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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo estocástico parametrizável para o estudo de faltas de alta impedância em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica / Parameterizable stochastic model for high impedance fault study on electrical distribution systems

Luiz Henrique Pessôa da Costa Trondoli 22 March 2017 (has links)
As Faltas de Alta Impedância (FAI) causadas pelo rompimento de um condutor da rede primária podem trazer risco à segurança pessoal e ao patrimônio. A detecção deste defeito se faz, portanto, necessária. Não há na literatura um método que estabeleça a solução definitiva para este problema. Ainda, os estudos, quando não baseados em sinais reais, utilizam, por vezes, modelos determinísticos ou que não representam por completo as características geradas pelo defeito. Por este motivo, este trabalho propõe um modelo de falta de alta impedância que visa representar, com elevado detalhamento, a natureza do evento. O modelo desenvolvido é parametrizável para que possa representar as características dos sinais de falta e suas variações, inclusive as não determinísticas, as quais se referenciam na literatura, reproduzindo o comportamento típico de uma falta de alta impedância. O programa de simulação computacional empregado para este fim foi o ATPDraw. Para a validação do sinal gerado pelo modelo, além da comparação visual com sinais de falta reais, foi elaborado um algoritmo de detecção de FAI, o qual busca por características do fenômeno já conceituadas na literatura, com o propósito de analisar o sinal da corrente de falta gerado pelo modelo quando inserido em um sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. Foi observada a progressão temporal do fenômeno, desde o rompimento do condutor até a formação dos arcos voltaicos. Do sinal de falta, em síntese, foram observadas características como: assimetria, variação de assimetria, ocorrência de buildup, presença e variação dos componentes harmônicos e inter-harmônicos. A observação dessa variedade de características é necessária na detecção de FAI e é coerente com o modelo proposto, já que este é o único presente na literatura capaz de reproduzi-las simultaneamente. Dos casos de falta simulados, todos foram detectados pelo algoritmo de detecção, indicando que os sinais de falta de alta impedância produzidos pelo modelo possuem as características que ele foi projetado para gerar. / High Impedance Faults (HIF) caused by primary conductor rupture can pose personal safety risk and danger to property. Detection of this event is, therefore, required. There is no proposed method in the literature that establishes a decisive solution to this problem. Studies, when not based on real signals, sometimes use deterministic models or models that do not entirely represent the event\'s characteristics. For this reason, this research proposes a high impedance fault model that intend to represent, with high level of details, the nature of this event. The developed model is parametrizable so it can represent fault signal characteristic and its variations, reproducing the typical high impedance fault behavior. The software ATPDraw was used for this purpose. For model\'s behavior and signal validation, in addition to visual comparison with real HIF signals, a detection algorithm was developed, which searches for HIF characteristics presented on literature, with the intent of analyzing the fault current signal generated by the model when inserted on an electrical distribution system. The temporal progression of the event was observed from the conductor rupture until electric arc ignition. From the fault current, characteristics such as: asymmetry, asymmetry variation, buildup, presence and variation of harmonic and inter-harmonic frequencies were analyzed. The evaluation of this variety of characteristics is needed for HIF detection and it only makes sense because the proposed model is the only one presented in literature capable of reproducing of all them simultaneously. All detection tests resulted in positive identification, confirming that the proposed HIF model possesses the intended characteristics.

Reconfiguração ótima de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica baseado no comportamento de colônias de formigas / Optimal reconfiguration of the electric power distribution systems using a modified ant colony system algorithm

Fernando Silva Pereira 26 February 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova abordagem para obtenção de configurações para sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica com o intuito de minimizar o valor de perdas ativas sem violar as restrições operacionais. Para isso, considera-se que os sistemas de distribuição estão operando em regime permanente e que suas fases estão equilibradas e simétricas, podendo o sistema ser representado por um diagrama unifilar. A reconfiguração é feita de forma a redistribuir os fluxos de corrente nas linhas, transferindo cargas entre os alimentadores e melhorando o perfil de tensão ao longo do sistema. O problema de reconfiguração do sistema pode ser formulado como um problema de programação não-linear inteiro misto. Devido à explosão combinatorial inerente a este tipo de problema, a resolução do mesmo por técnicas de otimização clássicas torna-se pouco atraente, dando espaço para técnicas heurísticas e metaheurísticas. Essas outras, mesmo não garantindo o ótimo global, são capazes de encontrar boas soluções em um espaço de tempo relativamente curto. Para a resolução do problema de reconfiguração, utilizou-se uma nova metodologia baseada no comportamento de colônias de formigas em busca de alimento na natureza. Nesta, formigas artificiais (agentes) exploram o meio ambiente (sistema de distribuição) e trocam informações para tentar encontrar a topologia que apresente os menores valores de perdas ativas. Para o cálculo das perdas, este trabalho também apresenta uma nova abordagem para resolução do problema de fluxo de potência (FP) em sistemas de distribuição radial. O fluxo de potência é uma ferramenta básica utilizada pelos centros de controle para determinar os estados e condições operacionais desses sistemas de potência. Basicamente, as metodologias empregadas para o cálculo do fluxo de potência são baseadas nos métodos clássicos de Newton ou Gauss. Mas em sistemas de distribuição de energia, devido a particularidades inerentes a estes, como a alta relação entre resistência e reatância das linhas (r/x) e a operação radial, estes métodos apresentam problemas de convergência e se tornam ineficientes na maioria das vezes. A abordagem consiste na associação dos métodos da função penalidade e de Newton. O mal-condicionamento da matriz Jacobiana de Newton é resolvido pela associação com o método da função penalidade. São apresentados testes realizados em sistemas de 5 barras, 16 barras, 33 barras, 69 barras e 136 barras para avaliar a potencialidade das técnicas propostas. Os resultados são considerados bons ou muito bons quando comparado com as técnicas existentes atualmente. / The objective of this work is to present a novel methodology for obtaining new configurations of the distribution system in order to minimize the active power losses without violating operational constraints. For this, it is considered that any distribution system is operating in a steady state and that it is balanced, therefore it can be represented by a one-line diagram. The reconfiguration is done in order to redistribute de current flows on the distribution power lines, transferring loads among the feeders and improving the voltage profile along the system. Such problem can be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. Due to its inherent combinatorial characteristic and since its solution by classic optimization techniques is not appealing, heuristic and metaheuristic techniques are thus better suited for its solution. Although these latter do not guarantee a global optimum, they are able to find good solutions in a relatively short time. The solution of the reconfiguration problem in this approach makes use of a novel methodology based on ant colony behavior, when these search for victuals in nature. In this technique, the artificial ants (agents) explore the environment (distribution system) and exchange information among them in order to find the topology that provides the smallest active losses. For the active losses calculation, this work also presents a novel approach for the solution of the power flow problem for radial distribution systems. The solution of the power flow problem is used by system operators in order to determine the state and operational conditions of power systems. Basically, the most common techniques used in the power flow solution are based on either Newton\'s or Gauss\' approaches. However, due to particular characteristics of distribution systems such as the high ratio of r/x and the radial topology, these methods present convergence problems and are not efficient in most of the cases. Thus, this novel technique consists in associating Newton\'s and the penalty function approaches. The matter of the ill-conditioned Jacobian matrix in Newton\'s method is overcome with the penalty function method. Some tests performed in different systems are then presented in order to assess the effectiveness of both proposed techniques.

Transparent electrodes based on silver nanowire networks : electrical percolation, physical properties, and applications / Électrodes transparentes à base de réseaux de nanofils d'argent : percolation électrique, propriétés physiques et applications

Sannicolo, Thomas 30 October 2017 (has links)
L’intérêt pour les électrodes transparentes (TEs) concerne un large spectre de domaines technologiques, tels que les dispositifs optoélectroniques (cellules solaires, LEDs, écrans tactiles), les films chauffants transparents, ou les applications électromagnétiques. Les TEs de nouvelle génération auront à combiner à la fois un très haut niveau de conduction électrique, de transparence optique, mais aussi de flexibilité mécanique. L’oxyde d’Indium dopé Etain (ITO) domine actuellement le marché des matériaux transparents conducteurs (TCMs). Cependant, la rareté de l’Indium, combinée à ses faibles performances en flexion mécaniques et ses coûts de fabrication élevés ont orienté les recherches vers des TCMs alternatifs. Les réseaux percolants de nanofils métalliques, en particulier les nanofils d’argent (AgNWs), se sont imposés comme l’une des alternatives les plus sérieuses à l’ITO, en raison de leurs propriétés physiques très attractives. Ces réseaux interconnectés offrent également la possibilité d’utiliser des méthodes de synthèse en voie chimique et d’impression à bas coût, sur de grandes surfaces. De manière générale, les premières estimations concernant les coûts de fabrication sont inférieures à celles de l’ITO. De plus, grâce au très haut facteur de forme des nanofils et à la nature percolante des réseaux, les besoins en quantité de matières premières nécessaires pour atteindre un haut niveau de performance sont moindres.Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse à l’étude des propriétés physiques fondamentales – inexplorées ou non encore suffisamment étudiées – des réseaux d’AgNWs, afin d’améliorer la robustesse, la fiabilité et la compatibilité de ce type d’électrodes avec les critères de performance industriels. La première partie est consacrée à l’étude des méthodes d’optimisation utilisées pour diminuer au mieux la résistance électrique des électrodes. Les mesures électriques in situ effectuées au court d’un recuit thermique et/ou après traitement chimique fournissent de précieuses informations concernant les mécanismes d’activation au niveau des jonctions entre nanofils. A l’échelle du réseau, notre capacité à distinguer les zones qui participent efficacement à la conduction électrique de celles qui seraient potentiellement inactives est un défi majeur. Pour les réseaux dont la densité en nanofils est proche du seuil de percolation, un processus d’activation discontinu de chemins efficaces de percolation à travers le réseau a pu être mis en évidence. De manière générale, l’influence de plusieurs paramètres (densité du réseau, tension, niveau d’optimisation) sur l’homogénéité et la stabilité électrique et thermique des électrodes a été étudiée, à l’aide de techniques de cartographie électrique et de simulations. A tension élevée, un processus d’emballement thermique conduisant à la formation d’une fissure physique à travers un réseau d’AgNWs soumis à des plateaux de tension croissants a pu être détecté visuellement. Des modèles de simulation via les logiciels Matlab et Comsol ont aussi été construits afin de confirmer, voire anticiper, les phénomènes observés expérimentalement. Par ailleurs, encouragés par la demande croissante pour les dispositifs électroniques portatifs en toute circonstance, des tests préliminaires ont été conduit pour évaluer le comportement des réseaux d’AgNWs sous contrainte d’étirement mécanique lorsqu’ils sont transférés sur des substrats élastiques. Ce travail de thèse a également donné lieu à l’intégration de réseaux d’AgNWs dans des dispositifs. Des études ont été menées afin d’améliorer la stabilité des films chauffants transparents à base d’AgNWs et de mieux appréhender les mécanismes favorisant l’émergence de défauts. L’utilisation des réseaux d’AgNWs pour des applications électromagnétiques (antennes, blindage) a également fait l’objet de tentatives préliminaires dont les résultats sont commentés à la fin du manuscrit. / Transparent electrodes attract intense attention in many technological fields, including optoelectronic devices (solar cells, LEDs, touch screens), transparent film heaters (TFHs) and electromagnetic (EM) applications. New generation transparent electrodes are expected to have three main physical properties: high electrical conductivity, high transparency and mechanical flexibility. The most efficient and widely-used transparent conducting material is currently indium tin oxide (ITO). However the scarcity of indium associated with ITO’s lack of flexibility and the relatively high manufacturing costs have prompted search into alternative materials. With their outstanding physical properties, silver nanowire (AgNW)-based percolating networks appear to be one of the most promising alternatives to ITO. They also have several other advantages, such as solution-based processing, and compatibility with large area deposition techniques. First cost estimates are lower for AgNW based technology compared to current ITO fabrication processes. Unlike ITO, AgNW are indeed directly compatible with solution processes, never requiring vacuum conditions. Moreover, due to very large aspect ratio of the NWs, smaller quantities of raw materials are needed to reach industrial performance criteria.The present thesis aims at investigating important physical assets of AgNW networks – unexplored (or not explored enough) so far – in order to increase the robustness, reliability, and industrial compatibility of such technology. This thesis work investigates first optimization methods to decrease the electrical resistance of AgNW networks. In situ electrical measurements performed during thermal ramp annealing and/or chemical treatments provided useful information regarding the activation process at the NW-NW junctions. At the scale of the entire network, our ability to distinguish NW areas taking part in the electrical conduction from inactive areas is a critical issue. In the case where the network density is close to the percolation threshold, a discontinuous activation process of efficient percolating pathways through the network was evidenced, giving rise to a geometrical quantized percolation phenomenon. More generally, the influence of several parameters (networks density, applied voltage, optimization level) on the electrical and thermal homogeneity and stability of AgNW networks is investigated via a dual approach combining electrical mapping techniques and simulations. A thermal runaway process leading to a vertical crack and associated to electrical failure at high voltage could be visually evidenced via in situ electrical mapping of AgNW networks during voltage plateaus. Moreover many efforts using Matlab and Comsol softwares were devoted to construct reliable models able to fit with experimental results. Due to the increasing demand for portable and wearable electronics, preliminary tests were also conducted to investigate the stretching capability of AgNW networks when transferred to elastomeric substrates. Finally, integrations of AgNW networks in several devices were performed. Specifically, studies were conducted to understand the mechanisms leading to failure in AgNW-based transparent film heaters, and to improve their overall stability. Preliminary investigations of the benefits of incorporating of AgNW networks into electromagnetic devices such as antennas and EM shielding devices are also discussed at the end of the manuscript.

Load models for operation and planning of electricity distribution networks with smart metering data / Modèles de charge pour la conduite et la planification dans le contexte du compteur intelligent dans le réseau de distribution

Ding, Ni 30 November 2012 (has links)
En 2010, ERDF (Electricité Réseau Distribution France) a entamé la mise en place du projet « Linky » dont l'objectif est d'installer 35 millions de compteurs intelligents en France. Ces compteurs permettront de collecter les données de consommation en « temps réel », avec lesquelles des modèles de charge plus précis pourront être envisagés. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse définit deux objectifs: la définition de modèles prédictifs de charge pour la conduite et la conception de modèles d'estimation de charge pour la planification. En ce qui concerne la conduite, nous avons développés deux modèles. Le premier exploite le formalisme mathématique des séries chronologiques ; le second est basé sur un réseau de neurones. Les deux modèles cherchent à prévoir la charge des jours « J+1 » et « J+2 » à partir des informations collectées jusqu'au jour « J ». Le modèle « série chronologique » repose sur les propriétés temporelles des courbes de charge. Ainsi on découpe la courbe de charge en trois parties : la tendance, la périodicité et le résidu. Les premiers deux sont déterministes et indépendamment développés en deux modèles : le modèle de tendance et le modèle de cyclicité. La somme de la prévision de ces deux modèles est la prévision finale. Le résidu quant à lui capture les phénomènes aléatoires que présente la courbe de charge. Le modèle de prédiction ainsi développé s'aide de nombreux outils statistiques (e.g., test de stationnarité, test ANOVA, analyse spectrale, entres autres) pour garantir son bon fonctionnement. Enfin, modèle « série chronologique » prend en compte plusieurs facteurs qui expliquent la variation dans la courbe de consommation tels que la température, les cyclicités, le temps, et le type du jour, etc. En ce qui concerne le modèle à base de réseaux de neurones, nous nous focalisons sur les stratégies de sélection de la structure pour un modèle optimal. Les choix des entrées et du nombre de neurones cachés sont effectués à travers les méthodes dites de «régression orthogonale » et de « leave-one-out-virtuel ». Les résultats montrent que la procédure proposée permet de choisir une structure de réseau de neurones qui garantisse une bonne précision de prédiction. En ce qui concerne la planification, un modèle non paramétrique est proposé et comparé avec le modèle actuel « BAGHEERA » d'EDF. Avec l'ouverture du marché d'électricité, la relation entre les fournisseurs, les clients et les distributeurs devient flexible. Les informations qualitatives d'un client particulier telles que sa puissance souscrite, son code d'activité, ses tarifs etc. sont de moins en moins disponibles. L'évolution du modèle BAGHEERA qui dépend ces informations pour classer les clients dans différentes catégories est devenue indispensable. Le modèle non paramétrique est un modèle individuel centré sur le relevé des compteurs. Trois variables de régression non paramétriques : Nadaraya Watson, Local Linear et Local Linear adapted ont été analysées et comparées. Les scénarios de validation montrent que le modèle non paramétrique est plus précis que le modèle « BAGHEERA ». Ces nouveaux modèles ont été conçus et validés sur de vraies données collectées sur le territoire français. / From 2010, ERDF (French DSO) started the “Linky” project. The project aims at installing 35 millions smart meters in France. These smart meters will collect individual client's consumption data in real time and transfer these data to the data center automatically in a certain frequency. These detailed consumption information provided by the smart metering system enables the designs of more accurate load models. On this purpose, two distinctive objectives are defined in this dissertation: the forecasting load models for the operation need and the estimation load models for the planning need. For the operation need, two models are developed, respectively relying on the “time series” and the “neural network” principals. They are both for the objective of predicting the loads in “D+1” and “D+2” days based on the historical information till “D” day. The “time series” model divides the load curve into three components: the trend, the cyclic, and the residual. The first two parts are deterministic, from which two models named the trend model and the cyclic model are made. The sum of the prevision of these two models is the final prediction result. For a better precision, numerous statistical tools are also integrated such that the stationary test, the smoothed periodogram, the ANOVA test and the gliding window estimation, etc. The time series model can extract information from the influence factors such as the time, the temperature, the periodicities and the day type, etc. Being the most popular non linear model and the universal approximator, the neural network load forecasting model is also studied in this dissertation. We focus on the strategy of the structure selection. The work is in collaboration with Prof. Dreyfus (SIGMA lab), a well known expert in the machine learning field. Input selection and model selection are performed by the “orthogonal forward regression” and the “virtual-leave-one-out” algorithms. Results show that the proposed procedure is efficient and guarantees the chosen model a good accuracy on the load forecasting. For the planning, a nonparametric model is designed and compared with the actual model “BAGHEERA” of the French electricity company EDF. With the opening of the electricity market, the relationship among the regulators, suppliers and clients is changing. The qualitative information about a particular client such as his subscribed power, his activity code and his electricity tariffs becomes less and less available. The evolution from the BAGHEERA model to a data-driven model is unavoidable, since the BAGHEERA model depends on these information to attribute every client in the French territory into a pre-defined category. The proposed nonparametric model is individualized and can deal with both temperature sensitive (possessing an electrical heater) and temperature insensitive clients. Three nonparametric regressors are proposed: the Nadaraya Watson, the local linear, and the local linear adapted. The validation studies show that the nonparametric model has a better estimation precision than the BAGHEERA model. These novel models are designed and validated by the real measurements collected in the French distribution network.

Reconfiguração de sistemas de distribuição de energia eletrica utilizando algoritmos de busca Tabu / Reconfiguration of distribution systems using Tabu search algorithms

Guimarães, Marcos Antonio do Nascimento 04 August 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alberto de Castro Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T10:50:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guimaraes_MarcosAntoniodoNascimento_M.pdf: 908712 bytes, checksum: d5cf1733a05a1a20b87eb0c7abf094fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A reconfiguração de sistemas de distribuição consiste na alteração da topologia da rede através do fechamento e abertura de chaves instaladas em pontos estratégicos da rede. Normalmente o procedimento é utilizado para fins de isolamento de faltas, minimização de perdas de potência ativa e balanceamento de cargas entre os alimentadores. Esse problema é de difícil resolução devido ao grande número de variáveis envolvidas e das restrições impostas, sendo a restrição de radialidade a de mais difícil representação matemática. O problema pode ser classificado como um problema de programação não linear inteiro misto (PNLIM) e apresenta o fenômeno de explosão combinatorial. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de Busca Tabu para a reconfiguração de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica tendo como objetivo a maximização da margem de segurança com relação à estabilidade de tensão (ou margem de carregamento). São apresentados resultados para sistemas de 14 barras, 32 barras, 69 barras, 84 barras e os sistemas reais de 135 barras e 202 barras / Abstract: The network reconfiguration consists in modifying the topology of the network through the closing and opening of switches installed in strategical points. The reconfiguration of distribution systems is usually done to isolate faults, minimize real power losses, or to balance the load among feeders. This problem is difficult due to the great number of variables involved and the imposed constraints, being the constraint of radial structure of more difficult mathematical representation. The problem can be classified as nonlinear mixed integer programming problems with combinatorial explosion. The main objective of this work is to develop a Tabu Search algorithm for the reconfiguration of distribution systems for voltage stability margin enhancement. Results for the systems: 14 buses, 32 buses, 69 buses, 84 buses and the real systems 135 bus and 202 bus are presented and discussed. / Mestrado / Sistemas de Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de activos basado en el modelo life cycle costing (LCC) para reducir fallas imprevistas en subestaciones eléctricas de transmisión de una empresa de distribución eléctrica / Asset management improvement proposal based on the life cycle costing (LCC) model to reduce unforeseen failures in electrical transmission substations of an electrical distribution company

Enciso Rimache, Juan Carlos, Seminario Orrego, Renzo Edilberto 23 July 2021 (has links)
Para el presente proyecto se analizó una empresa con más de 20 años de presencia en el rubro de transmisión y distribución de energía eléctrica, ubicada al sur de Lima, y cuyo servicio depende de la disponibilidad de los activos ubicados en las subestaciones eléctricas de transmisión. En el año 2019 la empresa tuvo 828 casos de fallas en estos activos, los cuales representaron 8,816MWh de energía interrumpida y cuyo impacto alcanzó los S/. 15,215,000 Por ello, este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal disminuir en 39% la cantidad de fallas y 71% en la energía no suministrada por fallas en estos activos. Estas mejoras traerán consigo la reducción de los gastos por mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, evitar pérdidas económicas por energía dejada de vender y reducir el pago de penalidades impuestos por el ente regulador OSINERMING por no brindar un suministro continuo de energía eléctrica a los clientes. Para lograr lo expuesto anteriormente, se identificarán las causas básicas más representativas de estas fallas utilizando las herramientas Pareto e Ishikawa. Luego se calculará los costos indicados por el modelo Life Cicle Costing para finalmente proponer un plan de renovación de los activos críticos económicamente rentable. / For this project, a company with more than 20 years of presence in the electric power transmission and distribution business, located south of Lima, and whose service depends on the availability of the assets located in the electric transmission substations, was analyzed. In 2019, the company had 828 cases of failures in these assets, which represented 8,816MWh of interrupted energy and whose impact reached S /. 15,215,000 Therefore, this project's main objective is to reduce the number of failures by 39% and 71% in the energy not supplied due to failures in these assets. These improvements will bring about the reduction of expenses for preventive and corrective maintenance, avoid economic losses due to energy not being sold and reduce the payment of penalties imposed by the regulator OSINERMING for not providing a continuous supply of electricity to customers. To achieve the above, the most representative basic causes of these failures will be identified using the Pareto and Ishikawa tools. Then the costs indicated by the Life Cycle Costing model will be calculated to finally propose an economically profitable renovation plan for critical assets. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Development of a Simulation Module for the Reliability Computer Program RADPOW

Setréus, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Detta examensarbete beskriver hur en Monte Carlo simulering (MCS) kan användas för tillförlitlighetsanalys av ett eldistributionssystem. Metoden har implementerats i verktyget RADPOW som nu kan utföra både analytiska och numeriska beräkningar. Angreppssättet för att utveckla denna MCS metod i RADPOW innefattade följande aktiviteter: • Vidareutvecklade av RADPOW med införandet av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt för Windows. • Utveckling och implementering av en iterativ analytisk metod för känslighetsanalys av eldistributionssystem i RADPOW. • Utveckling och implementering av MCS metoden i RADPOW, vilken placerades i en fristående modul kallad Sim. Den implementerade MCS metoden har validerats i en jämförande studie innefattande två testsystem med datorprogrammet NEPLAN. Resultat från denna studie visar att MCS metoden ger samma resultat som den analytiska metoden i RADPOW och det kommersiella verktyget NEPLAN. / This master thesis describes an implementation of a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method for reliability assessment of electrical distribution systems. The method has been implemented in the reliability assessment tool RADPOW which now is able to perform both analytical and simulation evaluations. The main contributions within this thesis includes the following activities; • Further development of RADPOW by the introducing of a graphical user interface for Windows. • Development and implementation of an analytical sensitivity analysis routine for RADPOW. • Development and implementation of a sequential MCS method in RADPOW in a stand alone module referred to as Sim. The implemented MCS method has been validated in a comparable study for two case systems by a commercial software NEPLAN. Results shows that the implemented MCS method provides the same results as the analytical method in RADPOW and the NEPLAN software.

Integração de veículos elétricos no planejamento da expansão dos sistemas de distribuição /

Bañol Arias, Maria Nataly. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: John Fredy Franco Baquero / Resumo: A crescente penetração dos Veículos Elétricos (VEs) no setor de transportes representa um novo e grande desafio para o planejamento da expansão e da operação dos Sistemas de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica (SDEEs) devido ao correspondente aumento da demanda associada ao carregamento das baterias. Portanto, devem ser desenvolvidos métodos que ajudem os SDEEs a lidar com esses desafios, considerando as incertezas associadas às demandas convencionais e aos VEs. Nesta tese é proposto um método robusto baseado em um modelo de Programação Linear Inteira-Mista (PLIM) para auxiliar a integração de VEs no SDEE. O método proposto permite resolver o problema de planejamento multi-estágio da expansão do SDEE considerando a alocação e o dimensionamento de Estações de Carregamento de VEs (ECVEs). Restrições probabilísticas são usadas na formulação proposta para lidar com as incertezas associadas à demanda, garantindo o cumprimento da capacidade de potência das subestações com um nível de confiança especificado. O modelo proposto para o planejamento da expansão avalia a construção e/ou reforço de subestações, ECVEs e circuitos, assim como também a alocação de unidades de geração distribuída e bancos de capacitores ao longo do horizonte de planejamento. O modelo de PLIM proposto é resolvido através de técnicas de otimização clássica visando garantir a solução ótima do problema. A eficiência e robustez do modelo são verificadas usando sistemas teste de 18 e 54 nós, junto com simulações de Mo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The increasing penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) in the transportation sector represents a new challenge for the expansion planning of electrical distribution systems (EDS) due to the corresponding increase of the energy demand. Therefore, methods to support the EDS considering the uncertainties associated with conventional and EV demands should be developed. This thesis presents a methodology to consider the EV integration into the EDS. A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed to solve the multi-stage expansion planning of EDS considering the allocation and sizing of EV charging stations (EVCSs). Chance constraints are used in the formulation to deal with the uncertainties associated with the demands, guaranteeing the fulfilment of the substation capacities within a given confidence level. The proposed model for the expansion planning considers the construction/reinforce of substations, EVCSs and circuits as well as the allocation of distributed generation units and capacitor banks along the planning horizon. The proposed MILP model guarantees optimality using classical optimization techniques. The efficiency and robustness of the model is verified using two test systems with 18-nodes and 54-nodes. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to verify the compliance of the proposed chance constraint. / Doutor

On Risk Management of Electrical Distribution Systems and the Impact of Regulations

Wallnerström, Carl Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Swedish electricity market was de-regulated in 1996, followed by new laws and a new regulation applied to the natural monopolies of electrical distribution systems (EDS). These circumstances have motivated distribution systems operators (DSOs) to introduce more comprehensive analysis methods. The laws, the regulation and additional incentives have been investigated within this work and results from this study can be valuable when developing risk methods or other quantitative methods applied to EDS. This tendency is not unique for Sweden, the results from a comparative study of customer outage compensation laws between Sweden and UK is for example included.</p><p>As a part of investigating these incentives, studies of the Swedish regulation of customer network tariffs have been performed which provide valuable learning when developing regulation models in different countries. The Swedish regulatory model, referred to as the Network Performance Assessment Model (NPAM), was created for one of the first de-regulated electricity markets in the world and has a unique and novel approach. For the first time, an overall presentation of the NPAM has been performed including description of the underlying theory as a part of this work. However, the model has been met by difficulties and the future usage of the model is uncertain. Furthermore, the robustness of the NPAM has been evaluated in two studies with the main conclusion that the NPAM is sensitive toward small variations in input data. Results from these studies are explained theoretically investigating algorithms of the NPAM.</p><p>A pre-study of a project on developing international test systems is presented and this ongoing project aims to be a useful input when developing risk methods. An application study is included with the approach to systematically describe the overall risk management process at a DSO including an evaluation and ideas of future developments. The main objective is to support DSOs in the development of risk management, and to give academic reference material to utilize industry experience. An idea of a risk management classification has been concluded from this application study. The study provides an input to the final objective of a quantitative risk method.</p>

Novas modelagens matemáticas para otimização do problema de restauração em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica radiais /

Souza, Eliane Silva de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rubén Augusto Romero Lázaro / Resumo: Novas modelagens matemáticas são propostas para a otimização do problema de restauração em sistemas de distribuição radiais balanceados. O problema de restauração consiste em estratégias de reconfiguração topológica para o restabelecimento ótimo do fornecimento de energia elétrica para áreas desatendidas após interrupção permanente. A reconfiguração consiste na definição de operações de chaveamento para estabelecer a nova configuração operacional e requer a definição de uma sequência factível para essas operações. Neste trabalho, são propostos dois modelos matemáticos para a otimização do problema de reconfiguração restaurativa, um modelo de programação cônica de segunda ordem inteira mista (PCSOIM) e outro de programação linear inteira mista (PLIM) e é proposto um modelo matemático de PCSOIM para a otimização do problema de sequenciamento de operações de chaveamento. Os modelos matemáticos de reconfiguração ótima e de sequenciamento ótimo são independentes. No primeiro caso, resolve-se apenas o problema de definir a topologia ótima e, no segundo caso, resolve-se apenas o problema de definir a sequência ótima de operações de chaveamento. Assim, o problema de sequenciamento formulado consiste em definir a sequência ótima de operação do conjunto de chaves indicadas em uma proposta de reconfiguração previamente obtida e essa proposta de reconfiguração pode ser em contexto de operação normal ou restaurativo. Os modelos de reconfiguração restaurativa são formulados com o objetivo ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: New mathematical models are proposed for the optimization of the restoration problem in balanced radial distribution systems. The restoration problem consists in topological reconfiguration strategies for the optimal restoration of the electric power supply to unattended areas after a permanent interruption. The reconfiguration consists in the definition of switching operations to establish the new operational configuration and requires the definition of a feasible sequence for these operations. In this work, two mathematical models for the optimization of the restorative reconfiguration problem, a mixed-integer second order conic programming (MISOCP) model and a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model are proposed. Additionally, a MISOCP mathematical model for the optimization of the switching operations sequencing problem is proposed. The mathematical models for optimal reconfiguration and optimal sequencing are independent. In the first case, only the problem of defining the optimum topology is solved and, in the second case, only the problem of defining the optimum sequence of switching operations is solved. Thus, the formulated sequencing problem consists in defining the optimum operations sequence of the set of indicated switches in a previously obtained proposal of reconfiguration and this proposal of reconfiguration may be in the normal or restorative operation context. The restorative reconfiguration models are formulated with the objective of minimizing the de... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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