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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framework for Personalized eLearning based on Pedagogical Dependencies

Worapol Pongpech Unknown Date (has links)
Motivated by the need to provide users with more control and influence over their elearning activities composition yet maintain educational integrity, the pedagogical dependency-based approach for the workflow-enabled elearning system is the core of this dissertation. A solution for keeping workflow as a backbone system for delivery and managing elearning activities and still be able to provide flexible personalized composition has been proposed. The solution is based on separating the personalized composition aspect from the workflow-enabled elearning system. In other words, the AFlex-eL is proposed as a hybrid system where a separate generic component handling the personalized composition is integrated to Flex-eL, a workflow-enabled elearning system. The approach is based on the pedagogical dependencies, which are the constraints that govern how the learning activities should be logical sequenced, and how these activities should be selected and logically sequenced to compose elearning activities. A key feature and strength of the approach is to use the power of pedagogical dependencies to ensure educational integrity is preserved, while still being able to provide flexible learning for each individual. Also addressed are a number of related aspects of the framework including pedagogical dependencies modelling, specification, validation, flexible elearning activities composition, and deployment strategies.

DeLFI 2011 - Die 9. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik

17 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die 9. Tagung der Fachgruppe „E-Learning“ in der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. vom 5. - 8. September 2011 in Dresden setzt eine inzwischen gute Tradition wissenschaftlicher Diskussionen in diesem Fachgebiet fort. Erneut konnten interdisziplinäre Partner gewonnen werden, um unter dem Dach einer Veranstaltung mit dem Titel „Wissensgemeinschaften 2011“ unterschiedliche Facetten des Lernens mit elektronischen Medien gemeinsam zu diskutieren. Das betrifft Themenbereiche wie Wissensmanagement, Werkzeuge und Technologien für e-Learning, didaktische und technische Aspekte des Einsatzes elektronischer Hilfsmittel oder auch kooperatives Wirken in verschiedenen Arbeitsfeldern. Diese Teiltagungen - 16. Europäische Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft „GMW 2011“, - 9. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik „DeLFI 2011“ und - 14. Tagung Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien: Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Netorks „GeNeMe 2011“ haben mit jeweils eigenen Experten aus einer großen Zahl von Angeboten zu wissenschaftlichen Fachbeiträgen die wertvollsten ausgewählt und präsentieren diese in eigenen Tagungsbänden. Der vorliegende Band enthält darüber hinaus gehende Arbeiten, die der Teiltagung „DeLFI“ zuzuordnen sind. Dies sind vor allem Beiträge aus den Workshops: - Mobile Learning: Einsatz mobiler Endgeräte im Lernen, Wissenserwerb sowie der Lehr-/Lernorganisation - Lerninfrastruktur in Schulen: 1:1-Computing - Web 2.0 in der beruflichen Bildung aber auch die angenommenen Short Papers, Demonstrationen und Poster. Mit der Tagung „Wissensgemeinschaften 2011“ in Dresden wurde ein Ort gewählt, der in einer wachsenden Region ein Zentrum für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur bildet und dieser Tagung das nötige Ambiente verleiht, an dem die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Forschung auf einem hohen Niveau stattfindet und die Technische Universität eine Vorstufe zur Anerkennung auf Förderung im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative erreicht hat. Der besondere Dank gilt den Autoren für die eingereichten Beiträge sowie dem Programmausschuss für deren Begutachtung. Natürlich gilt dieser Dank auch den Sponsoren, Ausstellern und Gestaltern der Pre-Konferenz-Aktivitäten. Ferner möchten wir allen danken, die die Vorbereitung und Durchführung unterstützt haben, besonders den Studierenden der Fakultät Informatik der TU Dresden und Schülern der Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sprachenakademie (EWS) Dresden. Dresden, September 2011 Holger Rohland, Andrea Kienle, Steffen Friedrich

Personal Learning in Online Discussions

Abu Ziden, Azidah January 2007 (has links)
The establishment of online discussion forums and their application to higher education have encouraged the use of online discussion within tertiary teaching. Recent studies related to online discussions have provided different ways of understanding the effect of online discussions on teaching and learning. This study investigates how personal learning is facilitated through various ways of engagement in an online discussion environment. The rationale behind this effort has been the concern that online discussions may be being used only because of the availability and technological opportunities the method provides. Personal learning is generally viewed in the literature as an individual's cognitive and knowledge construction and endeavour to make meaning through involvement and interaction in a community and context. There are, however, great variations in the way individuals engaged in their own learning within a community of learners. Motivation and strategies are also seen as factors that influence to individual level of engagement in online discussions. The findings reveal different types of interactions and highlight different levels of individual participation and engagement in the online discussions. From the findings, the Types of Online Interaction Model is developed to show the different roles that individual might adopt in the online discussion environment. The adopted roles are the individual approaches and actions that contribute to personal learning during the online discussion. The roles are flexible and individuals are likely to move from one role to another when there are reasons to do so. This study also shows the importance of the interactions that enable learning within the community. Two case studies discussed in this thesis illustrate the individual strategies of a provocateur and an eventual participant, which show how different ways of engaging in an online discussion community of learners contribute to individual learning.

Implementace datového úložiště e-learningových materiálů

Jaša, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Online Education in the 21st Century

Darland, John, Curtin, Heather, Nam, Yoon 04 April 2018 (has links)
Conferencia organizado por la Oficina Internacional UPC en el marco de la Feria Internacional UPC 2018, realizado el 4 de abril de 2018 en el campus Villa, Lima, Perú. / Conferencia Internacional “Online Education in the 21st Century” por invitados de la Carrera de Psicología en auditorio del Campus Villa, con la participación de John Darland , Heather Curtin and Yoon Nam ; representantes de The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

eLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutions

Njenga, James Kariuki January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study.</p>

eLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutions

Njenga, James Kariuki January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study.</p>

eLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutions

Njenga, James Kariuki January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study. / South Africa


Izquierdo Soriano, Juan Vicente 14 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The use of technology in education has enabled organizations to seriously bet on the new possibilities they offer. However, not only you have to have the technology, since these can be used in a disorganized way, but they must be established in an advantageous environment that enhances the teaching-learning process. While health eLearning as its name suggests, is applied training in a medical environment, there are many experiences that do not conform to a methodological approach that allows customized instructional and technological environment of these experiences. The main objective of this thesis is to establish a methodological approach for implementing an eLearning technology in a medical environment, using virtual learning platform. The eLearning training done has been supported following the ADDIE instructional design model as a reference, allowing set specifically for each training, a set of steps to follow. ELearning has developed a method, called eRibera, which has established a set of recommendations, facilitating the integration of eLearning technology. The proposed methodology has been evaluated using a set of indicators that examined the use of eLearning resources deployed in virtual learning platform, as well as the opinions of the participants of the training. The results obtained in the application of the methodology in different eLearning experiences allow us to confirm the effectiveness of using virtual learning platforms in this context. / [ES] El uso de tecnologías en la educación ha permitido que las organizaciones apuesten seriamente por las nuevas posibilidades que estas ofrecen. De todas formas, no sólo hay que disponer de las tecnologías, puesto que estas se pueden utilizar de manera desorganizada, sino que hay que establecer en ellas un entorno ventajoso que mejore el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Si bien, el eLearning sanitario como su propio nombre indica, es la formación aplicada en un entorno sanitario, existen numerosas experiencias que no se ajustan a una aproximación metodológica que permita personalizar el entorno instructivo y tecnológico de estas experiencias. El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en establecer una aproximación metodológica para implantar una tecnología eLearning en un entorno sanitario, mediante el uso de una plataforma de aprendizaje virtual. La formación eLearning realizada se ha apoyado siguiendo el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE como referencia, permitiendo establecer de forma específica para cada acción formativa, un conjunto de fases a seguir. Se ha formulado un método eLearning, denominado eRibera, que ha permitido establecer un conjunto de recomendaciones, facilitando la incorporación de la tecnología eLearning. La propuesta metodológica ha sido evaluada mediante un conjunto de indicadores que analizaban el uso de los recursos eLearning implementados en la plataforma de aprendizaje virtual, así como, las opiniones de los participantes de la formación recibida. Los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la propuesta metodológica en diferentes experiencias eLearning, permiten afirmar la efectividad del uso de las plataformas de aprendizaje virtual en este contexto. / [CA] L'ús de tecnologies en l'educació ha permés que les organitzacions aposten seriosament per les noves possibilitats que estes oferixen. De totes maneres, no sols cal disposar de les tecnologies, ja que estes es poden utilitzar de manera desorganitzada, sinó que cal establir en elles un entorn avantatjós que millore el procés d'ensenyança-aprenentatge. Si bé, l'eLearning sanitari com el seu propi nom indica, és la formació aplicada en un entorn sanitari, hi ha nombroses experiències que no s'ajusten a una aproximació metodològica que permeta personalitzar l'entorn instructiu i tecnològic d'estes experiències. L'objectiu principal d'esta tesi consistix a establir una aproximació metodològica per a implantar una tecnologia eLearning en un entorn sanitari, per mitjà de l'ús d'una plataforma d'aprenentatge virtual. La formació eLearning realitzada s'ha recolzat seguint el model de disseny instruccional ADDIE com a referència, permetent establir de forma específica per a cada acció formativa, un conjunt de fases que s'ha de seguir. S'ha formulat un mètode eLearning, denominat eRibera, que ha permés establir un conjunt de recomanacions, facilitant la incorporació de la tecnologia eLearning. La proposta metodològica ha sigut avaluada per mitjà d'un conjunt d'indicadors que analitzaven l'ús dels recursos eLearning implementats en la plataforma d'aprenentatge virtual, així com, les opinions dels participants de la formació rebuda. Els resultats obtinguts en l'aplicació de la proposta metodològica en diferents experiències eLearning, permeten afirmar l'efectivitat de l'ús de les plataformes d'aprenentatge virtual en este context. / Izquierdo Soriano, JV. (2016). APROXIMACIÓN METODOLÓGICA PARA LA IMPLANTACIÓN DE TECNOLOGÍA E-LEARNING EN LA FORMACIÓN SANITARIA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62533

Virtuelle Bibliothek und eCampus – eLearning an der HTW Dresden

Fischer, Helge 10 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Initiative eCampus wurde am 1. Februar 2008 ins Leben gerufen, um an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (HTW) vorhandene Strukturen, Erfahrungen und Potenziale im Bereich des eLearning zu bündeln und innovative Lehr- und Lernformen nachhaltig und als integrativen Bestandteil in der akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung zu etablieren...

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