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Vanadislundens vattenreservoar : Konsekvensanalys av avfuktning i icke uppvärmda byggnader / Vanadislunden’s water reservoair : Impact assessment of dehumidification in unheated buildingsKourie, Samuel, Ure, Charbel January 2022 (has links)
Kondens i icke-uppvärmda byggnader är ett välkänt problem, men hur dessa byggnader bör hanteras är mindre känt. I Vanadislundens vattenreservoar installerades en avfuktnings anläggning med förväntan att kondensen som funnits i byggnaden i 100 år ska försvinna. Problemet som istället uppstod var saltutfällningar och saltsprängningar på insida yttervägg. Detta examensarbete är baserat på att ge en beskrivning av hur salt-sprängningar och utfällningar sker. Samt vad som händer då denna typ av byggnad avfuktas samt hur denna typ av byggnader bör hanteras. Detta arbete gjordes dels genom att göra en litteraturstudie om fenomenet saltutfällningar och sprängningar, hur dessa uppstår och varför. Samt genom beräkningsprogrammet WUFI där olika situationer simulerades för att besvara frågeställningarna. Vid fall 1, då den relativa fuktigheten (RF) sattes till 90% gavs slutsatsen att inga problem bör uppstå med saltutfällningar eller sprängningar. Vid fall 2 då den relativa fuktigheten sattes till 70%, torrt inneklimat, gavs slutsatsen att problem kan uppstå. Den generella slutsatsen som detta arbete resulterade var att denna typ av byggnad bör hanteras med stor omtanke och att avfukta denna typ av byggnad kan leda till stora problem. / Condensation in unheated buildings is a well-known problem, but how these buildings should be handled is less known. A dehumidification plant was installed in Vanadislunden's water reservoir with the expectation that the condensation that had existed in the building for 100 years would disappear. The problem that arose instead was salt deposits and salt explosions on the inside of the outer wall. This thesis is based on giving a description of how salt explosions and precipitations occur. And what happens when this type of building is dehumidified and how this type of building should be handled.This work was done partly by doing a literature study on the phenomenon of salt precipitation and explosions, how these occur and why. And through the calculation program WUFI where different situations were simulated to answer the questions. In case 1, when the relative humidity (RH) was set to 90%, it was concluded that no problems should arise with salt precipitation or explosions. In case 2 when the relative humidity was set to 70%, dry indoor climate, it was concluded that problems may arise.The general conclusion that this work resulted in was that this type of building should be handled with great care and that dehumidifying this type of building can lead to major problems. Read more
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<p>In this thesis the dynamic response of wide-flange steel beams and columns to blast loading was experimentally evaluated. A total of twenty six steel members were field tested using live explosives, where the charge size ranged from 50 to 250 kg of ANFO and the ground stand-off distance from 7.0 to 10.3 m. Blast wave characteristics, including incident and reflected pressures were recorded. In addition, time-dependant displacements, accelerations, and strains at different locations along the steel members were measured, and the post-blast damage and mode of failure of the test specimens were observed. This study also presented detailed analysis of the experimental data. The blast load characteristics were compared with those obtained using the Technical Manual UFC 3-340-02 model (UFCM). The spatial and temporal variations of strain rate were computed from the recorded strain time histories and analyzed. In addition, time-dependant deformations were analyzed to study the contributing modes of vibration in the dynamic response using Power Spectral Density (PSD) function. Moreover, the effect of the axial load on the maximum deformations, vibration periods, strain rates, and contributing modes in the dynamic response were study by comparing the beam results with the column results tested in the same blast shots.</p> <p>The experimental results were compared with those obtained from an equivalent Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) model, which included material nonlinearity, strain rate effect, and <em>P-δ</em> effect. To account for strain rate effect on member stiffness and strength, its full moment-curvature response is determined by dividing its cross-section into a number of layers and a strain rate-dependent stress-strain relationship, based on the Cowper-Symonds strain rate model, was used to capture the nonlinear stress distribution over the section. The <em>P-δ</em> effect was modelled using the equivalent lateral load (ELL) method to simulate the secondary moment due to axial load. To determine the effects of higher modes of vibration and the variation of steel member mechanical properties along its length on its dynamic response, the test steel members were also analyzed using Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) models, based on Finite Element Modelling (FEM). These dynamic models were also used to investigate the effect of axial-bending interaction and dynamic stability of columns. In addition, the results of the dynamic models were used to evaluate the results of the Moment Magnification Factor (MMF) commonly used in the interaction formulas to design steel beam columns under blast. Moreover, the effect of strain rate caused by the blast loading on the local stability of steel columns was also evaluated insofar as it might lead to a shift in the governing mode of failure.</p> <p>Results showed the UFCM pressure predictions compared reasonably well with the measured pressure in the positive phase in terms of both the peak pressure and overall time variations. Results also showed that when proper accounting for secondary-moment due to axial load and strain rate effect on the member resistance function, the SDOF model adequately captured both the overall response, such as the time-dependant deformations and internal forces, and instability behaviour of steel columns under blast loading. It is also shown that using MMF method overestimates the column capacity for ductility ratios <em>µ</em> greater than one, irrespective of the axial load to Euler elastic buckling load ratio (<em>P</em>/<em>P</em><sub>e</sub>). Also for <em>P</em>/<em>Pe</em> > 0.5, even if <em>µ</em> >1.0, the UFC method still overestimates the actual column capacity. The results of the dynamic models were used to generate stability diagrams for the assessment of the critical load and Pressure-Impulse (PI) diagrams for checking the column performance against the allowable deflection limits, which can be implemented in design standard of steel structures under blast loading.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Read more
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L'identification d'explosifs par imagerie hyperspectrale : spectromètre par transformation de Fourier aéroportéFasquelle, François 12 April 2018 (has links)
Lors de l'été 2005, une équipe de scientifique du centre de recherche et développement pour la Défense Canada (division de Valcartier) a effectuée des essais à l'aide d'un prototype de spectromètre imageur aéroporté. Un échantillon varié de cibles a été utilisé, dont une série d'explosion au sol. Le but de ce mémoire est de déterminer la possibilité, uniquement fondé sur les données recueillies par le spectromètre, d'identifier les différents types d'explosifs ayant été détonnés et mesurés, et ainsi généraliser que ce prototype puisse être utilisé à des fins appliquées aux explosifs. Afin de répondre à ce but, le mémoire aborde premièrement les principes fondamentaux du spectromètre dont il est question, et explique les caractéristiques de fonctionnement de l'instrument, se penchant aussi sur ses limites, ses paramètres et ses possibilités d'exploitation. On traite ensuite de la mise en œuvre des essais et de quelle façon les données ont été recueillies, suivi d'un développement détaillé des manipulations qu'ont subit les données afin de pouvoir être analysées aisément. Finalement, on termine avec l'interprétation des données, permettant ainsi de conclure si un potentiel d'application existe pour un tel instrument, quant aux explosifs en général. / During the summer of 2005, a scientific team of the Defence Research and Development, Canada Centre (Valcartier Division) has carried out a series of tests using an airborn imaging spectrometer prototype. A great sample of tragets was used, including a series of ground explosions. The aim of this thesis is to determine the possibility, only based on the data acquired by the spectrometer, of identifying the different types of explosives detonated and measured, thus generalizing that this prototype can be applied to explosive purposes. In order to meet this goal, the thesis tackles first of ail the fundamental principals of the spectrometer at hand, and examines the operating characteristics of the instrument, explaining also its limits, parameters and utilization possibilities. We then discuss the tests coordination and by what means the data was collected, followed by a detailed appreciation of the manipulation the data has undergone in order to be easily analyzed. The thesis ends with the data interpretation, thus enabling to conclude an application potential of the instrument with regards to explosives in general. Read more
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Evaluation and analysis of DDG-81 simulated athwartship shock responsePetrusa, Douglas C. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / In 2001 the USS WINSTON CHURCHILL (DDG-81) was subjected to three underwater explosions as part of a ship shock trial. Using the actual trial data from experiment and three-dimensional dynamic models of the ship and surrounding fluid very successful comparisons of the vertical motion have been achieved. On average, the magnitude of the vertical motion is three to four times the magnitude of athwartship motion. Previous simulations of this athwartship motion have been less accurate than the vertical motion simulations. This thesis examines recent efforts attempted to improve the simulation results of the athwartship motion including shock spectra analysis, and the reasons behind the disparities that exist between the simulated values and the actual trial data. / Lieutenant, United States Coast Guard
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Ignition and initiation of coal mine explosionsLandman, Gysbert van Rooyen 24 March 2015 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Mining Engineering))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Engineering,1992.
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Subsurface radioactive gas transport and release studies using the UTEX modelLowrey, Justin David 15 October 2013 (has links)
Underground nuclear explosions (UNEs) produce anthropogenic isotopes that provide the only definitive means by which to determine whether a nuclear explosion has taken place. Verification of a suspected test under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) includes both on-site and atmospheric sampling of specific noble gas radioisotopes for analysis of origin. It is well-established that the processes of subsurface transport can affect the rate at which such gases will reach the surface. However, the relative abundance of anthropogenic isotopes reaching the surface following transport is currently assumed to rely solely on their direct fission yield, decay rate, and their production from precursor decay, making no account for the influence of transport processes on isotopic ratios. The Underground Transport of Environmental Xenon (UTEX) model has been developed to examine the possible effects of subsurface transport on radioxenon isotopic ratios as well as to consider a number of on-site inspection-related applications. In this work, background on the UTEX model's development, evolution and vetting is presented. This is followed by the characterization and analysis of a number of applications of the model for consideration of CTBT-relevant scenarios. Specifically, the UTEX model's capability to analyze CTBT on-site inspection concept of operations is demonstrated. This is accomplished through an examination of generalized UNE source terms, geological stratigraphy, UNE impact on local geology, natural soil-gas radionuclide backgrounds, atmospheric infiltration, and sampling methodology. It is shown that the processes driving noble gas transport through geological media can significantly skew the ratios of key radioxenon isotopes that are used to help verify whether or not a well-contained underground test has taken place. This result emphasizes the need for a broader understanding of radionuclide signatures used for CTBT verification purposes and the mechanisms that can alter them. / text Read more
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Analyse et modélisation des ondes sismiques générées par des impacts et des explosions atmosphériques des météores aux planètes telluriques avec une atmosphère / Analysis and modeling of meteor impact and airburst generated seismic waves on terrestrial planets with atmosphereKarakostas, Foivos Georgios 07 September 2018 (has links)
Les évènements météoriques constituent une source d’importance fondamentale pour la sismologie planétaire, étant donné que leur localisation, et dans certains cas, leur temps d’origine peuvent être déterminés précisément par des orbiteurs. Cette importance augmente encore dans le cas d’une expérimentation à 1 seul sismomètre, comme dans le cas de SEIS (Seismic Experimentof Interior Structure) de la mission actuelle InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport). En effet, la localisation précise permet de réaliser une inversion directe des temps de propagation différentiels et des formes d’ondes pour la détermination de la structure interne. Les impacts de météorites génèrent des ondes de volume et de surface lors de leur arrivée à la surface d’une planète. Quand ils explosent dans l’atmosphère, ils produisent des ondes de chocs qui sont converties en ondes linéaires, sismiques pour la partie solide, et acoustiques pour la partie atmosphérique. Ce phénomène peut être modélisé par l’amplitude de l’excitation de modes sphéroïdaux, dû aux effets de couplage entre l’atmosphère et le sol. Ce manuscrit de thèse est consacré à l’investigation et la modélisation des ondes de Rayleigh générées par des météores. Un rappel général des avancées en sciences planétaires est d’abord fourni, avec un focus sur la sismologie planétaire et les études des sources sismiques atmosphériques. Ensuite, la théorie concernant les ondes de choc dans l’atmosphère et au sol est présentée plus en détails. Dans le cas de la formation d’une onde de choc dans l’atmosphère, l’effet de transition d’un régime de propagation non linéaire vers un régime linéaire est documenté pour le superbolide de Chelyabinsk. Pour la génération d’ondes dans la subsurface, un impact de météorite sur la lune est passé en revue, en utilisant des codes hydrodynamiques. Une analyse comparée de ces deux cas est réalisée de façon à présenter les processus de transition du régime de propagation. Une inversion de la source sismique du superbolide de Chelyabinsk est effectuée, de manière à examiner les propriétés de la source associée dans l’atmosphère terrestre. Nous avons développé une source multiple, composée d’une série de points source consécutifs, basé sur une trajectoire fournie. Les calculs des sismogrammes synthétiques des ondes de Rayleigh associées à l’événement sont réalisés par la sommation des modes propres du modèle de la partie solide et de la partie atmosphérique de la planète. A travers une technique d’inversion basée sur la décomposition des valeurs singulières et la méthode du moindre carré, nous fournissons des solutions pour la magnitude du moment. De plus, nous avons trouvé dans les données sismiques un effet Doppler, associée à la directivité de la source. En plus, nous avons réalisé des modélisations 3-D basées sur la méthode des éléments spectraux dans le cas d’un modèle solide uniquement, de façon à comprendre les effets des caractéristiques 3-D crustales, et surligner les différences avec une source inversée dans le sol par rapport à une source correctement positionnée dans l’atmosphère. Dans le cas de Mars, la sommation des modes propres est utilisée pour fournir les formes d’ondes associées aux impacts à la surface de la planète ou à basse altitude dans l’atmosphère martienne. Il est montré que la contribution du mode solide sphéroïdal fondamental domine les formes d’onde, par rapport aux deux premières harmoniques. La comparaison entre les amplitudes de sismogramme synthétiques de tailles différentes, montre que les petits impacteurs (diamètre de 0,5 mètre à 2 mètres) peuvent être détectés par les capteurs VBB de SEIS, seulement pour les hautes fréquences des ondes de Rayleigh, même pour des distances épicentrales très faibles. / Meteoric events constitute a source of paramount importance for Planetary Seismology, since their locations and, in some cases, their occurence times can be accurately known from orbiters, tracking or visual inspections. Their contribution is enhanced in the case of a seismic experi- ment with one seismometer, as the SEIS (Seismic Experiment of Interior Structure) of the im- minent Martian mission “InSight” (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport), as the known location allows a direct inversion of differential travel times and wave forms for structure identification. Meteor impacts generate body and surface waves when they reach the surface of a planet. When they explode into the atmosphere, they generate shock waves which are converted into linear, seismic waves in the solid part and acoustic waves in the atmosphere. This effect can be modeled as the amplitude of Rayleigh and other Spheroidal modes excitation, due to atmo- spheric/ground coupling effects. This PhD dissertation is focusing on the investigation and modeling of the meteor generated Rayleigh waves. A brief recall to the advance of planetary science with focus on planetary seismology and the study of atmospheric seismic sources is presented. Thereafter, the theory concerning the shock waves in the atmosphere and in the ground is presented in further detail. In the case of shock wave generation in the atmosphere, the effect of transition from a highly nonlinear propagation regime to the linear one is presented for Chelyabinsk superbolide. In the case of the generation in the subsurface, a meteor impact on the Moon is investigated, using hydrodynamic codes. A comparative analysis of both cases is performed in order to present the transition processes of the propagation regime. An inversion of the seismic source of Chelyabinsk superbolide is performed, in order to examine the properties of the associated source in Earth’s atmosphere. We develop a line source, made of a series of consecutive point sources, based on a provided trajectory. The calculation of synthetic seismograms of Rayleigh waves associated to the event is performed by the summation of normal modes of a model for the solid part and the atmosphere of the planet. Through an inversion technique based on singular value decomposition and least square method, solutions for the moment magnitude are provided. Moreover we found in the seismic data a Doppler effect, associated with the directivity of the source. In addition, we perform 3D modeling based on spectral element method in a purely solid model, to assess the effects of 3D crustal features and highlight differences with a source inverted in the ground versus on a source correctly positioned in the atmosphere. In the case of Mars, normal mode summation is used in order to provide waveforms asso- ciated to impacts on the planetary surface or in low altitudes in the martian atmosphere. It is shown that the contribution of the fundamental spheroidal solid mode is dominating the wave- forms, compared to the one of the first two overtones. The comparison between the amplitudes of synthetic seismograms of different size, show that small impactors (diameter of 0.5 to 2 meters) can be detected by the SEIS VBB seismometer of InSight mission, only in the higher frequencies of Rayleigh waves, even for short epicentral distances. An analysis based on im- pact rate estimations enables to calculate the number of detectable events of meteor impacts for projectiles with diameter greater than 1 meter and it leads to the conclusion of 6.7 to 13.4 detectable impacts during a Mars year, the nominal operational period of InSight mission. Finally, an analysis on the ground characteristics of a shallow low velocity zone under InSight landing site is presented. Through an investigation by classical test of geomechanics, it is shown that this zone is supposed to affect the quality of seismic signals. Read more
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Introduktion – Statistik visar att småskaliga explosioner har ökat i Sverige. Under 2023 rapporterades över 159 fall av småskaliga explosioner (Regeringskansliet, 2024). En explosion kan, utöver strukturella skador, även leda till andra skador på byggnader. Detta ger ett ökat behov av återuppbyggnad av byggnader som skadats av småskaliga explosioner. Aktörer såsom Brandskyddsföreningen önskar en förbättrad skadehanteringskedja (Brandskyddsföreningen, u.å.). Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det finns etablerade tillvägagångssätt som tillämpas vid återuppbyggnadsprocessen efter en småskalig explosion på en byggnad, möjligheter till eventuell förbättring och hur samordningen mellan olika yrkesgrupper kan förbättras. Metod – Studiens mål uppnås genom att analysera dokumentation från utredningar av byggnader som skadats vid småskaliga explosioner. Dokumentstudien kompletteras med intervjuer där aktörer som varit involverade i utredningen samt aktörer som arbetar med skadebedömning och skadehantering intervjuats. Resultat – Inget standardiserat, etablerat tillvägagångssätt används vid utredningar och återuppbyggnad av explosionsskador på byggnader idag. Aktörer som arbetar med skadeutredningar och skadebedömningar arbetar utifrån erfarenhet. Det finns en positiv attityd till att utveckla tydliga riktlinjer och checklistor som skulle kunna effektivisera återuppbyggnadsprocessen. Samordning och kommunikation är nyckeln till framgång i aktörernas arbete och även där finns en positiv attityd till effektivisering. Analys – Utförd analys visar att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter i återuppbyggnadsprocessen. Att utveckla tydliga riktlinjer för utredningar och hantering av skador som uppstår på byggnader skulle effektivisera processen. Det finns även förbättringsmöjligheter i kommunikationen mellan aktörer i återuppbyggnadsprocessen. Arbetet skulle kunna effektiviseras genom kortare kommunikationsled mellan inblandade aktörer. Diskussion – Våra resultat bekräftar tidigare forskning på flera punkter, bland annat att bristen på samordning är en kritisk faktor vid katastrofhantering och att koordinerade insatser är av stor vikt vid katastrofhantering. Ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv kan förbättrad kommunikation och jourverksamhet öka tryggheten och användarvänligheten vid hantering av explosionsrisker. Ur ett ekonomiskt hållbarhetsperspektiv kan snabb och samordnad insats minska de långsiktiga kostnaderna för återuppbyggnad och minimera ekonomiska förluster för drabbade individer och samhällen. / Introduction - Statistics show that small-scale explosions have increased in Sweden. In 2023, over 159 cases of small-scale explosions were reported (Regeringskansliet, 2024). An explosion can, in addition to structural damage, also lead to other damage to buildings. This increases the need for reconstruction of buildings damaged by smallscale explosions. Stakeholders such as the Fire Protection Association want an improved damage management chain (Brandskyddsföreningen, u.å.). This study aims to investigate whether there are established approaches applied in the reconstruction process after a small-scale explosion on a building, possibilities for possible improvement and how the coordination between different professional groups can be improved. Methodology - The objectives of the study are achieved by analyzing documentation from investigations of buildings damaged by small-scale explosions. The document study is supplemented with interviews where actors involved in the investigation as well as actors working with damage assessment and damage management are interviewed. Results - No standardized, established approach is used in the investigation and reconstruction of explosion damage to buildings today. Stakeholders involved in damage investigation and assessment work on the basis of experience. There is a positive attitude towards developing clear guidelines and checklists that could streamline the reconstruction process. Coordination and communication are key to the success of the actors' work and there is also a positive attitude towards streamlining. Analysis - The analysis carried out shows that there is room for improvement in the reconstruction process. Developing clear guidelines for the investigation and management of damage to buildings would streamline the process. There is also room for improvement in the communication between actors in the reconstruction process. The work could be streamlined by shortening the communication lines between the actors involved. Discussion - Our results confirm previous research on several points, including that the lack of coordination is a critical factor in disaster management and that coordinated efforts are of great importance in disaster management. From a social sustainability perspective, improved communication and emergency response can increase safety and ease of use in managing explosive hazards. From an economic sustainability perspective, rapid and coordinated response can reduce the long-term costs of reconstruction and minimize economic losses for affected individuals and communities. Read more
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Experimental and numerical analyses of dynamic deformation and failure in marine structures subjected to underwater impulsive loadsAvachat, Siddharth 16 July 2012 (has links)
The need to protect marine structures from the high-intensity impulsive loads created by underwater explosions has stimulated renewed interest in the mechanical response of sandwich structures. The objective of this combined numerical and experimental study is to analyze the dynamic response of composite sandwich structures and develop material-structure-property relations and design criteria for improving the blast-resistance of marine structures. Configurations analyzed include polymer foam core structures with planar geometries. A novel experimental facility to generate high-intensity underwater impulsive loads and carry out in-situ measurements of dynamic deformations in marine structures is developed. Experiments are supported by fully dynamic finite-element simulations which account for the effects of fluid-structure interaction, and the constitutive and damage response of E-glass/polyester composites and PVC foams.
Results indicate that the core-density has a significant influence on dynamic deformations and failure modes. Polymeric foams experience considerable rate-effects and exhibit extensive shear cracking and collapse under high-magnitude multi-axial underwater impulsive loads. In structures with identical masses, low-density foam cores consistently outperform high-density foam cores, undergoing lesser deflections and transmitting smaller impulses. Calculations reveal a significant difference between the response of air-backed and water-backed structures. Water-backed structures undergo much greater damage and consequently need to absorb a much larger amount of energy than air-backed structures. The impulses transmitted through water-backed structures have significant implications for structural design. The thickness of the facesheets is varied under the conditions of constant material properties and core dimensions. The results reveal an optimal thickness of the facesheets which maximizes energy absorption in the core and minimizes the overall deflection of the structure. Read more
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Parametric studies of DDG-81 ship shock trial simulationsDidoszak, Jarema M. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Evaluations, otherwise known as ship shock trials, have been conducted in order to determine the seaworthiness of each new class of ship commissioned in the U.S. Fleet. While beneficial in determining the overall survivability of a ship and its mission essential equipment in a severe shock environment, these Navy-mandated tests pose serious danger to the crew, ship and environment. As an alternative to these labor intensive, costly and time consuming at-sea tests, the recent advances in computer processing power have made it possible to employ finite element methods involving complex geometries in the modeling and simulation of shock response for the ship and surrounding fluid. This thesis examines the accuracy of shock simulation predictions as compared to the ship shock trials conducted on USS WINSTON S. CHURCHILL (DDG-81). An investigation of the effects of sensor location, damping and shot geometry is presented as validation of the Naval Postgraduate School modeling and simulation methodology. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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