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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The utilisation of group supervision in practice education of undergraduate social work students

Williams, Rochelle Christa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the utilisation of group supervision in the practice education with undergraduate social work students. Supervision is an component in practice education, as it is the process whereby students are guided and prepared for beginner practice in social work. The practice educator is responsible to plan and organise the students' work, provide leadership in the group supervision sessions and evaluate the work performance of students as set out in the practice education programme. The practice educators grant students the opportunity to learn to integrate theory and practice in social work. The learning needs of the students are assessed and compiled within an educational assessment. These learning needs become the points for discussion for the content of the educational programme. The educational programme is presented in the supervision sessions. Literature strongly supports the utilisation of group supervision in addition to individual supervision. It is necessary that the practice educator determine the individual learning needs of the group of students. The mutual learning needs of the students are addressed within the group supervision sessions, once the learning needs of the group are determined. Group supervision is not utilised in isolation as the practice educator may have to consolidate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students gained in the individual supervision sessions. The empirical study involved the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in order to explore the theoretical part of the research. The sample consisted of sixteen practice educators (N=16) who are presently supervising undergraduate students at the Department of Social Work at the University of Stellenbosch. This section can be divided into four sections: the nature of the training of practice educators, the knowledge, skills and attitudes of practice educators with regard to the supervision functions of group supervision, the process in group supervision and the general experiences of practice educators when utilising group supervision in practice education. The findings and responsesof the practice educators were analysed and compared with the findings from previous research undertaken by various authors. The study found that although practice educators have a minimum of training in group supervision, they have positive experiences of group supervision. The important aspects of group supervision: the planning phase, the beginning phase and the ending phase in the processof group supervision are dutifully practiced by practice educators. The utilisation of group supervision links effectively with the education system of outcomes based learning and teaching which has been adopted by the Department of Education in Higher Education. The findings of this study can be utilised to apply group supervision to a greater extent in the practice education with undergraduate social work students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingstudie ondersoek die gebruik van groepsupervisie in die praktykonderrig van voorgraadse studente in Maatskaplike Werk. Supervisie is 'n komponent van praktykonderrig waarlangs die studente deur die praktykopleier gelei word tot beginnerspraktyk. Die praktykopleier is verantwoordelik vir die beplanning en organisering van studente se werk; moet die leierskap voorsien in die groepsupervisie sessies en moet ook die studente se werkverrigting evalueer soos saamgestel in die onderrigprogram. Die praktykopleier stel studente instaat om teorie en praktyk in Maatskaplike Werk te integreer. Die leerbehoeftes van die studente word gesamentlik bepaal deur die studente en die praktykopleier en word binne die onderrigevaluering uiteengesit. Die leerbehoeftes van die studente is die punte vir bespreking van die onderrigprogram. Die onderrigprogram word aangebied in die supervisiesessies. Literatuur ondersteun die gebruik van groepsupervisie gesamentlik met individuele supervisie. Die praktykopleier bepaal die individuele leerbehoeftes van die studente in individuele supervisie. Die ooreenstemmende leerbehoeftes van die studente word in die groepsupervisie sessies aangespreek, nadat die leerbehoeftes van die groep vasgestel is. Groepsupervisie word nie in isolasie aangebied nie, aangesien die praktykopleier die leemtes ten opsigte van kennis, vaardighede en houdings in die individuele supervisie sessies assesseer. Die leerbehoeftes word in die groepsupervisie sessies aangespreek. Die teoretiese doel van die navorsingsverslag word uitgebrei in die empiriese ondersoek deur middel van die voltooiing van 'n vraelys. Die steekproef het bestaan uit praktykopleiers (N=16) wat tydens 2001 voorgraadse studente van die Departement Maatskaplike Werk van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch geakkommodeer het vir praktykonderrig. Die empiriese studie word in vier afdelings bespreek: die aard van opleiding in groepsupervisie van praktykopleiers: die kennis, vaardighede en houding van praktykopleiers met betrekking tot die supervisiefunksies van groepsupervisie; die uitvoering van die proses in groepsupervisie en die algemene ervaringe van praktykopleiers wanneer hulle groepsupervisie in praktykonderrig toepas. Die bevindinge en response van die praktykopleiers is geanaliseer en vergelyk met die bevindinge van vorige studies wat deur verskeie outeurs onderneem is. Die studie het bevind dat praktykopleiers groepsupervisie positief ervaar, ten spyte van 'n minimum opleiding in groepsupervisie. Die belangrike aspekte van die beplannings-, begin- en die eindfases in groepsupervisie, word baie deeglik deur die praktykopleiers aangewend in groepsupervisie. Die benutting van groepsupervisie in die praktykonderrig van voorgraadse studente ondersteun die onderrigsisteem van Uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig en leer wat deur die Departement van Onderwys in Hoër Onderwys aanvaar is. Die bevindinge van die studie kan gebruik word om groepsupervisie meer effektief in die praktykonderrig van voorgraadse studente in Maatskaplike Werk te benut.

Professional development in environmental education : case studies in primary schools

De Vries, Heleen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was contextualised in the broad process of change and transformation in education in South Africa In this study I investigate how SWAP (Schools Water Project) as a resource could possibly enable teachers to use the local environment as a means of promoting environmental learning in their classes: a professional development process for teachers. The purpose of this study is to understand and give meaning to the processes of professional development that might be made possible through using SWAP as suggestion materials for teaching about water quality issues in a local water source close to schools. This process was framed in my research question, "could an in-service process using SWAP as learning support material enable professional development in teachers working at rivers in a local environment?" It is organised as a number of delimited or bounded case studies within an interpretive paradigm. In this study the bounded systems are primary schools represented by a selection of teachers from the participating schools. The research process involved a short period of training for teachers to familiarise themselves with the resource, a supported field trip to provide an opportunity for hands on application and follow-up support visits to assist teachers with field trips and implementation of SWAP activities in their classroom practice. Data was generated at various stages and suggests that materials are an important facet of professional development and the SWAP materials proved to be a useful tool in this regard as evidenced through the development of new skills, acquisition of new knowledge and new ways of teaching. Issues that emerged were that in-service processes need to be organised over long periods of time and support is needed at school level to ensure meaningful implementation of curriculum innovations. An important insight developed is that professional development processes in schools occur in complex systems and are thus influenced by many factors that either support or hinder the process. These factors need to be recognised as impacting factors and taken into account during such processes so that they can benefit the process maximally and not hinder initiatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is globaal geraam binne die transformasie proses in onderwys in Suid Afrika, met die fokus op die nuutgevonde belangrikheid van omgewingsopvoeding in die hersiene Kurriulum 2005. Die studie fokus op hoe "n waterkwaliteitmoniteringstoetsstel (SWAP) moontlik kan bydra tot leerkragte se gebruik van die onmiddelike omgewing om omgewingsopvoeding in die klaskamer te bevorder; "n professionele ontwikkelingsproses vir leerkragte. Die doel van die studie is om die prosesse betrokke by die professionele ontwikkeling van leerkragte te verstaan, verklaar en daaraan betekenis te verleen. In die geval is die prosesse gekataliseer en ondersteun deur SWAP materiaal te gebruik om onderrig te gee oor waterkwaliteitknelpunte wat dalk bestaan rondom "n varswaterbron naby die skool. Hierdie proses word gestel in die navorsingsvraag: kan "n indiensopleidingsprogram wat SWAP as leerondersteuningsmateriaal aanwend bydra tot die professionele ontwikkeling van leerkragte om hulle onmiddelike omgewing as "n onderrigmiddel te gebruik? Verder, hoe verloop hierdie proses en wat verhinder of ondersteun die proses? Wat is die invloede op die leerkragte wat professionele ontwikkeling ondersteun of verhinder? Die navorsing is georganiseer in die vorm van 5 gevallestudies binne "n interpretivistiese navorsingsraamwerk. Die navorsingsproses het 'n kort werkswinkel vir leerkragte, "n uitstappie na hul naaste rivier waar hulle die toetse gedoen het en "n kritiese refleksie daarna, ingesluit. Die leerkragte is verder bygestaan deur opvolgbesoeke waar die fasiliteerder hul bygestaan het op uitstappies na die rivier en klasbesprekings. Data is gegenereer tydens verskeie stadiums van die proses en wys dat SWAP materiaal "n baie goeie ondersteuning was vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe vaardighede, die verkryging van nuwe kennis en die gebruik en ontwikkeling van nuwe strategiee in die klaskamer. Om sinvolle implementering van kurrikulum innovasies te verseker het ek gevind dat sulke professionele ontwikkelings projekte oor langer periodes geimplementeer moet word en dat gekonsentreerde ondersteuning by die skool nodig is om te verseker dat die indiensopleiding optimaalondersteun word. 'n Baie belangrike bevinding was dat die professionele ontwikkelingsproses plaas vind midde in die komplekse sisteem van 'n skool wat deur "n groot aantal faktore beinvloed word, beide ondersteunend of afbrekend. Hierdie faktore/invloede moet erken en in ag geneem word as beinvloedende faktore sodat die proses in leerkragte maksimaal kan gefasiliteer word.

Strategies for teaching religion in colleges of education

Ferguson, Rene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The revised norms and standards for teacher education requires an understanding of the beliefs, values and practices of the main religions of South Africa. However, many preservice teachers have emerged from backgrounds of monoreligious education, or from schools where Religious education was discarded from the curriculum. This situation implies that pre-service teachers may lack the knowledge and skills to cope within a religiously pluralist school environment. This study argues therefore that the attitudes and perceptions of pre-service teachers towards Religious education in particular and religions in general will be positively influenced by means of a programme of intervention. The main aim of this study is to examine strategies for teaching religion to pre-service teachers to equip them for the religious and cultural diversity of South African classrooms. F euerstein' s theory of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) is examined as a vehicle for initiating new and creative ways of thinking about religions. Ten criteria for MLE are implemented within a context of co-operative small group learning on the grounds that learning about religions should take place in a constructivist paradigm. The potential influence of a tutor/mediator on the perceptions and attitudes of pre-service teachers towards religions other than their own is therefore a significant theme in this study. The influence of a programme of intervention on student attitudes towards religion and Religious education was determined within an action-enquiry research model. The empirical research indicates that active participation in the learning process not only enhanced student participants' knowledge and understanding of religious concepts, but also fostered the value of an unbiased, positive approach to the study of religions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hersiende norme en standaarde vir onderwysersopleiding verg 'n kennis van die geloof, waardes en praktyke van die hoof religiee van Suid-Afrika. Nietemin kom baie studentonderwysers uit 'n monoreligieuse opvoedingsagtergrond of van skole waar religieuse onderrig van die kurrikulum verwyder is. Hierdie situasie impliseer dat studentonderwysers nie die nodige kennis dra, of die nodige vaardighede het, om in 'n pluralistiese religieuse skoolomgewing aan te pas nie. Hierdie studie argumenteer dat die houdings en persepsies van studentonderwysers teenoor religieuse onderrig in die besonder en religie in die algemeen positief be"invloed kan word deur middel van 'n intervensieprogram. Die hoofdoel van die studie is om verskillende strategiee in religieuse onderrig VIr studentonderwysers te ondersoek om hulle toe te rus vir die religieuse en kulturele diversiteit in Suid-Afrika. Feuerstein se teorie van Bemiddelde leerervaring (Mediated Learning Experience, MLE) word ondersoek as 'n middel waardeur nuwe kreatiewe denkmetodes oor religie ge"inisieer kan word. Tien kriteria van MLE word ge"implementeer binne 'n konteks van kooperatiewe leergroepe op grond daarvan dat religiee binne 'n konstruktivistiese paradigma moet plaasvind. Die potentiele invloed van die fasiliteerder op die persepsies en houdings van studentonderwysers teenoor ander religiee is dus 'n belangrike tema van die studie. Die invloed van 'n intervensieprogram op studentehoudings teenoor religiee en religieuse onderrig was bepaal deur middel van 'n aksienavraag navorsingsmodel. Die empiriese navorsing motiveer die feit dat aktiewe deelname in die leerproses nie net die deelnemende studentonderwysers se kennis en begrip van religieuse konsepte verdiep het nie, maar ook 'n onbevooroordeelde positiewe benadering tot die studie van religiee gekweek het.

The role of physical education in South African primary schools.

Hendricks, Paul Charles January 2004 (has links)
This thesis argued that Physical Education is marginalised in the South African primary school education sector. Through this marginalisation, Physical Education has been reduced from having full subject status, to being only one of the components of one of the primary school learning areas, namely, Life Orientation. Simultaneously, Physical Education finds itself in a situation in which it is generally being taught by a class teacher and no longer by a specialist Physical Education teacher. Possible reasons for this marginalisation are expressed, however, the argument that Physical Education is an imperative in the holistic development of the child, is also espoused. This thesis critically examined the route that South African primary school education is taking and focused on the issues of holistic education and development, Outcomes-based Education and Life Orientation.

The Call for Cultural Responsiveness: Teachers' Perceptions about the Interplay Between Culturally Responsive Instruction and Scripted Curricula

Toppel, Kathryn Elizabeth 05 June 2013 (has links)
The increased focus on the implementation of scientifically research-based instruction as an outcome of No Child Left Behind ("Understanding NCLB," 2007) has resulted in the widespread use of scripted reading curricula (Dewitz, Leahy, Jones, and Sullivan, 2010), which typically represents Eurocentric and middle class forms of discourse, knowledge, language, culture, and historical interpretations as academic knowledge (Howard, 2010; Delpit, 2012). In an era where the number of culturally and linguistically diverse students is increasing rapidly (Ginsberg, 2007), it is essential to consider that educational practices relying entirely on prefabricated content may require modification because, as recognized in the funds of knowledge theoretical framework (Veléz-Ibañez, 1988), all students bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom that should be acknowledged, respected, valued and incorporated into instruction (Gonzalez, Moll, & Amanti, 2005). However, even if teachers are granted the time and permission to modify scripted content in order to build bridges between the prescribed lessons and students' lived experiences, doing so is not easily accomplished when the lives of educators are disconnected from their students (Baeder, 2010). This study investigated the behaviors and ideas teachers have developed as ways to connect with their culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families. Additionally, the study explored how teachers who implement scripted curricula describe the experience of creating culturally responsive lessons intended to specifically connect with their culturally and linguistically diverse students and to connect with students' funds of knowledge. This multiple case study describes how five teachers who implement scripted curricula reported their experiences of creating culturally responsive lessons for particular focal students. Findings are presented in individual case narratives followed by a cross-case synthesis. Findings suggest that teachers were able to carry out culturally responsive instructional practices while implementing scripted curricula; however, participants' CARE lessons did not represent Gay's (2010) ethnic and cultural diversity in curriculum content component of culturally responsive instruction. Additionally, findings indicate that building relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse students was key to adjusting instruction to suit their learning styles. The implications of these findings are discussed in recommendations for in-service teacher professional development and future research.

Evaluating an Assessment Instrument for the Oregon Environmental Literacy Plan

Duncan, Susan Mae 19 May 2016 (has links)
This mixed methods study evaluated the validity, and reliability of an instrument designed to assess a middle school student's proficiency in systems thinking as described in the 2010 Oregon Environmental Literacy Plan. In Stage 1, a forum of middle school students, formal, and non-formal educators used the Delphi technique to reach consensus regarding which skills were important to include in a scoring guide for systems thinking. In Stage 2, the scoring guide was field tested by formal and non-formal educators using a sample of students' work. The two groups' scores were compared using Cohen's kappa to make inferences regarding inter-rater reliability. Concurrently, an autoethnographic narrative was written to explore issues of equity related to the assessment of environmental literacy. The commonalities between formal and non-formal educators revealed a high level of validity for the construct of proficiency with systems thinking, and a moderate level of reliability between the scores assigned by two groups of educators. In the words of the middle school students, formal, and non-formal educators, who volunteered to create the scoring guide, the ability to make responsible decisions with natural systems, community, and the future in mind involves: creating solutions for systems that are not in balance, presenting the complex inner workings of a system in a simple and succinct way, collaborating, exploring multiple solutions, and sharing ideas in a way that people will understand you.

A educação física articulada ao currículo transdisciplinar / Physical education in articulation of transdisciplinary curriculum

Caselli, Alvaro Jose 21 March 2012 (has links)
Esse estudo investigou a estrutura curricular de educação infantil e ensino fundamental I de uma escola cuja organização curricular se baseia no PYP (Primary Years Programme), modelo de currículo integrado organizado por temas transdisciplinares elaborado, implantado e supervisionado pelo IB - International Baccalaureate. A forma de organização das ações educativas propostas pelo PYP se contrapõe aos princípios do modelo linear disciplinar, estruturado tradicionalmente a partir da justaposição de disciplinas, geralmente isoladas umas das outras. Essa investigação partiu do pressuposto de que as limitações da organização linear disciplinar não atendem às necessidades de uma escola imersa numa sociedade onde cada vez mais os aspectos econômicos, culturais, políticos, ambientais, científicos, etc. se mostram interdependentes. A revisão de literatura fundamentou este trabalho a partir do desenvolvimento dos paradigmas da ciência e da indústria, da discussão sobre os conceitos de disciplina, currículo integrado, transdisciplinaridade e de propostas de ensino baseadas em modelos de currículo integrado e métodos globalizados. A investigação foi realizada a partir de dois estudos, a saber: (I) descrição e análise das características e pressupostos do programa PYP e, (II) a articulação da educação física ao currículo transdisciplinar. A escolha metodológica pelo estudo de caso etnográfico reuniu no estudo I professores de classe e professores especialistas de diversas áreas e, no estudo II professores de educação física. A investigação pautou-se na descrição densa e análise de documentos, das entrevistas semi-estruturadas reflexivas e da observação participante durante reuniões com professores. Os principais aspectos observados revelaram algumas dificuldades, tais como: compreensão dos conceitos essenciais, elaboração de conexões entre o conteúdo disiciplinar e unidades de investigação, articulação do que foi previamente planejado com questões que emergem do cotidiano. Também foram identificados avanços, como por exemplo: o pensamento linear disciplinar dos professores de educação física deu lugar a uma visão mais ampla e integrada de educação, o modelo diretivo de ensino modificou-se na direção de um modelo mais construtivo e reflexivo, a organização curricular transdisciplinar permite que conhecimentos disciplinares sejam contemplados nas unidades de investigação sem a forma estereotipada de uma disciplina / This study has investigated the Early Years and Primary curriculum structure of a private school, which has its curricular approach based on the PYP (Primary Years Programme), an integrated curriculum model organized by transdisciplinary themes, elaborated, implanted and supervised by the International Baccalaureate (IB). The organization form of the educational actions proposed by the PYP opposes the principles of the disciplinary linear model, traditionally structured as of the juxtaposed disciplines, generally isolated from one another. This investigation has taken for granted that the limitations of the disciplinary linear organization do not meet the needs of a school immersed in a society where economic, cultural, political, environmental and scientific aspects are more than ever interdependent. The literature review has addressed the science and industry paradigms development, the concepts of discipline, integrated curriculum, transdisciplinarity and a few teaching proposals based on integrated curriculum models and globalized methods. Two studies were conducted to investigate: (I) the PYP programme characteristics and premises, and (II) the articulation of physical education with the transdisciplinary curriculum. The methodological option for the ethnographical case study has joined in study I, class teachers and specialists of several areas and, in study II physical education teachers. The investigation was conducted through a dense description and analysis of documents, reflective semi-structured interviews and participant observation during meetings with teachers. The main observed aspects revealed some teachers difficulties in comprehending essential concepts, making connections between disciplinary contents and the units of inquiry, finding a balance between addressing what has been previously planned and contents that arise from daily activities. Advancements have also been identified, for example: physical education teachers disciplinary linear thought has given room to an ampler and integrated educational stand point, the directive teaching style has moved towards a more constructive and reflective approach, the transdisciplinary curricular organization enables disciplinary knowledge to be integrated to the units of inquiry without the stereotyped form of a discipline

Formação ecológica de crianças urbanas da cidade de São Paulo: representações em formação / Ecological education of urban children of São Paulo City: representations in formation

Cardoso, Rafael Alves 30 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-05T12:14:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafael Alves Cardoso.pdf: 973501 bytes, checksum: 09d2c500c709c3716813b956521f79b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T12:14:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafael Alves Cardoso.pdf: 973501 bytes, checksum: 09d2c500c709c3716813b956521f79b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-30 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The word ecology is not used to name a disciplinary field of biology. Today it names a broader sociopolitical movement, whose core is to seek an alternative to the growing processes of socio-environmental degradation in society. Since the 80's of last century, a series of initiatives have been developed with the aim of forming an ecological subject. Although awareness of environmental issues has grown in recent years, there is no mobilization that is capable to change the way of living and production that contribute to the current process of socioenvironmental degradation. The school also reflects this movement. Environmental education projects in private schools, although politically correct, work with a notion of limited ecology and are reinforced by environmental awareness campaigns disseminated by various social institutions and by the media in general. Analyzing the trajectory of ecological thinking and aiming to broaden the notion of ecology, mainly the vision and ecological perspective adopted by Moscovici, this work consists of analyzing how the process of ecological formation of 4th graders of a private elementary school of the city of São Paulo its developed and what are the implications of this formation in the constitution of an ecological person. Taking into account the urban and social context of the children interviewed, it was possible to observe beyond a notion of restricted ecology, the absence of a repertoire of values that would characterize an ecological perspective that is absent not only in the formation of the students, but also in the notion of ecology that circulates in society / A palavra ecologia não é usada para denominar um campo disciplinar da biologia. Hoje ela nomeia um movimento sociopolítico mais amplo, cujo cerne é buscar uma alternativa aos crescentes processos de degradação socioambiental na sociedade. Desde a década de 80 do século passado, uma série de iniciativas vem sendo desenvolvida com o intuito de formar um sujeito ecológico. Embora a sensibilização e a conscientização relativas às questões e causas ambientais tenham crescido nos últimos anos, não há uma mobilização que seja capaz de mudar o modo de vida e o de produção que contribuem para o atual processo de degradação socioambiental. A escola também reflete esse movimento. Os projetos de educação ambiental nas escolas privadas, embora politicamente corretos, trabalham com uma noção de ecologia limitada, reforçada por campanhas de conscientização ambiental difundidas por diversas instituições sociais e pelas mídias em geral. Examinando a trajetória do pensamento ecológico e visando ampliar a noção de ecologia, principalmente a visão e a perspectiva ecológica adotadas por Serge Moscovici, este trabalho consiste em analisar como vem ocorrendo o processo de formação ecológica das crianças do 4.º ano do ensino fundamental de um colégio de ensino privado da cidade de São Paulo e quais as implicações dessa formação na constituição de um sujeito ecológico. Levando em consideração o contexto urbano e social das crianças entrevistadas, pôde-se observar, além de uma noção de ecologia restrita, a ausência de um repertório de valores que caracterizariam uma perspectiva ecológica que está ausente não só na formação dos alunos, como na própria noção de ecologia que circula na sociedade

Formação de educadores ambientais e potência de ação: um estudo de caso. / Formation of environmental educators and the potential of action: a study case.

Santos, Cláudia Coelho 31 January 2003 (has links)
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos que visem a constituição, consolidação e promoção de processos educacionais voltados à potencializar os sujeitos para uma ação comprometida com a sustentabilidade socioambiental. Assim, utilizando elementos da pesquisa qualitativa e procedimentos do estudo de caso, buscou-se identificar, no Curso de Especialização em Educação para Sociedades Sustentáveis, desenvolvido pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, campus de Jequié, os elementos que poderiam estimular mudanças de atitude e valores no sentido da transformação social, refletindo no incremento da potência dos sujeitos envolvidos. A pesquisa apresenta aspectos que devem ser contemplados em um programa de Educação Ambiental. Processos pautados na autonomia dos educandos, no diálogo entre os envolvidos e na prática reflexiva, podem contribuir para a formação de educadores críticos, competentes tecnicamente e comprometidos ética e politicamente com as questões ambientais. / This study was carried out aiming contributing for the production of knowledge viewing constitution, consolidation, and promotion of educational processes related to powering the subjects for an action committed with the social and environmental sustainability. Thus, in the Specialization Course on Education for Sustainable Societies developed by State University of Southeast Bahia, campus Jequié, and by using the elements of a qualitative research and proceedings of this study case, the identification of elements that could promote changes of values and attitudes toward the social transformation through increasing the power of the subjects involved. The research shows points that must be presented in Environmental Education programs. Processes based on the autonomy of the students, on the dialog between the involved ones and the reflexive practice can contribute for the formation of critical, technically competent, and committed educators ethically and politically active toward the social-environmental matters.

Pedagogy for Latino/a Newcomer Students: A Study of Four Secondary Social Studies Teachers in New York City Urban Newcomer Schools

Taylor, Ashley Michelle January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation study examined how teachers in four newcomer schools conceptualized and implemented social studies education for newcomer Latino/a youth. I designed this multi-site, collective case study to examine the perspectives and decision making of four social studies teachers' enacted pedagogy for Latino/a newcomer students. I documented how social studies teachers (U.S. History and Global History) were teaching Latino/a newcomer youth within urban newcomer high schools through the research question: how do four secondary teachers conceptualize and implement social studies education for newcomer Latino/a youth? As evidenced in their culturally and linguistically relevant pedagogy, teachers in this study provided constant support, encouragement, and opportunity for Latino/a newcomer students to succeed academically, and encouraged active civic engagement by using students' cultural, linguistic, and civic knowledge and experiences as central to their pedagogy. I analyzed the findings within and across four case studies to develop an emerging grounded theory of culturally and linguistically relevant citizenship education. This developing grounded theory analyzed the intersections of culturally relevant pedagogy, linguistically responsive teaching, and active and engaged citizenship. These intersections and cross-case analysis of the four teachers' social studies pedagogy for newcomer Latino/a students developed five principles of culturally and linguistically relevant citizenship education. These principles included: pedagogy of community, pedagogy of success, pedagogy of making cross-cultural connections, pedagogy of building a language of social studies, and pedagogy of community-based, participatory citizenship. This study has the potential to add to and expand on the discourse regarding social studies pedagogy for culturally and linguistically diverse students (Ladson-Billings, 1995b; Lucas and Villegas, 2011), newcomer schools (Short and Boyson, 2000), English Language Learners (Cruz and Thornton, 2009), and citizenship education for newcomer youth (Salinas, 2006). Possibilities for future research might include examining how Latino/a immigrant students' cultural and linguistic experiences influence their perceptions of social studies and how they conceptualize citizenship. Furthermore, additional research might also explore how the findings in this study may be used to develop a more culturally and linguistically responsive teacher education program, create professional development opportunities for in-service teachers, and examine how elementary teachers and teachers in rural/suburban contexts conceptualize their social studies pedagogy for immigrant youth.

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