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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Security and Privacy Audit of KakaoTalk’s End-to-End Encryption

Schmidt, Dawin January 2016 (has links)
End-to-end encryption is becoming a standard feature in popular mobile chat appli-cations (apps) with millions of users. In the two years a number of leading chat apps have added end-end encryption features including LINE, KakaoTalk, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.However, most of these apps are closed-source and there is little to no independent ver-ification of their end-to-end encryption system design. These implementations may be a major concern as proprietary chat apps may make use of non-standard cryptographic algorithms that may not follow cryptography and security best practices. In addition, governments authorities may force chat app providers to add easily decryptable export-grade cryptography to their products. Further, mainstream apps have a large attack surface as they offer a variety of features. As a result, there may be software vulnera-bilities that could be exploited by an attacker in order to compromise user’s end-to-end privacy. Another problem is that, despite being closed-source software, providers often market their apps as being so secure that even the provider is not able to decrypt messages. These marketing claims may be potentially misleading as most users do not have the technical knowledge to verify them.In this Master’s thesis we use KakaoTalk – the most popular chat app in South Korea – as a case study to perform a security and privacy assessment and audit of its “Secure Chat” opt-in end-to-end encryption feature. Also, we examine KakaoTalk’s Terms of Service policies to verify claims such as “[. . . ] Kakao’s server is unable to decrypt the encryption [. . . ]” from a technical perspective.The main goal of this work is to show how various issues in a product can add up to the potential for serious attack vectors against end-to-end privacy despite there being multiple layers of security. In particular, we show how a central public-key directory server makes the end-to-end encryption system vulnerable to well-known operator-site man-in-the-middle attacks. While this naive attack may seem obvious, we argue that (KakaoTalk) users should know about the strength and weaknesses of a particular design in order to make an informed decision whether to trust the security of a chat app or not. / End-to-end kryptering är en allt mer vanligt förekommande funktionalitet bland populära mobila chatttjänster (händanefter appar) med miljontals användare. Under de två senaste åren har många ledande chattappar, bland annat LINE, KakaoTalk, Viber, Facebook Messenger, och WhatsApp, börjat använda end-to-end kryptering. Dock så är de flesta av dessa appar closed-source och det finns begränsad, eller ingen, fristående granskning av systemdesignen för deras end-to-end kryptering. Dessa implementationer kan innebära en stor risk då proprietära chattappar kan använda sig av kryptografiska algoritmer som inte följer best practice för säkerhet eller kryptografi. Vidare så kan statliga myndigheter tvinga de som tillhandahåller chattappar att använda lättdekrypterad export-grade kryptografi för sina produkter. Lägg till det att de flesta vanliga appar har många ytor som kan attackeras, till följd av all funktionalitet de erbjuder. Som ett resultat av detta finns en risk för mjukvarubrister som kan utnyttjas av en hackare för att inkräkta på en användares end-to-end integritet. Ytterligare ett problem är att trots att det är closed-source mjukvara så marknadsför ofta appleverantörerna sina appar som att vara är så säkra att inte ens leverantörerna själva kan dekryptera användarnas meddelanden. Det som hävdas i marknadsföringen riskerar vara missledande eftersom de flesta användarna inte har den tekniska kunskap som krävs för att kunna verifiera att det som hävdas är sant. I den här Master-uppsatsen använder vi KakaoTalk – den mest populära chattappen i Sydkorea – som en fallstudie för att granska och bedömma säkerhetens- och integritets-aspekterna hos deras valbara “Secure Chat” med end-to-end krypteringsfunktionalitet. Vi granskar även KakaoTalk’s användarvillkor för att kunna verifiera påståenden som att “[. . . ] Kakao’s server is unable to decrypt the encryption [. . . ]” från ett tekniskt perspektiv. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studien är att belysa hur olika brister i en produkt sammantagna kan skapa en risk för allvarliga vektorattacker mot end-to-end integriteten även fast det finns flera skyddslager. Mer specifikt visar vi hur en central katalogserver för public-keys gör end-to-end krypteringssystemet sårbart mot välkända operator-site man-in-the-middle-attacker. Trots att denna naiva typ av attack kan verka uppenbar, argumenterar vi för att (KakaoTalk) användare borde veta om styrkorna och svagheterna med en särskild systemdesign för att kunna göra ett informerat val för om de ska lita på säkerheten hos en chattapplikation eller inte.

Study on Energy saving in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Network Simulator - 3

Sravani, Kancharla January 2016 (has links)
Context: Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is a form of ad-hoc network with flexible backhaul infrastructure and configuration, provides adaptive wireless internet connectivity to end users with high reliability. WMN is a wireless network consisting of mesh clients, mesh routers and gateways which are organized in a mesh topology with decentralized nature can consume more energy for data transmission. The networking performance of WMNs can be degraded due to the fact of high energy consumption for data transmission. Therefore, energy efficiency is the primary factor for attaining eminent performance. Organizing efficient routing and proper resource allocation can save huge amount of energy. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to reduce the energy consumption in WMNs. To do this, a new energy efficient routing algorithm is suggested. Adaptive rates based on rate allocation strategy and end to end delay metric are used mainly for optimal path selection in routing, which may in turn reduces the resource utilization and energy consumption. Method: An energy efficient routing algorithm is implemented by using the Ad hoc OnDemand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol. The RREQ packet in AODV is modified by adding a new field known as delay parameter which measures end to end delay between nodes. Adaptive rates obtained from Rate allocation policy are considered in the routing process to reduce energy consumption in the network. Energy measurement of the WMN and its performance is evaluated by measuring the metrics such as Throughput, End-to-End delay, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). For performing the simulation process, in this thesis, Network Simulator - 3 (NS-3) which is an open source discrete-event network simulator in which simulation models can be executed in C++ and Python is used. Using NetAnim-3.107 animator in NS-3-25.1, traffic flows between all the nodes are displayed. Results: The results are taken for existing algorithm and proposed algorithm for 25,50,75 and 100 nodes. Comparison of results shows that the total energy consumption is reduced for proposed algorithm for in all four scenarios. Conclusion: Energy efficient routing algorithm is implemented in different scenarios of radio access networks and energy is saved. Due to this algorithm even the performance metrics, Throughput, End-to-End delay, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) have shown eminent performance.

Nätneutralitet i vardagen

Tahir, Sami, Pehrson, Adrian January 2017 (has links)
Debatten om nätneutralitet har de senaste åren kommit att bli ett hett ämne världen över, då diverse inskränkningar på nätneutraliteten har lett till protester bland internetanvändare. I Sverige har debatten emellertid hållits på en juridisk och teknisk nivå mellan olika internetexperter och “vanliga” internetanvändares åsikter har hamnat i skymundan. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga och undersöka respondenters kunskaper och attityder kring fenomenen nätneutralitet och trafikstyrning. För att koppla studien till större samhälleliga frågor har vi använt oss av teorier inom e-democracy, copyright och nyliberalism. Studien består av en kvalitativ metod i form av en fokusgruppintervju, samt en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätstudie. Vi har även använt oss av tidigare forskning inom området från Sydkorea och USA.  Resultatet från de två undersökningarna visar att den generella kunskapen om nätneutralitet och trafikstyrning är relativt låg bland våra respondenter, men att frågan är viktig för dem. Majoriteten av respondenterna är emot inskränkningar på nätneutraliteten och ställer sig negativa till internetleverantörers olika former av trafikstyrning.

End-to-End Road Lane Detection and Estimation using Deep Learning

Vigren, Malcolm, Eriksson, Linus January 2019 (has links)
The interest for autonomous driving assistance, and in the end, self-driving cars, has increased vastly over the last decade. Automotive safety continues to be a priority for manufacturers, politicians and people alike. Visual-based systems aiding the drivers have lately been boosted by advances in computer vision and machine learning. In this thesis, we evaluate the concept of an end-to-end machine learning solution for detecting and classifying road lane markings, and compare it to a more classical semantic segmentation solution. The analysis is based on the frame-by-frame scenario, and shows that our proposed end-to-end system has clear advantages when it comes detecting the existence of lanes and producing a consistent, lane-like output, especially in adverse conditions such as weak lane markings. Our proposed method allows the system to predict its own confidence, thereby allowing the system to suppress its own output when it is not deemed safe enough. The thesis finishes with proposed future work needed to achieve optimal performance and create a system ready for deployment in an active safety product.

Sur des systèmes MIMO avec retour limité: distorsion bout-à-bout, retour analogique du canal, et multiplexage par couche

Chen, Jinhui 09 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les trois sujets suivants sur les systèmes de multiples entrées multiples sorties (MIMO) avec retour limité: Distorsion bout-à-bout: La première partie de la thèse présente l'impact conjoint des les nombres d'antenne, le ratio de bande passante de la source au canal, la corrélation spatiale et diversité dans le temps sur l'espérance de la distorsion optimale bout-à-bout dans les MIMO systèmes sans panne. En particulier, repose sur l'expression analytique pour tout les ratios du signal au bruit (SNR), l'expression asymptotique de l'espérance de la distorsion optimal bout-à-bout au SNR élevé est dérivé, composé de l'exposant de distorsion optimale et le facteur de distorsion optimale. Les résultats des simulations montrent que, à un SNR élevé pratique, l'analyse sur les impacts de l'exposant de distorsion optimale et le facteur de distorsion optimale explique le comportement de la distorsion optimale bout-à-bout. Les résultats présentés dans cette partie pourraient être les objectifs de performance pour les systèmes qui transmettent les sources analogique et en outre les directives sur la conception du système. Retour analogique du canal: Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous proposons d'appliquer le codage bloc d'espace-temps orthogonal (OSTBC) sur retour analogique linéaire du canal. Considérant l'information du canal MIMO est une sorte de source vectorielle analogique, par rapport au retour du canal quantifié, le retour analogique linéaire a les avantages comme sans panne, l'adaptation automatique au canal et peu complexe. Il est prouvé que la méthode de transmission analogique linéaire OSTBC peutatteindre le borne de filtre adapté (MFB) sur SNR reçu. Par rapport en méthode analogique linéaire du codage bloc d'espace-temps circulant, la méthode linéaire analogique OSTBC obtient de meilleurs résultats à l'égard de SNR reçu et erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE) ; Par rapport en méthode de la quantification vectorielle aléatoire, les résultats des simulations montrent que sous une contrainte stricte de latence, leur performances sont proches à l'égard de l'erreur moyenne au sens et la méthode linéaire analogique OSTBC exécute encore mieux à l'égard erreur quadratique moyenne. Nous étudions également l'incidence de appliquer le retour linéaire analogique OSTBC au beamforming en liaison descendante pour multiutilisateurs MIMO et nous montrons que le retour linéaire analogique OSTBC peut rendre l'approche du système des performances optimales dans un temps de latence court. Multiplexage par couche: Dans la troisime partie de cette thèse, en considérant les systèmes avec des blocs courts, une nouvelle stratégie de multi-plexage par couches est proposée d'adapter un canal incertain par le codage couche-temps Walsh, l'annuleur d'interférence successif et HARQ signalisation. Comme l'illustrent les résultats de la simulation, en raison de ses performances proches mais beaucoup moins complexe, cette stratégie serait un bon substitut µa la stratégie de modulation QAM adaptive qui est largement utilise.

Mathematical modelling and analysis of communication networks: transient characteristics of traffic processes and models for end-to-end delay and delay-jitter

Østerbø, Olav January 2003 (has links)
<p>The first part of the thesis (Part I) is devoted to find methods to describe transient behaviour of traffic processes, where the main emphasis is put on the description and analysis of excess periods and excess volumes of quite general stochastic processes. By assuming that traffic changes on different time scales, the transient characteristics such as excess periods could be important measures to describe periods of congestion on a communication link and moreover, the corresponding excess volume will represent lost information during such periods. Although the results obtained are of rather general nature, they provide some rather fundamental insight into transient characteristics of traffic processes. The distributions of the length of excess periods may then be expressed it terms of some excess probabilities that are related to the minimum of the process in the time interval considered. Similar relationsfor the excess volumes are harder to obtain and require the joint probability of the arrived volume and the minimum of the process in the same time interval.</p>

Mathematical modelling and analysis of communication networks: transient characteristics of traffic processes and models for end-to-end delay and delay-jitter

Østerbø, Olav January 2003 (has links)
The first part of the thesis (Part I) is devoted to find methods to describe transient behaviour of traffic processes, where the main emphasis is put on the description and analysis of excess periods and excess volumes of quite general stochastic processes. By assuming that traffic changes on different time scales, the transient characteristics such as excess periods could be important measures to describe periods of congestion on a communication link and moreover, the corresponding excess volume will represent lost information during such periods. Although the results obtained are of rather general nature, they provide some rather fundamental insight into transient characteristics of traffic processes. The distributions of the length of excess periods may then be expressed it terms of some excess probabilities that are related to the minimum of the process in the time interval considered. Similar relationsfor the excess volumes are harder to obtain and require the joint probability of the arrived volume and the minimum of the process in the same time interval.

Network Performance Analysis of Packet Scheduling Algorithms

Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Yashar 21 August 2012 (has links)
Some of the applications in modern data networks are delay sensitive (e.g., video and voice). An end-to-end delay analysis is needed to estimate the required network resources of delay sensitive applications. The schedulers used in the network can impact the resulting delays to the applications. When multiple applications are multiplexed in a switch, a scheduler is used to determine the precedence of the arrivals from different applications. Computing the end-to-end delay and queue sizes in a network of schedulers is difficult and the existing solutions are limited to some special cases (e.g., specific type of traffic). The theory of Network Calculus employs the min-plus algebra to obtain performance bounds. Given an upper bound on the traffic arrival in any time interval and a lower bound on the available service (called the service curve) at a network element, upper bounds on the delay and queue size of the traffic in that network element can be obtained. An equivalent end-to-end service curve of a tandem of queues is the min-plus convolution of the service curves of all nodes along the path. A probabilistic end-to-end delay bound using network service curve scales with O(H logH) in the path length H. This improves the results of the conventional method of adding per-node delay bounds scaling with O(H^3). We have used and advanced Network Calculus for end-to-end delay analysis in a network of schedulers. We formulate a service curve description for a large class of schedulers which we call Delta-schedulers. We show that with this service curve, tight single node delay and backlog bounds can be achieved. In an end-to-end scenario, we formulate a new convolution theoii rem which considerably improves the end-to-end probabilistic delay bounds. We specify our probabilistic end-to-end delay and backlog bounds for exponentially bounded burstniess (EBB) traffic arrivals. We show that the end-to-end delay varies considerably by the type of schedulers along the path. Using these bounds, we also show that a if the number of flows increases, the queues inside a network can be analyzed in isolation and regardless of the network effect.

Network Performance Analysis of Packet Scheduling Algorithms

Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Yashar 21 August 2012 (has links)
Some of the applications in modern data networks are delay sensitive (e.g., video and voice). An end-to-end delay analysis is needed to estimate the required network resources of delay sensitive applications. The schedulers used in the network can impact the resulting delays to the applications. When multiple applications are multiplexed in a switch, a scheduler is used to determine the precedence of the arrivals from different applications. Computing the end-to-end delay and queue sizes in a network of schedulers is difficult and the existing solutions are limited to some special cases (e.g., specific type of traffic). The theory of Network Calculus employs the min-plus algebra to obtain performance bounds. Given an upper bound on the traffic arrival in any time interval and a lower bound on the available service (called the service curve) at a network element, upper bounds on the delay and queue size of the traffic in that network element can be obtained. An equivalent end-to-end service curve of a tandem of queues is the min-plus convolution of the service curves of all nodes along the path. A probabilistic end-to-end delay bound using network service curve scales with O(H logH) in the path length H. This improves the results of the conventional method of adding per-node delay bounds scaling with O(H^3). We have used and advanced Network Calculus for end-to-end delay analysis in a network of schedulers. We formulate a service curve description for a large class of schedulers which we call Delta-schedulers. We show that with this service curve, tight single node delay and backlog bounds can be achieved. In an end-to-end scenario, we formulate a new convolution theoii rem which considerably improves the end-to-end probabilistic delay bounds. We specify our probabilistic end-to-end delay and backlog bounds for exponentially bounded burstniess (EBB) traffic arrivals. We show that the end-to-end delay varies considerably by the type of schedulers along the path. Using these bounds, we also show that a if the number of flows increases, the queues inside a network can be analyzed in isolation and regardless of the network effect.

Energy Conservation and Security Enhancement in Wireless End-to-end Secure Connections

Narimani, Kiarash 05 September 2007 (has links)
Wireless channels are vulnerable to interception. In some applications an end-to-end secure data transfer is required. However the use of cryptographic functions in communication over a wireless channel increases sensitivity to channel errors. As a result, the connection characteristics in terms of delay, throughput, and transmission energy worsen. Transmission energy is a key issue in some secure end-to-end wireless applications especially if they are running on mobile handheld devices with a limited source of energy such as batteries. That is why in most secure end-to-end wireless connections, the connection is dropped in poor channel conditions. In this thesis, models are proposed by which the performance is improved and transmission energy is lowered. A combination of a cross-layer controller, K Best Likelihood (K-BL) channel decoder, and a keyed error detection algorithm in the novel model supports the authorized receivers by a higher throughput, lower delay mean, and less transmission energy in a certain range of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). This is done at the expense of additional computation at the receiving end. Ttradeoffs are examined and the simulation results of the new model are compared with those of conventional wireless communication systems. Another model is devised to mitigate the energy consumption of the Turbo Code channel decoder. The overall decoding energy consumption for each packet can be lowered by reducing the average number of iterations in the Turbo Code channel decoder. The proposed models achieve better energy consumption by reducing the number of iterations in a channel decoder that uses the Turbo decoder and by reducing the number of retransmissions in a trellis channel decoder. Furthermore, the security enhancement of the novel models is assessed in terms of the extent to which the enhancement is fully achieved.

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