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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die pastorale begeleiding van persone met kompulsiewe eetgewoontes / Mariëtte Prinsloo.

Prinsloo, Martha Elizabeth January 2009 (has links)
Looking at humankind and all the weight issues/problems, researchers ask one question: "Why do some people have problems with compulsive eating?" Throughout the years many studies has been done about Bulimia and Anorexia as eating behaviours, but not a lot of studies have been done about the theological area concerning research on compulsive eating disorders. From a Biblical and Christian-theological perspective, we find that God created the human as a being who is good and pure but as a result of disobedience, we are all sinners. Through sin, humankind is polluted; therefore humankind struggles to be in control of its own nature in itself. Because of sin, the whole trinity and harmony between God and His creation was disturbed. With a plan and a solution, God sent His only beloved Son, Jesus Christ to earth so that He could die for our sins on the cross. Jesus Christ, our Mediator, return to help us restore the balance between food and humankind. Looking at other social science research, we can see that eating disorders have been looked at and discussed in the medical world for at least the last century. An empirical research has been done with persons who believe that they are compulsive eaters. Through research, they discovered that the participants either had a very unpleasant childhood or during adulthood had had very difficult or unhappy relationships. It is because of these reasons that the researcher tried to establish that pastoral counseling could possibly help with healing. It can be a long and hard road to recovery because compulsive eating disorders can also be related to addiction. Research has shown that each person has to work on his/her relationships with him, God our Father, humankind and nature. The counselee has to acknowledge that he has a problem and there must be a deep desire to get healed systematically the counselee gets help/counseling through proposals as well as through deliberation. The counselee has to have a will to get healed as well as have the dedication to get rid of the addiction or habit through the help and strength of our beloved Father. / Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Obsah makronutrientů a soli ve výživě batolat / Content of macronutrients and salt in the nutrition of toddlers

Radomská, Věra January 2018 (has links)
The present diploma thesis is engaged in the content of macronutrients and salt in the diet of toddlers. The theoretical part examines the characteristics of the toddler age, delineating the physiological and psychosocial development of toddlers. In addition, the theoretical part analyses in detail the individual components of a healthy diet, fluid intake and technological procedures of meal preparation. The theoretical part further provides the characterization of correct and incorrect eating habits. The objective of the research part is to determine the knowledge level of parents with respect to a healthy diet of toddlers; another objective is to ascertain the intake of macronutrients and salt on individual days and a four-day average, based on the programme Nutriservis Professional. The third objective is to compare results relating the intake of macronutrients and salt with DACH recommendations, binding in the Czech Republic. On the basis of the evaluation of our results, as the fourth objective, recommendations for parents as to the diet of toddlers will be prepared. The research part was completed under the application of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The first part of the research was conducted by form of a questionnaire survey. The other part was carried out by making...


Ludrosky, Jennifer M. 20 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Stravovací návyky dětí předškolního věku v kraji Vysočina / Nutritional Habits of Preschool Children in Vysočina Region

Srnská, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Title: Nutritional Habits of Preschool Children in Vysočina Region Annotation: I focus on the issues of eating habits of preschool children in my diploma project. Nowadays, this topic is very current due to increasing overweight and obesity of children, already in preschool age. The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge of preschool children healthy eating, to emphasize the importance of child nutrition, draw attention to mistakes inflicted in child nutrition, and also point to the nutrition recommendations in this age. The integral part of this work is the specification of external influences and risks to a child in this field. At the same time, I mention some issues related to nutrition and eating habits that currently worry parents. The aim of an exploratory survey was to map the level of dietary habits of preschool children in the Region Vysočina. Results are based on the survey, which took place in different nursery schools in the Region Vysočina. Key words: eating habits, healthy nutrition, preschool age

Obezita žáků staršího školního věku v závislosti na pohybových a stravovacích návycích / Obesity of Older School Age Children Based on Physical Activity and Eating Habits

Lamačová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Obesity of Older School Age Children Based on Physical Activity and Eating Habits AUTHOR: Bc. Eva Lamačová DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: PaedDr. Eva Marádová, CSc. ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with the obesity of older school age children and their dependence on eating and exercising habits. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge regarding overweight and obesity, disease diagnosis, epidemiological trends and complications related to obesity. Emphasis is put on the evaluation of reasons to why this problem occurs, such as disease prevention, dietary and exercise recommendations, its therapy and inclusion of the issue with the secondary school curriculum. The practical part contains research focused on the nutritional status, eating and exercise habits of pupils in secondary school. The survey results are designed for use in pedagogical practice. Usage is targeted for obesity prevention in this age group during Physical Education and Health Education subjects. KEYWORDS: Obesity, overweight, eating habits, exercising habits

Vliv reklamy na formování stravovacích návyků u dětí / The impact of advertisement to children eating behaviour

Vašíčková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to recognise if there is any connection between the advertisement targeted to children and their eating habits.

Práticas alimentares (in) sustentáveis: participação, promoção da saúde e educação ambiental / (Un)sustainable food practices: participation, health promotion and environmental education.

Matuk, Tatiana Tenório 18 September 2015 (has links)
O fortalecimento da globalização da economia no setor de produção e de serviços, somado às necessidades geradas pelo estilo de vida urbano, contribuíram para o aumento do consumo de alimentos industrializados e para a alimentação fora do lar. A produção de alimentos com alto grau de processamento é marcada pelo incentivo às monoculturas, uso intensivo de contaminantes químicos sintéticos, emissão de poluentes, consumo excessivo de água e de energia nas diversas etapas de produção, comprometimento da diversidade cultural, dentre muitos outros. Assim, sustenta-se um modelo que disponibiliza alimentos e dissemina práticas intimamente ligadas aos problemas de saúde e à degradação socioambiental. Diante do contexto apresentado, este trabalho investigou as relações entre alimentação contemporânea, meio ambiente e saúde a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um guia alimentar sob a perspectiva da sustentabilidade. Trata-se de um estudo de campo de natureza qualitativa e participativa. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica de construção de mapa-falante com consumidores e agricultores e do grupo focal com nutricionistas. Dentre os resultados encontrados, destacou-se a necessidade de sensibilização e de empoderamento de todos os atores do sistema agroalimentar por meio de ações de promoção da saúde e educação continuada. Esse processo participativo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de diretrizes para a criação do guia alimentar no formato de um site interativo. Por fim, acredita-se que esta pesquisa participativa tenha fomentado reflexões críticas e posturas proativas nos sujeitos envolvidos. / The strengthening of economy globalization in the production and services sector, together with the needs generated by the urban lifestyle, contributed to the increased consumption of processed foods and meals eaten outside the home. Food production with high degree of processing is marked by encouraging monocultures, intensive use of synthetic chemical contaminants, emission of pollutants, excessive consumption of water and energy in various production stages and loss of cultural diversity, among many others. Thus, it supports a model that provides foods and disseminates practices closely linked to health issues and environmental degradation. In this context, this study examines the relationship between contemporary food habits, environment and health in order to contribute to the development of a food guide from the perspective of sustainability. This is a qualitative and participatory nature field study. To collect data, a talking-map construction technique was applied with consumers and farmers and focus group with dietitians. Among the findings, we have highlighted the need for awareness and empowerment of all stakeholders in the food system by implementing actions to promote health and continuing education. This participatory process contributed to the development of guidelines for the creation of the food guide in an interactive website format. Finally, this participatory research may have fostered critical thinking and proactive attitudes in those involved.

"Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças de escolas públicas e privadas do ensino fundamental da cidade de Franca-SP e alguns fatores de risco associados" / “Prevalence of overweight and obesity in private and public elementary school children in the city of Franca and some associate risk factors.”

Andrade, Daniela Elias Goulart de 26 July 2006 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas houve aumento significativo na prevalência da obesidade nos países desenvolvidos e vem crescendo também naqueles em desenvolvimento, tornando-se um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. A importância do diagnóstico e tratamento da obesidade em fases precoces da vida justifica-se, pois ela favorece alterações metabólicas que se tornam mais graves quanto maior o grau de obesidade e o tempo de sua instalação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o estado nutricional de escolares do ensino fundamental de escolas da rede pública e privada da cidade de Franca-SP e conhecer a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade, investigando possíveis associações entre componente alimentar, atividade física e nível sócioconomico dos mesmos, fatores considerados como possíveis influentes da obesidade, tornando-se necessário intervir com um programa de educação alimentar antes que a doença se agrave. Foram avaliados 492 alunos de ambos os sexos com idades entre 6 e 10 anos matriculados da 1a a 4a séries do ensino fundamental de escolas particulares, estaduais e municipais da cidade de Franca–SP, através de avaliação nutricional com coleta de dados antropométricos (peso e altura) e aplicação de um questionário sobre hábitos alimentares, atividade física e condição sócio-econômica elaborado pelos pesquisadores. Foi encontrado que 59,6% das crianças estudadas são eutróficas; 15,8% se encontram nas classificações de baixo peso e 24,6% foram classificadas como excesso de peso, onde 11,6% possuem sobrepeso e 13,0% obesidade. Os dados vão de encontro à literatura, porém, a prevalência da obesidade parece ser maior que os últimos achados. Houve uma associação do nível sócioconomico com a prevalência de excesso de peso, com predominância nas escolas particulares (37,4%), em relação às escolas estaduais (23,7%) e municipais (18,9%) (p=0,004). Destaca-se que 28,0% dos sujeitos obesos estão matriculados em escolas particulares. Das 492 crianças avaliadas, 56,5% realizam apenas a prática desportiva oferecida no currículo escolar. Os sujeitos classificados como eutrófico/baixo peso realizam uma freqüência mais adequada de atividade física (68,6%), se comparados com os classificados como sobreopeso/obesidade (34,4%). No que se refere aos hábitos alimentares, a preferência alimentar de 38,4% é de alimentos do grupo energético extra e 72,9% tem como alimentos que menos gostam aqueles do grupo de reguladores. A informação que o excesso de peso está instalado em aproximadamente 25% da população estudada, que o sedentarismo é a realidade da maioria das crianças, que a preferência em sua alimentação são os alimentos fontes de energia extra, enquanto, aqueles que são fontes de vitaminas, sais minerais e fibras são os de menor preferência, traz grande preocupação, tornando-se necessário desenvolver um programa de incentivo a prática de atividade e de reeducação alimentar com as crianças estudadas e suas respectivas famílias, com o objetivo de reduzir as taxas de obesidade encontradas e prevenir que esta instale nesta população. / Over the last decades, the significant increase of the prevalence of obesity in developed and developing countries has become one of the most important public health problems. The relevance of the diagnostic and treatment of obesity during early ages is justified, because it contributes to metabolic changes that are more severe in higher obesity levels and earlier installation periods. The goal of this study was to evaluate eating habits, physical activity and social and economical environment of elementary school students, factors which possibly influence obesity and require intervention by means of an eating education program before the disease gets even worse. 492 students from 1a to 4a grades of private, local and state elementary schools were evaluated in Franca-SP, through nutritional assessment, collection of anthropometrical data (weight and height) and application of a survey about eating habits, physical activity and socioeconomic conditions developed by the examiners. It was noticed that 59.6% of the observed children had normal nutritional conditions; 15.8% were classified as underweight and 24.6 were classified as overweight, where 11.6% were considered overweight and 13.0%, obese. The data confirm literature, although the prevalence of obesity seems to be higher than the last findings. It has been verified that, even without statistic association, in our sample the boys were more obese than girls, what has been corroborated by the literature. There was an association between the socioeconomic level and the prevalence of overweight, mostly in private schools (37.4%) when comparing to state schools (23.7%) and municipal schools (18.9%) (p=0,004). It is important to highlight that 28.0% of obese subjects attend private schools. Among 492 children studied, 56.5% practiced only the sport activities offered in the school program. The subjects who were classified as with normal nutritional conditions/ underweight used to practice physical activities in a more satisfactory frequency (68.6%) if compared to the classified as overweight/obese (34.4%). Regarding to eating habits, the eating preferences to 38.4% were provisions of the extra energetic group and 72.9% chose as the least appreciated the food belonging to the regulatory group. There was not an association between the quality of the food during the meals throughout the day, however this fact does not indicate that the children’s feeding is adequate. The information that overweight is reflected in ¼ of the studied population, that sedentary lifestyle is a reality to most of the children, that their food preferences are meals with extra energetic supply, while, those who are vitamin suppliers, mineral supplement and fibers are less preferred, brings great concern, requiring the development of a program to motivate the practice of physical activity and eating reeducation with the studied children and their families, aiming at reducing the obesity rates and at preventing that it remains on this population.

Perfil nutricional, hábitos alimentares e adesão à alimentação escolar de alunos da rede municipal da região central de Alvorada/RS

Dellaméa, Ana Regina Bender 10 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ana.pdf: 519376 bytes, checksum: 06c69eb995c2b902123f564da37eb782 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-10 / Objectives: To define the nutritional profile, adherence to school feeding and eating habits of students between 7 and 10 years of municipal schools in Alvorada / RS Methods: Cross-sectional study in public schools from central Alvorada-RS in 2010. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain information about demography, adherence to school feeding and eating habits. Weight and height were measured to calculate body mass index and subsequent classification of nutritional status, as assessed using the NCHS reference (2000). Results: A total of 421 students were evaluated, most of them between 7 and 8 years old. Overweight was observed in about 30% of the students and 14% of them were obese. Most children and adolescents had daily consumption of meat, dairy, rice and beans, but less than 40% ate fruits and vegetables daily. Regarding the school feeding adherence, about half of students had at least one meal at the school and those who did, half had these meals five times a week. Conclusions: Intervention strategies in changing of healthy habits should be adopted to reduce the high prevalence of overweight, obesity and improve the quality of school feeding / Objetivos: Determinar o perfil nutricional, a adesão à alimentação escolar e os hábitos alimentares saudáveis de alunos entre 7 e 10 anos de idade das escolas municipais de Alvorada/RS Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado nas escolas municipais do centro de Alvorada-RS, em 2010. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado para obtenção de informações demográficas, de adesão à alimentação escolar e dos hábitos alimentares. Peso e estatura foram aferidos para o cálculo do índice de massa corporal e posterior classificação do estado nutricional, avaliado utilizando como referência o NCHS (2000). Resultados: Foram avaliados 421 alunos, sendo a maioria deles entre 7 e 8 anos de idade. Excesso de peso foi observado em cerca de 30% dos escolares, estando 14% deles com obesidade. A maioria das crianças e adolescentes apresentava consumo diário de carnes, laticínios e de arroz e feijão, porém menos de 40% consumia frutas, legumes e verduras diariamente. Quanto à adesão à alimentação escolar, aproximadamente metade dos estudantes realizava pelo menos uma refeição na escola e, dos que o faziam, metade consumia estas refeições cinco vezes na semana. Conclusões: Estratégias de intervenção nas modificações para hábitos saudáveis devem ser adotadas visando reduzir as elevadas prevalências de sobrepeso e obesidade e melhorar a qualidade da alimentação dos escolares

Hábitos alimentares esmerilados pelos imigrantes japoneses do pós-guerra no Amazonas (1953-1967): a reconstrução do passado através da memória / Eating habits polished by the Japanese immigrants from postwar in Amazonas (1953-1967): past reconstruction through memory

Nishikido, Linda Midori Tsuji 07 December 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta a reconstrução da história da imigração japonesa para o Amazonas no pós-guerra, suas análises e interpretações nas perspectivas sociais e culturais, esmeriladas por meio de hábitos alimentares. A escolha da delimitação do tema se deve ao fato de que o ato de alimentar para o ser humano não representa somente uma necessidade fisiológica, envolve quesitos, sobretudo relacionados aos aspectos sociais e culturais, que se entrecruzam constituindo um complexo mosaico no interior do processo imigratório. Como fontes primárias, baseou-se especialmente nos relatos orais dos imigrantes, descendentes e não descendentes envolvidos no processo, porém fez-se usos de outras fontes como fotografias, memorial escrito, edições comemorativas, reportagens jornalísticas, pois de acordo com Demartini (2005, p. 91), quando se estuda grupos imigrantes torna-se essencial a diversificação de fontes sejam elas documentos escritos, relatos orais e imagens, especialmente pela riqueza que a complementaridade entre elas pode permitir. Como fundamentação teórica adotou-se os postulados teóricos de Jacques Le Goff (1990) que levanta discussões acerca de memória e história, elementos norteadores desta investigação. / The present dissertation presents the reconstruction of the history of the Japanese immigration to the Amazon in the postwar period, its analysis and interpretations in the social and cultural perspectives, polished by eating habit means. The theme delimitation choice is due to the fact that the feeding act for the human being not only represents a physiological need, but also involves questions mainly related to the social and cultural aspects that are intermingled, constituting a complex mosaic within the Immigration process. As primary sources, it was specially based on oral reports of immigrants, descendants and non-descendants involved in the process. However, uses were made of other sources such as photographs, memorial writing, commemorative issues, journalistic reporting, for according to Demartini (2005, 91), when studying immigrant groups, it is essential to diversify sources, whether they are \"written documents, oral reports or images, especially for the richness that the complementarity between them can allow.\" As theoretical foundation, it was adopted the theoretical postulates of Jacques Le Goff (1990) that raises discussions about memory and history, guiding elements of this investigation.

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