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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A philosophical study of structural and conceptual trends underlying the development of outcomes-based education

Fakier, M (Mursheed) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study looks at the structural and conceptual trends underlying the development of outcomes-based education. Part of the democratisation process of South African education involves the introduction of a system of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South African schools. Proponents of OBE claim that it constitutes a radical break from the previous apartheid education system. For this reason OBE is viewed as a transformational perspective on the curriculum. Viewed against this backdrop OBE strives to guarantee success for all learners; to empower learners in a learner-centred environment thus creating a critical, investigative, creative, problem-solving, communicative future-orientated citizen (Department of Education 1997:10). However, after doing an analysis and an interpretation of the White Paper on Education and Training (1996), it appears as if OBE with its "fixed" outcomes has a tendency to manipulate and control learners. The analysis shows that OBE stifles learners' critical, investigative, creative and problem-solving ability. The study also reveals that as a result of globalisation there is a global discourse on knowledge production which assumes that unless our system of education conforms with this global reality, our education could be considered as being of an inferior quality. The findings of the research suggest that OBE with its fixed outcomes cannot engender transformation on its own. Rational reflection, creativity and imagination need to be imbedded in practices of teaching and learning. By doing this, OBE could offer transformative opportunities for school communities at large. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om die strukturele en konseptuele tendens onderliggend aan die ontwikkeling van UGO (Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys) te ondersoek. Die bekendstelling van 'n UGO model in skole word gesien as deel van die demokratiseringsproses wat binne die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel plaasvind. Ondersteuners van UGO is dit eens dat UGO radikaal wegbeweeg van die apartheidsonderwysstelsel. Om hierdie rede word UGO dus gesien as 'n transformatoriese perspektieftot die kurikulum. Teen hierdie agtergrond streef UGO daama om sukses te waarborg vir alle leerders in 'n leerlinggesentreerde omgewing. Op die manier wil UGO 'n kritiese, ondersoekende, skeppende, probleemoplossende, kommunikatiewe en toekomsgerigte landsburger skep. Nadat daar egter 'n analitiese studie van die Witskrif vir Onderwys en Opleiding (1996) gedoen is wil dit tog voorkom asofUGO eerder daarop gemik is om leerders te manipuleer en te beheer. Trouens, die huidige diskoers oor kennisproduksie aanvaar dat indien 'n land se opvoeding nie die realiteit van globalisasie in ag neem nie word dit as minderwaardig beskou. Die bevindinge van die navorsmg stel voor dat UGO, met sy vaste uitkomste, wemige verandering alleen kan meebring. Daar word dus aan die hand gedoen dat indien rasionaliteit, kreatiwiteit en verbeeldingrykheid deel sou vorm van onderwys en leer dit op so 'n manier uitkomste kan komplementeer en sodoende betekenisvolle transformasie in die onderwys kan bewerkstellig.

Has educational transformation deepened democracy in public high schools?

Damons, Yolande L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The process of educational transformation in South Africa was characterised by the creation of a coherent policy and legislative framework (e.g. Constitution; South African Schools Act, 1996) that would form the basis for systematic changes. My concern is if or to what extend the transformational goals of access, redress, equality, quality, freedom and participation manifest itself in public high schools, particularly those schools from historically disadvantaged communities. Engaging in an interpretive and critical analysis of data (South African Schools Act, 1996 and diverse educator voices), I explore the conceptual and pragmatic links between different nuances of democracy in schools. There seem to be huge gaps between policy and practice. As the transformation of the education system is inseparable from the total transformation of our nation, I contend that the education landscape needs to be reviewed. A rigorous multi-facetted approach by all role players is necessary in order to meet the complexity of challenges to the process of transforming the education system of South Africa, in order to bring about a deep democracy. KEY WORDS: Education, transformation, democracy, participation, equality and quality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proses van onderwys-transformasie in Suid-Afrika is gekenmerk deur die daarstelling van 'n koherente beleids-en wetgewende raamwerk (o.a. Konstitusie; Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet, 1996), wat die grondslag van sistematiese veranderinge sou vorm. My besorgdheid is of, en tot watter mate die transformasie-doelwitte van toeganklikheid, regstelling, gelykheid, kwaliteit, vryheid en deelname in publieke hoërskole gemanifesteer word - veral dié skole in histories benadeelde samelewings. Verbind tot 'n interpretatiewe- en kritiese data-analise van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet en menings van diverse onderwyslui, ondersoek ek die konseptueie en pragmatiese skakeling tussen verskillende nuanses aangaande demokrasie in skole. Daar blyk groot gapings tussen beleid en praktyk te wees. Omdat die transformasie van die onderwysstelselonlosmaaklik deel vorm van die totale transformasie van ons nasie, voer ek aan dat die opvoedkundige landskap dringend in heroënskou geneem moet word. 'n Daadwerklike, multi-fassettige benadering deur alle rolspelers is nodig ten einde die komplekse uitdagings ten opsigte van die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys die hoof te bied, en sodoende 'n diep demokrasie tot stand te bring. SLEUTELWOORDE: Onderwys, transforrnasie, demokrasie, deelname, gelykheid en kwaliteit.

Managing change - how educational leaders manage transformational change within a framework of control and constraints

Schlebusch, Juliet Claire 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are many new developments in the field of schooling. Some of these developments - school based management, new curriculum developments and devolution of control to the school level have brought with it policy changes. Many educational leaders are struggling to keep pace with these changes that are taking place in the management of education. Others are struggling against the changes, while possibly not fully understanding the dynamics of these changes. In a time of rapid political and social change, the need for spelling out the concomitants of educational leadership has become both necessary and essential. Planned quality intervention by the state has completely underestimated the lack of managerial competencies among educational leaders. Quality in leadership is not a luxury item in educational transformation, changes in leadership are in fact central to instilling the democratic values and principles which underpin the new educational policies. There must also be a comprehensive strategy which addresses educational leadership as a school-wide intervention. There needs to be a more coordinated effort between provincial education departments and schools to bring their collective resources to bear on school quality change; but the process must be prioritised and co-ordinated by the state. This assignment seeks to establish what challenges and constraints educational leaders face in their attempts to effect transformation in South Africa. It details the daily strategies and plans used by educational leaders as they go about running their schools. Strategic opportunities in the policy field should be harnessed to drive education quality improvements. It is vital to link in-service development to policy implementation. Ultimately the monitoring and evaluation system in place must track the impact of the changes more carefully. This would allow departments to define future poiicies and programmes based on informed choices about which quality interventions make a difference. This is critical since the evidence shows that most changes have not always resulted in the planned leadership improvements. There is no reason for this trend to continue as this research shows that many schools have considerable advantages working in their favour: a relatively stable schooling infrastructure, a growing corps of qualified educational leaders and a policy environment in which there is optimism about change and transformation in the school sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is huidiglik vele nuwe ontwikkelinge in die onderwysstelsel. Sommige van die ontwikkelinge: skool - gebaseerde bestuur, nuwe kurrikulum ontwikkelinge en die afwenteling van bestuur na skoolvlak, het verskeie beleidsveranderinge meegebring. Vele onderwysleiers vind dit problematies om tred te hou met die veranderinge in die bestuur van opvoeding. Ander weer, toon 'n weerstand teen die veranderinge, moontlik omdat hulle nie die dinamika van die verandering verstaan nie. In 'n tyd van politieke en sosiale veranderinge, is dit belangrik en noodsaaklik om gepaardgaande verskynsels van onderwysleierskap na vore te bring. Beplande bevoegde toetredings van die staat het die tekorte aan bestuursbekwaamheid van onderwysleiers heeltemalonderskat. Bevoegdheid in leierskap kan nie geag word as 'n luukse item in onderwystransformasie nie. Veranderinge in leierskap is inderdaad sentraal tot die vaslegging van die demokratiese waardes en beginsels wat die nuwe onderwysbeleidsverklaringe ondersteun. Daar moet 'n allesomvattende strategie en -toetreding wees, wat onderwys leierskap as 'n skool aangeleentheid aanspreek. Daar word 'n skool gekoordineerde poging tussen provinsiale onderwysdepartemente en skole benodig om hulle kollektiewe hulpbronne toe te wy aan skoolkwaliteitsveranderinge, maar die proses moet deur die staat gekoordineer en goedgekeur word. Hierdie werkstuk poog om te bepaal watter uitdagings en beperkinge opvoedkundige leiers in die gesig staar in hul pogings om by te dra tot tranformasie in Suid-Afrika. Die strategieë en metodes wat deur opvoedkundige leiers gebruik, word in die daaglikse bestuur van instellings, word gespesifiseer. Dit is belangrik om onderwysontwikkeling aan beleidsimplementering te koppel. Die monitering en evalueringstelsels wat in plek is, moet noodwendig tred hou met die gevolge van die veranderinge. Dit sal toelaat dat departemente hul toekomstige beleide en programme, op ingeligte en kwaliteitstoetredings baseer, wat 'n verskil maak. Dit is krities, want bewyse dui aan dat veranderinge nie altyd in die beplande leierskapverbeteringe eindig nie. Daar is geen rede vir die veloop van gebeurtenisse nie, want die studie wys dat die skole aansienlike voordele in hul guns het: 'n betreklike stabiele skoolinfrastruktuur; 'n groeiende komponent van onderwysleiers, en 'n beleidsomgewing waarin daar optimisme oor veranderinge en transformasie in die opvoedingssektor is.

Leerkragte se belewing van bemagtiging en die implikasies daarvan vir die skoolkultuur en -klimaat : 'n ondersoek aan 'n hoërskool in die Suid-Kaap

Joubert, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the light of the emphasis on the decentralization of school management in South Africa, the empowerment of all role players to be involved in decision-making has became crucial. My concern is with the experience of the process of empowerment by leaders in education. The implications of empowerment or the lack there-off for the school culture and climate, as well as the underlying role played by the leadership approach of educational leaders, are examined. By engaging in an interpretative analysis of data (questionnaires which contains the views of various role players) I examined the relationship between empowerment, school culture and climate, as well as transformational leadership. Empowerment is not a simplistic concept which is clear from the mutual coherence between the school culture and climate and the particular role assumed by the transformational approach. The particular interaction between transformational leadership, empowerment and the school culture and climate implies greater clarity from all role players about the impact of empowerment. In this way participative management can realise in a spontaneous manner and can change be seen as a unique opportunity to improve teaching and learning. KEY WORDS Empowerment, school culture and climate and transformational leadership. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van die klem op die desentralisasie van skoolbestuur in Suid-Afrika is die bemagtiging van alle rolspelers tot effektiewe deelname in besluitneming onontbeerlik. My besorgdheid is met die belewing van die proses van bemagtiging deur onderwysleiers. Die implikasies van bemagtiging of die gebrek daaraan vir die skoolkultuur en -klimaat, asook die onderliggende rol wat die leierskapbenadering van die onderwysleiers in die verband speel, is ook ondersoek. Verbind tot 'n interpretatiewe data-analise (vraelyste met die menings van verskeie rolspelers daarin vervat) het ek die verband tussen bemagtiging, skoolkultuur en -klimaat en transformatiewe leierskap ondersoek. Bemagtiging is nie 'n simplistiese begrip nie dit blyk onder meer uit die onderlinge samehang daarvan met skoolkultuur en -klimaat en die besondere rol wat die transformatiewe leierskapbenadering veronderstel. Die besondere wisselwerking tussen transformatiewe leierskap, bemagtiging en skoolkultuur en -klimaat vereis 'n groter duidelikheid by alle rolspelers oor die impak van bemagtiging. Sodoende realiseer deelnemende bestuur spontaan en word verandering as 'n besondere geleentheid beskou om onderrig en leer voortdurend te verbeter. SLEUTELWOORDE Bemagtiging, skoolkultuur en -klimaat en transformatiewe leierskap

The control of education: a multilevel analysis of continuity and change in two districts of Kerala, India

Mullikottu Veettil, Mukundan. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Exploring innovative pedagogical practices and school disposition to change

Ip, Pui-shum., 葉沛森. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Education / Master / Master of Science in Information Technology in Education

'O' and 'A' Level examinations in history : a content analysis, its implications for teaching and for the reform of the G.C.E. syllabus

Inglis, William F. J. January 1978 (has links)
The InterdIsciplInary and exploratory nature of thIs thesis has made It difficult to write. The thesIs is InterdIscIplinary in the sense that it touches on a number of broad areas of study. The methodology which was adopted, In partIcular the use of content analysis and of certaIn statIstical processes rests on a knowledge of psychology. The category system which is made up of a number of types of hIstory could only be constructed after an extensIve consideration of the nature of history. The discussIon of the case for and agaInst the current syllabus,and the proposal for a new alternative syllabus at '0' and 'A' level (see Chapters 13 and 14), draws mainly on an understanding of the theoretical debates about the teaching of history which have occurred since the Second World War. FInally throughout the thesis references are made to the evidence and Ideas put forward by historians about particular periods of history. The thesis Is also exploratory.· The findings which are reported arise from the use of a category system drawing on the different types of history developed by hIstorians. No other researchuhas attempted to create such a broad category system, to assess Its valIdIty and reliability and then to employ It to code material dealinq with extensive periods of British and European history. At the same time the arguments, whIch are employed to defend and to attack the existinq syllabus (see Chapter 13), and to construct the outlines of a new syllabus (see Chapter 14), had to be created almost ab initio, since the dominance of particular types of history. both at university and school level. has not been debated extensively. either by historians. or by those writers. who discuss the teaching o f h·I story. These two asoects of the thesis have had a number of reoercussions. First of all vast topics have had to be discussed in a cursory fashion. For example all the arguments for the inclusion or exclusion of oartlcular types of history in the category system had to be reviewed in one chapter. a few pages being devoted to each of the types of history. Secondly maior themes and arguments relating to the nature of history. and to history teachinQ. have had to be exemplified with disturbing brevity. Thus the debate over the impact of oarticular types of history on the community(l) had to be illustrated by a small number of examples when the whole thesis could have been devoted to the discussion. Thirdly. and finally. the wide ranging nature of the thesis has made it impossible to conduct the exhaustive study of every aspect of the subject which would have been appropriate had the topic been more narrowly defined. However. despite these disadvantages. it is to be hoped that this interdisciplinary and exploratory study will throw light on a vital area of the history syllabus in schools.

The Arizona Student Assessment Program (ASAP) as educational policy.

Easton, Lois Brown. January 1991 (has links)
The Arizona Student Assessment Program (ASAP) is a major piece of legislation for Arizona, reducing norm-referenced standardized testing, providing performance-based assessments matching curriculum, requiring district articulation with state curriculum frameworks and assessments, collecting contextual information from districts, and producing complete profiles of schools, districts and the state. In its first year of implementation, the ASAP is appropriately examined through policy analysis rather than through an evaluation study. Six criteria for educational policy analysis developed by Mitchell (1986) were validated and used as interview questions with seven interviewees knowledgeable about the ASAP. Results of the interviews suggest the degree to which the ASAP is good educational policy and likely to make a difference in Arizona. Interviewees indicated that the ASAP is democratic, providing for both the needs of legitimate stakeholders and the general public interest. It recognizes and supports the organizational integrity of schools only if schools have begun to make some reform efforts of their own in the direction of the ASAP. The ASAP provides adequate means-end linkage for the first two years of implementation, including through school, district, and state profiles, but may need to provide additional help to districts during the first two years; furthermore, relief incentives may be needed, rather than sanctions or disincentives, to encourage continued implementation. The ASAP may not be integrated into overall state educational policy, primarily because there has been no unifying state policy until the ASAP. The ASAP may emerge as a force to reorient current and unify future policy. The ASAP will be expensive, but the interviewees felt the short and long-term benefits justify cost. The ASAP was the most politically feasible policy available to bring about the changes needed, but perhaps not the most palatable, especially to districts that have made no reform efforts of their own. Policy analysis using different criteria and evaluation studies are recommended.

VEIKSNIAI, ĮTAKOJANTYS MOKYTOJŲ NUOLATINĮ MOKYMĄSI ŠVIETIMO KAITOS KONTEKSTE / Factors that influence teachers’ life long learning in the context of educational change

Jankauskienė, Olga 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pokyčiai ekonomikoje ir darbo rinkoje sąlygojo politines ir mokslines diskusijas apie mokymąsi visą gyvenimą bei besimokančios visuomenės poreikius: rinkos ekonomika reikalauja nuolat atnaujinti turimus, bei įgyti naujus įgūdžius, žinias ir gebėjimus. Augantis tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas ir konkurencija įtakojo naują požiūrį į mokymąsi visą gyvenimą, apimantį tiek naujų kompetencijų įgijimą, tiek anksčiau įgytų tobulinimą. Švietimo reformų pasekoje, plėtojant žinių visuomenę, atsiranda vis daugiau galimybių bei iniciatyvos mokytis ir dalyvauti kaitos procesuose. Švietimo politikai akcentuoja būtinybę kelti mokymo kokybę, kuriai didžiulę įtaką turi pedagogų kvalifikacija, reikalaujanti nuolatinio tobulinimo ir atnaujinimo. Ilgainiui mokytojų vaidmuo pakito: jų pedagoginė veikla tapo labiau kompleksinė, reikalaujanti priimti savarankiškus sprendimus, todėl mokytojai skatinami nuolat tobulintis ir aktyviai dalyvauti mokyklos tobulinimo procese. Svarbu pabrėžti, kad žinios, įgūdžiai ir gebėjimai nėra įgyjami visam laikui, - jie turi būti nuolat atnaujinami visos mokytojo karjeros laikotarpiu. Dalyvavimą mokymosi visą gyvenimą procesuose sąlygoja tam tikri veiksniai, į kuriuos, kaip į mokymosi kontekstą, svarbu atsižvelgti, apibūdinant mokytojų nuolatinio mokymosi pasiekimų vertinimo bei pripažinimo specifiką. Daugelis mokymosi motyvus analizavusių autorių (V. Šernas 2003; A. Gaižutis 2003; V. Kučinskas 2001; K. Pukelis 2003; L. Stoll ir D. Fink 1998; V. Kavaliauskienė 2001; B... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Economical and social changes of society raise new requirements for particular individuals, thus the idea of constant studying starts to gain ground progressively. People aim at improvement of their professional qualification, acquiring more knowledge and experience. This favourably capacitates change and rising social status of the individuals. Hence, it is very important to emphasize the role of constant studying in the dynamic contemporary society. Occupation and activity are the important process of personal self-realisation. Professional education and training have significant effect upon occupation and social integration. Thus, it is necessary to draw attention to the factors and motives influencing upon the process of constant studying. Profession of a teacher is specific as it does not limit itself entirely to the capabilities of the teacher. The overall psychological structure: activeness, single-mindedness of activity, sources of abilities and way of activity – is also important there. Constant studying of the teachers, their qualification refreshment, which are related with improvement of own personality, self-knowledge, perception and assessment of own relation to the profession, and also reflect inner aspirations and stimulate cultural renewal. Motivation of teachers’ constant studying and professional development is related with the interest in own profession, eagerness to become a specialist with high qualification, giving sense to the teacher’s profession and... [to full text]

The Cape Technikon: a study of its human resource management training and development policy and practices

Hendricks, Shahieda Bebe January 2005 (has links)
This study investigates human resources management, training and development and their compliance with the skills development legislation and the link to the strategic goals of the Cape Technikon. The Cape Technikon is known as a previously &ldquo / white&rdquo / or advantaged institution. The institution's political history and consequent demographic profile display some scars of ignorance. This resulted in the institution's neglecting to invest in the development of those competencies needed to function in a constantly changing education, training and development environment. The success of any organisation depends on its human resources, who are the most important asset of any organisation, therefore effective and efficient human resources management and training and development management play a critical role in the well-being of employees. Human resources training and development policies, practices and activities guide the institution with implementation and should be considered to take on a strategic role to achieve their objectives.

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