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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of phytometers for evaluating ecological restoration

Dietrich, Anna L. January 2013 (has links)
The increase in ecological restoration can be attributed to valuation of healthyecosystems and concerns for future climate changes. Freshwaters belong among theglobally most altered ecosystems and are restored to counteract human impacts.Many Swedish streams that were channelized to facilitate timber floating have beenrestored by returning boulders and reconnecting riparian with instream habitats.Evaluation of restoration lacks reliable indicators of organism performance, possiblydue to the complexity of ecosystem responses. Phytometers, i.e. standardized plantstransplanted to different environments, are important indicators of restorationsuccess. Phytometers integrate multiple environmental factors and measureecosystem functions directly. This thesis combines a literature review with threeexperiments and focuses on phytometer use for evaluating ecological restoration. Werecommend using different phytometer species, life-forms and life-stages and longexperiments (>1 year) to obtain high resolution and generality (I). In greenhouse andfield experiments we investigated the effect of restoring channelized rivers onphytometers and abiotic variables in the riparian zone. We hypothesized thatphytometer performance varies with stream size and climate. In the greenhouse, weanalysed differences in fertility between channelized and restored reaches by growingphytometers on soils from experimental sites (II). Phytometers grew better on soilsfrom restored sites in small streams, indicating a positive effect of restoration on soil.We detected this effect already 3-7 years after restoration, suggesting a fasterrecovery than predicted. In a short-term field experiment focusing on germinationand establishment of sunflowers, seedling survival, substrate availability, and soilnutrient content in large streams were enhanced by restoration (III). Overall,phytometers performed best at high altitudes and short growing seasons. The use ofMolinia caerulea and Filipendula ulmaria as phytometers in a long-term fieldexperiment (IV) revealed a better performance at restored sites. One reason was thatsummer flow-variability was higher, particularly in medium-sized streams. Sincephytometers allocated more biomass to belowground parts at restored compared tochannelized sites, it seems important to separate above- and belowground biomass inrestoration evaluation. Restoration outcomes vary with location in the catchment.Knowing such potentially different responses could guide restorationists in where tolocate restoration to be effective or successful. We suggest that small streams reactparticularly fast to restoration. Given that the proportion of small streams is high andthat restoration success in headwaters may favour downstream reaches, werecommend restoration to begin in tributaries to larger rivers. It is not always knownwhy phytometers react the way they do. Greenhouse experiments can disentangle thecauses of phytometer responses in the field by focusing on single environmentalfactors. We demonstrate that phytometers integrate ecosystem responses torestoration by reflecting how environmental factors affect plants under fieldconditions. Further studies are needed to better understand the underlyingmechanisms.

Overstory and understory dynamics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) ecosystems of northwestern British Columbia

Clason, Alana Unknown Date
No description available.

Overstory and understory dynamics of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) ecosystems of northwestern British Columbia

Clason, Alana 11 1900 (has links)
Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) is declining across its range due to disturbances such as mountain pine beetle and white pine blister rust. In this thesis, I assess the response and vulnerability of whitebark pine ecosystems to multiple stressors and disturbances at the northern edge of P.albicaulis range in the Coastal Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Both the compositional change over time of overstory and understory communities as well as vegetation spatial patterns suggest that different sites or ecosystem types housing whitebark pine may differ in their response to disturbance and stress. Surveys conducted ~ 20 years apart indicate that overstory community change differed between site types following the decline of P. albicaulis over time, while the understory did not change significantly. The spatial pattern of overstory species and understory communities also indicates that site type may be important in determining forest change under ongoing disturbance to whitebark pine. / Forest Biology and Management

Macroalgal community dynamics on coral reefs : Implications for management

Mörk, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Although rather inconspicuous on healthy coral reefs, macroalgae form the basis of coral food webs. Today, macroalgae are generally increasing and many reefs undergo transitions from coral to macroalgal dominance resulting from e.g. enhanced nutrient loading or increased fishing. This thesis aims to investigate the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up regulation, and different herbivore types, on macroalgal distribution, fecundity and community composition on coral reefs. Papers I and II indicate that macroalgal abundance in a coral reef system is largely governed by top-down regulation through grazing by herbivores, while bottom-up regulation through enhanced nutrient availability rather influence algal species composition. Paper II also shows that these regulating effects are not as evident in an area with relatively strong water motion, suggesting that impacts of anthropogenic disturbance may be site-specific. Paper III shows that herbivory is an important factor influencing macroalgal growth and subsequent reproduction. Furthermore, Paper IV and V conclude that efficiency in removing macroalgal biomass is dependent on the type of dominant herbivore, where sea urchins seem to be more effective than fish. Paper IV indicates a seasonal variation in macroalgal biomass and distribution in a small geographic scale but with relatively high temporal resolution. Paper V on the other hand shows these same effects, but with a focus on geographic variation, including a large part of the East African region, as well as between year temporal variations in Kenya. Together, results from the two latter studies indicate that herbivory by fish may not be able to prevent a macroalgal bloom in a degraded system where substrate availability for algal colonization is high, but that it may still facilitate coral recovery over time. Thus, a large algal biomass may not necessarily indicate a reef beyond the possibility of recovery. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>


Schermaier, Anton Francis 14 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Potentials, consequences and trade-offs of terrestrial carbon dioxide removal / strategies for climate engineering and their limitations

Boysen, Lena 27 March 2017 (has links)
Die globalen Mitteltemperaturen könnten bis 2100 um 2◦C bis 4.5◦C über vorindustriellem Wert steigen sollten CO2 Emissionen nicht oder nur unzureichend gesenkt werden. Klima-Engineering befasst sich deshalb mit der gezielten Abkühlung des Klimas, z.B. durch terrestrischen Kohlendioxidentzugs (tCDR). Insbesondere wird der Anbau von großflächigen Biomasseplantagen (BP) in Kombination mit der Erstellung von langlebigen Kohlenstoffprodukten wie Bioenergie oder Biokohle in Betracht gezogen. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit untersucht die tCDR Potentiale und möglichen Konsequenzen von BP auf Nahrungsmittelproduktion, Ökosysteme und das Klima selbst mit Hilfe der Analyse von Landnutzungszenarien simuliert mit einem Biosphärenmodell. Insgesamt wird das tCDR Potential von BP als gering befunden, unabhängig vom Emissionsszenario und ab wann oder wie flächendeckend BP angebaut werden. Demgegenüber stehen meist die zuvor genannten, ungewünschten Konsequenzen. In einem Szenario mit hohen CO2 Konzentrationen kann selbst unbeschränkte Landverfügbarkeit für tCDR die bisherigen Emissionen nicht ausgleichen. Anders jedoch, wenn gleichzeitig Emissionen eingespart. In beiden Fällen führen diese Landumwandlungen jedoch zu sehr hohen “Kosten” für Ökosysteme und die Nahrungsmittelproduktion. Um deren Schutz zu gewährleisten kann die Landverfügbarkeit für tCDR beschränkt werden, was jedoch die tCDR Potentiale trotz baldiger Etablierung sehr einschränkt. Auch die Potentiale des RCP2.6 bleiben deutlich unter den Anforderungen. Das Potential könnte jedoch durch Erhöhung der Umwandlungseffizienzen von Biomasse, neuen Managementoptionen oder der Aufwertung degradierter Flächen durch BP erhöht werden. Diese Doktorarbeit kann abschließend nicht die Annahme unterstützen, dass tCDR eine effektive und umweltfreundliche Methode der Kohlenstoffsequestrierung, und damit eine Ersetzung von strengen Mitigationspfaden, sein könnte. / Global mean temperatures could change by 2◦C to 4.5◦C above pre-industrial levels until 2100 if mitigation enforcement of CO2 emissions fails. To counteract this projected global warming, climate engineering techniques aim at intendedly cooling Earth’s climate for example through terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (tCDR). Here, tCDR refers to the establishment of large-scale biomass plantations (BPs) in combination with the production of long-lasting carbon products such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage or biochar. This thesis examines the potentials and possible consequences of tCDR by analysing land-use scenarios with different spatial and temporal scales of BPs using an advanced biosphere model forced by varying climate projections. Synthesised, the potential of tCDR to permanently extract CO2 out of the atmosphere is found to be small, regardless of the emission scenario, the point of onset or the spatial extent. On the contrary, the aforementioned trade-offs and impacts are shown to be unfavourable in most cases. In a high emission scenario even unlimited area availability for tCDR could not reverse past emissions sufficiently. However, simultaneous emission reductions could result in strong carbon extractions reversing past emissions. In both cases, land transformation for tCDR leads to high “costs” for ecosystems and food production. Restricting the available land for BPs by these trade-off constraints leaves very small tCDR despite a near-future onset. Similarly, simulated tCDR potentials on dedicated BP areas defined in the RCP2.6 scenario stay below the aimed values using current management practices. Some potential may lie the reduction of carbon losses from field to end-products, new management options and the restoration of degraded soils with BPs. This thesis contradicts the assumption that tCDR could be an effective and environmentally friendly way of complementing or substituting strong and rapid mitigation efforts.

Masking environmental feedback : Misfits between institutions and ecosystems in Belize and Thailand

Huitric, Miriam January 2004 (has links)
<p>The thesis analyses relationships between ecological and social systems in the context of coastal ecosystems. It examines human impacts from resource extraction and addresses management and governance behind resource exploitation. The main premises are that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management and that the dichotomy between social and natural systems is an artificial one. The thesis illustrates the importance of basing resource management on the ecological conditions of the resource and its ecosystem. It also demonstrates the necessity of accounting for the human dimension in ecosystem management and the challenges of organising human actions for sustainable use of ecosystem services in the face of economic incentives that push users towards short-term extraction.</p><p>Many Caribbean coral reefs have undergone a shift from coral to macroalgal domination. An experiment on Glovers Reef Atoll in Belize manually cleared patch reefs in a no-take zone and a fished zone (Papers I and II). The study hypothesised that overfishing has reduced herbivorous fish populations that control macroalgae growth. Overall, management had no significant effect on fish abundance and the impacts of the algal reduction were short-lived. This illustrated that the benefits of setting aside marine reserves in impacted environments should not be taken for granted. </p><p>Papers III and IV studied the development of the lobster and conch fisheries in Belize, and the shrimp farming industry in Thailand respectively. These studies found that environmental feedback can be masked to give the impression of resource abundance through sequential exploitation. In both cases inadequate property rights contributed to this unsustainable resource use. </p><p>The final paper (V) compared the responses to changes in the resource by the lobster fisheries in Belize and Maine in terms of institutions, organisations and their role in management. In contrast to Maine’s, the Belize system seems to lack social mechanisms for responding effectively to environmental feedback. The results illustrate the importance of organisational and institutional diversity that incorporate ecological knowledge, respond to ecosystem feedback and provide a social context for learning from and adapting to change.</p>

Masking environmental feedback : Misfits between institutions and ecosystems in Belize and Thailand

Huitric, Miriam January 2004 (has links)
The thesis analyses relationships between ecological and social systems in the context of coastal ecosystems. It examines human impacts from resource extraction and addresses management and governance behind resource exploitation. The main premises are that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management and that the dichotomy between social and natural systems is an artificial one. The thesis illustrates the importance of basing resource management on the ecological conditions of the resource and its ecosystem. It also demonstrates the necessity of accounting for the human dimension in ecosystem management and the challenges of organising human actions for sustainable use of ecosystem services in the face of economic incentives that push users towards short-term extraction. Many Caribbean coral reefs have undergone a shift from coral to macroalgal domination. An experiment on Glovers Reef Atoll in Belize manually cleared patch reefs in a no-take zone and a fished zone (Papers I and II). The study hypothesised that overfishing has reduced herbivorous fish populations that control macroalgae growth. Overall, management had no significant effect on fish abundance and the impacts of the algal reduction were short-lived. This illustrated that the benefits of setting aside marine reserves in impacted environments should not be taken for granted. Papers III and IV studied the development of the lobster and conch fisheries in Belize, and the shrimp farming industry in Thailand respectively. These studies found that environmental feedback can be masked to give the impression of resource abundance through sequential exploitation. In both cases inadequate property rights contributed to this unsustainable resource use. The final paper (V) compared the responses to changes in the resource by the lobster fisheries in Belize and Maine in terms of institutions, organisations and their role in management. In contrast to Maine’s, the Belize system seems to lack social mechanisms for responding effectively to environmental feedback. The results illustrate the importance of organisational and institutional diversity that incorporate ecological knowledge, respond to ecosystem feedback and provide a social context for learning from and adapting to change.

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