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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Education policy to prospects of a developmental state in South Africa

Mahada, Livhuwani Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relevance of education to economic growth has been widely debated. The thesis argues that education is the core factor in knowledge and skills provision, which assist in production and economic growth and serves as a foundation to the realization of a developmental state. The thesis looks at the prospects of South Africa constructing a developmental state against its education system. The aim was to look at whether education policy in South Africa assists its quest to construct a developmental state. The research is guided by the specific research questions that wanted to look at different literature on what a developmental state is and what characterizes it. It further looked at whether education influences the construction of a developmental state and whether in South Africa education is responding well to the quest of constructing a developmental state. The study depends heavily on literature review, comparative study and interview. The literature study conceptualized and also presented characteristics of a developmental state from the perspective of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (The Asian Tigers) and the South African context. Japan and South Korea’s perspective was compared with the South African one. The literature review also indicated the role of education in economic growth. The findings of this research from the comparative analysis indicated that South Africa is taking a totally different approach in its process of constructing a developmental state. Its process is underpinned by democratic values, non-industrialization approach, weak bureaucracy and interventionist approach. The process of constructing a developmental state is supported by various mechanisms and policies such as the New Growth Path (NGP). The challenge with the NGP is that it conceded to the fact that there is a serious need to improve in education and levels of skills in the country as they are a fundamental prerequisite for achieving many of the goals in the growth path. The contention is that both basic and higher education must equip all South Africans to participate in the country’s democracy and economy and must do more to meet the needs of national and international development imperatives. Again, the success of the NGP depends on major improvements in education (both basic and higher education) and skills levels which education is presently not providing. Education and skills are preconditions that should prepare South Africans to participate in economy so that the country should realize “broad-based development” through any means that will ensure economic growth. However, the education system and the skills based in the country are not responding well to assist in the fully realization of the NGP. This has negative effect to the prospects of growing the economy. The research highlights the relevance and role education plays in the economic development of a country. It highlights the challenge South Africa is faced with in its quest to construct a developmental state particularly with its education policies. With education being regarded as a significant propeller of economic growth, South Africa falls short in comparison to other countries, particularly the Asian Tigers. South Africa falls short mainly in the provision of education that provides the skills required in the modern economies. This means that there is a gap the education system in South Africa is failing to fill. Therefore the prospects of constructing in a developmental state in South Africa will continually face challenges if the education system within the country is not turned around to provide for the required skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verband tussen onderwys en ekonomiese vooruitgang is al deeglik gedebateer. Hierdie tesis voer aan dat onderwys die kernfaktor is in die voorsiening van kennis en vaardighede wat vervaardiging en ekonomiese vooruitgang aanhelp en dien as die grondslag vir die totstandkoming van ’n ontwikkelingsstaat. Die tesis kyk of dit moontlik is vir Suid-Afrika om ’n ontwikkelingsstaat tot stand te bring met sy huidige onderwysstelsel. Die doel was om te sien of die huidige onderwysbeleidsrigting Suid-Afrika kan meehelp in sy soektog om ’n ontwikkelingsstaat daar te stel. Die navorsing word gerig deur spesifieke navorsingsvrae wat verskillende literatuur ondersoek het om te bepaal wat ’n ontwikkelingsstaat is en hoe dit gekarakteriseer word. Dit kyk ook verder of onderwys die daarstelling van ’n ontwikkelingsstaat beinvloed en of Suid-Afrika se onderwysstelsel goed reageer in strewe na die daarstelling van ’n ontwikkelingsstaat. Die studie steun sterk op die beskouing van literatuur, vergelykingstudies en onderhoude. Die literatuurstudie het ’n begrip en kenmerke van ’n ontwikkelingsstaat vanuit die perspektief van Japan, Suid-Korea en Taiwan (Die Asiaatiese Tiere) en die Suid-Afrikaanse verband voorgelê. Japan en Suid-Korea se perspektief was vergelyk met die van Suid-Afrika. Die literatuur beskouing het ook die rol van onderwys in ekonomiese vooruitgang aangedui. Die bevindings van hierdie navorsing nadat ’n vergelykende analise uitgevoer is, het aangedui dat Suid-Afrika ’n heel ander benadering volg in sy ontwikkelingsstaat daarsetellings proses. Die Suid-Afrikaanse proses word onderstut deur demokratiese waardes, nie-nywerheidsbenadering, swak burokrasie en ’n intervensionistiese-benadering. Die proses tot ’n ontwikkelingsstaat word ondersteun deur verskeie meganismes en beleidsrigtings soos die nuwe groeibaan (New Growth Path [NGP]). Die uitdaging met die NGP is dat dit alreeds onderskryf het dat daar ’n ernstige behoefte is aan ’n verbeterde onderwysstelsel en vaardigheidsvlakke in die land, want dit is grondvereistes om baie van die doelwitte in die NGP te bereik. Die standpunt is dat beide basiese- en hoëronderwys alle Suid-Afrikaners sal moet toerus om deel te neem in die land se demokrasie en ekonomie en sal meer moet doen te voldoening aan die behoeftes van nasionale en internasionale ontwikkelingsnoodsaaklikhede. Weereens, die sukses van die NGP maak staat op groot verbeterings in die onderwysstelsel (beide basiese- en hoëronderwys) en vaardigheidsvlakke wat die onderwysstelsel tans nie verskaf nie. Onderwys en vaardighede is voorvereistes om Suid-Afrika voor te berei om deel te neem in die ekonomie en derhalwe die land in staat te stel om “breed-gebaseerde ontwikkeling” te bereik op ‘n manier wat ekonomiese vooruitgang verseker. Die land se onderwysstelsel en vaardigheidsbasis reageer egter swak om die volle bereiking van die NGP te ondersteun. Dit het ’n negatiewe uitwerking op die vooruitsigte van ekonomiese vooruitgang. Die navorsing lig die belangrikheid en die rol wat onderwys in die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van ’n land speel uit. Die uitdagings wat Suid-Afrika het word uitgelig in sy soektog om ’n ontwikkelingsstaat op te stel veral ten opsigte van sy onderwysbeleidsrigtings. Met onderwys wat as ’n beduidende drywer geag word ten opsigte van ekonomiese vooruitgang, skiet Suid-Afrika te kort vergeleke met ander lande, veral met die Asiatiese Tiere. Suid-Afrika skiet hoofsaaklik ook te kort met die voorsiening van onderwys wat die vereiste vaardighede moet ontwikkel wat ’n moderne ekonomie benodig. Dit beteken dat daar ’n leemte in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel is. Die vooruitsigte om ’n ontwikkelingsstaat in Suid-Afrika te vestig sal voortdurend voor uitdagings te staan kom totdat die onderwysstelsel van die land reggeruk word om die vereiste vaardighede te ontwikkel.

Educators, praxis and hope : a philosophical analysis of post-apartheid teacher education policy

Botman, Beryl Verna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation argues that teacher education and development policy lacks an explicit philosophy of education and a responding pedagogy that would promote transformation. Through a conceptual analysis of teacher education and development, the study points to a deficit in philosophical underpinning that calls for an inquiry into ontology − ways of being, and epistemology − ways of knowing to contribute to critical citizenship. I contend that it is in a Freirean philosophy of education and a pedagogy of hope that teacher education praxis establishes the notion of a teacher as an unfinished being. This dissertation contends that for this to become established practice, the authority of educators, teachers and learners, and their status as subjects of their own learning and teaching, have to become part of the reflexive praxis. A pedagogy of hope constitutes the unleashing of the emancipatory potential of a teacher as an agent of democratic change, authority and reflectiveness. In line with the National Development Plan and the Vision for 2030, and in order to make an impact on society, I suggest an agenda for mass-based dialogue for the re-orientation of current teacher education policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif argumenteer dat beleid ten opsigte van onderwyseropleiding en -ontwikkeling nie eksplisiete opvoedingsfilosofie en ‘n ooreenstemmende pedagogie wat transformasie voorstaan, openbaar nie. ̓n Konseptuele analise van onderwyseropleiding en -ontwikkeling wys op die afwesigheid van ̓n filosofiese onderbou, wat vereis dat ’n ondersoek van ontologie, as wyses van wees of bestaan, en epistemologie, as wyses van weet of met kennis omgaan, tot kritiese burgerskap kan bydra. Ek gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat dit in ̓n opvoedingsfilosofie en ̓ isn pedagogie van hoop, soos deur Freire voorgestel, dat onderwyserpraksis die idee kan vestig van ̓n onderwyser as “onklare/onvoltooide wese”. Die proefskrif gaan verder van die veronderstelling uit dat om hierdie idee as praktyk te vestig, die outoriteit van die opvoeders, onderwysers en leerders en hulle status as onderwerpe van hulle eie leer en onderrig, deel moet word van hul refleksiewe praktyk. ̓n Pedagogie van hoop behels die ontketening van die emansipatoriese potensiaal van die onderwyser as agent vir demokratiese verandering, outoriteit en reflektiwiteit. In ooreenstemming met die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan en die Visie vir 2030, stel ek voor dat om ̓n impak op die samelewing te kan maak, ons ̓n agenda vir massagebaseerde dialoog ter bevordering van die reoriëntering van huidige onderwysopleidingsbeleid moet onderneem.

Continuing professional development in medicine : the inherent values of the system for quality assurance in health care

Mpuntsha, Loyiso F. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The practice of medicine has always been a big area of interest as a profession. The focus ranges depending on issues at hand - it may be on the educational, training, humanistic, economic, professional ethics and legal aspects. One area of medicine that is under the spotlight around the world is that of the maintenance of clinical competency, followed very closely and almost linked to professional ethics. This study follows the introduction of a system of Continuing Professional Development (hereinafter also referred to as CPD), in South Africa and an overview of how it has been introduced in a few other countries. The main areas of focus being the extrication of inherent values of CPD, relating this aspect to quality improvement in medical health care. The medical profession as well as most of the interested parties, has different perspectives regarding the fact that the system is regulated through legislation. There is also the doubt whether the CPD system will be effective in achieving the goals that it has been set to achieve. Although a system of Continuing Medical Education has been a tradition in all countries, which implies that the CPD system is not totally new as far as the educational principles are concerned, the values accruable need to be exploited. It is the possible success of this kind of evaluations that may foster more understanding of the inherent values in this CPD system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beroepsgewys het die praktyk van geneeskunde nog altyd groot belangstelling gelok. Die fokus verskuif na gelang van die onderwerpe ter sprake. Dit wissel van opvoedkunde, opleiding, humanisme, ekonomie, en professionele etiek tot regsaspekte. Dwarsoor die wêreld word daar gefokus op die handhawing van kliniese vaardighede, gevolg deur professionele etiek wat ook daarin verweef is. Hierdie studie bespreek die instelling van 'n stelsel van Voortgesette Professionele Ontwikkeling (hierna verwys na as VPO) in Suid-Afrika asook oorsig oor die wyse waarop dit in 'n paar ander lande ingestel is. Die klem lê op die inherente waardes met betrekking tot die verbetering gehalte in mediese gesondheidsorg. Die mediese beroep, asook meeste van die belangegroepe het verskillende opvattings oor die feit dat die stelsel deur wetgewing gereguleer word. Daar is ook twyfel of die VPO-stelsel in sy vooropgestelde doelwitte sal slaag. Wat die opvoedkundige beginsels betref, is die VPO-stelsel nie totaal en al nuut nie. Alhoewel VPO in ander lande tradisie is, is dit nodig om die totstandkoming van waardes te ontgin. Die moontlike sukses van hierdie tipe van evaluasies mag dalk beter begrip ten opsigte van die inherente waardes in die VPO-stelsel bevorder.

The management of equity in medical schools in South Africa

Naidoo, Kethamonie 01 1900 (has links)
This study explores the management of equity in medical schools in South Africa using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Notions and models of equity are discussed and student and staff profiles in medical schools are contrasted with national and international profiles. in-depth unstructured interviews are conducted with select senior and executive management members at national, institutional and faculty of medicine levels to identify the challenges and best practices associatd with promoting equity in medical schools in five broad areas, namely, staff, students, curriculum, research, and policies and practices. The study shows significant contextual differences between medical schools and their universities resulting in divergent trends in the student and staff profiles. Historically Black medical schools continue to provide access to aproximately 68% of African MBChB students. Postgraduate students remain predominantly White men and although more female than male students are enrolled for MBChB, the few females entering postgraduate training are segregated in particular areas of specialisation. Redressing the historically determined prevailing inequities in medical schools, in terms of race, gender and class, is inextricably linked to different management ideologies, management policies and practices, economic factors and discipline specific power dynamics. To manage equity inmmedical schools more efficiently, it is recommended that a single, separate budget be allocated to medical schools for staff appointments and student training. The management of academic health complexes should be under the jurisdiction of a national, joint Department of Education/Department of Health structure. Such a structure should, at a national level clarify, co-ordinate and monitor equity in medical schools and ensure that policies and practices in medical faculties are aligned to national strategic transformation frameworks and equity goals of higher education and health. Monitoring could include analyses of student applications, admissions, failure, drop-out and graduation rates of students. The establishment of a comprehensive database of South African medical doctors by race, gender, area of specialisation and location of practice is needed to track trends and shifts. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

The management of equity in medical schools in South Africa

Naidoo, Kethamonie 01 1900 (has links)
This study explores the management of equity in medical schools in South Africa using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Notions and models of equity are discussed and student and staff profiles in medical schools are contrasted with national and international profiles. in-depth unstructured interviews are conducted with select senior and executive management members at national, institutional and faculty of medicine levels to identify the challenges and best practices associatd with promoting equity in medical schools in five broad areas, namely, staff, students, curriculum, research, and policies and practices. The study shows significant contextual differences between medical schools and their universities resulting in divergent trends in the student and staff profiles. Historically Black medical schools continue to provide access to aproximately 68% of African MBChB students. Postgraduate students remain predominantly White men and although more female than male students are enrolled for MBChB, the few females entering postgraduate training are segregated in particular areas of specialisation. Redressing the historically determined prevailing inequities in medical schools, in terms of race, gender and class, is inextricably linked to different management ideologies, management policies and practices, economic factors and discipline specific power dynamics. To manage equity inmmedical schools more efficiently, it is recommended that a single, separate budget be allocated to medical schools for staff appointments and student training. The management of academic health complexes should be under the jurisdiction of a national, joint Department of Education/Department of Health structure. Such a structure should, at a national level clarify, co-ordinate and monitor equity in medical schools and ensure that policies and practices in medical faculties are aligned to national strategic transformation frameworks and equity goals of higher education and health. Monitoring could include analyses of student applications, admissions, failure, drop-out and graduation rates of students. The establishment of a comprehensive database of South African medical doctors by race, gender, area of specialisation and location of practice is needed to track trends and shifts. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

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