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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La céramique protobyzantine de Lycie : étude du mobilier des "bains portuaires" (Hurmalik Hammam) de Patara / The early byzantine ceramics of lycia : studies of the repertory of the «harbor bath» (Hurmalik Hamam) of Patara

Sen, Dilek 23 June 2017 (has links)
Localisé à l’extrême sud-ouest de la péninsule anatolienne en Turquie, Patara était un des principaux sites portuaires de la province de Lycie antique qui maintint son importance durant la période protobyzantine. Parmi les édifices balnéaires de Patara, les bains de Hurmalik se distinguent par sa localisation à l'intersection septentrionale des routes reliant le centre-ville au port et à la porte érigée en l'honneur du gouverneur Modeste. Les bains de Hurmalik sont parmi les premiers édifices fouillés de Patara. Construit vers la fin du Ier ou début du Ile siècle, l'édifice a connu une intensive réutilisation durant la période protobyzantine. Dans le but de comprendre les différentes phases d'utilisations et de réaménagements des bains, des fouilles ont été reprises de 2005 à 2008. L'étude du mobilier céramique des saisons 2005-2008 a révélé plusieurs groupes de céramiques importées et de productions locales appartenant à la période protobyzantine. Les céramiques importées se composent des grands groupes de céramiques fines et d'amphores. En provenance d'Afrique du Nord, du Levant et de l'Egée, ces produits de consommation montrent l'effervescence du économique de la ville et dans un plus large sens, les relations commerciales et culturelles qu'entretenait la Lycie avec les régions proches ou lointaines de l'espace méditerranéen entre le IVe et la première moitié du VIIe siècle. / Located on the southwestern edge of the Anatolian peninsula in Turkey, Patara was one of the main port sites of the antique Province of Lycia which. maintained its importance during the early Byzantine period. Among the bath buildings of Patara, the "Hurmalik Hamam" is distinguished by his location at the northern intersection of the roads linking the city center with the port and the gate erected in honor of Governor Modestus. The bath was among the first excavated buildings of Patara. Constructed towards the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 2nd century, the building experienced an intensive re-use during the early byzantine period. In order to determine the different phases of use and redevelopment of the bath, excavations were carried out from 2005 to 2008. The study of the ceramic repertory of the 2005-2008 excavation seasons revealed several groups of imported ceramics and local productions belonging to the early byzantine period. Imported ceramics consist of large groups of red slip wares and amphorae. Coming from North Africa, the Levant and the Aegean, these consumer products show the economical effervescence of the city and, in a broader sense, the trade and cultural relations that Lycia bas with neighboring regions or Far from the Mediterranean area from the 4th to the first half of the 7th century.

L'armement dans la région balkanique à l'époque romaine tardive et proto-byzantine (284-641) : héritage, adaptation et innovation / Late roman and early-byzantine weapons from the Balkan Peninsula (284-641) : inheritance, borrowing and innovation

Glad, Damien 25 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat en archéologie est consacrée à l'étude des "militaria" découvertes dans la péninsule balkanique et issues de contextes datés de l'époque romaine tardive et protobyzantine. La définition des champs de l'enquête permet, dans un premier temps, d'établir un corpus répertoriant 156 sites archéologiques à armes et de proposer l'inventaire des "militaria" dans leurs contextes historiographiques, géographiques et chronologiques. L'analyse typologique replace ensuite ces armes dans leurs contextes de production, de diffusion et d'approvisionnement, d'utilisation, d'entretien et d'abandon. Une telle analyse démontre enfin qu'aucune forme n'est anodine et que l'évolution de celle-ci résulte d'héritage, d'adaptation et d'innovation. / This Phd work in archaeology deals with the study of "militaria", found on the Balkan Peninsula, from late roman and early-byzantine archaeological contexts. At first, the definition of field investigation allows to establish a database indexing 156 archaeological sites with weapons and to take stock of the "militaria" within their historiographical, geographical and chronological contexts. Cluster analysis then puts these weapons in their contexts of manufacture, circulation and supplying, use, maintenance and abandonment. This analysis demonstrates finally that no style is trivial and that the evolution of the latter results of inheritance, borrowing and innovation.


Blid, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the Christian context of the former pagan sanctuary of Zeus Labrandeusin Caria during the Early Byzantine period, ca. 325-730 A.D. The focus is on the church, positioned outside the pagan sanctuary’s temenos area. The architecture of the church has been empirically analysed. It is argued that the church shows strong Syrian influences. The Syrian features are a tripartite sanctuary enclosed by a straight back wall, an interior supported by pilasters and a west part with two towers. The study of the architecture has also been used in an attempt to discuss the liturgy at Labraunda.The finds from the excavations of 1951-2005 have been categorized and examined in order to establish a <em>terminus post quem</em> for the Christian presence at the site of the church. This has been crucial for the dating of the church. Furthermore, the finds illustrate the social and economic conditions that prevailed at Labraunda during the Early Byzantine period. Finally, this study tries to enlighten the process of transition from a pagan sanctuary into a Christian place of worship.</p>


Blid, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the Christian context of the former pagan sanctuary of Zeus Labrandeusin Caria during the Early Byzantine period, ca. 325-730 A.D. The focus is on the church, positioned outside the pagan sanctuary’s temenos area. The architecture of the church has been empirically analysed. It is argued that the church shows strong Syrian influences. The Syrian features are a tripartite sanctuary enclosed by a straight back wall, an interior supported by pilasters and a west part with two towers. The study of the architecture has also been used in an attempt to discuss the liturgy at Labraunda.The finds from the excavations of 1951-2005 have been categorized and examined in order to establish a terminus post quem for the Christian presence at the site of the church. This has been crucial for the dating of the church. Furthermore, the finds illustrate the social and economic conditions that prevailed at Labraunda during the Early Byzantine period. Finally, this study tries to enlighten the process of transition from a pagan sanctuary into a Christian place of worship.

Khirbet el-Libneh : Études architecturale et archéologique des vestiges protobyzantins (Tartous - Syrie) / Khirbet el-Libneh : architectural and archaeological studies of the early Byzantine remains (Tartous - Syria)

Chok, Anna 29 June 2015 (has links)
Les premiers indices archéologiques de Khirbet el-Libneh ont été signalés en 1997 dans la zone industrielle de Tartous (sur la côte syrienne). Depuis, neuf campagnes de fouilles réalisées sous la direction de la D.G.A.M., entre 1998 et 2009, ont permis la découverte partielle d'un ensemble protobyzantin. Les vestiges dispersés sur un terrain de 11400 m² se composent essentiellement d'une grande salle basilicale ornée d'une mosaïque géométrique, d'un complexe agricole (des pressoirs à huile, de petits fours à pain et un moulin) et une citerne. Parmi les objets mis au jour les plus intéressants, un sceau porte l'empreint d'une image religieuse. De prochaines campagnes de fouilles seront nécessaires pour compléter le contenu de cet ensemble. En attendant, les données disponibles représentent les sources d'informations pour cette recherche doctorale. / The first archaeological evidences for the complex of Khirbet el-Libneh were exposed in 1997 in the industrial zone of Tartous (on the Syrian coast). Indeed, nine excavations carried out under the direction of the DGAM between 1998 and 2009, led to the partial discovery of an early Byzantine settlement. The remains, scattered over an area of 11400 m², consist mainly of a large basilica decorated with geometric mosaics, an agricultural complex (oil press, bread ovens and a mil) and a cistern. One of the most iteresting discoveries is a seal that have a mark of a religious icon.Further surveys will be needed before we can portray a full picture of the complex and its contents. In the, meantime, the available data serve as the souce material of this PhD thesis.

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