Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emotional appeal"" "subject:"emotional appealing""
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Old school : the relevance of nostalgia in advertisingPieterse, Donovan 02 June 2012 (has links)
As the use of nostalgia (an individual’s yearning for positive associations with the past) as an evoked emotional appeal in advertising increases in popularity in South Africa, questions begin to arise as to whom this nostalgic appeal is most relevant. For marketers and advertisers to create the most effective advertising, they need to be able to communicate with their target markets using the appeals that are most relevant to them. This study addresses this in the context of South African print advertisements by analysing whether consumers are indeed receptive to the nostalgic appeals used in the ads, and then seeking to associate their receptiveness to their demographic characteristics (age group, gender and population group). This research was conducted via an online survey and then parametrically tested. The results indicated that insufficient evidence exited to predict the relevance of nostalgia in advertising by gender or population group. However, evidence was found that suggests that the relevance of nostalgia does vary depending on the consumers’ age.Copyright / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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"Därför blev jag otroligt glad när Natural Cycles kontaktade just MIG" : En kvalitativ textanalys om konstruktionen av sponsrade blogginlägg / “Therefore I became very happy when Natural Cycles contacted ME” : A qualitative textual analysis about the construction of sponsored blog postsHägg, Agnes, Jutebring, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på influencer marketing och opinionsbildning. Den valda empirin för studien är sex blogginlägg sponsrade av företaget Natural Cycles. Studiens syfte är att få ökad kunskap om hur influencers konstruerar sponsrade blogginlägg. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ textanalys utförts. Den teoretiska utgångångspunkten för studien är tvåstegshypotesen. Tvåstegshypotesen används tillsammans med influencer marketing och begreppen emotional appeals och fear appeals som är lånade från psykologiforskning. Studiens tillvägagångsätt grundar sig i en kvalitativ textanalys. Mer specifikt har en stilanalys använts för att se hur blogginläggen konstrueras språkligt, innehållsligt, socialt och kontextuellt. Utifrån de olika stildragen har gemensamma kvaliteter hittats i blogginläggen som sedan använts för att presentera analysresultatet. Analysen gav kvaliteterna gemenskap, opinionsbildning, vardagligt språk, personliga erfarenheter och åsikter, engagemang i ämnet och kontextuella faktorer. Resultatet visade att influencers använder ett personligt och engagerat språk. De skriver om personliga erfarenheter och om hur de mår, sin kropp och sina känslor. Influencers tar även på sig en självutnämnd expertroll för produkten när de försöker övertyga läsarna om fördelarna med produkten och företaget. För att övertyga läsarna används fear appeals och avskräckande exempel, som biverkningar de har upplevt med andra produkter.
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Klasifikační analýza emocionálních apelů na vzorku českých televizních reklam / Classification analysis of emotional appeals on sample Czech television commercialsKáčerková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
Abstract: The work deals with the possibilities of using emotional appeals in advertising. The main goal was classification and definition of emotions and emotional appeals with regard to marketing. The work focused on emotional appeals in Czech TV adverts and found out the way how emotional appeals are used in these adverts. Research question used in this work concerned the problem of which emmotional appeals are in adverts the most. Research sample consisting of 150 TV adverts was divided into several homogeneous groups according to industry. Research method applied to the sample was content analysis. All findings showed that emotional appeals are essential part of TV adverts but as the secondary factors additional to the whole advertising message. Key words: Emotions, marketing, advertising, advertising appeals, emotional appeals
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Factors influencing the effectiveness of advertising countermeasures in road safetyLewis, Ioni M. January 2008 (has links)
The current program of research contributes to the World Health Organisation's (WHO, 2004) recent call to pool global resources in the attempt to uncover the most effective countermeasures and polices for the prevention of road trauma. Specifically, this program of research investigates the persuasive outcomes of different emotional health messages in an important applied context, road safety. In this context the use of negative, fear-based approaches has predominated with limited use of more positive-based approaches such as humorous- or pride-based emotional appeals. The overarching aim of the current research program was to examine the effectiveness (i.e., persuasiveness) of positive and negative emotional appeals and, specifically, the issue- or message-relevant affect that such appeals evoke. An additional aim was to ascertain the relative influence and effectiveness of positive and negative emotional appeals for specific target audiences. Particular attention was given to the effectiveness of such messages for males, a high risk road user group of particular concern. The research program also aimed to examine the relative roles and interplay of emotion and cognition in determining message effectiveness. The research focused upon the cognitive constructs of response efficacy (i.e., the extent to which a message incorporates coping strategies and information as well as the extent that individuals' perceive a message as incorporating such coping strategies and information) and involvement (i.e., the extent to which individuals perceive an issue or message as personally relevant and/or as being at risk of experiencing).-----
The research program may be conceptualised as three stages, with each stage comprised of an empirical study and one or more manuscripts. The first stage of the research explored the roles and effectiveness of negative and positive emotional appeals. With a substantial body of literature available on the use of fear as a persuasive strategy, Paper One reviewed the theoretical and empirical evidence relating to the function and effectiveness of such appeals. This paper highlighted the mixed findings that have been reported and the controversy surrounding the nature of the fear-persuasion relationship. This paper also highlighted the importance of cognitive components of a message and, in particular, the need to incorporate high levels of response efficacy and to be cognisant of the issue of threat and message relevance.-----
Paper Two was based on qualitative research derived from focus groups of licensed drivers (N = 16). The study investigated the roles and effectiveness of positive and negative emotional appeals in road safety advertisements addressing speeding and drink driving. The results suggested that positive and negative emotional appeals may serve different functions. Positive emotional appeals were regarded as a potentially efficacious means of promoting the message of prevention and to model safe behaviour and the rewards received whereas negative emotional appeals were regarded an important way to remind drivers of the dangers of driving.-----
The second stage of the research program endeavoured to extend upon the findings reported in the first stage by providing an empirical comparison of positive, humorous appeals and negative, fear-based appeals on a range of outcome measures and over time. In Paper Three, the type of emotional appeal (positive/humorous, negative/fear), level of response efficacy (low, high), level of involvement (low, high), and gender were manipulated in a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 mixed group design. Licensed drivers (N = 201) completed either a paper-and-pencil or internet-based version of a questionnaire. Prior to the anti-drink driving television advertisements being shown, pre-exposure were assessed. Attitudes and intentions were then assessed immediately after exposure and attitudes, intentions, and behaviour, 2 to 4 weeks later. The results provided evidence of the greater persuasiveness of negative appeals immediately after exposure and greater improvement of positive appeals over time. Also, the results highlighted the importance of high levels of response efficacy, irrespective of emotional appeal type. Paper Three also supported and extended upon earlier findings by examining third-person perceptions in relation to positive, humorous emotional appeals. The results revealed that males reported significantly greater overall influence both to themselves personally, as well as other drivers in general, than females for the humorous appeals. Further, consistent with the multiple roles of affect posited by Elaboration Likelihood Model, explanations were provided for the differential effectiveness of positive and negative affect.-----
An additional aim of the second stage of the research program was to clarify an important methodological issue; the sampling adequacy of traditional university student samples versus internet-based samples for health message persuasion research. Fear appeal empirical literature has been criticised for its over-reliance upon student samples. Paper Four examined the extent that the internet may function as an efficacious means of accessing drivers for road safety advertising research. The sample characteristics and results obtained from student and internet samples of drivers were compared empirically. The results provided support for the greater diversity and representativeness of the internet sample and suggested that the two sampling approaches produce equivalent results. This paper served to inform the validity of prior research and informed the choice of sampling methodologies for the subsequent research stage reported in Paper Five.-----
The third stage of the research built upon the preceding stages and, most notably, broadened the scope of emotional appeals examined by comparing a range of negative and positive emotional appeals addressing the issue of speeding. Drawing upon the Rossiter-Percy (1987, 1997) motivational model, Paper Five examined two different negative and two positive emotional appeals designed as audio messages. Specifically, the type of emotional appeal (Problem Avoidance/Fear based; Problem Removal/ Agitation or annoyance-based; Social Approval/ Pride-based; and Intellectual Mastery/ Humour-based), level of response efficacy (low, high), level of involvement (low, high), and gender were manipulated in a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 fully between groups design. A range of persuasion outcome measures, including attitudes and intentions, were assessed immediately after exposure and 1 month later. Further, the study assessed adaptive (message acceptance) as well as maladaptive (message rejection) intentions. The results provided evidence of the effectiveness of humorous-based appeals for males and highlighted that appeals of the same valence (positive or negative) need not have the same persuasive effects. The results also supported the importance of response efficacy for all appeal types and highlighted that a message's overall effectiveness requires consideration of both message acceptance and rejection rates.-----
Overall, the current research program, based upon a sound, multi-disciplinary theoretical framework, provided evidence for the need to broaden the scope of emotional appeals in the road safety advertising context and which may also be relevant within a wider health persuasion context. The results of the three studies have important theoretical and practical implications for future campaign development which are discussed.
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Effects of Emotional Words in Crisis Communication Response Messages on an Organization’s Trust, Perceived Credibility and Public’s Behavior IntentLovins, Jason H., 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Feeling like Spending? : An explanatory study on the different effects of emotional appeals on purchase intention / Feeling like Spending? : An explanatory study on the different effects of emotional appeals on purchase intentionBirgestam, Christoffer, Koel, Jakob, Öman, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Background: The fundamental aim of utilizing a message strategy is to develop advertising content that captures consumer attention and thereby generates favourable consumer behaviour. Two common approaches in advertising are (i) emotional appeals and (ii) rational appeals. Literature has found emotional appeals to be the superior alternative, but are yet to fully grasp the dynamics of the different emotional appeals as several researchers have called for further establishment and knowledge in the area. In this study, a new approach to emotional appeals has been taken in terms of including a wider range of emotions than has been previously done, and the aim is therethrough to receive a more nuanced and complete understanding of the phenomenon emotional appeals. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain the different effects of emotional message appeals on purchase intention. Methodology: This study utilized an explanatory purpose along with a deductive, quantitative research approach, as well as a cross-sectional research design to test a conceptual model based on six hypotheses. The data collection method was completed through the distribution of a self-administered questionnaire in various online forums. The questionnaire received 212 valid responses. Findings: The hypotheses for four out of the six basic emotions were tested. The Happiness appeal showed to have the most positive effect on purchase intention (0.412), whilst Fear (0.269) and Sadness (0.273) also displayed positive tendencies, even though the Sadness appeal had been hypothesized to have negative effects on purchase intention. Furthermore, the Disgust appeal was - as hypothesized - suggested to have a negative influence on purchase intention (-0.277). The Surprise and Anger appeals displayed insignificant F-values and could thereby not be further investigated. Conclusion: Based on the four remaining emotions an adjusted conceptual model was presented in which one can observe the varying effects of emotional message appeals on purchase intention. This model can be valuable for marketers and marketing practitioners looking to apply emotional appeals as part of their marketing strategies, as well as to researchers looking to more fully understand the dynamics of emotions and emotional appeals in marketing contexts. Last, this study calls for further establishment within the field of emotional appeals in terms of gathering insights into the fluidity of emotions. / <p>Appendix 3 is in a separate file.</p>
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No description available.
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Uso de apelaciones emocionales en la publicidad estatal: percepciones de los estudiantes de medicina / Use of emotional appeals in state advertising: perceptions of medical studentsMelendez Limo, Cristina Valeria 22 November 2021 (has links)
El Mundo atraviesa una de las mayores crisis sanitarias nunca antes vistas debido al SARS-CoV-2, dejando efectos negativos en diversos ámbitos. Los gobiernos han tenido que tomar medidas restrictivas con el fin de concientizar y contener la propagación del virus para evitar más decesos de vidas humanas. Para ello, han hecho uso de recursos como apelaciones emocionales, tanto positivas como negativas, dentro de sus anuncios publicitarios para llegar a la población y brindarles mensajes. En ese sentido, la presente investigación es de carácter cualitativa puesto que busca analizar la percepción de los estudiantes de los últimos dos años de la carrera de Medicina de una universidad privada de Lima, ante el uso de las apelaciones emocionales dentro del anuncio: “La Visita Familiar” de la campaña “El COVID no mata solo. No seamos cómplices”. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a veinte estudiantes obteniendo como alguno de los resultados la importancia del uso del realismo y crudeza dentro de la publicidad por parte del Estado para poder concientizar a la población ante el estado de emergencia. / The world is going through one of the biggest health crisis ever seen due to SARS-CoV-2, inducing negative effects in many areas. Governments have had to take restrictive measures to raise awareness and contain the spread of the virus in order to prevent further deaths. Because of this, they have used resources such as emotional appeals within their advertisements to reach the population and provide messages. In this sense, the present research is of qualitative character since it seeks to analyze the perception of Medicine's students of the last two years of the career at a private university of Lima, about the use of emotional appeals in the advertising: "La visita familiar" "COVID no mata solo. No seamos cómplices". Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty students, obtaining as some of the results the importance of the use of realism and rawness in advertising by the State in order to raise awareness of the state of emergency. / Tesis
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