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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка методики оценки эффективности проектов в энергетическом секторе (на примере ПАО «РОССЕТИ») : магистерская диссертация / Development of a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of projects in the energy sector (on the example of PJSC «ROSSETI»)

Разживина, А. А., Razzhivina, A. A. January 2020 (has links)
Проблема оценки эффективности проектов в энергетике чрезвычайно актуальна, поскольку подобные проекты представляют собой сложные планы, масштаб которых может охватывать не только отдельные предприятия, но и города, а также целые регионы. Несмотря на закрепление в законодательстве базовых понятий и процедур оценки эффективности, отдельные методические аспекты оценки эффективности проектов продолжают оставаться в ведении энергокомпаний. Однако в российской практике у большинства энергетических предприятий недостаточно опыта в области управления эффективностью с учетом сложных условий внешней среды. Следовательно, актуальной задачей является разработка методической базы оценки эффективности энергетических проектов, учитывающей существующие особенности рынка, которая позволит принимать эффективные решения о реализации энергетических проектов. Цель работы - разработка методического подхода к оценке эффективности энергетических проектов. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что результаты, полученные в ходе работы, могут быть использованы энергетическими компаниями для оценки эффективности отраслевых инвестиционных проектов. / The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of energy projects is extremely relevant, since such projects are complex plans, the volume of which can cover not only individual enterprises, but also cities, as well as entire regions. Despite the fact that the basic concepts and procedures for evaluating efficiency are enshrined in the legislation, certain methodological aspects of evaluating the projects effectiveness remain the responsibility of energy companies. However, in Russian practice, most energy companies do not have enough experience in the field of efficiency management, taking into account difficult environmental conditions. Therefore, an urgent task is to develop a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of energy projects, taking into account the existing market features, which will make it possible to make effective decisions on the implementation of energy projects. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological approach to evaluating the effectiveness of energy projects. The practical significance of the study is that the results obtained in the course of work can be used by energy companies to assess the sectorial effectiveness of investment projects.

Оценка инвестиционной привлекательности электросетевой компании (на примере ОАО «МРСК УРАЛА») : магистерская диссертация / Assessment of the investment attractiveness of an electric grid company (on the example of Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals)

Яушева, Ю. А., Yausheva, Y. A. January 2022 (has links)
Российский электросетевой комплекс является стратегической и социально значимой отраслью экономики, так как обеспечивает надежное энергоснабжение потребителей, выдачу мощности электростанций, а также перетоки мощности и энергии между отдельными энергообъединениями. Однако значительный уровень износа оборудования, высокая аварийность на электроэнергетических объектах приводит к снижению уровня энергобезопасности. Для поддержания основных производственных фондов в рабочем состоянии и соответствия направлениям развития, заданным «Энергетической стратегией до 2035 года», необходимы значительные инвестиционные ресурсы, доступ к которым у электросетевых компаний весьма ограничен ввиду жесткого государственного регулирования тарифов на передачу электроэнергии. Следовательно, особую актуальность приобретает вопрос идентификации факторов, позволяющих повысить инвестиционную привлекательность электросетевых компаний. Целью работы является комплексная оценка инвестиционной привлекательности электросетевой компании и разработка механизма ее повышения для частных инвесторов. Объект исследования - ОАО «Межрегиональная распределительная сетевая компания Урала» (ОАО «МРСК Урала»). Практическая значимость диссертации заключается в возможности применения предложенного инструментария управления инвестиционной привлекательностью в операционной и стратегической деятельности отечественных электросетевых компаний. / The Russian electric grid complex is a strategic and socially significant branch of the economy, as it provides reliable energy supply to consumers, the output of power plants, as well as the flow of capacity and energy between individual power units. However, a significant level of equipment wear and a high accident rate at electric power facilities leads to a decrease in the level of energy security. In order to maintain the main production assets in working order and comply with the development directions set by the “Energy Strategy 2035”, significant investment resources are needed. But access to it is very limited for electric grid companies due to strict state regulation of electricity transmission tariffs. Therefore, the issue of identifying factors that increase the investment attractiveness of electric grid companies becomes particularly relevant. The purpose is a comprehensive assessment of the investment attractiveness of an electric grid company and the development of a mechanism to increase its for private investors. The object of the study is JSC “Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Urals”. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the proposed tools for managing investment attractiveness in the operational and strategic activities of Russian electric grid companies.

Pumped-Storage Hydroelectricity for a Sustainable Electricity Transition / Pumpkraft för en hållbar elektricitetsomställning

Elmfeldt, Teodor January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis explores the application of Pumped-Storage Hydroelectricity (PSH) within an electricity market characterised by a substantial share of renewable and intermittent electricity production. The purpose of PSH is to enhance the alignment of supply with demand by storing energy at electricity surplus and releasing it during shortage. The Juktan Power Station, once the largest pumped hydro storage facility in Sweden with a storage capacity of about 25 GWh and maximum generation of 335 MW, serves as a case study. An in-depth analysis of the properties of the Swedish electricity market and its influencing factors is conducted. Wind speed data is successfully used to increase accuracy of price prediction. Furthermore, a model is developed to calculate potential profitability employing various operation methods. In conclusion, large-scale PSH provide significant benefit to the stability of the electricity system with a clear increase in value after 2020. However, concerns about grid tariff design, electricity market development and energy storage incentives means that investments are not obviously profitable. / Detta examensarbete utforskar tillämpningen av pumpkraftverk på en modern elmarknad med betydande andel förnyelsebar och intermittent electricitetsproduktion. Syftet med pumpkraft är att förbättra anpassningen av tillgång och efterfrågan genom att lagra energi vid elöverskott och frigöra den vid underskott. Juktan Kraftstation, tidigare Sveriges största pumpkraftverk med en lagringskapacitet på ca 25 GWh och maximal generatoreffekt på 335 MW, används som fallstudie. En analys av den svenska elmarknaden och dess påverkande faktorer genomförs. Vindhastighetsdata används framgångsrikt för att förbättra träffsäkerheten för elprisförutsägelser. Vidare utvecklas en modell för att beräkna potentiell lönsamhet med olika driftmetoder. Sammanfattningsvis visas att storskalig pumpkraft ger betydande fördelar för elsystemet med tydlig förstärkning efter 2020. Däremot identifieras potentiella problem såsom elnätsavgiften, svårigheten att långsiktigt förutspå elmarknadens utveckling samt incitament för energilagring, vilka sammantaget gör att pumpkraftinvesteringar inte är självklart lönsamma.

Анализ инвестиционной привлекательности энергокомпании на основе факторной оценки стоимости акций (на примере ПАО «РОССЕТИ») : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of the investment attractiveness of an energy company based on a factor assessment of the value of shares (the case of PJSC ROSSETI)

Волкова, В. А., Volkova, V. A. January 2024 (has links)
Сфера электроэнергетики является социально значимой отраслью экономики, а электросетевые компании призваны обеспечивать надежное снабжение электроэнергией всего государства, включая промышленные предприятия и частные домохозяйства. На данный момент достаточно остро стоит вопрос износа основных фондов, так как высокая аварийность безусловно снижает качество энергоснабжения. Замена, ремонт и обслуживание оборудования требует значительного финансирования, что может быть обеспечено либо за счет увеличения стоимости услуг, либо за счет привлечения частных инвесторов. Первый вариант невозможен ввиду государственного регулирования тарифов на электроэнергию. Следовательно, актуальным становится второй способ – привлечение частных инвестиционных ресурсов. Однако частные инвесторы предъявляют определенные требования к уровню привлекательности энергокомпаний, учитывающей совокупность показателей стоимости акций и факторы, влияющие на их динамику. Цель работы - совершенствование существующих методов оценки инвестиционной привлекательности энергокомпании за счет учета совокупности факторов, влияющих на формирование стоимости акций, и апробации предложенного подхода. Объект исследования – российский электросетевой холдинг ПАО «Россети». В качестве научной новизны предложена методика оценки инвестиционной привлекательности энергокомпании, оцениваемая с учетом рыночной стоимости ее акций и под влиянием совокупности субъективных (внутренних) и объективных (внешних) экономических факторов. Результаты, полученные в работе, могут быть использованы энергетическими компаниями для повышения собственной инвестиционной привлекательности с учетом текущей стоимости акций. / The electric power is a socially significant industry, and electric grid companies are called upon to ensure a reliable supply of electricity to the entire state, including industrial enterprises and private households. At the moment, the issue of depreciation of fixed assets is quite acute, since high accident rates certainly reduce the quality of energy supply. Replacement, repair and maintenance of equipment requires significant financing, which can be provided either by increasing the cost of services or by attracting private investors. The first option is impossible due to government regulation of electricity tariffs. Therefore, the second method becomes relevant – attracting private investment resources. However, private investors place certain requirements on the level of attractiveness of energy companies, taking into account the totality of share price indicators and factors affecting their dynamics. The purpose of the work is to improve existing methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of an energy company by taking into account a set of factors affecting the formation of the share price and testing the proposed approach. The object of the study is the Russian electric grid holding company PJSC ROSSETI. As a scientific novelty, a methodology for assessing the investment attractiveness of an energy company is proposed, estimated taking into account the market value of its shares and under the influence of a combination of subjective (internal) and objective (external) economic factors. The results obtained in the work can be used by energy companies to increase their own investment attractiveness, taking into account the current value of shares.

The Pecan Street Project : developing the electric utility system of the future

Smith, Christopher Alan 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The Pecan Street Project (PSP) is a public-private initiative that seeks to establish the City of Austin and its electric utility, Austin Energy (AE), as leaders in developing the electric utility system of the future and clean energy economy. The four main components of the project are to: 1) develop a local, public-private consortium dedicated to research and development of clean energy technologies and distributed power generation; 2) open the city’s electric grid to act as a lab to test emerging clean energy technologies; 3) develop a new business model to ensure AE’s continued profitability; and 4) show the world how the new business and systems model can work. This report provides a case study of PSP and describes an analytical approach for evaluating projects, programs, and policies proposed by PSP working groups to develop a cleaner, more efficient electric system. This report includes a history of the project, discusses opportunities and challenges identified by PSP, and evaluates the potential economic, environmental, system, and other impacts of different project ideas through a technical analysis. This report concludes with a series of recommendations to PSP and identifies policy implications for the City of Austin, AE, other policymakers, and other electric utilities. / text

A grid-level unit commitment assessment of high wind penetration and utilization of compressed air energy storage in ERCOT

Garrison, Jared Brett 10 February 2015 (has links)
Emerging integration of renewable energy has prompted a wide range of research on the use of energy storage to compensate for the added uncertainty that accompanies these resources. In the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), compressed air energy storage (CAES) has drawn particular attention because Texas has suitable geology and also lacks appropriate resources and locations for pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS). While there have been studies on incorporation of renewable energy, utilization of energy storage, and dispatch optimization, this is the first body of work to integrate all these subjects along with the proven ability to recreate historical dispatch and price conditions. To quantify the operational behavior, economic feasibility, and environmental impacts of CAES, this work utilized sophisticated unit commitment and dispatch (UC&D) models that determine the least-cost dispatch for meeting a set of grid and generator constraints. This work first addressed the ability of these models to recreate historical dispatch and price conditions through a calibration analysis that incorporated major model improvements such as capacity availability and sophisticated treatment of combined heat and power (CHP) plants. These additions appreciably improved the consistency of the model results when compared to historical ERCOT conditions. An initial UC&D model was used to investigate the impacts on the dispatch of a future high wind generation scenario with the potential to utilize numerous CAES facilities. For all future natural gas prices considered, the addition of CAES led to reduced use of high marginal cost generator types, increased use of base-load generator types, and average reductions in the total operating costs of 3.7 million dollars per week. Additional analyses demonstrated the importance of allowing CAES to participate in all available energy and ancillary services (AS) markets and that a reduction in future thermal capacity would increase the use of CAES. A second UC&D model, which incorporated advanced features like variable marginal heat rates, was used to analyze the influence of future wind generation variability on the dispatch and resulting environmental impacts. This analysis revealed that higher amounts of wind variability led to an increase in the daily net load ramping requirements which resulted in less use of coal and nuclear generators in favor of faster ramping units along with reductions in emissions and water use. The changes to the net load also resulted in increased volatility of the energy and AS prices between daily minimum and maximum levels. These impacts were also found to increase with compounding intensity as higher levels of wind variability were reached. Lastly, the advanced UC&D model was also used to evaluate the operational behavior and potential economic feasibility of a first entrant conventional or adiabatic CAES system. Both storage systems were found to operate in a single mode that enabled very high utilization of their capacity indicating both systems have highly desirable characteristics. The results suggest that there is a positive case for the investment in a first entrant CAES facility in the ERCOT market. / text

Aproveitamento de energia vertida turbinável para produção de hudrogênio e geração distribuída / Use of the wasted hydroelectric potential for hydrogen generation and distributed energy

Carnieletto, Renata 24 January 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In many hydroelectric power plants, while the water inflows are greater than demand, part of this water that could be used to generate energy is spilled by the dam gates and literally wasted. This dissertation discusses the use of this wasted hydroelectric potential for hydrogen (H2) generation through water electrolysis. The usage of this hydrogen can happen not only in vehicle engines or industrial applications, but in energy generation through fuel cells and behaving as an energy vector. The H2 production by electrolysis requires an energy source for its processing. This dissertation aims at to mitigate this issue by the use of the secondary energy. Besides the H2 generation aspects, it is presented the complete mathematic model of alkaline electrolyzers. With respect to the wasted hydroelectric potential approach it must be taken into account that alternative sources of energy are settled onto three bases: the energy source itself, the distribution grid and the interconnection energy source-to-grid (or source-to-load). Looking at this fact, the source connection and disconnection from the grid is a challenge for systems engineering. For this dissertation the simulation of Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) was selected to represent the islanded and grid tied conditions. For that, it is proposed an anti-islanding algorithm used to protect the system against faults that may occur in the grid. A reconnection algorithm is also included to obtain the synchronism of the alternative source with the electric grid. To control these inverters, two control techniques are presented along this text: DQ-frame and the proportional and resonant (P+Resonant) control. These control techniques are simulated to evaluate the application efficiency of such controllers. Additionally a smart control in perspectives of the smart grid was also developed and it is proposed in this dissertation. A smart grid integrated to the distribution system allows aggregation of efficient actions of all agents related to electricity services and so strategically making available the electricity goods and services. In this context, based on real-time spot pricing of the electricity obtained from the utility using an advanced metering device, the inverter control algorithm determines the optimal operating mode. This algorithm enables the inverter to: a) schedule local loads; b) determine either to local storage or selling of energy to the grid. Finally, it is shown that on-line fault detection in the system can also make possible a fast restoration of most contingence situations. / Em muitas Usinas Hidrelétricas, quando as afluências de água são maiores que a demanda, uma parcela desta água que ainda poderia ser utilizada para gerar energia é desviada para o vertedouro e literalmente desperdiçada. Esta energia recebe a denominação de Energia Vertida Turbinável (EVT). Essa dissertação discute o aproveitamento da EVT para produção de hidrogênio através da eletrólise da água. O uso desse hidrogênio pode ocorrer não apenas em motores de veículos ou aplicações industriais, mas na própria geração de energia elétrica em células a combustível, agindo como vetor energético. A produção de H2 por eletrólise da água convencionalmente necessita de uma fonte de energia para o processo. Essa dissertação sugere a mitigação deste problema pela utilização de energia secundária. Além de aspectos para produção de H2, é apresentada uma modelagem matemática completa de todo este processo envolvendo os eletrolisadores alcalinos. Na abordagem da EVT há que se levar em conta que as fontes alternativas em geral estão assentadas em três fundamentos: a fonte de energia, a rede de distribuição e a interconexão fonte de energia-rede (ou fonte-carga). Com vistas a este fato, a desconexão e re-conexão entre a fonte e a rede pode ser um problema desafiador para a engenharia de sistemas. Para esta dissertação, selecionou-se a simulação dos Inversores VSI (Voltage Source Inverters) como resposta para as condições de ilhamento e conexão à rede elétrica. Para isto, propõe-se um algoritmo anti-ilhamento que visa a proteção contra as faltas que possam ocorrer na rede e um algoritmo de re-conexão à rede, incluindo o meio de sincronismo da fonte alternativa com a rede. Para controlar tais inversores, duas técnicas são apresentadas ao longo deste texto: utilizando as transformações DQ e controle proporcional e ressonante (P+Resonant). Essas duas técnicas de controle são simuladas para se avaliar a eficiência da aplicação de tais controladores. Em adicional, foi desenvolvido um controle inteligente diferenciado com perspectivas ao Smart Grid. O Smart Grid integrado aos sistemas de distribuição permite agregar de forma eficiente as ações de todos os agentes ligados a ele para que, de forma estratégica, sejam disponibilizados bens e serviços de eletricidade. Neste contexto, o controle inteligente proposto para inversores de conexão com rede a utiliza técnicas de gerenciamento pelo lado da demanda e ainda determina automaticamente o ponto ótimo de operação do inversor, possibilitando assim o planejamento e arranjo de cargas locais e a determinação de quando deve ser armazenada energia ou vendida para a rede. Mostra-se finalmente que a detecção das falhas no sistema também poderá ser praticada de forma a se poder atuar rapidamente no restabelecimento das situações de contingência.

Управление региональным электроэнергетическим рынком: проблемы и перспективы : магистерская диссертация / Management of the regional electricitymarket: problems and prospects

Пищало, А. А., Pischalo, A. A. January 2015 (has links)
The theme of master's thesis deals with problems of management of the regional energy market. Relevance of the research topicis caused by an infrastructure imbalance of electric energy of the Sverdlovsk region, the absence of the transfer mechanism of ownerless electric grid facilities and the necessity to ensure the reliability and electrical safety of electricity transmission facilities in the area. The object of the dissertation research - the regional electricity market. The subject - management system of electricity market of the Sverdlovsk region. The purpose of research - development of optimization mechanism of the electricity market infrastructure of the Sverdlovsk region. Theoretical and practical significance of the research is determined by its relevance to the formation of a system of sustainable development and reliable functioning of the regional energy market. The theoretical principles and practical guidelines can be used to improve the management system of the electricity business infrastructure in Sverdlovsk region. Dissertation materials recommended for use in the implementation of the master's program "technology and mechanisms of sectoral management in system of state and municipal management" in the direction 38.04.04 "Public and municipal administration". The novelty of the thesis consists in the theoretical-methodological basis of the study and the status and prospects of development of the electric power complex of the Sverdlovsk region, the development of the project on the formation an optimal infrastructure of the regional electricity market. / Тема магистерской диссертации посвящена проблемам управления региональным энергетическим рынком. Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена несбалансированностью инфраструктуры электрической энергии Свердловской области, отсутствием механизма передачи бесхозяйных объектов электросетевого хозяйства и необходимостью обеспечения надежности и электробезопасности объектов электросетевого хозяйства области. Объектом диссертационного исследования является региональный электроэнергетический рынок. Предмет — система управления электроэнергетическим рынком Свердловской области. Цель исследования — разработка механизма оптимизации инфраструктуры электроэнергетического рынка Свердловской области. Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования определяется его актуальностью для формирования системы устойчивого развития и надежного функционирования регионального энергетического рынка. Выдвинутые в диссертации теоретические положения и практические рекомендации могут быть использованы при совершенствовании системы управления инфраструктурой электроэнергетического бизнеса Свердловской области. Материалы диссертации рекомендуется использовать в процессе реализации магистерской программы «Технологии и механизмы отраслевого управления в системе государственного и муниципального управления» по направлению 38.04.04 «Государственное и муниципальное управление». Новизна диссертационной работы заключается в теоретико-методологическом обосновании и исследовании состояния и перспектив развития электроэнергетического комплекса Свердловской области, разработке проекта по формированию оптимальной инфраструктуры регионального рынка электрической энергии.


Diala Anwar Eid Haddad (17677794) 20 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Electric roadways (ERs) represent a new paradigm for electrified transportation that is</p><p dir="ltr">enabled by the emerging dynamic (in-motion) wireless power transfer technology. Large-scale</p><p dir="ltr">integration of DWPT systems into power grids can pose a problem due to its high-power</p><p dir="ltr">requirements, significant number of power electronic converters and spatial concentration.</p><p dir="ltr">Despite their potential magnitude, the operational impacts of DWPT on the power grid have</p><p dir="ltr">not been fully studied in the literature. This dissertation contributes to our understanding</p><p dir="ltr">of how ERs could be successfully integrated with the electric power system at a diverse range</p><p dir="ltr">of spatial and temporal levels.</p><p dir="ltr">On a macroscopic level, a framework for assessing the financial viability of ERs is proposed.</p><p dir="ltr">Annual ER load estimations from traffic flow models of electric vehicles are used to</p><p dir="ltr">generate energy forecasts and carry out a financial evaluation. These models are also used to</p><p dir="ltr">plan distribution system capacity expansion. On a mesoscopic level, a data-driven design of</p><p dir="ltr">ERs and their interconnection with the distribution grid is presented. A data-based stochastic</p><p dir="ltr">traffic flow model is developed and used for designing the interconnection of the DWPT</p><p dir="ltr">system with the distribution grid ensuring adequate power transmission to high penetration</p><p dir="ltr">levels of heavy-duty trucks. The model is also used for conducting a series of quasi-steady</p><p dir="ltr">state studies on the power distribution system. On a microscopic level, a methodology for</p><p dir="ltr">modeling ER systems for time-domain simulations is proposed. Dynamic component models</p><p dir="ltr">are developed for the DWPT system. Power electronics are modeled using average-value</p><p dir="ltr">representations and integrated with models of the distribution grid. The models are used for</p><p dir="ltr">time-domain system simulations, transient analysis, fault analysis and power quality studies.</p><p dir="ltr">Theoretical analysis as well as numerical case studies and simulations of the proposed</p><p dir="ltr">methodologies are presented.</p>

On electric grid power quality monitoring using parametric signal processing techniques / Contribution à la surveillance de la qualité de l'énergie du réseau électrique à l'aide de techniques paramétriques de traitement du signal

Oubrahim, Zakarya 21 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la surveillance des perturbations de la qualité de l’énergie d’un réseau électrique via des techniques paramétriques de traitement du signal. Pour élaborer nos algorithmes de traitement du signal, nous avons traité les problèmes d’estimation des différentes grandeurs du réseau électrique triphasé et de classification des perturbations de la qualité d'énergie. Pour ce qui est du problème d’estimation, nous avons développé une technique statistique basée sur le maximum de vraisemblance. La technique proposée exploite la nature multidimensionnelle des signaux électriques. Elle utilise un algorithme d’optimisation pour minimiser la fonction de vraisemblance. L’algorithme utilisé permet d’améliorer les performances d’estimation tout en étant d’une faible complexité calculatoire en comparaison aux algorithmes classiques. Une analyse plus poussée de l’estimateur proposé a été effectuée. Plus précisément, ses performances sont évaluées sous un environnement incluant entre autres la pollution harmonique et interharmonique et le bruit. Les performances sont également comparées aux exigences de la norme IEEE C37.118.2011. La problématique de classification dans les réseaux électriques triphasés a plus particulièrement concerné les perturbations que sont les creux de tension et les surtensions. La technique de classification proposée consiste globalement en deux étapes : 1) une pré-classification du signal dans l’une des 4 préclasses établis et en 2) une classification du type de perturbation à l’aide de l’estimation des composants symétriques.Les performances du classificateur proposé ont été évaluées, entre autres, pour différentes nombre de cycles, de SNR et de THD. L’estimateur et le classificateur proposés ont été validés en simulation et en utilisant les données d’un réseau électrique réel du DOE/EPRI National Database of Power System Events. Les résultats obtenus illustrent clairement l’efficacité des algorithmes proposés quand à leur utilisation comme outil de surveillance de la qualité d’énergie. / This thesis deals with electric grid monitoring of power quality (PQ) disturbances using parametric signal processing techniques. The first contribution is devoted to the parametric spectral estimation approach for signal parameter extraction. The proposed approach exploits the multidimensional nature of the electrical signals.For spectral estimation, it uses an optimization algorithm to minimize the likelihood function. In particular, this algorithm allows to improve the estimation accuracy and has lower computational complexity than classical algorithms. An in-depth analysis of the proposed estimator has been performed. Specifically, the estimator performances are evaluated under noisy, harmonic, interharmonic, and off-nominal frequency environment. These performances are also compared with the requirements of the IEEE Standard C37.118.2011. The achieved results have shown that the proposed approach is an attractive choice for PQ measurement devices such as phasor measurement units (PMUs). The second contribution deals with the classification of power quality disturbances in three-phase power systems. Specifically, this approach focuses on voltage sag and swell signatures. The proposed classification approach is based on two main steps: 1) the signal pre-classification into one of 4 pre-classes and 2) the signature type classification using the estimate of the symmetrical components. The classifier performances have been evaluated for different data length, signal to noise ratio, interharmonic, and total harmonic distortion. The proposed estimator and classifier are validated using real power system data obtained from the DOE/EPRI National Database of Power System Events. The achieved simulations and experimental results clearly illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques for PQ monitoring purpose.

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