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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The implementation of inclusive education in primary schools in the Lejweleputswa education district / by Teboho Godfrey Lebona

Lebona, Teboho Godfrey January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. ) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2013 / The drafting and promulgation of education policies bring hope and an expectation to those whose interests, concerns and problems, are addressed by them. On the other hand, such policies bring confusion, uncertainty and stress to teachers who are expected to implement and put into practice prescripts of those policies. Response to the Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education – Building an Inclusive Education and Training System (2001) and subsequent policies on inclusive education which followed, brought uncertainty to teachers and also led to some developing a negative attitude towards inclusive education. This study focused on the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools in the Lejweleputswa District of the Free State province. A literature review provided insight into the concept of inclusive education and moreover shed light on policy developments regarding learner diversity through the curriculum. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted and data was gathered by means of focus group interviews with school-based support teams as well as a questionnaire completed by principals. Furthermore, the findings of the empirical investigation concurred, to a large degree, with the findings of the literature study. In general, it was brought to light that inclusive education is not implemented correctly in primary schools in the Lejweleputswa District. Based on certain findings, recommendations are made regarding the successful implementation of inclusive education in primary schools.

An exploration of children in middle childhood`s homeschooling experience

Mills, Kathryn Jean 11 1900 (has links)
The study explores children in middle childhood’s experiences of homeschooling. The researcher makes use of a qualitative research design in the form of a case study, studying the participants’ experiences of homeschooling in their natural setting. The sample consisted of children in middle childhood who participated in semi-structured interviews exploring their individual experiences pertaining to learning at home, their familial relationships and their social learning in the homeschooling environment. Developmental aspects relating specifically to middle childhood are discussed and utilised along with the views of the participants in this study, those of experts, and literature reviews in order to gain a genuine understanding of the child’s experience of homeschooling. / Sociology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

The significance of a pre-service RE course, which recognizes the importance of a focus on the inner life : exploring the experience of primary teacher education students in a small teacher education college in Dublin

O'Connell, John Gerard January 2014 (has links)
This thesis reports the findings of a research study conducted in an initial primary teacher education college in Dublin, exploring how teacher education students experienced and constructed meaning from a pre-service RE course which recognized the importance of a focus on their inner lives. The study, which adopted a qualitative interpretive approach, was conducted using semi-structured interviews with twelve past students from a recently-graduated year group of one hundred students. The study hoped to uncover how a focus on the inner life was taken up by the research participants in relation to their personal and professional wellbeing and their role as educators in general and religious educators in particular. While it did not seek to generalise as a result of the findings, confined as it is by time and circumstance, nevertheless aspects deemed worthwhile by the research participants may also be deemed worthwhile by the reader and indeed may not be confined to the domain of RE. The findings have been framed generally against the three themes of ‘particularity’, ‘inner-ness’ and ‘ongoing-ness’. The theme of ‘particularity’ relates to the participants’ epistemological journey, as it is concerned with how concrete elements of the course supported inner life work. The theme of ‘inner-ness’ relates to the participants’ ontological journey, as it is concerned with how participants experienced and made meaning from the space provided by the course for inner life work. The theme of ‘ongoingness’ relates to the total RE journey from primary and secondary school to college and into their teaching lives and its impact on participants’ inner lives. What is clear from participants’ responses is that the RE course, and particularly the elements of the RE course that had a focus on the inner life, had a significant impact on participants’ identity, both personal and professional, at an important stage of their development and personal story. The study demonstrates the importance of inner life work for teacher education students and contributes a level of insight into how students appropriate and construct meaning from a created and creative space that supports a focus on that inner life.

Unpacking teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and skills to develop learners' problem solving skills

Tambara, Cosmas Toga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the pedagogical knowledge of Foundation Phase teachers is explored (and unpacked) in order to obtain insight into their understanding of the teaching and learning of mathematics. The teacher’s knowledge is explored, as it is one of the most important variables that impacts on what is done in the classroom. The exploration is undertaken against the background of the very poor overall achievement of learners in the national systemic evaluations and in international assessment studies, which is currently a cause for great concern. This has resulted in different nation-wide intervention programmes that are aimed at improving teacher performance and effectiveness. In this study, the teacher is the focal point of the intervention. Problem-based learning (PBL), which is well-regarded as being one of the best examples of a constructivist learning environment, is introduced to a group of 15 Foundation Phase teachers. The study is an unpacking of the Foundation Phase teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and beliefs regarding, and practices in, the teaching and learning of mathematics, as well as in the use of PBL as a vehicle for the teaching and learning of mathematics. The unpacked knowledge can be used to address the challenges that are related to the improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics in the Foundation Phase. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including questionnaires, interviews, lesson observation, and workshops, were used to explore the teachers’ current pedagogical knowledge, beliefs and practices with regard to problem-solving. It was also used to expose the teachers to PBL as an alternative approach to teaching and learning mathematics in the Foundation Phase. The study provides a body of knowledge on the Foundation Phase teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, practices and beliefs regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics in general, and approaches to problem-solving in particular, thus providing insights into some of the factors that might lie behind learner outcomes. Study findings indicate that the majority of teachers’ daily mathematical teaching culture was deep-rooted in the traditional approach (direct transmission). This approach was characterised by the teachers concerned focusing on the following of rules and procedures, and on doing demonstrations on the chalkboard, whereafter the learners were encouraged to practise what they had learned by asking them to do pen-and-paper calculations. The lessons were generally not structured to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills. In instances where the teachers created learner-centred activities that were conducive to the development of such skills, deep-rooted traditional approaches manifested themselves in the way in which the teachers showed the learners how to solve their given problem at the earliest signs of any difficulty in doing so was exhibited by the learners. In so doing, the majority of the teachers, despite initially creating learning opportunities by posing problems to their learners, they soon snatched away the selfsame opportunities from them. This was because they did not allow sufficient time for the learners to grapple with a problem, and to engage in critical thinking. After exposure to PBL, the educators were able to implement PBL so effectively that they could address the problems related to low learner achievement in mathematics, as reflected in the international assessment studies, and in the national systemic evaluations within the current South African context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die pedagogiese kennis van Grondslagfase-onderwysers ondersoek ten einde insig te verkry in hulle begrip van die onderrig en leer van wiskunde. Die onderwysers se kennis is ondersoek aangesien dit een van die belangrikste veranderlikes is wat 'n invloed het op dit wat in die klaskamer uitgevoer word. Die ondersoek is onderneem teen die agtergrond dat die algehele prestasie van leerders in die nasionale sistemiese evaluerings en internasionale assesseringstudies uiters swak en 'n bron van groot kommer was. Dit het gelei tot verskillende intervensieprogramme wat gemik is op die verbetering van onderwyserprestasie en -doeltreffendheid. In hierdie studie is die onderwyser die fokuspunt van die intervensie. Probleem-gebaseerde leer (PBL), wat beskou word as een van die beste voorbeelde van 'n konstruktivistiese leeromgewing, is aan 'n groep van 15 onderwysers in die Grondslagfase gebring. Die studie was ‘n poging om nuwe kennis te identifiseer ten opsigte van Grondslagfase-onderwysers se pedagogiese geloof en praktyke in die onderrig en leer van wiskunde, en die gebruik van PBL as 'n middel vir die onderrig en leer van wiskunde – kennis wat gebruik kan word om die verwante uitdagings aan te spreek ter verbetering van die onderrig en leer van wiskunde in die Grondslagfase. 'n Kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes, wat vraelyste, onderhoude, les-waarneming en werkswinkels ingesluit het, is aangewend om die onderwysers se huidige pedagogiese sienings en praktyke met betrekking tot probleemoplossing grondig te ondersoek en dan voort te gaan om die onderwysers bloot te stel aan PBL as alternatiewe benadering tot onderrig en leer van wiskunde in die Grondslagfase. Die studie het bevind dat die meerderheid van die onderwysers se huidige onderrigkultuur een was wat diep gewortel is in die tradisionele benadering van onderrig en leer van wiskunde (direkte oordrag): dit is gekenmerk deur die onderwysers se onderrig van wiskunde deur te fokus op reëls en prosedures, demonstrasies aan die klas op die swartbord en leerders dan te laat oefen deur pen- en papierberekeninge te doen. Dié het die meerderheid van die onderwysers daagliks gedoen. Lesse is oor die algemeen nie gestruktureer om kritiese denke en beredenering te ontwikkel nie. In gevalle waar die onderwysers leerder-gesentreerde aktiwiteite geskep het wat weens hulle ontwerp bevorderlik is vir die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke en redenasie, het die diepgewortelde, tradisionele benaderings hulself gemanifesteer in die feit dat die onderwysers, met die eerste aanduiding dat die leerders sukkel, hulle te hulp gesnel het en die leerders gewys het hoe om die probleem op te los. Met dié optrede het die meerderheid van die onderwysers aanvanklik leergeleenthede geskep (deur probleme aan hulle leerders voor te hou), maar dit spoedig dan weer weggeraap weens die feit dat hulle nie genoegsame tyd toegelaat het vir hulle leerders om met idees te worstel en deel te hê aan kritiese denke nie. Blootstelling van die opvoeders aan PBL het aan die lig gebring dat opvoeders in die Grondslagfase PBL doeltreffend kan implementeer om probleme rondom lae leerder prestasie in wiskunde aan te spreek wat in internasionale assesseringstudies en in die nasionale sistemiese evaluerings binne die huidige Suid -Afrikaanse konteks weerspieël word.

Kooperatiewe leer as 'n aspek van kleingroepwerk in die primere skool

Nel, Gerrit Oosthuizen January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 1990. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small group work is a complex educational method which requires of the teacher not only a thorough knowledge of group work methods and group dynamic processes, but also thorough advance planning and organising before its implementation. Before the teacher implements small group 'Work in his class-room, he should formulate clear aims and objectives to serve as guideline for group activities. During small group work distinctive activities are undertaken and to increase the success of these activities, the teacher will have to create a positive climate which promotes the teaching and learning process. As with the creation of climate, the composition of the group is a variable which can be controlled by the teacher. The correct group composition will not only lead to more effective group functioning, but will also contribute to a healthy esprit de corps. Small group work implies a dramatic shift in emphasis in respect of the traditional roles of teacher and pupil. The role of the pupil (learner) changes from that of a passive listener to that of an active participant and discussion partner in the teaching and learning process. The role of the teacher who has been regarded as almost the only source and transmitter of knowledge, changes to that of a facilitator who leads and motivates the pupil to become an enquirer-learner. To be able to participate effectively in small group activities requires certain skills of pupils. Two skills, namely communication and problemsolving, which should be taught to the pupils purposefully and in a structured way, are described in this study. The success of small group work is to a large extent determined by these two skills. Co-operative learning is an educational technique which involves the pupil in becoming co-responsible for his own teaching and lea~ning process. Cooperative learning is described as an aspect of small group work where heterogeneous groups of approximately five members each, function interdependently of one another in order to attain a group aim. Co-operative learning techniques are aimed at eliminating, to a large extent, the passivity and isolation which may occur during ordinary group w0rk, as each group member is actively involved in the learning process. Co-operative learning techniques is also aimed at developing the pupil as a whole because components such as communication development, problem solving, socialising, conflict handling and leadership development are all involved. In this way the pupil may be better prepared to take his place in a complex society which is constantly making higher demands. The application of co-operative learning techniques in small group context may also offer a solution to the problems of combined and ever growing classes at present experienced in education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kleingroepwerk is 'n komplekse onderrigmetode wat vereis dat die leerkrag nie aIleen oor deeglike kennis van groepwerkmetodes en groepdinamiese prosesse moet beskik nie, maar ook deeglik moet beplan en organiseer voordat dit gelmplementeer kan word. Voordat die leerkrag kleingroepwerk in sy klaskamer implementeer, moet hy eers duidelike doelstellings en doelwitte formuleer wat groepaktiwiteite kan rig. Tydens kleingroepwerk word eiesoortige aktiwiteite beoefen en om die sukses van hierdie aktiwiteite te verhoog, word die leerkrag genoop om 'n aangename positiewe klimaat te skep wat bevorderlik is vir die onderrig en leerproses. Soos klimaatskepping is groepsamestelling 'n veranderlike wat deur die leerkrag beheer kan word. Die korrekte groepsamestelling lei nie aIleen tot meer effektiewe groepfunksionering nie, maar kan ook bydra tot 'n gesonde groepgees. Kleingroepwerk impliseer 'n dramatiese klemverskuiwing ten opsigte van die tradisionele rolle van leerkrag en leerling. Die rol van die leerling (leerder) verander vanaf passiewe luisteraar na aktiewe deelnemer en medegespreksvennoot in die onderrig-en-leerproses. Die leerkrag wat feitlik as die enigste kennisbron en kennisoordraer beskou word, se rol verander nou na fasiliteerder wat eerder die leerling lei en motiveer om ondersoekendlerend op te tree. Om effektief aan kleingroepaktiwiteite deel te neem, vereis dat leerlinge oor sekere vaardighede moet beskik. In hierdie studie word twee vaardighede, naamlik kommunikasie en probleemoplossing beskryf wat doelbewus en gestruktureerd aan leerlinge geleer en ingeoefen moet word. Die sukses van kleingroepwerk word in 'n groot mate deur hierdie twee vaardighede bepaal. Kooperatiewe leer is 'n onderrigtegniek wat die leerling betrek om mede-verantwoordelikheid vir sy eie onderrig-en-leerproses te aanvaar. Kooperatiewe leer word beskryf as 'n aspek van kleingroepwerk waar heterogene groepe van ongeveer vyf lede elk interafhanklik van mekaar funksioneer ten einde dip. groepdoel te bereik. Kooperatiewe Ieertegnieke is oaaro: gemik om passiwiteit en isolasie w,at tydens gewone groepwerk mag voorkom in 'n groot mate te elimineer aangesien elke groeplid aktief by die leerproses betrek word. Kooperatiewe leertegnieke het ook ten doel om die leerling in sy totaliteit te laat ontwikkel aangesien komponente soos kommunikasie-ontwikkeling, probleemoplossing, sosialisering, konflikhantering en leierskapontwikkeling ter sprake kom. Sodoende kan die leerling beter voorberei word om sy plek in 'n komplekse samelewing wat steeds hoer eise stel, vol te staan. Die toepassing van kooperatiewe leertegnieke binne kleingroepverband bied ook moontlik 'n oplossing vir probleme van gekombineerde en groterwordende klasse wat tans in die onderwys ervaar word. / Stellenbosch University

The linguistic ecology of a bilingual first-grade: The child's perspective.

Smith, Howard Leslie. January 1995 (has links)
This dissertation presents the linguistic ecology of a Spanish-English, bilingual first grade classroom. The term linguistic ecology refers to the communicative behaviors of a group, as well as the physical and social contexts in which their communication occurs. In addition, a linguistic ecology includes the reciprocal influences of persons and environment on each other. Two questions guided this study: (1) How do the children interpret the roles of English and Spanish in their classroom environment? and (2) What resources, human and material, are made available to support the development of both languages in this bilingual classroom? Three over-arching categories were used to describe and analyze the linguistic ecology as viewed by the children: (1) the materials available in the school to support Spanish development; (2) the staffing for bilingual instruction; and (3) the dynamics of language use within the school, especially within one first-grade classroom. The results of this inquiry study strongly suggest that children of bilingual classrooms discern that (1) more time is devoted to English instruction; (2) more communication occurs in English; (3) few teachers have high levels of Spanish proficiency; (4) the personnel of bilingual schools utilize more English than Spanish in the school environment; and (5) Spanish language resource materials are fewer in number and often less appealing than their English-language counterparts. In effect, this case study documents and interprets the social and educational processes through which bilingual children in one U.S. school come to appreciate the prestige and power of English versus Spanish.

An exploration of children in middle childhood`s homeschooling experience

Mills, Kathryn Jean 11 1900 (has links)
The study explores children in middle childhood’s experiences of homeschooling. The researcher makes use of a qualitative research design in the form of a case study, studying the participants’ experiences of homeschooling in their natural setting. The sample consisted of children in middle childhood who participated in semi-structured interviews exploring their individual experiences pertaining to learning at home, their familial relationships and their social learning in the homeschooling environment. Developmental aspects relating specifically to middle childhood are discussed and utilised along with the views of the participants in this study, those of experts, and literature reviews in order to gain a genuine understanding of the child’s experience of homeschooling. / Sociology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Výuka náboženství na vybraných základních školách Mostecka a Olomoucka po roce 1989 / Religious teaching in selected primary schools of Most and Olomouc after 1989

Gromanová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Název anglicky: Religious teaching in selected primary schools of Most and Olomouc after 1989 Autor: Bc. Lenka Gromanová Katedra: Katedra pedagogiky Vedoucí: doc. PhDr. Jiří Prokop PhD. Abstract The diploma thesis titled " Teaching of religion in selected primary schools of Most and Olomouc after the year 1989" offers in its 1st chapter a retrospective look at the history of religious education during the 20th century, and more specifically since the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic to the revolutionary year 1989. The following section of the thesis is devoted to the legislation that deals with the teaching of religion and approach to the religions per se. These include in particular the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms, the Education Act, but in the same time here is not any lack of space for specific educational programs and particular curriculums. In the case of Most region and Olomouc region is outlined historical development and current situation of the teaching about religion. Quantitative research which is stated in the empirical section of the thesis includes a questionnaire survey, which was carried out on five selected primary schools of Most region and Olomouc region. Respondents of the survey were headmasters, students and their parents. Structured interviews with...

Parents' perceptions of the use of technology in South African primary schools

Shunmugam, Lauren Olivia January 2016 (has links)
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MA in Research Psychology in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, March 2016 / Despite 20 years of democracy, education in South Africa is still plagued by the inequalities carried over from apartheid. Concerns on issues of standardisation in education, which are linked to socio-economic status, make it increasingly difficult to determine what skills learners are leaving the schooling system with (Blignaut, 2009; Du Plessis & Webb, 2012; Lumadi, 2011; Maiyo, 2015; Watts, 2001). There is a need to bridge the gap that currently exists within education, and one way in which this is thought possible, is through the integration of technology in the classroom (Department of Education, 2004). In 2015 the Smart Schools Project was put in place to promote the implementation of technology in South African schools. One of the aims of this project is to standardise education through redressing the inequalities within the country. This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of parents, with regards to the introduction of technology within primary school classrooms in South Africa. In order to achieve the main aim of this study, perceptions of parents were explored from parents whose children were in private and government-funded schools. This study used a combination of two models in order to understand how parents’ usage and acceptance of technology could possibly influence their children’s interaction with technology. This study found that how parents come to use and accept technology is not influenced by socio-economic status. Further, it was noted that acceptance and usage impacted how they viewed technology being introduced in the classroom. / GR2017

The syntactic language development of two groups of Indian boys during their first year at school

Ranchhod, Maganlal Mithal January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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