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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optomagnetismo associado ao spin eletrônico em semicondutores / Optomagnetism Associated to the Electron Spin in Semiconductors

Cordeiro, Renan Carlos 09 June 2015 (has links)
O spin de um elétron confinado em uma ilha quântica (do inglês, quantum dot ou QD) oferece a oportunidade de armazenamento e manipulação de coerência de fase em escalas fe tempo muito mais longas do que aquelas encontradas em dispositivos convencionais. A natureza zero-dimensional dessas estruturas pode ser explorada em dispositivos optoeletrônicos baseados na manipulação de spin pela luz, tais como QD lasers,emissores de fóton-único e transistores de elétron-único. Desta maneira, o entendimento da física por trás do controle do magnetismo pela luz torna-se essencial no avanço do campo de manipulação de spin e no desenvolvimento de aparelhos tecnológicos. Em particular, o enfoque dessa tese, se refere à geração induzida de magnetização em um conjunto de ilhas quânticas, mediante a iluminação por um pulso de luz circularmente polarizado ressonante com a energia de transição dos QD\'s. Neste trabalho em questão, dois modelos quânticos para a magnetização induzida pela luz são apresentados. Para ambos os modelos, a fase de precessão da magnetização em função do campo magnético apresentou excelente concordância com os dados experimentais referentes a um conjunto de ilhas quânticas carregadas de (In, Ga)As. Demonstramos ainda, que a precessão do buraco participante do tríon desempenha um papel fundamental na determinação da amplitude e fase da precessão da magnetização. Ressaltamos também a aplicabilidade do modelo na descrição de ilhas carregadas positivamente. E por fim, sugerimos que a teoria desenvolvida pode ser utilizada como técnica de medição do tempo de vida ressonante do tríon em função da energia de emissão do QD. / The spin of an electron confined in a quantum dot (QD) offers the opportunity to store and manipulate phase coherence over much longer time scales than it is typically possible in charge based devices. The zero-dimensional nature of these nanostructures can be exploited in optoeletronic devices, such as quantum dot laser, single-photon emitters, single-electron transistor and spin-manipulation. Thus, understanding the physics behind light control of magnetism is essential to advance this field and device applications based on it. In particular, magnetization generation can be induced in an ensemble of quantum dots, each charged with a single electron, when illuminated with a short circularly polarized light pulse resonant with the fundamental gap of the QDs. In this work, two quantum-mechanical models for the light-induced magnetization are presented. For both models, the phase of magnetization precession as a function of the strength of the magnetic field in a Voigt geometry is in excellent agreement with experimental data measured on (In, Ga)As singly charged quantum dot ensemble. It is demonstrated that the precession of the hole in the trion plays a vital role because it determines the amplitude and phase of the magnetization precession. The model could also be easily extended to describe positively charged quantum dots. We also suggest that our theory, can be used as technique to measure the resonante trion lifetime as a function of QD emission energy.

Avaliação de dose administrada no tratamento de neoplasia ginecológica por ressonância de spin eletrônico com L-alanina / Dose evaluation administered in the treatment of gynecological câncer by eléctron spin resonance with L-alanine

Rech, Amanda Burg 29 June 2012 (has links)
Neoplasias ginecológicas são os tumores de maior incidência no público feminino. Como alternativa para o tratamento destes tumores existe a radioterapia, em que a sua eficácia depende prioritariamente da correta administração da dose prescrita ao tumor, com acurácia de ±5%, conforme estabelecido pela American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Para verificar a administração de doses existem diversas técnicas dosimétricas, entre elas a ressonância de spin eletrônico (RSE) com L-alanina, material tecido-equivalente, que relaciona dose com a quantidade de radicais livres formados pela radiação. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é a verificação da dose administrada na região tumoral de pacientes diagnosticadas com câncer ginecológico submetidas à teleterapia, utilizando L-alanina e a RSE. Para comparação entre as modalidades de radioterapia, foi realizada braquiterapia ginecológica com objeto simulador, verificando a dose no reto durante o tratamento, que deve ser inferior a 65% da dose prescrita ao tumor, conforme a International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU). Para a análise de teleterapia foi construído um aparato, para a inserção vaginal do material radio-sensível, que foi utilizado durante 5 das 25 sessões de tratamento. As doses foram determinadas com o sistema de planejamento do tratamento mediante as imagens da tomografia computadorizada, em conjunto com softwares de planejamento, e a existência de marcadores radiopacos no aparato permitiu a confirmação das doses, conforme referência óssea através de imagens de portal feitas no momento anterior ao tratamento. Após a irradiação foi feita a leitura das amostras com o espectrômetro de RSE, em que a amplitude pico a pico da linha principal do sinal, normalizado pela massa, determinou a dose entregue nas regiões de interesse. Previamente ao estudo in vivo foi efetuada a teleterapia com objeto simulador, nas mesmas condições de tratamentos in vivo, apresentando desvio médio em relação ao planejamento de (0,2 ± 3,5)%, viabilizando o estudo com pacientes. Para a primeira paciente o desvio médio obtido foi de (0,5 ± 3,7)% e para a segunda de (-0,7 ± 2,8)%. Na simulação da braquiterapia o desvio médio observado foi de (-1,3 ± 9,2)%. Por causa do pequeno número amostral de pacientes, esta pesquisa é classificada como um estudo de viabilidade, em que a utilização de L-alanina com a RSE se mostrou eficiente para o objetivo proposto, fazendo com que os resultados da teleterapia estivessem de acordo com o estipulado pela AAPM e na braquiterapia a dose administrada no reto obedecesse ao relatório 38 da ICRU. / Gynecological malignancies are the most incident female tumors. As an alternative treatment for these tumors exist the radiotherapy, which their effectiveness mainly depends on the right administration of the prescribed dose to the tumor, with an accuracy of ±5%, as established by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). There are a lot of dosimetric techniques for dose verification, including electron spin resonance (ESR) with L-alanine, a tissue-equivalent material, which relates dose with the amount of free radicals formed by radiation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to verify the dose administered in the tumor of patients diagnosed with gynecological cancer subjected to external beam radiation therapy using L-alanine and ESR. For comparison between the radiotherapy modalities was performed gynecological brachytherapy in phantom, verifying the dose to the rectum during treatment, which must be less than 65% of the prescribed dose to the tumor, according to the International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU). For teletherapy analysis was constructed an apparatus for vaginal insertion of the radio-sensitive material, which was used in 5 of the 25 treatment fractions. The doses were determined with the treatment planning system with the computed tomography images, together with the planning software, and the existence of radiopaque markers in the apparatus allowed the dose confirmation, according to the bone reference through portal images made before treatment. After the irradiation the samples was read with the ESR spectrometer, wherein the peak to peak amplitude of the signal main line, normalized by weight, determined the dose delivered into the regions of interest. Prior to the in vivo study was performed the teletherapy with phantom, under the same conditions of in vivo treatments, presenting mean deviation to the planning dose of (0.2 ± 3.5)%, enabling the study with patients. For the first patient, the mean deviation obtained was of (0.5 ± 3.7)% and for the second one of (-0.7 ± 2.8)%. In the brachytherapy simulation the mean deviation observed was of (-1.3 ± 9.2)%. Due to the small sample of patients, this research is classified as a feasibility study, which the use of L-alanine with the ESR was efficient for the objective proposed, making the teletherapy results consistent with the stipulated by the AAPM, and in the brachytherapy the dose to the rectum obey the ICRU report 38.

Interações com membranas de peptídeos de fusão da glicoproteína S do SARS-CoV / Interaction of fusion peptides from SARS-CoV S glycoprotein with membranes

Luis Guilherme Mansor Basso 24 March 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral a consolidação dos esforços iniciados anteriormente em nosso grupo para a utilização de marcação de spin sítio dirigida aliada à técnica de ressonância magnética eletrônica pulsada, em particular, ressonância dupla elétron-elétron (DEER), para medidas de distâncias entre sondas inseridas em moléculas biológicas. Como objetivo específico, interessa-nos a obtenção de informações estruturais de dois peptídeos pertencentes ao domínio de fusão da glicoproteína Spike do coronavírus causador da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SARS) quando de sua ligação em modelos de membranas biológicas. Valemos-nos de uma abordagem conjunta envolvendo técnicas espectroscópicas, calorimétricas e computacionais para monitorarmos mudanças conformacionais nos peptídeos, suas conformações mais representativas e seus efeitos sobre a estrutura das membranas modelo. Os experimentos de calorimetria mostraram que os peptídeos perturbam fortemente o comportamento termotrópico de vesículas constituídas por fosfolipídios zwiteriônicos e negativamente carregados, sendo o efeito mais significativo na presença de lipídios negativos. Não somente a carga, mas também a estrutura da cabeça polar dos lipídios parece ter contribuição importante para a energética da interação. Os experimentos de dicroísmo circular mostraram que os peptídeos possuem alta flexibilidade conformacional, adotando diferentes estruturas secundárias em ambientes diversos. Uma mistura de conformações do SARSFP coexiste em solução aquosa e nos modelos de membranas, sugerindo alta plasticidade estrutural. Este peptídeo possui, ainda, alta capacidade de auto-associação e forma estruturas β e/ou agregados β regulares. Já o peptídeo SARSIFP adquire estrutura predominantemente α-helicoidal em micelas, estruturas β em lipossomos e conformações irregulares em água. Em particular, este peptídeo parece se ligar às membranas na forma de α-hélices, mas adquirir estruturas β em alta concentração. A flexibilidade conformacional dos peptídeos também foi estudada por dinâmica molecular (DM). Hélices, estruturas β, voltas, dobras e estruturas irregulares são visitadas durante as trajetórias dos dois peptídeos, mas o SARSIFP apresenta menor flexibilidade estrutural. O perfil de energia livre apresentado consiste de uma superfície plana, larga e rasa, sem grandes barreiras energéticas separando os diferentes estados conformacionais. A energia térmica à 300 K é suficiente para visitar boa parte do espaço conformacional acessível aos peptídeos ao longo dos parâmetros de ordem escolhidos. Por fim, obtivemos informações estruturais de análogos paramagnéticos dos peptídeos duplamente marcados com radicais nitróxidos quando em diferentes solventes e miméticos de membranas, além de estudarmos a oligomerização de derivados unicamente marcados. As distribuições de distâncias recuperadas dos sinais de DEER mostram que o SARSIFP adota primariamente α-hélices na presença dos miméticos, com provável formação de estruturas β na presença de micelas negativas. Para o SARSFP, uma larga distribuição de distâncias foi encontrada em todos os miméticos de membranas, refletindo a coexistência de conformações provavelmente bem compactas. Análogos unicamente marcados dos peptídeos ainda revelaram alta capacidade de formação de oligômeros em SDS-d25. Os resultados obtidos com esse conjunto de técnicas permitiram avanços consideráveis sobre as conformações adotadas pelos peptídeos nas diversas situações, o que pode revelar informações importantes acerca dos passos iniciais do mecanismo de fusão com membranas da glicoproteína Spike do coronavírus causador da SARS. / This thesis has the general goal of consolidating in our group the use of site directed spin labeling along with pulsed electron spin resonance, in particular double electron-electron resonance (DEER), for distance measurements in biological molecules. Our specific goal is to obtain structural information on two peptides belonging to the fusion domain of the spike glycoprotein from the SARS coronavirus when in the presence of membrane model systems. We used a joint approach involving spectroscopic, calorimetric, and computational techniques to monitor conformational changes in the peptides, their most representative conformations and their effects on the structure of model membranes. Calorimetric results showed that the peptides strongly perturb the thermotropic behavior of zwitterionic and negatively-charged lipid vesicles, with the largest effects seen with the later. Not only the charge, but also the lipid headgroup structure seems to be relevant for the energetics of the interaction. Circular dichroism experiments showed that the peptides present high conformational flexibility, assuming different secondary structures in diverse environments. A mixture of conformation of SARSFP coexists in aqueous solutions and in the membrane models, suggesting large structural plasticity. This peptide also showed high auto-association tendency forming β structures and/or regular β aggregates. On the other hand, the SARSIFP peptide is predominantly an α-helix when in micelles, β structures in lipossomes, and assumes irregular conformations in water. In particular, this peptide seems to bind to membranes as an α-helix, transitioning to β structures in high concentrations. The conformational flexibility of the peptides was also studied by molecular dynamics (MD). Helices, β structures, turns, hairpins and irregular structures are visited during the trajectories of both peptides, but SARSIFP presents less structural flexibility. The free energy profile is consistent with that of a plane, broad and shallow surface, without large energetic barriers separating the different conformational states. The thermal energy at 300 K is sufficient to make the peptides visit most of the conformational space accessible for a certain choice of order parameters. Lastly, we obtained structural information from paramagnetic analogs of the peptides, which were doubly-labeled with nitroxide radicals, in different solvents and membrane mimetics. We also studied the oligomerization process of singly-labeled analogs. The distance distributions determined from the DEER traces showed that SARSIFP adopts a primarily α-helix conformation in the presence of the mimetics, with the formation of β structures in the presence of negative micelles. DEER results for SARSFP showed a broad distribution of distances in all membrane mimetics, thus reflecting the coexistence of compact conformations. Singly-labeled analogs revealed the high tendency of formation of oligomers in SDS-d25. Our results allowed us to make considerable progress in understanding the conformations of the peptides in the conditions under investigation, which contributed with relevant information on the early steps of the membrane fusion mechanism carried out by the spike glycoprotein from the SARS coronavirus.

A critical study of nonlinear echo phenomena

Chatterjee, Monish Ranjan 01 May 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Ultrasensitive Magnetometry and Imaging with NV Diamond

Kim, Changdong 2010 May 1900 (has links)
NV centers in a diamond are proving themselves to be good building blocks for quantum information, electron spin resonance (ESR) imaging, and sensor applications. The key feature of the NV is that it has an electron spin that can be polarized and read out at room temperature. The readout is optical, thus the magnetic field imaging can also be done easily. Magnetic field variation with feature sizes below 0.3 microns cannot be directly resolved, and so in this region magnetic resonance imaging must be employed. To realize the full sensitivity of NV diamond, the spin transition linewidth must be as narrow as possible. Additionally, in the case of NV ensembles for micron-sized magnetometers, there must be a high concentration of NV. To this end three techniques are explored: (1) Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging with microwave field gradients, (2) Magic angle rotation of magnetic field, and (3) TEM irradiation to optimize the yield of NV in a diamond. For the EPR imaging demonstration a resonant microwave field gradient is used in place of the usual DC magnetic gradient to obtain enough spatial resolution to resolve two very close "double NV" centers in a type Ib bulk diamond. Microfabrication technology enabled the micron-size wire structure to sit directly on the surface of millimeter-scale diamond plate. In contrast to conventional magnetic resonance imaging pulsed ESR was used to measure the Rabi oscillations. From the beating of Rabi oscillations from a "double NV," the pair was resolved using the one-dimension EPR imaging (EPRI) and the spatial distance was obtained. To achieve high sensitivity in nitrogen-doped diamond, the dipole-dipole coupling between the electron spin of the NV center and the substitutional nitrogen (14N) electron must be suppressed because it causes linewidth broadening. Magic angle spinning is an accepted technique to push T2 and T2 * down toward the T1 limit. An experiment was performed using the HPHT diamond with a high concentration of nitrogen, and a rotating field was applied with a microfabricated wire structure to reduce line broadening. In this experiment, ~50% suppression of the linewidth was observed and the effective time constant T2* improved from 114 ns to 227 ns. To achieve the highest possible sensitivity for micro-scale magnetic sensors the concentration of NV should be large. Since the unconverted N are magnetic impurities they shorten T2 and T2*, giving a tradeoff between NV (and therefore N) concentration and sensitivity. To construct a damage monitor, a type Ib HPHT sample was irradiated with electrons from a transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the effects on the ESR transition were seen well before physical damage appeared on the diamond and thus this proved to be a sensitive metric for irradiation damage.

Spin polarization control through resonant states in an Fe/GaAs Schottky barrier

Honda, S., Itoh, H., Inoue, J., Kurebayashi, H., Trypiniotis, T., Barnes, C. H. W., Hirohata, A., Bland, J. A. C. 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Intramolecular electron transfer in mixed-valence triarylamines

Lancaster, Kelly 29 July 2009 (has links)
Mixed-valence compounds are of interest as model systems for the study of electron transfer reactions. The intramolecular electron transfer processes and patterns of charge delocalization in such compounds depend on the interplay between the electronic (V) and the vibronic (L) coupling. One can obtain both parameters from a Hush analysis of the intervalence band that arises upon optical intramolecular electron transfer if the band is intense and well-separated from other bands. This is quite often the case for mixed-valence triarylamines. As such, both Hush analysis and simulation of the intervalence band are widely used to classify these compounds as charge localized (class-II) or delocalized (class-III). Yet one must estimate the diabatic electron transfer distance (R) to calculate V in the Hush formalism. For mixed-valence triarylamines, R is commonly taken as the N-N distance; we show this to be a poor approximation in many cases. The activation barrier to thermal intramolecular electron transfer in a class-II mixed-valence compound is also related to the parameters V and L. Thus, if one can capture the rate of thermal electron transfer at multiple temperatures, then two experimental methods exist by which to extract the microscopic parameters. One technique that is widely used for organic mixed-valence compounds is variable-temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. But this method is only rarely used to determine thermal electron transfer rates in mixed-valence triarylamines, as the electron transfer in most of the class-II compounds with distinct intervalence bands is too fast to observe on the ESR timescale. We show, for the first time, that one can use ESR spectroscopy to measure thermal electron transfer rates in such compounds. Simulation of ESR spectra based on density functional theory calculation and comparison with optical data also uncover the nature (i.e., adiabatic or nonadiabatic) of the electron transfer process.

Metal-induced generation of reactive oxygen species and related cellular inury

Leonard, Stephen S., January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2002. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xi, 148 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.

Roles of radicals in cancer research potential therapeutic agents and probes for studying carcinogenesis /

Powell, Jeannine Harrison, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2003. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 210 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 154-185).

Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging with a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond

Hong, Sungkun 18 March 2013 (has links)
Magnetic imaging has been playing central roles not only in fundamental sciences but also in engineering and industry. Their numerous applications can be found in various areas, ranging from chemical analysis and biomedical imaging to magnetic data storage technology. An outstanding problem is to develope new magnetic imaging techniques with improved spatial resolutions down to nanoscale, while maintaining their magnetic sensitivities. For instance, if detecting individual electron or nuclear spins with nanomter spatial resolution is possible, it would allow for direct imaging of chemical structures of complex molecules, which then could bring termendous impacts on biological sciences. While realization of such nanoscale magnetic imaging still remains challenging, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond have recently considered as promising magnetic field sensors, as their electron spins show exceptionally long coherence even at room temperature. This thesis presents experimental progress in realizing a nanoscale magnetic imaging apparatus with a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center diamond. We first fabricated diamond nanopillar devices hosting single NV centers at their ends, and incorporated them to a custom-built atomic force microscope (AFM). Our devices showed unprecedented combination of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution for scanning NV systems. We then used these devices to magnetically image a single isolated electronic spin with nanometer resolution, for the first time under ambient condition. We also extended our study to improve and generalize the application of the scanning NV magnetometer we developed. We first introduced magnetic field gradients from a strongly magnetized tip, and demonstrated that the spatial resolution can be further improved by spectrally distinguishing identical spins at different locations. In addition, we developed a method to synchronize the periodic motion of an AFM tip and pulsed microwave sequences controlling an NV spin. This scheme enabled employment of 'AC magnetic field sensing scheme' in imaging samples with static and spatially varying magnetizations. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

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