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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agregação de valor à energia elétrica através da gestão integrada de recursos. / Value addition to electrical energy through integrated resources management.

Gimenes, André Luiz Veiga 28 March 2000 (has links)
Há algum tempo, a energia elétrica tem sido pensada como um fator de fomento ao desenvolvimento de regiões carentes. No entanto, a experiência tem mostrado que, embora seja realmente necessária, a presença da energia elétrica, por si só não é suficiente para alcançar tal objetivo. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho aborda a disponibilização da energia elétrica de forma integrada em um cenário mais amplo, o da infra-estrutura, abrangendo o Transporte, a Água e Saneamento, o Tratamento do Lixo e as Telecomunicações, com vistas a criar uma base sólida para alavancar o desenvolvimento. Para tanto, propõe a abordagem da Gestão Integrada de Recursos – GIR, que é balizada pelo equilíbrio entre os aspectos econômico, social e ambiental dos empreendimentos, visando a provisão de infra-estrutura com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável de regiões carentes. Esta metodologia, desenvolvida no contexto de uma visão abrangente e integrada da infra-estrutura, permite a identificação de sinergias e potencialidades entre os seus componentes, bem como de possíveis parcerias entre os envolvidos. Dessa forma espera-se estabelecer vantagens econômicas, sociais e ambientais na provisão de infra-estrutura pelo setor privado sob a ação do Estado, não mais como investidor e administrador, mas como ente regulador. Nesta gestão, salienta-se a importância da atuação do Setor Público no sentido de criar mecanismos regulatórios diferenciados, que tornem os investimentos em infra-estrutura atrativos ao investidor privado, ao mesmo tempo em que estabelecem e permitem a fiscalização do cumprimento das metas sociais e de preservação ambiental. / Electrical energy has been considered like a fomentation factor to the poorest regions. The experience has shown that electrical energy is really necessary but it's not sufficient to guarantee a development basis. In such a context, this work focuses the integration of electrical energy within other component of the infrastructure, including Transportation, Water and Sanitation, Waste Disposal and the Telecommunications, in order to establish a strong basis for development. For that, the work proposes the approach Integrated Resources Management –IRM, that is based on the balance of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the projects, in order to guarantee the required infrastructure basis for the sustainable development of the poorest regions. In this type of management, it is emphasized the importance of the Public Sector, in order to create new regulatory mechanisms that make the infrastructure investments more attractive to the Private Sector, at the same time in witch establish and allow the monitoring of the social goals and of the environmental preservation. This methodology is developed within a wide and integrated vision of the infrastructure that allows the identification of synergies and potentialities of its components, and the establishment of partnerships of involved parties. This approach is expected to establish economic, social and environmental advantages in the infrastructure provision by the private sector, under the regulatory State action.

Avaliação global dos modos energéticos de transporte do gás natural inclusive como energia secundária / Global Evaluation of Energy Ways of Natural Gás Transport, as Well as Secondary Energy

Rigolin, Pascoal Henrique da Costa 15 June 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é fazer a avaliação global de alguns dos modos energéticos de transporte do gás natural (gasodutos, GNL e GNC), inclusive como energia secundária (eletricidade e GTL). Para a escolha do melhor modo de transporte, além dos custos de cada projeto, serão considerados outros três fatores, que são: impactos ambientais, impactos sociais e riscos políticos. Para isto foi escolhida uma ferramenta de análise conhecida como Avaliação de Custos Completos (ACC), sendo que esta considera os quatro fatores citados anteriormente como de mesma importância na avaliação para um planejamento que vise a sustentabilidade. Para melhor visualização e entendimento do trabalho, foi feito um estudo de caso para o transporte de energia (gás natural e/ou eletricidade) para atender mercados consumidores na região de fronteira entre o Brasil e a Bolívia. Fundamentalmente o estudo do transporte foi feito em solo boliviano, correspondente entre os campos produtores de gás, localizados em Margarita, até a região de fronteira próxima a Corumbá no Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), e também próxima a uma região com grandes jazidas de minério de ferro conhecida como El Mutún. Metodologicamente dentro das quatro dimensões consideradas, foram usados alguns subcritérios mais relevantes para esta análise. Para todos os sub-critérios foram atribuídas notas específicas, de acordo com a região e com o tipo de transporte de energia, e após isto os dados foram passados para um software de tomada de decisão chamado Decision Lens, obtendo assim um rank das melhores opções transporte para a região. Como resultado, o mais coerente para atender a região, são gasodutos de transporte para as demandas elétricas e de gás natural (consumo do MS mais Mutún) e trens carregados com derivados líquidos do gás natural (GTL) para atender a demanda de diesel do MS. / The objective of this work is to make a global evaluation of some energy ways of transport of natural gas (gas-pipelines, LNG and CNG), as well as secondary energy (electricity and GTL). For the selection of a better way of transport, beyond the costs of each project, others three factors were considered: environmental impacts, social impacts and political risks. To perform this, a tool of analysis known as Evaluation of Complete Costs (ACC in portuguese) was chosen. This tool considers the four factors above mentioned as having the same importance in the evaluation process for planning that aims towards sustainability. For better visualization and understanding of the work, a case study for energy transport was made (natural gas and/or electricity) to supply the consumer markets in the region bordering Brazil and Bolivia. Basically the study of the transport was made in Bolivian territory; at the producing gas fields located in Margarita as far as the region bordering Corumbá in the Mato Grosso do Sul area, and also next to a region with great known iron ore deposits known as El Mutún. Methodologically, within the four dimensions above, some more relevant sub-criteria for the analysis were used. For all the sub-criteria considered specific ranks were taken, in accordance with the region and type of transported energy, and after this the data was fed to a software called Decision Lens, thus getting a rank of the best options to carry gas to the region. The results, most coherent way to supply gas to the region, happens to be gas-pipelines of transport for the electric and natural gas demands (consumption in MS plus Mutún) and trains with liquid derivatives of natural gas (GTL) to supply care of the demand of diesel of MS.

Análise da resposta da demanda e da geração distribuída fotovoltaica como recursos para o planejamento energético. / Analysis of demand response and photovoltaic distributed generation as resources for energy planning.

Viana, Matheus Sabino 04 October 2018 (has links)
Este estudo analisa a Resposta da Demanda (DR da sigla em inglês para Demand Response) e a Geração Distribuída Fotovoltaica (GDFV), visando o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem para modelá-las como recursos para o planejamento energético. A metodologia inclui o uso de uma prática típica de preço de energia no varejo como a Tarifa pelo Horário de Uso (THU) para DR de consumidores residenciais e o sistema de compensação de energia elétrica (net metering) para a microgeração distribuída provida por sistemas Fotovoltaicos (FV) do tipo rooftop. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada a um estudo de caso com diferentes níveis de DR e/ou GDFV, baseado no IEEE 8500-Node Test Feeder, com uma subestação de distribuição e 1177 consumidores em baixa tensão, utilizando-se o Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) para a solução do fluxo de potência e a obtenção de dados de demanda, consumo de energia, perdas e tensões. Os níveis mais elevados de DR e GDFV, em dia útil, em um grupo de Consumidores Residenciais Responsivos (CRR) cuja carga representa 26,6% da carga total do circuito de teste, resultaram em 6,3% de redução na demanda de ponta da subestação, 9,6% de redução no consumo diário de energia da subestação e 13,3% de redução nas perdas diárias de energia nas linhas e transformadores, comparando-se com o caso base com a tarifa convencional, sem DR e GDFV, e mantendo-se o consumo diário de energia dos CRR. Uma análise de sensibilidade foi realizada por meio de variações aleatórias nas curvas de carga dos consumidores e, nos cenários aplicáveis, na irradiância no plano inclinado e na temperatura dos conjuntos FV, respeitando uma distribuição normal. O estudo de caso foi complementado com a avaliação das variações na conta de energia de amostras de CRR, cujas maiores reduções, comparando-se com o caso base, foram 36,3% com os níveis mais elevados de DR e GDFV e 37,6% com os níveis mais elevados de GDFV e sem DR, indicando uma situação na qual mudanças regulatórias seriam necessárias para estimular DR e GD simultaneamente, como no caso da THU opcional chamada de tarifa branca no Brasil. A quantificação do potencial de DR e GDFV pode indicar tendências para o planejamento energético, contribuir para planos de eficiência energética e possibilitar a implementação de sistemas modernos e sustentáveis nos quais os consumidores possam participar de forma mais ativa. / This study analyses the Demand Response (DR) and Photovoltaic Distributed Generation (PVDG) for developing an approach to model them as resources for energy planning. The methodology includes the use of a typical retail pricing practice such as the Time-of-Use Tariff (TOU) for residential consumers\' DR and net metering for distributed micro-generation provided by rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The proposed methodology was applied to a case study with different levels of DR and/or PVDG, based on the IEEE 8500-Node Test Feeder, with a distribution substation and 1177 low-voltage consumers, using the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) to obtain the power flow solution and demand, energy consumption, losses and voltages data. The highest levels of DR and PVDG on weekday in a group of Responsive Residential Consumers (RRC) whose load represents 26.6% of the total load in the test circuit resulted in 6.3% reduction in the substation peak demand, 9.6% reduction in the substation daily energy consumption and 13.3% reduction in the daily energy losses in lines and transformers, compared to the base case with flat tariff, without DR and PVDG, and maintaining the daily energy consumption of RRC. A sensitivity analysis was performed using random variations in load curves and, in the applicable scenarios, in plane-of-array irradiance and PV array temperature curves, using a normal distribution. The case study was complemented with the analysis of energy bill variations of samples of RRC, whose greatest reductions compared to the base case were 36.3% with the highest levels of DR and PVDG and 37.6% with the highest level of PVDG and without DR, indicating a situation in which regulatory changes would be necessary to stimulate DR simultaneously with PVDG, such as in the case of the optional TOU called white tariff in Brazil. The quantification of DR and PVDG potential can show trends to energy planning, contributes to energy efficiency plans and enables the implementation of modern and sustainable systems in which end users can participate more actively.

Uma abordagem baseada em algoritmos genéticos para gerenciamento e controle de transferência não natural de água entre rios em contribuição ao planejamento da operação de sistemas hidrotérmicos

Gramulia Junior, Jacyro January 2014 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Patrícia Teixeira Leite Asano / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2014. / O objetivo da pesquisa é apresentar uma metodologia para avaliar os efeitos da transferência de água bruta entre rios ou bacias hidrográficas, na perspectiva de otimizar a geração de energia elétrica. Busca-se ainda refletir sobre a racionalização e otimização do volume transferido para que não prejudiquem os ecossistemas, as atividades e utilizações da região doadora de água e atendam as necessidades da região receptora de água, incluindo seus próprios ecossistemas. A produção hidroelétrica é considerada como um uso não consuntivo da água e não concorre com o abastecimento público, desde que corretamente gerenciada. A transferência de água, se associada à produtibilidade das hidroelétricas, pode contribuir para otimização da produção de energia elétrica diminuindo a utilização das usinas térmicas de custos operativos elevados e enormes restrições ambientais. Portanto, neste trabalho de pesquisa foi implementado um novo operador genético em uma ferramenta computacional desenvolvida na UFABC para controle das vazões e volumes a serem transferidos, chamada Hidro-IA, com o emprego de algoritmos genéticos, que é uma das técnicas de inteligência artificial consolidada para otimização de problemas de grande porte. Sabe-se que a melhor forma de aproveitar os ciclos hidrológicos e os respectivos excedentes de água bruta de uma bacia ou região é por meio de um correto armazenamento em reservatórios que possibilitem seu uso em épocas de escassez. Sendo assim, a transferência de água entre regiões é uma estratégia que permite um ganho de armazenagem em reservatórios subutilizados em suas capacidades máximas de estocagem. Após a implementação do operador proposto nesta pesquisa, pode-se observar nos casos testes realizados que a transferência de água foi feita de forma controlada e otimizada, permitindo o uso adequado do recurso hídrico disponível e consequentemente minimizando a utilização de complementação térmica. Finalizando, podese levantar a hipótese de utilizar o ganho com a geração de energia elétrica para tratamento de água em algumas bacias poluídas de forma a trazer diversos benefícios para a sociedade que não seja apenas a produção de eletricidade, mas também, a disponibilização de água para consumo. / The aim of this project is present a methodology to analyze the impacts of the raw water transfer between rivers or watersheds on a perspective of improving electrical power generation. Searches to reflect about rationalization and optimization of volume transferred so it don¿t damage the environment, the activities or the use of the water donor area and that serves the needs of the receiving area, including its own ecosystems. Hydroelectric production is considered a nonconsumptive water activity, not competing with the public water supply if correctly used. The water transfer can be associated with the hydroelectric yield to increase the production of electric energy and decrease the activities of high cost thermoelectric plants and environment restrictions. Therefore in this project was implemented a new genetic operator to control the transference of volume and water flow between rivers or watersheds in a computational tool created by UFABC called Hidro-IA, an artificial intelligence technic used to optimize large-scale problems using genetic algorithms. It is well known that the better way to maximize the hydrologic cycles and the plant raw water surplus is with the storage in water reservoirs, enabling its use in shortage times. Accordingly, the water transfer between regions is a strategy that allows an increase in the underutilized reservoirs. Underutilization occurs due to different rainfall rates and due to intensity of utilization by the population, with exhaustion of local hydric availability. After implantation of the operator proposed here in this project it was possible to saw, in the tests, that that the transference of water was made in a controlled and optimized way enabling the adequate use of the existing hydric resources and therefor minimizing the use of thermal complement. In conclusion, it is possible to utilize the electrical power generation profit to treat water in some of the polluted watersheds, bringing benefits to the society other than electric generation just but providing water to human consumption too.

Análise da resposta da demanda e da geração distribuída fotovoltaica como recursos para o planejamento energético. / Analysis of demand response and photovoltaic distributed generation as resources for energy planning.

Matheus Sabino Viana 04 October 2018 (has links)
Este estudo analisa a Resposta da Demanda (DR da sigla em inglês para Demand Response) e a Geração Distribuída Fotovoltaica (GDFV), visando o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem para modelá-las como recursos para o planejamento energético. A metodologia inclui o uso de uma prática típica de preço de energia no varejo como a Tarifa pelo Horário de Uso (THU) para DR de consumidores residenciais e o sistema de compensação de energia elétrica (net metering) para a microgeração distribuída provida por sistemas Fotovoltaicos (FV) do tipo rooftop. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada a um estudo de caso com diferentes níveis de DR e/ou GDFV, baseado no IEEE 8500-Node Test Feeder, com uma subestação de distribuição e 1177 consumidores em baixa tensão, utilizando-se o Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) para a solução do fluxo de potência e a obtenção de dados de demanda, consumo de energia, perdas e tensões. Os níveis mais elevados de DR e GDFV, em dia útil, em um grupo de Consumidores Residenciais Responsivos (CRR) cuja carga representa 26,6% da carga total do circuito de teste, resultaram em 6,3% de redução na demanda de ponta da subestação, 9,6% de redução no consumo diário de energia da subestação e 13,3% de redução nas perdas diárias de energia nas linhas e transformadores, comparando-se com o caso base com a tarifa convencional, sem DR e GDFV, e mantendo-se o consumo diário de energia dos CRR. Uma análise de sensibilidade foi realizada por meio de variações aleatórias nas curvas de carga dos consumidores e, nos cenários aplicáveis, na irradiância no plano inclinado e na temperatura dos conjuntos FV, respeitando uma distribuição normal. O estudo de caso foi complementado com a avaliação das variações na conta de energia de amostras de CRR, cujas maiores reduções, comparando-se com o caso base, foram 36,3% com os níveis mais elevados de DR e GDFV e 37,6% com os níveis mais elevados de GDFV e sem DR, indicando uma situação na qual mudanças regulatórias seriam necessárias para estimular DR e GD simultaneamente, como no caso da THU opcional chamada de tarifa branca no Brasil. A quantificação do potencial de DR e GDFV pode indicar tendências para o planejamento energético, contribuir para planos de eficiência energética e possibilitar a implementação de sistemas modernos e sustentáveis nos quais os consumidores possam participar de forma mais ativa. / This study analyses the Demand Response (DR) and Photovoltaic Distributed Generation (PVDG) for developing an approach to model them as resources for energy planning. The methodology includes the use of a typical retail pricing practice such as the Time-of-Use Tariff (TOU) for residential consumers\' DR and net metering for distributed micro-generation provided by rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The proposed methodology was applied to a case study with different levels of DR and/or PVDG, based on the IEEE 8500-Node Test Feeder, with a distribution substation and 1177 low-voltage consumers, using the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) to obtain the power flow solution and demand, energy consumption, losses and voltages data. The highest levels of DR and PVDG on weekday in a group of Responsive Residential Consumers (RRC) whose load represents 26.6% of the total load in the test circuit resulted in 6.3% reduction in the substation peak demand, 9.6% reduction in the substation daily energy consumption and 13.3% reduction in the daily energy losses in lines and transformers, compared to the base case with flat tariff, without DR and PVDG, and maintaining the daily energy consumption of RRC. A sensitivity analysis was performed using random variations in load curves and, in the applicable scenarios, in plane-of-array irradiance and PV array temperature curves, using a normal distribution. The case study was complemented with the analysis of energy bill variations of samples of RRC, whose greatest reductions compared to the base case were 36.3% with the highest levels of DR and PVDG and 37.6% with the highest level of PVDG and without DR, indicating a situation in which regulatory changes would be necessary to stimulate DR simultaneously with PVDG, such as in the case of the optional TOU called white tariff in Brazil. The quantification of DR and PVDG potential can show trends to energy planning, contributes to energy efficiency plans and enables the implementation of modern and sustainable systems in which end users can participate more actively.

Agregação de valor à energia elétrica através da gestão integrada de recursos. / Value addition to electrical energy through integrated resources management.

André Luiz Veiga Gimenes 28 March 2000 (has links)
Há algum tempo, a energia elétrica tem sido pensada como um fator de fomento ao desenvolvimento de regiões carentes. No entanto, a experiência tem mostrado que, embora seja realmente necessária, a presença da energia elétrica, por si só não é suficiente para alcançar tal objetivo. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho aborda a disponibilização da energia elétrica de forma integrada em um cenário mais amplo, o da infra-estrutura, abrangendo o Transporte, a Água e Saneamento, o Tratamento do Lixo e as Telecomunicações, com vistas a criar uma base sólida para alavancar o desenvolvimento. Para tanto, propõe a abordagem da Gestão Integrada de Recursos – GIR, que é balizada pelo equilíbrio entre os aspectos econômico, social e ambiental dos empreendimentos, visando a provisão de infra-estrutura com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável de regiões carentes. Esta metodologia, desenvolvida no contexto de uma visão abrangente e integrada da infra-estrutura, permite a identificação de sinergias e potencialidades entre os seus componentes, bem como de possíveis parcerias entre os envolvidos. Dessa forma espera-se estabelecer vantagens econômicas, sociais e ambientais na provisão de infra-estrutura pelo setor privado sob a ação do Estado, não mais como investidor e administrador, mas como ente regulador. Nesta gestão, salienta-se a importância da atuação do Setor Público no sentido de criar mecanismos regulatórios diferenciados, que tornem os investimentos em infra-estrutura atrativos ao investidor privado, ao mesmo tempo em que estabelecem e permitem a fiscalização do cumprimento das metas sociais e de preservação ambiental. / Electrical energy has been considered like a fomentation factor to the poorest regions. The experience has shown that electrical energy is really necessary but it's not sufficient to guarantee a development basis. In such a context, this work focuses the integration of electrical energy within other component of the infrastructure, including Transportation, Water and Sanitation, Waste Disposal and the Telecommunications, in order to establish a strong basis for development. For that, the work proposes the approach Integrated Resources Management –IRM, that is based on the balance of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the projects, in order to guarantee the required infrastructure basis for the sustainable development of the poorest regions. In this type of management, it is emphasized the importance of the Public Sector, in order to create new regulatory mechanisms that make the infrastructure investments more attractive to the Private Sector, at the same time in witch establish and allow the monitoring of the social goals and of the environmental preservation. This methodology is developed within a wide and integrated vision of the infrastructure that allows the identification of synergies and potentialities of its components, and the establishment of partnerships of involved parties. This approach is expected to establish economic, social and environmental advantages in the infrastructure provision by the private sector, under the regulatory State action.

Plan and Reality : Municipal Energy Plans and Development of Local Energy Systems

Stenlund Nilsson Ivner, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>Enligt lagen om kommunal energiplanering ska varje svensk kommun ha en energiplan för tillförsel för tillförsel och användning av energi. Huruvida energiplanering är ett bra sätt att styra det kommunala energisystemet är dock omdebatterat. Denna avhandling studerar innehåll i, och implementering av, ett antal svenska kommunala energiplaner. Energiplanernas effektivitet studeras på två nivåer: uppfyllelse av mål och visioner i planerna, samt hur detta bidrar till att uppfylla de nationella energipolitiska målen.</p><p>Forskningen baseras på tre studier: en studie av innehållet i tolv energiplaner från Östergötland, en studie av mål och visioner i sju energiplaner och hur energisystem utvecklats efter energiplanerna antagits, samt en fallstudie av Kungälvs kommun där mål och måluppfyllelse studerats mer utförligt. Innehåll och målformuleringar i energiplanerna har analyserats med avseende på miljö, effektiv energianvändning och systemnivå. Mål och måluppfyllelse har även analyserats med avseende på aktörer.</p><p>Resultaten visar på att de studerade energiplanerna har smal systemsyn och att de miljöanalyser som finns i planerna är undermåliga. Energiplaneringen har varit effektiv till viss del. Bäst måluppfyllelse har kommunerna när det gäller mål på en relativt låg systemnivå och när det är kommunen själv som äger frågan, exempelvis fjärrvärmeutbyggnad och energieffektivisering av kommunens lokaler. När det gäller utvecklingens bidrag till de nationella energipolitiska målen är resultaten varierande: användning av biobränslen har ökat avsevärt, medan självförsörjningsgraden på el bara ökat något. Bäst är utvecklingen när det gäller minskade koldioxidutsläpp.</p><p>Baserat på bristerna som upptäckts i de studerade energiplanerna och dess implementering förs en diskussion kring möjligheter att öka energiplaneringens effektivitet och vidga systemsynen. Förbättringar som diskuteras är att stärka kopplingen till fysisk planering, och att inkludera medborgarmedverkan och miljöbedömningar. Om kopplingen till energifrågor stärks i översiktlig planering och om även privata aktörer kommer till tals under planeringsprocessen, skulle detta kunna underlätta implementering av energiplanerna. Miljöbedömningar i sin tur kan bidra med en vidare systemsyn om mer relevanta mål i planerna. Slutligen föreslås att ramverket för miljöbedömning av planer och program (2001/42/EC) kan användas vid energiplanering eftersom det framhåller vikten av breda analyser, samråd med privata aktörer och miljöbedömningar.</p> / <p>Swedish municipalities are required to produce a municipal energy plan for energy supply and use. Whether energy planning is suitable to manage local energy systems, however, is subject to debate. This thesis explores municipal energy planning and development of local energy systems after energy plans were adopted to examine whether energy planning is effective. The effectiveness of energy planning is studied on two levels: in terms of whether goals in energy plans were implemented, and whether energy planning contributes to fulfilling national energy policy goals.</p><p>The research is based on three studies. In the first, the scope of twelve municipal energy plans from a Swedish region was assessed. In the second study, goals and visions in seven energy plans were analysed and compared to the development of the local energy systems. The third case involved Kungälv municipality, where the implementation of goals in its energy plan was studied more thoroughly. Scopes and goals in the energy plans were analysed from three perspectives: the environment, energy efficiency and the systems level. Goals and development were also analysed from an actor’s perspective.</p><p>The results show that the scopes of the studied energy plans have narrow systems boundaries, and that the environmental analyses presented in the plans are very basic. Energy planning was found to have been fairly effective in terms of fulfilment of goals in energy plans. Most positive developments are for goals on a relatively low systems level when the local authority owns the issue, for example district heating expansion and energy efficiency measures in public buildings. When it comes to contributing to national energy policy goals, results vary; use of biomass has increased, but selfsufficiency in electricity supply has increased only slightly. The most favourable development when it comes to energy-related emissions is the reduction of carbon dioxide.</p><p>Based on shortcomings identified in the studied energy plans and implementation, possibilities to increase the effectiveness and widen the scope of energy planning are discussed. Improvements are discussed in terms of urban planning as well as participative planning, and with respect to the environmental assessment of plans. If energy issues are included in urban planning and a participatory planning approach is used, this could facilitate the implementation of energy plans. Including environmental assessment could facilitate wide scopes and more relevant goals. It is also proposed that the EU framework for environmental assessment of plans and programmes (2001/42/EC) can be used for energy planning, since it includes a comprehensive approach, public participation, and environmental assessment.</p>

Plan and Reality : Municipal Energy Plans and Development of Local Energy Systems

Stenlund Nilsson Ivner, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
Enligt lagen om kommunal energiplanering ska varje svensk kommun ha en energiplan för tillförsel för tillförsel och användning av energi. Huruvida energiplanering är ett bra sätt att styra det kommunala energisystemet är dock omdebatterat. Denna avhandling studerar innehåll i, och implementering av, ett antal svenska kommunala energiplaner. Energiplanernas effektivitet studeras på två nivåer: uppfyllelse av mål och visioner i planerna, samt hur detta bidrar till att uppfylla de nationella energipolitiska målen. Forskningen baseras på tre studier: en studie av innehållet i tolv energiplaner från Östergötland, en studie av mål och visioner i sju energiplaner och hur energisystem utvecklats efter energiplanerna antagits, samt en fallstudie av Kungälvs kommun där mål och måluppfyllelse studerats mer utförligt. Innehåll och målformuleringar i energiplanerna har analyserats med avseende på miljö, effektiv energianvändning och systemnivå. Mål och måluppfyllelse har även analyserats med avseende på aktörer. Resultaten visar på att de studerade energiplanerna har smal systemsyn och att de miljöanalyser som finns i planerna är undermåliga. Energiplaneringen har varit effektiv till viss del. Bäst måluppfyllelse har kommunerna när det gäller mål på en relativt låg systemnivå och när det är kommunen själv som äger frågan, exempelvis fjärrvärmeutbyggnad och energieffektivisering av kommunens lokaler. När det gäller utvecklingens bidrag till de nationella energipolitiska målen är resultaten varierande: användning av biobränslen har ökat avsevärt, medan självförsörjningsgraden på el bara ökat något. Bäst är utvecklingen när det gäller minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Baserat på bristerna som upptäckts i de studerade energiplanerna och dess implementering förs en diskussion kring möjligheter att öka energiplaneringens effektivitet och vidga systemsynen. Förbättringar som diskuteras är att stärka kopplingen till fysisk planering, och att inkludera medborgarmedverkan och miljöbedömningar. Om kopplingen till energifrågor stärks i översiktlig planering och om även privata aktörer kommer till tals under planeringsprocessen, skulle detta kunna underlätta implementering av energiplanerna. Miljöbedömningar i sin tur kan bidra med en vidare systemsyn om mer relevanta mål i planerna. Slutligen föreslås att ramverket för miljöbedömning av planer och program (2001/42/EC) kan användas vid energiplanering eftersom det framhåller vikten av breda analyser, samråd med privata aktörer och miljöbedömningar. / Swedish municipalities are required to produce a municipal energy plan for energy supply and use. Whether energy planning is suitable to manage local energy systems, however, is subject to debate. This thesis explores municipal energy planning and development of local energy systems after energy plans were adopted to examine whether energy planning is effective. The effectiveness of energy planning is studied on two levels: in terms of whether goals in energy plans were implemented, and whether energy planning contributes to fulfilling national energy policy goals. The research is based on three studies. In the first, the scope of twelve municipal energy plans from a Swedish region was assessed. In the second study, goals and visions in seven energy plans were analysed and compared to the development of the local energy systems. The third case involved Kungälv municipality, where the implementation of goals in its energy plan was studied more thoroughly. Scopes and goals in the energy plans were analysed from three perspectives: the environment, energy efficiency and the systems level. Goals and development were also analysed from an actor’s perspective. The results show that the scopes of the studied energy plans have narrow systems boundaries, and that the environmental analyses presented in the plans are very basic. Energy planning was found to have been fairly effective in terms of fulfilment of goals in energy plans. Most positive developments are for goals on a relatively low systems level when the local authority owns the issue, for example district heating expansion and energy efficiency measures in public buildings. When it comes to contributing to national energy policy goals, results vary; use of biomass has increased, but selfsufficiency in electricity supply has increased only slightly. The most favourable development when it comes to energy-related emissions is the reduction of carbon dioxide. Based on shortcomings identified in the studied energy plans and implementation, possibilities to increase the effectiveness and widen the scope of energy planning are discussed. Improvements are discussed in terms of urban planning as well as participative planning, and with respect to the environmental assessment of plans. If energy issues are included in urban planning and a participatory planning approach is used, this could facilitate the implementation of energy plans. Including environmental assessment could facilitate wide scopes and more relevant goals. It is also proposed that the EU framework for environmental assessment of plans and programmes (2001/42/EC) can be used for energy planning, since it includes a comprehensive approach, public participation, and environmental assessment.

Municipal Energy Planning : Scope and Method Development

Stenlund Nilsson Ivner, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
Swedish municipalities are required to produce a municipal energy plan for their energy supply and use. Whether energy planning is suitable to manage local energy systems, however, is subject to debate. This thesis maps municipal energy planning: the scopes of energy plans and whether goals stated in energy plans are fulfilled. It also presents a pilot project with the implementation of an energy planning process where four different decision-making tools were applied: a Citizen’s panel, scenario techniques and quantitative and qualitative environmental assessments. The results from the mapping of energy planning and the experiences from the pilot project are then the bases for a discussion about the effectiveness of energy planning. The thesis is based on six papers; five scientific papers and one working paper. The first three papers contribute to mapping municipal energy planning in terms of expressed volition (goals, measures and strategies in the energy plans), whether goals are fulfilled and the extent of environmental analyses and assessments in the plans. The three subsequent papers present the implementation and evaluations of the energy planning process in the pilot project. The scopes of the studied energy plans have varied over time and have been adaptive to external factors such as contemporary energy policies and international trends. Environmental analyses and assessments were more commonly occurring in the energy plans adopted between 2006 and 2008 compared to those adopted between 1995 and 1998. The environmental analyses and assessments were however less comprehensive in the newer energy plans. Most positive development, in terms of fulfilled goals, took place for issues within the power of the local authority, for example district heating expansion and energy efficiency measures in public buildings. Experiences from the pilot project showed that decision-making tools can contribute to a broader scope of energy planning, more comprehensive environmental assessments and legitimacy. Based on the research findings possibilities for more effective energy planning are discussed. Effectiveness is discussed in terms of scope and legitimacy and how a broad scope and legitimacy are affected by the use of decision-making tools. It is concluded that energy planning has potential for being an effective tool for strategic energy work at the local level. The use of decision-making tools can also contribute to learning as well as legitimacy to energy planning.

Investigation of Agricultural Residues Gasification for Electricity Production in Sudan as an Example for Biomass Energy Utlization under Arid Climate Conditions in Developing Countries

Bakhiet, Arig G. 19 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the possibility of electricity production through gasification of agricultural residues in Sudan. The study begins in Chapter 1, by providing general contextual analysis of the energy situation (production and consumption patterns) in Sudan with specific focus on electricity. It proceeded to study the potential of Petroleum, Biomass and other renewable sources for electricity production. Dramatic increase in electricity production was found to be essential especially through decentralised power plants as the current electricity production services cover ~ 13 % of the population of Sudan. Biomass potential in Sudan justifies the use of agricultural residues as energy source; its potential was estimated by ~ 350000 TJ/a. Further, the urban centres of arid regions in western Sudan were identified as the target group for this study. In chapter 2, specific investigations for selected study area through field work using statistical tools such as questionnaires, interviews and field observation show that income is highly correlated to electricity consumption. The flat rate system did not result in higher consumption thus the assumption that this consumption will not drastically change in the next 10 years could be accepted. As orientation value for BGPP, 8000 tons of GN.S are available annually, the average electricity consumption is ~ 4 kWh/day/family while acceptable price could be 40 SDD/kWh (0.15 €). In chapter 3, literature review was carried to spot out the comparative merits of the gasification technology and the most optimum gasifying and electricity production system. As a result downdraft gasifier and ICE were suggested as suitable systems. In chapter 4, fuel properties and fuel properties of agricultural residues were studied, different samples were tested and the results were presented. The main conclusions derived were: fuel properties of agricultural residues are modifiable properties, so utlization planning is possible as for any other energy resource. In Sudan, Baggase, Groundnuts shells and Roselle stalks could be considered as possible fuels. The experimental work done in chapter 5 showed that GN.S could be gasified in down draft gasifiers, which are less costly and simpler to operate than circulating systems. Acceptable values of gas thermal properties (c.v.~ 4 MJ/Nm3, 30 % of burnable gases) at fairly continuing processes were obtained. In chapter 6, a concept for biomass power plant was drafted, the main components are: downdraft, air based gasifier connected to ICE, multi-stage gas cleaning system (cyclones, washer and filters) mechanical ash removal and semi closed water cycle. Main operation measures are: electricity is the sole product; working time is 150 day/year between mid Novembermid Mars. Environmental hazards of waste management e.g. flue gas emission and waste water management are the limiting factors. In the last part of chapter 6 an economic analysis was carried out. At a value of 3000 €/kW for the initial system and fuel price of 100000 €/year for ~6 GWh then a price of 0.23 €/kWh and a return period of 24 years could be obtained. The study concludes in chapter 7 that biomass gasification under the local conditions has its comparative merits however a high institutional support is needed at the beginning. / Diese Studie untersucht die Möglichkeit der Elektrizitätsproduktion durch Vergasung von landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen im Sudan. Die Untersuchung beginnt im Kapitel 1 mit der Bereitstellung einer allgemeinen zusammenhängenden Analyse der Energiesituation (Produktions- und Verbrauchsmuster) im Sudan mit dem besonderen Fokus auf Elektrizität, gefolgt von einer Studie des Potentials von Petroleum, Biomasse und anderer erneuerbarer Quellen für die Produktion von Elektrizität. Eine starke Zunahme bei der Elektrizitätsproduktion wurde als nötig bewertet, da dezentrale Kraftwerke, als die gegenwärtigen Elektrizitätsproduktionsbetriebe, nur die Versorgung von 13 % der Bevölkerung im Sudan abdecken. Das geschätzte Potential der landwirtschaftlichen Abfälle liegt bei ca. 350.000 TJ/Jahre damit kommen sie als Energiequelle in Frage. Weiterhin wurden urbane Zentren der ariden Regionen in Westsudan als Zielgruppe für die Untersuchung ausgewählt. In Kapitel 2 werden detaillierte Untersuchungen für das ausgewählte Studiengebiet durch Feldstudien unter Verwendung von statistischen Werkzeugen, wie Fragebögen, Interviews und Felduntersuchungen dargestellt. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass das Einkommen im höchsten Maße mit dem Elektrizitätsverbrauch korreliert ist. Das Flat rate System hatte keinen höheren Verbrauch zur Folge, folglich kann die Annahme akzeptiert werden, dass sich der Verbrauch in den nächsten 10 Jahren nicht drastisch ändern wird. Als Orientierungswert für Biomasse Kraftwerk: 8.000 t/Jahr Erdnussschalen sind verfügbar. Der durchschnittliche Elektrizitätsverbrauch beträgt ca. 4 kWh/Tag/Familie betrachtet für 10.000 Familien. Im Kapitel 3 wird eine Literaturrecherche für die Vergasungstechnologie durchgeführt, zum Vergleich ihrer Vorteile und zur Auswahl des optimalen Vergasungs- und Gasumwandlungssystems. Als Ergebnis wurden der Festbett-Gleichstrom-Vergaser und gas Motor als passende Systeme vorgeschlagen. In Kapitel 4 werden Brennstoff Eigenschaften von landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen untersucht, verschiedene Proben getestet und die Ergebnisse präsentiert. Die Hauptschlussfolgerung daraus ist: Brennstoff Eigenschaften von landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen sind veränderbare Eigenschaften, welche eine bessere Planung erlauben und somit ihre Verwendung favorisieren. Im Sudan können Bagasse, Erdnussschalen und Rosellenstiele als optimaler Brennstoff gelten. Die experimentelle Arbeit in Kapitel 5 zeigt, dass Erdnussschalen im 75 kW Festbett-Gleichstrom-Systemen vergast werden können, welche weniger kostenintensiv und einfach zu bedienen sind als zirkulierende Systeme. Akzeptable Werte der Gaseigenschaften (c.v. ca. 4 MJ/Nm³, 35 % von brennbaren Gasen) wurden in kontinuierlichen Prozessen erreicht. In Kapitel 6 wurde ein Konzept für Biomassekraftwerke entworfen. Deren Hauptkomponenten sind: Festbett-Gleichstrom-Vergaser in Verbindung mit ICE, mehrstufige Gasreinigungssysteme (Zyklone, Wäscher und Filter), mechanische Aschensysteme und ein teilweise geschlossener Wasserkreislauf. Hauptbetriebsmaßnahmen sind: Elektrizität als das einzige Produkt, die Arbeitszeit beträgt 150 Tage pro Jahr zwischen November und April. Umweltrisiken des Abfallmanagements z.B. Rauchgas und Abwassermanagement sind die limitierenden Faktoren. Im letzten Teil von Kapitel 6 wurde eine ökonomische Analyse durchgeführt. Ein Wert von 3000 €/kW für das Anfangssystem und ein Kraftstoffpreis von 100.000 €/Jahr für 6 GWh dann ein Preis von 0,23 €/kWh und eine Amortisationszeit von 24 Jahren können angenommen werden. Die Studie schlussfolgert, dass die Vergasung unter den Bedingungen des Studiengebietes ihre Vorteile hat, jedoch ist institutionelle Unterstützung am Anfang nötig.

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