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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Succession planning a development tool for developing middle managers in the Department of Science and Technology

Kraai, Vuyokazi, Kahn, Sinval Benjamin, Motsoeneng, Ramokhojoane Paul 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate how succession planning can be used as a developmental tool in developing middle managers in the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The research shows that the DST has good strategies and policies in place for the development and retention of its employees, although there is no succession planning tool or system in place. Proposed interventions to address identified gaps in terms of succession planning include a quota system of positions that should be filled by internal candidates to encourage employees’ buy-in to succession planning; inculcating it in the institutional culture and therefore, preserving and retaining institutional memory; creating a robust reward management programme based upon a pay-scheme that seeks to reward middle managers for developing their competencies in line with institutional requirements / Public Administration / M.A. (Public Administration)

The influence of team dialogue sessions on employee engagement

Seymour, Michael Andrew Warwick 02 1900 (has links)
Orientation: This study is about team dialogue and how dialogue in teams may impact on levels of employee engagement, especially how this can be applied and used in Industrial & Organisational Psychology. Research purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence that dialogue sessions in work teams may have on employee engagement. Motivation for the study: The manager and first-line superior play a crucial role in facilitating and enabling the connection between the employee and the organisation and how this impacts on employee engagement. When practised successfully, dialogue may have an influence on the level of employee engagement, as it allows groups to move beyond any one individual’s understanding to gain new insights and to create ideas in ways that could not be achieved individually. It may be argued that team dialogue and relational practices could assist in improving employee engagement in the South African workplace. Research design, approach and method: The study used a quasi-experimental approach in terms of which an experimental group was exposed to an organisational development intervention of team dialogues over a period of time and then compared to a control group that had not been exposed to the organisational development team dialogue intervention. The main findings were reported and discussed, and recommendations were made. Main findings: Team dialogues have an impact on employee engagement Contributions/value add: This study contributes to the field of Industrial & Organisational Psychology in that it demonstrates the influence that team dialogue has on employee engagement. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The role of the councillor and the official in the decision-making process of the municipality

Du Preez, Pierre Johann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Local government is a sphere of government which consists of municipalities and its executive and legislative authority is vested in the respective municipal councils. The council is responsible for exercising its powers and functions on behalf of the community it represents and it makes decisions in that regard. A municipality as an organisation which is comprised of two main components: on the one hand, the council as a body of elected representatives and, on the other, officials who have been employed by the council. Whilst it is generally accepted that it is the function of the council to determine policy and of the officials to execute the determined policy, it is accepted that in .practice there is a degree of interfacing between these two functions. It is further accepted that, although there is a clear distinction between the roles of councillor and official, it is possible that there may be a degree of misconception about their respective roles. The purpose of this study was to determine whether councillors and officials have misconceptions about their roles in the decision-making processes of the municipality and whether such misconceptions have a negative impact on service delivery. The research was initiated by a study of decision making in general, followed by a study of decision making in local government in order to establish a basis for the field of study. Oostenberg Municipality was then analysed, with specific reference to its decision-making systems as well as its macro-organisational structure. A questionnaire was sent to the top structure of the council as well as the top management structure of the municipality; the views of these respondents were used to determine whether there were any misconceptions about their roles. The study found that the councillor study group presented a 30.56% degree of misconception about their role as councillors in the decision-making process of the municipality, and in the case of the top management structure there was a 29.86% degree of misconception. The study further established that this degree of misconception impacted negatively on service delivery. In VIew of the above, it is recommended that councillors be subjected to appropriate training, that the political party caucuses be accommodated in the formal decision-making process of the municipality, and that members of the top management structure be subjected to dedicated training on their role in the decision-making processes of the municipality. It is also recommended that the top management structure of the municipality should be in possession of appropriate academic qualifications. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plaaslike Regering is 'n sfeer van regering wat uit munisipaliteite bestaan en ten opsigte waarvan sy uitvoerende en wetgewende gesag in sy munisipale raad gesetel is. Die raad is namens die gemeenskap wat hy verteenwoordig vir die uitoefening van sy magte en funksies verantwoordelik en neem hy besluite in daardie verband. 'n Munisipaliteit as 'n organisasie bestaan uit twee komponente, te wete die raad as 'n liggaam van verkose verteenwoordigers aan die een kant, en aan die ander kant, amptenare wat deur die raad in diens geneem is. Terwyl dit algemeen aanvaar word dat dit die raad se funksie is om beleid te bepaal en dit die amptenare se funksie is om die uitvoering aan die gestelde beleid te gee, word daar ook aanvaar dat daar in die praktyk, 'n mate van interfase tussen hierdie twee funksies bestaan. Dit word voorts aanvaar dat terwyl daar 'n duidelike onderskeid tussen die onderskeie rolle van raadslid en amptenaar is, dit moontlik is dat daar 'n mate van wanbegrip van hul onderskeie rolle bestaan. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of raadslede en amptenare wanbegrip van hul onderskeie rolle in die besluitnemingsproses van die munisipaliteit ervaar en of sodanige wanbegrip 'n negatiewe impak op dienslewering het. Om as basis vir die studieveld te dien is algemene besluitneming eerstens bestudeer, gevolg deur 'n studie van besluitneming in plaaslike regering. 'n Ontleding van Oostenberg munisipaliteit met spesifieke verwysing na sy besluitnemingsprosesse en makro-organisatoriese struktuur is daarna uitgevoer. 'n Vraelys met as respondente die topstruktuur van die raad sowel as die top bestuurstruktuur van die munisipaliteit was aangewend om te bepaal of daar 'n mate van wanbegrip van onderskeie rolle bestaan. Die studie het bevind dat die raadslid studiegroep 'n graad van wanbegrip van 30.56% ten opsigte van sy rol as raadslid in die besluitnemingsproses van die munisipaliteit toon, en in die geval van die top bestuurstruktuur, is 'n graad van wanbegrip van 29.86% aangetoon. Die studie het verder bevind dat die bepaalde graad van wanbegrip, negatief op dienslewering impakteer. Met inagneming van die voorafgaande is daar aanbeveel dat raadslede aan toepaslike opleiding blootgestel word, die akkommodering van die politieke party koukusse in die formele besluitnemingsprosesse van die munisipaliteit, sowel as die toepaslike opleiding van die lede van die top bestuurstruktuur van die munisipaliteit ten opsigte van hul rol in die besluitnemingsprosesse van die munisipaliteit. Daar is ook aanbeveel dat die lede van die top bestuurstruktuur van die munisipaliteit oor toepaslike akademiese kwalifikasies behoort te beskik.

Job evaluation in the provincial government of the Western Cape

Johnson, Reginald George Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The democratisation of South Africa on 27 April 1994 marked the beginning of a new era for South Africans in all spheres of society. The new democratic Government of the Republic of South Africa faced numerous challenges, including the transformation of the South African Public Service into a non-discriminatory organisation for both citizens and employees. The pre-1994 South African Public Service functioned as a centralised driven system that negatively discriminated against non-white employees in terms of financial rewards resulting in salary differences between white and non-white employees. The promulgation of the new legislative framework of deconcentration had resulted in the centralised driven South African Public Service system becoming obsolete as it was incompatible with the democratic Government’s vision. The transformation of the South African Public Service was supported through legislation and various directives simultaneously focusing on service delivery improvement as well as implementing new internal systems to address discriminatory practices. The implementation of the EQUATE job evaluation programme within the new legislative framework of deconcentration marked the beginning of a new era of grading post in the Public Service. It had brought an end to the unfair salary differentiation in the Public Service. To render public services effectively and efficiently is a legislative requirement. Political and administrative leaders are responsible for ensuring that both external and internal services are rendered optimally through improvement interventions. In the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC), the Department of the Premier renders a job evaluation service to all provincial departments to ensure internal consistency in terms of grading of posts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current process of evaluating posts in the PGWC and subsequently to formulate recommendations to improve the process. The study concludes with a set of recommendations which include amongst others the following: • The devolvement of the job evaluation function to the provincial departments enabling them to conduct their own departmental job evaluations. • The creation of a Job Evaluation Unit in every provincial department. • That the proposed Process Model of evaluating posts in the provincial departments be considered. • It is the responsibility of the Directorate Organisation Development Interventions in the Department of the Premier to co-ordinate the job evaluation process in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die demokratisering van Suid-Afrika op 27 April 1994 was die begin van ‘n nuwe era vir Suid-Afrikaners op alle vlakke van die samelewing. Die demokratiese Regering van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het verskeie probleme in die gesig gestaar wat onder andere die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens ingesluit het. Die Staatsdiens moes verander word na ‘n diens wat nie diskrimineer teen nie-blanke burgers of werknemers nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens voor 1994 het gefunksioneer as ‘n gesentraliseerde sisteem en het negatief gediskrimineer teen nie-blanke werknemers in terme van besoldigingspakkette wat aanleiding gegee het tot verskille in besoldigingsvlakke. Die promulgering van die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie het meegebring dat die gesentraliseerde benadering in onbruik verval het, omdat dit teenstrydig was met die visie van ‘n demokratiese Regering. Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens is ondersteun deur verskeie wetgewing en mandate wat gefokus het op sowel die verbetering van dienslewering aan burgers as die implementering van nuwe interne sisteme om diskriminerende praktyke aan te spreek. Die implementering van die EQUATE posevalueringsprogram binne die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie was die begin van ‘n nuwe era van posgradering in die Staatsdiens. Dit het ‘n einde gebring aan die onregverdige besoldigingsvlakke in die Staatsdiens. Die lewering van doelmatige en doeltreffende openbare dienste is ‘n wetlike vereiste. Politieke en administratiewe hoofde is daarvoor verantwoordelik om toe te sien dat alle dienste, intern en ekstern, optimaal gelewer word deur gebruik te maak van verskeie verbeteringsintervensies. Die Departement van die Premier in die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap (PRWK) is verantwoordelik vir die lewering van die posevalueringsdiens aan alle provinsiale departemente ten einde konsekwentheid in terme van posgradering te verseker. Die oogmerk van die studie is om die huidige posevalueringsproses in die PRWK te evalueer om sodoende aanbevelings te doen om die proses te verbeter. Die studie is saamgevat met aanbevelings wat onder andere die volgende insluit: • Die afwenteling van die posevalueringsfunksie na elke provinsiale departement; sodat elke departement self verantwoordelik is vir departementele posevaluering. • Die skepping van ‘n Posevaluering Eenheid binne elke provinsiale departement. • Die voorgestelde Proses Model vir die evaluering van poste binne provinsiale departemente oorweeg word. • Die verantwoordelikheid van die Direktoraat Organisasie Ontwikkeling Intervensies in die Departement van die Premier vir die koördinering van die posevalueringsproses binne die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap.

A cross-sectional study of tuberculosis among workers in Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Western Cape province, South Africa

Ayuk, Julius Nkongho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: The morbidity and mortality associated with tuberculosis (TB) disease is of grave consequences for the health and employment of afflicted individuals. Healthcare workers are identified amongst high risk groups in communities. The prevalence/incidence of TB is dependent on the presence of associated risk factors which varies in diversity and intensity in different communities and workplaces. Understanding the risk factors operating in any given environment is indispensable to any tuberculosis control programme. Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence and trends of TB disease as well as to determine the risk factors associated with the disease among Tygerberg hospital employees. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study design with a nested case-control component was used to determine the occurrence (and trends) and risk factors of TB disease respectively. Occurrence and trends of tuberculosis: The frequencies, distribution and trends of TB disease from 2008 to 2011 were obtained by calculating and comparing the annual incidence rates for each variable. Cases were identified from the occupational health clinic TB register, while the various denominator data were obtained from the Human Resource database. Determination of risk factors: Cases were recruited from the occupational health clinic TB register and controls were randomly selected from unaffected workers during the study period. Self-administered risk factor questionnaires were completed by both cases and controls. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine the association between known and suspected risk factors and the occurrence of TB disease amongst employees. Results: Sixty six cases of TB disease occurred in the workforce during the study period resulting in an annual average incidence rate of 397/100,000 population (95% CI: 307/100,000-505/100,000). Twenty three (34.8%) of the 66 cases occurred in Housekeeping staff, making them the most affected sub-group [1181/100,000 population (95% CI: 747/100,000-1768/100,000)]. The rate of TB disease in nurses was 1.7 times (95%CI: 1.4-2.0) that of doctors. Workers in the 40-49 years age-group experienced the highest incidence [490/100,000 population (95%CI: 329.6/100,000-706.8/100,000)] of TB disease compared to the other age-groups. There was no obvious difference in gender occurrences. Disease rates varied among different racial groups, with the highest rate in black employees [1473/100,000 population, (95%CI: 924/100,000-1981/100,000)]. Distribution of TB disease in the institution was widespread, with security department being the most affected [2500/100,000 population (95%CI: 311/100,000- 9262/100,000)]. There was a downward but statistically insignificant (annual range 9-23; p=0.28) trend in the rate of disease occurrence over the study period. No previous training on TB prevention (OR: 2.97, 95% CI: 1.15 - 7.71), HIV (OR: 67.08, 95% CI: 7.54 – 596.64) and working without knowledge of TB risk profile of the workplace (OR: 8.66, 95% CI: 1.10 – 67.96) were associated with TB disease occurrence. Conclusion: Occurrence of TB disease among Tygerberg hospital employees was low compared to that of the general population of its drainage areas. Disease occurrence in the facility was wide and varied with respect to occupational groups, workplaces and time. Well-established risk factors for TB infection (and disease) were found to be determinants of disease occurrence in the facility.

An investigation into the retention strategies of two large banks towards affirmative action employees in Kwazulu-Natal.

Ferreira, George Michael. January 2000 (has links)
Affirmative Action has been around in South Africa for about two decades. Recently, the government decided to impose Affirmative Action through the Employment Equity Act. Organisations are anxious to transform their demographical composition across job categories, particularly into management. One of the problems organisations faced in the past and may continue to face in the future is the perceived short tenure ('Job hopping") of black employees. The impression has been created that black employees are taking advantage of the favourable employment market and constantly keep moving on to jobs that offer better packages. The aim of this study is to investigate how organisations are trying to manage this problem . Five Human Resources systems/criteria i.e. selection, training and development, career management, pay and socialisation were identified in the theory as instruments with which employees could be retained. in-depth case studies were conducted at two large banks (A and B) in Kwazulu Natal to establish and compare the relationships that these human resources criteria might have with the retention of black employees. To obtain this information, a structured interview schedule with open-ended as well as closed-ended questions was used. Face to face interviews with a senior Human Resources Practitioner from each bank as well as two current and two exemployees from each bank were conducted. The resulting data was captured onto a computer and analysed statistically. The results of the research showed that the bank that scored the best (bank A) on the implementation of these five retention-related criteria also had the highest turnover of black employees. This was contrary to what was anticipated. The research also found that there was little uniformity in practice between the two banks regarding which criteria they were emphasising within their respective organisations. Furthermore, current and ex-employees bad different perceptions to management regarding how well these criteria were being implemented. The findings suggest that when employees are developing they are content and tend to stay longer. They further indicate that in order to reduce black employee turnover, management should recruit individuals with potential and develop them, rather than purchasing skills from the outside. The findings also show that whilst management might have good Human Resources systems at it's disposal, the implementation thereof needs to be of a high standard and well-controlled in order to optimise retention. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Unionising library and information staff in the tertiary sector : a feasibility study.

Raju, Rajandren. January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of unionising the employees of the LIS sector in South Africa in the context of the new South African labour dispensation. The study examined the factors that have been identified as having an influence on the growth of trade unionism. The review of the literature revealed that the factors that have influenced unionism were, inter alia, collective bargaining, legislation and employee concentration. The unionism versus professionalism debate also influenced the growth of trade unionism. The factors that were identified as influencing the growth of white collar unionism, at the national and international level, were applied to LIS sector employees to determine their influence on the growth of unionism in this sector. The findings from the survey of employees confirm the findings in the literature with regard to the factors that have influenced trade unionism. While trade unionism has continued to grow and fulfils the industrial needs of the LIS employees in South Africa, professional associations here fulfilled the professional needs of those employed in the LIS tertiary education sector. This study also examined the roles and characteristics of professional library associations in the international arena with particular reference to two African countries. The factors that have influenced the continuance of professional associations amidst pressure from trade unions for the same membership, were also investigated. Self-administered questionnaires were used to survey the views of LIS employees regarding factors that have influenced their affiliation to the different employee representative bodies. Selfadministered questionnaires were also used to survey trade union officials of the three national unions that service the tertiary sector in South Africa, regarding their views on the infra-structural capacity of unions to incorporate a sector specific union. Percentages and frequency distributions as well as content analysis were used to analyse the data collected. The findings from the survey of the LIS employees reveal that the factors that have influenced the growth of trade unionism at the national and international levels are evident in the LIS sector in South Africa. The findings also reveal that factors that have negated the growth of trade unionism in this sector. Further, the employee population expressed preference for a single representative body to represent the industrial and professional interests of the LIS sector. The findings from the survey of the LIS employees revealed a need which could not be accommodated by the current trade union structures. In suggesting a way forward, the researcher proposes a model. The aim of the model is to stimulate discussion about how change can be achieved. The researcher draws conclusions based on the analysis of data and in the context of related literature and proposes a way forward for the tertiary LIS sector in South Africa. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

An industrial psychological review of factors and barriers that are keeping women from reaching top positions in the modern workplace

Nel, René 11 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.

Beyond equality and difference: empowerment of black professional women in post-apartheid South Africa

McCallum, Carita 30 November 2005 (has links)
South Africa has embarked on a journey of transformation since 1994. The ruling ANC has introduced many policies aimed at achieving equality, known as "black empowerment". The `empowerment' of black women professionals is especially critical in the transformation era. Empowerment is defined as a process, which "involves individuals gaining control of their lives and fulfilling their needs, …as a result of developing the competencies, skills, and abilities necessary to effectively participate in their social and political worlds" (Kreisberg, 1992:19). From this perspective, empowerment is the essential expression of individualism and self-determination since it embodies the belief that the individual has the ability to effect changes and improve their lives. This individually oriented definition presupposes the importance of constructing one's `self' as unitary and independent. The `unitary self' is a support of the logic of the `Same', which entails the exclusion of otherness and difference. In contrast to this approach, the postmodern theory of Julia Kristeva, with its inherent suspicion of doctrines of pure origins and essences, is corrosive of discourses such as `empowerment' that are developed according to the logic of the Same. Kristeva proposes a subject which is always already `in process'. Identity is a constructed process, rather than a fundamental essence. The Oedipal model, extracted from the Kristevan theory of subjectivity, shows how the nine professional women who partook in this study constructed their selves by placing equality and difference in an antithetical relationship. However, a deconstruction of the Oedipal model opens the construct up to its blind spots and, these subjects are shown to base their identities on the splitting off of their feminine capabilities. Instead of being `unitary self', the subjects are subjects-in-process, and they operate both across and within the competing discourses of traditional femininity and masculinity. As a possible alternative to the positivist paradigm of `empowerment', a Kristevan `herethics' is considered. In South Africa, this is exemplified by the `ubuntu' principle, which entails the recognition of our interdependence. Finally, in order to assist these professional women to embrace the alterity within, whilst competing in a constantly changing and intellectually challenging world, life skills coaching which focuses on the often repressed, emotional aspects, is recommended. / Psychology / D.Litt et Phil. (Psychology)

Factorial invariance of an employee engagement instrument across different race groups

Gallant, Wesley Herschelle 11 1900 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to determine the factorial invariance of a South African-developed Employee Engagement Instrument (EEI) across different race groups in financial institutions. A secondary objective of this study was to determine whether race groups differ significantly with regard to the six dimensions of the employee engagement instrument. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive research design was followed in this study, using a non-probability, convenience sampling (N = 1175). The EEI was electronically administered to 285 000 businesspeople from various demographic backgrounds, which form part of a research database. The focus was respondents from financial institutions. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was employed to achieve the empirical objectives of this study. Findings from the statistical analysis indicated that White and Black employees differed significantly with regards to how they are engaged by their immediate managers; however, the practical significance was small. Furthermore, the employee engagement instrument was found to be reliable and valid and the instrument was invariant across the four different race groups. By understanding how employees from different backgrounds are engaged it enables organisations to customise their engagement programmes to meet the needs of the various types of employees within the organisation, instead of applying a “one size fits all” approach to engagement programmes. The findings of this study provided valuable insights into the importance of employee engagement in a South African context, especially for financial institutions. Finally, the study adds to the vast body of knowledge that exists with regard to employee engagement and race, both locally and internationally. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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