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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hypnosis for Relief of Pain and Anxiety in Children Receiving Intravenous Lines in the Pediatric Emergency Department

Maxym, Maya 04 March 2008 (has links)
Intravenous line placement is one of the most common procedures performed on children presenting to the Emergency Department. Anxiety about needles is widespread, and many children experience high levels of fear and/or pain with their IV line placements. Hypnosis is a behavioral intervention that shows significant promise for alleviating procedure-related pain and anxiety in children. Twenty-five developmentally normal, English-speaking children between the ages of five and fifteen who required IV line placement in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Yale-New Haven Childrens Hospital were randomized to receive either the standard of care or standard of care plus a brief hypnotic intervention. The groups were similar with regard to baseline demographic and socioeconomic status, previous experience with medical care, and presence or absence of chronic medical conditions. Childrens pre-procedural anxiety ratings on a 10cm visual analog scale (VAS) and expected procedural pain ratings by 10-point oucher and 10cm VAS were not significantly different between the groups. Children randomized to the hypnosis group reported less anxiety during the procedure (mean 5.0 vs 3.1, median 7.2 vs 2.2, p = 0.28) than children randomized to the standard of care group. Cases also had a decrease in anxiety from expected to actual of 1.6 on a 10cm scale, while those randomized to the control group had an increase from expected to actual anxiety of 1.1 (p=0.01). A smaller trend towards decreased pain in the hypnosis group was also present. As measured by VAS, cases had lower mean pain scores (3.4 vs 4.3) than controls. In a comparison of anticipated and actual pain scores between groups, the hypnosis group had a mean decrease of 0.8 on a 10cm VAS , while the control group had a mean increase of 0.5 (p=0.14). Recruitment of subjects is ongoing, but preliminary results suggest that hypnosis is effective for alleviating needle-related anxiety in children undergoing IV line placement and may be helpful for alleviating the pain of IV line placement as well.

Skubios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų galymybių įvertinimas teikti pagalbą kai yra stuburo sužalojimai / Evaluation of emergency medicine services abilities to provide first medical aid in case of spinal injuries

Marozas, Raimondas 29 January 2008 (has links)
Lyginant su kitomis užsienio šalimis, Lietuvoje stuburo sužalojimai patiriami dažniau. Dažnai stuburo sužalojimą patyręs asmuo lieka neįgalus visą likusį gyvenimą. Valstybė ir artimieji patiria didelius nuostolius dėl prarastų pajamų, išlaidų gydymui ir išlaikymui. Paciento patyrusio stuburo sužalojimą tolimesnė gydymo ir sveikatos grąžinimo perspektyvos labai priklauso ir nuo pirmosios pagalbos teikimo ikistacionariniame etape. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų galimybes teikti pagalbą, kai yra stuburo sužalojimai. Tyrimą sudarė trys etapai. Tirta greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų medikų teorinis ir praktinis pasiruošimas, materialinė techninė bazė ir procedūros taikomos pacientams patyrusiems didelės kinetinės energijos traumas. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti greitosios medicinos pagalbos darbuotojų teorinį ir praktinį pasirengimą teikti pagalbą pacientams, kuriems įtariamas stuburo sužalojimas po patirtos didelės kinetinės energijos traumos. 2. Įvertinti greitosios medicinos pagalbos materialinę ir techninę bazę, reikalingą teikiant pagalbą stuburo sužalojimų atvejais. 3. Nustatyti klinikinių procedūrų, atliekamų asmenims, patyrusiems stuburo sužalojimus, rūšį ir dažnį. 4. Nustatyti teikiamos pagalbos, asmenims su įtariamu stuburo sužalojimu, atitikimą pasaulio sveikatos organizacijų rekomendacijoms. / Spinal cord injuries incidence is higher in Lithuania than in other countries. Patient after experienced spinal cord injury often remains disabled for the rest of its life. Community and relatives have to suffer big losses for the lost incomes and expenses related to treatment and maintenance. Patient treatment and heath retain prognosis strongly depends on firs medical aid supplied at prehospital level. The aim of study – evaluate emergency medicine services abilities to provide first medical aid in cases of spinal injuries. The study consisted of three stages. We investigated the theoretical and skill readiness of emergency medicine services personnel, physical resources provision and procedures applied to the patients which have undergone high energy traumas. The objectives of the study: 1. To evaluate the theoretical knowledge level and skills required to provide first medical aid for patients which undergone high energy trauma and are suspected for spinal injury. 2. To evaluate physical resources of the emergency medicine institutions which are used for the first medical aid supplied to the patients with spinal injury. 3. To determine the availability of emergency medicine services and the kind and extent of clinical procedures applied to patients with spinal injury suspected. 4. To evaluate the conformance of the clinical procedures applied to patients with spinal injury to the recommendations of the world health institutions.

Preparedness required for ensuring best coordinated use of international urban search and rescue assistance by earthquake affected countries

Morris, Brendon January 2007 (has links)
Strong earthquakes are frequent catastrophic disasters occurring worldwide and often lead to structural collapse of buildings. Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) is the specialised process of locating, extricating and providing immediate medical treatment to victims trapped in collapsed structures. This research project aimed to identify the key preparedness efforts necessary by an earthquake affected country to ensure best coordinated use of international USAR assistance.

The epidemiology of acute asthma managed by ambulance paramedics in the prehospital setting in Western Australia

Gibson, Nicholas P January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis describes the epidemiology and outcome of acute asthma managed by ambulance paramedics, in the metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia, for the period of 1990 to 2001. The primary aim of this thesis was to determine demographic, socio-economic and clinical trends for ambulance transported patients with asthma, their outcomes and how they have changed over time. The Perth metropolitan area, located in the south-western corner of Western Australia (WA), accounts for 72% of the state’s population, which was approximately 1.3 million people at Census 2001. This thesis was structured around the analysis of twelve years of St John Ambulance (WA) data. Ambulance data was linked using probabilistic matching techniques to the Western Australian Data Linkage System, custodian of links to thirty five years of morbidity and mortality data of the state’s population . . . Unique geography, a monopolistic ambulance service and access to extensive linked data provided ideal conditions for this population-based epidemiological study of patients with asthma who were transported by ambulance. Observed trends in age and gender characteristics of patients, ambulance codes and temporal variables appear to be consistent over time. Monitoring trends in the use of ventilation procedures recorded in hospital data provided useful indicators for describing the epidemiology of severe, lifethreatening asthma in the prehospital setting. Findings from this study were found to be consistent with published literature.

Emerging applications of OR/MS emergency response planning and production planning in semiconductor and printing industry /

Ekici, Ali. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D)--Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. / Committee Chair: Keskinocak, Pinar; Committee Member: Ergun, Ozlem; Committee Member: Goldsman, David; Committee Member: Hupert, Nathaniel; Committee Member: Swann, Julie. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.

Grenzen der Hilfeleistungspflicht des Notarztes im öffentlichen Rettungsdienst

Geser, PhD, Felix 07 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Tätigkeiten im Notarzt- und Rettungsdienst sind häufig mit persönlichen Gefährdungen verbunden. Im Raum steht aber auch immer die Problematik von Gefährdungssituationen, die durch den Notarzt "nur" als solche wahrgenommen, sozusagen "empfunden" werden. In dieser Arbeit wird v. a. vor dem Hintergrund der Erforderlichkeit und Zumutbarkeit die Frage prinzipiell diskutiert, ob und inwieweit ein Notarzt zum Handeln verpflichtet ist. Im Ergebnis ist objektiv-typisierend auf den Facharztstandard bzw. den Indikationskatalog für den Notarzteinsatz in Kombination mit arzt-/berufsrechtlichen Gesichtspunkten im engeren Sinne (z. B. Freiberuflichkeit) abzustellen. Es wird sich jedenfalls immer um eine Einzelfallbetrachtung und um eine individuelle, fallbezogene Entscheidung handeln. Bei seltenen, sehr unwahrscheinlichen Situationen mit relativer Ermangelung von objektiv-typisierbaren Gesichtspunkten werden die Anforderungen, aber auch die Chancen, an die "höchstpersönliche" Berufsausübung, an die Persönlichkeit des Arztes (v. a. in der Entscheidungsfindung) umso größer werden.

Avaliação de mecanismos de suporte à tomada de decisão e sua aplicabilidade no auxílio à priorização de casos em regulações de urgências e emergências / Evaluation of decision support mechanisms and their aplicability to aid prioritization of cases from medical coordination of emergency requests

Juliana Tarossi Pollettini 23 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A Regulação Médica, que representa a aplicação de técnicas de logística ao contexto de emergência, é responsável pela disponibilização de recursos apropriados, nas condições apropriadas para pacientes apropriados. Um sistema para Regulação Médica de Urgências e Emergências foi desenvolvido em 2009 e foi implantado na forma de um projeto-piloto. Técnicas nas áreas de processamento de linguagem natural, recuperação de informação e aprendizado de máquina podem ser utilizadas para processar registros clínicos e auxiliar processos de tomada de decisão. Objetivos: No presente trabalho busca-se: (i) comparar diferentes metodologias para representação e extração de informação de documentos em texto livre, tais como solicitações de regulação; (ii) proporcionar suporte à decisão na definição de prioridade de casos, com processamento textual e semântico do resumo clínico dos casos; e (iii) analisar as contribuições dos dados clínicos e prioridade definida durante o processo de regulação para o desfecho do caso. Metodologia: Foram utilizados dados do projeto-piloto, assim como dados relativos ao desfecho do caso de pacientes regulados e admitidos na Unidade de Emergência do HCFMRP-USP. Os dados foram processados com o auxílio de tecnologias de Aprendizado de Máquina, Mineração de Textos e Recuperação de Informação para extrair informações organizadas em atributos a serem utilizados pra permitir suporte à decisão na prioridade do caso. Resultados: Os dados de pedidos de regulação apresentam uma grande quantidade de casos com valores de atributos muito parecidos (algumas vezes idênticos), contudo com classes (prioridades) diferentes, caracterizando uma base de dados com grande quantidade de ruídos, o que dificulta a aplicação de tecnologias como Aprendizado de Máquina. Resultados evidenciam o caráter subjetivo na definição de prioridades, que talvez seja influenciada por outros fatores que não estão presentes no texto do registro clínico do paciente. Resultados de suporte à decisão na definição de prioridade e desfecho do caso indicam que aplicar processamento semântico, mapeando termos para conceitos médicos do UMLS, reduz o problema da dimensionalidade quando comparado a abordagens menos robustas de mineração de textos. A abordagem apoiada por recuperação de informação, permite que sejam classificados apenas pedidos de regulação que sejam mais similares que um limiar (threshold) desejado em relação a algum caso do banco de dados. Desta maneira, esta abordagem pode ser utilizada para reduzir sobrecarga, permitindo que reguladores concentrem sua atenção em casos mais críticos e casos de maior particularidade (não similares a casos históricos). Conclusões: O presente trabalho proporcionou suporte à decisão na priorização de casos em regulações de urgência e emergência, com processamento textual e semântico do resumo clínico dos casos. Definiu-se como proposta para suporte à decisão na priorização de casos um processo composto por três etapas: (i) análise do risco de óbito; (ii) pré-priorização automática de casos de alta similaridade com casos históricos; e (iii) apoio à decisão com base em casos históricos (aprendizagem baseada em exemplos). / Introduction: The Medical Coordination, which is the application of logistics techniques to the emergency context, is responsible for providing appropriate resources, in appropriate conditions to appropriate patients. A system for medical coordination of emergency requests was developed in 2009 and was implemented as a pilot project, although some activities related to medical coordination decision making are extremely subjective. Techniques from the areas of natural language processing, information retrieval and machine learning can be used to process clinical records and assist decision-making processes. Objectives: The present study aims to: (i) compare different methodologies for representation and information extraction from free text documents, such as coordination requests; (ii) provide decision support to prioritization of requests, with textual and semantic processing of clinical summaries of the cases; and (iii) analyze the contributions of clinical data and priority defined during the coordination process to the final case outcome. Methodology: Data from the pilot project, as well as data on the case outcome of coordinated patients admitted to the HCFMRP-USP Emergency Unit we used. Data was processed with the aid of Machine Learning, Information Retrival and Text Mining techniques to extract information organized into attributes to be used to enable decision support on the priority of the case. Results: The coordination requests data contain a large number of cases with very similar attribute values (sometimes identical), but with different classes (priorities), characterizing a database with a large amount of noise, making it hard to apply technologies such as Machine Learning. Results denote the subjective aspect in the definition of priorities, which may be influenced by other factors that are not present in the patient\'s clinical record text. Decision support results in prioritization and case outcome indicate that applying semantic processing, mapping terms to UMLS medical concepts, reduces the dimensionality problem when compared to less robust text mining approaches. The approach supported by information retrieval allows to classify only coordination requests that are more similar than a defined threshold to a historical case. Thus, this approach can be used to reduce overhead, allowing coordinators to focus their attention on the most critical cases and cases of greater particularity (not similar to historical cases). Conclusions: This work provided decision support in prioritizing cases of urgency and emergency coordination requests, with textual and semantic processing of clinical summary cases. It was defined as a proposal for decision support in prioritization of requestes a process consisting of three steps: (i) analysis of the risk of death; (ii) automatic pre-prioritization of cases of high similarity with historical cases; and (iii) decision support based on historical cases (examples-based learning).

Pohled na připravenost RDG oddělení krnovské nemocnice na zvládnutí příjmu většího počtu zraněných při řešení mimořádné události. / The view on the Krnov Hospital X Ray Department's Preparedness to Handle an Increased Number of Casualties at Emergency Management

PODEŠVOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
Exercising their profession, nursing staff in health facilities may commit a fatal mistake in tense moments in terms of time. An illustrious example may be the admission of a higher number of casualties after an emergency event. So that to prevent these negative consequences, emphasis is put on the readiness of the entire health system from the headquarters to individual care providers. Special attention is also paid to trauma planning, because especially in complex cases greater demands are developed on the functioning and rapid succession of individual operations of medical care, along with observing all approved medical principles, of course. To verify the readiness and to reveal any shortcomings and reserves tactical exercises are held. The Krnov hospital also participated in that kind of training with activating the trauma plan. Another workplace involved was also the radio-diagnostic department. A simulated bus accident was to reveal whether the individual workplaces could provide adequate examinations and treatment. The thesis is divided into several parts. In the introductory section it is explained in brief how the health system is organized. To understand the text, it was necessary to define the necessary terminology and to mention the binding, legal legislation for emergency management authorities at all levels that affect the operations and carry out supervision on medical institutions. Gradually, the theoretical part presents trauma plans, sorting out casualties in the place of an emergency event, and specific exercises in the Krnov hospital that were announced and carried out in the early afternoon, when the hospital was fully filled with staff members. In the research part the analysis of a real accident that occurred in a late evening about a year later is made. Time demandingness of individual examinations is evaluated. Factual results are compared with the data obtained from simulated exercises. In the final part I tried to assess the quality and topicality of the trauma plan elaborated by our facility as well as the internal trauma plan of the RDG department and to propose possible changes and improvements.

Análise de implantação do componente hospitalar da rede de urgências e emergências_rue / Analysis of implementation of the hospital component of the urgency and emergency network_rue

Danilo Carvalho Oliveira 19 December 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Analisar a Implantação do Componente Hospitalar da Rede de Urgências e Emergências- RUE na Região de Ribeirão Preto do Estado de São Paulo e propor uma matriz avaliativa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo de análise de implantação do tipo I com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, realizado na Regional de Ribeirão Preto do Estado de São Paulo. Os 7 hospitais pesquisados foram aqueles contemplados no Plano de Ação Regional da RUE - PAR daquela região. Para coleta e análise de dados, foram elaboradas a matriz avaliativa, a matriz SWOT e realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas em eixos temáticos. Resultados: O eixo das portas de entrada atingiu nível satisfatório (entre 70,8 e 83,8%) e os eixos de enfermaria clínica de retaguarda e de leitos de terapia intensiva atingiram grau pleno de implantação (>90%). Destaca-se que a classificação de risco não foi implantada satisfatoriamente, e que alguns conceitos e atribuições precisam ser melhor apresentados e fomentados, tais como o Núcleo Interno de Regulação, o Núcleo de Acesso a Qualidade Hospitalar e o kanban. Dentre os fatores contextuais que mais ameaçam a implantação da RUE estão as dificuldades de regulação assistencial e a insuficiência de leitos de retaguarda e longa permanência. Considerações Finais: Os principais aspectos observados foram a implantação do cuidado multiprofissional e a comunicação inter-hospitalar por meio do Núcleo Interno de Regulação, os quais, ainda que com limitações, contribuíram na integração em rede e 12 na integralidade da assistência, fundamentais ao enfrentamento da fragmentação do cuidado, desafio maior das urgências e emergências no SUS. / Objective: To analyze the implantation of the Hospital Component of the Emergency and Emergency Network - RUE in the Ribeirão Preto Region of the State of São Paulo and propose an evaluative matrix . Method: This is an evaluative study of type I implantation with quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in the Ribeirão Preto Region of the State of São Paulo. The 7 hospitals surveyed were those included in the RUE - PAIR Regional Action Plan for that region. For data collection and analysis, the evaluation matrix, the SWOT matrix, and semi-structured interviews were elaborated in thematic axes. Results: The axis of the entrance doors reached a satisfactory level (between 70.8 and 83.8%) and the axes of the clinical ward of the ward and of beds of intensive care reached a full degree of implantation (> 90%). It should be emphasized that the risk classification was not satisfactorily implemented, and that some concepts and attributions need to be better presented and encouraged, such as the Internal Regulation Nucleus - NIR, the Hospital Quality Access Center - NAQH and KANBAN. Among the contextual factors that most threaten the implementation of RUE are the difficulties of care regulation and the lack of back beds and long stay. Final Considerations: The main aspects observed were the implementation of multi-professional care and inter-hospital communication through the Internal Regulation Nucleus, which, although with limitations, contributed to the network integration and integral care, fragmentation of care, greater challenge of urgencies and emergencies in the SUS.

A Protocol Driven Stroke Code's Impact on Door-to-Needle Times

Osborne, Jesse 01 May 2020 (has links)
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is most effective the faster it is able to be administered to a patient that has been affected by stroke. A Stroke Code is a strategy that acute care facilities implement to reduce the time from diagnosing a stroke to administering tPA. The purpose of this study was to determine if the initiation of a Stroke Code in an acute care hospital reduces the door-to-needle time for patients affected by a stroke. In particular, does a Stroke Code reduce door-to-needle times. The research was conducted using data from April 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 (pre-Stroke Code period) and September 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 (post-Stroke Code period). The population of this study was treated at Holston Valley Medical Center in Kingsport, Tennessee. The analysis revealed a decrease in door-to-needle times after a Stroke Code was implemented at the acute care facility.

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