Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem"" "subject:"sysystem""
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Návrh databáze pro připojení systému SAP jako zdroje dat pro webovou aplikaci / Database design for connecting SAP as a data source for a Web applicationMARHOUN, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with connecting SAP ERP system via local database system MS SQL Server using the tools SAP BI, data synchronization between systems and advanced usage of T-SQL language for preparing data for web applications and reports written in PHP. The thesis contains a brief overview of the SAP system and the possibility of connecting to the SAP system. The general principles of described solution can be used in conjunction with other systems and programming languages.
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Post-Implementation Improvement of ERP System Usage in SMEs : An Empirical Study of E-Commerce Retail Companies in Sweden / Förbättring av affärssystemsanvändning för små- och mellanstora företag : En empirisk fallstudie om e-handelsföretag i SverigeKvillert, Josefin, Reijonen, Sami January 2018 (has links)
Background: ERP systems were perceived as the most significant invention for corporations during the rise of information technology in 1990s (Davenport, 1998). Today ERP systems are a multibillion dollar business and used by both LEs and SMEs. Using an ERP system is a continuous project and it is important to constantly look for misalignments in the system and the usage in accordance to the organizational structure also during post-implementation phase (Peng & Nunes, 2017). Problem: Despite the abundance of studies regarding the implementation of ERP systems there is a shortage of studies about the post-implementation phase, where existing post-implementation studies are rather fragmented around a large set of issues (Huang & Yasuda, 2016; Peng & Nunes, 2017). Furthermore, the studies about ERP usage during post-implementation tend to focus on user perspective or evaluation of system or organizational performance (Huang & Yasuda, 2016). Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how SMEs improve the usage of ERP systems during the post-implementation phase. Method: To fulfill the purpose of this study, the empirical data was collected through a multiple case study of three cases with SMEs of e-commerce retailer companies in Sweden. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with top management of the three SMEs in order to get understanding of underlying methods and reasons for the system usage improvement Conclusion: Findings of this study show that SMEs improve their system usage through enhancing knowledge-sharing and organizational learning as well as through unification of the procedures that is achieved through external support and knowledge-sharing.
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Postimplementering av affärssystem : En studie om hur organisationer arbetar med stabiliseringsfasen under postimplementeringUhlén, Hanna, Zander, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Affärssystem kan ha en stor betydelse för hur organisationer styrs och organiseras och utgör kärnan för informationshanteringen inom organisationer. Att implementera ett affärssystem i en organisation är en omfattande process. Tidigare forskning omaffärssystem har främst fokuserat på hur organisationer ska gå tillväga för att lyckas med implementeringen. Trots detta är misslyckandegraden för affärssystemsimplementeringar hög och flera vetenskapliga artiklar pekar ut en kunskapslucka inom det som kallas postimplementering. Det som sker efter ett affärssystem tagits i bruk, det vill säga efter “go live” kallas för postimplementering. Postimplementeringen består av tre faser och denna studie fokuserar på den första fasen, stabiliseringsfasen, och det arbete som utförs för att nå ett stabilt läge. Ett stabilt läge kan definieras som att organisationens processer fungerar smidigt och effektivt samt att användarna är trygga ianvändningen av systemet. Utifrån litteraturstudien kunde tre teman tas fram som organisationer arbetar med under stabiliseringsfasen. Dessa var utvärdering, användarutbildning och förändring av affärsprocesser. Med dessa teman som utgångspunkt har intervjuer genomförts för att besvara frågan, ”Hur arbetar organisationer med stabiliseringsfasen underpostimplementeringen?”. Utifrån resultat, analys och diskussion identifierades fyra områden som organisationer arbetar med under stabiliseringsfasen för att nå ett stabiltläge: framtagning av prioritetslistor, utvärdering av användarkompetens, användarutbildning samt utvärdering av affärsprocesser. / ERP systems may have a significant impact on how organizations are managed and organized and they are the core of information management in organizations. Implementing an ERP system in an organization is a comprehensive process. Previous research on ERP has mainly focused on how organizations should proceed to accomplish a successful implementation. Despite this, the failure rate of ERP implementations is high and several scientific articles are pointing out a knowledge gap in what is known as post implementation. Post implementation is what happens after an ERP systemsimplementation. The post implementation stage consists of three phases. This study focuses on the first phase, stabilization, and the work done to achieve a stable position. A stable position can be defined as that the processes in the organization works effectively and smoothly and that the users are confident in using the system. Based on the literature study, three themes that organizations work with during stabilization were identified. These were evaluation, user training and business processes reengineering. On the basis of these themes, interviews were conducted to answer the question, "How do organizations work with stabilization during the post implementation stage?”. Based on result, analysis and discussion, four areas were identified which organizations work with during the stabilization phase to achieve a stable: development of priority lists, evaluation of user expertise, user training and evaluation of business processes.
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Optimalizace účetních procesů ve společnosti / The Optimization of Accounting Processes in the CompanyKomůrka, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis “Optimization of accounting Processes in the Company” is focusing on improving main processes in the company. This thesis is divided into theoretical part which contains theoretical terms connected with the optimization of processes in the company, into analytical part which describes current situation in the company and problems analyzing and into design part which contains concept of solutions of the main processes improvement. These amendments should lead to increased effectiveness of main processes.
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Vilken roll spelar ekonomen? : Redovisningsekonomers och controllers yrkesroller givet ett integrerat redovisningssystem och harmonisering av extern- och internredovisning / What role does the accountant play? : Financial and management accountants’ professional roles provided the use of an integrated accounting system and harmonization of financial and management accountingSundström, David, von Schoultz, Axel January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Denna studie tar sin utgångspunkt i två kontextuella förutsättningar som i akademisk litteratur sägs påverka möjligheterna för hur redovisningsekonomers och controllers roller i företag utformas och förändras. Den första förutsättningen grundas i utvecklingen av informationssystem, däribland integrerade redovisningssystem, vilket i grunden förändrat sätten information kan framställas, användas och omsättas i företag. Den andra förutsättningen tar sin utgångspunkt i en pågående akademisk debatt om förhållandet mellan extern- och internredovisning. Flera forskare har uppmärksammat att dessa forskningsområden särskiljs i akademisk litteratur, medan extern- och internredovisning i praktiken, enligt vissa forskare, närmat sig varandra. Vad detta, sammantaget med utvecklingen av informationssystem, ger för möjligheter att utforma redovisningsekonomers och controllers yrkesroller har i tidigare studier lyfts fram som ett intressant forskningsområde. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur redovisningsekonomers och controllers yrkesroller utvecklas och utformas i och med användning av ett integrerat redovisningssystem och en harmonisering av extern- och internredovisning. Metod: I studien tillämpas en kvalitativ metod där det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer inom en ekonomifunktion. Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie med longitudinella inslag. Slutsats och diskussion: Studiens resultat visar tecken på en hybridisering av redovisningsekonomens och controllerns yrkesroller i och med användning av ett integrerat redovisningssystem och en harmonisering av extern- och internredovisning. Dessa kontextuella förutsättningarna kan sägas ha möjliggjort denna hybridisering, men kan dock inte sägas vara de definitiva orsakerna till denna. / Background: This thesis is based on two contextual conditions that in academic literature are said to affect the possibilities of how financial and management accountants’ roles can be designed and changed. The first condition is based in the development of information systems, including integrated accounting systems, which are said to have fundamentally changed the ways information is produced, used, and treated within organizations. The second condition is based on an ongoing academic debate regarding the relation between financial and management accounting. Several researchers have noted that these research areas have diverted in academic literature, while the relationship in practice, as suggested by some researchers, is the opposite. The opportunities in this context to design and change management and financial accountants’ roles have, in previous studies, been presented as an interesting research area. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how financial and management accountants’ roles evolve and are designed provided the use of an integrated accounting system and harmonization of financial and management accounting. Research method: The study is based on a qualitative approach where the empirical data consists of interviews with employees within an accounting department. The study has been conducted as a single case study with longitudinal aspects. Conclusion: Results from this study indicate signs of a hybridization of financial and management accountants’ roles provided the use of an integrated accounting system and harmonization of financial and management accounting. These conditions could possibly facilitate this hybridization, but cannot be said to be the definitive cause of it.
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Knowledge management competence for ERP implementation successJayawickrama, Uchitha January 2015 (has links)
The global business environment has changed dramatically in recent years, as competition in complex knowledge-based economies has increased. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been viewed as a way to manage increased business complexity, leading to the rapid adoption and implementation of such systems, as ERP can support enterprises to improve their competitiveness. Knowledge management (KM) is crucial for ERP systems implementation, however a highly demanding task. Therefore, the primary concern of this research is to examine the effectiveness of knowledge management activities that would contribute to achieve ERP implementation success. This study adopted mixed methods approach by combining semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire to collect empirical data from ERP professionals in both manufacturing and service sector organisations. In the qualitative phase, it develops the “framework of integrative knowledge” based on empirical evidence, that can improve KM competence for ERP implementation success. Data analysis has been undertaken using a combination of thematic analysis and comparative analysis with respect to 14 ERP implementations in the UK. The framework integrates multiple perspectives in terms of knowledge components to enhance KM competence, including knowledge types, knowledge layers, KM lifecycle and knowledge determinants. It discovered 19 knowledge determinants to drive knowledge management activities during ERP projects, which is another vital contribution to the existing knowledge. Furthermore, the study develops the “knowledge network model” for ERP implementations in order to facilitate the knowledge flows between various stakeholders involved in ERP implementations, which can help to understand the interactions between the knowledge components. Moreover, sub-knowledge types (knowledge elements) under each knowledge type were discovered through empirical evidence. The quantitative phase was adopted to extend the findings of the qualitative phase. The knowledge types and knowledge elements were prioritised using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method through an online AHP based questionnaire with 77 responses from ERP professionals involved in UK ERP implementations. Furthermore, knowledge prioritisation demonstrates how effectively the framework of integrative knowledge can be used during ERP implementations with the help of prioritised knowledge. In total 4 knowledge types and 21 knowledge elements were ranked based on their contribution to achieve ERP success; four variables of information quality, systems quality, individual impact and organisational impact were used to measure ERP success. This study has number of theoretical contributions including framework of integrative knowledge, knowledge network model for ERP implementations and ERP knowledge prioritisation. Moreover, the framework of integrative knowledge can provide ERP practitioners with useful guidance on what the key knowledge determinants are and how the relationships between knowledge components should be best managed to achieve ERP implementation success in business reality.
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ERP systémy a analýza jejich realizace ve webovém prostředí / ERP systems and web-based ERP systemsKošař, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ERP systems and web information systems such as ERP. The theoretical part describes the historical development of information systems and the inclusion of web information systems in the context of historical development. Analysis of existing ERP systems is followed by a section dealing with the current coverage of business processes by ERP systems and general recomended criteria for choosing information systems. The practical part contains a survey of perceptions of web information by organizations. The survey is conducted using questionnaires, which were interviewed randomly selected medium-sized and small organizations. The second part contains a comparison of classical information systems such as ERP with thick client with a web information system with thin client. These systems are compared using a multi-criteria analysis.
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Specifika procesů a jejich řízení v utilitních společnostech / Specific processes and management in utility companiesRajský, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis analyses factors which has influence on a way of process management within utility companies. Thesis expands results of previous researches from the of utility market and information systems field. The main objective is to prepare an overview and comparison of specialized ERP systems to support specific business processes of utility companies and analysis of selected ERP solutions against factors that influence the development of these systems. The partial aim is to analyze innovation factors, information acquisition and processing to theoretical basis. The benefits for the reader is the overview and comparison of ERP systems, overview of risk factors influencing the successful implementation and effective operation of the ERP system, analysis and design solution to strategic challenges in utility industry and analysis of partial ERP system againt these challenges.
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Zpřístupnění systému proAlpha externímu klientovi / Extrenal Access to the proAlpha SystemSuchý, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with main goals and principles of ERP systems. On the basis of the presented principles it presents the proALPHA ERP system and examines it in order to determine external access possibilities. The external access into the proALPHA system is the main goal of this work. The materials management module has been chosen as the part of the system to be accessed. The access will be realized via proALPHA INWB module based on Sonic ESB which is described as well. All set goals of this work were reached.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Efectiveness Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationVáňa, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the information system software of the EKOFILTR spol. s r.o. company. The aim of the thesis is to propose certain steps and adjustments that would make the system more efficient and generally more user-friendly. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is devoted to description of terms and procedures that form the basis of the analysis of information system. Analysis itself is carried out in the next section. Here, identified system deficiencies are described as well as processes which led to their detection. The last part is then devoted to solving these problems through specific proposals.
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