Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationalfactors"" "subject:"education.theory""
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The role of the history of education in teacher Education in South Africa, with particular reference to developments in Britain and the USARandall, Peter Ralph January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to review critically the changing
nature, role and status of the history of education as a field
of study in teacher education courses in South Africa, Britain
and the USA. While the British and American situations have had
direct influence on the theory and practice of the history of
education in English language universities in South Africa, this
influence has been shaped and modified by local circumstances,
significantly so since the education crisis of 1976. The study
seeks to clarify several fundamental questions about the history
of education, including its relationship with other fields of
educational study and its place in the intellectual preparation
of teachers. Such questions are examined in the general
contexts of the British, American and South African
historiographies of education as well as in the context of the
teacher education curriculum as it is shaped by the
acid-political context.
In the three countries being studied, teacher education has
become a matter of urgent concern. One result has been a
rethinking of the place of educational theory, which inevitably
involves a reconsideration of the place of history of education.
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A escola primária no Estado do Pará (1920 - 1940) / The primary school in Pará (1920-1940)Coelho, Maricilde Oliveira 08 December 2008 (has links)
A tese A escola primária no Estado do Pará (1920- 1940) analisa a cultura da escola primária no Brasil, e em particular no Estado do Pará, local de interesse central desse estudo. Para isso, foi necessário a identificação do quadro social, político, cultural e econômico da sociedade brasileira em geral e, de modo mais particular, da sociedade paraense no desenrolar dessas décadas. A partir do conceito de cultura escolar desenvolvido por Dominique Julia, descrito como um conjunto de normas que definem conhecimentos a ensinar, condutas a inculcar e práticas que permitem a transmissão desses conhecimentos e a incorporação desses comportamentos, a tese analisa as normas e legislações para a educação primária; os saberes, gerais e específicos, ministrados aos alunos nas diferentes escolas primárias em diferentes localizações espaciais das cidades e vilarejos paraenses; a formação do professor primário, agente responsável em utilizar dispositivos pedagógicos para facilitar a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades, entre eles os rituais e as comemorações cívicas na escola primária, elementos de apoio na formação dos conceitos de nacionalidade e de civilidade. As fontes utilizadas para o trabalho foram: relatórios e mensagens dos governadores, decretos, atestados, minutas de portaria da Instrução Pública, ofícios e petições da Secretaria de Educação e Saúde Pública, jornais de circulação diária e o periódico pedagógico Escola revista do professorado do Pará. / The primary school in Pará (1920-1940) wham is thesis locus the primary school culture in Brazil, especially in Pará. Since Pará is the main place for this study. For this study, the social, political, cultural and economical aspects were analyzed to help us identify what it was going on the paraense society. The thesis analyses the rules and laws in primary school, the general and specific knowledge, taught to student in different cities and small villages in Pará. It also talks about the primary teacher curriculum, since he/she is in charge of using, the pedagogical devices to facilitate the knowledge and abilities acquisition. As part of this acquisition civic celebrations and rituals are considered essential in the concepts of nationality and civil rights. There were several sources for this research such as newspapers, government decrees, a specific magazine named School, certificates, government messages, education secretary petitions and so on. All this was done through the concept de school culture by Dominique Julia that describes rules that define behaviors and practices to be incorporated by students.
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A educação libertária e o extraordinário: traços de uma pedagogia (r)evolucionária / Libertarian education and the extraordinary: traits of pedagogy (r)evolutionarySantos, Luciana Eliza dos 30 April 2014 (has links)
Esta tese busca expor e tecer ideias pedagógicas oriundas do movimento educacional racionalista libertário europeu, ocorrido entre final do século XIX e início do XX. Este movimento configurou uma rede social que colocou em questão padrões de educação, civilidade, infância, modernidade e possibilitou a concretização de experiências educacionais antagônicas à escola ordinária. Estes acontecimentos somam um rico conjunto de teorias, práticas pedagógicas e pontos de vista sobre o sentido da educação na sociedade. O foco irradiador do trabalho está na região da Catalunha/Espanha. A tese revisita a experiência da Escola Moderna de Barcelona e sua extensão via atuação política de Francisco Ferrer i Guardia e do grupo social e político internacionalista, com o qual se articulou. A base documental da pesquisa consiste em dois periódicos relacionados diretamente ao racionalismo libertário: o Boletim de la Escuela Moderna e a Revue L\'École Rénovée; produzidos no âmbito da Escola Moderna de Barcelona e da Liga Internacional da Educação Racional da Infância. Tais espaços educacionais, sociais e intelectuais foram inéditos ao se fundamentarem no processo de (r)evolução da educação, constituindo bases pedagógicas que questionaram a organização escolar e indicaram caminhos para sua ressignificação. / This thesis seeks to expose and make remarks to a few of the pedagogical ideas dating back of the rationalist European libertarian educational movement that occurred between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This movement has configured a social network that has raised the issue standards of education, civility, childhood, modernity and facilitated the execution of antagonistic educational experiences to ordinary school. These events add up to a rich set of theories, pedagogical practices and views on the meaning of education in society. The irradiator focus of the study is in the Catalonia / Spain region. This thesis revisits the experience of Modern School in Barcelona and its extension via political action of Francisco Ferrer i Guardia and internationalist political and social group, with which he articulated. The documentary evidence base for the research consists of two journals related directly to libertarian rationalism: Bulletin de la Escuela Moderna and Revue L\'École rénovée; produced under the Modern School in Barcelona and the International League of Rational Education of Children. Such educational, social and intellectual spaces were unprecedented when they were to be based on the (r) evolution of the education process, constituting pedagogical bases that placed in question the organization of the school and indicated path to overcome it.
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淸前期潮州地方社會與書院發展. / Qing qian qi Chaozhou di fang she hui yu shu yuan fa zhan.January 1994 (has links)
論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學硏究院歷史學部,1994. / 參考文獻: leaves 1-14 (last group) / [馬木池]. / 圖表索引 / 前言 / Chapter 第一章 --- 清前期潮州地區書院的發展 / Chapter (一) --- 書院的廢毀時期--順治元年至康熙二〇年 / Chapter (二) --- 書院的恢復期--康、雍時期 / Chapter (三) --- 書院發展的高峰期--乾隆時期 / Chapter (四) --- 書院發展的沉寂期--嘉、道、咸時期 / Chapter 第二章 --- 清前期潮州地方社會與書院發展的關係 / Chapter (一) --- 清前期潮州地方社會問題 / Chapter (二) --- 清前期地方官治潮政策分析 / Chapter 第三章 --- 清前期地方官與書院 / Chapter (一) --- 地方官與書院的興修 / Chapter (二) --- 地方官與書院經費 / Chapter (三) --- 地方官與書院的運作 / Chapter 第四章 --- 清前期地方士紳與書院 / Chapter (一) --- 清初潮州地區推廣「官話」政策的成敗--以潮籍為主的書院院長 / Chapter (二) --- 書院院長與地方社會 / 總結 / 參考書目
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袁世凱與晚淸新敎育. / Yuan Shikai yu wan Qing xin jiao yu.January 1983 (has links)
許小光. / 手稿本 (c.2 -3 複印本) / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學敎育學院. / Shou gao ben (c.2 -3 fu yin ben) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 267-290). / Xu Xiaoguang. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue jiao yu xue yuan. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 袁世凱的民事教育建設 --- p.28 / Chapter 第三章 --- 袁世凱的軍事教育建設 --- p.112 / Chapter 第四章 --- 袁世凱的教育思想及教育措置的特點 --- p.165 / Chapter 第五章 --- 袁世凱的教育改革的背景與動機 --- p.204 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結論 --- p.250
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Jovens e política na imprensa estudantil : o periódico " O Julinho" (Porto Alegre/RS 1960)Prévidi, Giovanni Biazzetto da Silva January 2016 (has links)
A investigação busca pensar na História da Educação através de um olhar voltado para narrativas produzidas por jovens estudantes, sujeitos históricos que atribuem significados às experiências escolares que vivenciaram. Através dos rastros deixados por estes escreventes no periódico estudantil “O Julinho”, produzido pelo Grêmio Estudantil do Colégio Júlio de Castilhos da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS nos anos 1960, este estudo visa compreender como os estudantes se relacionavam com as questões políticas de sua época. Assim, por meio do estudo de um periódico estudantil, a pesquisa tem como intenção conhecer melhor como esses estudantes participavam politicamente do cotidiano escolar, quais os seus questionamentos referentes à sociedade em que viviam, quais os discursos que os afetavam e analisar seus posicionamentos frente às instituições presentes em suas vidas, instituições governamentais e instituição educacional em que estudavam. O tema de investigação se inscreve no campo da História Cultural, nos domínios da História da Educação, particularmente no campo da imprensa de educação e de ensino e da cultura escrita. Por meio desses aportes, a pesquisa tem por objetivo decifrar realidadesdo passado por meio de representações pelas quais os estudantes expressavam a si e o mundo. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram analisados 21 edições de “O Julinho” da década de 1960 que contam com aproximadamente 540 textos publicados. Após a análise da materialidade do objeto de pesquisa e de seu conteúdo discursivo, os textos foram classificados por temáticas. Desta classificação, recorreu-se aqueles que tratavam das questões políticas governamentais e educacionais, utilizando os textos dos editoriais e também aqueles que abordavam a temática da politização. A pesquisa tem por temporalidade a década de 1960. As indagações realizadas, as inferências e análises estão contextualizadas neste período específico. Os anos 1960 foram anos de significativas transformações sociais, decorridas do período do pós-guerra que influenciaram acontecimentos no Brasil. A pesquisa não dá voz aos estudantes, nem mesmo tem a pretensão de expor a verdade. O que se faz, ao trabalhar com os textos impressos, é falar de verdades. O que aqui se produz é uma narrativa a partir de outras narrativas, a partir dos escritos em um periódico estudantil. A proposta do estudo segue a trilha das representações dos escreventes, buscando as percepções destes referentes ao contexto político em que estavam inseridos. Ao longo do estudo, foi possível perceber especificidades relevantes do objeto de pesquisa, de seus escreventes e da instituição de ensino, particularidades estas não distantes do contexto histórico. A análise promoveu uma reflexão acerca dos sentidos produzidos pelos estudantes, pensando no quanto expressam posicionamentos políticos de uma sociedade, ou de uma parcela da sociedade. Através de seus escritos, compreendem-se questões geracionais e características identitárias de uma juventude. Há vida naquelas páginas. Assim, fiz uma leitura possível quanto à percepção e apropriação dos jovens escreventes referente ao contexto político em que estavam inseridos. Desenvolvi uma percepção das leituras de mundo, formas de expressão de uma parcela da juventude da década de 1960. / The research aims to think the Education History through a look focused on the narratives produced by young students, historical individuals who attribute meanings to school experiences they have lived. Through the trails left by these writers in the student newspaper "O Julinho", produced by the Student's Union of Júlio de Castilhos School, in Porto Alegre city, RS, in the 1960s, this study aims to understand how the students were related to political issues of their time. So by studying a student journal, the research intends to better understand how these students used to participate politically of the school routine, what were their questions about the society they lived, which discourses affected them and analyse their positions in the face of institutions present in their lives, government institutions and the educational institutions they have studied. The research theme signs up in the field of Cultural History in the area of Education History, particularly in the field of press of education and teaching and Writing Culture. Through these contributions, the study aims to decipher realities of the past through representations by which men express themselves and the world. For the development of the paper, were analyzed 21 editions of the "O Julinho" of the 1960s which have nearly 540 published texts. After analyzing the materiality of the research object and its discursive content, the texts were classified by theme. From this classification resorted to those that dealed with governmental and educational policy issues, using the texts of the editorial and also those that addressed the teme of politicization. The research's temporality is the 1960s of 20th century. The inquires made, the inferences and the analysis are contextualized in this specific period. The 1960s were years of significatives social transformations, consequences from the postwar period, that influenced happenings in Brazil. The research doesn't give voice to the students, not even has the pretension of expose the truth. What it makes by working with the printed texts is to speak of truths. What is produced here is a narrative starting other narratives, from the writings in a student journal. The study's proposal follows the trail of the representations of the scribes, looking for their perceptions about the political context they were inserted. Throughout the study was possible to perceive relevant specifics of the research objetc, of the scribes and of the educational institutions; particularities not distant of the historical context. The analysis promoted a reflexion about the meanings produced by the students, thiking in how much they express political positions of a society or of a society portion. Thorugh their writings is possible to understand generational issues and identity characteristics of the youth. There is life in those pages. So I made a possible reading concerning the young scribes perception and apropriation about the political context they were inserted. I developped a perception of the world readings, expression ways of a portion of the youth of the 1960s of 20th century.
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"Just as Brutal?But without All the Fanfare"| African American Students, Racism, and Defiance during the Desegregation of Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 1954-1964Foote, Ruth Anita 12 April 2019 (has links)
<p> In 1954, Southwestern Louisiana Institute (now the University of Louisiana at Lafayette) became the first undergraduate school in the Deep South to desegregate. Its acclaim as the first, however, was promoted only because it lost as a defendant in <i>Clara Dell Constantine et al. v. Southwestern Louisiana Institute et al.</i> What occurred then, and the indignities experienced by African American students during that first decade has never been fully documented. The black experience was figuratively and literally blacked out. </p><p> African American students found themselves receiving lower grades in class than their white counterparts. Social events banned them, and school services denied access. To cope with racism, they drew strength by supporting one another, developing a grapevine, establishing their own social network, and most of all, keeping focused on their education. But not everyone was against them. Some whites risked their reputation, and became their brother’s keeper. </p><p> The four Pillars of Progress, commemorating the fiftieth anniversaries of SLI’s desegregation and <i>Brown</i> in 2004, stand today as a campus testament to that era. But what remains at odds is whether the desegregation of SLI was “without incident.” That still remains a matter of interpretation and depends on whom is being asked and who answers.</p><p>
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De criança a aluno: as representações da escolarização da infância em Mato Grosso (1910-1927) / From child to student: the representations of infant´s schooling in Mato Grosso (1910-1927)Silva, Elizabeth Figueiredo de Sá Poubel e 06 July 2006 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva compreender a implantação dos primeiros grupos escolares em Mato Grosso. O olhar se desloca das reformas educacionais e da história institucional e recai sobre a história da infância. Pretende perceber como este modelo escolar foi organizado para formar o futuro cidadão \"desejável\" para atuar na sociedade, inquirindo a cultura escolar que nela surgiu e as representações concorrentes de infância, presentes na sociedade mato-grossense. O período delimitado, de 1910 a 1927, refere-se ao tempo que vigorou o Regulamento da Instrução Pública Primária de 1910, responsável pela introdução deste modelo institucional no Estado. Entre muitas formas de se examinar a cultura escolar, privilegiei as fontes documentais encontradas no Arquivo Público de Mato Grosso, Arquivo da Casa Barão de Melgaço, Arquivo da Escola Estadual Presidente Médici, Arquivo da Secretaria Estadual de Educação, os quais oferecem enorme quantidade de informações a respeito do funcionamento dos grupos escolares e das representações dos governantes e dos profissionais da educação naquele momento. Refiro-me a regulamentos, legislações, mensagens de presidentes de estado, relatórios da direção dos grupos escolares e da instrução pública, atas da Congregação, ofícios internos dos grupos, jornais em circulação na época, entre outros. A tese está dividida em duas partes. Na primeira, discorro sobre a infância brasileira, principalmente a matogrossense, e as várias representações sociais em luta na época. Rivalizavam-se à representação de infância associada à escolarização dos grupos escolares (idade correspondente à série, afastamento da criança da família e da produção por cinco anos consecutivos, dentre outros) disseminada pelos governantes, outras concepções do lugar social da criança manifesta por pais e representantes da Igreja. Na segunda parte, analiso aspectos da cultura escolar, tais como o tempo, espaço, saberes e métodos. Busco, também, indícios para a construção da identidade da criança-aluno dos grupos escolares, perscrutando suas características; o acesso à escola; permanência e problemas com o fracasso escolar. O estudo da implantação dos grupos escolares, viabilizada pelo conjunto documental, permitiu me perceber a existência de representações concorrentes de infância e de sua escolarização, materializadas na organização de escolas públicas e privadas voltadas para o atendimento da criança em idade escolar. Possibilitou-me, também, constatar que o currículo dos grupos escolares foi organizado com a finalidade de constituir uma infância produtiva e ordeira, concebida como necessária a progresso social. / This thesis aims at understanding the implementation of the first scholar groups in Mato Grosso. The view departs from educational reforms and institutional history and looks at the infancy history. It tries to perceive how this scholar model was organized to form the future \"desirable\" citizen to act in the society, inquiring a scholar culture that arose and the concurrent representations of infancy, present in the Mato Grosso society. The chosen period, from 1910 to 1927, refer to the time which was enforced the 1910 Primary Public Instruction Regulation, responsible for the introduction of this institutional model in the State. Among the several forms to examine the scholar culture, I privileged the documental sources found in the Public Archive of Mato Grosso, the House of Barão de Melgaço Archive, the Presidente Médice State School Archive, the State Education Secretary Archive, which offer an enormous amount of information related to the way the infant\'s schools and the government representation and the education professionals worked at that time. I refer to regulations, legislations, messages from state presidents, reports from the infant\'s schools and public instruction directors, Congregation reports, internal documents from the infant\'s schools, newspapers circulating at the time, among others. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part, I describe about the brazilian infancy, particularly in Mato Grosso, and the several social representations fighting at the time. The representation of infancy associated to the scholarization of the infant´s schools (ages corresponding to the series, child away from the family and from the production for five consecutive years, among others) disseminated by the governants, rivaled other conceptions of the social place for children by the parents and Church representatives. In the second part, I analyze aspects of the scholar culture, such as time, space, knowledge and methods. I search, also, indications for the construction of the child-student identity in the infant\'s schools, investigating minutely their characteristics; the access to school; permanency and problems with scholar failure. The study of the implementation of the infant\'s schools, made possible by the documentary set, allowed me to observe the existence of concurrent representations of infancy and its schooling, materialized in the organization of public and private schools directed toward the attendance of the child in pertaining to school age.It made possible, also, for me to evidence that the curriculum of the infant\'s school was organized with the purpose to constitute a productive and orderly infancy, conceived as necessary to a social progress.
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Das entranhas da terra : disciplinamento, resistencia e luta : breve historia sobre a educação e cultura dos trabalhadores da mineração de ouro em Nova Lima - MG / seculo XIXAndrade, Antonio Luis de 04 October 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Olinda M. Noronha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T15:46:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Andrade_AntonioLuisde_M.pdf: 1454264 bytes, checksum: 2b67dec90e5e016c020f96b0d8a93395 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2001 / Resumo: A presente dissertação aborda o processo de disciplinamento e educação dos trabalhadores da mineração de ouro em Nova Lima ¿ MG, ao longo do século XIX e início do XX. Descreve os instrumentos e métodos utilizados pelos ingleses na tentativa de operar mudanças no comportamento, na cultura e identidade dos trabalhadores. Além disso, também trata dos instrumentos, das formas de luta e resistência desenvolvidas por esses trabalhadores. Procuro mostrar que mesmo frente a quase ausência da instituição escolar é possível identificar científica e objetivamente um processo educativo que faz parte da história da educação brasileira / Abstract: The present dissertation approaches the discipline and education processes carried out upon mining workers in Nova Lima, MG, throughout the 19th up to the early 20thc. It describes the instruments and methods used by the British in attempt to operate changes in the workers behaviour, culture and identity, as well as the workers resistance techniques, developed to oppose the British stand. Above all, this dissertation aims at showing that, despite a nearly absent educational institution, it is possible to identify, scientifically and objectively, an educational process that integrates the history of Brazilian education / Mestrado / Educação / Mestre em Educação / CNPQ
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陳子褒與淸末民初的女子敎育. / Chen Zibao and women's education in the late Qing and early Republican period / Chen Zibao yu Qing mo min chu de nü zi jiao yu.January 2001 (has links)
李漢英. / "2001年6月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2001. / 參考文獻 (leaves 120-128) / 附中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 6 yue" / Li Hanying. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2001. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 120-128) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 女學的興起:淸末士大夫興女學的思潮 --- p.7 / Chapter 第一節 --- 女學的初議一早期改良派興女學的主張 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 救亡的訴求一維新派興女學的實踐 --- p.9 / Chapter 第三節 --- 共和國的追求´ؤ革命派的女國民教育 --- p.13 / Chapter 第三章 --- 陳子褒的經歷及其教育救國的思想 --- p.16 / Chapter 第一節 --- 陳子褒的生平一由科舉士子到「婦孺之僕」 --- p.16 / Chapter 1. --- 由致力科舉的士子到維新派成員 --- p.16 / Chapter 2. --- 由維新派成員到致力教育救國的「婦孺之僕」 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教育救國思想的來源 --- p.24 / Chapter 1. --- 反抗外國侵略的愛國情懷 --- p.24 / Chapter 2. --- 基督的感召 --- p.27 / Chapter 3. --- 日本成功的先例 --- p.31 / Chapter 第三節 --- 陳子褒的教育救國理論 --- p.36 / Chapter 1. --- 培養中國人自立的精神 --- p.36 / Chapter 2. --- 提倡蒙學,培養救國人才 --- p.37 / Chapter 3. --- 以義學爲救國的命脈 --- p.38 / Chapter 4. --- 反對好古,倡白話淺說 --- p.40 / Chapter 5. --- 重視地理,擴展國家勢力 --- p.42 / Chapter 第四章 --- 女子教育的提倡及突破 --- p.46 / Chapter 第一節 --- 陳子褒興女學的理論 --- p.46 / Chapter 1. --- 批評教男不教女的風氣 --- p.46 / Chapter 2. --- 肯定女子讀書的作用 --- p.50 / Chapter 3. --- 主張小學教育權歸女子 --- p.52 / Chapter 第二節 --- 女子教育的實踐´ؤ辦學與教學 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三節 --- 女子教育的突破 --- p.61 / Chapter 1. --- 打破女子家庭教育的束縛 --- p.62 / Chapter 2. --- 開創男女同校的先例 --- p.66 / Chapter 第五章 --- 陳子褒所編讀本中的婦教內容與婦女問題的探討 --- p.69 / Chapter 第一節 --- 讀本的特色及內容 --- p.69 / Chapter 第二節 --- 女性的家庭角色及責任一賢妻良母的培育 --- p.74 / Chapter 1. --- 賢母的角色一母教 --- p.74 / Chapter 2. --- 賢婦的角色一相夫、孝養翁姑、一家和睦 --- p.77 / Chapter 第三節 --- 婦孺讀本與婦女解放的聲音 --- p.80 / Chapter 1. --- 纏足問題一反纏足的號召 --- p.80 / Chapter 2. --- 對婦女貞節觀的批判´ؤ寡婦再嫁的主張 --- p.85 / Chapter 3. --- 其他婦女問題的探討 --- p.91 / Chapter 第六章 --- 陳子褒提倡女學的成果 --- p.93 / Chapter 第一節 --- 陳門弟子對婦女問題的關注 --- p.94 / Chapter 第二節 --- 陳門弟子繼承師志的例子一一立意委身教育救國的冼玉淸 --- p.97 / Chapter 第三節 --- 陳門弟子繼承師志的例子二 ´ؤ創辦崇蘭,延續師志的曾璧山. --- p.100 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.104 / Chapter 第一節 --- 傳統的約束與解放 --- p.105 / Chapter 第二節 --- 女子教育與國家社會的義務與權利 --- p.107 / Chapter 第三節 --- 男性知識份子與中國婦女解放 --- p.109 / 附錄 / 附錄1:陳子褒先生遺像 --- p.111 / 附錄2:陳子褒生平大事 --- p.112 / 附錄3:陳子褒編著書目及首次出版年份 --- p.115 / 附錄4:陳子褒所編婦孺讀本的內容 --- p.116 / 徵引及參考資料 --- p.120
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