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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Superkapacitory pro akumulaci energie / Supercapacitors energy storage

Kovařík, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This paper describes the design of DC/DC converters designed for charging supercapacitors and subsequent transformation of voltage to the desired value. In the text are presented decreasing and increasing switched-mode voltage converter including the calculation of the individual components and also the design of converter that combines both types. Using simulation software has been verified the function of each circuits, which can serves as a lower power backup supply.

Návrh, výroba a testování grafenových biosenzorů / Design, fabrication and testing of graphene biosensors

Tripský, Andrej January 2020 (has links)
Pokrok ve vývoji nanotechnologií nám poskytuje dobrou příležitost k vývoji nových špičkových zařízení. Tato práce si klade za cíl vyrobit, popsat a změřit grafenové pH senzory na dvou různých substrátech - polymeru parylenu C a SiO2. Tento pH senzor je prvním krokem ve vývoji nositelné náplasti monitorující stav kůže a možné infekce. Grafen je 2D materiál na bázi uhlíku se zajímavými vlastnosti a nadějnými aplikacemi. Úspěšně jsme provedli dva různé experimenty sloužící k charakterizaci grafenových senzorů a jejich odezvu na různé hodnoty pH. V prvním experimentu jsme použili horní elektrolytické hradlo k určení bodu neutrality (Diracův bod). Druhý experiment popsal změnu rezistence grafenu jako funkce pH. Dále jsme také funkcionalizovali grafen polyanilinem, abychom zlepšili jeho vlastnosti. Prokázali jsme citlivost grafenových senzorů na pH pro oba substráty a objevili jsme několik výzev jako potřebu kontroly iontové síly, experimentů samotných a destrukce grafenu.

Surface Forces in Thin Liquid Films

Huang, Kaiwu 10 January 2020 (has links)
Thin liquid films (TLFs) of water are ubiquitous in daily lives as well as in many industrial processes. They can be formed between two identical phases, as in colloid films between two macroscopic surfaces and foam films between two air bubbles; and between two dissimilar phases, as in wetting films. Stability of the colloids, foams, and wetting films is determined by the surface forces in the TLFs. Depending on the nature of the surfaces involved, the stabilities can be predicted using combinations of three different forces, i.e., the van der Waals, electrical double layer (EDL), and hydrophobic forces. The objective of the present work is to study the roles of these forces in determining the stabilities of the TLFs of water confined between i) an air bubble and a hydrophobic surface and ii) an oil drop and a hydrophobic surface, with particular interest in studying the role of the hydrophobic force. The first part of the study involves the measurement of the surface forces in the TLFs confined between bitumen drops and mineral surfaces. Deformation of bitumen drops has been monitored by interferometry while it approaches a flat surface. By analyzing the spatiotemporal film profiles, both the capillary and hydrodynamic forces have been calculated using the Young-Laplace equation and the Reynolds lubrication approximation, respectively, with the surface forces being determined by subtracting the latter from the former. The results are useful for better understanding the effects of electrolyte and pH on bitumen liberation and recovery by flotation and for developing a filtration model from first principles. The second part of the study involves the surface force measurement in wetting (flotation) films. Surface forces in the TLFs of water on silica surfaces have been measured using the force apparatus for deformable surfaces (FADS) using an air bubble as a force sensor. The measurements have been conducted in the presence of various cationic surfactants such as dodecylamine hydrochloride (DAH), and alkyltrimethylammonium chloride (CnTACl), electrolytes, and polymers. The results show that film stability and hence the kinetics of film thinning can be greatly improved by the control of bubble ζ-potentials, whose role in flotation has long been neglected in flotation studies. Force measurements have also been conducted in the TLFs of water confined between oil drops and hydrophobic surfaces. Stability of this type of film plays an important role in a process of using oil drops rather than air bubbles to collect hydrophobic particles from aqueous phase. The force measurements conducted in the present work show that hydrophobic forces are much stronger in water films formed between oil drops and hydrophobic surfaces than in water films formed between air bubbles and hydrophobic surfaces, which can be attributed to the differences in the Hamaker constants involved. / Doctor of Philosophy / When two macroscopic surfaces in water are brought to a close proximity, a thin liquid film (TLF) is formed in between, with its stability being determined by the surface forces present in the film. TLFs are ubiquitous in daily lives and play a decisive role in many industrial processes such as mineral flotation, food processing, oil extraction, heat transfer, etc. In the present work, the surface forces present in wetting films have been measured by approaching an air bubble (or an oil drop) slowly toward a flat surface while monitoring the curvature changes during film thinning by interferometry and calculating the capillary forces using the Young-Laplace equations. By analyzing the results in view of the Frumkin-Derjaguin isotherm and the extended DLVO theory, it was possible to determine the changes in the van der Waals, electrical double-layer (EDL), and hydrophobic forces during film thinning. The results show that both the EDL and the long-range component of the hydrophobic force control the kinetics of film thinning and rupture while the contact angle formation is controlled by the van der Waals force and the short-range hydrophobic force. It has been found also that n-alkane drops form substantially larger contact angles than air bubbles on a hydrophobic surface due to the fact that the van der Waals force is attractive in the drop-surface interactions while the same is repulsive in the bubble-surface interactions. These observations have a profound implication in flotation, that is, oil drops can recover hydrophobic particles from an aqueous phase better than air bubbles.

Interfacial properties of calcium montmorillonite in aqueous solutions : Density functional theory and classical molecular dynamics studies on the electric double layer

Yang, Guomin January 2017 (has links)
The swelling properties of Bentonite are highly affected by clay content and the clay-water interactions that arise from the ion distribution in the diffuse double layer formed near the charged montmorillonite (or smectite) surfaces. Existing continuum models describing the electric double layers, such as classical Poisson-Boltzmann and DLVO theory, ignore the ion-ion correlations, which are especially important for multivalent ions at high surface charge and ionic strength. To better understand the clay-water interactions, atomistic models were developed using both density functional theory of fluids (DFT) as well as classical molecular dynamics (MD) methods. In order to increase our understanding of water-saturated, swelling smectite clays, a DFT, technique was initially developed that allowed more accurate predictions of important thermodynamic properties of the diffuse double layers. This DFT approach was then extended to handle systems with mixtures of different sizes and charges. The extended DFT model was verified against experiments and Monte-Carlo simulations. One practical application was to predict the ion exchange equilibria in Bentonite clays, which have wide practical usage in different areas. Nevertheless, in the DFT work it was realized that DFT demands that the particles, ions in this case, which are described as hard spheres, realistically cannot be described as such at low water loadings, when ion specific hydration forces govern the electric double layer properties. To study how the deformation of the hydration shells of Ca2+ influences the properties of compacted smectite clays, MD simulations using the CLAYFF forcefield were employed in order to account for the deformation of the hydration shells. Comparisons of DFT and MD modeling then allowed to demonstrate under which conditions DFT modeling becomes increasingly inaccurate and when it still can give accurate results. / Under senare år har mycket forskning ägnats åt att förstå egenskaperna hos svällande leror som används för att skydda mot läckage av föroreningar från kontaminerade områden och från framtida slutförvar av radionuklider. Den fria svällningen förorsakas av de starka osmotiska krafter som uppstår när vatten tränger in mellan de tunna elektriskt negativt laddade lermineralskikten och löser de laddningskompenserande jonerna i det diffusa dubbelskiktet. I flera arbeten användandes av sk. kontinuum-teori har vattenmolekylens form, specifika orientering och bindning till katjonerna i de nanometerstora utrymmen mellan lerpartiklarna ej beaktats samt ej heller hur de hydratiserade jonerna orienteras på de atomärt ojämna ytorna. Detta möjliggörs dock genom modellering av de enskilda atomernas och jonernas interaktioner med molekyldynamik simuleringar, MD. I detta arbete har programmet Gromacs använts tillsammans med kraftfältet CLAYFF för att studera dessa fenomen i montmorillonitleror med natrium- och kalciumjoner. Simuleringarna visar att natrium bildar transienta innersfärkomplex vilka orienterar sig i bi-triangulära fördjupningar på ytan, ungefär 3.8 Å från mitt-planet mellan lerytorna. Denna orientering observeras ända upp till att avståndet mellan ytorna ökat till större än motsvarande fem lager vattenmolekyler mellan lerpartiklarnas ytor. Detta sker inte med kalcium, oberoende av avståndet mellan ytorna. Natriumjoner koordineras med fyra vattenmolekyler och en syreatom på leran vid ett lager vatten mellan ytorna och med fem till sex vattenmolekyler, ortogonalt orienterade med ökande mängd vatten mellan ytorna, och med en hydratiserad jon-radie av 3.1 Å. Kalcium koordinerar till sju vattenmolekyler vid ett vattenlager mellan ytorna, men ökar till åtta ortogonalt orienterade vattenmolekyler med en jonradie på 3.3 Å vid större avstånd. Generellt visas att när avståndet mellan lerytorna är mindre än ca 10 Å, deformeras de annars symmetriskt hydratiserade jonerna. En jämförelse mellan MD simuleringar och med klassisk täthetsfunktionalteori, DFT, visar att den senare inte kan beskriva hur yttersfärkomplexen samverkar med laddningarna bundna närmast ytan, dvs i Stern-lagret. / <p>QC 20170403</p>

Colloidal Interactions in Aquatic Environments: Effect of Charge Heterogeneity and Charge Asymmetry

Taboada-Serrano, Patricia Larisse 21 November 2005 (has links)
The classical theory of colloids and surface science has universally been applied in modeling and calculations involving solid-liquid interfaces encountered in natural and engineered environments. However, several discrepancies between the observed behavior of charged solid-liquid interfaces and predictions by classical theory have been reported in the past decades. The hypothesis that the mean-field, pseudo-one-component approximation adopted within the framework of the classical theory is responsible for the differences observed is tested in this work via the application of modeling and experimental techniques at a molecular level. Silica and silicon nitride are selected as model charged solid surfaces, and mixtures of symmetric and asymmetric indifferent and non-indifferent electrolytes are used as liquid phases. Canonical Monte Carlo simulations (CMC) of the electrical double layer (EDL) structure of a discretely charged planar silica surface, embedded in solutions of indifferent electrolytes, reveal the presence of a size exclusion effect that is enhanced at larger values of surface charge densities. That effect translates into an unexpected behavior of the interaction forces between a charged planar surface and a spherical particle. CMC simulations of the electrostatic interactions and calculations of the EDL force between a spherical particle and a planar surface, similarly charged, reveal the presence of two attractive force components: a depletion effect almost at contact and a long-range attractive force of electrostatic origin due to ion-ion correlation effects. Those two-force components result from the consideration of discreteness of charge in the interaction of solid-liquid interfaces, and they contradict the classical theory predictions of electrostatic repulsive interaction between similarly charged surfaces. Direct interaction force measurements between a charged planar surface and a colloidal particle, performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), reveal that, when indifferent and non-indifferent electrolytes are present in solution, surface charge modification occurs in addition to the effects on the EDL behavior reported for indifferent electrolytes. Non-uniformity and even heterogeneity of surface charge are detected due to the action of non-indifferent, asymmetric electrolytes. The phenomena observed explain the differences between the classical theory predictions and the experimental observations reported in the open literature, validating the hypothesis of this work.

Molecular Simulation Study of Electric Double Layer Capacitor With Aqueous Electrolytes

Verma, Kaushal January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) are an important class of electrical energy storage devices which store energy in the form of electric double layers. The charging mechanism is highly reversible physical adsorption of ions into the porous electrodes, which empower these devices to show a remarkable power performance (15kW/kg) and greater life expectancy (> 1 million cycles). However, they store a small amount of energy (5Wh/kg) when compared with batteries. Optimization of the performance of EDLCs based on porous activated carbons is highly challenging due to complex charging process prevailing in the Nano pores of electrodes. Molecular simulations provide information at the molecular scale which in turn can be used to develop insights that can explain experimental results and design improved EDLCs. The conventional approach to simulate EDLCs places both the electrodes and electrolyte region in a single simulation box. With present day computers, however, this one-box method limits us to system sizes of the order of nanometres whereas the size of a typical EDLC is at least of the order of micrometres. To overcome this system size limitation, a Gibbs-ensemble based Monte Carlo (MC) method was recently developed, where the electrodes are simulated in a separate simulation boxes and each box is subjected to periodic boundary conditions in all the three directions. This allows us to eliminate the electrode-electrolyte interface. The simulation of the bulk electrolyte is avoided through the use of the grand canonical ensemble. The electrode atoms in the electrode are maintained at an equal constant electric potential likewise the case in a pure conductor with the use of the constant voltage ensemble. In this thesis, the Gibbs-ensemble based MC simulations are performed for an EDLC consisting of porous electrodes. The simulations are performed with aqueous electrolytes of type MX and DX2 (where M=Na+, K+; D=Ca+2; X=Cl , F ) for a wide variety of operating conditions. The water is modelled as a continuum background with a dielectric constant value of 30. The electrodes are silicon carbide-derived carbon, whose microstructure generated from reverse MC technique, is used in the simulations. The results from these simulations help us understand the charge storage mechanism, the effect of size and valence of ions on the performance of nonporous carbon based EDLCs when the hydration effects are indignant. The thesis first demonstrates the presence of finite size effects in the simulations performed with the one-box method for KCl electrolyte. The capacitance (ratio of the charged stored on the positive electrode to the voltage applied) values obtained for KCl electrolyte with the one-box method are significantly higher than the corresponding values obtained from the Gibbs-ensemble method. This shows the presence of finite size effects in the one-box method simulations and justices the use of the Gibbs-ensemble based method in our simulations. The fundamental characteristics of aqueous electrolytes in the EDLC are analyzed with the simulation results for KCl electrolyte. In agreement with experiments and modern mean held theory, the capacitance monotonically decreases with voltage (bell-shaped curve) due to overcrowding of ions near the electrode surface. The charge storage mechanism in both the electrodes is mainly a combination of countering (ions oppositely charged to that of the electrode) adsorption and ion exchange, where coins (ions identically charged to that of the electrode) are replaced with countering. However, at higher voltages, the mechanism is predominantly counter ion adsorption because of the scarcity of coins in the electrodes. The mechanism is preferentially more ion exchange for the positive electrode because of its relatively bulky countering, Cl . The shifting of mechanism towards counter ion adsorption at higher voltages and preferential ion exchange process for the positive electrode are in qualitative agreement with the recent experimental results. The constraint of equal electric potential on all the electrode atoms of the amorphous electrode in the simulations resulted in a non-uniform average charge distribution on the electrodes. It shows that the Gibbs-ensemble simulation approach can account for the polarization effects which arises due to a complex topology of the electrodes. In agreement with earlier experiments and simulation studies, the local structure analyses of the electrodes shows that the highly conned ions store charge more efficiently. On the application of voltage difference between the electrodes, the electrolyte ions move towards higher degree of con ned regions of the electrodes indicating the charging process involves local rearrangement and rescuing of electrolyte ions. The thesis also discusses the effect of temperature and bulk concentration on the performance of EDLCs. The Gibbs-ensemble based simulations are performed for the EDLC with varying temperature and bulk concentration for the KCl electrolyte independently. In agreement with the Guo -Chapman theory and experiments, the capacitance decreases with the temperature and increases with the bulk concentration. This is because the concentration of countering in the electrodes decreases with an increase in the temperature but increases with an increase in the bulk concentration. Lastly, the effect of ion size and valency on the performance of EDLCs is analyzed. The capacitance monotonically decreases with voltage (bell-shaped curve) for all the electrolytes, except for NaF, where a maximum is observed at a non-zero finite voltage (camel-shaped curve). The capacitances of NaCl and NaF are greater than that for KCl and KF, respectively. This is because the smaller Na+ ions have more accessibility to narrow con ned regions, where the charge storage efficiency is high. As expected, the capacitance for CaCl2 and CaF2 are highest among their monovalent counterparts, NaCl and KCl; NaF and KF, respectively. This is attributed to the relatively smaller double layer thickness of the bivalent Ca+2 ions. Interestingly, at higher voltages, the capacitance for the bivalent electrolytes approaches the capacitance for the monovalent electrolytes because the concentration of Ca+2 ions in the negative electrode increases sluggishly with voltage due to a strong electrostatic repulsion between Ca+2 ions.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung pyroelektrischer P(VDF-TrFE)-Beschichtungen für Anti-Eis-Anwendungen

Apelt, Sabine 10 August 2021 (has links)
Das unerwünschte Aufwachsen oder Anhaften von Eis an z.B. Windenergieanlagen und Wärmetauschern kann zum Funktionsverlust oder zur temporären Stilllegung der gesamten technischen Anlage führen. Bekannte Abwehrmechanismen sind das aktive Beheizen der Oberflächen oder der Einsatz von Enteisungschemikalien. Um den Verbrauch der hierfür benötigten elektrischen Energie oder Enteisungsmittel zu minimieren, werden in zunehmendem Maß passive Oberflächenbeschichtungen zur Gefrierverzögerung und Adhäsionsminimierung entwickelt. Der Einsatz pyroelektrischer Materialien bietet einen Lösungsansatz, der über bisher bekannte Abwehrstrategien hinausgeht. Es wird angenommen, dass pyroelektrisch generierte Oberflächenladungen während der Abkühlung entweder förderlich oder verzögernd auf die Eiskeimbildung wirken können. Dünne Schichten aus pyroelektrischem Poly-(Vinylidenfluorid - co - Trifluorethylen) haben wegen ihrer leichten Verarbeitbarkeit, hohen Flexibilität und pyroelektrischen Eigenschaften Interesse an ihrer Anwendung als funktionelle Beschichtung geweckt. Für eine industrielle Anwendung von P(VDF-TrFE) ist jedoch ein vertieftes Verständnis darüber erforderlich, wie sich der Beschichtungsprozess auf die resultierende Kristallinität, kristallographische Orientierung und Rauheit auswirkt. Die Morphologie teilkristalliner P(VDF-TrFE)-Beschichtungen wurde in dieser Arbeit in Abhängigkeit der Beschichtungsmethode, des Lösungsmittels, der Schichtdicke und der Wärmebehandlung mithilfe von Röntgenweitwinkelstreuung, Röntgenreflektometrie und Infrarot-Reflexions-Absorptions-Spektroskopie untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Rasterkraftmikroskopie- und Kontaktwinkel-Messungen wurden die resultierende Topographie und Rauheit der Schichten überprüft. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser Messungen kann die dominierende edge-on Orientierung der P(VDF-TrFE)-Polymerketten entweder mit einem transkristallin-artigen Mechanismus oder Konfinement-Effekten erklärt werden. An den P(VDF-TrFE)-Dünnschichten wurde eine Vielzahl von Vereisungsexperimenten mit aufliegenden Wassertropfen durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Schichtparameter wie Polarisierungsrichtung, Schichtdicke, verwendetes Lösungsmittel, Beschichtungstechnologie, Substrat und Wärmebehandlung auf die erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung unabhängig voneinander zu ermitteln. Die Rauheit der Schichten sowie substratspezifische Entnetzungserscheinungen veränderten hierbei signifikant die Verteilung der Gefriertemperaturen von Wassertropfen in Kontakt mit den P(VDF-TrFE)-Dünnschichten. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde kein signifikanter Einfluss der Dicke, Morphologie oder des pyroelektrischen Effekts auf die erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung gefunden. Es kann demnach geschlussfolgert werden, dass die heterogene Eiskeimbildung stärker durch lokale Rauheiten im nm-Bereich beeinflusst wird als durch integrale Eigenschaften wie beispielsweise Oberflächenladungen. Die Eisadhäsion auf P(VDF-TrFE) wird hauptsächlich durch Rauheiten im µm-Bereich, die Umgebungstemperatur und den Ionengehalt der flüssigen Phase bestimmt. Auch hier konnte kein signifikanter Einfluss geladener Oberflächen auf die Haftfestigkeit von Eis ausfindig gemacht werden. Statistische Tests ergaben, dass die Verteilung der Gefriertemperaturen unabhängiger Tropfen auf Oberflächen einem Spezialfall der Extremwertstatistik, der so genannten Gumbel-Verteilung, entspricht. Dies ermöglicht die Definition neuartiger Temperaturkennwerte für die Weiterentwicklung und Prüfung von Anti-Eis-Oberflächen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung und Motivation 2. Stand der Forschung 2.1. Pyroelektrika 2.1.1. Der pyroelektrische Effekt 2.1.2. Pyroelektrische Werkstoffe 2.1.3. Stabilität pyroelektrischer Materialien in wässrigen Medien 2.1.4. PVDF und P(VDF-TrFE) 2.2. Elektrochemische Doppelschicht 2.2.1. Aufbau und Modelle 2.2.2. Ursachen für Ladungen an Grenzflächen 2.2.3. Isoelektrischer Punkt und Ladungsnullpunkt 2.2.4. Orientierung von Wassermolekülen in der EDL 2.3. Vereisung 2.3.1. Wasser und Eis 2.3.2. Anti-Eis Strategien 2.3.3. Gefrierverzögerung 2.3.4. Eisadhäsion 2.4. Pyroelektrika in wässrigen Medien 2.4.1. Charakterisierungsmöglichkeiten 2.4.2. Anwendungsfelder 3. Materialien und Methoden 3.1. Materialien 3.2. Herstellung pyroelektrischer Beschichtungen 3.3. Schichtcharakterisierung 3.4. Vereisungsneigung 3.5. Statistische Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 4.1. Charakterisierung der P(VDF-TrFE) Beschichtungen 4.1.1. Schichtdicke (Ellipsometrie) und mechanische Eigenschaften 4.1.2. Morphologie (DSC, GIWAXS, XRR, IRRAS) 4.1.3. Elektrische Eigenschaften 4.1.4. Topographie (AFM und Kontaktwinkel) 4.2. Vereisungsneigung von P(VDF-TrFE) 4.2.1. Gefrierverzögerung 4.2.2. Eisadhäsion 4.3. Vergleichsmessungen auf poliertem Aluminium 4.3.1. Kontaktwinkel 4.3.2. Gefrierverzögerung 4.3.3. Eisadhäsion 5. Diskussion 5.1. Schichtherstellung, -charakterisierung und -eignung 5.1.1. Schichtdicke 5.1.2. Eignung der Charakterisierungsmethoden 5.1.3. Vergleich von Dip- und Spin-Coating 5.1.4. Eignung von P(VDF-TrFE) für Anti-Eis-Beschichtungen 5.2. Anti-Eis-Eigenschaften 5.2.1. Erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung 5.2.2. Eisadhäsion 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Symbol- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis Veröffentlichungen Anhang / Active de-icing of technical surfaces, such as for wind turbines and heat exchangers, currently requires the usage of heat or chemicals. Passive coating strategies that either postpone the freezing of covering water droplets or lower the ice adhesion strength would be beneficial in order to save costs and energy. One hypothesis is that pyroelectric active materials can either delay or promote heterogeneous ice nucleation because of the surface charges generated when these materials are subject to a temperature change. Pyroelectric poly-(vinylidene fluoride - co - trifluoroethylene) P(VDF-TrFE) thin films have created interest in their application because of their easy processibility, high flexibility and ferroelectric properties. The industrial application of P(VDF-TrFE) requires an understanding of the deposition process of films and in particular the resulting crystallinity, crystallographic orientation and roughness. In this work it has been proposed that an interface-mediated crystallization process occurs when P(VDF-TrFE) thin films are deposited from a solvent, resulting in a dominantly edge-on orientation caused either by a transcrystallinity mechanism or confinement effect. The morphology of the semi-crystalline thin film was studied as a function of the deposition method, solvent, film thickness and annealing temperature by grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering, X-ray reflectometry and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. Atomic force microscopy measurements were used to examine the resulting topography and contact angle measurements to additionally verify the low roughness of the coatings. Freezing experiments with water droplets subjected to a cooling rate of 1K/min were made on P(VDF-TrFE) coatings in order to separate the effect of the different film parameters such as the poling direction, film thickness, used solvent, deposition process, underlying substrate and annealing temperature on the achievable supercooling. The topography and substrate-specific dewetting effects significantly changed the distribution of freezing temperatures of water droplets in contact with the P(VDF-TrFE) thin films. In contrast, no significant effect of the thickness, morphology or pyroelectric effect of the as-prepared domain-state on the freezing temperatures was found. Statistical tests revealed that the distribution of freezing temperatures of individual droplets deposited on surfaces match a special case of extreme-value statistics, the so-called Gumbel-distribution. This allows for the definition of novel parameters for the development and testing of anti-icing surfaces. The adhesion strength of ice to P(VDF-TrFE) is mainly determined by the topography, temperature and ion-content of the liquid phase. In contrast, surface charges do not significantly influence the ice adhesion strength.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung und Motivation 2. Stand der Forschung 2.1. Pyroelektrika 2.1.1. Der pyroelektrische Effekt 2.1.2. Pyroelektrische Werkstoffe 2.1.3. Stabilität pyroelektrischer Materialien in wässrigen Medien 2.1.4. PVDF und P(VDF-TrFE) 2.2. Elektrochemische Doppelschicht 2.2.1. Aufbau und Modelle 2.2.2. Ursachen für Ladungen an Grenzflächen 2.2.3. Isoelektrischer Punkt und Ladungsnullpunkt 2.2.4. Orientierung von Wassermolekülen in der EDL 2.3. Vereisung 2.3.1. Wasser und Eis 2.3.2. Anti-Eis Strategien 2.3.3. Gefrierverzögerung 2.3.4. Eisadhäsion 2.4. Pyroelektrika in wässrigen Medien 2.4.1. Charakterisierungsmöglichkeiten 2.4.2. Anwendungsfelder 3. Materialien und Methoden 3.1. Materialien 3.2. Herstellung pyroelektrischer Beschichtungen 3.3. Schichtcharakterisierung 3.4. Vereisungsneigung 3.5. Statistische Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 4.1. Charakterisierung der P(VDF-TrFE) Beschichtungen 4.1.1. Schichtdicke (Ellipsometrie) und mechanische Eigenschaften 4.1.2. Morphologie (DSC, GIWAXS, XRR, IRRAS) 4.1.3. Elektrische Eigenschaften 4.1.4. Topographie (AFM und Kontaktwinkel) 4.2. Vereisungsneigung von P(VDF-TrFE) 4.2.1. Gefrierverzögerung 4.2.2. Eisadhäsion 4.3. Vergleichsmessungen auf poliertem Aluminium 4.3.1. Kontaktwinkel 4.3.2. Gefrierverzögerung 4.3.3. Eisadhäsion 5. Diskussion 5.1. Schichtherstellung, -charakterisierung und -eignung 5.1.1. Schichtdicke 5.1.2. Eignung der Charakterisierungsmethoden 5.1.3. Vergleich von Dip- und Spin-Coating 5.1.4. Eignung von P(VDF-TrFE) für Anti-Eis-Beschichtungen 5.2. Anti-Eis-Eigenschaften 5.2.1. Erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung 5.2.2. Eisadhäsion 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Symbol- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis Veröffentlichungen Anhang

Parametry mazací vrstvy a třecích povrchů v kontaktu pracujícím v režimu superlubricity / Parameters of lubricating films and rubbing surfaces in contacts operated in superlubricity regime

Poláček, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The work investigates the reduction of friction between non-conformal macro contacts with partial slip. The measurement of the coefficient of friction, with the magnitude of the superlubricity, is extended by the influence of relative slip, direct observation of the contact area and the measurement of the thickness of the lubricating film. It also includes a comparison of changes in topography by friction. The experiments were mainly performed on a ball-on-disk tribometer with measuring the film thickness by colorimetic interferometry. The surface roughness changes were investigated using an optical profilometer. The effect of mean velocity, slide-to-roll radio and topography were observed for selected combinations, one of which did not allow the measurement of film thickness and one did not achieve the expected reduction in friction. For the other combinations, it was possible to observe a reduction of the coefficient of friction to 0,003 or less. The influences affecting the friction between selected materials have been investigated considerably. Thus, a foundation is laid for the research of superlubricity between contacts with partial rolling. The thesis could contribute to the reduction of friction losses, earlier(quicker/faster?) and more common use of some lubricants and materials in mechanical engineering.

Studies of Electrochemical Charge Transfer between Metals and Aqueous Solutions Using Atomic Force Microscopy

Trombley, Jeremy Brian 21 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Carbon Nanotubes: Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis and Application in Electrochemical Double Layer Supercapacitors

Turano, Stephan Parker 08 March 2005 (has links)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have become a popular area of materials science research due to their outstanding material properties coupled with their small size. CNTs are expected to be included in a wide variety of applications and devices in the near future. Among these devices which are nearing mass production are electrochemical double layer (ECDL) supercapacitors. The current methods to produce CNTs are numerous, with each synthesis variable resulting in changes in the physical properties of the CNT. A wide array of studies have focused on the effects of specific synthesis conditions. This research expands on earlier work done using bulk nickel catalyst, alumina supported iron catalyst, and standard chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis methods. This work also investigates the effect of an applied voltage to the CVD chamber during synthesis on the physical nature of the CNTs produced. In addition, the work analyzes a novel nickel catalyst system, and the CNTs produced using this catalyst. The results of the effects of synthesis conditions on resultant CNTs are included. Additionally, CNT based ECDL supercapacitors were manufactured and tested. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis reveals that catalyst choice, catalyst thickness, synthesis temperature, and applied voltage have different results on CNT dimensions. Nanotube diameter distribution and average diameter data demonstrate the effect of each synthesis condition. Additionally, the concept of an alignment parameter is introduced in order to quantify the effect of an electric field on CNT alignment. CNT based ECDL supercapacitors testing reveals that CNTs work well as an active material when a higher purity is achieved. The molarity of the electrolyte also has an effect on the performance of CNT based ECDL supercapacitors. On the basis of this research, we conclude that CNT physical dimensions can be moderately controlled based on the choice of synthesis conditions. Also, the novel nickel catalyst system investigated in this research has potential to produce bulk quantities of CNT under specific conditions. Finally, purified CNTs are recommended as a suitable active material for ECDL supercapacitors.

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