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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marino Del Favero, escultor e entalhador (1864-1943) /

Cavaterra, Cristiana Antunes, 1976- January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Percival Tirapeli / Banca: Mozart Alberto Bonazzi da Costa / Banca: Maria Elisa Linardi de Oliveira Cazaretti / Resumo: Marino Del Favero, italiano imigrado para o Brasil no final do século XIX, é um escultor - entalhador, quase desconhec ido na historiografia da arte sacra brasileira. Apesar de várias cidades brasileiras po ssuí rem seus retábulos e imagens sacras em catedrais, igrejas matrizes e c apelas, poucos são os pesquisadores e historiadores da arte brasileira que aprofundaram seus es tudos sobre o artista. Descendente de uma família italiana de renomados escultores e formado na academia veneziana, é criador de retábulos, imaginária sacra e mobiliário religioso durante meio século em sua oficina na cidade de São Paulo e que em menos de uma década se tornou uma pequena indústria. Participou de várias exposições nacionais e internacionais, recebendo premiações e atestados de bispos e padres influentes em seu período. Pioneiro da industrialização da arte sacra e encomenda por catálogos, alg uns de seus retábulos desapareceram, outros foram substituídos por obras modernas, outros deslocados para outras Igrejas, algumas imagens sacras foram repintadas e descaracterizadas, outras se quebraram, seu mobiliário sacro, desprovido de assinaturas, pas sa despercebido por muitos, e, certamente muitas de suas obras estão por ser descobertas. O estudo se dará através da compreensão da história e evolução da forma dos retábulos e imaginária sacra, suas funções e morfologia, bem como o estudo tipológico de s eus retábulos, visando a criar parâmetros para a atribuição de suas obras. Imprescindível é a pesquisa histórica sobre as origens e vida do artista no Brasil para compreender e localizar suas obras na História da Arte Sacra Brasileira. O estudo possibilito u revelar a obra e história de um importante escultor - entalhador e industrial na São Paulo da Belle Époque e suas origens na Itália / Astratto: Marino Del Favero, itali ano emigrato in Brasile alla fine del XIX secolo, è uno scultore - incisore, quasi sconosciuto nella storia dell'arte sacra brasiliana. Nonostante le numerose città brasiliane che possiedono i loro altari e le immagini sacre in cattedrali, chiese e cappelle, pochi ricercatori e storici dell'arte sacra brasiliana hanno approfondito gli studi sull'artista. Discendente di una famiglia italiana di affermati scultori e formatosi presso l'Accademia di Venezia, è autore di altari, immagini sacre e arredi religiosi p er mezzo secolo nel suo laboratorio di San Paolo e in meno di un decennio ha raggiunto una dimensione industriale. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre nazionali e internazionali, ricevendo premi e attestati di vescovi e sacerdoti influenti nel suo periodo. Pi oniere dell'industrializzazione di arte sacra e di ordinazioni attraverso cataloghi, alcuni dei suoi altari sono scomparsi, altri sono stati sostituiti da opere moderne, altri spostati in altre chiese, alcune immagini sacre sono state ridipinte e sfigurate, altre sono state rotte, i suoi arredi, privi di firme, passano inosservati, e certamente molte delle sue opere sono ancora da scoprire. Lo studio sarà effettuato attraverso la comprensione della storia e l'evoluzione della forma degli altari e delle imma gini sacre, la loro funzione e la morfologia, così come lo studio tipologico dei suoi altari, al fine di creare i parametri per l'assegnazione delle sue opere. Essenziale è la ricerca storica sulle origini e la vita dell'artista in Brasile per capire e tro vare le sue opere nella storia dell'arte sacra brasiliana. Lo studio ha permesso di rivelare il lavoro e la storia di un importante scultore - incisore e industriale a San Paolo della Belle Époque e le sue origini in Italia / Mestre

Didactique de la grammaire dans l'enseignement du français langue étrangère en Chine. Vers un éclectisme méthodologique : L'exemple de l'Université de l'Anhui / Didactics of grammar in teaching French as a foreign language in China. Towards a methodological eclecticism : The example of the University of Anhui

Zhao, Jipeng 25 May 2018 (has links)
En Chine, la recherche sur la didactique de la grammaire française est en retard et sur ce thème il n’existe pas un seul ouvrage de référence rédigé par des Chinois ; nous manquons de méthodes efficaces ; nous manquons de professeurs expérimentés. D’où l’idée de notre thèse et la question qui nous intéresse spécifiquement : « Comment enseigner la grammaire française aux étudiants chinois ? ». Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons fait des recherches dans le département de français de la faculté des langues étrangères de l’Université de l’Anhui. Nous proposons trois hypothèses :1. Dans l’enseignement de la grammaire française, il faut selon les objectifs de chaque cours varier les méthodes en appliquant une méthodologie éclectique. 2. À l’Université de l’Anhui il est impossible d’introduire dans l’enseignement de la grammaire du français l’intégralité des concepts d’enseignement du CECR. 3. Pour les étudiants chinois en Langue et littérature françaises de l’Université de l’Anhui, la grammaire déductive est plus efficace que la grammaire inductive.Tout d’abord, il faut signaler que les deux programmes nationaux chinois sont des documents officiels qui donnent des directives sur l’enseignement de la grammaire française. Mais, souples comme le CECR, ils ne préconisent pas l’utilisation d’une méthode précise et conseillent en revanche aux professeurs de tenir compte avant tout des besoins de l’enseignement pour faire leur choix parmi toutes les méthodes existantes. Par ailleurs, nous avons remarqué que, dans les parties grammaticales des deux tests nationaux chinois (le TFS4 et le TFS8), les questions portent plutôt sur les connaissances grammaticales mémorisées au détriment de la compétence grammaticale. Cette manière d’évaluation influence fortement le mode d’enseignement des professeurs et les amène inévitablement sur le chemin de la méthodologie traditionnelle.Nous analysons ensuite un certain nombre de travaux scientifiques traitant de l’enseignement de la grammaire. Dans ce cadre, il s’agit de comparer la grammaire linguistique à la grammaire pédagogique, la grammaire explicite à la grammaire implicite, la grammaire déductive à la grammaire inductive, d’analyser la place de la grammaire dans les différentes méthodologies, d’interpréter l’enseignement de la grammaire française dans la perspective psycholinguistique et neurolinguistique.De plus l’analyse des interviews et des questionnaires que nous avons effectués auprès des étudiants et des professeurs de l’Université de l’Anhui ainsi que l’observation de six cours de grammaire donnés par différents professeurs nous amène à faire les observations suivantes : en milieu universitaire chinois les grammaires explicite et déductive sont dominantes dans l’enseignement du FLE ; la compétence communicative des étudiants chinois est faible ; les connaissances grammaticales qu’ils apprennent en classe ne peuvent pas se transformer en compétence grammaticale leur permettant de parler et d’écrire correctement. Quant aux méthodes de français ou manuels de grammaire utilisés dans les universités chinoises, nous avons constaté que les manuels bilingues rédigés par des Chinois insistent sur l’exhaustivité, les explications grammaticales sont en général détaillées et précises, tandis que dans les manuels monolingues rédigés par des Français, le métalangage utilisé est généralement simple pour faciliter la compréhension des apprenants.Il est à noter enfin qu’en Chine les cultures d’enseignement des professeurs et les cultures d’apprentissage des étudiants sont particulières, chaque professeur enseigne différemment et chaque étudiant apprend différemment. Nous pensons donc qu’il est raisonnable de combiner plusieurs méthodes - en s’inspirant de leurs avantages respectifs et en dépassant leurs inconvénients - et d’appliquer dans l’enseignement de la grammaire française à l’Université de l’Anhui une méthodologie éclectique. / In China, the research on the didactics of French grammar is lagging. There exist such problems as the lack of experienced teachers, effective teaching methods, and lack of reference materials written by the Chinese on this subject. Hence, the idea of this thesis specifically tackles the following question “how should Chinese students be taught French grammar?”To answer this question, research has been carried out in the French Department of the School of Foreign Languages of Anhui University. Through this research, three hypotheses are proposed as follows. 1. It is necessary to apply eclectic methodology when teaching French grammar. Methods must be changed timely and appropriately according to different objectives of courses. 2. It is impossible to fully introduce the CECR teaching concepts into the teaching of French grammar in Anhui University.3. For Chinese students majoring French Language and Literature in Anhui University, deductive grammar is more effective than inductive grammar.After having presented our field of research and analyzed practical needs, objectives and particularities of our students majoring French Language and Literature, we enter into the theoretical framework of our work. First of all, it should be noted that two Chinese national programs are designated as official documents and give instructions on the teaching of French grammar. But like the CECR, both of them are quite flexible. They don’t designate teachers to apply certain teaching approaches; instead, teachers are advised to choose freely among all the existing methods according to the practical teaching need.Secondly, results showed that, in the grammatical parts of two Chinese national tests (TFS4 and TFS8), questions are designed to evaluate students’ grammatical knowledge rather than grammatical competence. Such evaluation approach greatly affected teachers’ teaching methods, and inevitably makes them adopt traditional teaching methodology. Thirdly, analysis on a number of scientific works on French grammar teaching was carried out. In this context, several questions merit attention and further analysis, such as comparing linguistic grammar with pedagogical grammar, explicit grammar with implicit grammar, deductive grammar with inductive grammar; analyzing the role of grammar in different methodologies, interpreting the grammar teaching from psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives.Fourthly, after the detailed analysis of interviews and questionnaires towards students and professors of Anhui University and the observation of six grammar lessons taught by different teachers, we found that the explanatory and deductive methods dominate the teaching of FLE in Chinese universities. Concerning Chinese students, their communicative competence is rather poor, and the grammatical knowledge they learn in class can not be transformed into grammatical competence, allowing them to speak and write correctly.Fifthly, as for French methods or grammar books used in Chinese universities, we found that bilingual textbooks, written by Chinese, focus on completeness and include detailed and precise grammatical explanations, while in monolingual textbooks written by French, the metalanguage used is generally simple to facilitate the comprehension of the learners.Finally, it should be noted that compared with their counterparts in European countries, the teaching culture of Chinese teachers and the learning culture of Chinese students are quite different. Each teacher teaches differently and each student learns differently. We therefore argue that it is reasonable to combine several teaching methods (such as, traditional methodology, communicative approach, action-oriented approach and so forth) with several grammars by making best of their advantages and overcoming their disadvantages, and applying an eclectic methodology in the teaching of French grammar in Anhui University.

Prokofiev's Eclectic Approach in his Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor

Yan, Jishuang 05 1900 (has links)
Prokofiev had a specific approach to the modernist aesthetic that is worthy of a special study from a new perspective: eclecticism. There are two distinguishable views on his achievement in modern music. One is the Western version, which sees his eclectic approach as not innovative enough in comparison with modern composers such as Stravinsky. The other view is from the traditional Soviet approach, which holds Prokofiev in the highest esteem. These sources largely ignore Prokofiev's Paris and American periods. Such an oversimplification is likely to have reflected political circumstance. Neither the Western view nor the Soviet view provides a satisfying interpretation of Prokofiev's musical style. Therefore, understanding his eclectic approach is important to challenge and redefine our notion of Prokofiev's musical aesthetic. This dissertation examines Prokofiev's eclectic approach in his Violin Concerto in G minor with a combination of historical research and historically informed style analysis. The historical research is mainly based upon current interpretations of Prokofiev's musical style. The two contrasting views (Western and Soviet) on Prokofiev's contributions to modern music are equally lacking in objectivity due to their entrenchment in political rhetoric. Therefore, to have a more precise interpretation of Prokofiev's concerto, historically informed analysis is used to evaluate his essential self-characterization shift in his compositional style, the so-called "five lines."


El Majzoub, Nada 01 January 2013 (has links)
This mixed methods study investigates the influence of student characteristics and institutional support services and interventions on graduation rates. Regression analysis was conducted using a dataset constructed from multiple publically available resources to estimate graduation rates. Regression results showed High School Grade Point Average to be the highest estimator of graduation rates, among other student and institutional characteristics. The results confirmed existing findings on the influence of student pre-college and demographic characteristics on graduation rates for students with academic needs. Content analysis of survey data from office of support service personnel at public four-year institutions shows institutions implement a wide array of support services, with a focus on Summer Bridge Programs to support college readiness in underprepared students. Content analysis of interviews with Academic Support Staff indicates institutions focus attention on students with low academic credentials through support services and interventions practiced in unique ways at the institutional level. Findings from the study were used to construct a model for use by institutions to improve support services and programs provided to students with low academic credentials regardless of their pre-existing characteristics.

As faces da modernidade: arquitetura religiosa na reforma urbana de Itú ( 1873-1916) / Faces of modernity: religious architecture in urban reforms Itu (1873-1916)

Lopes, Maurício Maiolo 13 May 2009 (has links)
Analise da arquitetura religiosa na cidade de Itu e suas relações com as reformas urbanas ocorridas no período de 1873 a 1916. Enfatizamos nosso estudo nas reformas ocorridas em antigos templos coloniais que nesse período passaram por significativas transformações. O estudo dos ideais de modernização da época e das diretrizes da Igreja Católica é peça-chave para a revisão historiográfica da chamada arquitetura eclética. Analisamos alguns dos principais agentes dessas transformações: suas ideologias, as novas modalidades de projetação e seus vínculos com as transformações tecnológicas. Todos estes fatores influenciaram de diferentes modos na reforma dessas igrejas. Nesse contexto, pesquisamos o vínculo das reformas nas igrejas com as transformações que Itu vivenciou nesse período, como a chegada da ferrovia, as transformações das praças em jardins, a construção do novo cemitério, o novo matadouro municipal, o novo mercado municipal e a implantação da iluminação pública. Como recorte de pesquisa, foram selecionadas algumas igrejas representativas do passado colonial, que na virada do século tiveram suas fachadas completamente modificadas: a igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Candelária, a igreja de Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio e as igrejas administradas pela Companhia de Jesus na cidade: a igreja de São Luis do Gonzaga, a igreja do Bom Jesus e, finalmente, a igreja de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte. / This research analyzes the religious architecture of Itu city and its relationships with the urban reform which occurred from 1873 to 1916. Our study is emphasized in the reforms occurred in ancient colonial temples which had significant changes at that time. The study of the ideals of modernization and of the Catholic Church guidelines at that time is the main point for a historiographic review of the eclectic architecture. We analyzed one of the main agents of these changes: their ideologies, the new modalities of the design process and their links with the technological changes. All these factors influenced in different ways in the reforms of these churches. In this context, it was researched the link in the church reforms with the changes that Itu had at that time like the arrival of railroads, the squares which became into gardens, the construction of a new cemetery, the new municipal slaughterhouse, the new municipal market and the implementation of the public lighting. As a clipping of the research, it was selected some representative churches of the past colonial which had their façades completely changed in the Passage of Century: The Nossa Senhora da Candelária Church, Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio Church and the ones administrated by the Companhia de Jesus in the city: The São Luis do Gonzaga Church, The Bom Jesus Church and, finally, The Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Church.

Leibniz und der Eklektizismus

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Erforschung der deutschen Philosophie um 1700 hat in den vergangenen beiden Jahrzehnten starke Impulse erfahren; es wurden bisher unbekannte Diskussionen und Richtungen entdeckt, darunter der Eklektizismus. Der Eklektizismus war in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 17. und den ersten Jahrzehnten des 18. Jahrhunderts Gegenstand einer europaweiten Debatte, besonders unter Deutschlands Universitätsphilosophen. Inhaltlich geht es um eine Neubestimmung der Philosophie im versöhnenden Ausgleich der Ansprüche von Antike und Moderne, von Aristotelismus und Cartesianismus, deren Konflikt die Problemlage der Akademiker um 1700 allgemein charakterisierte. Figuren der Eklektizismus-Debatte sind durch kontextualisierende Forscher wie Horst Dreitzel oder Michael Albrecht ans Tageslicht geholt worden, in deren Arbeiten das doxographische Bild der Philosophie im späten 17. und im frühen 18. Jahrhundert geweitet und gedehnt wird, so daß heute eine breite (nicht nur philosophische) Kultur das historiographische Feld dort belebt, wo traditionell Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz und Christian Wolff die Geschichte der Philosophie fast allein repräsentierten. Ersetzt oder ergänzt der Eklektizismus unser traditionelles Bild der frühmodernen Philosophie?

Das Eklektizismus-Problem der Philosophiegeschichte

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 23 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Erst durch Jacob Brucker ist die Geschichte der Philosophie als ganze auch methodisch reflektiert dargestellt worden. Daß seine Geschichtsschreibung zugleich ein Anwendungsgebiet für die Urteilskraft (iudicium) ist, wird vor allem durch die Art und Weise deutlich, wie Brucker das antike Modell der Sektenabfolge modifiziert und kompensiert. Wesentlich für das Gelingen seiner Neuordnung der Philosophiegeschichte mittels einer Grobgliederung in drei Perioden und einer Kleingliederung nach (häufig monographisch behandelten) Philosophen und Philosophengruppen ist bei Brucker die Berufung auf die "eklektische Philosophie", die in der Vorrede und in den letzten beiden Bänden ganz unübersehbar auch seinen eigenen Anspruch ausdrückt. Die Präferenz für "das Eklektische" dient dabei keiner philosophischen Parteilichkeit, die das Bruckersche Urteil gelegentlich zum Kommentar werden läßt, vielmehr scheint sie sowohl die historische Gesamtansicht, die Gliederung und auch die kritische Analyse im einzelnen zu regieren. Mit einer Untersuchung dessen, was bei Brucker "eklektisches Philosophieren" heißt, kommt man daher den Baugesetzen des monumentalen historischen Werkes nahe, das Brucker in deutscher Sprache als "Kurtze Fragen aus der philosophischen Historie" (8 Oktavbände 1731-37) und lateinisch als "Historia Critica Philosophiae" (5 Quartbände 1742-44, ein Ergänzungsband 1767) veröffentlicht hat: Eine bis ins 19. Jahrhundert äußerst einflußreiche und im 18. Jahrhundert unübertroffen gebliebene Aufarbeitung des historischen Wissens über Philosophie und Philosophen.

As faces da modernidade: arquitetura religiosa na reforma urbana de Itú ( 1873-1916) / Faces of modernity: religious architecture in urban reforms Itu (1873-1916)

Maurício Maiolo Lopes 13 May 2009 (has links)
Analise da arquitetura religiosa na cidade de Itu e suas relações com as reformas urbanas ocorridas no período de 1873 a 1916. Enfatizamos nosso estudo nas reformas ocorridas em antigos templos coloniais que nesse período passaram por significativas transformações. O estudo dos ideais de modernização da época e das diretrizes da Igreja Católica é peça-chave para a revisão historiográfica da chamada arquitetura eclética. Analisamos alguns dos principais agentes dessas transformações: suas ideologias, as novas modalidades de projetação e seus vínculos com as transformações tecnológicas. Todos estes fatores influenciaram de diferentes modos na reforma dessas igrejas. Nesse contexto, pesquisamos o vínculo das reformas nas igrejas com as transformações que Itu vivenciou nesse período, como a chegada da ferrovia, as transformações das praças em jardins, a construção do novo cemitério, o novo matadouro municipal, o novo mercado municipal e a implantação da iluminação pública. Como recorte de pesquisa, foram selecionadas algumas igrejas representativas do passado colonial, que na virada do século tiveram suas fachadas completamente modificadas: a igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Candelária, a igreja de Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio e as igrejas administradas pela Companhia de Jesus na cidade: a igreja de São Luis do Gonzaga, a igreja do Bom Jesus e, finalmente, a igreja de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte. / This research analyzes the religious architecture of Itu city and its relationships with the urban reform which occurred from 1873 to 1916. Our study is emphasized in the reforms occurred in ancient colonial temples which had significant changes at that time. The study of the ideals of modernization and of the Catholic Church guidelines at that time is the main point for a historiographic review of the eclectic architecture. We analyzed one of the main agents of these changes: their ideologies, the new modalities of the design process and their links with the technological changes. All these factors influenced in different ways in the reforms of these churches. In this context, it was researched the link in the church reforms with the changes that Itu had at that time like the arrival of railroads, the squares which became into gardens, the construction of a new cemetery, the new municipal slaughterhouse, the new municipal market and the implementation of the public lighting. As a clipping of the research, it was selected some representative churches of the past colonial which had their façades completely changed in the Passage of Century: The Nossa Senhora da Candelária Church, Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio Church and the ones administrated by the Companhia de Jesus in the city: The São Luis do Gonzaga Church, The Bom Jesus Church and, finally, The Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Church.

Discontinuous lives : listening to the stories of South African diplomatic families in the Third World

Shaw, Aneta 03 March 2006 (has links)
Diplomats spend four years at a time abroad in South Africa's foreign missions, and after a home posting to Pretoria, typically lasting two years, they leave again. Children attend international schools. Thus diplomatic families have to adjust to a lifestyle of change and discontinuity, foreign cultures and unknown environments. The extent of this adjustment seems underrated and misunderstood. Since 1994 the number of missions abroad has doubled and most of the new missions are in the third world, hence the focus on hardship postings. In this narrative research, interviews were conducted with diplomatic families in several hardship posts. The aim was to gain a better understanding of the process of adjustment based on first hand information. Adjustment is described as a complex unfolding narrative with regressive as well as progressive story lines. The first stage lasting up to six months is seen as regressive, since the person is further removed from his goal of adjustment than at arrival. The rest of the stay is largely progressive if adjustment is seen as "being settled in a familiar routine" . Regressive elements refer to environmental restrictions. Findings include a description of an ideal couple for the foreign service; a need for effective preparation for a posting is confirmed; a changed relationship between Head Office and an official when abroad; diffuse identity among adolescents who spend formative years abroad, resulting in poorly understood adjustment problems on reentry; importance of attending to the soft issues of relocation instead of focusing on financial compensation. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

Eclecticism rediscovered: [Rezension zu: ]Michael Albrecht, Eklektik. Eine Begriffsgeschichte mit Hinweisen auf die Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Stuttgart 1994 und Patrice Vermeren, Victor Cousin. Le Jeu de La Philosophie et de l''Etat, Paris 1995

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 24 February 2015 (has links)
Whatever the significance of the postmodern state of mind, recent views concerning philosophical eclecticism are largely the product of researches into the history of philosophy. There is an obvious inclination of today''s intellectual historians to investigate background figures of European modernity. The increasing willingness of historians to enlarge the notion of philosophy in both its disciplinary and historical definition seems to be in agreement with a similar disposition of contemporary philosophers. As we can learn from Michael Albrecht''s and Patrice Vermeren''s books, a critical appreciation of eclecticism throws light both on the conditions of contemporary philosophizing and on the politics of philosophy in the modern age.

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