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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the factors critical to the establishment and maintenance of competitive advantage for education services enterprises within international markets.

Mazzarol, Timothy W. January 1997 (has links)
The principal focus of the present study was to examine the factors critical to the development and maintenance of a competitive advantage for education institutions operating in international markets. International education involves over 1.3 million students' world wide, and injects billions of dollars into the economies of supplier nations. Despite its importance, little empirical research is available on the international marketing of education. This study draws together research from services marketing, industrial and organisational economics, strategic management and various studies and reports relating to the management and marketing of international education.Commencing with an overview of the international market for education, the study examines the education sectors of leading supplier nations particularly Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It then describes the education sector of Australia and its international education industry in depth.Following a review of the relevant literature that relates to services marketing and e development of sustainable competitive advantage, a theoretical model as to how an education institution might achieve competitive advantage in international markets is proposed, along with several research propositions.' The findings of a survey of 315 education institutions in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and United States are then outlined. Initial descriptive statistics suggest that:1. Australian tertiary institutions are less confident about their international market recognition than are their Canadian, American, New Zealand or United Kingdom (CANZUK) counterparts;2. Significant differences exist between the five supplier countries in the importance they place on targeting certain markets;3. Australian tertiary institutions were somewhat more pessimistic about the growth in their ++ / international student body that were their CANZUK counterparts;4. Australian institutions were significantly more concerned over government support and policy than were their CANZUK counterparts;5. Student word of mouth referral was identified as the most effective form of promotion for international education;6. Australian tertiary institutions were significantly more positive about the value of recruitment agents and mass media advertising than were their CANZUK counterparts.An exploratory factor analysis of the survey data found a series underlying dimensions measuring various aspects of an institution's perception of its marketing and strategic planning processes. These "factors" were used to generate twenty-six derived variables that were used for subsequent analysis. An examination of these factors was undertaken, both statistically and through a series of in-depth interviews with fifteen education institutions in Australia.Two regressions were used to estimate the relationship between the dependent variables of Cost Leadership and Differentiation (which are measures of generic positioning strategies adopted by the institutions), and a range of independent variables measuring institutional perception of their external and internal environments. A structural equation model was also used to estimate the relationships between these two regressions. This found that the adoption of generic positioning strategies appears to be determined by institutional consideration of:1. Market Factors - a measure of institutional consideration of the importance of buyer bargaining power when developing business strategies;2. Market Outlook - a measure of institutional consideration of the importance of the level of market saturation within the industry when developing business strategies;3. Experience and Psychic Distance - a measure of institutional consideration of the ++ / importance of knowledge or experience of foreign markets, cultural differences and foreign recognition of programs when developing marketing strategies; and4. Resource Factors - a measure of institutional consideration of the importance of internal resources when developing business strategies.The selection of Cost Leadership appears to be determined by the first three of these variables, while selection of Differentiation appears to be determined by all four. These findings support the propositions that industry structure and foreign market structure are determinants of the generic enterprise strategies adopted by education institutions seeking competitive advantage in international markets.A discriminant analysis was undertaken to examine the relationship between adoption of a generic enterprise strategy and marketing strategies. This found an association between differentiation strategies and marketing strategies. Institutions which adopted differentiation strategies (e.g. uniqueness of programs and/or concentration on niche markets) were more like to be classified by high activity on two variables:1. Promotion and Recruitment - a measure of the perceived actual performance of the institution in its use of agents, expenditure on advertising and promotion, possession of offshore recruitment offices, use of government promotional agencies and size of international student enrolments.2. Marketing Activity - a measure of the importance to market success placed upon the use of agents, spending on advertising and promotion, possession of offshore recruitment offices and teaching programs, international alliances and enrolment of international students.A third regression estimated the relationship between the dependent variable Market Success (a measure of the enrolment growth, financial benefit, demand and optimism over future growth) and twenty-five independent ++ / variables derived from the factor analysis. This suggests that Market Success be determined by institutional consideration of Resource Factors, adoption of Differentiation positioning strategies and the possession of key "distinctive competencies " as:1. Image and Products - a measure of the perceived actual performance of the institution in terms of its reputation for quality, level of market profile, strength of financial resources, size and influence of its alumni and range of courses and programs;2. Coalition and Forward Integration - a measure of the actual performance of the institution in its possession of international strategic alliances and offshore teaching programs.Further, the institution's Market Success was also found negatively correlated with two additional variables:1. People and Culture - a measure of the perceived actual performance of the institution in its encouragement of innovation, customer orientation, effective use of information technology, the quality and expertise of its staff and its level of technical superiority;2. Mass Advertising - a measure of the institution's perception of the effectiveness of promotion via TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.These findings support the propositions that generic enterprise (at least those involving differentiation) and market entry strategies are significant determinants of market success. They also support the proposition that quality of image, market profile, coalition formation and forward integration into the export channel are likely to strengthen an institution's competitive advantage. Although not measured directly, these distinctive competencies may provide a source of sustainable competitive advantage as they provide potential barriers to imitation by competitors. Such barriers produce isolating mechanisms, which assist the institution to sustain a competitive edge in the market.Several ++ / managerial and research implications emerged from this study. The importance of developing a sound understanding of the student consumer were highlighted, along with the need to effectively measure and communicate an image of quality to the market. Saturation within international education markets is growing and future growth is likely to be dependent on market segmentation and the adoption of differentiation strategies. Those institutions with superior market experience will be better placed to make effective decisions regarding their competitive positioning. In doing so, the more successful are likely to give consideration to supply-demand imbalance and the general management of internal resources (e.g. staffing, facilities and programs).Successful institutions are likely to be those that adopt differentiation strategies that enhance their image and reputation as quality service providers build upon a sound financial base and make effective use of their Alumni and student word of mouth networks. Such institutions will also be likely to have offshore teaching programs and valuable strategic alliances that enhance their marketing and service delivery.

Til en wördad Allmänhets underrättelse : Utbildningsmarknaden i 1798 års Stockholm med omnejd med fokus på privatlärare

Rundqvist, Annelie January 2016 (has links)
Title: Notification for a revered Public: the education market in 1798 Stockholm and its environs, with focus on private tutorsThis paper examines the education market of Stockholm and its environs in 1798 by looking at work advertisements written by men and women, as well as people looking to hire male and female teachers. The paper uses Yvonne Hirdman’s gender theory as well as Thomas Laqueur’s thoughts about the two-sex model to see whether there were differences in how men and women portray themselves in advertisements and how gender affected the     subjects offered. It also examines what different types of educational work was offered, subjects sought after by advertisers when hiring teachers, and which social groups, if any, can be ascertained through the material. Both hermeneutically influenced textual analysis as well as quantitative analysis is used as methods throughout the study.This study shows that a majority of the advertisers were men, and that a majority of women offered other kind of work besides teaching in their advertisements. Men tended to offer higher education while women mainly offered to teach French and needlework. This paper argues that men tended to use academic merits over characteristics, whereas women used a wider variety of strategies, using merits but also positive attributes, connecting their teaching to the concept of motherhood, as well as using strategies of weakness. It is argued that gender as a social construct affected what men and women taught and that the two-sex model can be seen in the material along-side the one-sex model. Keywords: Sweden, 18th century, Stockholm, education market, private tutors, gender.

Managing the tensions between the maintenance of academic standards and the commercial imperative : a case study in UK higher education

Pitcher, Graham January 2011 (has links)
During the past two decades there have been significant changes in the landscape for higher education. Among these was a trend for universities and colleges to respond by adopting a more market-driven approach, leading to the introduction of new public management within universities and colleges, which led to the emergence of tensions between the academic and quasi business aims. In 2004 the UK government changed the criteria for the grant of degree-awarding powers and university title opening up the possibility for non-public organisations to apply. This thesis presents the case study of a private sector for-profit organisation as it introduced a more robust quality assurance infrastructure during the application process for taught degree-awarding powers. The analysis is undertaken within a conceptual framework developed from institutional and agency theory. The need to demonstrate legitimacy and the influence of key groups played a large part in the changes made. Using data collected via participant observation, key informant interviews and documentary evidence, the study examines the changes and management actions that took place during the period between June 2004 and July 2009 in order to identify the strategies that were adopted to manage the tensions between the academic standards and the commercial imperative of meeting shareholder expectations. The study contributes to the literature covering change in educational institutions and in particular that which reports on the introduction of a more business-oriented approach to the management of universities. The study is able to bring a new perspective to studying the management of tensions between academic and business aims by looking at the issues from an alternative angle. The key strategy developed was a gradual rationalisation of the academic aims within the business aims such that the duality of aims was diminished.

Berufsfeld Sportmanagement - Eine mehrperspektivische Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes

Packheiser, Alexander 20 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die Kommerzialisierung und Professionalisierung hat der Sport in Deutschland an Bedeutung gewonnen. Ersichtlich wird dies an dem gestiegenen Sportkonsum sowie der positiven Entwicklung der sportbezogenen Beschäftigung und der Ausdifferenzierung der Berufsfelder. Einhergehend mit dieser dynamischen und positiven Entwicklung des Arbeitsmarktes ist dies gleichermaßen für den Bildungsmarkt erkennbar. Neben den Universitäten sind in den vergangenen Jahren weitere Einrichtungen in den Bildungsmarkt getreten, welche Bildungsangebote im Bereich des Sports offerieren. Folglich gewinnt die Analyse der Studierendenperspektive an Bedeutung. Aufgrund der beschriebenen Dynamik wird für die vorliegende Arbeit eine mehrperspektivische Analyse verwendet. Um ein umfassendes Bild des Berufsfeldes Sportmanagement zu skizzieren, behandelt diese Analyse neben den Anforderungen an Sportmanager und der Untersuchung relevanter Produktfelder die Erwartungen von Studierenden. Dabei wird der Forschungsfrage nachgegangen, welche Unterschiede sich zwischen der Studierendenperspektive zu Beginn und im Verlauf des Studiums und den Anforderungen der Arbeitgeber zeigen. Im theoretischen Rahmen wird zunächst der Arbeitsmarkt Sport sowie der Bildungs- und Produktmarkt dargelegt. Im Anschluss wird die Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer erläutert. Danach werden in der Methodik die verwendeten Verfahren der einzelnen Studien skizziert. Daraufhin folgt die Beschreibung der Ergebnisse. Die Ergebnisse der Studierendenbefragung verdeutlichen ein fachspezifisches Interesse zum Studienbeginn. Zusätzlich werden der attraktive Standort, niedrige Lebenshaltungskosten sowie der gute Ruf der Hochschule als wesentliche Entscheidungskriterien für die Hochschulwahl angeführt. Des Weiteren wird aus den Untersuchungen ersichtlich, dass das fachspezifische Interesse im Verlauf des Studiums zunimmt, während das Einkommen gegen Ende des Studiums aus Sicht der Studierenden weniger bedeutsam ist. Demnach stellt sich die Frage mit welchen Aufgaben der Sportmanager in Sportorganisationen betraut ist. Dies führt zur Analyse der Anforderungsprofile in Stellenausschreibungen. Aus den Ergebnissen der Stellenanalyse wird deutlich, dass die interne und externe Kommunikation, die Gestaltung der Organisation sowie das Projektmanagement zentrale Anforderungen des Sportmanagers darstellen. Darüber hinaus werden folgende drei Typen von Sportmanagern auf dem Arbeitsmarkt deutlich: der Kommunikationsmanager, der Marketing- und Sales Manager sowie der Betriebs- und Teamleiter. Zusätzlich zeigen sich unterschiedliche Gewichtungen dieser Typen in den Sportorganisationen. Aufgrund der Heterogenität der Sportorganisationen und der Produktfelder ist es notwendig, neben den Tätigkeitsbereichen die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede von Produktfeldern und Sportorganisation herauszustellen. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Produktfelder zu analysieren, welche in Stellenanzeigen genutzt werden, um Sportmanager anzusprechen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass öffentliche Sportorganisationen das Produktfeld „Lehren und Ausbilden“ ausschreiben um einen Bewerber anzusprechen, während Non-profit-Organisationen die „Beratung und Betreuung“ sowie das „Produzieren von Events“ herausstellen. Profit-Organisationen versuchen unterdessen mit der „Herstellung von Sportbekleidung und -equipment“, „sportnahen Produktfeldern“ (Tourismus, Gesundheit und Lifestyle) sowie mit dem „Anleiten und Unterstützen“ einen geeigneten Kandidaten anzulocken. Ebenso werden die „Sportvermarktung“ und „Sportberichterstattung“ zur Ansprache genutzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Studierenden- und Arbeitgeberperspektive im Berufsfeld Sportmanagement. Die gewonnen Erkenntnisse tragen zum einen zur Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung von Studiengängen bei. Zum anderen lassen die Ergebnisse Rückschlüsse auf die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse der Arbeitgeber zu, welche Studierenden als Orientierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dienen können.

Market entry mode of higher education internationalization : a case study of a post-1992 university

Jiang, Nan January 2011 (has links)
Purpose - The aim of this research is to examine higher education (HE) internationalization in terms of international recruitment and academic collaboration with the focus on a single institution case study. The research investigates how the case study university conducts HE internationalization, identifies key implementation issues of HE internationalization, and develops an education-specific market entry dynamic framework. The discussion of the difference in the process of internationalization across faculties is also included. Design/methodology/approach - This research adopts the interpretivist philosophy and inductive approach, with focus of a single institution. Based on the positions and job responsibilities, the total of 20 interviewees from three key departments (Corporate, Department 2 and Faculty) were selected and 22 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The total of 329 pages of interview transcripts were analyzed. Other types of data collection include observation and secondary documentary data. The answers from each group were used in a comparative analysis, resulting in an overlap pattern structure that indicates the level of the university's internal integration. Data analysis strategies include content analysis, critical discourse analysis (CDA), colour coding, and categorization of meaning. Findings and contributions - The market entry dynamic framework is the main outcome of this research. This framework provides a number of education-specific modes of entry and programme delivery methods to guide institutions' internationalization. The implementation issues raised in this research indicate that the university's internal integration has a major impact on HE internationalization. These issues highlight the areas where the university needs to improve. Faculty-specific factors explain the difference in the process of internationalization across the four faculties at the case study university, and explain the reasons why the levels of internationalization are different among these faculties.

Av god Conduit : Privatlärare i Stockholm med omnejd 1793-1795 / Of proper Conduit : Private tutors in Stockholm and its environs 1793-1795

Rundqvist, Annelie January 2017 (has links)
OF PROPER CONDUCT: PRIVATE TUTORS IN STOCKHOLM AND ITS ENVIRONS 1793–1795 This paper studies private tutors in Stockholm and its environs 1793-1795 by examining work advertisements written by said tutors. It is in part a continuation of a previous study of the education market in Stockholm 1798. It utilizes Yvonne Hirdman ’s gender theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of symbolic capital to analyze differences in what male and female tutors offered to teach, how they portrayed themselves and if any social groups could be ascertained. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used, where the quantitative method is partly influenced by the verb oriented-method from the Gender and Work (GaW) project and the qualitative method is influenced by hermeneutics. The study shows that most of the tutors were men, and of those men a majority were students, priests, educated men and officials. The female tutors did not use titles overall, but the subjects they offered to teach suggests most were in the mid- to upper mid layer of society. The French salon culture was dominating among the nobles at the end of the 18th century. This study argues that the salon culture was the cultural capital by which the tutors measured themselves. Because of their academic merits, men tended to use institutionalized cultural capital while women used only partly embodied cultural capital through their knowledge of the French language. Where men tended to use formal merits, women used a wider array of strategies. There were however a number of men who used strategies of weakness when faced with financial difficulties. Women taught mainly needlework and French, where female tutors offering to teach how to sew of clothes showed a shift from male professional tailors to female seamstresses. It is argued that Hirdman’s principle of segregation between men and women both affected the subjects the tutors were able to offer as well as the subjects they did offer.

Berufsfeld Sportmanagement - Eine mehrperspektivische Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes

Packheiser, Alexander 16 December 2015 (has links)
Durch die Kommerzialisierung und Professionalisierung hat der Sport in Deutschland an Bedeutung gewonnen. Ersichtlich wird dies an dem gestiegenen Sportkonsum sowie der positiven Entwicklung der sportbezogenen Beschäftigung und der Ausdifferenzierung der Berufsfelder. Einhergehend mit dieser dynamischen und positiven Entwicklung des Arbeitsmarktes ist dies gleichermaßen für den Bildungsmarkt erkennbar. Neben den Universitäten sind in den vergangenen Jahren weitere Einrichtungen in den Bildungsmarkt getreten, welche Bildungsangebote im Bereich des Sports offerieren. Folglich gewinnt die Analyse der Studierendenperspektive an Bedeutung. Aufgrund der beschriebenen Dynamik wird für die vorliegende Arbeit eine mehrperspektivische Analyse verwendet. Um ein umfassendes Bild des Berufsfeldes Sportmanagement zu skizzieren, behandelt diese Analyse neben den Anforderungen an Sportmanager und der Untersuchung relevanter Produktfelder die Erwartungen von Studierenden. Dabei wird der Forschungsfrage nachgegangen, welche Unterschiede sich zwischen der Studierendenperspektive zu Beginn und im Verlauf des Studiums und den Anforderungen der Arbeitgeber zeigen. Im theoretischen Rahmen wird zunächst der Arbeitsmarkt Sport sowie der Bildungs- und Produktmarkt dargelegt. Im Anschluss wird die Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer erläutert. Danach werden in der Methodik die verwendeten Verfahren der einzelnen Studien skizziert. Daraufhin folgt die Beschreibung der Ergebnisse. Die Ergebnisse der Studierendenbefragung verdeutlichen ein fachspezifisches Interesse zum Studienbeginn. Zusätzlich werden der attraktive Standort, niedrige Lebenshaltungskosten sowie der gute Ruf der Hochschule als wesentliche Entscheidungskriterien für die Hochschulwahl angeführt. Des Weiteren wird aus den Untersuchungen ersichtlich, dass das fachspezifische Interesse im Verlauf des Studiums zunimmt, während das Einkommen gegen Ende des Studiums aus Sicht der Studierenden weniger bedeutsam ist. Demnach stellt sich die Frage mit welchen Aufgaben der Sportmanager in Sportorganisationen betraut ist. Dies führt zur Analyse der Anforderungsprofile in Stellenausschreibungen. Aus den Ergebnissen der Stellenanalyse wird deutlich, dass die interne und externe Kommunikation, die Gestaltung der Organisation sowie das Projektmanagement zentrale Anforderungen des Sportmanagers darstellen. Darüber hinaus werden folgende drei Typen von Sportmanagern auf dem Arbeitsmarkt deutlich: der Kommunikationsmanager, der Marketing- und Sales Manager sowie der Betriebs- und Teamleiter. Zusätzlich zeigen sich unterschiedliche Gewichtungen dieser Typen in den Sportorganisationen. Aufgrund der Heterogenität der Sportorganisationen und der Produktfelder ist es notwendig, neben den Tätigkeitsbereichen die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede von Produktfeldern und Sportorganisation herauszustellen. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Produktfelder zu analysieren, welche in Stellenanzeigen genutzt werden, um Sportmanager anzusprechen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass öffentliche Sportorganisationen das Produktfeld „Lehren und Ausbilden“ ausschreiben um einen Bewerber anzusprechen, während Non-profit-Organisationen die „Beratung und Betreuung“ sowie das „Produzieren von Events“ herausstellen. Profit-Organisationen versuchen unterdessen mit der „Herstellung von Sportbekleidung und -equipment“, „sportnahen Produktfeldern“ (Tourismus, Gesundheit und Lifestyle) sowie mit dem „Anleiten und Unterstützen“ einen geeigneten Kandidaten anzulocken. Ebenso werden die „Sportvermarktung“ und „Sportberichterstattung“ zur Ansprache genutzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Studierenden- und Arbeitgeberperspektive im Berufsfeld Sportmanagement. Die gewonnen Erkenntnisse tragen zum einen zur Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung von Studiengängen bei. Zum anderen lassen die Ergebnisse Rückschlüsse auf die Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse der Arbeitgeber zu, welche Studierenden als Orientierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dienen können.

International student transitions in Higher Education : Chinese students studying on a professionally accredited undergraduate accounting degree programme at a Scottish university

Findlay, Rachel Sophia Mary January 2017 (has links)
The UK Higher Education (UKHE) sector has expanded overseas student numbers in recent years bringing significant economic and financial benefits to the sector and the economy. Yet, overseas student numbers are now under threat due to international competition, UK immigration law and the recent referendum decision to leave the EU. As a result, two key challenges arise for UKHE: the need to operate effectively in an international market; and, to meet the increasing expectations of international students (Grove 2015).Chinese students form the largest overseas country group studying in the UK with 21% of all overseas students. Business studies, including accounting, is the most popular subject area with nearly 40% of all overseas students (UK Council for International Student Affairs, 2016). This DBA study explores the learning experiences of a cohort of overseas Chinese students who have transferred from two years of study at colleges in China to a professionally accredited accounting undergraduate degree programme at a Scottish university. The overarching aim is to understand the nature of the students' learning experiences in the context of the degree programme in which the study takes place. The research was conducted from a critical realist theoretical perspective and used a qualitative research method to develop an understanding of the nature of the learning experiences as perceived by participants. Research data, gathered from focus group interviews with student participants, was analysed thematically. Findings show that issues with English lead to low levels of integration with other students, resulting in participants turning towards a learning strategy of independent learning among themselves. This further restricts exposure to English, including specialised accounting vocabulary, accounting concepts and theories, and cultural experience. The findings make a contribution to knowledge in terms of how this group of overseas Chinese students perceive and respond to their learning experiences of a Scottish accounting degree programme including aspects of the specific accounting subject discipline. Recommendations offer considerations to enhance LTA practice in the wider HEI context and the accounting discipline.

Instagram marketing to attract international students in an age of internationalisation : A case study of KTH University Instagram from the perspective of Southeast Asian students

Fatoni, Annusyirvan Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
This exploratory study identifies the importance of Instagram to market universities in Southeast Asia and the strategies to make interesting content to reach more Southeast Asian students. According to the statistics in 2020 by Statista, Southeast Asia is ranked second in the world’s most active social media users, and Instagram is now quickly catching up with the giant platform Facebook and becoming the rising star. In the study, the main Instagram account of KTH Royal Institute of Technology @kthuniversity was analysed. Three main points were the center of attention: the visual power of the posts, the engaging captions, and the best timing to post. The study’s methods are focus group discussion with current KTH students from Southeast Asia and an online survey distributed to Southeast Asian students in general. The results, first, indicate that Instagram influences the choice-making of Southeast Asian students’ study destinations. Second, based on the first finding, several strategies to make interesting content to catch their interest are proposed. Southeast Asian students are more interested in photo-based posts with shorter captions and emojis. Photos showing university buildings, Stockholm/Sweden, and students’ life are more attractive. Regarding the timing, the study shows that the students do not have any specific days or time to check their Instagram, but universities should stick to the previous study mentioning that the best posting time is during breakfast and lunch. / Denna undersökande studie identifierar Instagrams betydelse för universitet i Sydostasien och strategier för att skapa intressant innehåll för att nå fler sydostasiatiska studenter. Enligt statistik för år 2020 av Statista rankas Sydostasien som nummer två bland världens mest aktiva användare av sociala medier, och Instagram kommer nu snabbt ifatt den gigantiska plattformen Facebook och är nu den stigande stjärnan. I studien analyserades det huvudsakliga Instagram-kontot för KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, @kthuniversity. Tre huvudpunkter stod i fokus: inläggens visuella kraft, de engagerande bildtexterna och den bästa tiden att publicera. Studiens metoder är fokusgruppsdiskussion med nuvarande KTH- studenter från Sydostasien och en onlineenkät som distribueras till Sydostasiatiska studenter i allmänhet. Resultaten indikerar först att Instagram påverkar valet för studenter i Sydostasien. Vidare, baserat på den första upptäckten, föreslås flera strategier för att göra intressant innehåll för att fånga deras intresse. Sydostasiatiska studenter är mer intresserade av fotobaserade inlägg med kortare bildtexter och emojis. Bilder som visar universitetsbyggnader, Stockholm / Sverige och studenternas liv är mer attraktiva. När det gäller tidpunkten visar studien att studenterna inte har några specifika dagar eller tid för att kontrollera sin Instagram, men universitet bör hålla sig till den tidigare studien vilket nämner att den bästa publiceringstiden är under frukost och lunch.

Tarptautinis akademinis mobilumas ekonomikos internacionalizavimo sąlygomis / International Academic Mobility in Environment of Economic Internationalization

Janavičiūtė, Jolita 01 July 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami aukštojo mokslo internacionalizavimo būdai, teikiama nauda, motyvai ir aktualios problemos. Apžvelgiama pasaulio aukštojo mokslo rinka. Analizuojama skirtingų valstybių patirtis internacionalizuojant aukštojo mokslo studijas ir Europos aukštojo mokslo erdvė. Tarptautinio akademinio mobilumo vadybos priemonių programa sudaryta remiantis marketingo, strateginio valdymo ir edukologijos teorijų bei metodikų analize. Europos Sąjungos politika aukštajam mokslui sudaro palankias sąlygas Lietuvos universitetinių studijų internacionalizavimui. Kiekybiniais ir kokybiniais metodais įvertintas Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo tarptautiškumo lygis Europos Sąjungos narių kontekste, konkurencingumas pasaulyje ir mobilių studentų prioritetai. Magistro darbe nagrinėjamos studentų mobilumo tendencijos, nustatytas ir įvertintas ekonominių, socialinių veiksnių sąryšis su tarptautiniu aukštojo mokslo patrauklumu. Pagal egzistuojančius dėsningumus Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijoms nustatytas siektinas tarptautiškumo lygis, įvertintas užsienio studentų skaičiumi. Nustatytos universitetinių studijų Lietuvoje internacionalizavimo kryptys ir galimybės. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius akademinio mobilumo plėtojimo aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojo magistro darbo išvados ir siūlymai Lietuvos universitetams. Darbą sudaro šios dalys: įvadas, probleminė dalis, teorinė dalis, analitinė dalis, programinė dalis, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / The master thesis gives the analysis of the ways, benefits and causes of internationalization of higher education and related problems. Global market of higher education surveys is given. Analysis of experience of studies’ internationalization in different countries and European Higher Education Area are made. International academic mobility management programme is made with reference to analysis of theories and methodologies of marketing, strategic management and educational science. European Union policy for higher education establishes favourable conditions for internationalization of studies in Lithuanian universities. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used for evaluation of internationality of higher education in Lithuania in the context of European Union members, global competitiveness, and priorities of mobile students. The trends of student mobility are analysed, the relation between economic, social factors and attractiveness of higher education is identified and evaluated in the master thesis. According to identified tendencies, the aimed level of internationality of higher education in Lithuania is measured in the number of foreign students. Directions and opportunities for studies’ internationalization and development in Lithuanian universities are identified. After the analysis of the theoretical and practical academic mobility development aspects, the conclusions of the master thesis are presented and suggestions for Lithuanian universities are offered... [to full text]

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