Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egzistencija"" "subject:"egzistencijai""
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Šilkografijos darbų kolekcija"Laiko ženklai" / Silkscreen collection"signs of time"Šidlauskienė, Ineta 11 February 2009 (has links)
Aš pristatau šilkografijos technika atliktą darbų kolekciją „Laiko ženklai“.Ji sudaryta iš vienuolikos savarankiškų darbų, kurių pavadinimai: 1.Ženklas I. 2.Ženklas II. 3.Ženklas III. 4.Ženklas IV. 5.Ženklas V. 6.Ženklas VI. 7.Ženklas VII. 8.Ženklas VIII. 9.Ženklas IX. 10.Ženklas X. 11.Ženklas XI. Žmogaus būtis, egzistencija jau šimtmečius jaudina ne vieną filosofą, dramaturgą, poetą ir kiekvieną iš mūsų,todėl ši tema nekintamai aktuali ir neišsemiama bet kuriuo laikmečiu. Laiko ženklai, tai tarsi kiekvieno žmogaus palikti pėdsakai laike ir erdvėje, tai lyg jo būties įprasmintas pavidalas -laiko ženklas, tai lyg įrėžta žymė erdvėlaikyje, kuri prasidėjo žmogui užgimus ir baigėsi jam mirus. Visi vaizdiniai, aplinkybės, duotybės , akimirkos, epizodai išgyventi žmogaus ir sudaro - JO KODĄ, JO LAIKO ŽENKLĄ paliktą erdvėje ir laike. “Kas lieka žmogui nugyvenus gyvenimą? Ar egzistuoja išliekamieji laiko ženklai laike ir erdvėje? Ar tik prasmingai nugyventas gyvenimas turi išliekamąją vertę? O koks gyvenimas yra prasmingas( juk kiekvieno žmogaus, kaip individo prasmės suvokimas yra skirtingas)?“. / I am representing my collection, wich was done in silkscreen technique colled “Signs of time”. It composed of eleven individual works: 1. Sign I 2. Sign II 3. Sign III 4. Sign IV 5. Sign V 6. Sign VI 7. Sign VII 8. Sign VIII 9. Sign IX 10. Sign X 11. Sign XI Human beeing, egsistentialism it is most concerning themes in every century.The meaning of life constitutes a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significanse of human existence. The concept can be expressed through a variety of related questions, such as Why are we here?, What's life all about? and What is the meaning of it all?.Is there anything left after we are passing away? Maybe we are leaving some signs in a thime and in a space, some ours SIGNS OF TIME?
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Egzistencinės žmogaus problemos Williamo Shakespeare'o "Hamlete" ir Vinco Krėvės "Skirgailoje": lyginamasis tyrimas / The problems of human existence in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and Vincas Krėvė "Skirgaila": comparative researchDargytė, Salvija 19 June 2012 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojamos su žmogaus būtimi susijusios problemos ir kaip jos sąlygoja pagrindinių dramų herojų tragiškumą ir mirtį. Išanalizavus šias problemas toliau jos yra lyginamos tarpusavyje, t.y., kas yra panašaus tarp dramų herojų Hamleto ir Skirgailos ir kuo jie skiriasi. Šio lyginamojo tyrimo objektas yra dramų herojų Hamleto ir Skirgailos egzistencinės problemos, jų tragiškumas ir kelias į mirtį. / The work analyses problems, linked with the existence of human beings and their effect on the tragedy and death of the main heroes of dramas. After analysis of these problems, dramas are further compared, i.e. similarities and differences are observed between Hamlet and Skirgaila in these dramas.
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Tu esi aš / You're iKundrotienė, Vilma 03 August 2011 (has links)
Žmogus, jo būtis jau šimtmečius jaudina ne vieną filosofą, dramaturgą, poetą ir kiekvieną iš mūsų. Todėl ši tema išlieka aktuali ir neišsemiama bet kuriuo laikmečiu. / A man, his existence is not worried about a century philosopher, playwright, poet and every one of us. Therefore, this topic remains relevant and inexhaustible in any era.
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Tragovi egzistencije – Sudbina pojedinca i njegovo izostajanjeDespotovski Goran 04 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Doktorskim radom Tragovi egzistencije – Sudbina pojedinca i<br />njegovo izostajanje obuhvaćeno je sagledavanje pojedinih so-<br />cijalnih i društvenih pojava koje su značajno uticale na položaj<br />i život pojedinca. Tematski okvir doktorskog rada nastao je kao<br />rezultat prethodnih istraživanja, sprovedenih u dvema studijama.<br />Prva je Plutati (2007), sa radovima: Mumlači, Varenje,<br />Plasma, Uvrede, Jedi svoju zemlju, Civil, a druga nosi naziv Socijalan<br />(2013), sa radovima: Glasine, Lice, Socijalan, Izbrisan,<br />Tvar, Utvara, Razgovor, Brijač, Selekcija. Iz makroteme Tragovi<br />egzistencije – Sudbina pojedinca i njegovo izostajanje moguće je<br />pratiti čitav niz podtema: sudbina, egzistencija, tragovi, levitiranje,<br />manipulacija, identitet, društvo, čovek-figura, čovek kao<br />pojedinac ili čovek u masi, odnosno čovek s negacijom, ne-čovek,<br />pozicija čoveka, meka forma, figura-lutka, telo kao lutka,<br />lutka kao telo, i dr.<br />Praktičan rad, instalacija ASC/DESC, kroz segmente u kojima<br />dominira prikaz lutke koja levitira, prikazuje čovekovu poziciju<br />u kojoj je naglašen životni/sudbinski tok, čovekova mentalna,<br />psihička i fizička istrošenost. U ovom radu, u prostornom ambijentu<br />postavljeno je više repliciranih objekata sa elementima<br />forme neupotrebnog predmeta, kreveta, figure/lutke u prirodnoj<br />veličini, s unesenim detaljima odnosno zvučnim i tekstualnim<br />sadržajima. Svi ovi elementi grade zasebne objektne segmente<br />koji u više kloniranih verzija, u paraboli sa minimalnim promenama,<br />stvaraju novu celinu. Pozicije u radu naglašavaju mesto<br />izostavljenog čovekovog života/neživota, koji se može naslutiti i<br />koji je dat samo u tragovima. Dominantne elemente u radu čine<br />predstave o čoveku koga u neposrednom fizičkom smislu nema,<br />unošenjem praznine u kojoj se prisustvo čoveka naslućuje, koja<br />podstiče na sećanje o čoveku kao takvom – samo kao čoveku,<br />subjektu bez identiteta. Figure, u formi mase lutaka, imaju za cilj<br />da provociraju na razmišljanje, na opomenu, da preispituju nas<br />i naše sećanje tako da se putem njih identifikujemo i prepoznajemo,<br />utvrđujući koliko su ti ljudi vezani za mesto, određeni događaj<br />ili pak suprotno tome, koliko samo govore o čoveku, bilo<br />kada i bilo gde. Upravo ovako ostvarenom simbolikom pokreću<br />se doživljaji, iskustvene funkcije u osećanju pripadnosti. Ovaj<br />rad svojom porukom otvara i nova pitanja, prevashodno s ciljem<br />da se pojedinac zapita pred vremenom u kojem je sve prisutnija<br />strateška kontrola svega životnog i u kojem su naglašeni momenti<br />preispitivanja ličnog, specifičnog, karakternog, dovedeni<br />u pitanje.</p> / <p>The PhD thesis, Relics of Existence – The Fate and the Absence of<br />an Individual, perceives particular social occurences which have<br />significantly influenced the status and life of an individual. The<br />thematic framework of the thesis was created as a result of previous<br />examination explained in two research papers. The first<br />one is To Float (2007) which includes works such as: Mumblers,<br />Welding, Plasma, Insults, Eat Your Own Turf, Civilian, and the<br />other one is Social (2013), with the following works: Rumours,<br />Face, Social, Erased, Matter, Wraith, Conversation, Razor, Selection.<br />This macro theme, Relics of Existence – The Fate and the<br />Absence of an Individual, offers an insight into a wide variety of<br />subthemes: fate, existence, hints, levitation, manipulation, identity,<br />society, human figure, a person as an individual against a<br />person in the crowd or a person in denial, non-human, a person’s<br />stature, soft form, figure-puppet, body as a puppet, puppet<br />as a body, etc.<br />The practical work, the installation ASC/DESC, which consists<br />of segments dominated by a form of a levitating puppet, depicts<br />a person’s stature introduced by the flow of life/fate, by a person’s<br />mental, psychological and physical weariness. This work<br />involves spatial ambience with multiple replicated objects in a<br />form of nonfunctional object, bed, life-size figure/puppet with<br />imported audio and textual details. All these elements build separate<br />object segments that create a new whole through several<br />cloned versions, parabolic with minimal alterations. The positions<br />of the work emphasize a place of the excluded life/non-life,<br />which can be assumed and which is split into particles. Dominant<br />elements of the work are composed of notions about a human<br />being who is, in direct and physical sense, gone, while the<br />inserted emptiness only offers a hint of human presence, and<br />which evokes reminiscence of a human being as such – solely as<br />a human being, a subject with no identity. The purpose of figures,<br />represented as a bulk of puppets, is to provoke thinking, issue<br />a warning, to question ourselves and our memory, enabling<br />us to identify and perceive, at the same time determining how<br />strong is the connection between those people and the place,<br />specific event or something quite opposite, and how much is being<br />said about the person, in any given time, anywhere. Exactly<br />through such symbolism, experience is set in motion, together<br />with the impressions about the sense of belonging. This work<br />opens up new questions, mostly with the aim to make an individual<br />undertake inquiries about the time with an increasing<br />strategic control of everything that is living, and the time that<br />casts a shadow over highlighted moments of personal, specific,<br />and individual reexamination.</p>
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