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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retenční kapacita říční nivy a alternativní protipovodňová opatření v povodí řeky Berounky. / Retention capacity of flood plain and alternative flood protection in the Berounka River catchment.

Pergl, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the retention capacity of Berounka during the hydrological extremes. Flood prevention and flood condition are main subjects of this thesis. Two selected river areas of Berounka are analysed by the passive retention volume and by the transformation of the flood wave. The first area is situated on the lower course of Berounka near the Černošice, and this area is significantly anthropogenically influenced. The second area which has nature character is located on the middle course of Berounka near Křivoklát. This thesis contains an evaluation of the hydromorphological state of flow in both areas. The results of passive retention indicate negligible influence of the flood situations. 1D hydraulic model HEC-RAS displays the transformation of the flood wave. The results of the transformation are flow velocity and depths of the river valley in 100-year-old and 20-year-old flows. The transformation of the flood wave in the first area is on the minimum level and did not reach its potential retention capability. The culmination flow in the second area is reduced because of a geomorphological shape of the river. Moreover, the near natural flood protection precautions are proposed in this thesis. Mean flow velocity in 100-year floods could be reduced by 1 - 1,6 m.s-1 by forestation of...

Ecotypic Variation in Elymus Elymoides Subspecies Brevifolius Race C in the Northern Intermountain West

Parsons, Matthew C. 01 December 2008 (has links)
Little information is available on the extent of local adaptation for many native grass species. This is the case for squirreltail (Elymus section Sitanion), despite this group's prevalence and importance in rangeland restoration efforts. I evaluated 32 populations of E. elymoides ssp. brevifolius race C, a phylogenetic subdivision of bottlebrush squirreltail (E. elymoides) centered in the northern Intermountain West, for phenotypic variables and neutral genetic markers to measure their association with geographical origin. Phenotypic traits were measured in common field and greenhouse environments, and genetic diversity was assessed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. Three factors were extracted from the phenotypic data set using common factor analysis. Factor 1 explained 37.7% of the variation among all of the variables; it had positive factor loadings for phenology (late maturity), biomass, and leaf area index, negative loadings for leaf area and root length, and was negatively correlated with elevation (r = -0.71). Factor 2 explained 14.5% of the variation among all of the variables; it had positive factor loadings for plant height and leaf number per tiller, negative loadings for seed yield and tiller number, and was positively correlated with longitude (r = 0.54) and average annual minimum temperature (r = 0.39). Factor 3 explained 12.8% of the variation among all of the variables; it had highly positive factor loadings for specific root length and specific leaf area, negative loadings for canopy height and mass per tiller. Correlations among phenotypic, environmental, genotypic, and geographic-origin distances were positive (r = 0.723-0.900), which suggests that ecotypic variation is an important feature of this group. This information, in conjunction with previously established Level III ecoregions, was used to delineate four adaptive zones for race C.

Evaluating Tree Seedling Survival and Growth in a Bottomland Old-field Site: Implications for Ecological Restoration

Boe, Brian Jeffrey 08 1900 (has links)
In order to assess the enhancement of seedling survival and growth during drought conditions, five-hundred bare-root seedlings each of Shumard oak (Quercus shumardii Buckl.) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) were planted each with four soil amendments at a Wildlife Management Area in Lewisville, Texas. The treatments were a mycorrhizal inoculant, mulch fabric, and two superabsorbent gels (TerraSorb® and DRiWATER®). Survival and growth measurements were assessed periodically for two years. Research was conducted on vegetation, soil, and site history for baseline data. Both superabsorbent gels gave significant results for Shumard oak survival, and one increased green ash diameter. For overall growth, significant results were found among DRiWATER®, mycorrhizae, and mulch treatments.

Experimental biodiversity enrichment in an oil-palm plantation

Gérard, Anne 15 November 2016 (has links)
Die großflächige Umwandlung von tropischen Wäldern hat zu dramatischen Verlusten von Biodiversität und assoziierten Ökosystemdienstleistungen und –funktionen geführt. Indonesien ist ein besonders schwerwiegendes Beispiel für den Verlust von Waldflächen und Biodiversität. Landumnutzungen, in starkem Maße durch den Anbau von Ölpalmen vorangetrieben, stellen eine erhebliche Bedrohung für die außergewöhnlich hohe Biodiversität des Landes dar. Landwirtschaftssysteme, wie Agroforstsysteme, können hingegen genutzt werden, um die Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen in von Ölpalmen dominierten Landschaften zu erhöhen. In Regionen, in denen Ölpalmplantagen bereits die Landschaft dominieren, kann diese Erhöhung nur durch systematische Renaturierung erfolgen. Die zugrunde liegenden ökologischen und soziökonomischen Prozesse und damit verbundene Beschränkungen und Kompromisse von Renaturierungsmaßnahmen in von Ölpalmen dominierten Landschaften sind jedoch weitgehend unbekannt. Um diese Wissenslücke zu schließen, habe ich mit Kollegen aus Deutschland und Indonesien ein Langzeitexperiment zur Erhöhung der Biodiversität aufgebaut. Wir haben experimentell Bäume in Form von „Inseln“ in eine konventionelle Ölpalmplantage gepflanzt und hierbei systematisch die Flächengröße, das Diversitätslevel und die Artzusammensetzung variiert. Wir haben hierfür sechs multifunktionale heimische Baumarten ausgewählt. Auf der Fläche der Bauminseln haben wir einen Teil der Ölpalmen gefällt, um die Lichtverfügbarkeit für die gepflanzten Bäume durch eine reduzierte Ölpalmdichte zu erhöhen. In dieser Doktorarbeit stelle ich den Aufbau des Experiments vor und gebe einen breiten Einblick in anfängliche Auswirkungen des Experiments, indem ich ökologische Aspekte in Betracht ziehe, sowie Veränderungen hinsichtlich des Ernteertrags. Da die Zeit kurz nach der Pflanzung ein Nadelöhr für die Langzeitetablierung der Bäume darstellt, ist sie sehr kritisch, um die erwünschten Renaturierungserfolge in der Zukunft zu erzielen. Des Weiteren kann die Anfangszeit auch aus der Sicht der Landwirte eine entscheidende Hürde darstellen, da der Nutzen der Bauminseln erst lange Zeit nach ihrer Pflanzung entsteht. Zuerst beschreibe ich Umweltvariablen und biotische Charakteristika der den experimentellen Flächen assoziierten Vegetation, Invertebraten und Vögel vor der Errichtung des Experiments, sowie anfängliche Auswirkungen des Experiments auf die Fauna. Ein Jahr nach der Errichtung des Experiments hatten die Baumpflanzungen einen insgesamt positiven Effekt auf die Artengemeinschaften von Vögeln und Invertebraten in der Plantage. Die Größe der Bauminseln wirkte sich lediglich auf die Diversität und Abundanz von Invertebraten positiv aus, die somit auf kleinskalige Veränderungen reagierten. Ausgehend von diesen Ergebnissen erwarte ich einen weiteren Anstieg der Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen in der Zukunft. Danach berichte ich über den Anwuchserfolg der Bäume und ermittle die wichtigsten Determinanten für den Wuchs und das Überleben der Bäume. Insgesamt sind die Bäume gut angewachsen, jedoch gab es große Unterschiede zwischen den Baumarten hinsichtlich relativer Höhenwachstums-, Dickenwachstums- sowie Überlebensraten. Arten mit hohen Wachstumsraten wiesen vorwiegend auch hohe Überlebensraten auf. Auf Versuchsflächenebene hatten Standortbedingungen, Flächengröße und Diversitätslevel der gepflanzten Bäume lediglich einen geringen Einfluss auf das mittlere Baumwachstum und die Überlebensrate. Auf Individuenebene habe ich signifikante Nachbarschaftseffekte festgestellt. Hohe benachbarte Bäume und die Distanz zu verbleibenden Ölpalmen begünstigten die Entwicklung der Bäume. Noch ist es zu früh zu entscheiden, welche der Baumarten sich generell am besten eignen, um Renaturierungsziele zu erreichen. Unterschiede in der anfänglichen Entwicklung liefern jedoch wichtige Informationen für eine zukünftige Bewertung der Arten. Zuletzt präsentiere ich Auswirkungen des Experiments auf den Ölpalmertrag. Nach zwei Jahren waren die Erträge pro Ölpalmindividuum erhöht, sowohl auf als auch direkt neben den Versuchsflächen. Die geschätzten Ertragsänderungen für die verschiedenen Flächengrößen unter Einbezug von Ernteverlusten durch gefällte Ölpalmen sowie Effekte auf benachbarte Ölpalmen deuten darauf hin, dass die erhöhten Ernteerträge insbesondere in großen Bauminseln mindestens das Fällen von Ölpalmen kompensiert haben. Diese Ergebnisse, die in der frühen Phase der Bauminseletablierung erzielt wurden, sind vielversprechend für die Erarbeitung nachhaltiger Managementoptionen für Ölpalmplantagen, die ökologische und ökonomische Funktionen in Einklang bringen. Die anfänglichen Auswirkungen waren stärker und insbesondere aus ökonomischer Perspektive profitabler als ich erwartet habe. Die Nachbarschaftseffekte und die Auswirkungen der experimentell veränderten Variablen waren bislang jedoch überwiegend schwach. Ich erwarte, dass diese Auswirkungen mit der Zeit stärker ausgeprägt sein werden. Durch Erkenntnisse, die aus zukünftigen Langzeitbeobachtungen des Experiments, das ich in dieser Doktorarbeit vorstelle, gewonnen werden, können Wissenslücken geschlossen werden. Somit kann die Ausarbeitung von Managementrichlinien für von Ölpalmen dominierten Landschaften ermöglicht werden, die sowohl ökologisch verbessert als auch ökonomisch lohnenswert sind. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur generellen Beurteilung des Experiments dar, wodurch darüber hinaus auch neue Erkenntnisse für die Renaturierungswissenschaft gewonnen werden können.

A century of landscape-level changes in the Bow watershed, Alberta, Canada, and implications for flood management

Taggart-Hodge, Tanya 09 December 2016 (has links)
This study used a comparison of one hundred and forty-eight historical (1888-1913) and current (2008-2014) oblique photographs from thirty-two stations to identify land cover changes that have occurred in portions of the Bow and Elbow valleys as well as surrounding Kananaskis Country region. Implications of these changes for flooding and flood management were explored. Forest cover was found to have drastically increased over the past century, particularly in the Bow valley, as did areas of direct human development. In the same time period, grasslands increased in the Elbow valley but decreased in the Bow, while regenerating areas decreased uniformly throughout both valleys. An analysis of pre (2008)-and-post (2014) flood conditions demonstrated no change in coniferous forest cover in both valleys over the 6-year period, but uncovered a decline of 20% in the Elbow and 3% in the Bow in the broadleaf/mixedwood category. The Elbow’s channel zone was larger in 2014 compared to 2008, whereas the extent of the Bow’s channel zone remained constant. However, both the Bow and Elbow’s bare exposed bars increased substantially, most likely as a result of the 2013 flood. The major source of water flows that contributed to the 2013 flood event originated in high elevation rock and scree areas, which, unlike floodplains, are elements of the watershed that cannot be manipulated over time. It is now recognized that forest cover should act as a buffer to floods. Nevertheless, the 2013 flood event occurred despite the massive buffering effect of a huge increase in older forest stands across the study area. The final discussion includes recommendations for improving flood management in the area. / Graduate / 0329, 0768, 0478 / tanya.taggarthodge@gmail.com

La patrimonialisation des grands sites : évolution des doctrines et transformation des espaces : exemple des promontoires littoraux emblématiques bretons / The making heritage of "grands sites" : evolution of doctrines and transformation of lands : example of the symbolic Britanny littoral headlands

Le Fur, Yann 06 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une perspective compréhensive des processus de patrimonialisation de grands sites naturels bretons, de leur découverte à leur réhabilitation, ici la pointe du Raz, le cap Fréhel et la côte sauvage de Quiberon. Ces promontoires littoraux, objets inventés au 19e siècle, sont devenus au fil du temps des supports d’oeuvres littéraires et picturales, d’introspection et de fascination exercée par la puissance des éléments marins. Ces lieux ont accueilli depuis les années 1950 des fréquentations touristiques de plus en plus importantes, ayant provoqué des phénomènes de mise à nu des sols, que l’administration de l’Environnement a jugé menaçants pour leur intégrité. Il y a une trentaine d’années, elle a donc décliné une politique de réhabilitation dont la matérialisation principale fut la conduite d’‘Opérations Grands Sites’. De quelle manière ces projets de réhabilitation sont-ils menés et selon quelles doctrines ? Comment prennent-ils en compte les différents usages et valeurs attribuées à ces patrimoines ? Cette thèse analyse les aménagements, désaménagements et réaménagements de ces sites, l’imbrication de la montée de la doctrine écologique et des jeux d’acteurs qui s’y développent, et, interroge leur incidence sur le patrimoine et les modalités de son appropriation, ce que nous appelons le processus de patrimonialisation. La première partie retrace la patrimonialisation des grands sites naturels emblématiques de France, leur invention (chapitre 1), les politiques publiques mises en place en vue de leur protection (chapitre 2 et 3), et se focalise sur nos terrains d’étude (chapitre 4). La seconde partie montre les évolutions du cadre doctrinal, organisationnel et normatif de l’action publique, favorisant la protection de l’environnement et l’aménagement touristique. Elle montre le renouvellement des principes d’action publique (chapitre 5) et les transformations des espaces induites par les doctrines et les jeux d’acteurs (chapitre 6 et 7). Enfin, la troisième partie aborde les effets de ces réhabilitations sur le patrimoine et le processus de patrimonialisation contemporains (chapitre 8 et 9) et propose une réflexion sur la dimension normative des opérations de réhabilitation : nous démontrons qu’elles sont constitutives du processus de patrimonialisation. / This work analyzes in a comprehensive perspective the heritage making of the Brittanygreat sites, namely the point of Raz, the cape of Fréhel and the wild coast of Quiberon. These coastal headlands, objects invented in 19th century, became over time supports of literary and pictorial works, of introspection and fascination exercised by the power of the marine elements. Since the 1950s, aincrease of tourist attendances has led to the degradation of their ecosystems, that the administration of the Environment considered that’s a threat for their integrity. Thirty years ago, this administration introduced a policy of rehabilitation the main realization of which was the conduct of « Opérations Grands Sites ». How are these projects of rehabilitation led and according to which doctrines? How dothey take into account the various uses and the values attributed to these heritages? This thesis analyzes the land planning, dis-planning and re-planning of these sites, the rise of the ecological doctrine and stakeholders' interactions and questions their incidence about the heritage and the modalities of its appropriation, that we call the process of heritage making. The first part redraws the heritage making of the big symbolic natural sites of France, their invention (chapter 1), the public policies creation with the purpose of their protection (chapter 2 and3), and a more precisely a focus on our study fields (chapter 4). The second part shows the evolutionsof the doctrinal, organizational and normative dimension of the public action, favoring the environmental protection and the tourist development. It shows the renewal of the principles of publicaction (chapter 5) and the transformations of the spaces, which it led from stakeholders' interactions in presence (chapter 6 and 7). Finally, the third part approaches the effects of these rehabilitations on contemporary heritage and process of heritage making (chapter 8 and 9) and proposes a reflection on the normative dimension of the operations of rehabilitation. We make the demonstration that they area part of the process of heritage making.

Alternativas para restauração florestal de pastagens / Alternatives of Forest Restoration of Pastures

Mônico, Allan Camatta 06 June 2019 (has links)
As áreas degradadas têm crescido no mundo e no Brasil, necessitando de métodos de restauração ecológica eficientes e com baixo custo que permitam a rápida reconstrução das florestas tropicais. A pecuária é a atividade agrícola de maior impacto na geração de áreas degradadas e o Brasil detém atualmente o maior rebanho bovino do mundo. As pastagens, em sua maioria, são degradadas e possuem baixo nível tecnológico, resultando em baixas produtividades para o setor. Por isso objetivo do estudo foi testar diferentes estratégias de restauração na estruturação de comunidades florestais tropicais em pastagens abandonadas vizinhas a fragmentos de Mata Atlântica (Floresta Estacional Semidecidual-FES). Para isso foram instalados 12 tratamentos repetidos quatro vezes, com parcelas de 600 m2 (12x50m), totalizando 2,88 ha no Instituto de Zootecnia de São Paulo, em Sertãozinho, SP. O Instituto foi escolhido por estar estrategicamente localizado em uma região altamente fragmentada e ter histórico de uso intensivo do solo, realidade de boa parte das pastagens do Brasil. A tese foi estruturada em três partes principais. A primeira comparou as comunidades resultantes dos tratamentos com sucessão secundária e condução da regeneração com diferentes níveis de manejo para controle das gramíneas e fertilização do solo. Previamente foram avaliados os solos, que se apresentaram férteis e compactados, e os bancos de sementes, que demonstraram alta dominância de arbustos e gramíneas e distribuição heterogênea de espécies arbóreas. A avaliação da regeneração demonstrou que o melhor tratamento foi o que recebeu aplicação de herbicida e fertilização, e o pior foi o Controle que parece estar com a sucessão estagnada ou muito lenta. Quanto maior e mais intenso o manejo da regeneração, maiores foram os resultados obtidos para a densidade de indivíduos, altura e área de copa das comunidades, contudo nenhum tratamento alcançou estruturar um dossel florestal em 32 meses de monitoramento. No segundo estudo foram comparados o tratamento com o melhor manejo da regeneração com 32 meses, com outros dois que receberam plantios de apenas duas espécies pioneiras de recobrimento, com e sem fertilização da regeneração, sobre áreas que estavam com a regeneração sendo manejada. Em apenas 20 meses os plantios criaram uma estrutura florestal com maior cobertura e registraram maior densidade de indivíduos e diversidade de espécies de estágios finais da sucessão. Não houve resposta da fertilização do solo na regeneração sob os plantios. O terceiro capítulo da tese testou a semeadura de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) para construção de dosséis transitórios, enriquecidos ou não com espécies secundárias iniciais, entre linhas de plantios de espécies de recobrimento. Esses dosséis tinham como objetivo controlar as gramíneas e favorecer a sobrevivência e crescimento dos indivíduos plantados. Os resultados demonstraram um controle efetivo das gramíneas e redução na mortalidade de espécies secundárias iniciais sob as copas dos dosséis de mamona. Ao final da tese os 12 tratamentos são comparados quanto à eficiência ecológica e custos, concluindo que quanto mais intensivos os manejos adotados, aumentando a previsibilidade das comunidades formadas e o sucesso da restauração, maiores os custos diretos. De forma adicional foram apresentados mais dois itens com aprendizagens obtidas com o desenvolvimento da tese. Esse estudo foi importante por apresentar diversas estratégias de restauração para pastagens próximas a remanescentes florestais em contexto de matriz fragmentada e solos que tiveram uso intensivo, apresentando alta representatividade na faixa de FES que se estende pela região central do Brasil. Os resultados obtidos podem auxiliar pequenos e grandes proprietários rurais, tomadores de decisão, formuladores de políticas públicas e todos os envolvidos na cadeia de restauração ecológica em relação a como se estruturar com eficiência ecológica e custos mais reduzidos comunidades florestais biodiversas e sustentáveis em pastagens abandonadas. / The extension of degraded areas has grown in Brazil and in the world, raising the need for efficient and low-cost ecological restoration methods that allow the rapid reconstruction of tropical forests. Livestock farming is the agricultural activity of greatest impact generating degraded areas and Brazil currently has the largest cattle herd in the world. Most pastures are degraded and have a low level of technification, resulting in low productivity for the sector. Therefore, the objective of this study was to test different restoration strategies for the structuring of tropical forest communities in abandoned pastures adjacent to fragments of Atlantic Forest (Semideciduous Seasonal Forest - SSF). We deployed 12 treatments and four repetitions, in plots of 600 m2 (12x50m), 2.88 ha total at the São Paulo Zootechny Institute, in Sertãozinho, SP, Brazil. The Institute was chosen because it is strategically located in a highly fragmented region and has a history of intensive land use, which is the reality of most of Brazil\'s pastureland. The thesis was structured in three main parts. The first one compared communities resulting from secondary succession to communities resulting from assisted natural regeneration after the application of different management intensities of grass control and soil fertilization. The soils were evaluated previously and found them to be fertile and compacted, and the seedbanks showed high dominance of shrubs and grasses with a heterogeneous distribution of tree species. Natural regeneration evaluation revealed that the best treatment was the application of herbicide plus fertilization, and the worst was the control treatment, that lead to a stagnated secondary succession or to very slowly changes. The higher and more intense the management of natural regeneration, the greater the results obtained regarding density, height and crown area. However, no treatment managed to structure a forest canopy within 32 months. In the second study, the treatment with the best results at the age 32 months was compared with two other treatments in areas were regeneration was being managed; both received plantations of two pioneer species, one was fertilized and the other was not. In only 20 months, the plantations created a forest structure with greater canopy cover, higher density and diversity of species common to the final stages of succession. Soil fertilization had no influence over natural regeneration under the plantations. The third chapter of the thesis tested the sowing of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) between planting lines of fast-growing wide-canopy native species aiming the construction of transient canopies, enriched or not by the plantation of early-secondary seedlings. These canopies should control grasses and favor the survival and growth of planted individuals growing underneath. The results demonstrated an effective control of grasses and a reduction in the mortality of early-secondary species under the canopy; although more studies are needed to improve the technique. At the end of the thesis, the 12 treatments were compared in terms of ecological efficiency and costs, concluding that the more intensive the management adopted, increasing the predictability of the resulting communities and restoration success, the greater the direct costs. In addition, two other items were presented as lessons learned during the development of the thesis. This study was important because it presented several restoration strategies for pastures close to remnant forests in a fragmented matrix on intensively used soils, highly representative of SSF, that extends through the central region of Brazil. The results obtained can help small and large landowners, decision makers, policymakers and all of those involved in the ecological restoration value chain regarding how to structure ecologically and cost-effectively sustainable and biodiverse forest communities over abandoned pastures.

Comportamento silvicultural de espécies nativas usadas no enriquecimento artificial de florestas alteradas na Amazônia, visando potencializar a exploração econômica da Reserva Legal / Silvicultural behavior of native species used in artificial enrichment of altered forests in Amazon aiming to enhance the economic exploitation of Legal Reserve

Erdmann, Andreia Alves 09 March 2015 (has links)
O Brasil é hoje um dos maiores produtores de madeira nativa do mundo. A demanda por este produto é cada vez maior perante a diminuição da oferta e supervalorização das madeiras de crescimento lento, tornando a silvicultura de espécies nativas um desafio, pois não existem estudos suficientes relacionados à produção de mudas, estabelecimento, crescimento e manejo florestal dessas espécies madeireiras. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do microssítio na sobrevivência e crescimento de espécies nativas madeireiras utilizadas no enriquecimento artificial de florestas remanescentes na Amazônia (Pará), definidas como Reserva Legal (RL) da propriedade, mas que sofreram exploração madeireira recente, visando recompor e potencializar a exploração econômica dessas áreas. As espécies objeto desse trabalho, que foram usadas no enriquecimento artificial da RL, são: Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius e Hymenaea courbaril. Essas espécies foram plantadas em abril de 2012 e avaliadas aos 9 e 19 meses após o plantio. Com o objetivo de identificar o momento que essas espécies são mais susceptíveis e que condições do microssítio influenciaram a mortalidade, foram caracterizadas as árvores circundantes à cada muda plantada, a taxa de herbivoria da muda, a possível competição com trepadeiras e plântulas, as aberturas no dossel sobre a muda e a luz difusa incidente. Para testar o efeito da espécie e do tempo na mortalidade das mudas, foi ajustado um modelo linear generalizado misto de análise de variância. Para testar a independência entre a sobrevivência e as variáveis ordinais do microssítio, foram construídas tabelas de contingência bidimensionais e aplicados os correspondentes testes de qui-quadrado. As análises demonstraram que a Carapa guianensis foi a espécie com maior mortalidade nos primeiros meses pós-plantio. Além disso, a mortalidade das espécies foi independente dos fatores luz difusa, árvores circundantes às mudas, trepadeiras e plântulas. Entretanto, a mortalidade de Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana e Hymenaea courbaril foi explicada pelo vigor das mudas na fase inicial; a mortalidade de Cordia goeldiana foi explicada pela herbivoria; Carapa guianensis e Handroanthus serratifolius tiveram a mortalidade influenciada pela abertura no dossel. Afim de identificar os fatores do microssítio limitantes no crescimento das espécies, foram caracterizadas a herbivoria das mudas, a competição com trepadeiras, a competição com plântulas e luz difusa incidente. Para análise estatística, foram considerados modelos lineares de efeitos mistos para a altura, considerando as variáveis do microssítio. A herbivoria não interferiu no crescimento das espécies avaliadas. A luz direta na muda e a luz difusa alta foram significativas para o crescimento das espécies. Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius e Hymenaea courbaril tiveram crescimento máximo com a variável luz direta. As espécies avaliadas tiveram maior crescimento em locais com mais trepadeiras, provavelmente a maior incidência de luz tenha possibilitado o crescimento das trepadeiras e das espécies plantadas. As interações muita trepadeira x luz difusa alta e muita trepadeira x luz direta tiveram efeito negativo no crescimento de Hymenaea courbaril. O crescimento de Cordia goeldiana foi afetado negativamente pelo número de plântulas circundantes. / Brazil is one of the largest producers of native timber in the world. The demand for this product is increasing towards the supply is decreasing and overvaluation of the slowgrowing wood, turning out native species forestry a challenge because there are not enough studies related to the production of seedlings, establishment, growth and forestry management of these species. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of micro-sites on survival and growth of native timber species used in artificial enrichment of forest remnants in Amazon (Pará), defined as Legal Reserve (LR) of the property, even though suffered recent logging, aiming to restore the economic potential of these areas. The species used in this study are Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius and Hymenaea courbaril. These species were planted in April 2012 and evaluated at 9 and 19 months after planting. In order to identify the right moment that those species are more susceptible and which micro-site conditions influenced the mortality, the surrounding trees to each planted seedling were characterized, the rate of herbivory of the seedling, possible competition with vines and other seedlings, openings in the canopy over the seedling and diffuse incident light. To test the effect of species and time in the mortality of seedlings, a generalized linear mixed model analysis of variance was adjusted. To test the independence between survival and the ordinal variables from the micro-site, two-dimensional contingency tables were constructed and applied chi-square tests. Analysis showed that Carapa guianenses was the specie with the greatest mortality in the first months after planting. In addition, the mortality of the species was independent from the factors: diffused light, surrounding trees to seedlings, vines and seedlings of other species. However, the mortality of species Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana and Hymenaea courbaril was explained by the vigor of the seedlings in the initial phase; the mortality of Cordia goeldiana was explained by herbivory; and Carapa guianensis, Handroanthus serratifolius have mortality influenced by canopy opening. In order to identify the micro-site limiting factors in the growth of the species, herbivory of seedlings, competition with vines, competition with seedlings and diffuse incident light were characterized. Statistical analysis included linear mixed models for height, considering the micro-site variables. Herbivory did not affect the growth of the species assessed. The direct light over the seedling and high diffuse light were significant for the growth of the species. Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius and Hymenaea courbaril had maximum growth with the variable direct light. The species evaluated had higher growth in places with more vines, probably the largest incidence of light enabled the growth of vine and the species planted. Interactions high level of vine x high diffuse light and high level of vine x direct light had a negative effect on the growth of Hymenaea courbaril. The growth of Cordia goeldiana was negatively affected by the number of surrounding plants.

Estudo da fixação biológica do nitrogênio em leguminosas (família Fabaceae) arbóreas tropicais através do enriquecimento isotópico do 15N / Estimates of biological nitrogen fixation by tropical legume trees (Fabaceae) using 15N labeled fertilizer

Coletta, Luciana Della 14 October 2010 (has links)
A família Fabaceae abundante nos trópicos, desperta grande interesse para o uso em recuperação de áreas degradas, já que em sua maioria, são lenhosas e perenes, se adaptam aos mais diversos ecossistemas brasileiros e são capazes de fazer associações simbiônticas com bactérias pertencentes ao gênero Rhizobium, que fixam nitrogênio atmosférico fornecendo-o para a planta em uma forma reativa. Dentro deste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou em um experimento em casa de vegetação como a fixação biológica de nitrogênio em três espécies pertencentes a família Fabaceae variou em função da adição de nitrogênio mineral em diferentes doses e através de tratamentos incluindo-se a inoculação com bactérias do gênero Rhizobium e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Os resultados obtidos através da atividade da redução de acetileno indicaram que os nódulos se encontravam ativos no último mês de experimento nas três espécies fixadoras de N2. Houve uma grande variação na porcentagem de N na planta proveniente da fixação (NPPfix). Quando as plantas cresceram em meio onde a disponibilidade de N era baixa, sem a aplicação deste nutriente no solo, a FBN foi favorecida, variando de 34 a 84%. Pelo contrário, foi possível observar que a fixação foi inibida em vasos onde a adição de nitrogênio foi elevada. Devido ao uso do solo não esterilizado, os inoculantes aplicados (bactérias e fungos) parecem ter competido com a microbiota nativa do solo, assim sendo, diferenças entre os tratamentos inoculados e o controle (sem inoculação) não foram encontradas neste estudo / Legumes (Fabaceae) are abundant in the tropics and considered as of great interest as restorer of degraded areas, since most of them are woody and perennials, adapted to several Brazilian ecosystems and able to make associations with bacteria belonging to Rhizobium genus, which fix atmospheric nitrogen, and giving it to the plants in a reactive form. In this context, this study evaluated in a greenhouse experiment how nitrogen biological fixation (FBN) varied in three species of Fabaceae family according to the N-mineral addition in different doses and according to treatments including inoculation with bacteria of Rhizobium genus and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The results obtained from the acetylene reduction activity indicate that the nodules were active in the last month of experiment in the three N2-fixing species. There was a wide variation in the plant N percentage derived from fixation (NPPfix). When plants grew in a soil where N availability was low, without application of this nutrient in the soil, the BNF was favored, ranging the NPPfix from 34 to 84%. On the contrary, it was possible to observe that FBN was inhibited in the pots where N additions were higher. Due to the use of unsterilized soil, the applied inoculants (bacteria and fungi) appear to have competed with the native soil microbiota, thus differences between inoculated and control (without inoculation) could not be established in this study

Comparação de associações vegetais sobre diferentes tipos de solos na área de influência da Represa Itaipu, para reconhecimento de espécies apropriadas para restauração ecológica / Comparison of plant associations on different soil types in the area of influence of the Itaipu dam, for recognition of appropriate species for ecological restoration

Vera Monge, Victor Roberti 27 August 2009 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica é reconhecida como uma das regiões mais ricas em biodiversidade e um dos ecossistemas mais devastados e seriamente ameaçados em todo o planeta. Além do mais, o ritmo em que ocorrem as mudanças de cobertura, a fragmentação e a destruição de habitats neste Bioma é um dos mais rápidos, por isto são necessárias diversas e urgentes estratégias para promover a sua conservação. A perda de hábitat e a fragmentação são as ameaças mais importantes para a manutenção da biodiversidade em todos os ecossistemas terrestres. Estas ameaças são extraordinárias na Mata Atlântica e, particularmente, na região do Paraguai, porção mais continental e meridional desta floresta, onde é afetada principalmente pelo desmatamento para o uso agrícola. A restauração ecológica compreende um diverso conjunto de conceitos e técnicas desenvolvidas para diminuir distúrbios e restaurar a composição taxonômica, estrutura e função dos sistemas biológicos. O trabalho foi realizado em parcelas localizadas nos Refúgios e Reservas Biológicas Mbaracayú, Carapá, Limoy, Itabó e Tatí Yupí, de propriedade da Itaipu Binacional, nos departamentos de Canindeyú e Alto Paraná, Paraguai. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida entre 2008 e 2009, visando à comparação das formações florestais presente sobre diferentes tipos de solos na área de influência da Represa de Itaipu, visando à recomendação de espécies apropriadas para a restauração ecológica. Tendo em consideração o mesmo histórico de uso anterior à proteção, foram estudadas seis parcelas permanentes de medição e monitoramento de biodiversidade, estabelecidas em florestas com 1,0ha de superfície, em cada uma das reservas biológicas citadas precedentemente. Foram medidas as plantas com DAP 10cm, foram registradas 127 espécies, de 86 gêneros e 40 famílias. As espécies foram agrupadas em clímax 20, heliófitas 8, pioneiras 42, secundárias 39, umbrófilas 3 e 15 sem caracterização do grupo sucessional. O Indice de Shannon (H) para Tatí Yupí foi o maior com 3,728, e Itabó 02 o menor com 3,036. O Índice de Similaridade (Jac) maior resultou entre as parcelas de Limoy-Tatí Yupí com 0,52, e o menor entre as parcelas de Itabó 02-Tatí Yupí e Itabó 02 e Mbaracayú, com 0,37. Os tipos de solos que ocorrem nas parcelas estudadas são dois argissolos e quatro latossolos. A Análise de Correspondência Fatorial (ANACOR), para a densidade, freqüência e dominância relativas foram calculadas através do programa estatístico SPSS, as parcelas de Mbaracayú e Itabó 04 foram as mais particulares e as parcelas de Carapá, Limoy, Itabó 02 e Tatí Yupí foram caracterizadas como florestas mais próximas. São recomendadas 90 espécies para restauração ecológica. / The Atlantic Forest is recognized as one of the richest forests in biodiversity and is one of the most devastated and seriously threatened ecosystems in the planet. Moreover, the pace at which changes occur in coverage, fragmentation and destruction of habitats in this biome is one of the fastest, so many and urgent strategies are necessary to promote its conservation. Habitat loss and fragmentation are the major threats to maintain biodiversity in all terrestrial ecosystems. These threats are extraordinary in the Atlantic Forests, particularly in the region of Paraguay, the most continental and meridional portion of this forest, which is affected mainly by deforestation for agricultural use. Ecological restoration includes a diverse set of concepts and techniques developed to reduce disturbances and to restore the taxonomic composition, structure and function of the biological systems. The work was conducted in plots located in the following Refuges and Biological Reserves owned by Itaipu Binacional: Mbaracayú, Carapá, Limoy, Itabó and Tatí Yupí, in the departments of Canindeyú and Alto Paraná, Paraguay. The research was developed between 2008 and 2009, aimed to compare these forest formations on different soil types in the area of influence of the Itaipu dam, to define and recommend the appropriate species for ecological restoration. Considering the same history of use, prior to their protection, six permanent plots were studied, measuring and monitoring biodiversity. The plots were set in forests of 1.0 ha in each of the previously mentioned biological reserves. The plants with DBH 10 cm were measured. 127 species, in 86 genera and 40 families were recorded. The species were grouped into 20 climaxes, heliophytes 8, pioneers 42, secondaries 39, shadow species 3 and 15 without consideration of the successional group. The largest Shannon index (H\') was for Tatí Yupí with 3.728, and the lowest was for Itabó 02 with 3.036. The largest index of similarity (Jac) resulted for Limoy-Tatí Yupí with 0.52, and the lowest were for the plots of Itabó 02-Tati Yupí and Itabó 02-Mbaracayú with 0.37. The soil types that occur in the studied plots are two Ultisols and four Oxisols. The Factorial Analysis of Correspondence (ANACOR) for relative density, frequency and dominance were calculated using the program SPSS. The plots of Mbaracayú and Itabó 04 were the most particular and the plots of Carapá, Limoy, Tatí Yupí and Itabo 02 were characterized as near forests. 90 species are recommended for ecological restoration.

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