Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization, thecurricula."" "subject:"educationization, higherelectrical.""
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Generic learning outcomes in a technikon diploma programme : a critical analysisVan Schalkwyk, Susan C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1997, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) published its guidelines
'to provide for the development and implementation of a National Qualifications
Framework (NQF)' (Government Gazette 1997:35). This framework was to pave
the way for compelling transformation in the education sector. One of the key
features of the framework would be a directive that a series of competencies, or
generic skills, that SAQA termed its 'critical cross-field outcomes' would have to be
incorporated into the design of all programmes of learning. The publication of the
guidelines sparked considerable debate; a debate that, in the five years since 1997,
does not appear to have been resolved. As higher education institutions prepare for
the 2003 submission of programmes to SAQA for registration, the importance of swift
and meaningful intervention is self-evident.
This report gives an account of a study undertaken to allow for the critical analysis of
generic learning outcomes, or specifically SAQA's critical outcomes, as they present
themselves in a technikon diploma programme. While the initial impetus in terms of
the skills debate may appear to have arisen as a result of national imperatives, the
overview of the literature pointed to international precedents, particularly when the
issue of generic skills was contextualised against the background of the changing
higher education landscape.
Thus empirical research was conducted at the Cape Technikon using the National
Diploma in Human Resources Management, its academic staff and its second-year
student group, as its focus. The qualitative data, generated via multiple techniques
including document analysis, interviewing, and a survey, provided a wealth of
information and in-depth insight into the perceptions and attitudes of the
respondents. The researcher endeavoured to maintain a practical focus throughout
the study and sought to interpret and critique existing practice against best practice
as described in the literature.
The findings highlighted numerous issues relating to the integration of generic
learning outcomes into programmes of learning. Key among these were the apparent lack of clarity and guidance among students and staff about the meaning
of, and envisaged role for, the generic learning or critical outcomes; the fact that
many in the technikon sector are already employing those teaching and learning
strategies that are deemed appropriate when following an outcomes-based
approach; that the changing student profile has had a direct impact on what happens
in the classroom; and that assessment systems and practices appear to be the main
barriers to the effective development of generic skills.
In response, this study recommends that a structured, holistic, process approach be
implemented at those institutions that are serious about integrating SAQA's critical
outcomes into their programmes of learning. While such an approach would require
institutional support and guidance, as well as an overall commitment to staff
development, it is the contention of the researcher that the technikon sector, by
virtue of its career-oriented focus and the design of its programmes, is ideally
positioned to embrace the SAQA challenge successfully. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasieowerheid (SAKO) het in 1997 riglyne gepubliseer
wat voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n Nasionale
Kwalifikasieraamwerk (NKR). Hierdie raamwerk sou die weg baan vir ingrypende
veranderinge in die onderwys. Een van die sleuteleienskappe van hierdie raamwerk
was die opdrag dat 'n reeks bevoegdhede, of generiese vaardighede, wat deur
SAKO as sy 'kritiese uitkomstes' beskryf is, in die opstel van alle leerprogramme
ingesluit moes word. Die publikasie van die riglyne het 'n aansienlike debat
ontketen; 'n debat wat in die vyf jaar sedert 1997 oënskynlik nog nie tot 'n einde
gekom het nie. Aangesien hoëronderwysinstellings hul voorleggings vir 2003 aan
SAKO vir registrasie nou reeds begin voorberei, is die noodsaaklikheid van 'n
vinnige en betekenisvolle besluit hieroor voor die hand liggend.
Hierdie verslag gee 'n uiteensetting van navorsing wat gedoen is om 'n kritiese
analise van generiese leeruitkomstes, of spesifiek die kritiese uitkomstes van SAKO,
soos toegepas in die diplomaprogram van 'n tegnikon, te beskryf. Alhoewel dit
aanvanklik mag gelyk het asof die debat oor vaardighede sy ontstaan aan 'n
nasionale opdrag te danke gehad het, het 'n oorsig van die literatuur daarop gedui
dat internasionale presedente ook daartoe aanleiding gegee het, veral in gevalle
waar vrae betreffende die generiese leeruitkomstes teen die agtergrond van 'n
veranderende hoëronderwyslandskap beskou is.
Empiriese navorsing is aan die Kaapse Tegnikon onderneem met die Nasionale
Diploma in Menslike Hulpbronnebestuur, sy akademiese personeel en
tweedejaarstudente, as fokuspunt. Kwalitatiewe data is deur die gebruik van
verskeie tegnieke gegenereer wat dokumentêre analise, onderhoudvoering en 'n
vraelysopname insluit. Hierdie data het 'n bron van inligting oor, en insae, tot, die
persepsies en houdings van die respondente verskaf. Die navorser het deurgaans
gepoog om 'n praktiese fokus tydens die studie te behou en om die huidige praktyk
te interpreteer en te beoordeel teenoor dit wat as suksesvol in die literatuur
bestempel is. Die bevindinge het verskeie aspekte ten opsigte van die insluiting van generiese
leeruitkomstes binne leerprogramme na vore gebring. Van die belangrikste aspekte
is die klaarblyklike gebrek aan duidelikheid en leiding, onder sowel studente as
akademiese personeel, oor die betekenis van, en beoogde rol vir die kritiese of
generiese leeruitkomstes; die feit dat vele akademici in die tegnikonsektor reeds
gebruik maak van die onderrig- en leerstrategieë wat as toepaslik vir
uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig beskou word; dat die veranderende studenteprofiel 'n
direkte impak gehad het op dit wat in die klaskamer gebeur; en dat
assesseringspraktyke en -metodes tans die grootste remskoen in die effektiewe
ontwikkeling van generiese vaardighede blyk te wees.
In antwoord hierop beveel hierdie studie die implementering van 'n gestruktureerde,
holistiese, prosesbenadering by die instellings aan wat erns maak met die insluiting
van SAKO se kritiese uitkomstes in hul leerprogramme. Alhoewel so 'n benadering
ondersteuning en leiding van die instellings, asook 'n algemene verbintenis tot
personeelontwikkeling, sal vereis, is dit die navorser se oortuiging dat die
tegnikonsektor, as gevolg van sy loopbaangerigte fokus en die inhoud van sy
programme, ideaal geposisioneer is om die SAKO-uitdaging suksesvol die hoof te
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Higher education in peace and security studies in Kenyan universities : students' perceptions of the quality of teaching and learningAsembo, Kenedy Onyango 08 1900 (has links)
Human security conceptions, service quality theory, critical social theory, and humanistic and social reconstructionist conceptualization of the curriculum have been used in this study to diagnose the quality of higher education (HE) in peace and security courses offered in Kenyan universities from the perspective of the student. The discourse emanates from the Kenya Government’s recognition of HE as key in solving the challenges affecting the country’s peace and security. This conceptualization is crucial in fast-tracking security reforms and dealing with the persistent peace and security challenges which the country faces. However, delivering quality HE amidst the recent explosion in demand for University education in Kenya has been a challenge and discourses on the dwindling quality of teaching and learning (QTL) delivered to University students in the country abound. The on-going dialectic contends that quality assurance in education is customer driven and the role of the student in evaluation of quality of education is categorical in determining viability of the programmes and self efficacy of the graduands.
Using the positivistic-interpretivist paradigm, a total of 152 diploma and undergraduate students from five universities in Kenya participated in the study. Data were collected by use of a modified Service Performance (SERVPERF) questionnaire and interview schedules. The data were analysed both qualitatively by generating themes and categories and quantitatively by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The study found that whereas students hold high perceptions of course relevance, their overall perceptions of the QTL in such aspects as facilities, lecturers, teaching methodology, curriculum evaluation and programme content design was low. The study recommends that the universities should mobilize resources to improve the quality of their teaching and learning resources while intensifying practical training and improving the quality of assessment to minimize overreliance on written examinations in evaluating students. Further study of the role of HE in peace and security studies in reinforcing peacebulding and security management in the East African region is equally imperative. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)
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Curriculum review in economics : re-thinking pedagogyRobinson, Zurika 09 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this article (see Annexure A)1 is to review curriculum within the Department of Economics (Unisa). The article is intended for submission to the International Review of Economics Education (IREE) with the guidelines contained in Annexure F. Unisa is the largest open and distance, e-learning institution in Africa and as such requires reliable and applicable curriculum to cater in the needs of the continent and the rest of the world. The curriculum review also entails an evaluation of undergraduate and post graduate programmes offered by the Department of Economics. It is a mixed methods study, in that qualitative interviews inform and confirm the results of a quantitative survey done amongst alumni, students, faculty and industry on the degree offering within the Department. The world of work and workplace as such will change as part of the fourth industrial revolution. Improving the graduateness and employability of students has become crucial in line with Unisa’s motto of “Define tomorrow”. The main findings show that creative and critical writing and numerical skills in line with pluralism in Economics and pedagogy are key and at the forefront of any change that needs to occur. Further, re-thinking pedagogy will require a coordinated effort within the Department of Economics with revising all Micro- and Macroeconomics modules at the different levels of the BCom (Economics). This will also entail an overall strategy for assessment on the different levels to improve writing skills of the students. Implementing Calculus and Linear Algebra at first year level and Statistics up to third year level should bring the department in line with local and international universities. This has become clear within the Department and includes the two-stream qualification route, with revised Economics and new Applied Economics route. This curriculum review can inform other similar exercises, which makes South Africa the emerging market of future generations. / Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die kurrikula in die Departement Ekonomie (Unisa) te hersien. Unisa is die grootste oop- en afstandsleerinstelling in Afrika en verlang as sodanig betroubare en toepaslike kurrikula om aan die kontinent en die res van die wêreld se behoeftes te voorsien. Die kurrikulumhersiening behels ook 'n evaluering van voorgraadse en nagraadse programme wat die Departement Ekonomie aanbied. Die studie het gemengde metodes gebruik. Kwalitatiewe onderhoude het die resultate van 'n kwantitatiewe opname onder alumni, studente, fakulteitslede en die industrie oor dit wat die departement aanbied, belig en bevestig. Die wêreld van werk en die werkplek sal verander as deel van die Vierde Industriële Rewolusie. Dit het noodsaaklik geword om studente se graadwaardigheid en indiensneembaarheid te verbeter, ooreenkomstig met Unisa se slagspreuk van "Definieer die toekoms". Die hoofbevindinge wys dat kreatiewe en kritiese skryf- en numeriese vaardighede ooreenkomstig pluralisme in Ekonomie, noodsaaklik en aan die voorpunt van enige veranderinge is wat moet plaasvind. Verder, om pedagogie weer te bedink sal 'n gesamentlike poging binne die Departement Ekonomie behels om alle mikro- en makro-ekonomiese modules op die verskillende vlakke van die BCom (Ekonomie) te hersien. Dit sal ook 'n algehele strategie vir die assessering op die verskillende vlakke behels om studente se skryfvaardighede te bevorder. Deur Calculus en Lineêre Algebra op eerstejaarsvlak aan te bied en Statistiek tot op derdejaarsvlak, sal die departement in lyn met plaaslike en internasionale universiteite bring. Dit sluit die tweestroomkwalifikasies in met hersiende Ekonomie en nuwe Toegepaste Ekonomie roete. Hierdie artikel belig ander kurrikulumhersienings van verskeie vakgebiede plaaslik en internasionaal, wat Suid-Afrika die ontluikende mark vir toekomstige generasies maak. / Sepheo sa sengolwa sena ke le lekola-botjha dikharikhulamo tsa Lefapha la Dithuto tsa Moruo (Unisa). Unisa ke setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa tsa thuto ya elektroniki se butsweng hape e le sa thuto ka ngollano, mme ka mokgwa oo, se hloka ho ba le kharikhulamo e tshepehang hape e amehang hore e kgotsofatse ditlhoko tsa kontinente le lefatshe ka bophara. Tekolo-botjha ya kharikhulamo e boetse e ne e kenyeletsa mananeo a pele ho grata le a kamora grata a fanwang ke Lefapha la Dithuto tsa Moruo. E ne e le boithuto ba mekgwa e fapaneng moo teng dinthavu tsa mokgwa wa boleng di tsebisetseng le ho netefatsa diphetho tsa boithuto ba mokgwa wa mongata hara ba neng ba kena sekolo moo, baithuti, lekala le indasteri mabapi le digrata tse fanwang kahare ho lefapha. Lefatshe la mosebetsi le sebaka sa mosebetsi di tla fetoha jwalo ka karolo ya Phetoho e Kgolo ya Bone ya Indasteri. Ho ntlafatsa boemo ba ho fumana grata le bokgoni ba ho fumana mosebetsi ha batjha ho se ho le bohlokwahadi ho latela lepetjo la Unisa la “Hlalosa bokamoso”. Diphetho tsa sehlooho di bontsha hore bongodi ba boiqapedi le boinahano le ditsebo tsa dipalo ho latela puso-pedi ho thuto ya tsa Moruo di bohlokwa mme di eme kapele ho phetoho efe kapa efe e hlokang ho etsahala. Ho feta moo, ho nahanisisa mokgwa wa thuto ho tla kenyelletsa maikutlo a hlophisitsweng kahare ho Lefapha la Thuto ya tsa Moruo ho ntjhafatsa dithuto tsohle tsa micro- le macro-economics maemong a fapaneng a BCom (Economics). Sena se boetse se tla kenyelletsa moralo o akaretsang wa tekanyo maemong a fapaneng ho ntlafatsa ditsebo tsa bongodi tsa baithuti. Ho tsebisa dithuto tsa Calculus le Linear Algebra boemong ba selemo sa pele sa dithuto le ho tsebisa thuto ya Statistics ho fihla ho boemo ba boraro ho ka tlisa lefapha maemong a tshwanang le a diyunivesithi tsa lehae le tsa matjhaba. Sena se kenyelletsa mangolo a karolo tse pedi le Dithuto tsa Moruo (le Applied Economics). Sengolwa sena se rerile ho tsebisa ditekolo tse ding tsa kharikhulamo ka mekgahlelo e fapaneng kahare ho naha le matjhabeng, e leng ho etsa Afrika Borwa e be setsi se hlahellang ka mahetla sa mebaraka bakeng sa maloko a nako e tlang. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)
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The development of an evidence-based conceptual framework for undergraduate nursing curricula in Sri Lanka.Jayasekara, Rasika Sirilal January 2008 (has links)
Background In Sri Lanka, nursing education is moving from a 3-year general nursing certificate to a 4-year university bachelor degree. In this transitional stage, the development of a conceptual framework that uses evidence to underpin undergraduate nursing education is a crucially important step to improve nursing education and nursing service in Sri Lanka. However, there is no evidence to support the contention that existing and proposed undergraduate nursing curricula in Sri Lankan universities are based on a common philosophy or an acceptable needs assessment. Purpose The overall purpose of this study was to develop an evidence-based conceptual framework for undergraduate nursing curricula in Sri Lanka. Method This study has involved conducting critical reviews of literature, two systematic reviews, developing a draft conceptual framework, testing its appropriateness and feasibility with key stakeholders (nursing academics, administrators, clinicians) via focus group discussions in Sri Lanka, and formulating the final conceptual framework for nursing curricula in Sri Lanka. Findings The systematic reviews revealed that the evidence regarding the effectiveness and appropriateness of undergraduate nursing curricula is notably weak and direct transfer of the curriculum model from one country to another is not appropriate without first assessing the cultural context of both countries. The conceptual framework, which was developed using the finding of systematic reviews and literature reviews, consists of widely recognised nursing concepts in international and local contexts. However, some concepts can not be directly applicable because of cultural and economic impediments. Discussion The cultural, social, political and economic contexts of a country have a direct impact on its health and education systems. This study identified several factors that shape the approach to nursing curricula in Sri Lanka. These factors include: Western influence; Sri Lanka’s cultural influence; the current healthcare system and demand for healthcare; nursing systems and regulation; medical dominance; financial support; and Sri Lanka’s education system. All of these factors influence the conceptualisation of nursing and educational strategies needed to effectively and appropriately prepare nurses in Sri Lanka. I propose seven recommendations to support the implementation of the study findings into practice in Sri Lanka. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1317073 / Thesis(Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008
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探討體育課程在澳門大專院校的重要性 / Investigation of the importance of physical education curriculum in Macau higher education羅文靜 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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Analyzing organic farming training in the curriculum of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Polepole, John Sanzimwami. January 2010 (has links)
The study was conducted in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, in the town of Pietermaritzburg, at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the research was to analyse to what extent organic farming is part of the curriculum at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture. The objectives of the study consisted of determining what is currently offered in terms of organic farming or sustainable agriculture; identify what the perceptions of students and lecturers are about organic farming; and identify the challenges faced by academics and stakeholders in organic farming.
The research method used to achieve the objectives was qualitative; it was done through interviews, site visits and observations. The data analysis used Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for interpretation and coding. This process was based on the data analysis spiral, as described by Creswell (1998) cited in Leedy and Ormrod (2005).
The research found that in the UKZN current curriculum there is a presence of modules dealing with organic farming to a small extent. The perceptions of academic staff concerning organic farming were related to sustainability, environmental protection, use of alternative methods for food production, human health protection and knowledge for future generations. Organic farming was regarded as a crucial approach on different levels, including food security, environment, economy and market.
The challenges in organic farming field are more related to costs involved in production, lack of interest or awareness, yield production (very poor and not competitive); limited career opportunities; lack of expertise in the organic domain, lack of government support and intense competition with chemical companies.
The research recommends an enhancement of organic farming training in the curriculum at UKZN/PMB; involvement of students in developing the curriculum; government support for organic agriculture; more research exploring the merits and disadvantages of organic farming; assessment of farmers’ knowledge and skills in marketing; initiation of partnerships between organic farmers, processors, retailers; and government, to study a range of issues related to organic farming. / Thesis (M.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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Principal's role in the implementation of curriculum effectiveness strategy in Zimbabwean polytechnicsMazani, Wilfred 05 1900 (has links)
The central aim of this study was to investigatethe role of principals in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy (PCS) in Zimbabwe. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine and evaluate the role and strategic leadership skills of polytechnic principals in the development of PCS, understand the challenges faced by polytechnic principals in the development and implementation of PCS, investigate the extent to which principals provide lecturers with opportunities to enhance their teaching skills through professional development and derive a suitable model to be used in drafting and implementing PCS. The main research question which this study sought to answer was, „What is the role played by strategic leadership in the implementation of polytechnic curriculum effectiveness strategy?‟
In an attempt to realise that end, a mixed method research design was used to collect data, making use of questionnaires and interviews. The participants included 5 polytechnic principals, 123 lecturers, 77 students and 9 company training managers. The participants were selected through purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques drawn from five polytechnics selected for the study.
The findings suggest that most polytechnic principals are rendered ineffective in implementing the PCS. Though the principals have a sound theoretical knowledge of their roles, they however experience a litany of practical impediments. These barriers include, inter alia, lack of curricula knowledge in the currere approach, action research, Basil Bernstein‟s and Paulo Freire‟s pedagogical discourses and reconceptualisation of curriculum, shortage of relevant instructional resources and poorly evaluated polytechnic curriculum, low level of staff incentive, training and development. Two systemic impediments in the principals‟ role of implementing PCS are: lack of autonomy in crafting and implementing PCS and lack consensus between Curriculum Research and Development Unit (CRADU) and National Manpower Advisory Council (NAMACO) in crafting policies on curriculum standards. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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Integrating indigenous african knowledge systems in teaching and learning at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe : a critical investigationMurwira, Stanley 20 October 2020 (has links)
The research study focused on the integrating of indigenous African knowledge systems in teaching and learning at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe. The curriculum of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe offers a number of degree courses. The study sets out to address the problem with the curriculum of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe, namely, that it is to a large extent dominated by Western knowledge and gives little priority to indigenous African knowledge systems. The majority of the courses offered at the CUZ are Eurocentric in nature and give little regard to the indigenous African knowledge systems.
The study was undergirded by the Afrocentric theory which focuses on giving the African world view in terms of knowledge. The research study was informed by the constructivist paradigm which focuses on how individuals analyse and construct meanings of social situations. The research approach is qualitative in nature that means it is based on social interpretation and not numerical analysis of data. The data in the study was generated through face-to-face interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis. The data was presented under different themes.
The study found out that they are few courses in the CUZ curriculum which include IAKS. Most of the knowledge and theories in the courses offered at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe curriculum are Western oriented. The knowledge in most of the courses is reminiscent of the colonial education system and gives no regard to indigenous African knowledge systems. The recommendation is for the inclusion of indigenous African Knowledge systems in the CUZ curriculum. / Educational Foundations / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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Non-South African French-speaking students’ curriculum experiences in a community of practice at a private tertiary institutionAdebanji, Charles Adedayo 09 1900 (has links)
This research set out to explore the curriculum experiences of French-speaking students in a private tertiary education institution. The study was qualitative in nature and utilized narrative inquiry and the case study approach. Data-gathering methods included a blend of semistructured interviews, document analysis, participant observation and field notes. Data analysis employed content and thematic analyses.
Findings that emerged from the study were seven-fold: First, the academic experiences of French-speaking students from pre-degree to third-year degree programme entailed a rigorous negotiation with the LoLT. They negotiated the pre-degree route to mainstream degree programme due to non-compliance with academic standards set for higher education. Second, French-speaking students negotiated the pre-degree route to mainstream degree programme because their curricula of study, while they negotiated secondary school education in French-speaking countries were not recognized by most South African public universities. Third, French-speaking students experienced a number of hidden curriculum experiences which were not visible but influenced the planned, enacted and assessed curricula. Fourth, the deportment of lecturers was a useful asset. Lecturers were sourced from different sociocultural perspectives of the world. The impact of lecturers’ deportment led to commitment to achieve excellence and dedication towards student learning.
Fifth, the use of Zulu, Sotho and sporadic use of Afrikaans languages by lecturers became sociocultural experiences of French-speaking students. The impact of this was felt by French-speaking students when they took a longer time to negotiate transition from French-speaking to English-speaking. The rate at which white lecturers spoke and the unfamiliar accents of black South African lecturers became important aspects of experiences they negotiated at Montana College. Sixth, learning ensues when there is a hybridization of the three sociocultural factors namely language of communication, acculturation to the domain of influence and mediated identity. Seventh, it was found that power relations manifested themselves in different perspectives at Montana College. Lave and Wenger (1991) proposed that power relations exist in the field of education where teachers exercise their roles as facilitators of learning and students see that they are in possession of economic power, by virtue of the fact that they pay fees. Consequently the issues of power relations abound in the form of the “continuity-displacement contradictions” as suggested by Lave and Wenger (1991:115-116).
Much new knowledge came to light, especially in terms of the three sociocultural factors (language, acculturation and identity). When these are in a state of redress, there is an emergent learning, depending on the extent of hybridization between the sociocultural factors. The magnitude of learning is conceptualized to depend on the extent of redress or hybridization among the sociocultural factors. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Assessing the practices of technical and vocational education and training curriculum design and development in EthiopiaYadessa Tolossa Woyessa 06 1900 (has links)
The general objective of the study was to assess the existing practices and major factors affecting the design and development of Ethiopian TVET curriculum and explore considerations to be taken to design and develop TVET curricula that befit Ethiopia. The purpose of the study was to explore and understand the meanings TVET practitioners and stakeholders of Ethiopian TVET programme credited to the practices of TVET curriculum design and development in Ethiopia. Hence, the study employed qualitative research approach in phenomenological design and was undertaken within the interpretive paradigm to understand the lived experience of the curriculum designers, developers and implementers in Ethiopia. Accordingly, three regional states of Ethiopia were selected and one government-run TVET college from each regional state, i.e. a total of three TVET Colleges were taken as sample representatives for the study using purposive and convenience sampling methods. The study was delimited to the practices of curriculum design and development of the building construction fields of study. This is because firstly, it is impossible to encompass all available TVET fields of training in the study; secondly, building construction technology sector is one of the those sectors which much focus is given to by the government of Ethiopia and thus is the training fields found in abundance in the country.
Two data gathering tools were mainly used to gather information in this study. These were interviews and document review. Therefore, the researcher first reviewed different related literature and strategic documents to understand the background of the problem and to see what has been done in reference to the problem. Accordingly, working and policy documents such as TVET strategies, guidelines, manuals, legislation, curriculum frameworks and guides, as well as Education Sector Development Programmes and other written documents and related literature to TVET curriculum design and development that were available at federal, regional and TVET college levels were reviewed and analysed. Other countries experiences visa-a-vis TVET curriculum design and development were also reviewed and used as sources of information.
The interviews were held with curriculum development officials at the Federal TVET Agency and sampled Regional TVET Agencies as well as principals, heads of department and trainers from sampled TVET colleges that were providing training in the fields of building construction works. The interview participants were two TVET curriculum development officials from Federal TVET Agency, three TVET curriculum development officials from three sampled regional TVET Agencies, three TVET college principals from three sampled TVET colleges, three heads of department of building construction work fields from three sampled TVET colleges, and three trainers of building construction work fields from three sampled TVET colleges.
Accordingly, it could be investigated from the study that the way outcome based TVET system is perceived and eventually executed and the processes and steps that were followed in order to design and develop TVET curriculum in Ethiopia had impact on present TVET curriculum developed . Besides, the way other countries’ experiences were espoused and adapted led to inappropriate curriculum design and development approach. Moreover, the Ethiopian TVET System following only one Curriculum development approach for designing and developing TVET curriculum for all trades, blue and white collar work-related-vocational education and training resulted in non-beneficial TVET curriculum. It was also noted from the study that the wrong perception of stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities in curriculum development activities led to TVET curriculum development with improper training content selection and unfair training time allotment, which in greatly impact on the TVET curriculum implementation and training delivery.
Therefore, the study suggested that the curriculum that addresses individual, societal and employers’ needs should be designed and the labour market demand analysis needs to be undertaken before OS mapping is designed. In doing so, it is recommended that Ethiopia should benchmark itself against best practices of various developed and developing countries which have succeeded in outcome-based TVET system and when TVET system is adopted from other countries, it should be with tangible reasons and justifications. Furthermore, it is recommended that attention should be paid to practical training programmes and a combination of practice and theory time should be provided for all course types. In addition, the environmental situation of the country and the degree of importance of each unit of competence for employment and self-employment need to be considered. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Comparative Education)
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