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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Steigerung der Effektivität repetitiver Doppelpuls-TMS mit I-Wellen-Periodizität (iTMS) durch individuelle Adaptation des Interpulsintervalls

Sewerin, Sebastian 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die transkranielle Magnetstimulation (TMS) ist ein nichtinvasives Hirnstimulationsverfahren, mit welchem sowohl die funktionelle Untersuchung umschriebener kortikaler Regionen als auch die Modulation der Erregbarkeit ebendieser sowie die Induktion neuroplastischer Phänomene möglich ist. Sie wurde in der Vergangenheit insbesondere bei der Erforschung des humanen zentralmotorischen Systems angewandt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass ein einzelner über dem primärmotorischen Areal (M1) applizierter TMS-Puls multiple deszendierende Erregungswellen im Kortikospinaltrakt induzieren kann. Von diesen Undulationen besitzt die D-Welle (direkte Welle) die kürzeste Latenz und sie rekurriert auf eine direkte Aktivierung kortikospinaler Neurone, wohingegen I-Wellen (indirekte Wellen) längere Latenzen besitzen und durch transsynaptische Aktivierung dieser Zellen entstehen. Bemerkenswert ist das periodische Auftreten der letztgenannten Erregungswellen mit einer Periodendauer von etwa 1,5 ms. Zwar sind die genauen Mechanismen noch unbekannt, welche der Entstehung dieser I-Wellen sowie dem Phänomen der I-Wellen-Fazilitierung, das sich in geeigneten TMS-Doppelpulsprotokollen offenbart, zugrunde liegen, jedoch existieren hierzu verschiedene Erklärungsmodelle. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die repetitive Anwendung eines TMS-Doppelpulsprotokolls, bei dem das Interpulsintervall (IPI) im Bereich der I-Wellen-Periodizität liegt (iTMS) und das gleichsam durch eine Implementierung der I-Wellen-Fazilitierung in der repetitiven TMS charakterisiert ist. Da gezeigt werden konnte, dass iTMS mit einem IPI von 1,5 ms (iTMS_1,5ms) die kortikospinale Erregbarkeit signifikant intra- und postinterventionell zu steigern vermag, und die I-Wellen-Periodizität interindividuellen Schwankungen unterliegt, wurde in der hier vorgestellten Studie an Normalprobanden der Einfluss einer individuellen Anpassung des IPIs (resultierend in der iTMS_adj) auf die intrainterventionelle kortikospinale Erregbarkeit untersucht. In der Tat stellte sich heraus, dass die iTMS_adj der iTMS_1,5ms diesbezüglich überlegen ist. Dieses Ergebnis unterstreicht das Potential einer Individualisierung der interventionellen TMS für erregbarkeitsmodulierende Effekte und macht dasjenige der ohnehin auf physiologische Prozesse abgestimmten iTMS explizit, was insbesondere für klinische Anwendungen relevant sein mag.

Efeito da estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua e da eletroestimulação intramuscular na dor, na capacidade funcional e na excitabilidade cortical de pacientes com osteoartrite

Tarragó, Maria da Graça Lopes January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A osteoartrite de joelhos (KOA) apresenta alta prevalência, principalmente em mulheres. Com o envelhecimento da população esta prevalência irá aumentar. Os tratamentos conservadores apresentam limitada eficácia em expressivo número de pacientes no curso do tratamento . A cirurgia de protetização apresenta altos custos, possibilidade de complicações pós-operatórias graves e ainda que a correção anatômica seja perfeita, em torno de 20% dos pacientes persistem com dor crônica pós-operatória. Portanto, é preciso avançar no conhecimento dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos e estudar novas abordagens terapêuticas para agregar às existentes, visando melhor manejo da dor e para restabelecer a função de maneira mais efetiva. Estas questões motivaram três questões centrais que origiram os três estudos que compõem esta tese. Estudo I: No primeiro estudo avaliamos os mecanismos pelos quais há perpetuação da dor na KOA. Para responder a esta questão buscou respostas aos seguintes objetivos: I) Comparar se a função da via da dor inibitório descendente está associada com o estado de inibição no sistema corticospinal, indexado pelo potencial evocado motor (MEP) e o período de silêncio cortical (CSP) em pacientes com KOA e controles saudáveis. II) Determinar se há correlação entre as medidas de inibição intracortical (CSP, MEP) com alterações na escala de dor numérica (NPS 0-10) na KOA durante a tarefa de modulação condicionada de dor (CPM-task) considerando o efeito da capacidade funcional auto-relatada avaliada pelo Western Ontário and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) e uso de analgésicos. Métodos: Estudo transversal, foram incluídas 21 pacientes femininas com KOA e 10 controles saudáveis com idade entre 19 a 75 anos. Os parâmetros de excitabilidade do córtex motor (MEP e CSP) foram avaliados utilizando a estimulação magnética trasncraniana (EMT). Avaliação de dor e a incapacidade pelo WOMAC e a NPS (0-10) durante a CPM-task. Resultados: A média ajustada (DP) do CSP observada em pacientes com OA foi 23,43% menor do que em indivíduos saudáveis [54,54 (16,10) vs. 70,94 (22,87)], respectivamente (P = 0,01). A função do sistema modulador descendente de dor avaliado pela alteração do NPS (0-10) durante o CPM-task foi negativamente correlacionada com o parâmetro de excitabilidade cortical indexado pelo CSP (P = 0,001). O CSP foi negativamente correlacionado com a dor e incapacidade avaliada pelo índice WOMAC. Conclusão: Foi observado um sistema inibitório descendente de dor enfraquecido, corroborando com os achados em outras patologias de dor crônica. Estudo II O segundo estudo buscou determinar se na KOA, uma sessão de IMS (eletroestimulação intramuscular) ativa comparada com sham promove um efeito nos parâmetros de excitabilidade do córtex motor [MEP, inibição intracortical curta - SICI, facilitação intracortical (ICF) e CSP] e nas medidas de dor [limiar de dor a pressão (PPT); escala visual analógica de dor (VAS) e mudança na escala de dor numérica (NPS0-10) durante a CPM-task]. Esse estudo também se propôs a determinar se o fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF) sérico medeia o efeito desta estimulação no sistema cortico-espinhal, tal como avaliado pelo MEP e pelo PPT. Métodos: Foram incluídas 26 mulheres com KOA, com idade entre 50 a 75 anos. Elas foram divididas randomicamente para receber uma sessão de 30 minutos de IMS ativa (n = 13) ou IMS sham (n = 13) por meio de eletroestimulação com frequência de 2 Hz. As agulhas foram inseridas paravertebrais em nível da saída das raízes lombares de L1 a S2 e nos músculos cuja inervação corresponde a essas raízes e que sustentam a articulação do joelho (vasto medial, reto anterior, vasto lateral, tibial anterior e inserção da pata anserina). Os desfechos foram as medidas de dor (VAS, PPT, NPS durante CPM-task) e parâmetros de excitabilidade (MEP, CSP, SICI, ICF) realizados antes e imediatamente após a intervenção. Resultados: a IMS ativa comparado com sham diminuiu o MEP em 31,61% [intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%, 2,34-60,98]. Para os resultados secundários, IMS reduziu o ICF e aumentou o CSP. A IMS melhorou a dor relatada no VAS, o PPT e a pontuação do NPS (0-10) durante a CPM-task. O BDNF foi negativamente correlacionado com o PPT (r = 20,56). Conclusão: Obtivemos resultados demonstrando melhora da dor e reforço do sistema cortico-espinhal inibitório comparado ao tratamento sham com IMS. Estudo III O terceiro estudo buscou: 1) Avaliar se a utilização da ETCC (estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua) combinada a IMS pode promover um resultado melhor de modulação da via cortico-espinhal de dor através da potenciação dos efeitos dos dois tratamentos; comparado a cada um deles isoladamente e ao tratamento sham. 2) Avaliar a capacidade da ETCC em reforçar o sistema inibitório descendente de dor e modular a excitabilidade neuronal através da VAS, PPT e NPS durante CPM-task. Além disso, avaliamos se o BDNF sérico poderia prever o efeito da terapia no final do tratamento. Métodos: 60 mulheres de 50 a 75 anos. Randomizadas em um de quatro grupos: ETCC+IMS, ETCC+IMS sham, ETCC sham+IMS, ETCC sham+IMS sham. Receberam 5 sessões de tratamento: ETCC anodal, lado contrário ao joelho acometido, 2mA, 30 min. IMS: estimulação com freqüência de 2Hz, 30 min; agulhas colocadas a 2cm de L1 á S2, nos músculos vasto medial, vasto lateral, reto anterior, tibial anterior e na inserção da pata anserina. Resultados: O a-tDCS + a-IMS mostrou os melhores resultados com diferença significativa na dor (VAS) [média (DP) relacionadas ao tratamento (pós e pré): 0.46 (0.04) vs. 6.32 (1.97); 95%CI -5.42 (-8.24 to -4.36), p=.003] e funcionalidade. Esse resultado iniciou na primeira sessão e manteve-se ao longo do estudo. A-tDCS+a-IMS foi o único capaz de modificar o sistema inibitório descendente de dor. Conclusão: Obtivemos melhora da dor e capacidade funcional com IMS, ETCC e ETCC+IMS. Mas somente o grupo de tratamento ETCC+IMS demonstrou capacidade de modificação do sistema inibitório descendente de dor. / Background: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) has a high prevalence, especially in women. With the aging of the population this prevalence will increase. Conservative treatments have limited efficacy in expressive number of patients in the course of the treatment. The total knee replacement surgery presents high costs, possibility of serious postoperative complications and although the anatomical correction is perfect, around 20% persist with chronic postoperative pain. Therefore, it’s necessary to advance in the knowledge of pathophysiological mechanisms and to study new therapeutic approaches to add to the existing ones, aiming to better manage pain and to restore function more effectively. These questions motivated three central questions that originated the three studies that compose this thesis. Study I In the first study we evaluated the mechanisms by which there is perpetuation of pain in knee osteoarthritis and to answer this question sought to answer the following objectives: I) To compare if the function of the descending inhibitory pain pathway is associated with the state of inhibition in the corticospinal system, indexed by the motor evoked potential (MEP) and the cortical silent period (CSP) in patients with KOA and healthy controls. II) To determine if there is a correlation between the intracortical inhibition measures (CSP, MEP) with changes in the numerical pain scale (NPS 0-10) in the KOA during the task of conditioned pain modulation (CPM-task) considering the effect of the self-reported function evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) and the use of analgesics. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 21 female patients with KOA and 10 healthy controls aged 19-75 years old. Motor cortex excitability parameters (MEP and CSP) were assessed using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Pain assessment and disability by WOMAC and NPS (0-10) during the CPM-task. Results: The adjusted mean (SD) of CSP observed in patients with OA was 23.43% lower than in healthy subjects [54,54 (16,10) vs 70.94 (22.87)], respectively (P = 0.01). The function of the descending pain modulatory system evaluated by the NPS (0-10) change during the CPM-task was negatively correlated with the cortical excitability parameter indexed by CSP (P = 0.001). CSP was negatively correlated with pain and disability assessed by the WOMAC index. Conclusion: It was observed a descending pain inhibitory system weakened, corroborating the findings of other chronic pain conditions. Study II The second study sought to determine if one active IMS session compared to sham promoted an effect on motor cortex excitability (MEP, short intracortical inhibition - SICI, intracortical facilitation (ICF) and CSP and in the pain measures [pressure pain threshold (PPT); Visual analogue pain scale (VAS) and numerical pain scale change (NPS0-10) during the CPM-task]. This study also aimed to determine whether serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediates the effect of this stimulation on the cortico-spinal system, as assessed by MEP and PPT. Methods: Twenty-six women with KOA, aged 50-75 years old, were included. They were randomly divided to receive a 30-minute session of active IMS (n = 13) or IMS sham (n = 13) by electrostimulation with a frequency of 2 Hz. The needles were inserted paravertebral at the level of the lumbar roots exit from L1 to S2 and in the muscles whose innervation corresponds to these roots and which support the knee joint (vastus medialis, rectus anterior, vastus lateral, tibialis anterior and insertion of the anserine paw). The outcomes were pain measures (VAS, PPT, NPS during CPM-task) and excitability parameters (MEP, CSP, SICI, ICF) performed before and immediately after the intervention. Results: the active IMS compared with sham decreased the MEP by 31.61% [confidence interval (CI) 95%, 2.34-60.98]. For the secondary outcomes, IMS reduced ICF and increased CSP. IMS improved pain reported in VAS, PPT, and NPS score (0-10) during the CPM-task. BDNF was negatively correlated with PPT (r = 20.56). Conclusion: We obtained results demonstrating improvement of pain and enhancement of the inhibitory corticospinal system compared to sham treatment with IMS. Study III The third study aimed to: 1) Evaluate if the use of the combined tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation) to IMS can promote a better result of modulation of the corticospinal pain pathway through the potentiation of the effects of the two treatments; compared to each of them alone, and with the sham treatment. 2) To evaluate the ability of the tDCS to strengthen the descending inhibitory pain system and to modulate neuronal excitability through VAS, PPT and NPS during CPM-task. In addition, we evaluated whether serum BDNF could predict the effect of therapy at the end of treatment. Methods: 60 women aged 50 to 75 years old. Randomized in one of four groups: tDCS + IMS, tDCS + IMS sham, tDCS sham + IMS, tDCS sham + IMS sham. They received 5 sessions of treatment: anodal tDCS, opposite side to affected knee, 2mA, 30 min. IMS: stimulation with frequency of 2Hz, 30 min; needles placed at 2 cm from L1 to S2, in the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus anterior, tibialis anterior and insertion of the anserine paw. Results: a-tDCS + a-IMS showed the best results with significant difference in pain (VAS) [mean (SD) related to treatment (post and pre): 0.46 (0.04) vs. 6.32 (1.97); 95% CI -5.42 (-8.24 to -4.36), p = .003] and functionality. This result started in the first session and was maintained throughout the study. A-tDCS + a-IMS was the only one able to modify the descending inhibitory pain system. Conclusion: We achieved improved pain and functional capacity with IMS, tDCS and tDCS + IMS. But only the tDCS + IMS treatment group demonstrated ability to modify the descending inhibitory pain system.

Elucidating the reversibility of ataxia

Šuminaite, Daumante January 2017 (has links)
Heterozygous and recently identified homozygous mutations in the SPTBN2 gene, encoding b-III spectrin, are implicated in spinocerebellar ataxia type 5 (SCA5) and spectrin-associated autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia type 1 (SPARCA1), respectively. Our mouse model, lacking b-III spectrin (KO), mimics the progressive human phenotype displaying motor deficiencies as well as reduced Purkinje cell firing frequency followed by dendritic tree degeneration and cell death. The aims of this study were to evaluate progression of Purkinje cell degeneration following loss of b-III spectrin function and determine whether the reintroduction of C-terminus (C-trm) of b-III spectrin to the cerebellum is enough to halt, alleviate or reverse the disease phenotype. Additionally, this study investigated whether the abnormal electrophysiological and morphological phenotypes of Purkinje cells from KO mice are re-capitulated in a primary cerebellar culture and if so, whether they could be rescued by modulating calcium signaling. Morphological and histological analyses revealed that Purkinje cell degeneration is not uniform throughout the cerebellum of KO mice with Purkinje cells from posterior cerebellar regions possessing significantly smaller dendritic trees when compared to anterior cerebellum (p=0.0003, N=4-6, n=11-29). Similarly, significant reduction in Purkinje cell density was observed in posterior, not anterior regions of KO mice when compared to WT animals (p=0.014, N=3) and reduced tonic firing is most significant in Purkinje cells from the posterior cerebellum compared to WT mice (p=0.0328, N=3-6, n=11-29), with posterior KO PCs appearing to have elevated input resistance. Two-week expression of C-trm b-III spectrin in 3-month old KO animals significantly reduced Purkinje cell input resistance when compared to non-transduced cells (p=0.0139, N=4-5, n=15), but no effect was seen 9 months after viral injection. In contrast, a difference in cell surface area was no longer detected between WT and KO animals at 12 months of age following 9-months of viral expression. Nevertheless, using the elevated beam test motor deterioration was still observed 5 months after surgery (p=0.0023, N=4). In contrast, earlier stereotaxic injections at 6-weeks of age had a positive effect on mice motor performance with no deterioration in performance detected 5 months after the surgery. Latency to stay on the rotarod at 3 rpm was also significantly extended 6 months after stereotaxic injections at 6-weeks of age with slower motor deterioration (p=0.0348, N=6). In primary cerebellar cultures, Purkinje cells from KO animals exhibit an abnormal morphology with significantly more dendritic branches (p < 0.0001, N=4-7, n=35-69) and a larger total dendritic length (p=0.0079). Chronic application of 2 μM mibefradil, a T-type calcium channel blocker, was observed to reduce total dendritic length and branching in KO animal cultures bringing these morphological measurements closer to WT Purkinje cell levels. Finally although after 14 days in vitro 40% of Purkinje cells were found to be spontaneously firing, no significant difference in firing frequency (p=0.9434) or input resistance (p=0.8434, N=4, n=6-10) was detectable between WT and KO cultures. In summary, Purkinje cells in posterior cerebellar regions of KO mice were found to be more susceptible to dendritic degeneration and cellular death than cells in the anterior cerebellum. Expression of C-trm b-III spectrin at 3 months of age had an immediate effect on cell input resistance and a modest effect on Purkinje cell morphology but no effect on motor decline. Viral injections at 6-weeks of age, however, significantly slowed motor decline. Although an abnormal KO cell morphology could be successfully recapitulated in primary cell culture, it was not possible to discern any differences in electrophysiological properties. Nevertheless, the abnormal cell morphology was successfully modified in vitro by manipulating calcium signaling via T-type calcium channels.

Efeito da estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua e da eletroestimulação intramuscular na dor, na capacidade funcional e na excitabilidade cortical de pacientes com osteoartrite

Tarragó, Maria da Graça Lopes January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A osteoartrite de joelhos (KOA) apresenta alta prevalência, principalmente em mulheres. Com o envelhecimento da população esta prevalência irá aumentar. Os tratamentos conservadores apresentam limitada eficácia em expressivo número de pacientes no curso do tratamento . A cirurgia de protetização apresenta altos custos, possibilidade de complicações pós-operatórias graves e ainda que a correção anatômica seja perfeita, em torno de 20% dos pacientes persistem com dor crônica pós-operatória. Portanto, é preciso avançar no conhecimento dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos e estudar novas abordagens terapêuticas para agregar às existentes, visando melhor manejo da dor e para restabelecer a função de maneira mais efetiva. Estas questões motivaram três questões centrais que origiram os três estudos que compõem esta tese. Estudo I: No primeiro estudo avaliamos os mecanismos pelos quais há perpetuação da dor na KOA. Para responder a esta questão buscou respostas aos seguintes objetivos: I) Comparar se a função da via da dor inibitório descendente está associada com o estado de inibição no sistema corticospinal, indexado pelo potencial evocado motor (MEP) e o período de silêncio cortical (CSP) em pacientes com KOA e controles saudáveis. II) Determinar se há correlação entre as medidas de inibição intracortical (CSP, MEP) com alterações na escala de dor numérica (NPS 0-10) na KOA durante a tarefa de modulação condicionada de dor (CPM-task) considerando o efeito da capacidade funcional auto-relatada avaliada pelo Western Ontário and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) e uso de analgésicos. Métodos: Estudo transversal, foram incluídas 21 pacientes femininas com KOA e 10 controles saudáveis com idade entre 19 a 75 anos. Os parâmetros de excitabilidade do córtex motor (MEP e CSP) foram avaliados utilizando a estimulação magnética trasncraniana (EMT). Avaliação de dor e a incapacidade pelo WOMAC e a NPS (0-10) durante a CPM-task. Resultados: A média ajustada (DP) do CSP observada em pacientes com OA foi 23,43% menor do que em indivíduos saudáveis [54,54 (16,10) vs. 70,94 (22,87)], respectivamente (P = 0,01). A função do sistema modulador descendente de dor avaliado pela alteração do NPS (0-10) durante o CPM-task foi negativamente correlacionada com o parâmetro de excitabilidade cortical indexado pelo CSP (P = 0,001). O CSP foi negativamente correlacionado com a dor e incapacidade avaliada pelo índice WOMAC. Conclusão: Foi observado um sistema inibitório descendente de dor enfraquecido, corroborando com os achados em outras patologias de dor crônica. Estudo II O segundo estudo buscou determinar se na KOA, uma sessão de IMS (eletroestimulação intramuscular) ativa comparada com sham promove um efeito nos parâmetros de excitabilidade do córtex motor [MEP, inibição intracortical curta - SICI, facilitação intracortical (ICF) e CSP] e nas medidas de dor [limiar de dor a pressão (PPT); escala visual analógica de dor (VAS) e mudança na escala de dor numérica (NPS0-10) durante a CPM-task]. Esse estudo também se propôs a determinar se o fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF) sérico medeia o efeito desta estimulação no sistema cortico-espinhal, tal como avaliado pelo MEP e pelo PPT. Métodos: Foram incluídas 26 mulheres com KOA, com idade entre 50 a 75 anos. Elas foram divididas randomicamente para receber uma sessão de 30 minutos de IMS ativa (n = 13) ou IMS sham (n = 13) por meio de eletroestimulação com frequência de 2 Hz. As agulhas foram inseridas paravertebrais em nível da saída das raízes lombares de L1 a S2 e nos músculos cuja inervação corresponde a essas raízes e que sustentam a articulação do joelho (vasto medial, reto anterior, vasto lateral, tibial anterior e inserção da pata anserina). Os desfechos foram as medidas de dor (VAS, PPT, NPS durante CPM-task) e parâmetros de excitabilidade (MEP, CSP, SICI, ICF) realizados antes e imediatamente após a intervenção. Resultados: a IMS ativa comparado com sham diminuiu o MEP em 31,61% [intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%, 2,34-60,98]. Para os resultados secundários, IMS reduziu o ICF e aumentou o CSP. A IMS melhorou a dor relatada no VAS, o PPT e a pontuação do NPS (0-10) durante a CPM-task. O BDNF foi negativamente correlacionado com o PPT (r = 20,56). Conclusão: Obtivemos resultados demonstrando melhora da dor e reforço do sistema cortico-espinhal inibitório comparado ao tratamento sham com IMS. Estudo III O terceiro estudo buscou: 1) Avaliar se a utilização da ETCC (estimulação transcraniana de corrente contínua) combinada a IMS pode promover um resultado melhor de modulação da via cortico-espinhal de dor através da potenciação dos efeitos dos dois tratamentos; comparado a cada um deles isoladamente e ao tratamento sham. 2) Avaliar a capacidade da ETCC em reforçar o sistema inibitório descendente de dor e modular a excitabilidade neuronal através da VAS, PPT e NPS durante CPM-task. Além disso, avaliamos se o BDNF sérico poderia prever o efeito da terapia no final do tratamento. Métodos: 60 mulheres de 50 a 75 anos. Randomizadas em um de quatro grupos: ETCC+IMS, ETCC+IMS sham, ETCC sham+IMS, ETCC sham+IMS sham. Receberam 5 sessões de tratamento: ETCC anodal, lado contrário ao joelho acometido, 2mA, 30 min. IMS: estimulação com freqüência de 2Hz, 30 min; agulhas colocadas a 2cm de L1 á S2, nos músculos vasto medial, vasto lateral, reto anterior, tibial anterior e na inserção da pata anserina. Resultados: O a-tDCS + a-IMS mostrou os melhores resultados com diferença significativa na dor (VAS) [média (DP) relacionadas ao tratamento (pós e pré): 0.46 (0.04) vs. 6.32 (1.97); 95%CI -5.42 (-8.24 to -4.36), p=.003] e funcionalidade. Esse resultado iniciou na primeira sessão e manteve-se ao longo do estudo. A-tDCS+a-IMS foi o único capaz de modificar o sistema inibitório descendente de dor. Conclusão: Obtivemos melhora da dor e capacidade funcional com IMS, ETCC e ETCC+IMS. Mas somente o grupo de tratamento ETCC+IMS demonstrou capacidade de modificação do sistema inibitório descendente de dor. / Background: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) has a high prevalence, especially in women. With the aging of the population this prevalence will increase. Conservative treatments have limited efficacy in expressive number of patients in the course of the treatment. The total knee replacement surgery presents high costs, possibility of serious postoperative complications and although the anatomical correction is perfect, around 20% persist with chronic postoperative pain. Therefore, it’s necessary to advance in the knowledge of pathophysiological mechanisms and to study new therapeutic approaches to add to the existing ones, aiming to better manage pain and to restore function more effectively. These questions motivated three central questions that originated the three studies that compose this thesis. Study I In the first study we evaluated the mechanisms by which there is perpetuation of pain in knee osteoarthritis and to answer this question sought to answer the following objectives: I) To compare if the function of the descending inhibitory pain pathway is associated with the state of inhibition in the corticospinal system, indexed by the motor evoked potential (MEP) and the cortical silent period (CSP) in patients with KOA and healthy controls. II) To determine if there is a correlation between the intracortical inhibition measures (CSP, MEP) with changes in the numerical pain scale (NPS 0-10) in the KOA during the task of conditioned pain modulation (CPM-task) considering the effect of the self-reported function evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) and the use of analgesics. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 21 female patients with KOA and 10 healthy controls aged 19-75 years old. Motor cortex excitability parameters (MEP and CSP) were assessed using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Pain assessment and disability by WOMAC and NPS (0-10) during the CPM-task. Results: The adjusted mean (SD) of CSP observed in patients with OA was 23.43% lower than in healthy subjects [54,54 (16,10) vs 70.94 (22.87)], respectively (P = 0.01). The function of the descending pain modulatory system evaluated by the NPS (0-10) change during the CPM-task was negatively correlated with the cortical excitability parameter indexed by CSP (P = 0.001). CSP was negatively correlated with pain and disability assessed by the WOMAC index. Conclusion: It was observed a descending pain inhibitory system weakened, corroborating the findings of other chronic pain conditions. Study II The second study sought to determine if one active IMS session compared to sham promoted an effect on motor cortex excitability (MEP, short intracortical inhibition - SICI, intracortical facilitation (ICF) and CSP and in the pain measures [pressure pain threshold (PPT); Visual analogue pain scale (VAS) and numerical pain scale change (NPS0-10) during the CPM-task]. This study also aimed to determine whether serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediates the effect of this stimulation on the cortico-spinal system, as assessed by MEP and PPT. Methods: Twenty-six women with KOA, aged 50-75 years old, were included. They were randomly divided to receive a 30-minute session of active IMS (n = 13) or IMS sham (n = 13) by electrostimulation with a frequency of 2 Hz. The needles were inserted paravertebral at the level of the lumbar roots exit from L1 to S2 and in the muscles whose innervation corresponds to these roots and which support the knee joint (vastus medialis, rectus anterior, vastus lateral, tibialis anterior and insertion of the anserine paw). The outcomes were pain measures (VAS, PPT, NPS during CPM-task) and excitability parameters (MEP, CSP, SICI, ICF) performed before and immediately after the intervention. Results: the active IMS compared with sham decreased the MEP by 31.61% [confidence interval (CI) 95%, 2.34-60.98]. For the secondary outcomes, IMS reduced ICF and increased CSP. IMS improved pain reported in VAS, PPT, and NPS score (0-10) during the CPM-task. BDNF was negatively correlated with PPT (r = 20.56). Conclusion: We obtained results demonstrating improvement of pain and enhancement of the inhibitory corticospinal system compared to sham treatment with IMS. Study III The third study aimed to: 1) Evaluate if the use of the combined tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation) to IMS can promote a better result of modulation of the corticospinal pain pathway through the potentiation of the effects of the two treatments; compared to each of them alone, and with the sham treatment. 2) To evaluate the ability of the tDCS to strengthen the descending inhibitory pain system and to modulate neuronal excitability through VAS, PPT and NPS during CPM-task. In addition, we evaluated whether serum BDNF could predict the effect of therapy at the end of treatment. Methods: 60 women aged 50 to 75 years old. Randomized in one of four groups: tDCS + IMS, tDCS + IMS sham, tDCS sham + IMS, tDCS sham + IMS sham. They received 5 sessions of treatment: anodal tDCS, opposite side to affected knee, 2mA, 30 min. IMS: stimulation with frequency of 2Hz, 30 min; needles placed at 2 cm from L1 to S2, in the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus anterior, tibialis anterior and insertion of the anserine paw. Results: a-tDCS + a-IMS showed the best results with significant difference in pain (VAS) [mean (SD) related to treatment (post and pre): 0.46 (0.04) vs. 6.32 (1.97); 95% CI -5.42 (-8.24 to -4.36), p = .003] and functionality. This result started in the first session and was maintained throughout the study. A-tDCS + a-IMS was the only one able to modify the descending inhibitory pain system. Conclusion: We achieved improved pain and functional capacity with IMS, tDCS and tDCS + IMS. But only the tDCS + IMS treatment group demonstrated ability to modify the descending inhibitory pain system.

Hodnocení krátkodobého vlivu fyzioterapeutických technik na spasticitu u pacientů s míšní lézí / Evaluation of the short-term effect of physiotherapeutic techniques on spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury

Špačková, Anežka January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is spasticity in individuals with spinal lesions. The aim is to evaluate and compare a short-term effect of selected physio-therapeutic methods on spasticity of lower limbs in spinal patients. Two methods of comparison were chosen - passive stretching and the Vojta's reflex therapy. The work consists of two parts. The theoretical part describes the problems of spinal lesions, central motoneuron syndrome and spasticity, including its pathophysiology and investigation and therapeutic approaches. The practical part contains an attempt to verify and subsequently compare the immediate antispastic effect of the chosen methods, which is an important prerequisite for the following active exercises as an inseparable part of a physiotherapeutic exercise unit. Clinical evaluation scales are used to evaluate spasticity, namely Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and Muscle Excitability Scale (MES). The results are then compared with other studies and literature. Keywords spinal lesions, quadriplegia, Modified Ashworth Scale, Muscle Excitability Scale, Vojta's method, stretching

Avaliação da excitabilidade cortical em pacientes com lesão axonial difusa tardia / Cortical excitability assessment on patients with chronic diffuse axonal injury

Cintya Yukie Hayashi 17 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Ativação exacerbada de processos excitatórios mediados por NMDA e excesso de inibição mediada por GABA são descritos, respectivamente, nas fases agudas e subagudas após o traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). No entanto, existem poucos estudos a respeito do funcionamento desses circuitos na fase crônica do TCE. Objetivo: Avaliar a excitabilidade cortical (EC) de pacientes em fase crônica que sofreram TCE, especificamente diagnosticados com lesão axonial difusa (LAD). Métodos: Todos os 31 pacientes adultos foram avaliados após 1 ano, pelo menos, do TCE moderado ou grave. Inicialmente, os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação de funções executivas - atenção, memória, fluência verbal e velocidade de processamento de informação - por meio de bateria neuropsicológica. Em seguida, a avaliação da EC foi realizada utilizando-se uma bobina circular para aplicar pulsos simples e pareados de estimulação magnética transcraniana na região cortical representativa do abdutor curto do polegar (pollicis brevis) na área M1 de ambos hemisférios. Os parâmetros de EC medidos foram: Limiar Motor de Repouso (LMR), Potenciais Evocados Motores (PEM), Inibição Intracortical de Intervalo Curto (IICIC) e Facilitação Intracortical (FIC). Todos os dados foram comparados aos dados normativos de EC já descritos na literatura e também aos de um grupo controle de pessoas saudáveis. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os hemisférios direto e esquerdo. Desta forma, os dados foram analisados de forma agrupada (\"pooled data\"). Os valores de LMR e FIC dos pacientes com LAD estavam dentro dos valores de normalidade. No entanto, os valores de PEMs a 120% do LMR, a 140% do LMR e IICIC estavam aumentados (respectivamente p=0,013; p=0,012; p < 0,001): PEM-120% LAD 524,95 [365,42 ; 616,66] versus Controles 303,50 [241,49 ; 399,19]; PEM-140% LAD 1150,00 [960,56 ; 1700,00] vs Controles 670,5 [575,43 ; 1122,78] e IICIC LAD 1,09 [0,82 ; 1,35] vs Controles 0,34 [0,28 ; 0,51]; pp02-Rel LAD 0,85 [0,64 ; 1,36] vs Controles 0,28 [0,20 ; 0,37]; pp04-Rel LAD 1,03 [0,88 ; 1,34] vs Controles 0,38 [0,29 ; 0,62] - sugerindo um possível desarranjo no sistema inibitório (p < 0.001). Os achados neuropsicológicos mostraram alterações na memória, atenção e velocidade de processamento de informação, mas possuíam correlação fraca com os dados de EC. Conclusão: Como os processos inibitórios envolvem circuitos mediados por GABA, além de outros, existe a possível inferência de que a própria fisiopatologia do LAD (rompimento de axônios) possa depletar GABA contribuindo com a desinibição do sistema neural na fase crônica do LAD / Background: Overactivation of NMDA-mediated excitatory processes and excess of GABA-mediated inhibition are described after a brain injury on the acute and subacute phases, respectively. Nevertheless, there are few studies regarding the circuitry on the chronic phase of brain injury. Objective: To evaluate the cortical excitability (CE) on the chronic phase of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) victims, specifically diagnosed with Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). Method: All 31 adult patients were evaluated after one year, at least, from the moderate and severe TBI. First, all patients underwent a broad neuropsychological assessment to evaluate executive functions - attention, memory, verbal fluency and information processing speed. Then, subsequently, the CE assessment was performed with a circular coil applying single-pulse and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation over the cortical representation of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle on M1 of both hemispheres. The CE parameters measured were: Resting Motor Threshold (RMT), Motor-Evoked Potentials (MEP), Short Interval Intracortical Inhibition (SIICI), and Intracortical Facilitation (ICF). All data were compared to normative data previously described on literature and to a control group that consisted of healthy subjects. Results: No significant difference between Left and Right hemispheres were found on these DAI patients. Therefore, parameters were analyzed as pooled data. Values of RMT and ICF from DAI patients were found within the normality. However, MEPs and SIICI values were higher on DAI patients (respectively p=0,013; p=0,012; p < 0,001): MEP-120% DAI 524,95 [365,42 ; 616,66] versus Control 303,50 [241,49 ; 399,19]; MEP-140% DAI 1150,00 [960,56 ; 1700,00] vs Control 670,5 [575,43 ; 1122,78] and SIICI DAI 1,09 [0,82 ; 1,35] vs Control 0,34 [0,28 ; 0,51]; pp02-Rel DAI 0,85 [0,64 ; 1,36] vs Control 0,28 [0,20 ; 0,37]; pp04-Rel DAI 1,03 [0,88 ; 1,34] vs Control 0,38 [0,29 ; 0,62] - suggesting a disarranged inhibitory system (p < 0.001). The neuropsychological findings had weak correlation with CE data. Conclusion: As inhibition processes also involve GABA-mediated circuitry, it is likely to infer that DAI pathophysiology itself (disruption of axons) may deplete GABA contributing to a disinhibition of the neural system on the chronic phase of DAI

Selektive Modulation des Erregbarkeitsniveaus am motorischen Cortex durch transkranielle Wechsel- und Rauschstrom-Stimulation mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten / Selective modulation of the excitability level on the motor cortex by transcranial AC and noise current stimulation with different intensities

Atalay, Deniz-Arman 02 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Muscarinic Cholinergic Modulation of Neuronal Excitability and Dynamics via Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene Potassium Channel in Rodent Neocortical Pyramidal Cells

Cui, DongBo 26 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Régulation de la mémoire par la plasticité des interneurones inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe

Honoré, Ève 08 1900 (has links)
La mémoire explicite émerge de l’acheminement approprié de l’information à travers les circuits hippocampiques, et la formation d’un engramme qui encode cette mémoire. Les interneurones inhibiteurs régulent le flot d’information à travers ce réseau par leur contrôle dynamique des différents compartiments des cellules principales, ce qui contribue probablement à la formation de l’engramme. À cet égard, les interneurones somatostatinergiques (SOM-INs) et parvalbuminergiques (PV-INs), représentant les deux groupes majeurs de neurones inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe, sont particulièrement intéressants, car ils démontrent plusieurs formes de plasticité à long terme. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier le rôle spécifique des SOM-INs et PV-INs de l’aire CA1 ainsi que leurs plasticités à long terme dans le contrôle dynamique des réseaux de l’hippocampe et la formation de la mémoire. Les SOM-INs expriment une potentialisation à long terme (PLT) à leurs synapses excitatrices venant des cellules pyramidales locales. Cette PLT a pour conséquence l’augmentation de l’inhibition des cibles des SOM-INs, les cellules pyramidales et interneurones locaux, ce qui contribue à la métaplasticité des circuits synaptiques de CA1. La PLT des SOM-INs contribue à la consolidation de la mémoire de peur contextuelle et la mémoire spatiale aversive. Cependant, nous ne savons pas si : 1) cette PLT est suffisante pour la formation de ces types de mémoire, ni si elle est impliquée dans la formation de la mémoire non aversive 2) si cette PLT est induite lors de l’acquisition ou de la consolidation de ces mémoires. Pour l’étude de la PLT des SOM-INs, nous avons utilisé l’optogénétique afin d’avoir un contrôle sur la localisation et le moment des modifications de l’activité des SOM-INs. Nous avons montré que l’activité de ces interneurones était nécessaire durant l’apprentissage de la mémoire de peur contextuelle et de la mémoire spatiale épisodique non aversive. Nous avons établi un protocole de stimulation optogénétique capable d’induire in vitro une PLT aux synapses des cellules pyramidales de CA1 sur les SOM-INs. Nous avons démontré que cette PLT était nécessaire et suffisante pour moduler les réseaux synaptiques du CA1 in vitro, ainsi que les deux types de 3 mémoires étudiées. De plus, nous avons démontré de façon directe que l’induction de cette PLT induisait la synthèse protéique via l’activation de mTORC1 dans les SOM-INs in vitro. Les PV-INs expriment également une PLT à leurs synapses excitatrices venant majoritairement des cellules pyramidales de l’aire CA3 à la suite d’un conditionnement à la peur, qui est nécessaire à la consolidation de cette mémoire. In vitro, la stimulation haute fréquence des afférences de CA3 entraine une PLT de l’excitabilité intrinsèque des PV-INs. Cependant, nous ne savons pas si cette forme de plasticité est également nécessaire pour la mémoire de peur contextuelle. Pour l’étude de la PLT de l’excitabilité intrinsèque des PV-INs, nous avons d’abord établi qu’une perte de fonction hétérozygote et homozygote de mTORC1 dans les PV-INs ne change pas les propriétés de décharge de base de ces neurones, mais diminue la fréquence d’une décharge répétée et bloque l’induction de la PLT de l’excitabilité intrinsèque. De plus, nous avons montré que cette forme de PLT des PV-INs n’est pas nécessaire à la consolidation ni la discrimination de la mémoire de peur contextuelle. En conclusion, ces travaux suggèrent que la plasticité synaptique des interneurones étudiés est nécessaire à la formation de la mémoire explicite. Celle des SOM-INs est nécessaire durant l’apprentissage, celle des PV-INs durant la consolidation. L’ensemble de nos résultats mettent en évidence les rôles spécifiques des divers types de plasticité des interneurones inhibiteurs dans les fonctions mnésiques et soulignent leur rôle critique dans la régulation de la mémoire. / Explicit memory emerges from the proper routing of information through hippocampal circuits, and the formation of an engram encoding this memory. Inhibitory interneurons regulate the flow of information in these networks by their dynamic control of the different compartments of pyramidal cells, which is likely to contribute to engram formation. In this regard, somatostatinergic (SOM-INs) and parvalbuminergic (PV-INs) interneurons, representing major groups of hippocampal inhibitory neurons, are particularly interesting because of the multiple forms of longterm plasticity they demonstrate. The objective of this thesis is to study the specific roles of SOM-INs and PV-INs from hippocampal CA1 area, as well as their long-term plasticity in the dynamic control of the network and memory formation. SOM-INs demonstrate long-term potentiation (LTP) at their excitatory synapses coming from local pyramidal cells. This LTP results in increased inhibition of SOM-INs targets, the local pyramidal cells and interneurons, which contributes to the metaplasticity of CA1 synaptic circuits. SOM-IN LTP is also involved in contextual fear memory and aversive spatial memory consolidation. However, it remains to be determined: 1) if this LTP is sufficient for the formation of these memory types, and if it is implicated in non-aversive memory formation; 2) if this LTP is induced during the acquisition or consolidation of these memories. For studying SOM-IN LTP, we used optogenetics to control the place and time of SOM-IN activity. We showed that the activity of these interneurons is necessary during learning of contextual fear memory and non-aversive spatial episodic memory. We established an optogenetic stimulation protocol enabling us to induce LTP at synapses from CA1 pyramidal cells to SOM-INs in vitro. We demonstrated that this LTP is necessary and sufficient to modulate CA1 synaptic networks in vitro, as well as the two memory types studied. Moreover, we demonstrated a direct link between this LTP and mTORC1-dependent protein synthesis in SOM-INs in vitro. PV-INs also express LTP at their excitatory synapses mainly coming from CA3 pyramidal cells after contextual fear conditioning, necessary for the consolidation of this memory. High frequency stimulation of CA3 afferents leads to PV-IN LTP of intrinsic excitability in vitro. Yet, we don’t know if this form of plasticity is also necessary for contextual fear memory. To study PV-INs LTP of intrinsic excitability, we established that heterozygous or homozygous mTORC1 loss of function in PV-INs did not change basic firing properties of these neurons but decreased repeated firing frequency and blocked LTP of intrinsic excitability. Besides, we showed that this form of PV-IN LTP is not necessary for the consolidation or discrimination of contextual fear memory. In conclusion, these works suggest that synaptic plasticity of the studied interneurons is necessary for explicit memory formation. SOM-IN synaptic LTP is necessary during learning, while PV-INs LTP is necessary during consolidation. Overall, our results highlight the specific roles of the various inhibitory interneuron plasticity in memory functions and emphasize their critical role in the regulation of memory.

Effets de la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant alternatif sur les régions sensorimotrices

Lafleur, Louis-Philippe 01 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présentée en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option neuropsychologie clinique (Ph.D) / Les oscillations endogènes cérébrales sont associées à des fonctions cognitives spécifiques et jouent un rôle important dans la communication entre les différentes régions corticales et sous-corticales. Les rythmes alpha (8-12 Hz) et bêta (13-30 Hz) ont été observés de façon dominante dans les aires sensorimotrices, avec des moyennes de fréquence autour de 10 et 20 Hz, et jouent un rôle dans les fonctions motrices. Ces oscillations cérébrales peuvent être entrainées par une stimulation externe, notamment par la stimulation électrique transcrânienne par courant alternatif (SEtCA). Ainsi, la SEtCA de 10 et 20 Hz a un effet sur certaines mesures physiologiques comme l’excitabilité corticospinale et la puissance des oscillations via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) et l’électroencéphalogramme (EEG), respectivement. Toutefois, les effets post-stimulation sont variables et parfois incohérents. De plus, à ce jour, aucune étude n’a mesuré les effets physiologiques d’une stimulation bilatérale sensorimotrice tant sur l’activité locale que sur l’interaction entre les deux aires sensorimotrices. Les articles composant le présent ouvrage visent à explorer les effets post-stimulation de deux fréquences de stimulation, soit 10 Hz et 20 Hz, sur les régions sensorimotrices à l’aide d’un montage SEtCA bilatéral. Ce travail de recherche s’est effectué à travers une revue de la littérature ainsi que deux études avec des paramètres méthodologiques relativement similaires, mais avec des mesures différentes et complémentaires de SMT et d’EEG. L’article 1 sert d’assise à la pertinence de l’évaluation de la connectivité entre le cortex moteur et les différentes aires du cerveau. Cet excursus recense et décrit les différents protocoles de stimulation magnétique pairée qui ont été développés au cours des dernières années afin d’évaluer la connectivité effective entre les aires sensorimotrices du cerveau. L’article 2 montre que la SEtCA bilatérale à 10 Hz a permis de réduire l’excitabilité corticospinale via la SMT après la stimulation. La fréquence bêta de 20 Hz n’a cependant mené à aucun changement. De plus, la SEtCA n’a pas modulé de façon significative les mesures d’interaction entre les régions sensorimotrices, telles l’inhibition interhémisphérique et les mouvements miroirs physiologiques. Dans l’article 3, les résultats démontrent que la SEtCA bilatérale à 10 et 20 Hz appliquée sur les aires sensorimotrices peut modifier la puissance des oscillations alpha et bêta après la stimulation. Notons que les résultats étaient associés à une variabilité interindividuelle qui est également rapportée dans la littérature. Ces résultats peuvent avoir des implications dans la conception de protocoles visant à induire des changements persistants dans l'activité cérébrale. / Endogenous brain oscillations are associated with specific cognitive functions and are known to have an important role in regimenting communication between cortical and subcortical areas. Alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) rhythms have been observed predominantly in sensorimotor areas, with averages around 10 and 20 Hz, and are believed to play a role in motor functions. These cerebral oscillations can be entrained by external stimulation, in particular by transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). Thus, tACS has shown an impact on certain physiological measures such as corticospinal excitability and the power of oscillations via transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalogram (EEG), respectively. However, the after-effects are variable and incoherent. In addition, to date no study has measured the physiological effects of a bilateral sensorimotor stimulation montage on both local activity and the interaction between the two sensorimotor areas. Thus, the studies included in the present thesis aim to explore the after-effects of two stimulation frequencies, 10 Hz and 20 Hz, on sensorimotor regions using a bilateral montage. This research was carried out through a review of the literature as well as two methodological studies with relatively similar parameters, but using different and complementary measures of TMS and EEG. Article 1 provides a basis for the relevance of assessing the connectivity between the motor cortex and different areas of the brain. This excursus identifies and describes the different paired magnetic stimulation protocols that have been developed in recent years to assess the effective connectivity between sensorimotor areas of the brain. Study 2 shows that bilateral 10 Hz tACS significantly reduced corticospinal excitability via TMS after stimulation. However, the 20 Hz frequency did not lead to any change. In addition, tACS did not significantly modulate measures of interaction between sensorimotor regions, such as interhemispheric inhibition and physiological mirror movements. In study 3, the results failed to demonstrate reliably that bilateral tACS at 10 and 20 Hz administered over sensorimotor areas could modulate offline alpha and beta oscillations power at the stimulation site. Note that the results were associated with inter-individual variability, which is also reported in the literature. These findings may have implications for the design and implementation of future protocols aiming to induce sustained changes in brain activity.

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