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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mass transfer coefficients and effective area of packing

Wang, Chao 01 September 2015 (has links)
The effective mass transfer area (a [subscript e]), liquid film mass transfer coefficient (k [subscript L]), and gas film mass transfer coefficient (k [subscript G]) of eleven structured packings and three random packings were measured consistently in a 0.428 m packed column. Absorption of CO₂ with 0.1 gmol/L NaOH with 3.05 m packing was used to measure a [subscript e], while air stripping of toluene from water with 1.83 m packing was used to measure k [subscript L], and absorption of SO₂ with 0.1 gmol/L NaOH with 0.51 m packing was used to measure k [subscript G]. The experiments were conducted with liquid load changing from 2.5 to 75 m³/(m²*h) and gas flow rate from 0.6 to 2.3 m/s. Packings with surface area from 125 to 500 m²/m³ and corrugation angle from 45 to 70 degree were tested to explore the effect of packing geometries on mass transfer. The effective area increases with packing surface area and liquid flow rate, and is independent of gas velocity. The packing corrugation angle has an insignificant effect on mass transfer area. The ratio of effective area to surface area decreases as surface area increases due to the limit of packing wettability. A correlation has been developed to predict the mass transfer area with an average deviation of 11%. [Mathematical equation]. The liquid film mass transfer coefficient is only a function of liquid velocity with a power of 0.74, while the gas film mass transfer coefficient is only a function of gas velocity with a power of 0.58. Both k [subscript L] and k [subscript G] increase with packing surface area, and decrease with corrugation angle. A new concept, Mixing Point Density, was introduced to account for effect of the packing geometry on k[subscript L] and k [subscript G]. Mixing Point Density represents the frequency at which liquid film is refreshed and gas is mixed. The mixing point density can be calculated by either packing characteristic length or by surface area and corrugation angle: [mathematical equation]. The dimensionless k [subscript L] and k [subscript G] models can then be developed based on the effects of liquid/gas velocity, mixing point density, packing surface area: [mathematical equation] [mathematical equation]. Mi is the dimensionless form of Mixing Point Density (M), which is M divided by a [subscript P]³. Because Mi is only a function of corrugation angle (θ), it is a convenient transformation to represent the effect of θ on mass transfer parameters. An economic analysis of the absorber was conducted for a 250 MW coal-fired power plant. The optimum operating condition is between 50 to 80 % of flooding, and the optimum design is to use packing with 200 to 250 m²/m³ surface area and high corrugation angle (60 to 70 degree). The minimum total cost ranges from $4.04 to $5.83 per tonne CO₂ removed with 8 m PZ.

Étude du transport de charges dans les cristaux moléculaires à partir des bandes d'énergie

Tardif, Benjamin January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Propriétés magnéto-optiques et microscopiques de perovskites organique-halogénure de plomb / Magneto-optical and microscopic properties of organo lead halide perovskites

Galkowski, Krzysztof 12 January 2017 (has links)
Les perovskites hybrides organique-halogénure de plomb représentent une classe de matériaux émergents, proposés en tant qu'absorbeur de lumière dans le cadre d'une nouvelle génération de cellules solaires. La formule chimique de ces composés est APbX3, où A est un cation organique, X représente un anion halogénure (normalement Cl-, Br-, ou l-, ou alors un alliage composé par ces éléments). Les perovskite hybrides combinent d'excellentes propriétés d'absorption avec une grande longueur de diffusion et de longues durées de vie des porteurs de charge, ce qui permet d'atteindre des efficacités de conversion de photons de 22%. Un autre avantage réside dans leur bas coût de fabrication. Par conséquent, avec le développement de cette classe de matériaux, le photovoltaïque basé sur les perovskites sera potentiellement capable de fortement améliorer les performances de la technologie photovoltaïque actuelle, basée sur le silicium. Dans cette thèse, nous utilisons des méthodes optiques afin d'étudier les propriétés électroniques de base et la morphologie de couches minces de plusieurs représentants des perovskites. Nous étudions notamment des composés ayant le methylammonium et le formamidinium en tant que cations organiques ainsi que les iodures et les bromures à large bande interdite et nous montrons de quelle manière la composition chimique influence les paramètres étudiés. Par magnéto-transmission, nous déterminons directement l'énergie de liaison de l'exciton et sa masse réduite. Nous avons trouvé que les énergies de liaison à T = 2K sont comprises de 14 à 25 meV, plus petites ou comparables à l'énergie thermique moyenne à la température ambiante (25meV). De plus, ces valeurs diminuent à T=160K jusqu'à 10-24meV. Suite à ces résultats, nous concluons que les porteurs photocréés dans les perovksites peuvent être considérés ionisés thermiquement à la température ambiante. Les valeurs de masse effective sont comprises entre 0.09-0.13 fois la masse de l'électron libre. Nous montrons également que l'énergie de liaison de l'exciton ainsi que la masse effective dépendent linéairement de la valeur de la bande interdite. Nos résultats permettent donc d'estimer la valeur des paramètres de ces nouveaux composés perovksites. Nous avons étudié la morphologie de couches minces de perovskite par photoluminescence résolue spatialement avec une résolution micrométrique. Cette technique nous a permis d'observer des grains cristallins uniques. Nous démontrons que la transition de la phase tétragonale à orthorhombique à basse température est incomplète dans tous les matériaux étudiés, comme montré par les résidus de phase tétragonale trouvés à T =4K. En étudiant structurellement certaines régions endommagées et photo-recuites, nous montrons que la présence de la phase tétragonale à basse température augmente, causée par une déplétion de l'halogène. / The hybrid organo-lead halide perovskites are an emerging class of materials, proposed for use as light absorbers in a new generation of photovoltaic solar cells. The chemical formula for these materials is APbX3, where A is an organic cation and X represents halide anions (most commonly Br-, Cl- or I-, or alloyed combination of these). The hybrid perovskies combine excellent absorption properties with large diffusion lengths and long lifetime of the carriers, resulting in photon conversion efficiencies as high as 22%. Another advantage is the inexpensiveness of the fabrication process. Therefore, with the rapid development of this class of materials, the perovskite photovoltaics has perspectives to outperform the well-established silicon technology. Here, we use optical methods to investigate the basic electronic properties and morphology in the thin films of several representatives of the hybrid perovskites. We study the compounds based on Methylammonium and Formamidinium organic cations; the iodides and wide band-gap bromides, showing how the chemical composition influences the investigated parameters. Using magneto-transmission, we directly determine the values of exciton binding energy and reduced mass. We find that the exciton binding energies at T = 2 K, varying from 14 to 25 meV, are smaller or comparable to the average thermal energy at room temperature (˜25 meV). Moreover, these values fall further at T = 160 K, to 10-24 meV. Based on that we conclude that the carriers photocreated in a perovskite material can be considered to be thermally ionized at room temperature. The measured reduced masses are in the range of 0.09-0.13 of the electron rest mass. We also show that both exciton binding energy and reduced mass depend linearly on the band gap energy. Therefore, the values of these parameters can be easily estimated for the synthesis of new perovskite compounds. With the spatially resolved photoluminescence, we probe the morphology of perovskite films with micrometer resolution, which enables us to observe single crystalline grains. The resulting maps show that all investigated thin films are composed from the dark and bright crystalline grains. We demonstrate that the low temperature phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic phase is incomplete in all studied materials, as the remains of the tetragonal phase are found even at T = 4 K. By investigating structurally damaged and photo annealed regions, where the occurrence of the tetragonal phase at low temperatures is enhanced, we attribute its presence to the depleted halide content.

Investigation of the excitonic properties of hybrid and fully inorganic perovskite using magneto-spectroscopy / Etude des propriétés excitoniques de la perovskite hybride et entièrement inorganique par magnéto-spectroscopie

Yang, Zhuo 30 March 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, les perovskites hybrides organiques-inorganiques ont été employées en tant qu’absorbeurs de lumière, en raison de leurres excellentes propriétés optiques et électroniques. L’efficacité de conversion des photons des cellules solaires hybrides à base de perovskites a augmenté de 6,9% à 23,6% au cours des dernières années. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier les propriétés optiques et électroniques des perovskites à l’aide de spectroscopie magnéto-optique. Nous avons étudié la relation entre les propriétés excitoniques et la microstructure des perovskites hybrides. Nous avons effectué des mesures de magnéto-transmission sur des couches minces polycristallines de MAPbI3 et des mesures de magnéto-réflectivité sur un monocristal de MAPbI3. Nous avons monté que, à basse température, l’énergie de liaison de l’exciton et sa masse réduite sont les mêmes pour tous les échantillons de MAPbI3 indépendamment de la taille des cristaux.Ensuite, nous avons étudié les propriétés électroniques des perovskites entièrement inorganiques, à savoir les composés CsPbX3 (X = I ou Br ou un mélange de ceux-ci). En effectuant des mesures de magnéto-transmission sur CsPbX3, nous avons déterminé les énergies de liaison de l’exciton et la masse réduite avec une grande précision. Une comparaison des valeurs de constante diélectrique des perovskites inorganiques et inorganiques montre que, à basse température lorsque les mouvements des cations organiques sont interdits, la contribution dominante à l’écrantage diélectrique estliée au mouvement relatif dans la cage à base de halogénures de plomb. / Optical and electronic properties. The photon conversion efficiency of hybrid perovskite based solar cells has increased from 6.9% to 23.6% within the last few years. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the optical and electronic properties of perovskite materials using magneto-optical techniques. We have investigated the relationship between the excitonic properties and the microstructure of hybrid perovskites. We have performed magneto-transmission measurement on MAPbI3 polycrystalline thin films and magneto-reflectivity measurement on a MAPbI3 single crystal. We find that, at low temperature, the exciton binding energy and reduced mass are the same for all MAPbI3 samples with a variety of crystal grain sizes.We have also investigated the electronic properties of the fully inorganic perovskites, namely CsPbX3 compounds (X = I or Br or a mixture of those). By performing the magneto-transmission measurement on CsPbX3, we have determined the exciton binding energies and reduced mass with high accuracy. A comparison of the values of dielectric constant for the fully inorganic and the hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites indicates that, at low temperature when the organic cations are frozen, the dominant contribution to the dielectric screening is related to the relative motion within the lead halide cage.

ANÃIS E PONTOS QUÃNTICOS DE FÃSFORO NEGRO INVESTIGADOS POR MODELO CONTÃNUO / Black phosphorus quantum ring and dot investigated by continuum model

Gabriel Oliveira de Sousa 08 August 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A possibilidade de se obter sistemas bidimensionais a partir de materiais com estrutura cristalina lamelar tem atraÃdo muitas pesquisas nesses materiais, pois as propriedades de poucas camadas diferem bastante dos seus respectivos bulks, o que abre uma gama de possibilidades em aplicaÃÃes tecnolÃgicas. O fÃsforo negro apresenta muitas propriedades interessantes, dentre elas, um gap de energia, que garante a construÃÃo de dispositivos eletrÃnicos (bem diferente do grafeno que à um semi metal sem gap). Esse gap pode ser ajustado aumentando o nÃmero de camadas, variando de 0.3 eV para uma monocamada atà cerca de 2.0 eV para o bulk, cobrindo um espectro de energia de gap relativamente grande de dispositivos Ãpticos. AlÃm disso, esse material à altamente anisotrÃpico em sua estrutura de bandas. Neste trabalho, derivamos a aproximaÃÃo da massa efetiva a partir do modelo tight-binding e usamos o Hamiltoniano aproximado para estudar nanoestruturas de fÃsforo negro. Nesse modelo, o carÃter anisotrÃpico do fÃsforo negro à refletido na diferenÃa entre as massas efetivas quando se toma diferentes direÃÃes. Primeiramente, comparamos os resultados numÃrico obtido atravÃs da tÃcnica de diferenÃas finitas com o modelo analÃtico para um ponto quÃntico circular, que devido à estrutura de bandas ter um contorno elÃptico, à descrito pelas equaÃÃes de Mathieu quando se resolve a equaÃÃo de SchrÃdinger. Os resultados analÃtico e numÃrico mostram boa concordÃncia. Ainda na aproximaÃÃo da massa efetiva, estudamos o efeito de campos externos sobre um anel quÃntico de fÃsforo negro e analisamos o efeito da interaÃÃo entre esses campos e a anisotropia de massa do sistema sobre seus estados eletrÃnicos. Devido à anisotropia de massa, esse sistema quando sujeito a um campo magnÃtico, nÃo apresenta oscilaÃÃes Aharonov-Bohm, que podem ser recuperadas aplicando-se um potencial de confinamento elÃptico. Estudamos tambÃm o efeito de um campo elÃtrico nas direÃÃes x e y em um anel quÃntico, e verificamos como a energia à alterada pelo campo. Nossos resultados mostram que, como consequÃncia de uma localizaÃÃo da funÃÃo de onda causada pela anisotropia de massa, os nÃveis de energia decrescem quadraticamente (efeito Stark) com o campo aplicado apontando para a direÃÃo armchair, enquanto um decrÃscimo quase linear (efeito Stark linear) aparece para um campo aplicado na direÃÃo zigzag, com uma sÃrie de estados que se cruzam, levando a um comportamento semelhante ao de um poÃo quÃntico duplo sob um campo elÃtrico perpendicular a ele. / The possibility of obtaining two-dimensional systems from layered materials has been attracting a lot of research on these materials, since their few layer properties are very different from their respective bulk ones, which opens up great possibilities in technological applications. Black phosphorus exhibit several interesting properties, among them, a direct energy gap, that enables the possibility of fabricating electronic devices (in contrast e.g. with the gapless semi-metallic graphene), and which can be tuned by the number of layers, varying from 0.3 eV for a bulk up to 2.0 eV for a monolayer, thus covering a relatively large range of the energy spectrum for optical devices. Besides, the fact that this is a very anisotropic material has brought even more attention to it, towards novel ways of exploring this anisotropy in new technologies. In this work, we have derived the effective mass approximation from the tight binding model and used the out coming approximate Hamiltonian to study nanostructures based on monolayer black phosphorus. In this model, the anisotropic features of black phosphorus are reflected in the difference between effective masses in different directions. Firstly, we compare the finite difference methods with the analytical solution for a circular quantum dot, which, due to its elliptical contour of energy bands, is given by Mathieu functions for solving the resulting SchrÃdinger equation. With this comparison, we verify the compatibility between these methods. Within the effective mass approximation, we investigate the effect of external electromagnetic fields on a black phosphorus quantum ring, thus analysing the effect of the interplay between these fields and the system anisotropy on its electronic states. Due to the anisotropy, under an applied magnetic field, this ring does not exhibit Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, which can be recovered by assuming an elliptic ring-like confinement. We also investigate the effect of an external electric field applied in x and y directions in a black phosphorus quantum ring on its energy levels. Our results show that, as a consequence of a wave function localization induced by mass anisotropy, energy levels decay quadratically (Stark effect) with the field if it is applied along the armchair direction, whereas an almost linear Stark effect, along with a series of crossing excited states, is observed for a field applied in the zigzag direction, leading to a behavior that is in close resemblance to a double quantum well under a perpendicular electric field.

Improved Nuclear Predictions of Relevance to the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis

Samyn, Mathieu 22 January 2004 (has links)
The rapid neutron-capture process, known as the r-process, is responsible for the origin of about half the stable nuclei heavier than iron observed in nature. Though the r-process is believed to take place in explosive stellar environments and to involve a large number (few thousands) of exotic nuclei, this nucleosynthesis process remains poorly understood from the astrophysics as well as nuclear physics points of view. On the nuclear physics side, the nuclei are too exotic to be studied in the laboratory, even though great efforts are constantly made to extend the experimental limits away from the eta-$stability region. Therefore, theoretical models are indispensable to estimate the nuclear properties of interest in the r-process nucleosynthesis modelling. So far, models used to predict the properties of the exotic nuclei were based on parametrized macroscopic-type approaches the reliability of which is questionable when extrapolating far away from the experimentally known region. This work is devoted to the improvement of nuclear predictions, such as the nuclear ground- and excited-state properties, needed as input data to model the r-process. In order to give the predictions a reliable character, we rely on the microscopic mean-field Hartree-Fock theory based on the Skyrme-type interaction. Pairing correlations play an important role in the description of nuclei, and become essential for nuclei located near the drip lines, since the scattering of pairs of quasi-particles into the continuum increases significantly. In this work, we brought to the Hartree-Fock model the self-consistent treatment of the pairing correlations within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory. Further improvements are made in the restoration of symmetries broken by correlations added in the form of additional degrees of freedom in the wave function. These include the translational invariance restored by calculating the recoil energy, the particle-number symmetry by an exact projection after variation, the rotational symmetry by an approximate cranking correction and the parity symmetry for reflection asymmetric shapes. In addition, the renormalization of the HFB equations has been studied as well and allows to eliminate the dependence of the total energy with respect to the cutoff energy. The effective nucleon-nucleon interaction is determined by adjusting its parameters on all available experimental masses, with some constraints derived from fundamental nuclear matter properties. A systematic study of the influence on mass predictions for each of the above cited improvements as well as of some uncertainties affecting the particle-hole and particle-particle interactions has been conducted. In spite of quite important differences in the input physics, we find a great stability in the mass predictions for exotic neutron-rich nuclei, though local mass differences can be significant. Each of the Skyrme force derived in the present work has been tested on the predictions of basic ground-state properties (including charge radii, quadrupole moments, single-particle levels), fission barriers and electric dipole $gamma-$ray strengths. The HFB predictions globally reproduce experimental data with a level of accuracy comparable with the widely-used droplet-like models. The microscopic character of the approach followed in the present work makes however the predictions for exotic neutron-rich nuclei involved in the r-process more reliable. The influence of such improved nuclear mass predictions on the r-process abundance distribution is studied in the specific scenario of the prompt supernova explosion mechanism.

Contribuições á física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras / Contributions to the physics of the electronic properties of the semiconductor heterostructures

Silva, Erasmo Assumpção de Andrada e 13 December 1990 (has links)
Esta tese compõe-se de contribuições à física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras. São investigadas propriedades eletrônicas das duas hetero­estruturas básicas: o poço quântico e a super-rede. Considera-se o poço quântico dopado com impurezas rasas e estudam-se as suas propriedades eletrônicas nos regimes de poço fraca e altamente dopado. No caso de baixa densidade de impurezas é feita uma simulação Monte Carlo. É utilizado um modelo semi-clássico de band de impureza. A interação elétron-elétron é incluída de forma exata e são calculadas as seguintes propriedades do estado fundamental à temperatura zero: densidade de estados de uma partícula, distribuição de carga, energia de Fermi e distribuição do campo elétrico sobre os doadores neutros, todas em função do grau de compensação, da densidade de impurezas e da largura do poço. É observada uma. grande dependência com a compensação. Os resultados são explicados à luz da competição entre os efeitos de desordem e confinamento. É observada a ocorrência de Coulomb Gap característico de sistemas bidimensionais. Mostra-se que a. distribuição de carga possui largura e constante de decaimento determinados independentemente pela compensação e pela concentração de impurezas, respectivamente. Tais resultados são importantes para a caracterização de poços quânticos puros. No limite altamente dopado parte-se de um modelo light-binding desordenado e calcula­se a densidade de estados de uma partícula formada devido ao overlapping entre os estados localizados; utiliza-se o método de Matsubara e Toyosawa. para a obtenção da média sobre configurações. Discutem-se os efeitos da desordem diagonal introduzida pelo potencial de confinamento os quais são comparados com os da. desordem não-diagonal. São apresentados resultados para a densidade de estados em função do grau de confinamento e concentração de impurezas para poços e fios quânticos. Sâo estudadas as propriedades eletrônicas das super-redes sob campo magnético transversal à direção de crescimento. Mostra-se que esta configuração é ideal para o estudo das características básicas das super-redes: a estrutura de mini bandas e o tunelamento. Calculam-se as sub-bandas de condução utilizando a teoria de massa efetiva de muitas bandas. Introduz-se a idéia de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras. Comparam-se os resultados com dados experimentais de ressonância ciclotrônica. A ótima concordância obtida demonstra a grande importância e a utilidade do conceito de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras, que é uma maneira nova e simples de lidar com as soluções evanescentes. / This thesis is composed of contributions to the theory of electronic properties of semicon­ ductor heterostructures. Electronic properties of the basic two heterostructures (quantum well and superlattice) are investigated. A quantum well doped with shallow impurities is considered and its electronic properties are studied in both limits: lightly and heavily doped. In the first case a Monte Carlo simula­ tion technique is used. A semiclassical impurity band model is used . The electron-electron interaction is included exactly and properties of the ground state such as the density of single particle states, the charge distribution, the Fermi energy and the electric field di tribution on the neutra/ donors are calculated, all of them as a function of the degree of compensation, the impurity concentration and the width of the well. A great dependency with the compensation is observed. The results are explained by the competition between the effects of disorder and confinement. The existence of a Coulomb Gap is verified . The charge distribution is shown to have a width and decay rate given by the degree of compensation and impurity concentration, in this order. Such results are important to characterize pure quantum wells. On the heavily doped limit, a disordered tight-binding model is used and the density of states that is formed by the overlapping of localized states is calculated by using the method of Matsubara and Toyosawa for the configuration average. The diagonal disord er effect introduced by the confinement potential is considered and compared to that of the non­ diagonal disorder. Results of the density of states as a function of the degree of confinement and impurity concentration for quantum wells and wires are presented. The electronic propertie s of a superlattice under a magnetic field which is transversal to the growth direction are studied. Jt is shown that this configuration is id eal for the study of the basic characteristics of the superlattices: the subband structure and the tunneling. The conduction subbands are calculated by using the theory of many bands effective mass. The idea of renormalized effective mass for barriers is introduced. The obtained level spacings are compared with cyclotron resonance experimental data (infrared absorption). The good agreement obtained demonstrates the importance and usefulness of the renormalized effective mass, which is a new and simple way to handle evanescent waves.

Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures

Zeng, Zaiping 03 April 2015 (has links)
The goal of this Thesis is to study the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures by employing different theories. The work present in this Thesis is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to the effective-mass theory and its several applications. A general description of the effective mass theory and several ways of solving the effective-mass Schrodinger equation with an emphasis on the potential morphing method are given in the first chapter. In the following few chapters, we apply these theories in many realistic systems for the study of many properties. They include: i) the binding energy of hydrogentic donor impurity in semiconductor quantum dots under the influence of static electric field and/or magnetic field, ii) the linear and nonlinear optical properties associated with intraband transitions in semiconductor quantum dots, core shell quantum dots and quantum-dot-quantum-ring systems. Part II is devoted to the pseudopotential theory and its several applications. The background theories primarily regarding to the empirical pseudopotential method and configuration interaction approach are described in the first chapter. In the following few chapters, we employ these theories for the study of the electronic and optical properties of many nanostructures of group II-VI materials. The optical properties studied herein include the band gap, Stokes shift, exciton fine structure, optical polarization and absorption spectra. Part III is devoted to the appendix, where twelve published papers are presented. / Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η μελέτη των ηλεκτρονικών και οπτικών ιδιοτήτων νανοδομών ημιαγωγών κάνοντας χρήση κατάλληλων υπολογιστικών μεθόδων και τεχνικών. Η διατριβή χωρίζεται σε τρία μέρη. Το πρώτο μέρος εστιάζει στην θεωρία της ενεργούς μάζας (Effective-mass Theory) και τις εφαρμογές της. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται το απαραίτητο θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο και δίνεται μία συνοπτική περιγραφή των συνηθέστερων μεθόδων επίλυσης της μονοηλεκτρονιακής εξίσωσης του Schrodinger,δίνοντας ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην μέθοδο μορφοποίησης δυναμικού (Potential Morphing Method). Στα επόμενα κεφάλαια του πρώτου μέρους οι τεχνικές και μέθοδοι που περιγράφηκαν χρησιμοποιούνται για την μελέτη κρίσιμων ιδιοτήτων και παραμέτρων σε νανοσυστήματα ημιαγωγών. Μεταξύ αυτών είναι: i) η ενέργεια δέσμευσης υδρογονοειδών προσμίξεων τύπου δότη υπό την επίδραση στατικού ηλεκτρικού ή/και μαγνητικού πεδίου, ii) γραμμικές και μη γραμμικές οπτικές ιδιότητες που συνδέονται με intraband μεταβάσεις εντός ζώνης σε κβαντικές τελείες ημιαγωγών, κβαντικές τελείες με δομή πυρήνα-φλοιού και σε μεικτά συστήματα κβαντικής τελείας – κβαντικού δακτυλίου. Το δεύτερο μέρος εστιάζει στην θεωρία των ψευδοδυνάμικών και τις εφαρμογές της. Αρχικά παρουσιάζεται το απαραίτητο θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο της μεθόδου εμπειρικών ψευδοδυναμικών (Empirical Pseudopotential Method) καθώς επίσης και της μεθόδου αλληλεπίδρασης διαμορφώσεων (Configuration Interaction). Στην συνέχεια, οι προαναφερθείσες τεχνικές εφαρμόζονται στην μελέτη των ηλεκτρονικών και οπτικών ιδιοτήτων σε μία πληθώρα νανοδομών ημιαγωγών II-VI. Μεταξύ των ιδιοτήτων αυτών είναι: το ενεργειακό χάσμα, η μετατόπιση Stokes, η λεπτή δομή των εξιτονίων, η οπτική πόλωση και τα φάσματα απορρόφησης. Το τρίτο μέρος της διατριβής περιλαμβάνει το παράρτημα, στο οποίο παρατίθενται οι δώδεκα δημοσιευμένες εργασίες.

Contribuições á física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras / Contributions to the physics of the electronic properties of the semiconductor heterostructures

Erasmo Assumpção de Andrada e Silva 13 December 1990 (has links)
Esta tese compõe-se de contribuições à física das propriedades eletrônicas das heteroestruturas semicondutoras. São investigadas propriedades eletrônicas das duas hetero­estruturas básicas: o poço quântico e a super-rede. Considera-se o poço quântico dopado com impurezas rasas e estudam-se as suas propriedades eletrônicas nos regimes de poço fraca e altamente dopado. No caso de baixa densidade de impurezas é feita uma simulação Monte Carlo. É utilizado um modelo semi-clássico de band de impureza. A interação elétron-elétron é incluída de forma exata e são calculadas as seguintes propriedades do estado fundamental à temperatura zero: densidade de estados de uma partícula, distribuição de carga, energia de Fermi e distribuição do campo elétrico sobre os doadores neutros, todas em função do grau de compensação, da densidade de impurezas e da largura do poço. É observada uma. grande dependência com a compensação. Os resultados são explicados à luz da competição entre os efeitos de desordem e confinamento. É observada a ocorrência de Coulomb Gap característico de sistemas bidimensionais. Mostra-se que a. distribuição de carga possui largura e constante de decaimento determinados independentemente pela compensação e pela concentração de impurezas, respectivamente. Tais resultados são importantes para a caracterização de poços quânticos puros. No limite altamente dopado parte-se de um modelo light-binding desordenado e calcula­se a densidade de estados de uma partícula formada devido ao overlapping entre os estados localizados; utiliza-se o método de Matsubara e Toyosawa. para a obtenção da média sobre configurações. Discutem-se os efeitos da desordem diagonal introduzida pelo potencial de confinamento os quais são comparados com os da. desordem não-diagonal. São apresentados resultados para a densidade de estados em função do grau de confinamento e concentração de impurezas para poços e fios quânticos. Sâo estudadas as propriedades eletrônicas das super-redes sob campo magnético transversal à direção de crescimento. Mostra-se que esta configuração é ideal para o estudo das características básicas das super-redes: a estrutura de mini bandas e o tunelamento. Calculam-se as sub-bandas de condução utilizando a teoria de massa efetiva de muitas bandas. Introduz-se a idéia de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras. Comparam-se os resultados com dados experimentais de ressonância ciclotrônica. A ótima concordância obtida demonstra a grande importância e a utilidade do conceito de massa efetiva renormalizada para barreiras semicondutoras, que é uma maneira nova e simples de lidar com as soluções evanescentes. / This thesis is composed of contributions to the theory of electronic properties of semicon­ ductor heterostructures. Electronic properties of the basic two heterostructures (quantum well and superlattice) are investigated. A quantum well doped with shallow impurities is considered and its electronic properties are studied in both limits: lightly and heavily doped. In the first case a Monte Carlo simula­ tion technique is used. A semiclassical impurity band model is used . The electron-electron interaction is included exactly and properties of the ground state such as the density of single particle states, the charge distribution, the Fermi energy and the electric field di tribution on the neutra/ donors are calculated, all of them as a function of the degree of compensation, the impurity concentration and the width of the well. A great dependency with the compensation is observed. The results are explained by the competition between the effects of disorder and confinement. The existence of a Coulomb Gap is verified . The charge distribution is shown to have a width and decay rate given by the degree of compensation and impurity concentration, in this order. Such results are important to characterize pure quantum wells. On the heavily doped limit, a disordered tight-binding model is used and the density of states that is formed by the overlapping of localized states is calculated by using the method of Matsubara and Toyosawa for the configuration average. The diagonal disord er effect introduced by the confinement potential is considered and compared to that of the non­ diagonal disorder. Results of the density of states as a function of the degree of confinement and impurity concentration for quantum wells and wires are presented. The electronic propertie s of a superlattice under a magnetic field which is transversal to the growth direction are studied. Jt is shown that this configuration is id eal for the study of the basic characteristics of the superlattices: the subband structure and the tunneling. The conduction subbands are calculated by using the theory of many bands effective mass. The idea of renormalized effective mass for barriers is introduced. The obtained level spacings are compared with cyclotron resonance experimental data (infrared absorption). The good agreement obtained demonstrates the importance and usefulness of the renormalized effective mass, which is a new and simple way to handle evanescent waves.

Effects of Bottom Chord Extensions on the Static and Dynamic Performance of Steel Joist Supported Floors

Avci, Onur 15 November 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of bottom chord extensions on deflections and vibration characteristics of joist supported floor systems when joist bottom chord extensions are installed. To understand the effect of bottom chord extensions on deflections, natural frequency, damping, mode shape and effective mass, extensive analytical and experimental studies were conducted on single span and three span joist supported laboratory footbridges with different bottom chord extension configurations. Finite element computer models were created to simulate and compare the results of stiffness and vibration tests. Testing was done with a) the bottom chord extensions in-place before the concrete was placed, b) with all or part of the bottom chord extensions removed, and c) after the bottom chord extensions had been reinstalled with jacking for the single span footbridge and without jacking for the three-span footbridge. Results from the stiffness tests indicate that re-installing the bottom chord extensions to the joists of the single span footbridge with cured concrete with the center of the span raised helps to reduce the uniform load deflections to some extent, but not as much as placing the bottom chord extensions before the concrete placement. Likewise, for the three span footbridge, placing the bottom chord extensions before the concrete placement is observed to be a better solution. Results from the dynamic tests indicate that the effect of bottom chord extensions on the single span footbridge is consistent for natural frequency, 20 psf live load deflections, sinusoidal excitations with high amplitudes, quarter point heel drop excitations, walking excitations, and effective mass values. The effect of bottom chord extensions on the three span footbridge is consistent for the natural frequency and 20 psf deflections. However, the FRF (Frequency Response Function) peaks of chirp, heel drop, sinusoidal excitations, accelerations from walking data, and the MEScope and Finite Element model effective mass results do not follow a common trend. It can be concluded that even though the footbridge was stiffened by the bottom chord extensions, that does not necessarily mean that the acceleration levels, and hence the frequency response function peaks, decrease. However, bottom chord extensions do increase the natural frequencies for all the three governing bending modes. / Ph. D.

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