed no influence on the sum of the amino acids, which was 44.66 mg dl-1. The sum of the essential amino acids was reduced at a DCAB of 66 mEq kg-1 in blood, similar to the other variations.
Some parameters of the electrolyte balances were different between the feed variations: In the experimental diet with a DCAB of -125 mEq kg-1 diet (potassium 4 g kg-1 feed), the pigs eliminated Na: 2.83 mg kg- 1BM d-1 and Cl: 1.54 mg kg– 1BM d-1 less in the feces and Na: 7.05 mg kg- 1KM d-1 less in the urine with respect to the other experimental groups. Renal chloride excretion showed no variability. The renal and fecal excretion of potassium increased proportionally to the DCAB of the feed (DCAB in the feed: -125 mEq kg-1, 66 mEq kg-1, 168 mEq kg-1; 342 mEq kg-1; K output in mg kg- 1BM d-1, renal: 74.0; 273.3; 431.1; 609.1; fecal: 24.5; 31.2; 32.6; 44.0). When viewed against the totality of results for the sodium and chloride retention, there were no trend-setting influences in connection with the DCAB of the experimental diets. The potassium retention, however, increased from 66.5 mg kg- 1BM d-1 (-125 mEq kg-1 feed) to 167.0 mg kg- 1BM d-1 (342 mEq kg -1 feed), which was not reproduced from the potassium concentrations in the blood. The same applied to the sodium and chloride concentrations in the blood.
The alkalization of the urine shows that the DCAB of the feed influences the acid-base status. The systemic pH remained largely unaffected due to the buffer systems of the organism. The intragastric, respectively the intestinal, pH medium was changed by the addition of potassium hydrogen carbonate, which is reflected in the poorer digestibility of nitrogen at higher DCAB. The nitrogen retention is not related to the nitrogen digestibility. The best retention of nitrogen was observed with the DCAB of 66 mEq kg-1 feed (K: 10 g kg-1 feed). The daily weight gain and feed utilizations of the pigs certainly could not reflect this. It should be noted, however, that a longer observation period would be necessary for a clear effect on daily gain (jump of the daily weight gain from 520 g of -125 mEq kg-1 feed to the level of 692 g for 66 mEq kg-1 feed and more). A recommendation based on this study would be a DCAB value of 66 mEq kg-1 feed. If this value increases, the nitrogen digestibility decreases; on the other hand, the nitrogen retention deteriorated with reducing DCAB.
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Functional nanocomposites for advanced fuel cell technology and polygenerationRaza, Rizwan January 2011 (has links)
In recent decades, the use of fossil fuels has increased exponentially with a corresponding sharp increase in the pollution of the environment. The need for clean and sustainable technologies for the generation of power with reduced or zero environment impact has become critical. A number of attempts have been made to address this problem; one of the most promising attempts is polygeneration. Polygeneration technology is highly efficient and produces lower emissions than conventional methods of power generation because of the simultaneous generation of useable heat and electrical power from a single source of fuel. The overall efficiency of such systems can be as high as 90%, compared to 30-35% for conventional single-product power plants. A number of different technologies are available for polygeneration, such as micro gas turbines, sterling engines, solar systems, and fuel cells. Of these, fuel cell systems offer the most promising technology for polygeneration because of their ability to produce electricity and heat at a high efficiency (about 80%) with either low or zero emissions. Various fuel-cell technologies can be used in polygeneration systems. Of these, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are the most suitable because they offer high system efficiency for the production of electricity and heat (about 90%) coupled with low or zero emissions. Compared to other types of fuel cells, SOFCs have fuel flexibility (direct operation on hydrocarbon fuels, such as biogas, bio-ethanol, bio-methanol, etc.) and produce high-quality heat energy. The development of polygeneration systems using SOFCs has generally followed one of two approaches. The first approach involves the design of a SOFC system that operates at a temperature of 850 oC and uses natural gas as a fuel. The second approach uses low-temperature (generally 400-600 oC) SOFC (LTSOFC) systems with biomass, e.g., syngas or liquid fuels, such as bio-methanol and bio-ethanol. The latter systems have strong potential for use in polygeneration. High-temperature SOFCs have obvious disadvantages, and challenges remain for lowering the cost to meet commercial interest. The SOFC systems need lower operating temperatures to reduce their overall costs. This thesis focuses on the development of nanocomposites for advanced fuel-cell technology (NANOCOFC), i.e., the next generation SOFCs, which are low-temperature (400-600 oC), marketable, and affordable SOFCs. In addition, new concepts that pertain to fuel-cell science and technology—NANOCOFC (www.nanocofc.com)—are explored and developed. The content of this thesis is divided into five parts: In the first part of this thesis (Papers 1-5), the two-phase nanocomposite electrolytes, viz. ceria-salt and ceria-oxide, were prepared and studied using different electrochemical techniques. The microstructure and morphology of the composite electrolytes were characterised using XRD, SEM and TEM, and the thermal analysis was conducted using DSC. An ionic conductivity of 0.1 S/cm was obtained at 300 ºC, which is comparable to that of conventional YSZ operating at 1000 ºC. The maximum output power density was 1000 mW/cm2 at 550 oC. A co-doped ceria-carbonate was also developed to improve the ionic conductivity, morphology, and performance of the electrolyte. In the second part of this thesis (Papers 7-9), composite electrodes that contained less or no nickel (Ni) were developed for a low-temperature SOFC. All of the elements were highly homogenously distributed in the composite electrode, which resulted in high catalytic activity and good ASOFC performance. The substitution of Ni by Zn in these electrodes could reduce their cost by a factor of approximately 25. In the third part of this thesis (Papers 10), an advanced multi-fuelled solid-oxide fuel cell (ASOFC) with functional nanocomposites (electrolytes and electrodes) was developed. Several different types of fuel, such as gaseous (hydrogen and biogas) and liquid fuels (bio-ethanol and bio-methanol), were tested. Maximum power densities of 1000, 300, 600, and 550 mW/cm2 were achieved with hydrogen, bio-gas, bio-methanol, and bio-ethanol, respectively, in the ASOFC. Electrical and total efficiencies of 54% and 80%, respectively, were achieved when the single cell was used with hydrogen. The fourth part of this thesis (Papers 11) concerns the design of a 5 kW ASOFC system based on the demonstrated advanced SOFC technology. A polygeneration system based on a low-temperature planar SOFC was then designed and simulated. The efficiency of the overall system was approximately 80%. The fifth part of this thesis (Paper 12) describes a single-layer multi-fuelled electrolyte-free fuel cell that is a revolutionary innovation in renewable-energy sources. Conventional fuel cells generate electricity by ion transport through the electrolyte. However, this new device works without an electrolyte, and all of the processes occur at particle surfaces in the material. Based on a theoretical calculation, an additional 18% enhancement of the fuel cell’s efficiency will be achieved using this new technology compared to the conventional technologies. Our developed ASOFC systems with functional nanocomposites offer significant advantages in reducing the operational and capital costs for the production of power and heat by using different fuels based on the fuel-cell technology. ASOFC systems can be used for polygeneration with renewable fuels (i.e., biomass fuels) at high efficiency as a sustainable solution to energy generation in our society. The results have been achieved for this thesis work has demonstrated an advanced fuel cell technology. / <p>QC 20111213</p>
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Caractérisation multi-échelle de la structure et du transport de cristaux liquides ioniques : vers des électrolytes solides innovants pour batteries lithium / Innovative solid electrolytes for Li-ion battery : multiscale structure and transport properties in ionic liquid crystalsBernard, Laurent 30 January 2019 (has links)
Le remplacement des électrolytes liquides conventionnels des batteries lithium-ion est un enjeu majeur pour améliorer leurs performances et leur sécurité. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse est focalisé sur la synthèse d’une nouvelle classe d’électrolytes solides organiques : les cristaux liquides ioniques thermotropiques, ainsi que la caractérisation multi-échelle des nanostructures obtenues et du transport ionique. Tout d’abord, nous présentons les structures chimiques choisies pour créer des assemblages de molécules cristal liquide à conduction « single-ion ». Ensuite, nous détaillons l’étude structurale et fonctionnelle, qui a permis d’établir l’organisation supramoléculaire sous forme de phase colonnaire avec des canaux de conduction ionique nanométriques. Des conductivités pouvant atteindre 10-4 S.cm-1 à 70°C ont été obtenues. La dynamique des ions au sein de ces électrolytes a été étudiée à l’échelle moléculaire et nous avons mis en évidence un mécanisme de conduction par saut. La polymérisation des cristaux liquides ioniques pourrait permettre le développement d’électrolytes polymères de type single-ion pour les batteries. / One major issue towards large-scale application of lithium-based batteries concerns their safety which is directly related to the nature of the electrolyte. Solid electrolytes are at present considered as a promising approach to avoid the risks related to the commonly employed liquids. Herein we report the synthesis and the characterization of a promising class of electrolytes: Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals (TILCs). We describe the design and the synthesis of new self-assembled single-ion materials in function of their chemical architecture. We performed a systematic structural and functional properties study, demonstrating the crystal-liquid properties as well as the supramolecular organization into columnar phases. One of the most promising TILC shows a conductivity of 10-4 S.cm-1 at 70°C. The ion dynamics was probed at molecular scale to establish the main features of hopping conduction mechanism. Further polymerization of the TILCs could be applied to develop high performance single-ion polymer electrolytes for Li-ion batteries.
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Étude des interfaces électrodes/électrolyte à base de liquides ioniques pour batterie lithium-ion / Investigation of the interface electrode/ionic liquid based electrolyte for lithium ion batteryBolimowska, Ewelina 28 June 2016 (has links)
Dans les batteries ion lithium, la présence d’électrolytes organiques volatiles et inflammables engendre des problèmes récurrents de sécurité. Une possible solution consiste à les remplacer par des sels fondus liquides à température ambiante, les liquides ioniques (LI), présentant une tension de vapeur négligeable et sont considérés comme flamme retardant. Leur utilisation avec des électrodes carbone (les plus usitées dans les batteries commerciales) nécessitent la présence d’un additif pour améliorer les performances des batteries.Le but de cette thèse était de déterminer le rôle de cet additif par des méthodes analytiques et de la modélisation. Tout d’abord, l’impact de cet additif sur la solvatation et la diffusion des sels de lithium a été étudié par RMN 2-D [NOE et HOESY {1H-7Li}, {1H-19F}, et la sphère de coordination du cation lithium a été simulée par dynamique moléculaire. Puis des études électrochimiques ont été développées notamment le cyclage galvanostatique à potentiel sélectionné et le cyclage voltamétrique afin de déterminer la capacité de la batterie et d’étudier les étapes d‘insertion du cation lithium au cours de la première étape de réduction. Cette étape a également été analysée par impédance électrochimique. En complément, une analyse par XPS (spectrométrie photoélectronique X) sur les électrodes post-mortem de piles arrêtées aux potentiels déterminés par impédance, a permis de caractériser les composés chimiques formés à la surface des électrodes au cours de la première réduction, mais également après plusieurs cycles de charge/décharge / In lithium ion batteries, the commercial organic electrolytes induce difficulties in the manufacturing and the use of the battery (volatile and flammable components). There are active research to eliminate these safety problems, one of the approach is the replacement of conventional battery electrolytes with room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), which exhibit negligible vapor pressure, low flammability, high flash point. The use of ILs based electrolytes for carbon based electrodes requires presence of organic additive for improving the cyclic performance. The aim of this thesis was to determine the exact role of the organic additive through experimental and computer simulation methodologies. Its impact onto the solvation and transportation of lithium cation was investigated through {1H-7Li}, {1H-19F} NOE correlations (HOESY), and pulsed field gradient spin-echo (PGSE) NMR experiences and Molecular Dynamic simulation. The electrochemical studies were developed such as electrochemical window, galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation and cycling voltammetry showing the obtained capacity of the cell and [Li+] insertion stages during the first reduction step. Moreover, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) during the first reduction process, and XPS analysis of post mortem Gr electrodes stopped at chosen potential during the first reduction process, as well as, after the several charge/discharge cycles were used
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Použití iontových kapalin jako součástí elektrolytů pro ampérometrické sensory plynů a Li-iontové baterie. / Applications of ionic liquids in electrolytes for amperometric gas sensors and Li-ion batteries.Nádherná, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Mgr. Martina Nádherná PhD. Thesis Applications of ionic liquids in electrolytes for amperometric gas sensors and Li-ion batteries SUMMARY The dissertation presents the results of preparation and characterisation of new aprotic electrolytes based on ionic liquids for the solid-state electrochemical gas sensors and for the electrochemical energy storage devices - secondary lithium-ion batteries. In the part dealing with the solid-state amperometric sensor for NO2 research was aimed at development of new solid electrolyte. This electrolyte is developed as a system of ionic liquid embedded in the structure of a polymer, when the ionic liquid joints the properties of a solvent and a dissolved salt. The electrolyte therefore does not contain any volatile component and is long-term chemically and electrochemically stable. Several series of electrolytes were prepared with different polymers or macromonomers and imidazolium-based ionic liquids. The composition, especially the polymer-IL ratio was optimized. The electrolytes were successfully tested in a solid-state NO2 sensor with a gold minigrid serving as the indicating electrode. The research included the determination of basic electrochemical parameters and study of the sensor behaviour under different conditions. The influence of atmosphere humidity,...
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