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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μοντέλα αποφάσεων & πολυκριτηριακή ανάλυση στην επιλογή προσωπικού : εφαρμογή M-MACBETH

Τσινιά, Ελένη 25 May 2009 (has links)
Η επιλογή και η αξιολόγηση προσωπικού είναι ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα, το οποίο μπορεί να επηρεάσει την αποτελεσματικότητα και την αποδοτικότητα μιας επιχείρησης. Διάφορες ποσοτικές μέθοδοι έχουν προταθεί ως βοήθεια για τη λήψη τέτοιων αποφάσεων. Η παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζει τα πιο σημαντικά και ευρέως γνωστά μοντέλα, που χρησιμοποιούνται στα πεδία επιλογής και αξιολόγησης προσωπικού. Επικεντρώνεται επίσης σε μια ανάλυση του MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique). Το MACBETH είναι μια πολυκριτηριακή προσέγγιση λήψης αποφάσεων, η οποία απαιτεί μόνο ποιοτικές κρίσεις σε σχέση με τις αξίες και βοηθά τους αποφασίζοντες να ποσοτικοποιήσουν τις διαφορές ελκυστικότητας των επιλογών. Τέλος εφαρμόζουμε αυτή την τεχνική χρησιμοποιώντας το λογισμικό M-MACBETH, χρησιμοποιώντας πραγματικά δεδομένα μεγάλης ελληνικής τράπεζας. / The employee evaluation and selection system is an important problem that can significantly affect the future competiveness and the performance of an organization. Various quantitative methods have been proposed as an aid to such decisions. This work presents the most important and common models, that are used in the employee evaluation and selection area. It also focuses on a comprehensive overview of MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique). MACBETH is a multicriteria decision analysis approach, which requires only qualitative judgements about differences of value to help a decision maker quantify the relative attractiveness of options. Finally, an application of this technique takes place using M-MACBETH software, based on real data from a big Greek bank.

Employee selection : Mechanisms behind practitioners’ preference for hiring practices

Langhammer, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
Despite the great advances science has made in developing selection decision aids practitioners’ generally remain reluctant to adopt them. This phenomenon is considered today one of the greatest gaps in industrial, work and organizational psychology. This thesis adopts a psychological approach to practitioners’ resistance toward hiring procedures with high predictive validity of work performance. Consequently, three specific research questions were examined, two of which highlighted aspects of self-regulation, and one focused on agency relation in order to study outcomes in terms of actual use of hiring procedures and intention to change hiring procedures. The present thesis comprises three studies. Questionnaire data is used in two studies (Study I and II) to study how 1) prototype beliefs and ability to evaluate the quality of own performance is related to use of selection decision methods; and also how 2) behavioral intention to change hiring practice is related to self-efficacy beliefs, causal attribution and past behavior. Data collected with semi-structured interviews is used in Study III in order to study practitioners’ experiences in collaborative contexts in employee selection. Study I found that prototype beliefs and task quality ambiguity perceptions varied across various hiring practices. The results from Study II showed that self-efficacy beliefs, external attributions of success and internal attributions of failure were related to intention to change hiring practices. Study III highlighted the prevalence of separate self-interests over more general organizational interests in the agentic relation between practitioners. In conclusion, the present thesis has implication for theory as well as practice when it concludes that conscious steered cognitive mechanisms are important for understanding practitioners’ resistance towards high standardized hiring practices. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

The juxtaposition of soon-to-be college graduates and hiring professionals

Johnston, Justin R. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2009. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed June 30, 2010). Additional advisors: Loretta A. Cormier, James C. McCroskey, Larry Powell. Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-29).

Validation of a selection battery used by the South African Military Academy

Pretorius, Marlize, Redelinghuys, Marlize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to determine whether the psychometric evaluation procedure, used by the South African Military Academy to make selection decisions, can validly predict academic performance of first year learners, whether this procedure is fair and whether the procedure is efficient. The sample used for this study consisted of three year groups (First Year Students of 2001, 2002 and 2003) enrolled at the Military Academy. In theory specific learning behaviours (learning competencies) are instrumental in attaining academic performance. These learning behaviours, in turn, depend on and are expressions of a complex nomological network of person-centered characteristics (learning competency potential). Differences in learning performance can be explained in terms of learning behaviours. Learning competencies are instrumental in achieving the learning outcomes for which the academic programme exists. Learning competencies, in turn, can be explained in terms of learner characteristics. In order to differentiate between candidates who have better or poorer training prospects in terms of a construct orientated approach to selection, a performance hypothesis on the person-centered drivers of the learning competencies is used. It is argued that the degree of competence in: (1) the core cognitive processes/competencies that constitute learning (transfer and automatization) and are necessary to create meaningful structure in novel learning material, (2) the intellectual drivers of these learning competencies (fluid intelligence and information processing capacity), (3) proficiency in English and (4) past academic performance, should discriminate between better or poorer academic performance of learners attending the academic programmes at the SA Military Academy. The grade point average of the first year first semester academic results is used as a measure of the criterion construct. Almost all of the results obtained in this study support the theory and propositions made by the performance hypothesis. Only one variable, accuracy of information processing, did not perform as predicted by the performance hypothesis. Prior learning explained the most variance in the criterion (r=0,4312). The inter-correlation amongst the predictors is used to infer the proportion of unique variance each predictor accounts for in the composite criterion. A regression of the composite criterion on the array of predictors (X2 – X12) revealed that only memory and understanding (X9) and prior learning (X12) uncovered relevant and unique information about determinants of performance on the criterion not conveyed by the remaining predictors in the model. The remaining predictors in the selection battery can consequently be considered redundant since they provide no new information not already conveyed by X9 and X12. When YGPA is regressed on the weighted combination of X9 and X12, only X12 significantly explains unique variance in YGPA when included in a regression model already containing X9. In the light of the reported findings there is no need to create a combined weighted linear predictor composite (Xcomp) which would form the basis of the actuarial mechanical decision rule that would guide selection decisions. Prior learning proved to be the only predictor that warrants inclusion in the actuarial mechanical prediction rule that will form the basis of selection decisions. In terms of the derived actuarial prediction rule the expected criterion performance of all applicants (E[Y|X12]) could consequently be estimated by inserting the measures obtained during selection of prior learning into the derived regression equation. The use of this equation could be regarded as permissible to the extent to which E[Y|X12] correlates significantly with YGPA. Since E[Y|X12] correlates 0,431 and statistically significantly (p<0,05) with YGPA, the predictions derived from this equation are valid. The findings of this research suggest that black and white students were sampled from the same population and therefore the use of the single, undifferentiated prediction rule would lead to fair selection decisions. To answer the question whether the selection procedure under investigation is adding any value to the organization, utility analysis is done based on the Taylor-Russell utility model as well as the Naylor-Shine interpretation of selection utility. A criterion-referenced norm table that expresses the risk of failure conditional on expected academic performance is derived from the use of only X12. Recommendations for further research are put forward. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die psigometriese evaluasie-prosedure wat deur die Suid Afrikaanse Militêre Akademie gebruik word vir keuringsbesluite, akademiese prestasie van eerstejaar leerders geldig voorspel, en of hierdie prosedure regverdig en effektief is. Die steekproef vir hierdie studie bestaan uit drie jaargroepe (eerstejaar studente van 2001, 2002 en 2003) wat ingeskryf was by die Militêre Akademie. Teoreties is daar spesifieke leergedrag (leerbevoegdhede) wat instrumenteel is in die bereiking van akademiese prestasie. Hierdie leergedrag hang af van en is weer „n uitdrukking van „n komplekse nomologiese netwerk van persoongesentreerde eienskappe (leerbevoegdheidspotensiaal). Verskille in leerprestasie kan verklaar word in terme van leergedrag. Leerbevoegdhede is instrumenteel in die bereiking van die leeruikomste waarvoor die akademiese program bestaan. Leerbevoegdhede, op sy beurt, kan weer verklaar word in terme van leerdereienskappe. Ten einde „n onderskeid te kan tref tussen kandidate met beter of slegter opleidingsvooruitsigte, in terme van „n konstrukgeorienteerde benadering tot keuring, word „n prestasiehipotese gebruik wat gebaseer is op die persoongesentreerde drywers van die leerbevoegdhede. Dit word aangevoer dat die graad van bevoegdheid in: (1) die kern kognitiewe prosesse/bevoegdhede waaruit leer bestaan (oordrag en outomatisasie) en wat nodig is om sinvolle struktuur in nuwe leermateriaal te skep, (2) die intellektuele drywers van hierdie leerbevoegdhede (vloeibare intelligensie en informasieverwerkingskapasiteit), (3) bevoegdheid in Engels, en (4) vorige akademiese prestasie sal onderskei tussen beter of slegter akademiese prestasie van leerders wat akademiese programme by die SA Militêre Akademie bywoon. Die gemiddelde van eerstejaar eerste semester akademiese uitslae is gebruik as meting van die kriteriumkonstruk. Byna al die resultate wat in hierdie studie verkry is ondersteun die teorie en proposisies soos aangevoer deur die prestasiehipotese. Slegs een veranderlike, akkuraatheid van informasie-prosessering, het nie gereageer soos voorspel deur die prestasiehipotese nie. Vorige leer het die meeste variansie in die kriterium verklaar (r=0,4312). Die inter-korrelasie tussen die voorspellers is gebruik om die proporsie unieke variansie wat elke voorspeller in die saamgestelde kriterium verklaar te skat. „n Regressie van die saamgestelde kriterium op die reeks voorspellers (X2 – X12) toon aan dat slegs geheue en begip (X9) sowel as vorige leer (X12) relevante en unieke informasie in verband met die determinante van prestasie in die kriterium weergee wat nie reeds weergegee word deur die oorblywende voorspellers in die model nie. Die oorblywende voorspellers in die keuringsbattery kan gevolglik as oorbodig beskou word aangesien hulle geen nuwe informasie verskaf wat nie reeds deur X9 en X12 oorgedra word nie. Wanneer YGPA geregresseer word op die geweegde kombinasie van X9 en X12, verklaar slegs X12 unieke variasie in YGPA wanneer dit ingesluit word in „n regressiemodel wat alreeds X9 bevat. In die lig van die gerapporteerde bevindinge is dit onnodig om ‟n gekombineerde geweegde liniêre voorspellerkombinasie (Xcomp) te skep om as basis van „n aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël te dien aan hand waarvan keuringsbesluite geneem sal word. Vorige leer blyk die enigste voorspeller te wees wat insluiting regverdig in die aktuariële meganiese besluitnemingsreël wat die basis van keuringsbesluite sal vorm. In terme van die afgeleide aktuariële besluitnemingsreël sal die verwagte kriteriumprestasie van alle toekomstige aansoekers (E[Y│X12]) geskat word deur die meting van vorige leer verkry tydens keuring in die afgeleide regressievergelyking in te stel. Die gebruik van hierdie vergelyking kan as toelaatbaar beskou word in die mate waartoe E[Y│X12] betekenisvol met YGPA korreleer. Aangesien E[Y│X12] statisties betekenisvol 0,431 (p<0,05) met YGPA korreleer, kan die voorspellings afgelei vanuit hierdie vergelyking as geldig beskou word. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing dui daarop dat swart en wit studente van hierdie steekproef uit dieselfde populasie geneem is en daarom sal die gebruik van „n enkele, ongedifferensieerde voorspellingsreël lei tot regverdige keuringsbesluite. Om „n antwoord te verkry op die vraag of hierdie keuringsprosedure enige waarde tot die organisasie toevoeg is „n nutanaliese gedoen wat gebaseer is op Taylor-Russell se nutmodel so wel as die Naylor-Shine interpretasie van keuringsnut. „n Kriteriumgerigde normtabel, wat die voorwaardelike risiko op mislukking gebaseer op akademiese prestasie uitdruk, is afgelei deur die gebruik van slegs X12. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word voorgestel.

A psychometric investigation into the use of an adaptation of the Ghiselli predictability index in personnel selection

Twigge, Liesle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mcom)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The field of human resources involves continuous decision-making regarding the matching of the workforce with the workplace, since this match determines individuals' motivation to perform the actions associated with the workplace. If, at the time of the decision, the decision maker could obtain information on end performance, the chances of achieving the desired results would be increased. However, personnel selection is complicated by the obvious fact that information on end performance is not available at the time of the selection decision. All such decisions thus involve predictions about people's performance. The classic validity model forms the foundation of all prediction in as far as the strength of the relationship between the predictor of performance and the actual performance determines the accuracy of the predictor. Over time, numerous possibilities have been considered on how to increase the magnitude of this relationship as experienced through the validity coefficient, mostly involving modifications and/or extensions to the standard regression model. An interesting and challenging alternative to the usual multiple-regression based attempts may be found in the work of Ghise11i (1956, 1960a, 1960b). He has chosen to improve prediction directly through the development of a composite predictability index that explains variance in the prediction errors resulting from an existing prediction model. It would, however, appear as if the procedure has found very little, if any, practical acceptance, partly attributed to the fact that the predictability index failed to significantly explain unique variance in the criterion when added to a model already containing one or more predictors. Resultantly, based on the Ghiselli idea, this research investigates the possibility of modifying such a predictability index so that it does significantly explain unique variance in the criterion when added to a model already containing one or more predictors. In addition, the study investigates whether the expansion of the prediction model is warranted by examining the effect the increase in subject predictability has on the predictive validity of the selection procedure, as well as the monetary effect it has on the utility of the procedure. Hypotheses are tested to determine the possibility of developing an index from a personality measurement that shows a strong and significant correlation with the residuals computed from the regression of the criterion on an ability predictor; to determine if the addition of the index to an ability predictor significantly explains variance in the criterion measurement that is not yet explained by the ability predictor relationships, and to determine whether this ability is affected by the direction in which the index has been developed. Furthermore, hypotheses are tested to determine the increment on validity and selection utility. The data for the analysis was obtained from Psytech (SA), where a validation study was performed at the Gordon Institute of Business Science using the Apil-B ability test, the Critical Reasoning Test Battery and the Organisational Personality Profile measurements to predict the performance of 100 MBA students. The results of the analysis confirmed Ghiselli' s earlier findings that the traditional predictability index does not significantly explain variance in the criterion residual when added to the selection battery. However, by modifying the Ghiselli procedure, the study found that the index was able to significantly explain variance when added to a battery already containing the predictor. When the index is based on the real values of the residuals, the addition of the predictability index to the model significantly explains unique variance in the criterion, but not so when based on the absolute values of the residuals. It also indicated that the inclusion of the predictability index to the prediction model created a substantial increase in the validity of the selection procedure and that the increase in validity translated into a noteworthy improvement in utility. Conclusions are drawn from the obtained results and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Psigometriese Ondersoek na die Gebruik van 'n Aanpassing van die Ghiselli Voorspellingsindeks in Personeelkeuring: Die veld van menslike hulpbronne sluit 'n aaneenlopende besluitnemingsproses aangaande die passing van die arbeidsmag met die werkplek in, aangesien hierdie passing die individu se motivering met betrekking tot optredes wat met die werkplek geassossieer word, bepaal. lndien die besluitnemer ten tye van die besluitneming alreeds oor inligting rakende die eindprestasie van die individu beskik, sal die moontlikheid verhoog word om die gewenste resultate uit die besluitneming te verkry. Personeelkeuring word egter gekompliseer deur die voor die hand liggende feit dat inligting rakende die eindprestasie nie beskikbaar is ten tye van die keuringsbesluit nie. Alle besluite van hierdie aard sluit dus voorspellings oor individue se prestasie in. Die klassieke geldigheidsmodel vorm die basis van alle voorspellings gebaseer op die sterkte van die verwantskap tussen die voorspeller van prestasie en die werklike prestasie van die individu. Oor die jare is verskeie moontlikhede oorweeg om die sterkte van die hierdie verwantskap soos uitgedruk deur die geldigheidskoëffisiënt te verhoog, hoofsaaklik deur middel van aanpassings en/of verlengings van die standaardregressiemodel. 'n Interessante en uitdagende alternatief vir die pogings gebaseer op meervoudige regessie kan gevind word in die werk van Ghiselli (1956, 1960a, 1960b). Hy poog om voorspelling direk te verbeter deur die ontwikkeling van 'n saamgestelde voorspellingsindeks wat variansie verklaar in die voorspellingsfoute verkry uit 'n bestaande voorspellingsmodel. Dit wil egter voorkom asof die voorspellingsindeks gefaal het om unieke variansie in die kriterium te verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot 'n model wat alreeds een of meer voorspellers bevat. Gebaseer op die Ghiselli-idee, ondersoek hierdie navorsing dus die moontlikheid om die voorspellingsindeks aan te pas sodat dit beduidend unieke variansie in die kriterium verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot 'n model wat alreeds een of meer voorspellers bevat. Die studie ondersoek enersyds ook die regverdiging van die uitbreiding van die voorspellingsmodel deur die impak van die verbetering in voorspelling op die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die keuringsprosedure, en andersyds bestudeer dit ook die monetêre effek op die nutwaarde van die prosedure. Hipoteses word getoets om die moontlikheid van 'n indeks, wat uit 'n persoonlikheidsmeting ontwikkel, is en wat sterk en beduidend met die residue wat uit die regressie van die kriterium op die vermoënsvoorspeller bereken is, te bepaal. Daar word ook getoets of die toevoeging van die indeks tot 'n vermoënsvoorspeller beduidende variansie in die kriteriummeting verklaar wat nie alreeds deur die vermoënsvoorspeller verklaar word nie. Daar word verder bepaal of hierdie vermoë geaffekteer word deur die rigting waarin die indeks ontwikkel is. Verder word hipoteses getoets aangaande die impak op beide die geldigheid en die nutwaarde van die keuringsprosedure. Die data vir die analises is verkry by Psytech SA, waar 'n valideringstudie uitgevoer is by die Gordon Institute of Business Science deur die gebruik van die Apil-B vermoënstoets, die Critical Reasoning Test Battery en die Organisational Personality Profile metings om die prestasie van 100 MBA studente te voorspel. Die resultate van die analise bevestig Ghiselli se vroeëre bevindings dat die tradisioneel ontwikkelde indeks nie beduidend variansie in die kriteriumresidue verklaar wanneer dit toegevoeg word tot die keuringsbattery nie. Deur egter die oorspronklike Ghiselli prosedure aan te pas word gevind dat die toevoeging van die indeks tot die regressiemodel wel beduidend unieke variansie verklaar. Die vermoë van die indeks om variansie te verklaar wanneer dit tot die battery toegevoeg word, is beduidend wanneer die indeks gebaseer word op die werklike waardes van die residue, maar toon geen beduidendheid wanneer dit gebaseer word op die absolute waardes van die residue nie. Die resultate dui ook daarop dat die insluiting van die voorspellingsindeks in die model 'n betekenisvolle toename in die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die keuringsprosedure teweegbring, en dat die toename in voorspellingsgeldigheid vertaal na 'n substantiewe styging in nut. Gevolgtrekkings word uit die verkreë resultate afgelei, en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak.

A talent management framework for the South African renewable energy sector

Hare, Brent January 2017 (has links)
Since the publication of the White Paper on energy Policy of 1998, South Africa has taken off on a new trajectory of sustainability. The South African government have identified that the renewable energy sector will play a critical role in advancing and improving the energy sector. They envisage that the sector will contribute to the development of a green economy and the creation of meaningful employment for all South Africans. With the renewable energy sector of South Africa being dependent on skills, many of which are pertinent for the success of the sector, sufficient skilled workers are required to provide a service to the growing sector. Upon engaging with individuals employed in the sector and embarking on the research it became apparent that there was a lack of a talent management framework for the sector. Talent management represents a means for companies to develop and sustain talent pipelines thereby creating a competitive advantage. Globally executives across the employment spectrum admit that they have challenges in building a strong talent pipeline. The South African Renewable Energy Sector (SARES) is not exempt from this reality, where it has been well documented that South Africa is struggling with a skills shortage. This makes it difficult to grow and develop a fledgling sector. The purpose of this treatise was to evaluate the need for a talent management framework for the South African Renewable Energy Sector. To evaluate this, a literature review was performed on concepts relating to the development of a talent management framework specifically for the sector. These concepts or independent variables were, engineering skills, competence, knowledge worker, policies supporting RE development as well as training and development. The talent management framework relied on ring fencing the study around the knowledge worker, by correlating the definition of an engineer to that of a knowledge worker. The results show that despite the proclamation made by the South African government that South Africa is geared to supply the skills required for SARES. The research found a need for educational institutes to produce more knowledge workers. The results of this research study showed that despite the low positive correlation between the five independent variables, being, engineering skills, competence, knowledge worker, policies supporting RE development they would still provide those responsible for recruitment and talent management with a platform to be able to develop a working talent management strategy. There is a need for the development of a suitable talent management framework, which would allow the sector to manage elements of talent management such as recruitment and retention of knowledge workers. The proposed talent management framework can be used to assist in consolidating the present recruitment practises as well as being used to develop a talent management strategy for the sector.

Získávání, výběr a proces adaptace pracovníků ve firmě / Acquisition, selection and adaptation process of workers in company

Trtíková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with very important and essential activities of enterprises. It deals with the process of acquisition, selection and subsequent adaptation of the employees of Zentiva. Examines and analyzes the methods and practices specified in society and confronts them with the theoretical recommendations. The work is divided into three parts. The first represents the theoretical part, which gives the basis for the application and the last part deals with the questionnaire, which was designed so that the thesis has brought to the opinion of staff researched the issue. The aim of the whole work is to evaluate this process in society and to propose recommendations for streamlining the issues examined.

Obsazování volných služebních míst u Policie ČR / Filling vacancies with the Police of the Czech Republic

Machková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse the process of filling vacancies with the Police of the Czech Republic, to identify the advantages of the process in use, and its disadvantages and to suggest suitable actions to solve the identified problems. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the base for reaching the defined aim, it concerns HR activities prior to filling vacancies, filling vacancies itself, recruitment, selection and hiring the employees and their adaptation. The theoretical findings are applied to the Police of the Czech Republic in the practical part of the thesis. The system of recruitment, selection, hiring and adapting policemen is described and evaluated in the practical part. Consequently, possible suggestions to improve the current situation are presented in relevant chapters.

Problém náboru zaměstnaců globální firmy v zahraničních pobočkách / Recruitment problems in foreign branches of global company

Gorokhova, Aleksandra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis on the Recruitment problems in foreign branches of global company is described specific Prague developer company, its projects and its experience in personnel policy. The aim of this work is to define the main problems of staff recruitment and the development of measures to improve these processes. This thesis will consist of several parts. the first part describes the company, its typical projects, strategy and preparation of its expansion into Kazakhstan. The following are the main aspects of the relationship between headquarters and its branches. In the third part are mentioned and characterized approaches to management and recruitment of personnel in foreign branches. Description of the organizational structure of the company is the fourth part of this work. Followed by a description of the current human resources management process at the branch and identifying problems of staff recruitment. The last part is focused on the inventing of the measures to improve these processes.

Construct validation of common format biodata within the public sector

Baxter, James Foster 01 January 2003 (has links)
Biographical data inventories (biodata) have one of the best predictors of job performance criteria for over 100 hundred years. Similarly, CommonFormat Biodata (CFB) inventories have also demonstrated their ability to predict certain performance criteria. There are two common themes and tow common sub-themes typically associated with CFB intruments, Education, experience, time, and specificity respectively. The major purpose of this paper was to employ a confirmatory factor analysis strategy to construct and validate a CFB inventory.

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