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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Territorios en doble temporalidad: El Fenómeno de El Niño como oportunidad para la adaptabilidad de los Valles Bajos en la Costa Norte Peruana. Caso: Cuenca Baja del Río Piura

Herrera Otero, Marinés, Concha Canales, Valeria Daniela 01 May 2025 (has links)
El Perú se encuentra continuamente sometido a eventos de variabilidad climática, siendo el Fenómeno El Niño (FEN) el evento más recurrente y de mayor impacto. El FEN afecta en mayor medida a las regiones de la costa norte y dentro de ellas a las cuencas bajas que constituyen las áreas más susceptibles a la inundación, exhibiendo las profundas vulnerabilidades que decantan en considerables pérdidas económicas y humanas. Históricamente, los mecanismos de respuesta han estado centrados en la resistencia y mitigación del peligro, a lo cual se suma una gestión y planificación estatal deficiente y escasa cultura de prevención. Esto genera dos aspectos clave; en primer lugar, la ejecución fragmentada de proyectos, sin una comprensión integral de la forma de ocupar el territorio, dejando de lado la atención de las vulnerabilidades de la población frente al riesgo. En segundo lugar, la planificación deficiente y/o ausente, acentúa las condiciones de exposición al riesgo, además de dificultar la implementación de estrategias adaptadas a las condiciones locales. Este enfoque ha acrecentado el impacto de los fenómenos climáticos extremos, acrecentando las pérdidas en los ámbitos económico, social y ambiental; y obstaculizado el desarrollo de capacidades para una respuesta resiliente. En ese sentido, la tesis aborda la transición de la resistencia hacia la adaptabilidad, teniendo como base un enfoque multidimensional y multiescalar; donde el paisaje se convierte en una infraestructura fundamental para ello. El énfasis recae en la construcción de sistemas capaces de adaptarse y transformarse para gestionar el riesgo de manera integral, generando procesos que articulen de manera sinérgica con el territorio. Esta visión busca no sólo busca la eficiencia, sino también la resiliencia, asegurando que las comunidades puedan enfrentar los retos climáticos de manera adaptativa y sostenible.

El Niño costero 2017 en Perú: una oportunidad para analizar la influencia de los planes de mitigación de riesgos en la resiliencia local

Urteaga Tirado, Juan Numan 25 November 2019 (has links)
La existencia de planes de mitigación de riesgos de calidad supone una contribución a la resiliencia de las localidades. Sin embargo, esta relación ha sido poco analizada en la literatura especializada. Esta investigación propone una metodología ex post para analizar la influencia de los planes de mitigación de riesgos en los daños y la rapidez de recuperación, dos elementos importantes en la definición de resiliencia. Para verificar su aplicabilidad, se analiza el caso de lluvias intensas del evento El Niño costero 2017 en Perú. La metodología consta de dos niveles de análisis. El primero, denominado análisis extensivo, busca analizar cuantitativamente dicha influencia. Por ello mide la calidad de los planes y el nivel de implementación de medidas de mitigación, y analiza el grado de correlación con el nivel de daños y rapidez de recuperación, en una muestra de localidades afectadas por un evento de desastre. El segundo nivel de análisis, denominado comprensivo, busca un entendimiento más profundo de los fenómenos asociados a dicha influencia. Por ello, se enfoca en una sub-muestra de las localidades seleccionadas, en las que aplica un conjunto de técnicas, principalmente cualitativas y de enfoque territorial. Estas técnicas incluyen la revisión documentaria, análisis espacial, verificación in situ y entrevistas a informantes clave. Luego, al caso de estudio se aplicó la metodología. En el análisis extensivo, se identificó que la calidad de los planes no tuvo influencia en la reducción de daños directos, a diferencia de la implementación de medidas de mitigación, en las que se sugiere la existencia de umbrales mínimos de inversión en este rubro. Sin embargo, se encontró que algunos aspectos de los planes sí habrían influido en el aumento de la rapidez de recuperación, los cuales están relacionados con la identificación de los responsables de implementación del plan, la verificación de posibles fondos de financiación, la estimación de los costos de intervención, el planteamiento de medidas de difusión del plan, la identificación de involucrados claves, así como la consideración de otros tipos de planes contextuales. En el análisis comprensivo se identificó que la dedicación a tiempo completo de los funcionarios responsables de la gestión del riesgo de desastres, así como la baja rotación laboral en dichos puestos, también serían factores influyentes en la resiliencia ante desastres de las localidades. Si bien, se verificó la aplicabilidad de la metodología, se identificaron diversas oportunidades para su mejora. Se recomienda optimizar el proceso de muestreo de localidades en ambos niveles, así como el análisis de más tipos de peligro, con el fin de obtener conclusiones más amplias y representativas. También, es importante profundizar el desarrollo de los índices de las variables y adicionar un análisis comparativo con aquellas localidades que no contaban con estos planes. / Tesis

La motricidad gruesa y la ejecución motriz de la escritura en niñas de segundo grado de una Institución Educativa en el Cercado de Lima

Acosta Navarro, Carla Fiorella, Carranza Moreno, Emma Inés, Cruzado Canal, Inés Natividad 12 November 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir las características de la motricidad gruesa y ejecución motriz de la escritura en las niñas de segundo grado de una Institución Educativa en el distrito de Cercado de Lima. De tipo sustantiva, de nivel descriptiva, conto con 122 estudiantes como muestra a quienes se les aplicó la prueba de observación de la motricidad grafica (Ajuriaguerra, 1973) y la prueba psicomotora de Picq y Vayer. Se halló que, en la ejecución motriz de la escritura, porcentajes elevados de dificultad en la postura y posiciones segmentarias como también en los movimientos y tonicidad de cada niña. En cuanto a motricidad gruesa se pudo evidenciar un porcentaje regular en la coordinación dinámica, control postural y control segmentario. / The objective of this study is to describe the characteristics of gross motor skills and the motor execution of writing in second-grade children in an educational institution in the district of Cercado de Lima. The type of research was nonexperimental descriptive, on a total population of 122 subjects. The results obtained through the observation of the motor movement test (Ajuriaguerra, 1973) and the psychomotor test of Picq and Vayer, showed that there are significant differences in motor performance of writing and motor skills. thick since in the first one it was found high percentages of difficulty in the positions and segmental possessions as well as in the movements and tonicity of each girl. However, gross motor skills showed a regular percentage in dynamic coordination, postural control and segmental control.

An Examination of El Niño's and Agricultural Runoff's Effect on Harmful Algal Blooms and California Sea Lion (Zalophus Californianus) Health in Monterey Bay

Lafeber, Nadine 01 January 2015 (has links)
An increase in marine mammal stranding and die-off events has been observed along the California coast. The exact cause to explain for these recent events is unknown, but El Niño and harmful algal blooms are established sources for temporary decreases in marine mammal health. To determine whether El Niño could be causing and amplifying harmful algal blooms, particularly in Monterey Bay where they occur frequently, data was analyzed from the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California. Data analysis focused on California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), because they have the largest data set and are directly affected by harmful blooms from domoic acid. Results indicated that El Niño events could be significantly harming California sea lions in Monterey Bay during the fall season. Because agricultural runoff is a known factor in causing harmful algal blooms and Monterey Bay experiences them consistently, online research was conducted on agricultural activity, agricultural runoff and nitrogen contamination from fertilizer in the water-sheds surrounding Monterey Bay. Nitrogen contamination from agricultural use is a prominent issue, therefore, I proposed some possible solutions, including cap and trade, a water recycling plant, and eco-certification, to minimize nitrogen’s impact on the environment and wildlife while allowing farmers to continue using nitrogen on crops.

Climatologia de bloqueios atmosféricos no hemisfério Sul: observações, simulações do clima do século XX e cenários futuros de mudanças climáticas / A Climatology of Southern Hemisphere Blockings: Observations, Simulations of the 20th Century and Future Climate Change Scenarios.

Oliveira, Flavio Natal Mendes de 26 August 2011 (has links)
Este estudo discute uma climatologia de 59 anos (1949-2007) de bloqueios no Hemisfério Sul (SH) usando dados de altura geopotencial em 500-hPa das reanálises do National Center for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR). A variabilidade espaço-temporal dos eventos de bloqueio e associações com o El Niño/Oscilação do Sul (ENOS) também foram examinadas. Adicionalmente, os bloqueios foram investigados em dois Modelos de Circulação Geral Acoplados Atmosfera-Oceano de clima (MCGAO) do Intergovernamental Painel for Climate Change (IPCC), o ECHAM5/MPI-OM e o MIROC 3.2. Dois cenários simulados foram analisados: O clima do século XX e o cenário de emissão A1B. Os episódios do ENOS foram identificados usando dois métodos. O primeiro foi o Índice Oceânico Mensal do Niño (ONI) do Climate Prediction Center (CPC-NCEP). O segundo método foi baseado em Funções Empíricas Ortogonais (EOF) e foi aplicado nos MCGAOs. Similarmente, também foi examinado a influencia combinada do ENOS e a Oscilação Antártica (AAO) na ocorrência e características dos bloqueios. O índice diário da AAO foi obtido pelo CPC-NCEP. Os índices convencionais de bloqueios detectam principalmente variações longitudinais. Este trabalho propõe um índice de bloqueio que detecta, além de variações longitudinais também as variações latitudinais dos bloqueios. Cinco setores relevantes de bloqueios foram examinados em detalhes: Indico Sudoeste (SB1), Pacífico Sudoeste (SB2), Pacífico Central (SB3), Pacífico Sudeste (SB4) e Atlântico Sudoeste (SB5). Além disso, foram investigados duas grandes regiões do Pacífico Sul: Pacífico Oeste e Pacífico Leste. Foi encontrado que a escala média típica dos eventos de bloqueio varia entre 1,5 e 2,5 dias. Além disso, a duração dos eventos depende da latitude, com eventos de maior duração observados em latitudes mais altas. Diferenças longitudinais estatisticamente significativas na freqüência do escoamento bloqueado foram observadas entre as fases Quente e Neutra do ENOS desde o outono a primavera. Episódios intensos da fase Quente do ENOS (isto é, moderados a fortes) tendem a modificar o local preferencial de bloqueio, mas não a freqüência. Por outro lado, os episódios fracos da fase Quente do ENOS estiveram associados relativamente com alta freqüência. Os Eventos de bloqueio durante o ENOS+ duram, em média, mais um dia relativamente aos episódios Neutros. Em contraste, a fase Fria do ENOS (ENOS-) caracterizou-se pela redução dos eventos de bloqueio sobre o setor do Pacífico Central, exceto durante os meses do verão austral. Entretanto, nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi detectada na duração dos eventos. Composições de anomalias de vento em 200-hPa indicam que o enfraquecimento (fortalecimento) do jato polar em torno de 60ºS durante a AAO negativa (positiva) em ambas as fases do ENOS tem uma importância significativa no aumento (redução) dos eventos de bloqueio. Um significativo aumento estatístico dos eventos sobre o setor do Pacífico Sudeste foi observado durante a AAO negativa em ambas as fases do ENOS. Ainda, um aumento (redução) dos eventos foi observado sobre a região do Pacífico Oeste na fase negativa (positiva) da AAO durante o ENOS-. Em contraste, durante o ENOS+ não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas na distribuição longitudinal dos eventos separado de acordo com as fases opostas da AAO, embora haja um aumento (redução) dos eventos da região do Pacífico Oeste para o Pacífico Leste durante a fase negativa (positiva) da AAO. Os MCGAOs simularam corretamente a amplitude do ciclo anual observado. Também, ambos os MCGAOs simularam melhor a duração e o local preferencial do que freqüência. Nenhum MCGAO simulou adequadamente a freqüência durante a fase Neutra do ENOS. O ECHAM5/MPI-OM (rodada 2) mostra um erro sistemático que levam a uma superestimativa na freqüência de eventos sobre o Pacífico Leste durante as fases Neutra e Fria do ENOS. As diferenças entre as duas versões do MIROC 3.2 indicam que a alta resolução nos modelos melhora o desempenho em simular a freqüência de bloqueios. / This study discusses 59-yr climatology (1949-2007) of Southern Hemisphere (SH) blockings using daily 500-hPa geopotential height data from National Center for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. The spatiotemporal variability of blocking events and associations with El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are examined. Additionally, blockings were examined in two Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCM), ECHAM5/MPI-OM and MIROC 3.2. Two sets of simulations were examined: the climate of the 20th century and the A1B emission scenario. ENSO episodes were identified using two methods. The first method was the Monthly Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC-NCEP). The second method was based on Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and was applied to identify ENSO episodes in the CGCMs. Similarly, the combined influence of ENSO and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) on the occurrence and characteristics of blockings was also examined. The daily AAO index was obtained from CPC/NCEP. Most conventional blocking indices detect longitudinal variations of blockings. In this study we propose a new blocking index that detects longitudinal and latitudinal variations of blockings. The following relevant sectors of blocking occurrence were identified and examined in detail: Southeast Indian (SB1), Southwest Pacific (SB2), Central Pacific (SB3), Southeast Pacific (SB4) and Southwest Atlantic (SB5) oceans. In addition, we investigated two large regions of South Pacific: West Pacific and East Pacific. We found that the typical timescale of a blocking event is about ~1.5 2.5 days. Nonetheless, the duration of events depends on the latitude, with larger durations observed at higher latitudes. Statistically significant differences in the longitude of blockings are observed between Warm (ENSO+) and Neutral ENSO phases from the Austral fall to spring. Moderate to strong Warm ENSO episodes modulate the preferred locations of blockings but do not play a significant role for variations in their frequency. On the other hand, weak ENOS+ episodes were associated with relatively high frequency of blockings. Blocking events during ENSO+ last on average one more day compared to events that occur during Neutral episodes. In contrast, Cold (ENOS-) ENSO episodes are characterized by a decrease of blockings over the Central Pacific sector, except during the Austral summer months. However, no statistically significant differences are detected in the duration. Composites of 200-hPa zonal wind anomalies indicate that the weakening (strengthening) of the polar jet around 60oS during negative (positive) AAO phases in both ENSO phases plays a major role for the relative increase (decrease) of blocking events. A statistically significant increase of events over Southeast Pacific is observed during negative AAO phases in both ENSO phases. Moreover, an increase (decrease) of events is observed over West Pacific region when negative (positive) AAO phases occur during ENSO-. In contrast, during ENSO+ there is no statistically significant difference in the longitudinal distribution of events separated according to opposite AAO phases, although there is an increase (decrease) in the events from West Pacific region to East Pacific during negative (positive) AAO phase. The CGCMs investigated in this study correctly simulated the amplitude of observed annual cycle of geopotential height in the extratropics. Also, both CGCMs show a better performance in simulating the duration and preferred locations of blockings than their frequency. None of these CGCMs simulated well the frequency during Neutral ENSO phase. The ECHAM5/MPI-OM (run2) shows systematic biases in some regions. For instance, this model overestimates the frequency of blockings over East Pacific region during Cold and Neutral ENSO phases. The differences between the two versions of MIROC 3.2 indicate that the increase in resolution improves the performance of the model in simulating the frequency of blockings.


Briones Gamboa, Fernando 29 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La construction sociale du risque est le processus d'augmentation de la vulnérabilité qui rend une société susceptible de subir des dommages. Nous analysons trois variables : les aléas ; les processus sociales qui produisent la vulnérabilité et les mécanismes cognitifs qui déterminent des capacités d'ajustement envers ces aléas.<br /><br />Dans l'isthme de Tehuantepec [Oaxaca, Mexique], région multiethnique dominée par les Zapotèques, le phénomène climatique El Niño change les schémas normaux des pluies et sécheresses. Les catastrophes, des inondations petites mais récurrentes, sont davantage liées aux conditions de vulnérabilité sociale plutôt qu'à l'intensité des phénomènes météorologiques.<br /><br />La construction sociale du risque est analysée à travers des conflits politiques, des réactions contre les plans de développement de ces dernières décennies, ce qui a stimulé l'industrialisation et la fragmentation des villes : Juchitán, Tehuantepec et Salina Cruz. Les zones de risque d'inondations ont été urbanisées dans le cadre de tensions politiques et de manœuvres clientélistes telles que des invasions et des distributions de terres. <br /><br />D'autre part, dans la même région, quelques communautés rurales de l'ethnie huave ont des connaissances climatiques intégrées à leur organisation sociale à travers des pratiques chamaniques et un calendrier religieux où le temps occupe un rôle central, ce qui offre un ajustement minimal aux aléas. Ainsi, les impacts sont différenciés entre les villes et les villages non par l'exposition physique, sinon par la vulnérabilité sociale et des activités productives qui déterminent les représentations du risque, donc des actions face aux catastrophes dites naturelles.

Variabilité océan-atmosphère du secteur Indo-Pacifique

Vialard, Jérôme 26 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les océans Pacifique et Indien tropicaux se partagent la plus grande étendue d'eau chaude et de convection profonde de la planète. Cette région est le siège de la branche ascendante de la circulation de Walker, circulation atmosphérique d'échelle planétaire parfois décrite comme la " machine thermique " de la Terre. Cette région, dont les répercussions sur le climat sont importantes, est aussi source de variabilité océanique et atmosphérique aux échelles intrasaisonnières et interannuelles . En effet, la variabilité interannuelle associée à El Niño, dans l'océan Pacifique, et - dans une moindre mesure - au dipôle de l'Océan Indien (DOI) ont des conséquences climatiques marquées sur les pourtours de ces bassins et à l'échelle du globe. La variabilité intrasaisonnière liée à l'oscillation de Madden-Julian (OMJ) a également des conséquences climatiques marquées : modulations des moussons indiennes et australiennes et un rôle potentiellement important dans le déclenchement d'ENSO. Dans ce mémoire, je vais décrire mes travaux de recherche sur la variabilité océanique et atmosphérique aux échelles intrasaisonnière et interannuelle dans les Océans Indien et Pacifique. El Niño ou le DOI sont des modes couplés : c'est la rétroaction positive découlant des interactions océan-atmosphère qui est source de variabilité (le " Bjerknes feedback "). À l'échelle intrasaisonnière, le rôle du couplage océan-atmosphère semble moins primordial, et modifie seulement des modes de variabilité essentiellement atmosphériques ou océaniques. Par exemple, les ondes d'instabilité dans le Pacifique Est sont le résultat d'une instabilité interne océanique. Cependant, elles affectent la stabilité atmosphérique, les vents de surface, et cela tend à réduire légèrement leur activité. À l'inverse, l'OMJ est un phénomène dont la source est atmosphérique, naissant du couplage entre dynamique et convection dans les tropiques. Toutefois, nous verrons que ce phénomène a une réponse océanique forte dans l'Océan Indien, à la fois en termes de dynamique et de thermodynamique. Le degré d'influence du couplage dans les propriétés de l'OMJ reste toutefois une question largement ouverte. Nous nous intéresserons aussi à la question des interactions entre ces différents modes de variabilité. Nous verrons par exemple comment la variabilité intrasaisonnière atmosphérique peut déclencher un El Niño, comment El Niño peut supprimer l'activité des ondes tropicales d'instabilité et l'effet retour, comment le DOI module l'activité de l'OMJ et enfin, quelles sont les interactions entre DOI et El Niño. Je présenterai alors une région de l'Océan Indien assez emblématique de ces interactions d'échelle, et dans laquelle j'ai développé une activité d'observations (campagnes océanographiques Cirene de 2005 à 2008 et projet de campagne TRIO). La bande 5°S-10°S dans l'Océan Indien est une région très particulière. En raison de la structure des vents, la thermocline y est proche de la surface et la couche de mélange est peu profonde, ce qui induit une forte réactivité de la température de surface aux sollicitations de l'atmosphère. De plus, la température de surface en hiver boréal est proche du seuil de convection, impliquant une sensibilité accrue de l'atmosphère à de petites variations de température. Ces deux facteurs augmentent le couplage océan atmosphère dans cette région qui a une variabilité très marquée aux échelles synoptiques (cyclones), intrasaisonnières (OMJ) et interannuelle (réponse à El Niño, mais aussi au DOI). Cette région a enfin des conséquences climatiques marquées (sur l'intensité des pluies de la mousson suivante, sur le nombre de cyclones dans le secteur La Réunion-Madagascar, sur la convection au-dessus du continent maritime, et même sur l'Amérique du Nord). Pour conclure, je présenterai ma réflexion sur mes axes de recherches futurs, ainsi que mes projets en termes de campagnes et réseaux d'observations.

Erosive water levels and beach-dune morphodynamics, Wickaninnish Bay, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, British Columbia, Canada

Heathfield, Derek Kenneth 10 September 2013 (has links)
Increases in the frequency and magnitude of extreme water levels and storm surges are observed along some areas of the British Columbia coast to be correlated with known climatic variability (CV) phenomena, including the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Since a shift to a positive PDO regime in 1977, the effect of ENSO events have been more frequent, persistent, and intense. Teleconnected impacts include more frequent storms, higher surges, and greater coastal erosion. Geomorphic recovery of regional beach-dune systems from erosive events is usually rapid (i.e., within a year) by way of high onshore sand transport and aeolian delivery to the upper beach and dunes. At Wickaninnish Bay on the west coast of Vancouver Island, fast progradation rates (to +1.46 m a-1) have been observed in recent decades, in part due to rapid regional tectonic uplift and a resulting fall in relative sea level of ~ -0.9 mm a-1. The Wickaninnish foredune complex has rapidly extended alongshore in response to a net northward littoral drift and onshore sediment delivery. Bar deposition and welding processes supply sediment to the foredune complex via aeolian processes, and as a result, this is forcing Sandhill Creek northward toward the prograding (+0.71 m a-1) Combers Beach system, in part maintaining active erosion (-1.24 m a-1) of a bluff system landward of the channel. Bluff erosion generates substantial sediment volumes (-0.137 m3 m-2 a-1) that feed a large intertidal braided channel and delta system as the creek purges into the Pacific Ocean. As a first step in exploring the interactions between ocean-atmosphere forcing and beach-dune responses on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, the proposed thesis: 1) Examines and assembles the historic erosive water level regime and attempts to draw links to observed high magnitude storm events that have occurred in the Tofino-Ucluelet region (Wickaninnish Bay); and 2) Explores the geomorphic response of local shorelines by examining the geomorphology and historical evolution of a foredune-riverine-backshore bluff complex. Despite rapid shoreline progradation, foredune erosion occurs locally with a recurrence interval of ~1.53 yrs. followed by rapid rebuilding, often in the presence of large woody debris and rapidly colonizing vegetation, which drives a longer-term trend of shoreline progradation. This process is complicated locally, however, by the influence of local geological control (bedrock headlands) and backshore rivers, such as Sandhill Creek, which alter spatial-temporal patterns of both intertidal and supratidal erosion and deposition. This work is necessary to understand mechanisms responsible for erosive water levels and the process interaction responsible for subsequent coastal rebuilding following erosive periods. / Graduate / 0368 / derek.heathfield@gmail.com

The condition at settlement of the western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus George : spatial and temporal fluctuations

Limbourn, Andrew John January 2010 (has links)
The condition at settlement of the western rock lobster pueruli presumably reflects both their energetic condition in reaching the near shore and subsequent recruitment into adult populations. In recruiting to the near shore the pueruli swim across the continental shelf where oceanographic conditions are complex and likely influence the success of recruitment. The results from the biochemical studies are interpreted in light of the oceanography off the coast of Western Australia. I investigated the nutritional condition of larval phyllosomata, post-larval puerulus and first instar post-pueruli juveniles of the spiny lobster, Panulirus cygnus, to determine energy use during the non-feeding transitional puerulus stage. Biochemical analyses of lipid, fatty acid (FA) and protein revealed that lipid, in particular phospholipids, is primarily used for energy during the nonfeeding puerulus stage. Monounsaturated FA showed the greatest decline with development, whereas the polyunsaturated FA showed a high degree of sparing, suggesting these FA are not used as a substrate for energy production. The knowledge gained on the biochemistry of energy use in P. cygnus was then used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability in the nutritional condition, in particular lipid condition, of puerulus collected at three near shore locations (Alkimos, Jurien Bay and Dongara) along the Western Australia coast, and one offshore location (Houtman Abrolhos Islands). The one offshore location was chosen as I hypothesised that arriving pueruli are likely to be in a better state of nutrition than those arriving at more coastal locations where the potential journey from offshore larval feeding grounds to the near shore is considerably greater. This element of my research showed lipid levels to be inversely related, generally, to shelf width but were variable, suggesting pueruli may travel complex trajectories to reach nearshore settlement. The lipid and FA composition of pueruli was also consistent with spatial and seasonal variation in Leeuwin Current and coastal productivity regimes.

Observação da oscilação de Madden & Julian em um ano de um evento El Niño (1993) usando análise multivariada em componentes principais. / Observation of Madden & Julian sway in a year of an El Niño event (1993) using multivariate analysis on major components.

SANTANA, Sheilla Christini., RIBEIRO, Sheilla Christini Santana. 19 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-19T19:02:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SHEILLA CHRISTINI SANTANA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMET 2003..pdf: 13359166 bytes, checksum: 0cea1495cd15ff677974b4a226b59053 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T19:02:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SHEILLA CHRISTINI SANTANA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMET 2003..pdf: 13359166 bytes, checksum: 0cea1495cd15ff677974b4a226b59053 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-05-30 / CNPq / Analisou-se o comportamento das atividades da Oscilação de Madden & Julian (OMJ) em um ano em que ocorreu um episódio de El Nino (1993), observando sua variação temporal e espacial em uma faixa do globo limitada pelas latitudes de 20°S a 20°N. Para isto foram utilizados dados diários das reanalises do NCEP: taxa de precipitação total, pressão ao nível médio do mar, vento zonal em 850 e 200 hPa, fluxo de calor latente, radiação de onda longa emitida para o espaço e temperatura do ar em 700 hPa. Estes dados estão distribuídos em uma malha de pontos de grande de 2,5°X2,5°. Nosso interesse em verificar isto partiu do princípio que a literatura destaca que as atividades da OMJ tendem a ser fracas ou ausentes durante os episódios fortes ou moderados de El Nino. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de Análise multivariada em Componentes Principais, Análise de Fourier, e correlações espaciais. A técnica de Componentes Principais foi capaz de determinar as atividades da OMJ no ano de 1993. De posse das médias móveis no espaço, observou-se a variação temporal e a propagação para leste da OMJ, e a técnica de correlação linear não se mostrou satisfatória para detectar as atividades da OMJ em um ano de El Nino. A análise para a região Nordeste do Brasü, devido à redução da escala, que passou de global a regional, permitiu evidenciar as oscilações associadas a sistemas de menor escala de tempo, destacando as perturbações associadas às ondas de Rossby e em menor intensidade a OMJ. / We analyzed the behavior of the Madden & Julian Oscillation (MJO) during 1993, a year of an El Nino episode. We observed both time and space variation within a strip of the globe limited by the latitudes of 20 °N and 20 °S. To accomplish this, we used the following NCEP-reanalysis daily data: total precipitation rate, mean sea level pressure, zonal wind at 850 and 250 hPa* latent heat fluxy long-wave radiation emitted to space and 700-hPa air temperature. These data are distributed in a 2.5 by 2.5 degree grid mesh. Our motivation to develop this study came from the fact, widely supported by literature, that MJO activity tends to be weak or even absent during years of strong or moderate El Nino events. We used Multivariate Analysis: Principal Components, Fourier analysis, and space correlation. The results showed that the Principal Components technique was able to detect the activities of MJO during 1993. By using moving mean in space, we could observe both the time variation and the eastward propagation of the MJO. However the linear correlation technique did not show a good tool to detect the MJO during El Nino years. The North-East of Brazil analysis, through a global-to-regional reduction of scale, allowed a better identification of oscillations associated to systems with smaller time scale. It enhanced the observation of Rossby-type perturbations and, in a lesser degree, the MJO.

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