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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization of Scleroderma spore inoculum for Eucalyptus nurseries in China /

Chen, Yinglong. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Murdoch University, 2006. / Thesis submitted to the Division of Science and Engineering. Bibliography: leaves 182-201.

Determination of carbon sequestration and storage capacity of Eucalyptus plantation in Sra Kaew province, Thailand using remote sensing /

Iglesias, Catherine Onida, Sura Pattanakiat, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Natural Resource Management))--Mahidol University, 2007. / LICL has E-Thesis 0034 ; please contact computer services.

The effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide mixing ratios on the emission of Volatile organic compounds from Corymbia citriodora and Tristaniopsis laurina

Camenzuli, Michelle. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Macquarie University, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, 2008. / Bibliography: p. 120-124.

Post-fire recovery of carbon and nitrogen in sub-alpine soils of South-eastern Australia /

Shrestha, Hari Ram. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MForSc)--University of Melbourne, Dept. of Forest and Ecosystem Science, 2009. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-140)

Eucalypt regeneration on the Lower Murray floodplain, South Australia

George, Amy Kathryn. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Adelaide, 2004. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on Sept. 25, 2005). Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-159).

Δημιουργία υπολογιστικών κόμβων σε υποδομές cloud computing

Ψιλόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος 05 March 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική έχει σαν σκοπό τη διερεύνηση της τεχνολογίας του Cloud Computing και της τεχνολογίας της Virtualization που την στηρίζει. Παρουσίαση της ιστορίας και μια τεχνική παρουσίαση των δυνατοτήτων και των καταβολών των τεχνολογιών. Αναφέρονται πρακτικές εφαρμογές που μπορούν οι συγκεκριμένες τεχνολογίες να εφαρμοστούν και τους σκοπούς που θα εξυπηρετήσουν. Επίσης γίνεται μια πιο αναλυτική παρουσίαση δυο προγραμμάτων (Xen Hypervisor – για το επίπεδο της Virtualization, Eucalyptus – σαν πλατφόρμα για τη δημιουργία IaaS Clouds). Παρουσιάζονται επίσης σύντομοι οδηγοί για την εγκατάσταση ενός Cloud, καθώς και το configuration μαζί με τους λόγους που χρησιμοποιήθηκε. / The scope of this thesis is to study the technology of Cloud Computing and the Virtualization technology that is supporting it. A presentation of the history, a technical overview and the origins of these technologies. There are mentioned some fields that the specified technologies could apply and the purposes that they would serve. On the third chapter, a more detailed presentation of two pieces of software is given (Xen Hypervisor – for the Virtualization Layer, Eucalyptus – as the platform to create IaaS Clouds). In the end quick how-to guides are described on the procedure to install a Cloud, the configuration and the reasons of the specific set up as well.

Crescimento micelial, produção e características bormatológicas do shiitake em função de linhagens e de propriedades físicas e químicas de espécies e clones de eucalipto /

Andrade, Meire Cristina Nogueira de, 1978- January 2007 (has links)
Abstract: Mycelium growth, production and bromatologicals characteristics of shiitake in function of lineages and chemical and physical properties of eucalyptus clones and species were evaluated. In Experiment 1, mycelium growth of two Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler (LE-95/01 and LE-96/18) species in culture mediums prepared with sawdust extract from seven species (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, E. paniculata e E. pellita) and three eucalyptus clones (hybrid E. grandis x E. urophylla) was analyzed. The experimental design was totally randomized, in 2x10 factorial design, totalizing 20 treatments with 10 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to one Petri dish. In Experiment 2, mycelium growth of eight L. edodes lineages (LE-96/17, LE-95/02, LE-95/07, LE-98/55, LE-96/18, LE-95/01, LE-96/13 and LE-98/47) in culture mediums prepared with sawdust extract from Eucalyptus spp was evaluated. The experimental design was totally randomized, with 8 treatments and 8 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to one Petri dish. In Experiment 3, production and bromatological characterization of two Lentinula edodes lineages cultivated in seven species and three clones of eucalyptus was evaluated. The experimental design was totally randomized, in 2x10 factorial design, totalizing 20 treatments with 40 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to one log. In Experiment 4, physical and chemical properties of seven species and three clones of eucalyptus before and after the cultivation of two L. edodes lineages was evaluated. The experimental design was totally randomized, in 2x10 factorial design, totalizing 20 treatments with 9 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to one log. The culture medium that provided highest averages of mycelium growth of L. edodes lineages LE-95/01 and LE-96/18 was the one with... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Marli Teixeira de Almeida Minhoni / Coorientador: José Luiz Stape / Banca: Edson Luiz Furtado / Banca: Claudio Angeli Sansígolo / Banca: Luiz Antônio Graciolli / Banca: Arailde Fontes Urben / Doutor

Densidade de amostragem de dados para análise da correlação espacial da produtividade do eucalipto em função de atributos do solo /

Corrêa, Adriany Rodrigues January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rafael Montanari / Resumo: Um dos fatores limitantes para o uso da agricultura de precisão é o número de amostras necessárias para representar espacialmente a distribuição do nutriente ou insumo aplicado de forma variada. Portanto objetivou-se com a presente pesquisa avaliar com base na análise geoestatística o número ideal de subamostras para compor uma composta que melhor determine as zonas específicas de manejo e ratificar a existência de um atributo (solo e/ou planta) que possa, espacialmente, funcionar como indicador de qualidade, isto é, caracterizar as zonas específicas de manejo, com o intuito de aumentar a produtividade do Eucalyptus camaldulensis com sete anos de idade. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 2015, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira – UNESP, em Selvíria (MS, Brasil), latitude 20° 20’ 31” S, longitude 51° 24’ 12” W. Para tanto, foram analisadas as correlações lineares e espaciais entre atributos do eucalipto e de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico, os quais foram: circunferência à altura do peito (CAP), altura da árvore (ALT), o volume médio anual de madeira com a casca (VOL), densidade do solo (DS), resistência do solo à penetração (RP), teor umidade gravimétrica (UG), porosidade total (PT), potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), matéria orgânica (MO) e estoque de carbono (EC). Foi instalada uma malha geoestatística com 120 pontos, sendo constituída de seis transeções paralelas (sentido N-S), espaçadas em 14 m, com 20 pontos amostrais cada, espaç... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: One of the limiting factors for the use of precision agriculture is the number of samples needed to spatially represent the distribution of the nutrient or input applied in a varied way. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the ideal number of subsamples to compose a composite that better determines the specific areas of management and ratify the existence of an attribute (soil and / or plant) that can, spatially, to function as a quality indicator, that is, to characterize the specific areas of management, in order to increase the productivity of Eucalyptus camaldulensis at seven years of age. The study was conducted in 2015, at the UNESP - São Paulo State University, in Selvíria (MS, Brazil), latitude 20 ° 20 '31 "S, longitude 51 ° 24' 12" W. In order to do so, we analyzed the linear and spatial correlations between eucalyptus attributes and a Distrofic RED LATOSOLO, which were: circumference at breast height (CBH), height of the tree (HT), mean annual volume of wood with bark (VOL), soil bulk density (SB), soil penetration to resistance (PR), gravimetrical moisture contents (GM), total porosity (TP), hydrogenation potential (pH), organic matter (OM) and carbon stock content (CS). A geostatistical mesh was installed with 120 points, consisting of six parallel transects (N-S direction), spaced at 14 m, with 20 sample points each, spaced at 18 m, leaving a 10 m border. With three sample compositions, the sample composition of a single data (CA1), sample c... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Efeito da imersão de mudas com fertilizante e cupinicida no crescimento de dois clones de eucalipto sob duas condições de umidade no substrato

Vomero, Paulo Augusto de Souza Zingra [UNESP] 02 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:30:16Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 vomero_pasz_me_botfca.pdf: 1443571 bytes, checksum: 5ec69ec8c36c661017edfbdefbcc0951 (MD5) / Cia Suzano de Papel e Celulose Ltda / Para manter a qualidade das mudas de eucalipto no plantio e garantir rápido desenvolvimento, é recomendada a imersão das mesmas em solução de fertilizantes nitrogenados e cupinicidas. A imersão algumas vezes é realizada com o substrato saturado com água, podendo então, haver redução da ação esperada. Portanto, este trabalho visou avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial em campo de dois clones de eucalipto imersos em solução de fertilizante e cupinicida com diferentes teores de umidade no substrato. Neste estudo foram utilizados dois clones híbridos de eucalipto (“urograndis”), codificados como VT 05 e VT 04, recomendados para região de Luiz Antonio, SP, onde o experimento foi instalado, e identificados no experimento como clone 1 e clone 2 respectivamente. O delineamento experimental foi do tipo fatorial 2x2x3, com dois clones, duas situações de umidade para substrato (denominadas saturada e seco) e três situações de calda (sulfato de amônio com e sem cupinicida e testemunha), interagindo o fertilizante sulfato de amônio a 1 % e o cupinicida fipronil a 0,5 %, totalizando doze tratamentos e quatro repetições. Após o plantio foi mensurado o diâmetro de colo e altura de muda das 12 mudas centrais de cada parcela, realizando essas medições por 2 meses em intervalos de 15 dias. Posteriormente foi determinado as taxas de incremento para altura e diâmetro do colo para cada período, sendo, esses dados submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey com significância de 5%. Foram verificadas diferenças nas taxas de crescimento entre os dois clones estudados, independentemente dos tratamentos com umidade do substrato... / To maintain the sapling quality at planting and ensure fast development, it is recommended the sapling immersion in solution of nitrogen fertilizers and termiticides. The immersion is sometimes performed with the substrate saturated with water, thus, can occur reduction of expected action. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the initial development in the field of two eucalyptus clones immersed in solution of fertilizer and termiticide with different levels of moisture in the substrate. In this study, it was used two hybrid clones of eucalyptus (“urograndis ), codified as VT 05 and VT 04, recommended for the region of Luiz Antonio, SP, Brazil, where the experiment was carried out, and identified as clone 1 and clone 2, respectively. The experimental design was 2x2x3 factorial, with two clones, two situations of substrate moisture (wet and dry) and three different solution interacting fertilizer ammonium sulfate at 1% and termiticide fipronil at 0.5%, totaling twelve treatments and four replications. After planting was measured the saplings stem diameter and height of 12 central plants of each plot, with evaluations made during 2 months at intervals of 15 days. Using data from field samples was determined rates of increase for height and stem diameter for each period, and these data were submitted to ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test with a significance of 5%. There were differences in growth rates between the two clones, regardless of treatment with substrate moisture and termiticide. The presence of termiticide did not affect the rates of increase in height and diameter in two eucalyptus clones tested. The variation of moisture from the substrate -root seedlings set of Eucalyptus did not affect the rates of increase in height and diameter in two eucalyptus clones tested. There was better use of the product used during the immersion of seedlings when the substrate is less... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Controle químico de doenças de Eucalyptus spp. em viveiros e seus efeitos morfo-fisiológicos

Dias, Ana Cláudia Ribeiro [UNESP] 30 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:10:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 dias_acr_me_botfca.pdf: 1511623 bytes, checksum: da6aa3652c569228d64488832cfd2166 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os viveiros florestais apresentam condições microclimáticas que propiciam o desenvolvimento de patógenos que causam sérios danos, entre eles a morte das mudas. Dessa forma, o manejo integrado destas doenças se torna obrigatório, com várias medidas que podem ser adotadas: assepsia, a regulação, o controle biológico e o controle químico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar o comportamento dos diferentes patógenos que atuam no viveiro, sob diferentes produtos químicos, assim como o efeito destes na produção mudas, a redução do nível de sintomas e o possível efeito morfo-fisiológico dos fungicidas sobre as mudas. O capitulo 1, destinou-se em avaliar o efeito “in-vitro” de sete fungicidas sobre o crescimento micelial de Botrytis cinerea, Ceratocystis fimbriata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Cryphonectria cubensis, Cylindrocladium scoparium, Dothiorella sp., Fusarium solani, Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctonia solani e Quambalaria eucalypti, patogênicos a estacas de eucalipto, nas concentrações de 1, 10, 100 e 1.000 μg.mL-1 (p/v) de ingrediente ativo (i.a.) em meio de BDA. Os resultados mostraram que para os fungicidas BAS 516 04 F, BAS 358 01F e BAS 512 14 F, seis patógenos foram totalmente ou parcialmente inibidos na concentração de 1 ou 10 μg.mL-1. Já o fungicida BAS 510 01 F se mostrou o menos eficiente. O capítulo II teve como objetivo de avaliar os diferentes produtos químicos no desenvolvimento das mudas de eucalipto. No experimento utilizaram os clones C041H e P4295H, com duas coletas de cada clone, utilizando seis compostos químicos. As mudas foram avaliadas quanto à altura da parte aérea (H), diâmetro do coleto (DC), massa seca total (MST), massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA), massa seca das raízes (MSR), relação entre altura da parte aérea e diâmetro do coleto (RHDC), relação entre altura da parte aérea e massa seca da parte aérea (RHMSPA)... / Nursery shows microclimatic conditions that favor the development of pathogens that cause serious harm, including death of seedlings. In this way, the integrated management of these diseases becomes mandatory, with various measures that can be taken: asepsis, regulation, biological control and chemical control. The goal of this work was to study the behavior of different pathogens that work in the nursery under different chemicals products, as well the effect of these in the production seedlings, the decreasing of the symptoms level and the possible effect of fungicides on morpho-physiological seedlings. The target of chapter I was evaluate the “in vitro” effect of seven fungicides above the mycelium growing of Botrytis cinerea, Ceratocystis fimbriata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cryphonectria cubensis, Cylindrocladium scoparium, Dothiorella sp., Fusarium solani, Pestalotia sp., Rhizoctonia solani and Quambalaria eucalypti, pathogens to the eucalyptus stakes on concentrations of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg.mL-1 (p/v) of active ingredient (i.a) in vehicle BDA. The results showed that the fungicides BAS 516 04 F, BAS 358 01F and BAS 512 14 F six pathogens were partially or completely inhibited at a concentration of 1 or 10 μg.mL-1. In the other side, the fungicide BAS 510 01 F was the less efficient. The Chapter II was to evaluate the different chemicals products in the development of eucalyptus seedlings. In the experiment, was used the clones C041H and P4295H, with two samples of each clone, using six chemical compound. The seedlings was evaluated by air part height (H), basal diameter (DC), weight of total dry mass (MST), weight of dry mass of air part (MSPA), root dry mass weight (MSR), relation between air part height and basal diameter (RHDC) relation between air part height and dry mass of air part weight (RHMSPA) and Dickson quality indices (IQD). In the first sample to the clone... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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