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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adobe Acrobat fuer Windows

Wunderlich, Jan 07 May 1997 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit dem Softwarepaket Adobe Acrobat fuer Windows 3.xx. Die ersten Kapitel geben eine Uebersicht ueber die Komponenten Reader, Exchange und Distiller. Dabei werden alle angebotenen Funktionen und Moeglichkeiten dieser Komponenten erlaeutert. Weiterhin erfolgt eine Gegenueberstellung der Formatbeschreibungen PDF und Postscript. Abschliessend habe ich die gebotenen Moeglichkeiten des Softwarepaketes untersucht und bewertet. Zur Untermalung meiner Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen meiner Studienarbeit zwei Beispieldokumente erarbeitet. Alle erstellten Dokumente sind als Postscript-Dateien erhaeltlich.

Analyse und Anpassung eines XML-first-Workflows hinsichtlich Barrierefreiheit

Pötzsch, Jenny 08 March 2022 (has links)
In dieser Masterarbeit wird sich mit der barrierefreien Gestaltung der elektronischen Publikationsformate EPUB und PDF auseinandergesetzt, welche von dem Open-Access-Hochschulverlag in einem XML-first-Workflow erzeugt werden. Dazu werden sich verschiedene Standards, Spezifikationen, Richtlinien, Prüfwerkzeuge und Hilfsmittel angesehen und anschließend eine Barrierefreiheitsprüfung an einem Mustertitel des Verlages durchgeführt, um Aufschluss über dessen IST-Zustand hinsichtlich der Barrierefreiheit zu erlangen. Basierend auf den daraus erlangten Wissen und Erkenntnissen folgt eine Rollen- und Workflowgestaltung mit dem Ziel, dass diese dazu beitragen kann, zukünftig barrierefreie oder möglichst barrierearme elektronische Publikation im Open-Access-Hochschulverlag publizieren zu können.:Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Einleitung 1.1 Open-Access-Hochschulverlag 1.2 Ziel der Arbeit 1.3 Angewandte Forschungsmethoden 1.3.1 Experteninterview 1.3.2 IST-Analyse 1.4 Gang der Arbeit 2 Barrierefreiheit und Publizieren 2.1 Barrierefreiheit und Accessibility 2.2 Blindheit und Sehbehinderung 2.3 Lesen mit assistiven Technologien 2.4 Elektronische Publikationsformate 2.4.1 Das EPUB-Format 2.4.2 Das PDF-Format 2.5 Grundanforderungen an barrierefreie elektronische Publikationen 3 Medienneutrales, crossmediales Publizieren 3.1 Datenstrukturierung 3.2 Transformation und Formatierung strukturierter Daten 3.3 Automatisierte Medienproduktion 3.3.1 XML-first und XML-last 3.3.2 XML-basierte EPUB-Generierung 3.3.3 XML-basierte PDF-Generierung 4 Erstellung und Bewertung barrierefreier EPUB-Instanzen 4.1 Der EPUB 3-Standard 4.2 EPUB-formatspezifische Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen 4.3 Webspezifische Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen 4.3.1 WCAG 4.3.2 BITV 4.4 Prüfwerkzeuge 4.5 Zusätzliche Hilfsmittel 5 Erstellen und Bewerten barrierefreier PDF-Dokumente 5.1 Die PDF-Spezifikation – ISO 32000 5.2 PDF-formatspezifische Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen 5.3 Webspezifische Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen 5.3.1 WCAG und PDF/UA 5.3.2 BITV 5.4 Begleitdokumente 5.5 Prüfwerzeuge 5.6 Zusätzliche Hilfsmittel 6 Planung und Vorbereitung der Untersuchung 6.1 Auswahl eines Mustertitels 6.2 Definition der Anforderungen und Erwartungen 6.3 Einrichtung des Arbeitsplatzes 7 Durchführung der Untersuchung 7.1 Untersuchung der EPUB-Instanz 7.2 Untersuchung des PDF-Dokuments 8 Darstellung der Untersuchungsergebnisse 8.1 Ergebnisse zu der EPUB-Instanz 8.2 Ergebnisse zu dem PDF-Dokument 9 Auswertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse 10 Rollendefinition und Workflow-Gestaltung 10.1 Rollendefinition 10.2 Workflow-Gestaltung 11 Fazit 12 Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Anhänge Anhang 1: Prüfung einer EPUB-Instanz Anhang 2: Prüfung eines PDF-Dokumentes Anhang 3: Experteninterview Anhang 4: CD Selbstständigkeitserklärung

Returning Science to the Scientists. Der Umbruch im STM-Fachzeitschriftenmarkt durch Electronic Publishing

Meier, Michael 05 1900 (has links)
This disseratition copes with a actual and controversly discussed topic. It is a compilation and knowledgable discussion of central analyses concerning the journals crisis with special regard to electronic publishing as well as initiatives of the open access, selfarchiving and preprint server community. It serves as a source of contributions of different actors in the market for electronic scholarly information, being commercial or uncommercial publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, etc.

Trigeiawriter: A content management system

Ram, Mohan Prabhakara 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to design and implement a Content Management System (CSM). TrigeiaWriter is a Content Management System for Trigeia.com, a web based magazine site. Since TrigeiaWriter is used for a web based magazine, it incorperates different roles for the users and these roles are authors, editors, and administrators.

An analysis of open access scholarly communication Tanzanian public universities

Dulle, Frankwell Wilson 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting the adoption of open access in research activities within Tanzanian public universities in order to device mechanisms of enhancing the use of this mode of scholarly communication. The study adopted the UTAUT model to formulate an open access research model comprising of six constructs and five moderators for guidance of this investigation. A triangulation approach for data gathering was adopted. In the first instance, a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 398 respondents selected using the stratified random sampling from a population of 1088 university researchers from six public universities in Tanzania. The interview involving 63 policy makers and structured records review were also conducted to complement the questionnaire survey. The descriptive and binary logistic regression statistics of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) were used for data analysis. The study established that majority of the policy makers (90.5%) and researchers (72.1%) were aware of open access. Attitude, awareness, effort expectancy, and performance expectancy were established as the key determinants for researchers’ behavioural intention of open access usage while age, awareness, behavioural intention, facilitating conditions and social influence were found to significantly affect researchers’ actual usage of open access. It was concluded that researchers’ and policy makers’ general perceptions about open access were very positive signifying the acceptance of this mode of scholarly communication in the study area. Current poor research conditions and researchers’ low Internet self-efficacy such as inadequate information search and online publishing skills were cited as the main hindrances for researchers to use open access in scholarly communication. The study recommends institutionalisation of open access publishing in Tanzanian public universities and other similar research institutions so as to improve the dissemination of research output emanating from such institutions. Six areas for further research to establish more insights regarding the feasibility for open access development in the country are also recommended. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Open access scholarly communication in South Africa : current status, significance, and the role for national information policy in the national system of innovation

De Beer, Jennifer Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African science shows a decline in its global competitiveness in that its scholarly publication rate has not kept pace with that of other countries, both developed and developing. This, together with a decline in publication rate especially among junior South African scholars, suggests a structural problem in the South African national system of innovation. A declining publication rate indicates a problem of knowledge diffusion for South Africa, and hints at a possible knowledge generation problem. This assignment limits itself to the dynamics of knowledge diffusion with specific reference to Open Access scholarly communication. Open Access scholarly communication is an overt intervention regarding knowledge diffusion. The marginalisation of science in and of developing countries, leading to a state of knowledge imperialism and knowledge dependence, is addressed, and it is argued that knowledge diffusion and generation are at the heart of longterm economic growth. This assignment has been structured around two core sections, a theoretical framework based in the literature, and empirical study. The central concepts of scholarly communication and Open Access, national information policy (NIP), and national system of innovation (NSI) are elaborated upon in the theoretical framework (Chapters 2 and 3). The empirical part of this study (Chapters 4 and 5) in turn consist of two parts. Both parts used the survey method, however the first part made use of a questionnaire instrument, and the second part made use of a structured record review. Both empirical studies were used to assess levels of activity and extent of adoption of Open Access within a defined South African scholarly community, one discipline-based, the other institution-based. The aims of this study were two-fold: to assess levels of awareness of and investment in Open Access modes of scholarly communication within defined scholarly communities; and to create a benchmark document of South Africa's involvement to date in various Open Access initiatives. The argument is made for the openness of scholarly systems, and furthermore that the disparate and uncoordinated nature of Open Access in South Africa needs a policy intervention. The policy intervention so identified would exist within an enabling policy environment and would be minimally disruptive to the South African science system. Said policy intervention would constitute a National Information Policy since it would address the storage, dissemination, and retrieval of scholarly research output. This assignment recommends the amendment of the current statutory reporting mechanism - used by scholars to report and obtain publication rate subsidies - which would require that scholars make their research available via an Open Access mode of scholarly communication, and moreover, would require scholars to report on having done so. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wetenskap as praktyk in Suid-Afrika toon 'n afname in internasionale mededingendheid. Laasgenoemde is sigbaar in die tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse vakpublikasies nie tred hou met dié van ander nasies nie, beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie afname, gepaardgaande met 'n afname in publikasiegetalle van veral junior navorsers, sou kon dui op 'n strukturele probleem in Suid-Afrika se nasionale innovasiestelsel. 'n Afname in die vakpublikasietempo dui daarop dat Suid Afrika 'n probleem het ten opsigte van die distribusie van kennis. Hierdie werkstuk is beperk tot die dinamiek van kennisdistribusie met spesifieke verwysing na 'Open Access' wetenskaplike kommunikasie. 'Open Access' wetenskaplike kommunikasie is 'n eksplisiete intervensie gemik op kennisdistribusie. Wetenskap binne en vanuit ontwikkelende lande word al hoe meer onbelangrik geag en kennis-imperialisme and kennis-afhanklikheid neem toe. Aan hierdie laasgenoemde aspekte word ook aandag geskenk. 'n Deel van die argument wat geopper word is dat kennisdistribusie en kennis-generering kern aspekte van langtermyn ekonomiese groei is. Hierdie werkstuk bestaan uit twee kern afdelings: 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n literatuuroorsig, en 'n empiriese studie. Die sentrale konsepte van wetenskaplike kommunikasie en 'Open Access', nasionale inligtingsbeleid, en nasionale innovasiestelsels word beskryf in die teoretiese raamwerk (Hoofstukke 2 en 3). Die empiriese deel van hierdie studie (Hoofstukke 4 en 5) bestaan uit twee dele. Beide laasgenoemde dele maak gebruik van 'n opname as metodiek, maar die eerste deel het gebruik gemaak van 'n vraelys, en die tweede deel het gebruik gemaak van gestruktureerde studie van rekords (in die vorm van Webtuistes). Albei empiriese studies was gebruik om die vlak en mate van aktiwiteit rondom 'Open Access' binne 'n beperkte Suid-Afrikaanse wetenskaplike gemeenskap vas te stel. Hierdie gemeenskappe is gedefinieer óf volgens dissipline óf volgens instansie. Die doel van hierdie werkstuk was veelvoudig: om die vlak van kennis van en betrokkenheid by 'Open Access' inisiatiewe vas te stel binne Suid-Afrika; sowel as om 'n basis-dokument te skep insake Suid-Afrika se betrokkenheid tot op hede by verskeie 'Open Access' inisiatiewe. Die argument vir 'n oop wetenskaplike stelsel word gestel. Verder word geargumenteer dat die lukrake en ongekoordineerde manier waarop 'Open Access' tot dusver in Suid-Afrika bevorder is, daarop dui dat 'n intervensie op die vlak van beleid benodig word. Laasgenoemde beleid sou binne die bestaande beleidsomgewing geformuleer word, en sou relatief min ontwrigting meebring in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsopset. Die spesifieke beleid wat ter sprake is, is die nasionale inligtingsbeleid aangesien dit regulasies daarstel ten opsigte van die berging, distribusie, en herwinning van navorsingsuitsette. Hierdie werkstuk stel voor 'n verandering van die huidige statutêre verslagdoeningsmeganisme - wat gebruik word deur wetenskaplikes om verslag te doen oor hul gepubliseerde navorsing om navorsingsubsidie te kry - wat sou vereis dat wetenskaplikes hul navorsingsuitsette beskikbaar stel via 'n 'Open Access' kanaal, en verder, dat navorsers verslag doen oor laasgenoemde.

Introduction to Open Access & cIRcle: UBC's Information Repository

Colenbrander, Hilde, Kirchner, Joy 03 November 2008 (has links)
This presentation was one of several presentations delivered at the First International Open Access Day event held on October 14, 2008 at UBC. In support of the open access movement, the UBC Library joined with SPARC, PLoS (Public Library of Science), and Students for FreeCulture along with 65 other institutions in celebration of this worldwide event.

Using Wikipedia in the Classroom: an OA medium for research and student work

Beasley-Murray, Jon 03 November 2008 (has links)
This presentation was one of several presentations delivered at the First International Open Access Day event held on October 14, 2008 at UBC. In support of the open access movement, the UBC Library joined with SPARC, PLoS (Public Library of Science), and Students for FreeCulture along with 65 other institutions in celebration of this worldwide event.

Open Medicine : a peer-reviewed, independent, open-access general medical journal

Palepu, Anita 03 November 2008 (has links)
This presentation was one of several presentations delivered at the First International Open Access Day event held on October 14, 2008 at UBC. In support of the open access movement, the UBC Library joined with SPARC, PLoS (Public Library of Science), and Students for FreeCulture along with 65 other institutions in celebration of this worldwide event.

The Public Knowledge Project: providing open source software for OA publishing

Owen, Brian 04 November 2008 (has links)
This presentation was one of several presentations delivered at the First International Open Access Day event held on October 14, 2008 at UBC. In support of the open access movement, the UBC Library joined with SPARC, PLoS (Public Library of Science), and Students for FreeCulture along with 65 other institutions in celebration of this worldwide event.

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