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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

宋高宗時期宰相與言官的關係: 皇權漸趨鞏固的反映 : 建炎元年至紹興十二年. / Song Gaozong shi qi zai xiang yu yan guan de guan xi: huang quan jian qu gong gu de fan ying : Jianyan yuan nian zhi Shaoxing shi er nian.

January 1997 (has links)
陳贊永. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院歷史學部, 1997. / 參考文獻: leaves 189-197. / Chen Zanyong. / Chapter 第一章 --- 前言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章 --- 略論宋代的言官制度和宰相制度 --- p.5 / Chapter 第一節 --- 宋代言官制度略述 --- p.5 / Chapter 一. --- 言官的定義 --- p.5 / Chapter 二. --- 言官架構與職能 --- p.6 / Chapter (一) --- 御史台與諫 院 --- p.6 / Chapter (二) --- 給事中與中書舍人 --- p.10 / Chapter 第二節 --- 宋代宰相制度_ --- p.12 / Chapter 一. --- 元豐官制改革前的宰相制度 --- p.12 / Chapter 二. --- 元豐官制改革後的宰相制度 --- p.14 / Chapter 第三章 --- 皇權的重建一言官牽制宰相時期 --- p.17 / Chapter 第一節 --- 李綱與言官的關係 --- p.17 / Chapter 一. --- 李綱任相前的出身背景 --- p.17 / Chapter 二. --- 李綱與言官的合作和矛盾 --- p.20 / Chapter (一) --- 排僞楚運動及反李綱言官勢力的瓦解 --- p.20 / Chapter (二) --- 藩鎭政策及宋齊愈事件 --- p.23 / Chapter 三. --- 皇帝駐蹕地之爭 --- p.27 / Chapter 四. --- 李綱的失勢與言官之關係 --- p.30 / Chapter 第二節 --- 黃潛善、汪伯彥與言官的關係 --- p.34 / Chapter 一. --- 擁立集團的形成及其政治方針 --- p.34 / Chapter 二 . --- 汪、黃對言官的壓制 --- p.36 / Chapter 三. --- 金人的南犯與汪、黃罷相 --- p.40 / Chapter 第三節 --- 范宗尹與言官的關係 --- p.45 / Chapter 一. --- 范宗尹的政治背景 --- p.45 / Chapter 二 . --- 范宗尹任相時期與言官之關係 --- p.47 / Chapter 三. --- 藩鎭政策的失敗及范宗尹的下台 --- p.50 / Chapter 四. --- 高宗在范宗尹與言官間的主導角色 --- p.53 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.57 / Chapter 第四章 --- 政治集團的衝突---言官依附宰相時期 --- p.58 / Chapter 第一節 --- 呂頤浩與言官的關係 --- p.58 / Chapter 一. --- 呂頤浩的出身背景 --- p.58 / Chapter 二. --- 呂頤浩首次任相及高宗吳越之行 --- p.60 / Chapter 三. --- 呂頤浩再相及與秦檜的權力鬥爭 --- p.68 / Chapter 四. --- 呂頤浩的失勢與言官之關係 --- p.73 / Chapter 第二節 --- 張浚與言官的關係 --- p.82 / Chapter 一. --- 任相前的張浚 --- p.82 / Chapter 二. --- 張浚任相及與趙鼎的爭權 --- p.86 / Chapter 三. --- 張浚主戰路線的崩潰 --- p.91 / Chapter 四. --- 高宗和言官在張浚罷相事上所扮演的角色 --- p.93 / Chapter 第三節 --- 趙鼎與言官的關係 --- p.98 / Chapter 一. --- 任相前的趙鼎 --- p.98 / Chapter (一) --- 南宋初年在政壇上的浮沉 --- p.98 / Chapter (二) --- 趙鼎與朱勝非的權力鬥爭 --- p.100 / Chapter 二. --- 趙鼎的首度任相 --- p.102 / Chapter 三. --- 趙鼎的再相及其主守政策 --- p.105 / Chapter 四. --- 趙鼎集團的崩潰 --- p.111 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.118 / Chapter 第五章 --- 秦檜專政----宰相控制言官時期 --- p.119 / Chapter 第一節 --- 秦檜的出身背景及首度任相時與言官之關係 --- p.119 / Chapter 一 . --- 秦檜的出身背景 --- p.119 / Chapter 二 . --- 秦檜的首度任相 --- p.124 / Chapter 第二節 --- 秦檜的再相與言官之關係 --- p.127 / Chapter 一. --- 秦檜的再相到獨相 --- p.127 / Chapter 二 . --- 紹興八年和議的確立及言官的作用 --- p.129 / Chapter 三. --- 秦檜專政體制的確立及體制中的言官 --- p.135 / Chapter 四. --- 紹興十二年和議及收兵權運動中的言官 --- p.139 / Chapter 第三節 --- 小結 --- p.145 / Chapter 第六章 --- 總結 --- p.147 / 附表 / 建炎元年至紹興十二年言官一覽表 --- p.151 / 建炎元年至紹興十二年宰相一覽表 --- p.182 / 建炎元年至紹興十二年宰相、言官任免簡表 --- p.184 / 參考書目 --- p.189

Human Resource Management Strategies in Hospitality Industry : Employees’ competence, attitude, behavior and organizational operation (management perspective)

Gheliji, Elham January 2019 (has links)
The current study demonstrates human resource strategies in hospitality industry (Hotel segment) and its impact on employee competencies and skills. The human resource management enhances employee performance and their credibility to maximize overall firm goals in hotel segment. Employees with level of attitude and behavior provide best services and performances. In this regard, service managers need to support and improve their employees’ skills and competencies related to the organization structure and strategy. Therefore, it is necessary for organization to have strong human resource management strategies to optimize the employees’ competencies and performance which drives higher organizational productivity. The research question of this thesis is how managers perceive that human resource management strategies influence on employees’ skill and competence in the hotel segment of Gothenburg? The data collection indicates that different human resource strategies executed to sustain employee roles and responsibilities. Various human resource strategies should implement to achieve valuable outcomes contributing to employees’ satisfaction and organization performance. Training practices, recruitment and selection, compensation and incentive practices, performance management and job design are essential human resource strategies which are identified in this research study. The thesis applies qualitative approach. Empirical data are collected through structured interviews. Moreover, the interactive model is used to analyze the collected empirical data.

A survey of public officials' attitudes toward county zoning in Kansas

Olson, Peter H January 2010 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Motivace a stabilizace zaměstnanců v TüV / Motivation and stabilization of employees in TUV

Prajzlerová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify and follow-up the analysis of job satisfaction, motivation and incentive structure of the staff at TÜV SÜD with empirical research and subsequent evaluation of the current situation and propose possible actions. The paper describes a style of personal work, especially those areas that contribute to the motivation of employees and subsequent stabilization. The next step is an analysis of satisfaction and motivation of employees using a questionnaire, the survey results are then evaluated there are given possible solutions for improvement.


Dholakia, Kaival 01 December 2019 (has links)
The purpose that this tracking system serves is to keep track of the employees of the company who have the nature of their job which involves a lot of traveling to various locations on a day to day basis. It is an amalgamation of Android as well as a Web application. The employee is supposed to pass the location and image as per the terms and conditions specified to use the Android application. The web application is used by the admin department to access the information which would help them monitor the location of the employee in a timely manner. The Android application is developed using Native Android on Android Studio while Visual Studio 2017 is being used for the functioning of the web application.

Differences Between Supervisor and High and Low-Rated Employees' Perceptions of Job Performance Ratings and Importance of Job Factors

McGowan, Harvey Edward 01 January 1974 (has links)
This study was an attempt to gain insight into differing conceptions of job performance and job performance factors held by supervisors, employees in general, and of employees rated high and low on overall job performance by their supervisors. The discrepancy in the perceptions of job performance is an element in a general pattern of a well-documented discrepancy in the perception of subordinates’ wants, needs and desires by superiors. To assess employees’ perceptions about their own job performance, self-ratings were taken, along with estimate ratings of how employees thought their supervisors would rate them. A graphic rating scale was used, Format III, with seven job performance factors; Ability to work with others, Amount of work done, Quality of work done, Leadership potential, Ability to do complicated jobs, Ability to work with minimum supervision, Conscientiousness, and an eight scale, Overall Performance. Subjects were 78 female assembly workers along with their eight immediate male supervisors.

Evaluation of the University of Limpopo induction programme

Nkoana, Pheagane Motsime William January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) --University of Limpopo, 2010 / Every employee at any institution has to be inducted upon employment. Induction is a very important aspect of any organization to prepare the new and existing employees for the new environment or workplace. It is therefore very important for any institution to design induction programme that caters for the needs of its employees. Teaching institutions might require a different approach to induction as compared to industrial institutions. It is therefore incumbent of the institutions depending on the type of business to design their programmes to address the needs thereof. Every institution thus needs to come up with strategies to compete better both nationally and globally. University of Limpopo has very good policies on recruitment, selection, and employment. It is one of the traditional universities in South Africa, and it is based in Mankweng in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. This university faces many challenges such as staff retention. The university loses many knowledgeable employees to its competitors. Many speculations are that some of the challenges include the wellbeing of the staff members, and this starts immediately after employment and goes throughout. Induction is one of the challenges that the university is suspected of not performing adequately. This study was therefore designed to establish if the university is running a successful induction, to evaluate if this programme is effective and efficient, and assess if it meets the 21st century induction standards. The study was designed to apply the descriptive approaches, using structured questionnaires and interviews. The study population included at least 50 employees which 25 were academics and 25 non-academics. Relevant supporting departments were also sampled to participate in the study. Stratified sampling techniques were used during sampling. Both primary and secondary data was collected and analysed. Ethical guidelines set by the university were observed during the study. Relevant statistical techniques were applied to analyse the data. Findings the study suggest that very few employees were inducted. All levels of induction from the corporate, departmental, and local were not fully executed. Mentors and buddies were hardly used or only used on request by the new employees. Only a limited content of the induction was covered and this was not consistent with all employees inducted. The results of the study show that the duration of induction programme was also not consistent. In addition, the perceptions of the employees was that the university was doing poorly to induct employees. Conclusions drawn were that the university is doing poorly on induction. The programme was not consistent and effective. Very few employees were inducted on which just a brief orientation. It was however established that the CAE had a programme that was on average adequate to equip the academics for the working environment, but the same cannot be mentioned on the corporate induction.

Dismissal for stock loss

Monama, Bonga Justice January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2013

Cashing-in or selling-out? : Management strategy in the implementation of traineeships in the retail industry

Ingersoll, Louise, University of Western Sydney, College of Business, School of Management January 2006 (has links)
Since the mid 1980s, the Australian VET system has experienced significant reforms in terms of policies and regulatory frameworks, resulting in a system characterised by demand-side requirements that seek to cater to the needs of industry and employers. These reforms were instigated by a perceived change in Australia’s international competitiveness and an overall lack of flexibility that hindered productivity and technological advancements. This thesis draws upon research into the changes in VET policy and the implications for management strategy within the retail industry. It discusses the key elements of the contemporary VET system and outlines the nature and introduction of the National Training Package in Retail. Evidence from case study research into three large Australian retail organisations is presented as a means of contrasting employer experiences in the implementation of retail traineeships. The case studies highlight the different ways the same structural system can be adapted and utilised across different organisations with various degrees of success. In analysing the changes in VET policy and the implications for management strategy in the retail industry it is evident that the outcomes of implementing traineeships will be reliant on the strategic choices made by the employers. / Master of Commerce (Hons)

The individual experience within a work team

Parris, Melissa A., University of Western Sydney, College of Law and Business, School of Management January 2002 (has links)
This thesis investigates the research question: What is the individual's experience within a work team? The concern is for respondents' meaning and understanding of the team experience and how team membership impacts their lives. The introductory chapter considers the researcher's concerns leading to the formulation of this question, including the uncritical nature of much of the literature on teams and the limited attention given to impacts and outcomes for individual team members. These concerns are expanded further in a review of both current and extant literature on teams. The current research is predominantly focused on team effectiveness and productivity, and this research is examined before moving on to review research conducted into individual factors relating to teams using a qualitative research methodology. The Heideggerian phenomenology, used in this study, is discussed. Data analysis is outlined. The research methods lead to the development of the model, comprising four themes. The first theme discusses respondents' concerns regarding the positioning of their immediate team within broader team structures within the organisation. Next, respondents' desire for, and expectation of, support from within the team is considered. The third theme, ambiguity,examines the uncertainty experienced by respondents with respect to team goals. Finally, respondents' experiences of dissonance and incongruity with relation to their teams are discussed, again considering the related issues of organisational rhetoric and sensemaking. The implications for organisations is discussed, and avenues for future research are presented. / Master of Commerce (Hons)

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