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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Child-Centered Play Therapy and Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on Internalizing Behaviors in Children: A Meta-Analysis

Taylor, Jenna Leigh 05 1900 (has links)
The present meta-analytic study examined the overall effectiveness of child-centered play therapy (CCPT) and child-parent relationship therapy (CPRT) for children experiencing internalizing problems. After conducting a comprehensive literature search and review, 25 studies published between 2000 and 2023 met the following inclusion criteria: (a) published and peer-reviewed; (b) used CCPT or CPRT as an intervention; (c) participants were ages 3 to 13 or parents of children ages 3 to 13; (d) study outcomes related to children's internalizing problems, such as anxiety, depression, or withdrawal; (e) used single group within study or between study design, including randomized controlled trials and non-randomized controlled trials; (f) published between January 2000 and April 2023; (g) published in English; (h) used standardized measurements; and (i) reported effect sizes, or means and standard deviations, or the author disclosed the means and standard deviations upon request. Final analysis included 28 individual effect sizes using a random effects model to determine the overall effect size for 6 analyses that included CCPT/CPRT combined between, CCPT/CPRT combined within, CCPT between, CCPT within, CPRT between, CPRT within. Moderating variables included gender, age, ethnicity, and number of CCPT sessions. CCPT and CPRT effect sizes were statistically significant and ranged from small to large effects. Results support the use of CCPT and CPRT with children for the reduction of internalizing problems. Procedures and results, including the coding process, limitations, and implications are discussed.

The impact of a cognitive information processing intervention on dysfunctional career thoughts and vocational identity in high school students

Strohm, David A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology / Kenneth F. Hughey / This study examined the impact of two career interventions on the dysfunctional career thoughts (DCTs) and vocational identity (VI) of 55 high school seniors. Research has shown an inverse relationship between levels of DCTs and VI. One intervention was based on the Cognitive Information Processing approach (Peterson, Sampson, & Reardon, 1991; Peterson, Sampson, Lenz, & Reardon, 2002; Peterson, Sampson, Reardon, & Lenz, 1996; Sampson, Reardon, Peterson, & Lenz, 2004) and incorporated Improving Your Career Thoughts: A Workbook for the Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI workbook; Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, & Saunders, 1996c) and the Self-Directed Search (SDS; Holland, 1994). The second intervention employed only the SDS. A control group used neither activity. Levels of DCTs and VI were assessed pre-intervention and post-intervention using the Career Thoughts Inventory (Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, & Saunders, 1996a) and the Vocational Identity scale of My Vocational Situation (Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980a). Earlier studies indicated improvements in levels of dysfunctional career thinking after CIP-based interventions (e.g., Kilk, 1998; Morano, 2005; Reed, 2006), but no previous studies employed the complete CTI workbook. Additional studies (e.g., Loughead & Black, 1990; Mau,1999; Wiggins, 1987) indicated that levels of vocational identity could be increased by using the SDS as an intervention. The combined use of the CTI workbook and SDS produced significant improvements in all five measures of DCTs and VI. It was also shown that use of the SDS as a stand-alone intervention did improve levels of VI, but not to the extent of the improvements shown by combined use of the SDS and CTI workbook. Use of the SDS as a stand-alone intervention did not produce improvements in levels of DCTs. The control group, which employed neither the CTI workbook nor the SDS, unexpectedly showed significant improvements in scores for two CTI scales which may have been due to the influence of confounding variables.

A literature review of the reentry and adjustment experience of college students returning from short-term international christian mission experiences and implications for student affairs professionals

Weber, Wade Michael January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs / Christy D. Moran / With increased attention related to internationalization and intercultural learning within higher education, increasing numbers of college students are participating in international cross-cultural activities. Participants in short-term international Christian mission experiences are increasing dramatically. These students frequently participate in such activities during the course of their college career and subsequently experience reentry issues during their readjustment back into college life. This report reviews literature and student comments related to the reentry experiences of the growing college population of short-term international Christian mission participants. What follows is a review of various explanations of the reentry phenomenon related to socio-psychological, expectation, systems, identity formation, and grief theories. College adjustment and support literature, as it relates to student retention, is explored along with reentry services and practices associated with student affairs, international program offices, and collegiate Christian campus ministries or colleges. Student affairs professionals have a strategic role to play by intervening with students returning from short-term international experiences. By providing personal and programmatic support for students readjusting to American culture, we have the opportunity to assist students integrate what they have learned from their global experience into the development of individual identities, values, and behaviors. There are substantive educational, spiritual, social, and psychological reasons given from the literature to justify a level of intervention, unique and appropriate for each individual institution, from student life professionals directed towards supporting college students as they return from short-term international Christian mission experiences. This review highlights the need for more extensive in depth studies seeking to understand the relationship between interpersonal and programmatic support and the learning process of college students as they go through the reentry experience.

Latino/a students' perceptions of their sense of belonging at Kansas State University: mi casa es su casa . . . or is it really?

Esquivel, Sonia January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology / Kenneth F. Hughey / Kay A. Taylor / This qualitative multiple case study explored the campus climate and sense of belonging of Latino/a undergraduate student participants at a predominately White university. Guided by the work of Hurtado and Carter (1997), relationships among several aspects of the college environment and sense of belonging were examined. In depth interviews regarding participants’ perceptions of their experience identified how they perceived their campus climate in and outside of the academic classroom. The findings revealed how the participants’ perceptions influenced their desire to graduate, commitment to, and sense of belonging. Prominent themes that emerged were: student identity, mi casa es su casa, and class size matters. The results indicated that the participants had mixed feelings regarding their experiences in and out of class, which affected their perceptions of the campus climate and their commitment to the university. Additional prominent findings were: mostly positive academic advising experiences; student organizations and advisors are an important part of the campus climate; the importance of familial support in the participants’ sense of belonging; and the relationships between mothers and their sons/daughters. Participants identified offices and programs on campus that provide a positive campus climate, sense of belonging, and best serve Latino/a undergraduate students. The participants’ perceptions of the campus climate were related to their sense of belonging. The results contribute to the research addressing campus climate and sense of belonging for Latino/a undergraduate students overall, including strategies for their retention. Implications for practice and future research are identified.

A formative evaluation of mainstreaming at-risk students: A case study

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine educational strategies of mainstreaming at-risk students into regular classes and to determine if the strategies had an impact on students' academic and social adjustment. The study was conducted in two parts. Part 1 included a program description and critique, results from two surveys, and trend data for the QS and GAP programs. The teacher perception survey was designed to assess teachers' opinions about mainstreaming. A Learning and Study Strategies Inventory was used to assess a select group of tenth graders' learning skills and how they could be altered through educational interventions. Trend data were used to determine the impact of the program. / Part 2 consisted of qualitative analysis of data gathered through a series of interviews with teachers, students, and a counselor. Validity and reliability of data was established by member checks, and triangulation. / Most teachers surveyed and interviewed had positive opinions about mainstreaming. However, students in the program disagreed with the idea of mainstreaming. The results of the LASSI provided support to the idea that students needed additional help with learning strategies. Trend data revealed a decrease in the mainstreamed students' grade point average, an increase in the number the number of disciplinary referrals, and hours missed from class. / Based on the findings, it was concluded that four important elements are necessary in mainstreaming at-risk students. First, teachers must be provided with inservice training to insure some classroom success of at-risk students. Second, the needs of the students require a caring and supportive environment. Third, instructional techniques for helping students achieve success involves active teaching techniques, cooperative learning, use of learning strategies, and eliminating time as a factor for deciding grades. Last, there must be support from the administrative staff, which includes provision of necessary funds for operating a successful program. The conclusions are congruent with the ideas of humanistic theories of education and support the position that every child can learn. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 54-12, Section: A, page: 4344. / Thesis (Ed.D.)--The Florida State University, 1993.

An assessment of residence hall students' behaviors and attitudes related to racial diversity

Basden, Kelly S. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Educational Leadership / Christy D. Moran / This report highlights the results of a revised diversity survey that was designed to assess the behaviors and attitudes of students who live in the residence halls at Kansas State University (K-State) regarding their interactions with people from diverse backgrounds. Diverse backgrounds, for the purpose of this study, are specifically related to a racial background different than their own. A survey of 25 questions was distributed to every residence hall student via email. The survey that was distributed was adapted from a version that was used previously by the Department of Housing & Dining Services at K-State. The original survey was based on the Michael P. Tilford competencies that were compiled in 2000-2001 by K-State's Tilford Group. The Tilford competencies are all based on students' multicultural competency. Multicultural competency is defined by the K-State Tilford group as the knowledge, skills and personal attributes needed to live and to work in a diverse world. (K-State Tilford Group, 2007) The revised survey focuses heavily on the skills portion of the Michael P. Tilford competencies and is based on students' self-report.

Child Centered Play Therapy with Children Exhibiting Aggressive Behaviors

Wilson, Brittany 05 1900 (has links)
Aggressive behaviors in childhood currently serve as the leading cause of counselor referrals within the United States. Children exhibiting maladaptive aggressive symptomology are at an increased risk for highly externalized and problematic behaviors across the lifespan. Emotional self-regulation and empathy are two constructs currently believed to be closely related to aggression, but a lack of research exploring these variables currently exists in the counseling literature. In this study I examined the effect of child-centered play therapy (CCPT), is a manualized, developmentally responsive, and nondirective intervention, on these variables. Participants were 71 students from four Title 1 elementary schools in the southwest U.S. referred by teachers for aggressive behavior (12 females, 59 males; age range 5-10 years with mean age 6.28. The sample consisted of 52.1% (n = 37) children identified as African American, 21.1% (n = 15) as Latina/Latino, 19.7% (n = 14) as Caucasian, and 7% as multiracial (n = 5). Participants were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of a twice-weekly CCPT experimental group (n = 36) or a waitlist control group (n = 35). Results of descriptive discriminant analyses (DDA) of the Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale and the Children’s Aggression Scale scores revealed that parents perceived children’s group membership in CCPT as significant and reasonably predictive of improvement in children’s aggression, self-regulation, and empathy. However, teachers did not perceive a statistically significant difference between the two groups with respect to these variables. These results suggest the relevancy of CCPT for parents in providing children with a developmentally responsive intervention to reduce aggressive behaviors and support their healthy development.

Student Experiences, Struggles, and Supports in an Alternative School Setting

Hopkins, Lindsey Y 05 1900 (has links)
Experiences of shame, such as feelings of failure, scorn, ridicule, and embarrassment, all impact a student's successful mastery of academic skills. To identify and understand the shame experiences that impact a student's success, as told from the student's perspective, and determine which factors contribute most to student success, the lenses of the shame resiliency theory and self-determination theory were utilized. This phenomenological qualitative research study explored the struggles associated with shame that students who attended and graduated from a school-of-choice alternative school experienced. In addition, it examined the factors, experiences, and/or constructs related to social and emotional well-being and resiliency that students who attended and graduated from a school-of-choice alternative school identified as most salient regarding their ability to progress through their secondary school years, achieve educational success, and ultimately, graduate from high school. The results of this study add to the body of evidence that supports a shift in the education program from a focus on assessment to SE support for the whole child. Addressing students' academic needs are but one piece of the puzzle. Meeting their social and emotional needs may, however, be even more important, both in the short-term and the long-term for all students, regardless of the types of schools they attend.

Developing a Partnership for Internship Training at a Community-Based Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

Bugni, Brooke R. 05 1900 (has links)
The effectiveness of a pre-graduation animal assisted therapy internship site was investigated through an ethnographic, phenomenological methodology with mixed-methods components. A total of 12 participants who fit into either the category of supervisor, intern, or administrator involved in the animal assisted therapy practice, were interviewed. A research team analyzed the qualitative interview data and researcher participant field notes and came to a consensus of eight major themes: ranch environment, ranch modalities, community impact, counselor development, relationships, partnership, sense of purpose, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Past historical client data were analyzed (n = 47) to investigate effectiveness of the AAT internship cite through the lens of the clients. Historical client data was divided into three categories, dependent on the client's age and the assessment taken: Adult Self Report (ASR), Youth Self Report (YSR), and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). A paired t-test was run for each assessment group to compare the means of the pre-assessment scores and the means of the post assessment scores for the total problems scale and anxiety problems scale. There was a statistically significant decrease in anxiety problems for the CBCL group. There was a marginally statistically significant decrease in total problems for the CBCL group. There were no significant results found for the YSR or ASR data. Client demographic findings and the statistically significant findings are discussed in relation to the qualitative themes. Implications for future research and counselor education are discussed.

Individual and Group Child-Centered Play Therapy: Impact on Social-Emotional Competencies

Blalock, Sarah M. 05 1900 (has links)
A randomized controlled trial study was conducted to test the effectiveness of 16 sessions of the modalities of individual and group child-centered play therapy (CCPT) on improving social-emotional assets, including self-regulation/responsibility, social competence, and empathy. Participants were 56 students in four urban elementary schools in north central Texas, referred by teachers for disruptive or problematic behavior: 10 female and 46 male; ages 5 to 10 years with mean age 7.12; and 21 identifying as Hispanic, 17 as White, 8 as Multiracial, 1 as Asian, and 9 unspecified. Teachers and parents completed the Social and Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale (SEARS; Merrill, 2011) at pre- and post-treatment. With a significance criterion of p< .05, teacher reports provided no statistically significant results. However, parent reports indicated a statistically and practically significant interaction effect with a medium to large effect size, indicating a substantial improvement in children's scores from pre- to post-test attributed to group assignment. Mean differences indicated substantial gains in overall social-emotional assets, according to Total scores, in both individual and group treatment conditions as compared to the waitlist control group. Additionally, both individual and group play therapy was correlated with significant improvement with a large effect for the constructs of self-regulation/responsibility and social competence, with the group condition having a larger effect than the individual condition. Regarding empathy, neither modality resulted in significant improvement, though individual CCPT resulted practically in a large effect. These results indicate CCPT may provide a developmentally appropriate treatment for clinicians working with children in schools and in the community to foster their social and emotional competencies.

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