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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An embedded software component quality evaluation methodology

CARVALHO, Fernando Ferreira de 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:57:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo3240_1.pdf: 2429983 bytes, checksum: 9b9eff719ea26a708f6868c5df873358 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Universidade de Pernambuco / Um dos maiores desafios para a indústria de embarcados é fornecer produtos com alto nível de qualidade e funcionalidade, a um baixo custo e curto tempo de desenvolvimento, disponibilizando-o rapidamente ao mercado, aumentando assim, o retorno dos investimentos. Os requisitos de custo e tempo de desenvolvimento têm sido abordados com bastante êxito pela engenharia de software baseada em componentes (CBSE) aliada à técnica de reuso de componentes. No entanto, a utilização da abordagem CBSE sem as devidas verificações da qualidade dos componentes utilizados, pode trazer conseqüências catastróficas (Jezequel et al., 1997). A utilização de mecanismos apropriados de pesquisa, seleção e avaliação da qualidade de componentes são considerados pontos chave na adoção da abordagem CBSE. Diante do exposto, esta tese propõe uma Metodologia para Avaliação da Qualidade de Componentes de Software Embarcados sob diferentes aspectos. A idéia é solucionar a falta de consistência entre as normas ISO/IEC 9126, 14598 e 2500, incluindo o contexto de componente de software e estendendo-o ao domínio de sistemas embarcados. Estas normas provêem definições de alto nível para características e métricas para produtos de software, mas não provêem formas de usá-las efetivamente, tornando muito difícil aplicá-las sem adquirir mais informações de outras fontes. A Metodologia é composta de quatro módulos que se complementam em busca da qualidade, através de um processo de avaliação, um modelo de qualidade, técnicas de avaliação agrupadas por níveis de qualidade e uma abordagem de métricas. Desta forma, ela auxilia o desenvolvedor de sistemas embarcado no processo de seleção de componentes, avaliando qual componente melhor se enquadra nos requisitos do sistema. É utilizada por avaliadores terceirizados quando contratados por fornecedores a fim de obter credibilidade em seus componentes. A metodologia possibilita avaliar a qualidade do componente embarcado antes do mesmo ser armazenado em um sistema de repositório, especialmente no contexto do framework robusto para reuso de software, proposto por Almeida (Almeida, 2004)

Desenvolvimento de sistema inteligente de controle de arranjo de antenas para aplicação no sistema Celpe

OLIVEIRA, Elias Marques Ferreira De 22 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-01-30T18:03:51Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Elias Marques V4.2 (Revisão Biblioteca).pdf: 4899848 bytes, checksum: 78834b022de3c1d5eb7fcee1273f65c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-30T18:03:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Elias Marques V4.2 (Revisão Biblioteca).pdf: 4899848 bytes, checksum: 78834b022de3c1d5eb7fcee1273f65c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-22 / FACEPE / Este trabalho de dissertação apresenta a concepção e implantação de um sistema controlador de arranjo de antenas capaz de integrar-se a uma rede de comunicação SCADA e direcionar o diagrama de radiação de um arranjo de antenas, garantindo melhor comunicação entre estação base e remota. É apresentado um circuito de RF capaz de realizar o controle automático das fases de alimentação de um arranjo de antenas composto por diversos dispositivos de RF, incluindo um defasador de 8 bits. São apresentados testes destes dispositivos bem como a caracterização de ramos constituídos por estes componentes. Desenvolveu-se também um circuito controlador de arranjo de antenas que desempenha funções de identificação de endereços e determina as fases a serem utilizadas no controle dos defasadores. O circuito foi testado em um projeto piloto no campus da UFPE e está instalado na subestação da CELPE na cidade de Gravatá, no interior do estado de Pernambuco. / This dissertation presents the design and implementation of a Antenna Array Controller System capable of integrating into a SCADA network and directing the main radiation lobe, granting best communication between base and remote stations. An RF circuit is presented capable of automatically controlling the phases fed to the antenna array composed by several RF devices, including an 8-bit phase shifter. Tests of the devices and the characterization of braches composed by them are shown. In addition, an antenna array controller has been developed to perform functions that include the identification of an address and the determination of the phase to be used in the phase shifters’ control. The circuit was tested in a pilot project at the UFPE campus and is installed at a CELPE substation in the city of Gravatá.

Projeto de um sistema embarcado de predição de colisão e pedestres baseado em computação reconfigurável / Design of an embedded system of pedestrian collision prediction based on reconfigurable computing

Leandro Andrade Martinez 02 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a construção de um sistema embarcado para detectar pedestres, utilizando computação reconfigurável com captura de imagens através de uma única câmera acoplada a um veículo que trafega em ambiente urbano. A principal motivação é a necessidade de reduzir o número vítimas causadas por acidentes de trânsito envolvendo pedestres. Uma das causas está relacionada com a velocidade de resposta do cérebro humano para reconhecer situações de perigo e tomar decisões. Como resultando, há um interesse mundial de cientistas para elaborar soluções economicamente viáveis que venham a contribuir com inovações tecnológicas direcionadas a auxiliar motoristas na condução de veículos. A implementação em hardware deste sistema foi desenvolvida em FPGA e dividida em blocos interconectados. Primeiramente, no pré-tratamento do vídeo, foi construído um bloco para conversão de dados da câmera para escala de cinza, em seguida, um bloco simplificado para a estabilização vertical dinâmica de vídeo. Para a detecção foram construídos dois blocos, um para detecção binária de movimento e um bloco de detecção BLOB. Para fazer a classificação, foi construído um bloco para identificação do tamanho do objeto em movimento e fazendo a seleção pela proporcionalidade. Os testes em ambiente real deste sistema demonstraram ótimos resultados para uma velocidade máxima de 30 km/h / This work proposes an embedded system to detect pedestrians using reconfigurable computing making the image acquisition through a mono-camera attached to a vehicle in an urban environment. This work is motivated by the need to reduce the number of traffic accidents, even with government support, each year hundreds of people become victims thus bringing great damage to the economy. As a result, there is also a global concern of scientists to promote economically viable solutions that will contribute to reducing these accidents. A significant issue is related to the speed of response of the human brain to recognize and or to make decisions in situations of danger. This feature generates a demand for technological solutions aimed at helping people to drive vehicles in several respects. The system hardware was developed in FPGA and divided into interconnected blocks. First, for the pretreatment of the video, was built a block for data conversion from the camera to grayscale, then a simplified block for vertical stabilization dynamic video. To detection, two blocks were built, one for binary motion detection and one for a BLOB detection. To classify, was built one block to identify the size of the object in motion by the proportionality and making the selection. The tests in real environment of this system showed great results for a maximum speed of 30 km / h

Otimização de memória cache em tempo de execução para o processador embarcado LEON3 / Optimization of cache memory at runtime for embedded processor LEON3

Lucas Albers Cuminato 28 April 2014 (has links)
O consumo de energia é uma das questões mais importantes em sistemas embarcados. Estudos demonstram que neste tipo de sistema a cache é responsável por consumir a maior parte da energia fornecida ao processador. Na maioria dos processadores embarcados, os parâmetros de configuração da cache são fixos e não permitem mudanças após sua fabricação/síntese. Entretanto, este não é o cenário ideal, pois a configuração da cache pode não ser adequada para uma determinada aplicação, tendo como consequência menor desempenho na execução e consumo excessivo de energia. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma implementação em hardware, utilizando computação reconfigurável, capaz de reconfigurar automática, dinâmica e transparentemente a quantidade de ways e por consequência o tamanho da cache de dados do processador embarcado LEON3, de forma que a cache se adeque à aplicação em tempo de execução. Com esta técnica, espera-se melhorar o desempenho das aplicações e reduzir o consumo de energia do sistema. Os resultados dos experimentos demonstram que é possível reduzir em até 5% o consumo de energia das aplicações com degradação de apenas 0.1% de desempenho / Energy consumption is one of the most important issues in embedded systems. Studies have shown that in this type of system the cache consumes most of the power supplied to the processor. In most embedded processors, the cache configuration parameters are fixed and do not allow changes after manufacture/synthesis. However, this is not the ideal scenario, since the configuration of the cache may not be suitable for a particular application, resulting in lower performance and excessive energy consumption. In this context, this project proposes a hardware implementation, using reconfigurable computing, able to reconfigure the parameters of the LEON3 processor\'s cache in run-time improving applications performance and reducing the power consumption of the system. The result of the experiment shows it is possible to reduce the processor\'s power consumption up to 5% with only 0.1% degradation in performance

Internet das coisas aplicada a sistemas de transportes inteligentes : estudo de caso em controle de acesso / Internet of things applied to intelligent transportation systems : case study of access control

Cardoso, Raul Mariano, 1987- 12 June 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Niederauer Mastelari / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T18:11:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cardoso_RaulMariano_M.pdf: 9927638 bytes, checksum: f9633c7839661e2f914d88b7d438913e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Os computadores como conhecemos não são mais a maioria de dispositivos que se comunicam utilizando a Internet. Há alguns anos uma tendência pode ser observada neste sentido: "coisas" recebem pequenos computadores, e são representadas virtualmente, gerando informações de valor aos seus usuários. Esta nova fase de desenvolvimento da sociedade da informação é conhecida como "Internet das Coisas" e tem afetado tanto a relação das pessoas com a vida cotidiana, quanto os modelos de negócio correntes. Este trabalho mostra como esta tendência tecnológica, inserida no contexto dos Sistemas de Transportes, pode gerar aplicações de grande relevância. Com este objetivo, metodologias que pudessem embasar o projeto foram buscadas. Um modelo arquitetural de referência foi utilizado para embasar o projeto e design de um sistema distribuído focado em aplicações específicas. A tecnologia RFID foi utilizada, com leitores e etiquetas eletrônicas, para projetar um arranjo de dispositivos que identifique os veículos e detecte sua presença nas entradas e saídas de um local restrito de interesse. Microcontroladores de baixo custo, de código aberto, tanto em hardware quanto em software, e com capacidade de se comunicar através da Internet também foram definidos por este projeto. Localmente, estes dispositivos filtram informações, mantêm bases de dados reduzidas, monitoram sensores e controlam atuadores. Para gerenciar os dispositivos desta rede, é proposta a utilização de serviços na rede, estabelecendo assim a possibilidade de uma arquitetura em nuvem. Este servidor, por sua vez, deve coordenar os dispositivos distribuídos, obtendo informações da rede que devem sincronizar os bancos de dados e também prover informações de estado dos controladores. O foco principal é o estabelecimento de uma arquitetura e infraestrutura que possam suportar as aplicações propostas. Um estudo de caso foi realizado considerando o campus da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. A primeira aplicação viável de um projeto como este é o controle de acesso veicular ao campus universitário, através da implantação de leitores RFID nas portarias, em conjunto com controladores, cancelas automáticas e sensores de presença. Isso motivou o desenvolvimento de uma prova de conceito. A instrumentação das portarias permite que os veículos sejam automaticamente identificados quando adentram o espaço restrito do campus, gerando informações de valor para outras aplicações possíveis. Dentre as aplicações previstas estão: controle de estacionamento privativo automático, sinalização interativa através de placas eletrônicas, informação de horários de transporte coletivo e elaboração de relatórios periódicos sobre o trânsito. Para que todas estas aplicações sejam disponibilizadas a comunidade, serão necessários trabalhos futuros de pesquisa e desenvolvimento / Abstract: Computers as we know are no longer the majority of devices that communicate using the Internet. A few ago years a trend can be observed in this direction: "things" get small computers, and are represented virtually generating information of value to its users. This new phase of development of the information society is known as the "Internet of Things" and has affected both people's relationship with everyday life, as the current business models. This work shows how this technological trend, inside the context of Transportation Systems, can generate highly relevant applications. With this objective, methodologies that could base the project were sought. An architectural reference model was used to support the project and design of a distributed system focused on specific applications. RFID technology was used with electronic tags and readers, to develop a devices arrangement that identifies vehicles and detect their presence in the inputs and outputs of a restricted location of interest. Low cost, open source and Internet ready devices were also described for work¿s interest. Locally, these devices filter information, maintain reduced data bases, monitor sensors and control actuators. To manage the devices was proposed the use of network services, establishing the possibility of cloud architecture. The server must coordinate the distributed devices, getting information from the network that must synchronize the databases and also provide status information of the controllers. The main focus is to establish an architecture and infrastructure that can support the proposed applications. A case study was designed aiming the campus of the State University of Campinas. The first viable implementation of such a project is the control of vehicular access to the campus, through the installation of RFID readers, controllers, automatic barriers and presence sensors. That result in a deployed proof of concept. The instrumentation of the campus access allows vehicles to be automatically identified when they enter the restricted space of the campus, generating valuable information for other possible applications. Among the intended applications include: automatic control of private parking, signaling through interactive electronic boards, information on public transportation schedules and reporting generation about transit. In order to all these applications are available for the community, needed further in research and development / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Implementing and Analyzing Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) Protocol for Automotive Applications

Ullah, Naseem January 2014 (has links)
With advancement in automotive systems, it is not just the combination of mechanical devices like in old days. Almost all the systems of today's modern car are controlled electronically by a number of ECUs (Electronics Control Unit) with the combination of sensor modules. To exchange information between the ECU and sensor modules a number of communication standards are used. The most commonly used standards are CAN, LIN, and PWM etc. The data transmission between the ECU and sensor modules can be easily established with a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) techniques in comparison with CAN or LIN. PWM provide a convenient solution in terms of cost and performance when the data-rate is up to 10-bits. While for higher resolution data rates its performance is not satisfied. Extra effort is needed to implement diagnostic information for the integrity of data. Also, the accuracy of PWM signal is dependent on the noise voltage and channel bandwidth. In 10-bit system a single bit is represented by 4mV which face serious problem in automotive system due to the noise voltage pulses which effect the resolution of the PWM. The alternative solution for safe and high data rate which is more than 10-bit resolution is to used CAN and LIN protocols. Both CAN and LIN have availability of diagnostic modes for an ensured data transmission. Also, their capabilities for interconnecting a number of nodes (sensors-modules) on the same network can significantly reduce the wiring cost. But in automotive a number of systems need to communicate through point-to-point link, and it seem to be too expensive to used CAN and LIN for point-to-point communication because of its development complexity and wiring cost for a standalone system. To overcome these issues and to provide an alternative low-cost solution the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) developed a 3-wire new digital point-to-point protocol called SENT. SENT (Single Edge Nibble Transmission) Protocol is now an international standard (SAE J2716). SENT is unidirectional point-to-point communication protocol, which can be used for high resolution data transmission between sensor module and ECU. The data are transmitted by sensor module in a series of pulses each pulse is 4-bit (one nibble) long and the data are measured between two falling edges by the receiving module. There are total of nine pulses which defined the SENT frame. The first pulse is called calibration pulse, it is used for compensating to recalibrate all the other pulses in case of transmitter clock deviation, this is the best feature of SENT and can be implemented in the decoder design. This thesis work focuses on the development of SENT protocol decoder and its signal robustness analysis in comparison with the conventional PWM signal. Our first goal is to developed SENT-Protocol decoder in software on the available microcontrollers is to check how much memory foot print is used and how much the processor overhead. Two platforms have been used for this purpose. First, two implementation designs prototype were made with fixed-point and floating-point development techniques on the 32-bit platform for SENT decoder. Secondly SENT-decoder were developed with 8-bit platform and compared with the two previous designs to check how much memory foot print is used and how much is the processor overhead. Finally, the signal integrity analysis has been performed for PWM and SENT signal using spice simulation. The purpose is to check the maximum data rate limit that the PWM signal support without creating any bit error in the transmitted signal. The same data rate is then used for SENT signal to be compared with PWM signal.

3D modeling of mineshaft using autonomous quad rotor

Jonsson, Lars January 2017 (has links)
In this master's thesis a multirotor with the ability to scan its surroundingswas built. To be able to produce these scans the multirotor will be equippedwith a custom built 3D LIDAR. In the future, the scans will be used togenerate a 3D map to visualize mineshafts in a well suited way for inspections.This multirotor is designed with the purpose to map mineshafts that areinaccessible to humans, due to safety reasons. To produce a 3D map of themultirotor surroundings the absolute position is needed. Since the multirotorwill be used in an environment where GPS is unavailable, the positioning issolved by utilizing an IMU and Computer Vision technology with a Rangingdevice.The functionality has been tested in a lab environment resembling real lifeoperational conditions, and conrms that it is possible to use this approachto scan an environment where it is possible to have the multirotor in line-ofsightfor the camera.The 3D scanning is relaying on a stable Wi-Fi connection and absolute positionand as long as this is established it is possible to use this point cloudfor inspection.The positioning of the multirotor is tested up to a range of 40 m, with amaximum measured accuracy of 5 cm, which is well within the range ofthe requirements of the application. / D3DSM

Balancing Dependability Quality Attributes for Increased Embedded Systems Dependability

Al-Daajeh, Saleh January 2009 (has links)
Embedded systems are used in many critical applications where a failure can have serious consequences. Therefore, achieving a high level of dependability is an ultimate goal. However, in order to achieve this goal we are in need of understanding the interrelationships between the different dependability quality attributes and other embedded systems’ quality attributes. This research study provides indicators of the relationship between the dependability quality attributes and other quality attributes for embedded systems by identifying the impact of architectural tactics as the candidate solutions to construct dependable embedded systems.

Real-time scheduling for energy haversting embedded systems / Gestion de l'énergie renouvelable et ordonnancement temps réel dans les systèmes embarqués

Chandarli, Younès 02 December 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à la problématique de l'ordonnancement temps réel à priorité fixe des systèmes embarqués récupérant leur énergie de l'environnement. Ces derniers collectent l'énergie ambiante de l'environnement et la stockent dans un réservoir d'énergie afin d'alimenter un appareil électronique. Cette technologie est utilisée dans les petits systèmes embarqués qui nécessitent une longue autonomie. Les réseaux de capteurs et les implants médicaux sont des applications typiques de cette technologie. La majorité des systèmes qui opèrent avec cette technologie doivent exécuter des tâches récurrentes dans un temps imparti. Ainsi, ces systèmes sont soumis à des contraintes dites temps réel où le respect des contraintes temporelles est aussi important que l'exactitude des résultats. Cette thèse traite l'ordonnancement préemptif à priorité fixe de ce genre de systèmes sur des plateformes monoprocesseur. La problématique ici est de trouver des algorithmes d'ordonnancement performants ainsi que des conditions d'ordonnançabilité qui vérifient l'ordonnançabilité d'un système donné dans une configuration d'énergie donnée. La première contribution de cette thèse est la proposition de l'algorithme PFPasap. Il s'agit d'une adaptation de l'ordonnancement préemptif classique à priorité fixe aux contraintes énergétiques. Cela consiste à exécuter les tâches dès que l'énergie est suffisante pour exécuter au moins une unité de temps et à seulement recharger dans le cas échéant. Les périodes de rechargement sont aussi longues que nécessaire pour pouvoir exécuter une seule unité de temps. On prouve que PFPasap est optimal mais uniquement dans le cas des systèmes dits non-concrets où la date de la première activation des tâches et le niveau initial du réservoir d'énergie ne sont connus qu'au moment de l'exécution, et quand toutes les tâches consomment plus d'énergie pendant leur exécution que le système n'en collecte. Une condition d'ordonnançabilité nécessaire et suffisante pour ce type de systèmes est également proposée. Malheureusement, si l'on relâche l'hypothèse sur le profil de consommation d'énergie des tâches, en considérant des tâches qui consomment plus que le rechargement et d'autres qui consomment moins, l'algorithme PFPasap n'est plus optimal et l'activation synchrone n'est plus le pire scénario ce qui rend la condition d'ordonnançabilité précédemment citée seulement nécessaire. Pour cela, nous proposons de borner le pire temps de réponse des tâches afin de construire des conditions suffisantes. Concernant l'optimalité, nous explorons différentes idées dans le but de construire un algorithme optimal en considérant tous les types de systèmes de tâches et tous les profils de consommation d'énergie. Nous montrons aussi que la plupart des idées intuitives n'aboutissant pas à des algorithmes optimaux. Dans le but de mieux comprendre notre problématique, nous proposons d'explorer les solutions proposées pour des problématiques similaires, en particulier celles où le retardement des exécutions est parfois nécessaire pour respecter certaines contraintes. L'ordonnancement avec contraintes thermiques est l'une de ces problématiques. Cette dernière consiste à exécuter les tâches de tel sorte qu'une certaine température maximale n'est jamais atteinte. Cela passe par la suspension des exécutions de temps en temps pour rajouter des temps de refroidissement afin d'éviter que la température maximale ne soit atteinte. Comme première étape, nous proposons d'adapter les solutions proposées pour les systèmes à énergie renouvelable aux systèmes à contraintes thermiques. Ainsi, nous adaptons l'algorithme PFPasap afin que la contrainte thermique soit respectée. Nous proposons également une analyse d'ordonnançabilité basée sur des bornes du pire temps de réponse des tâches. Pour terminer, nous présentons YARTISS : l'outil de simulation développé pendant cette thèse pour évaluer les résultats théoriques / In this thesis, we are interested in the real-time fixed-priority scheduling problem of energy-harvesting systems. An energy-harvesting system is a system that can collect the energy from the environment in order to store it in a storage device and then to use it to supply an electronic device. This technology is used in small embedded systems that are required to run autonomously for a very long lifespan. Wireless sensor networks and medical implants are typical applications of this technology. Moreover, most of these devices have to execute many recurrent tasks within a limited time. Thus, these devices are subject to real-time constraints where the correctness of the system depends not only on the correctness of the results but also on the time in which they are delivered. This thesis focuses on the preemptive fixed-task-priority real-time scheduling for such systems in monoprocessor platforms. The problematic here is to find efficient scheduling algorithms and schedulability conditions that check the schedulability of a given task set in a given energy configuration. The first result of this thesis is the proposition of the PFPasap scheduling algorithm. It is an adaptation of the classical fixed-task-priority scheduling to the energy-harvesting context. It consists of executing tasks as soon as possible whenever the energy is sufficient to execute at least one time unit and replenishes otherwise. The replenishment periods are as long as needed to execute one time unit. We prove that PFPasap is optimal but only in the case of non-concrete systems where the first release time of tasks and the initial energy storage unit level are known only at run-time and where all the tasks consume more energy than the replenishment during execution times. A sufficient and necessary schedulability condition for such systems is also proposed. Unfortunately, when we relax the assumption of tasks energy consumption profile, by considering both tasks that consume more energy than the replenishment and the ones that consume less than the replenishment, PFPasap is no longer optimal and the worst-case scenario is no longer the synchronous release of all the tasks, which makes the precedent schedulability test only necessary. To cope with this limitation, we propose to upper bound tasks worst-case response time in order to build sufficient schedulability conditions instead of exact ones. Regarding algorithms optimality, we explore different ideas in order to build an optimal algorithm for the general model of fixed-task-priority tasks by considering all types of task sets and energy consumption profiles. We show through some counter examples the difficulty of finding such an algorithm and we show that most of intuitive scheduling algorithms are not optimal. After that, we discuss the possibility of finding such an algorithm. In order to better understand the scheduling problematic of fixed-priority scheduling for energy-harvesting systems, we also try to explore the solutions of similar scheduling problematics, especially the ones that delay executions in order to guarantee some requirements. The thermal-aware scheduling is one of these problematics. It consists of executing tasks such that a maximum temperature is never exceeded. This may lead to introduce additional idle times to cool down the system in order to prevent reaching the maximum temperature. As a first step, we propose in this thesis to adapt the solutions proposed for energy-harvesting systems to the thermal-aware model. Thus, we adapt the PFPasap algorithm to respect the thermal constraints and we propose a sufficient schedulability analysis based on worst-case response time upper bounds. Finally, we present YARTISS: the simulation tool used to evaluate the theoretical results presented in this dissertation

Optimization approach for the critical automotive embedded systems / Méthodologie d'optimisation de l'architecture des systèmes embarqués critiques dans l'industrie automobile

Dhouibi, Mohamed Slim 21 March 2016 (has links)
La conception des systèmes embarqués est une tâche complexe. Les ingénieurs sont confrontés à divers contraintes liées à la technologie, au coût,à la complexité et aux contraintes de sécurité. Toutes ces contraintes ont un grand impact sur l’architecture du système et par conséquence sur le coût final. Nous proposons dans cette thèse une approche pour la conception des système et l’optimisation de l’architecture guidée par les contraintes de sécurité et de coût. Elle s’agit d’une approche de synthèse de l’architecture qui prend en compte les contraintes de sécurité dans le contexte du standard ISO 26262. Elle permet, d’une part, d’atteindre une architecture préliminaire du système en choisissant les éléments de l’architecture permettant de réduire le coût global. D’autre part, elle conduit à une allocation des fonctions aux éléments de l’architecture qui respecte les contraintes liées aux niveaux de sécurité et les défaillances de ces éléments. Nous utilisons des algorithmes exhaustive et génétique pour l’exploration de l’espace de conception. En l’appliquant sur un cas d’étude industriel, nous démontrons sa contribution pour parvenir à la conception conforme et sa capacité à réduire les coûts entraîne par les contraintes de sécurité / The embedded system design is a challenging task. The engineers are faced with technological, cost, complexity and safety constraints. These constraints have a big impact on the system architecture and consequently on the final cost. we propose in this thesis an approach for system design and architecture optimization driven by safety and cost constraints. It consists of an architecture synthesis approach that takes into account the safety constraints in the ISO 26262 context. It allows, at one hand, to reach a system preliminary architecture by choosing the architecture elements that reduce the overall cost. On the other hand, it leads to a functions mapping that respects the safety constraints related to the integrity levels and to the dependent failures. We use exhaustive and genetic algorithm for the design space exploration. By applying it on an industrial study-case we demonstrate its contribution in reaching compliant design and its capability in reducing the safety constraints costs.

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