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Essais sur les normes et les inégalités de genre / Essays on gender norms and inequalityVan Effenterre, Clémentine 21 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’impact des normes de genre et des institutions sur les choix éducatifs, les décisions d’offre de travail et les préférences politiques. Dans le premier chapitre, nous nous intéressons à l’influence du genre des enfants sur les opinions de leurs pères en matière de droits des femmes. Nous montrons que la présence d’au moins une fille parmi les enfants est associée à des attitudes plus marquées contre l’avortement pour les pères de droite et inversement, plus favorables à l’avortement pour les pères de gauche. Nous développons un modèle théorique dans lequel les pères, qui ont des préférences paternalistes, ont tendance à adopter des positions politiques plus extrêmes lorsqu’ils ont une fille plutôt qu’un garçon. La partie empirique de l’analyse repose sur l’utilisation de deux nouvelles sources de données : une base biographique des députés français, et une enquête post-électorale au niveau européen. Nos résultats suggèrent que les filles polarisent les attitudes de leur père en matière de droit à l’avortement. Ces résultats réconcilient en partie les conclusions contradictoires des travaux récents sur l’influence des filles sur les opinions politiques de leurs pères. Le deuxième chapitre est issu d’un travail commun avec E. Duchini. Nous étudions les décisions d’offre de travail des femmes dans un contexte institutionnel qui limitait jusqu’à récemment leur capacité à bénéficier d’un emploi du temps régulier. Historiquement en France, les enfants en âge d’aller à l’école maternelle et primaire n’avaient pas classe le mercredi. Nous utilisons la réforme dites des rythmes scolaires comme « expérience naturelle ». Avant 2013, les femmes dont le plus jeune enfant était en âge d’aller à l’école élémentaire étaient deux fois plus nombreuses que les hommes à ne pas travailler le mercredi. Afin de mesurer la réaction de l’offre de travail des mères à la réforme, nous utilisons la variation de son application dans le temps et en fonction de l’âge du plus jeune enfant. Nos résultats montrent que la réforme a permis à un plus grand nombre de femmes de travailler le mercredi, entraînant, en moins de deux ans, une réduction d’un tiers de leur différentiel de participation ce jour de la semaine par rapport aux femmes du groupe de contrôle. Cet effet est essentiellement attribuable aux mères pour qui une présence régulière au travail est particulièrement profitable, comme celles qui travaillent à des postes d’encadrement. Le troisième chapitre présente les résultats d’une expérimentation avec assignation aléatoire conduite de septembre 2015 à février 2016 avec T. Breda, J. Grenet et M. Monnet. Cette expérimentation montre que l’intervention courte d’un modèle positif d’identification féminin (role model) peut influencer les attitudes des apprenants, et contribuer ensuite à modifier leur choix d’orientation. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons des éléments descriptifs sur les attitudes différenciées des filles et des garçons vis-à-vis des sciences, et sur l’importance des stéréotypes vis-à-vis des femmes dans les sciences chez les lycéens. A l’aide d’une assignation aléatoire des élèves dans un groupe traité et dans un groupe contrôle, nous étudions l’impact causal des modèles positifs d’identification sur les aspirations, les attitudes et les choix éducatifs. Ces modèles féminins extérieurs font baisser de manière significative la prévalence des visions stéréotypées associées aux métiers dans les sciences, tant chez les élèves filles que garçons. Le traitement n’a pas d’effet significatif sur le choix d’orientation des élèves de seconde, mais la proportion de filles qui s’orientent et sont admises en classe préparatoire scientifique après le lycée augmente de 3 points de pourcentage. Cet effet correspond à une augmentation de 30% par rapport à la moyenne du groupe de contrôle. Ces changements sont principalement attribuables aux élèves ayant les meilleurs résultats scolaires en mathématiques. / This dissertation examines the role of gender norms and institutions on human capital formation, labor supply, and political preferences. In the first chapter, I use both theoretical and empirical analysis to study the impact of offspring’s gender on their parental political beliefs toward gender issues. I examine the hypothesis that men’s political attitudes toward abortion do respond to the presence of a daughter, but differently according to their general political beliefs. This polarization effect of daughters means that the presence of a daughter is associated with more anti-abortion (respectively pro-abortion) views for right-wing (respectively left-wing) fathers. This argument is investigated in a simple economic model and its implications are studied empirically using two original datasets. The model predicts that fathers with paternalistic preferences adopt more extreme political positions when they have a daughter than when they have a son. The empirical investigation provides evidence of a polarization effect of daughters on fathers’ views on abortion. The magnitude of the effect corresponds to around 30% of the impact of right-wing political affiliation on abortion support. In the second chapter, together with E. Duchini, we investigate women’s employment decisions when institutions limit their chances of having a regular working schedule. We use a recent reform as a natural experiment to show that women do value flexibility when their children demand it. Before 2013, women whose youngest child was of primary school age were twice as likely as men not to work on Wednesdays. To measure mothers’ response, we exploit variations in the implementation of this policy over time and across the age of the youngest child. Our results show that, although mothers take advantage of the reform to close 1/3 of their initial gap in the probability of working on Wednesday with respect to the control group. This response seems to be driven by mothers who are more rewarded for a regular presence at work, such as those working in managerial positions. The third chapter reports the results of a large-scale randomized experiment showing that a light-touch, in-class intervention of external female role models, can influence students’ attitudes and contribute to a significant change in their choice of field of study. While the impact of peers and "horizontal exposure" on aspirations gained greater attention in the recent literature, surprisingly little is known about the impact of exposure to role models on students’ attitudes and schooling decisions. Together with T. Breda, J. Grenet and M. Monnet, we implemented and monitored a large-scale experiment in randomly selected high-school classes in France from September 2015 to February 2016. We first document gender differences in attitudes toward science, as well as the prevalence of stereotypical opinions with respect to women in science among high school students. Using random assignment of students to a one-hour intervention, we investigate the causal impact of role models on aspirations, attitudes, and educational investment. External female role models significantly reduce the prevalence of stereotypes associated to jobs in science, both for female and male students. Using exhaustive administrative data, we do not find significant effect of the treatment on the choices of year 10-students, but we show that the proportion of female students enrolled in selective science programs after high school graduation increases by 3 percentage points, which corresponds to a 30 percent-increase with respect to the baseline mean. These effects are essentially driven by high-achieving students.
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O papel das habilidades socioemocionais no fluxo escolar: uma análise do Ensino Médio brasileiro / The role of socio emotional skills on the school flow: an analysis of Brazilian high-schoolCaluz, Antonio Daniel Ricardo Engracia 18 July 2018 (has links)
O fluxo escolar brasileiro representa um problema crônico para o caso do Ensino Médio do país. A literatura mostra que o retorno do investimento escolar é atrativo no país, tanto por apresentar uma taxa média alta, como pelo fato de que o adicional de salário devido aos níveis educacionais mais altos são maiores do que nos estágios iniciais da educação, i.e., o retorno educacional brasileiro aparenta ser crescente e convexo, diferente do que se apresenta na literatura internacional. A explicação usual para a evasão se dá através das restrições orçamentárias e de crédito enfrentadas pelas famílias que, sendo restritas no acesso ao crédito, poderia fazer com que o jovem saísse da escola precocemente, mesmo que o aluno esperasse um salário futuro maior. Somado a este retorno atrativo da educação, o país expandiu abruptamente os gastos educacionais. Porém, apesar da expansão, a escolaridade e as medidas de fluxo no país não reagiram proporcionalmente, despertando, assim, a atenção da literatura para explicação desse puzzle. A despeito destes fatos, a literatura internacional avançou no sentido de mostrar dois fatos que auxiliam na investigação dessa questão: em primeiro lugar, o retorno da educação pode variar entre indivíduos, ainda que a média seja alta. Por exemplo, indivíduos com maior aptidão podem ser os que se beneficiam mais de uma escolaridade maior, explicando o motivo de alguns abandonarem a escola. Em segundo lugar, a literatura avançou em mostrar que um fator importante na previsão de resultados escolares são habilidades não-cognitivas, como as habilidades socioemocionais. Portanto, este presente trabalho buscou explorar uma coleta de dados realizada em Sertãozinho - SP, em 2008, 2012 e 2017, em que estão disponíveis dados socioemocionais dos estudantes, além de dados demográficos e cognitivos, de estudantes que estavam no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental em 2008, e em 2017 idealmente estariam no Ensino Médio, possibilitando investigar se existe uma associação entre características socioemocionais e o fluxo escolar. Os resultados indicam que tais fatores têm poder preditivo relevante na explicação do fluxo escolar brasileiro, medidos pela probabilidade de os indivíduos permanecerem estudando e pela probabilidade de se atingir o Ensino Médio em 2017, sendo que a Conscienciosidade e a Amabilidade do estudante aumentam a chance do aluno persistir estudando, enquanto que a Extroversão reduz essa probabilidade, em linha com algumas evidências da literatura. Os resultados trazem como contribuição uma evidência empírica inicial acerca da associação entre habilidades não-cognitivas e o fluxo escolar brasileiro. / The Brazilian school flow represents a chronic problem for the country\'s high school case. The literature shows that the return on school investment is attractive in the country, both for having a high average rate, and for the fact that the additional salary due to higher education levels is higher than in the early stages of education, ie, The Brazilian educational return appears to be growing and convex, different from what is presented in the international literature. The usual explanation for avoidance is through budget and credit constraints faced by families who, being restricted in access to credit, could cause the young person to leave school early, even if the student expects a larger future salary. Added to this attractive return of education, the country abruptly expanded educational spending. However, despite the expansion, the schooling and flow measures in the country did not react proportionally, thus awakening the attention of the literature to explain this textit puzzle. In spite of these facts, the international literature has advanced to show two facts that help in the investigation of this question: firstly, the return of education can vary among individuals, even if the average is high. For example, individuals with higher aptitude may be those who benefit most from higher schooling, explaining why some drop out of school. Second, the literature has advanced in showing that an important factor in predicting school outcomes are non-cognitive skills, such as social-emotional skills. Therefore, this study aimed to explore a data collection held in Sertãozinho - SP, in 2008, 2012 and 2017, in which are available socioemotional data of the students, as well as demographic and cognitive data, of students who were in the second year of Elementary Education in 2008, and by 2017 would ideally be in High School, making it possible to investigate if there is an association between socioemotional characteristics and the school flow. The results indicate that such factors have a relevant predictive power in the explanation of the Brazilian school flow, measured by the probability of individuals remaining studying and by the probability of reaching high school in 2017, and the student\'s Conscientiousness and Kindness increase the chance of while the Extroversion reduces this probability, in line with some evidence in the literature. The results contribute as an initial empirical evidence about the association between non-cognitive abilities and the Brazilian school flow.
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Socio-economic Determinants of Demand for Private TutoringSafarzynska, Karolina 21 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines socio-economic factors underlying the demand for private tutoring. The analysis utilizes two samples of students from lower- and upper-level secondary schools in Poland based on the PISA 2006 data set. Special attention is paid to channels through which private tutoring may endure socio-economic inequalities, especially in the context of the gender gap in education outcomes. We find that parents' decisions concerning private education are sensitive to student gender, which may raise concerns for policymakers committed to provide equal opportunities and outcomes in education. At the level of gymnasium (lower-level secondary school), female students are more likely to enrol in private tutoring in mathematics than male students. The evidence indicates the opposite with respect to private tutoring in Polish and preparatory courses for the gymnasium final examination. The grade from the final exam does not affect the probability of graduating from gymnasium, but it is used by upper secondary schools for the admission purpose. In upper secondary schools, we find that male students are less likely to participate in private education services than female students. This may be indicative of an increase in power of students in household's decision-making as they graduate from gymnasium. (author's abstract)
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O papel das habilidades socioemocionais no fluxo escolar: uma análise do Ensino Médio brasileiro / The role of socio emotional skills on the school flow: an analysis of Brazilian high-schoolAntonio Daniel Ricardo Engracia Caluz 18 July 2018 (has links)
O fluxo escolar brasileiro representa um problema crônico para o caso do Ensino Médio do país. A literatura mostra que o retorno do investimento escolar é atrativo no país, tanto por apresentar uma taxa média alta, como pelo fato de que o adicional de salário devido aos níveis educacionais mais altos são maiores do que nos estágios iniciais da educação, i.e., o retorno educacional brasileiro aparenta ser crescente e convexo, diferente do que se apresenta na literatura internacional. A explicação usual para a evasão se dá através das restrições orçamentárias e de crédito enfrentadas pelas famílias que, sendo restritas no acesso ao crédito, poderia fazer com que o jovem saísse da escola precocemente, mesmo que o aluno esperasse um salário futuro maior. Somado a este retorno atrativo da educação, o país expandiu abruptamente os gastos educacionais. Porém, apesar da expansão, a escolaridade e as medidas de fluxo no país não reagiram proporcionalmente, despertando, assim, a atenção da literatura para explicação desse puzzle. A despeito destes fatos, a literatura internacional avançou no sentido de mostrar dois fatos que auxiliam na investigação dessa questão: em primeiro lugar, o retorno da educação pode variar entre indivíduos, ainda que a média seja alta. Por exemplo, indivíduos com maior aptidão podem ser os que se beneficiam mais de uma escolaridade maior, explicando o motivo de alguns abandonarem a escola. Em segundo lugar, a literatura avançou em mostrar que um fator importante na previsão de resultados escolares são habilidades não-cognitivas, como as habilidades socioemocionais. Portanto, este presente trabalho buscou explorar uma coleta de dados realizada em Sertãozinho - SP, em 2008, 2012 e 2017, em que estão disponíveis dados socioemocionais dos estudantes, além de dados demográficos e cognitivos, de estudantes que estavam no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental em 2008, e em 2017 idealmente estariam no Ensino Médio, possibilitando investigar se existe uma associação entre características socioemocionais e o fluxo escolar. Os resultados indicam que tais fatores têm poder preditivo relevante na explicação do fluxo escolar brasileiro, medidos pela probabilidade de os indivíduos permanecerem estudando e pela probabilidade de se atingir o Ensino Médio em 2017, sendo que a Conscienciosidade e a Amabilidade do estudante aumentam a chance do aluno persistir estudando, enquanto que a Extroversão reduz essa probabilidade, em linha com algumas evidências da literatura. Os resultados trazem como contribuição uma evidência empírica inicial acerca da associação entre habilidades não-cognitivas e o fluxo escolar brasileiro. / The Brazilian school flow represents a chronic problem for the country\'s high school case. The literature shows that the return on school investment is attractive in the country, both for having a high average rate, and for the fact that the additional salary due to higher education levels is higher than in the early stages of education, ie, The Brazilian educational return appears to be growing and convex, different from what is presented in the international literature. The usual explanation for avoidance is through budget and credit constraints faced by families who, being restricted in access to credit, could cause the young person to leave school early, even if the student expects a larger future salary. Added to this attractive return of education, the country abruptly expanded educational spending. However, despite the expansion, the schooling and flow measures in the country did not react proportionally, thus awakening the attention of the literature to explain this textit puzzle. In spite of these facts, the international literature has advanced to show two facts that help in the investigation of this question: firstly, the return of education can vary among individuals, even if the average is high. For example, individuals with higher aptitude may be those who benefit most from higher schooling, explaining why some drop out of school. Second, the literature has advanced in showing that an important factor in predicting school outcomes are non-cognitive skills, such as social-emotional skills. Therefore, this study aimed to explore a data collection held in Sertãozinho - SP, in 2008, 2012 and 2017, in which are available socioemotional data of the students, as well as demographic and cognitive data, of students who were in the second year of Elementary Education in 2008, and by 2017 would ideally be in High School, making it possible to investigate if there is an association between socioemotional characteristics and the school flow. The results indicate that such factors have a relevant predictive power in the explanation of the Brazilian school flow, measured by the probability of individuals remaining studying and by the probability of reaching high school in 2017, and the student\'s Conscientiousness and Kindness increase the chance of while the Extroversion reduces this probability, in line with some evidence in the literature. The results contribute as an initial empirical evidence about the association between non-cognitive abilities and the Brazilian school flow.
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Parcours des étudiants de l'université : les files d'attente pour l'éducation et l'emploi à l'aune de Sen et Bourdieu / Pathways of university students : queues for education and employment drawing on Sen and Bourdieu theoriesMénard, Boris 05 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse des inégalités appliquées d’une part aux parcours éducatifs des jeunes et, d’autre part, à leurs répercussions sur l’emploi. En effet, les inégalités à l’insertion s’accentuent, non seulement entre détenteurs de diplômes distincts, mais aussi comparables. Pour expliquer les déterminants des choix individuels dans un contexte de file d’attente, nous mobilisons une approche socioéconomique originale autour des concepts de Sen et Bourdieu pour décrire les espaces d’opportunités dont disposent les jeunes. Une telle démarche nécessite dans une première partie une revue critique des théories usuelles de l’offre. Les théories de la demande offrent une prise en compte plus complète des caractéristiques des emplois, mais sont limitées pour expliquer le rôle des parcours éducatifs sur l’accès à l’emploi. Les conceptualisations de Sen et Bourdieu sont alors associées pour expliquer les situations de reproduction sociale comme de non-reproduction. Dans une seconde partie, les analyses s’intéressent en premier lieu aux parcours des diplômés en sciences à l’issue de l’obtention de la licence générale. La pondération des parcours par les capitaux économiques et culturels permet de caractériser les éléments qui contrecarrent ou renforcent une reproduction qui n’en demeure pas moins dominante. Les investigations sur les parcours sont prolongées autour du décrochage, à partir des données Génération 2010. Une lecture à l’aune des capabilités permet d’illustrer son caractère protéiforme et l’influence du milieu social. La dernière partie élargit la perspective à la transition sur le marché du travail. La pondération sociale est cette fois appliquée aux trajectoires de sortie du supérieur qui ne produisent pas les mêmes effets sur les capabilités pour l’emploi suivant le milieu social. In fine, les investigations sur les dispositifs d’accompagnement à l’insertion suggèrent qu’ils peuvent faciliter les transitions mais peinent à réduire les inégalités. / This thesis aims to analyze the inequalities in the educational pathways and their implications for access to the labor market. Indeed, integration inequalities are increasing, not only between holders of distinct degrees but also comparable. To explain the determinants of individual choices, we’re drawing on an original socio-economic approach mixing Sen and Bourdieu concepts to describe the opportunities available to young people in an institutional context marked by a queue.Such an approach requires, in a first part, a review of the usual theories around the labor supply. The labor queue and segmentation theories offer a more comprehensive view of the determinants of demand and job characteristics but are limited to explain the role of education on employment. Sen and Bourdieu conceptualizations are associated to overcome these limitations. This association makes it possible to explain situations of social reproduction as well as non-reproduction. Empirical investigations to operationalize the approach focus first deal with science graduates’ paths after obtaining the general bachelor. The weighting by economic and cultural capital of the courses helps characterize the elements which either stymie or reinforce a nonetheless dominant reproduction. Investigations on pathways are extended in a subsequent chapter on the issue of dropping out, using Generation 2010 data. A reading by capability yardsticks illustrates its protean character, varying with the social milieu. The last part broadens the Seno-Bourdieusian perspective to the transition to the labor market. This time, the social weighting is applied to trajectories in higher education and shows that these paths do not have the same effects on the "capabilities for work" following social milieu. Ultimately, investigations into the integration support devices suggest that if they can facilitate professional transitions, they are struggling to reduce the "capability gap".
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L'école primaire en Tunisie (1956-2014) : l’influence des secteurs culturel, social, économique et politique sur les représentations que les enseignants se font de leurs élèves / Primary school in Tunisia (1956-2014) : the influence of cultural, social, economic and political sectors on representations that teachers have upon their studentsZghal, Jamil 13 February 2015 (has links)
Une activité pédagogique est un ensemble d’actions s’additionnant et se croisant en faveur d’un objectif déterminé au préalable et qui est au-delà d’un exercice ou d’une évaluation. C’est un processus qui, d’une part fait apparaître un produit unique tel que le nouvel apprentissage en termes de compétences et de savoir-faire et, d’autre part, amène une réorganisation de schèmes, connaissances et compétences en faveur d’une nouvelle strate de stabilité dans le sens piagétien du terme. La construction du savoir est une tâche individuelle effectuée par l’apprenant lui-même par le biais de l’enseignant qui doit jouer le rôle de médiateur pédagogique, cognitif et social. Ce rôle demande à l’enseignant des compétences professionnelles à la fois solides et délicates, solides parce qu’il doit se doter de connaissances suffisantes relatives à la matière enseignée et à la didactique de cette matière, et délicates parce que l’enseignement est un travail qui se base forcément sur les affects et les émotions. Ce travail dépend, d’une part, des représentations que se fait l’enseignant de l’élève dans ses trois statuts, à savoir en tant qu’élève comme statut social, apprenant comme statut didactique et enfant comme statut psychologique et d’autre part, il s’appuie sur l’ensemble des autres facteurs qui peuvent être opérationnels dans l’activité pédagogique tels que l’espace, au sens général du terme, et la planification.Les représentations que se fait l’enseignant de son élève s’inspirent, d’une façon consciente et/ou inconsciente, de maints facteurs qui ont servi (ou servent) à forger sa personnalité et l’orientation de ses propres choix, tels que les facteurs socio-économiques et culturels et la sphère politique. Ces facteurs forment ce qu’on a appelé les inputs des représentations de l’enseignant. Les outputs sont les différents choix relationnels et pédagogiques en termes de comportements et de décisions instantanées. L’activité pédagogique est un travail de communication et de relation. En effet, elle s’appuie, d’un côté sur les contenus scolaires, et d’un autre, sur les aspects comportementaux des personnes intervenantes tels que l’enseignant et les élèves en tant que groupe et individus. La nature des représentations que chaque partie se fait de l’autre contribue à orienter, d’une façon radicale, le processus de l’apprentissage et de l’appropriation. Ces représentations sont des facteurs déclencheurs dans toute action pédagogique. Dans ce travail, nous tentons d’approfondir l’idée que les représentations que l’enseignant se fait de son élève en tant que tel, en tant qu’apprenant et en tant qu’enfant, influencées par la sphère politique et les facteurs économico-socioculturels, orientent ses choix pédagogiques en termes de comportements relationnels et communicationnels. Il contient trois parties distinctes. Tout d’abord une partie théorique où nous avons tenté d’approfondir notre réflexion sur les différents concepts-clés et de tisser les éventuelles relations qui les lient. Une deuxième partie nous a servi à envisager successivement de mettre en lumière l’importance des principaux facteurs historiques, socio-économiques, anthropologiques et politiques qui déterminent les empreintes intrinsèques consciemment et ou inconsciemment de la personnalité de l’enseignant. Dans la troisième partie, la partie analytique, nous avons objectivement, quantitativement et qualitativement traité les données recueillies. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de valider l’hypothèse centrale et les quatre sous-réponses que nous avons proposées. Ces travaux de recherche servent à améliorer la réflexion sur le perfectionnement des relations qui se produisent au sein d’un groupe-classe. Cette amélioration vise, selon nous, le bien-être, le savoir-faire et le savoir-être de l’élève. Par conséquent, dans l’action d’apprendre, le rôle de l’école ne se limite plus aux apprentissages scolaires / An educational activity is a set of actions added and crossed for a specific purpose in advance and that is beyond a year of assessement. This process is, on the one hand shows a unique product such as a new learning in terms of skills and knowledge and, secondly, induces reorganization schemes, knowledge and skills in favor of another layer of stability in Piaget's sense. The construction of knowledge is an individual task performed by the learners themselves. however, the teacher plays the role of pedagogical, cognitive and social mediator. This role requires the professional skills of the teacher which should be sometimes both strong and delicate times, solid because it needs to have sufficient knowledge of the subject matter and the teaching of this material, and delicate because education is a work that is necessarily based on the affects and emotions. This work depends, on the one hand, on the representations that the teacher does on students in the three status, firstly, a student as a social status, secondly, a learner as a teaching status and thirdly, a child as a psychological status. From another perspective, he relies on all the other factors that may be operating in the educational activity such as space in a general sense and planning. The representations that the teacher has on his inspired pupils, consciously and / or unconsciously, have served many factors (or are serving) that forging his personality and directing his own choice, such as the socio- economic and cultural factors and political sphere. These factors consists of what is called the input representations of the teacher. The outputs are not only different in relational and educational terms of behavior but also on instant choice of decisions. The pedagogic activity is a communicative task and a set of relationships. Indeed, it relies on the one hand on the academic content, and on the other hand on the behavioral aspects of the intervening people such as teachers and students as a group and individuals. The nature of these representations, that each party has, which an influence on the other helps to direct, in a radical way, the process of learning and ownership. These representations are triggers in any teacher. In this activity, we try to develop the idea of the representations that the teacher has on his student, as a learner and as a child, influenced by politics and economic socio-cultural factors, guide its educational choices in terms of relationship and behavioral communication. It consists of three distinct parts .The first part is a theoretical part where we tried to reflect further on the different key concepts and build any relationships between them .In the second part, we used to consider successively highlight the significance of historical key, socio-economic, anthropological and political factors that determine the intrinsic fingerprints, consciously or unconsciously, the personality of the teacher. In the third part, the analytical part, we objectively analyse the quantitative and qualitative analyzed the collected data. The results allowed us to validate the central hypothesis and the four responses that we proposed. This research is used to improve the reflection on the development of relationships within a class group. This improvement is, in the well-being, the expertise and know- being of the student. Therefore, in the learning action, the role of the school is no longer limited to academic learning but will be a workshop where children learn how to build a real relationship into knowledge and life.
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Efficience et stéréotypes de genre : applications à l'allocation des ressources dans les ménages et aux choix éducatifs / Efficiency and gender stereotypes : applications to the allocation of resources within households and educational choicesThibout, Claire 15 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la prise de décison au sein des couples ainsi que l’analyse des choix éducatifs selon le genre. Jusqu’à présent, les modèles économiques offrent une meilleure compréhension de ces décisions, mais ne parviennent pas à expliquer les différences de genre dans leur globalité. En effet, les variables économiques traditionnelles ne permettent pas de représenter entièrement l’allocation du temps entre les partenaires, et les modèles de capital humain ne parviennent pas à expliquer pourquoi les filles choisissent des filières éducatives moins rémunératrices. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse va alors chercher à mieux comprendre les déterminants de « qui obtient quoi » dans le couple, en terme de ressources monétaires et de temps. Puis un second chapitre va se pencher sur la sphère production du ménage, en confrontant l’hypothèse d’efficience aux choix d’allocation du temps dans les couples. Il s’avère que cette hypothèse semble remise en cause au niveau du processus de production des ménages. Mais comment représenter alors les comportements ? Il pourrait être judicieux de chercher à représenter un optimum de second rang, intégrant des contraintes ou représentations sociales, et plus particulièrement des stéréotypes de genre ou croyances différentiées de la société envers les compétences des hommes et des femmes. Le troisième chapitre analyse ainsi l’impact sur les choix éducatifs de croyances différentes envers les compétences des filles et des garçons en sciences et lettres. Puis un dernier chapitre étudie l’impact de stéréotypes de genre cette fois-ci portant sur les compétences des hommes et des femmes pour produire des biens domestiques. / This thesis is devoted to the study of decision making within couples and the analysis of gendered educational choices. Until now, economic models provide a better understanding of behaviors, but do not achieve to explain gender differences in a whole. Indeed, traditional economic variables do not allow to represent entirely the allocation of time between partners, and human capital models do not achieve to explain why girls choose less paid tracks. The first chapter of this dissertation aims at better understanding determinants of “who gets what” within couples, in terms of monetary resources and time. Then a second chapter focuses on the production sphere of the household, by confronting the efficiency assumption to the allocation of time within couples. It is shown that the efficiency assumption seems to be challenged in the household production process. But how can we then represent behaviors ? It may be judicious to try to represent a second best optimum, integrating some constraints or social representations, and particularly gender stereotypes or different beliefs in the society on the abilities of men and women. The third chapter than investigates the impact of different beliefs about the abilities of boys and girls in sciences and humanities on educational choices. Then a last chapter analyses the influence of gender stereotypes upon abilities of men and women to produce domestic goods.
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”Alltså IT är världens framtid!” : En studie om gymnasieelevers förväntningar på programmeringsundervisningen på Teknikprogrammet och vad som motiverat dem till gymnasievalet / ”IT really is the future!” : A Study about Upper Secondary School Students Expectations around Programming Education and What Motivated Them to Opt for an Education Containing ProgrammingLoman, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Programmering och datalogiskt tänkande införs i allt fler länders läroplaner. I svensk grundskola skall eleverna få lära sig visuell programmering och datalogiskt tänkande men det är inte tydligt inskrivet att de ska få lära sig textbaserad programmering (Skolverket, 2021a). I denna studie har undersökts vad som motiverat elever på Teknikprogrammets inriktning Informations- och medieteknik (TEINF) att välja inriktningen samt vad deras förväntningar är på programmeringsundervisningen. Studien har använt sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med elever på första året på TEINF där det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Fyra teman och fyra subteman identifierades inom vad som motiverat eleverna att söka TEINF och ett temarörande förväntningarna på programmeringsundervisningen. De teman som hittades fick namnen En lysande framtid, Teknik i vardagskontexten, Den sociala aspekten och Autentisk programmering. Eleverna har växt upp omgivna av datorer och använt sig av dem på ett lustfyllt sätt för att spela datorspel och konsumera streamad video. Vidare har de någon i familjen, förälder eller syskon, som arbetar inom teknik eller har en teknisk hobby. Eleverna är också företrädesvis unga män med en mycket positiv bild av en växande IT-bransch och deras egen möjlighet att få trygga, välbetalda, anställningar om de skaffar sig programmeringskunskaper. Några elever framhåller sociala aspekter på sitt gymnasieval, de hoppas kunna hitta nya vänner med liknande intressen. Två av de intervjuade eleverna hade erhållit erfarenheter av att skriva programkod i grundskolan, övriga elevers erfarenheter av programmering begränsades till visuell programmering. Alla elevers förväntan på programmeringen i gymnasieskolan var att de skulle få skriva programkod och de gav uttryck för att skrivande av programkod var mer autentiskt än visuell programmering. / More and more countries are including computational thinking and programming in their curriculums. In Swedish compulsory school students are supposed to learn visual programming and computational thinking but textual programming is not explicitly in the curriculum (Skolverket, 2021a). This study seeks to find out what motivates students to apply for the technology program, with Information and media technology focus, in upper secondary school (TEINF) and what they expect from programming courses. The study uses semistructured interviews with six students attending the first year of TEINF. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Four main themes and four sub themes were found. Three of the main themes were about what motivated the students to apply for the program and one theme was about expectations about programming education. The themes found were A bright future, Everyday technology, The social aspect and Authentic programming. The students have been surrounded by computers and used them for entertainment mostly for playing games and consuming streamed video. They also have a family member, a parent or sibling, with awork within technology or a hobby that would be categorized as technological. The students are mostly young men with a very positive view of a booming IT industry and they are convinced that programming skills will help them land good, well paid, jobs. A pair of students emphasizes socialaspects when interviewed about motivation to apply for the program. They hoped to make new friends with similar interests. Two of the students had been introduced to textual programming in compulsory school. The other students' programming experience was limited to visual programming. All students expected to be taught to write programming code and thought of textual programming as more authentic than visual programming.
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