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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of microelectrode techniques for analytical and environmental applications

Abdelsalam, Mamdouh Elsayed January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings for corrosion protection of steel

Ejenstam, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Since metals in general, and steels in particular, are vital construction materials in our modern society, the corrosion protection of said materials is of great importance, both to ensure safety and to reduce costs associated to corrosion. Previously, chromium (VI) and other harmful substances were effectively used to provide corrosion protection to steel, but since their use was heavily regulated around year 2000, no coating has yet been developed that, in a fully satisfactory manner, replaces their corrosion protective properties.In this thesis, the use of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surface coatings as part of corrosion protective coating systems has been studied. Since the corrosion mechanism relies on the presence of water to take place, the use of a superhydrophobic coating to retard the penetration of water to an underlying metal surface is intuitive. The evaluation of corrosion protective properties of the hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces was performed using mainly contact angle measurements and electrochemical measurements in severely corrosive 3 wt% NaCl water solution.First, the differences in corrosion protection achieved when employing different hydrophobic wetting states were investigated using a model alkyl ketene dimer wax system. It was found that superhydrophobicity in the Lotus state is superior to the other states, when considering fairly short immersion times of less than ten days. This is due to the continuous air film that can form between such a superhydrophobic surface and the electrolyte, which can retard the transport of electrolyte containing corrosive ions to the metal surface to the point where the electrical circuit is broken. Since corrosion cannot occur unless an electrical current is flowing, this is a very efficient way of suppressing corrosion.An air layer on an immersed superhydrophobic surface is, however, not stable over long time, and to investigate long-term corrosion protection using hydrophobic coatings a polydimethylsiloxane formulation containing hydrophobic silica nanoparticles was developed. This system showed enhancement in corrosion protective properties with increasing particles loads, up until the point where the particle load instead causes the coating to crack (at 40 wt%). The conclusion is that the hydrophobicity of the matrix and filler, in combination with the elongatedivdiffusion path supplied by the addition of particles, enhanced the corrosion protection of the underlying substrate.To further understand how hydrophobicity and particle addition affect the corrosion protective properties of a coating a three layer composite coating system was developed. Using this coating system, consisting of a polyester acrylate base coating, covered by TiO2 particles (with diameter &lt; 100 nm) and finally coated with a thin hexamethyl disiloxane coating, it was found that both hydrophobicity and particles are needed to reach a great enhancement in corrosion protective properties also for this system. / Eftersom metaller, och då särskilt stål, är viktigta konstruktionsmaterial i vårt moderna samhälle är korrosionsskydd av stor betydelse, både för att garantera säkerhet och för att minska kostnader som uppkommer i samband med korrosion. Tidigare har sexvärt krom och andra skadliga ämnen använts för att på ett effektivt sätt skydda stål från korrosion, men efter att deras användning kraftigt reglerades runt år 2000 har ännu ingen beläggning utvecklats som helt kan ersätta krombeläggningarna med avseende på funktion.I denna avhandling har hydrofoba och superhydrofoba ytbeläggningar och deras möjliga applikation som en del av ett korrosionsskyddande beläggningssystem studerats. Eftersom korrosionsmekanismen är beroende av närvaron av vatten, är användandet av en superhydrofob beläggning för att fördröja transporten av vatten till den underliggande metallytan intuitiv. De korrosionsskyddande egenskaperna hos superhydrofoba ytbeläggningar utvärderades här främst med hjälp av kontaktvinkelmätningar och elektrokemisk utvärdering i korrosiv lösning bestående av 3 vikts% NaCl i vatten.Först undersöktes skillnaden i korrosionsskydd som uppnås vid användandet av ytbeläggningar med olika hydrofoba vätningsregimer med hjälp av ett modellsystem bestående av ett alkylketendimer vax. Det konstaterades att superhydrofobicitet i Lotusregimen är överlägset bättre än de andra hydrofoba vätningsregimerna, i alla fall när man ser till relativt korta exponeringstider, typiskt mindre än tio dagar. Detta beror på att den kontinuerliga luftfilm som kan bildas på en sådan typ av superhydrofob yta kan minska transporten av elektrolyt (som innehåller korrosiva joner) till metallytan till den grad att den elektriska kretsen bryts. Eftersom korrosion inte kan ske utan en sluten elektrisk krets är detta ett mycket effektivt sätt att förhindra korrosion från att ske.Ett luftskikt på en superhydrofob yta nedsänkt i vatten är dock inte stabilt under lång tid. För att undersöka möjligheten till korrosionsskydd under längre tid med hjälp av hydrofoba beläggningar utvecklades en hydrofob ytbeläggning bestående av polydimetylsiloxan och hydrofoba nanopartiklar av kiseldioxid. Detta system visade en förbättring av korrosionsskyddet vid ökat partikelinnehåll upp till den koncentration (40 wt%) där i stället sprickbildning i ytbeläggningen observerades. Från detta system kunde slutsatsen dras att matrisens och partiklarnasvihydrofobicitet i kombination med den längre diffusionsvägen som partiklarna orsakade förbättrade korrosionsskyddet av den underliggande metallen.För att ytterligare förstå hur hydrofobicitet och partikeltillsatser påverkar en ytbeläggnings korrosionsskyddande egenskaper har dessutom ett treskikts kompositbeläggningssystem utvecklats. Genom att använda detta beläggningssystem, som består av en basbeläggning av polyesterakrylat, ett lager TiO2-partiklar (med en diameter på &lt;100 nm) slutligen belagt med ett tunt ytskikt bestående av hexametyldisiloxan så kunde slutsatsen dras att både en hydrofob matris och partiklar behövs för att nå en markant förbättring av ytbeläggningens korrosionsskyddande egenskaper. / <p>QC 20151015</p>

Graphene-based Supercapacitors for Energy Storage Applications

Yang, Hao January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Etude d’un traitement multifonctionnel vert pour la protection contre la corrosion de l’acier au carbone API 5L-X65 en milieu CO2 / Study of a multifunctional green treatment for corrosion protection against of carbon steel API 5L-X65 in CO2 medium

Henriquez Gonzalez, Magaly 13 May 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer les propriétés inhibitrices de corrosion d’un traitement multifonctionnel utilisé dans l’industrie pétrolière. Dans la première partie de la thèse, l’influence des conditions hydrodynamiques, du temps d’immersion et de la température sur les processus de corrosion de l’acier API 5L-X65 en milieu CO2 en l’absence d’inhibiteur a été étudiée par des mesures électrochimiques (courbes de polarisation, courbes de Levich et spectroscopie d’impédance électrochimique) avec une électrode à disque tournant. A partir de ces essais, la vitesse de corrosion a été calculée pour les différentes conditions expérimentales. L’analyse couplée des résultats électrochimiques et des analyses de surface suggèrent la formation d’une couche de produits de corrosion, principalement de carbonate de fer qui recouvre la surface du métal et conduit à la diminution de la vitesse de corrosion quand le temps d’immersion, la vitesse de rotation et la température augmentent. La deuxième partie de la thèse a été consacrée à l’évaluation d’un traitement multifonctionnel contre la corrosion. Ce traitement est composé principalement de produits extraits de l’Aloe Vera (gel de l’Aloe Vera et « acibar »). Ces produits ont été choisis car ils empêchent la formation simultanée d’hydrates et de carbonate de calcium. Ces composés « verts », ainsi que la dodécylamine, qui est un inhibiteur de corrosion commercial, ont été testés à l’aide des mesures électrochimiques et par perte de masse afin de comparer leur efficacité et d’évaluer un possible effet de synergie lorsqu’ils sont utilisés en mélange. Les produits testés séparément ont un pouvoir protecteur comparable et il n’a pas été mis en évidence d’effet de synergie. En revanche, il a été montré que les composés sont compatibles entre eux. Ceci constitue un point très important pour l’utilisation de ces traitements qui permettent d’augmenter la fiabilité et la rentabilité pour la production du pétrole et du gaz. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the corrosion inhibitive properties of a multifunctional treatment used in the petroleum industry. In the first part of the thesis, the influence of hydrodynamic conditions, immersion time and temperature on the corrosion process of API 5L-X65 steel in CO2 medium in absence of inhibitor was studied by electrochemical measurements (polarization curves, Levich curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) with a rotating disk electrode. From these tests, the corrosion rate was calculated for different experimental conditions. The analysis of the electrochemical results and surface analyses suggest the formation of a layer of corrosion products, mainly iron carbonate which covers the metal surface and leads to the decrease of the corrosion rate when the immersion time, the rotation speed and temperature increase. The second part of this work was devoted to the evaluation of a multifunctional treatment against corrosion. The treatment is mainly composed Aloe Vera extracts (Aloe Vera gel and "acibar”). These products were chosen because they prevent the simultaneous formation of hydrates and calcium carbonate. These "green" compounds and dodecylamine, which is a commercial corrosion inhibitor, were tested using electrochemical measurements and by mass loss in order to compare their efficiency and to evaluate a possible synergistic effect when they are used as a mixture. The products tested separately have a similar efficiency and did not reveal any synergistic effect. However, it was shown that the compounds are compatible. This is an important point for the use of these treatments which can increase the reliability and profitability for the production of oil and gas.

Surface treated cp-titanium for biomedical applications : a combined corrosion, tribocorrosion and biological approach / Fonctionnalisations d’une surface de titane commercialement pur en vue d’applications biomédicales : une triple approche combinant corrosion, tribocorrosion et biologie

Yang, Yaqin 16 October 2014 (has links)
La tribocorrosion peut être définie comme l’ étude de l’influence des facteurs environnementaux (chimiques et/ou électrochimiques) et mécanique (frottement) sur le comportement tribologique de surfaces en mouvement relatifs. En raison de leurs caractéristiques particulières: performances mécaniques, associées à une faible densité, bonne tenue à la corrosion, biocompatibilité, le titane et ses alliages sont souvent utilisés dans le domaine médical comme implants dentaires et orthopédiques. Cependant, leur faible résistance vis-À-Vis du frottement en milieu agressif et plus spécifiquement biologique reste un frein à leur usage courant dans le domaine prothétique. Pour améliorer la résistance à la corrosion et à l'usure du titane et de ses alliages, différentes méthodes de modification de la surface ont été proposées durant ces dernières décennies. Dans ce cadre, le but de ce travail est de comparer les comportements en corrosion et tribocorrosion du titane commercialement pur (cp Ti), avec ce même matériau ayant subi au préalable les traitements suivants :- soit une étape d'oxydation thermique à 650 °C à l’air durant 48 h (formation d’un film d'oxyde de titane (TiO2) en surface),- soit un dépôt électrochimique de calcium phosphate (CaP) en surface,- soit un dépôt électrochimique de calcium phosphate (CaP) suivi d’une tape d’oxydation thermique à 650 °C à l’air durant 6 h (formation d’un dépôt de type CaP/TiO2 en surface). Les phases cristallines des films modifiés ont été identifiées par diffraction des rayons X (XRD). La microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) en combinaison avec la spectroscopie à dispersion d'énergie (EDS) a été utilisée pour caractériser la morphologie et la composition de ces films.Le comportement en corrosion pure des échantillons cp Ti avec ou sans modifications de surface à été étudié in situ à partir des mesures électrochimiques de suivi du potentiel en circuit ouvert (OCP), de la spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique (EIS) et du tracé de courbes de polarisation potentio-Dynamiques.Le comportement en tribocorrosion à été étudié quant à lui à l'aide d'un tribomètre de type pion-Disque apte à travailler en milieu aqueux et permettant outre l’enregistrement des paramètres tribologiques classiques, la mise en œuvre in situ des techniques électrochimiques utilisées lors de l’étude en corrosion pure. Caractérisation et analyses de la surface(composition, morphologie, rugosité …) sont effectuées avant et après chaque étude de comportement (corrosion et tribocorrosion). Un protocole pour la culture des cellules sur la surface de titane a été validé, en se basant sur les résultats expérimentaux préliminaires. / Tribocorrosion is defined as the study of the interplay between chemical, electrochemical and mechanical processes that leads to a degradation of passivating materials in a corrosive environment. Due to the low density, excellent mechanical properties, high corrosion resistance and good biocompatibility, titanium and its alloys are widely used as dental and orthopedic implants. However, the poor wear resistant and bio-Inert properties limit their further development as more efficient and economic biomedical implants. To improve the corrosion-Wear resistance and even bioactivity of metallic implants, different surface modification methods are imposed in the past decades.The aim of this work is to provide a deep insight in the area of corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of commercially pure titanium (cp Ti) under the guidance of a tribocorrosion protocol for passivating materials. And then three different surface modification treatments, as:- one-Step thermal oxidation at 650 °C for 48 h in air atmosphere to form a titania (TiO2) film on the surface of cp Ti.- one-Step electrochemical deposition of calcium phosphate (CaP) bioactive film on the surface of cp Ti.- electrochemical deposition of CaP bioactive film followed by thermal oxidation at 650 °C for 6 h in air atmosphere to form a CaP/TiO2 bioceramic film on cp Ti surface.The crystalline phases of the modified films were identified by X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to characterize the morphology and composition of these films on cp Ti surface. In situ electrochemical measurements, like open circuit potential (OCP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization are used to characterize the corrosion behavior of cp Ti samples without or with surface modification. The tribocorrosion behavior was investigated in an aqueous environment by combining a pin-On-Disc tribometer with the in situ electrochemical equipment. The classical tribological parameters could be also recorded under mechanical loaded condition. Surface characterization and analysis (like chemical composition, morphology, roughness...) are carried out before and after each corrosion and tribocorrosion test. A protocol for the culture of cells on the surface of titanium was validated, basing on the preliminary experimental results.

Identifications of Different Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Mechanisms and MIC Mitigation Using Enhanced Biocide Treatment

Wang, Di 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Protection of Aluminum Alloy (AA7075) from Corrosion by Sol-Gel Technique

Younis, Ahmed 27 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung von Sol-Gel-Beschichtungen durch Optimierung der Ausgangszusammensetzung und der Applikations-Parameter für den Korrosionsschutz der Aluminium-Legierung AA7075. Verschiedene Arten von Silanen, z. B. Tetraethoxysilan (TEOS), Phenyltriethoxysilan (PTES) und Phenyltrim­ethoxysilan (PTMS) sind verglichen worden: Der Sol-Gel-Film aus PTMS präpariert, weist dabei die höchste Hydrophobizität auf, was sich insbesondere in den Barriere-Eigenschaften dieser Verbindung zeigte. Die Wirkung von Essigsäure als Katalysator in Sol-Gel-Prozessen wurden untersucht, um die optimale Katalysatorkonzentration für den Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Proben zu ermitteln. Die Korrosionsbeständigkeit der beschichteten Proben sinkt bei höheren Konzentrationen des sauren Katalysators durch die Auflösung des Aluminiumoxids an der Substratoberfläche. Allerdings führten zu niedrige Konzentrationen des Katalysators zur Verlangsamung der Hydrolysereaktionen der Silane und es bildete sich poröse Sol-Gel-Schichten. Die Wärmebehandlung der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben ist für die Vernetzung des Films erforderlich. Eine Wärmebehandlung bei 300 ˚C für 2,5 Stunden ergab dabei den besten Korrosionsschutz. Höhere Temperaturen führten zu einer Verschlechterung der Eigenschaften der Filme, was mit der Zerstörung des organischen Teil des Films erklärt werden kann. Darüber hinaus verursachen zu niedrige Temperaturen einen geringeren Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben. Vermutlich ist die geringe Vernetzung des Sol-Gel-Films bei Temperaturen was für als 300 ˚C verantwortlich. Die beschichteten Aluminium-Proben wuden mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie (SEM), Energiedispersive Röntgenspektroskopie (EDX), Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) und elektrochemischen Techniken charakterisiert. / The present work pertains to the development of sol-gel coatings by optimizing the composition and the application parameters for corrosion protection of aluminum alloy AA7075. Different kinds of silanes e.g. tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), phenyltriethoxysilane (PTES) and phenyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS) have been compared: the sol-gel film prepared from PTMS shows highest hydrophobicity manifested by the best barrier property of this compound. The effect of acetic acid as a catalyst on the chemistry of the sol is investigated in order to estimate the best catalyst concentration for better corrosion protection of the coated samples. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples is found to be decreasing at higher concentrations of the catalyst due to the dissolution of the aluminum oxide at the substrate surface in the acid sol. However, lower concentrations of the catalyst lead to low hydrolysis reactions of the silanes and non-dense sol-gel films have been formed. The heat treatment of the coated aluminum samples is required for cross-linking of the film. The heat treatment at 300 ˚C for 2.5 hours exhibits the best corrosion protection. Higher treatment-temperatures lead to degradation of the properties of the film which can be described in terms of destroying the organic part of the film. Moreover, low treatment-temperatures cause low corrosion protection of the coated aluminum samples which is presumably attributed to the low cross-linking of the sol-gel film at temperatures less than 300 ˚C. The coated aluminum samples are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical techniques.

Protection of Aluminum Alloy (AA7075) from Corrosion by Sol-Gel Technique

Younis, Ahmed 24 January 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung von Sol-Gel-Beschichtungen durch Optimierung der Ausgangszusammensetzung und der Applikations-Parameter für den Korrosionsschutz der Aluminium-Legierung AA7075. Verschiedene Arten von Silanen, z. B. Tetraethoxysilan (TEOS), Phenyltriethoxysilan (PTES) und Phenyltrim­ethoxysilan (PTMS) sind verglichen worden: Der Sol-Gel-Film aus PTMS präpariert, weist dabei die höchste Hydrophobizität auf, was sich insbesondere in den Barriere-Eigenschaften dieser Verbindung zeigte. Die Wirkung von Essigsäure als Katalysator in Sol-Gel-Prozessen wurden untersucht, um die optimale Katalysatorkonzentration für den Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Proben zu ermitteln. Die Korrosionsbeständigkeit der beschichteten Proben sinkt bei höheren Konzentrationen des sauren Katalysators durch die Auflösung des Aluminiumoxids an der Substratoberfläche. Allerdings führten zu niedrige Konzentrationen des Katalysators zur Verlangsamung der Hydrolysereaktionen der Silane und es bildete sich poröse Sol-Gel-Schichten. Die Wärmebehandlung der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben ist für die Vernetzung des Films erforderlich. Eine Wärmebehandlung bei 300 ˚C für 2,5 Stunden ergab dabei den besten Korrosionsschutz. Höhere Temperaturen führten zu einer Verschlechterung der Eigenschaften der Filme, was mit der Zerstörung des organischen Teil des Films erklärt werden kann. Darüber hinaus verursachen zu niedrige Temperaturen einen geringeren Korrosionsschutz der beschichteten Aluminium-Proben. Vermutlich ist die geringe Vernetzung des Sol-Gel-Films bei Temperaturen was für als 300 ˚C verantwortlich. Die beschichteten Aluminium-Proben wuden mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie (SEM), Energiedispersive Röntgenspektroskopie (EDX), Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) und elektrochemischen Techniken charakterisiert. / The present work pertains to the development of sol-gel coatings by optimizing the composition and the application parameters for corrosion protection of aluminum alloy AA7075. Different kinds of silanes e.g. tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), phenyltriethoxysilane (PTES) and phenyltrimethoxysilane (PTMS) have been compared: the sol-gel film prepared from PTMS shows highest hydrophobicity manifested by the best barrier property of this compound. The effect of acetic acid as a catalyst on the chemistry of the sol is investigated in order to estimate the best catalyst concentration for better corrosion protection of the coated samples. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples is found to be decreasing at higher concentrations of the catalyst due to the dissolution of the aluminum oxide at the substrate surface in the acid sol. However, lower concentrations of the catalyst lead to low hydrolysis reactions of the silanes and non-dense sol-gel films have been formed. The heat treatment of the coated aluminum samples is required for cross-linking of the film. The heat treatment at 300 ˚C for 2.5 hours exhibits the best corrosion protection. Higher treatment-temperatures lead to degradation of the properties of the film which can be described in terms of destroying the organic part of the film. Moreover, low treatment-temperatures cause low corrosion protection of the coated aluminum samples which is presumably attributed to the low cross-linking of the sol-gel film at temperatures less than 300 ˚C. The coated aluminum samples are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical techniques.

Mechanisms of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Caused by Corrosive Biofilms and its Mitigation Using Enhanced Biocide Treatment

Jia, Ru January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Liquid-Air Interface Corrosion of Steel in Simplified Liquid Nuclear Waste Solutions

Li, Xiaoji 12 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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