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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijų mokytojų, patiriančių skirtingą streso lygį, emocinio išsekimo, socialinės frustracijos bei emocinio atsparumo palyginimas / Comparison of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasium teachers, affected by different kinds of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardiness

Bludzis, Arunas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo objektas: stresas, socialinė frustracija, emocinis išsekimas, emocinis atsparumas mokytojų darbe. Tyrimo problema. Daugelis mokslinių tyrinėjimų patikimai identifikuoja specifinius mokymo proceso stresorius ir jų neigiamą poveikį mokytojų sveikatai bei gerovei. Mokytojo darbe svarbu tai, kad dėl socialinės frustracijos keičiasi psichinį stresą išgyvenančio žmogaus elgesys, atsiranda nesąmoningos reakcijos į stresorių (nesąmoningi psichologinės gynybos mechanizmai, dirbtini autoriteto palaikymo būdai ar streso „kaukės“). Mokslinių tyrimų apžvalga leid��ia teigti, kad sąmoningi streso įveikimo būdai turi būti siejami su patiriamo streso atpažinimu – tai leidžia kontroliuoti stresinių įvykių poveikį ir ugdyti atsparumą stresui. Atsparumą stresui darbe didina žmogaus pasitenkinimas darbu, taip pat pakankamas savigarbos lygis. Mokslinėje literatūroje nėra pateikiama kompleksinių tyrimų, susijusių su stresu mokytojų darbe. Šio tyrimo pagalba buvo siekiama mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį analizuoti sąryšyje su socialine frustracija, emociniu išsekimu, taip pat įvertinti tiriamųjų emocinio atsparumo lygį. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti ir įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriama stresą, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti Kauno ir Punsko gimnazijose dirbančių mokytojų patiriamo streso lygį, socialinę frustraciją, emocinį išsekimą bei emocinį atsparumą. 2. Palyginti Kauno ir Punsko mokytojų patiriamo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work’s subject: stress, social frustration, emotional exhaustion, emotional hardiness in teachers’ work. So far there is no nonfiction literature which would present complex research concerning stress at teachers work. Numerous researches helped to explore only the level of stress but not stress itself. While doing this research I was trying to explain what are the reasons of experienced stress levels and what kind of consequences cause it. A lot of scientific researches credibly identify specific teaching process of stressor and there’s negative affection on teachers health and welfare. Psychical process of stress develops syndrome of emotional exhaustion theory. In teachers’ work important is that emotional frustration changes psychical stress at affected person and unmeant reaction to stressor. Deliberate options of overcoming stress concerns with identification of it, which let us to control stressful events effect and training hardiness of stress. On the way of changing people’s behavior reaction to stress in interpersonal relations it is important to form their self-respect. Hardiness of stress at work higher person’s pleasure of his/her job. Purpose of the research – to examine and evaluate teachers of Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and emotional hardiness. 1. Evaluation of teachers working in Kaunas and Punskas gymnasiums affected by different levels of stress, emotional exhaustion, social frustration and... [to full text]

Lietuvos nacionalinėms rinktinėms priklausančių ir nepriklausančių dziudo imtynininkų motyvacijos, kognityvinių ir emocinių procesų kompleksinis įvertinimas / Complex Evaluation of cognitive and emotional processes of motivation in sports activities for the wrestlers who belong or do not belong to the national teams of Lithuania

Paškevičius, Marius 12 May 2006 (has links)
In the training of judo sportsmen, it is topical for the coach to be aware of the psychological specialties that are important for the sportsmen in this field, and know how they are successfully realized in sporting wrestlers’ activities. Psychological characteristics of Lithuanian judo sportsmen have not been researched so far. In this paper there were researched professionally important qualities of judo wrestlers. The set aim of the research was to evaluate psychosocial specialties, cognitive processes (transfer of attention, spatial-visual thinking) and emotional resistance of judo wrestlers who belong to adult and junior groups in a complex manner, and compare the data of wrestlers, who belong or do not belong to the national team. The personality’s motivational field is analyzed in a complex with other domains, as any activities are conditioned by motives. Motives play an exceptionally important role for the development of actions, thinking and all other cognitive functions. The task of research: 1. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, seven psychosocial dimensions that influence the motivation in sports activities. 2. 2To investigate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, cognitive field - operations of attention transfer and spatial-visual thinking. 3. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national... [to full text]

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