Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endocrine disruption"" "subject:"endocrine disruptions""
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A step forward in using QSARs for regulatory hazard and exposure assessment of chemicals / Ett steg framåt i användandet av QSARs för regulatorisk riskbedömning och bedömning av exponeringen till kemikalierRybacka, Aleksandra January 2016 (has links)
According to the REACH regulation chemicals produced or imported to the European Union need to be assessed to manage the risk of potential hazard to human health and the environment. An increasing number of chemicals in commerce prompts the need for utilizing faster and cheaper alternative methods for this assessment, such as quantitative structure-activity or property relationships (QSARs or QSPRs). QSARs and QSPRs are models that seek correlation between data on chemicals molecular structure and a specific activity or property, such as environmental fate characteristics and (eco)toxicological effects. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and develop models for the hazard assessment of industrial chemicals and the exposure assessment of pharmaceuticals. In focus were the identification of chemicals potentially demonstrating carcinogenic (C), mutagenic (M), or reprotoxic (R) effects, and endocrine disruption, the importance of metabolism in hazard identification, and the understanding of adsorption of ionisable chemicals to sludge with implications to the fate of pharmaceuticals in waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). Also, issues related to QSARs including consensus modelling, applicability domain, and ionisation of input structures were addressed. The main findings presented herein are as follows: QSARs were successful in identifying almost all carcinogens and most mutagens but worse in predicting chemicals toxic to reproduction. Metabolic activation is a key event in the identification of potentially hazardous chemicals, particularly for chemicals demonstrating estrogen (E) and transthyretin (T) related alterations of the endocrine system, but also for mutagens. The accuracy of currently available metabolism simulators is rather low for industrial chemicals. However, when combined with QSARs, the tool was found useful in identifying chemicals that demonstrated E- and T- related effects in vivo. We recommend using a consensus approach in final judgement about a compound’s toxicity that is to combine QSAR derived data to reach a consensus prediction. That is particularly useful for models based on data of slightly different molecular events or species. QSAR models need to have well-defined applicability domains (AD) to ensure their reliability, which can be reached by e.g. the conformal prediction (CP) method. By providing confidence metrics CP allows a better control over predictive boundaries of QSAR models than other distance-based AD methods. Pharmaceuticals can interact with sewage sludge by different intermolecular forces for which also the ionisation state has an impact. Developed models showed that sorption of neutral and positively-charged pharmaceuticals was mainly hydrophobicity-driven but also impacted by Pi-Pi and dipole-dipole forces. In contrast, negatively-charged molecules predominantly interacted via covalent bonding and ion-ion, ion-dipole, and dipole-dipole forces. Using ionised structures in multivariate modelling of sorption to sludge did not improve the model performance for positively- and negatively charged species but we noted an improvement for neutral chemicals that may be due to a more correct description of zwitterions. Overall, the results provided insights on the current weaknesses and strengths of QSAR approaches in hazard and exposure assessment of chemicals. QSARs have a great potential to serve as commonly used tools in hazard identification to predict various responses demanded in chemical safety assessment. In combination with other tools they can provide fundaments for integrated testing strategies that gather and generate information about compound’s toxicity and provide insights of its potential hazard. The obtained results also show that QSARs can be utilized for pattern recognition that facilitates a better understanding of phenomena related to fate of chemicals in WWTP. / Enligt kemikalielagstiftningen REACH måste kemikalier som produceras i eller importeras till Europeiska unionen riskbedömas avseende hälso- och miljöfara. Den ökande mängden kemikalier som används i samhället kräver snabbare och billigare alternativa riskbedömningsmetoder, såsom kvantitativa struktur-aktivitets- eller egenskapssamband (QSARs eller QSPRs). QSARs och QSPRs är datamodeller där samband söks korrelationer mellan data för kemikaliers struktur-relaterade egenskaper och t.ex. kemikaliers persistens eller (eko)toxiska effekter. Målet med den här avhandlingen var att utvärdera och utveckla modeller för riskbedömning av industri kemikalier och läkemedel för att studera hur QSARs/QSPRs kan förbättra riskbedömningsprocessen. Fokus i avhandlingen var utveckling av metoder för identifiering av potentiellt cancerframkallande (C), mutagena (M), eller reproduktionstoxiska (R) kemikalier, och endokrint aktiva kemikalier, att studera betydelsen av metabolism vid riskbedömning och att öka vår förståelse för joniserbara kemikaliers adsorption till avloppsslam. Avhandlingen behandlar även konsensusmodellering, beskrivning av modellers giltighet och betydelsen av jonisering för kemiska deskriptorer. De huvudsakliga resultaten som presenteras i avhandlingen är: QSAR-modeller identifierade nästan alla cancerframkallande ämnen och de flesta mutagener men var sämre på att identifiera reproduktionstoxiska kemikalier. Metabolisk aktivering är av stor betydelse vid identifikationen av potentiellt toxiska kemikalier, speciellt för kemikalier som påvisar östrogen- (E) och sköldkörtel-relaterade (T) förändringar av det endokrina systemet men även för mutagener. Träffsäkerheten för de tillgängliga metabolismsimulatorerna är ganska låg för industriella kemikalier men i kombination med QSARs så var verktyget användbart för identifikation av kemikalier som påvisade E- och T-relaterade effekter in vivo. Vi rekommenderar att använda konsensusmodellering vid in silico baserad bedömning av kemikaliers toxicitet, d.v.s. att skapa en sammanvägd förutsägelse baserat på flera QSAR-modeller. Det är speciellt användbart för modeller som baseras på data från delvis olika mekanismer eller arter. QSAR-modeller måste ha ett väldefinierat giltighetsområde (AD) för att garantera dess pålitlighet vilket kan uppnås med t.ex. conformal prediction (CP)-metoden. CP-metoden ger en bättre kontroll över prediktiva gränser hos QSAR-modeller än andra distansbaserade AD-metoder. Läkemedel kan interagera med avloppsslam genom olika intermolekylära krafter som även påverkas av joniseringstillståndet. Modellerna visade att adsorptionen av neutrala och positivt laddade läkemedel var huvudsakligen hydrofobicitetsdrivna men också påverkade av Pi-Pi- och dipol-dipol-krafter. Negativt laddade molekyler interagerade huvudsakligen med slam via kovalent bindning och jon-jon-, jon-dipol-, och dipol-dipol-krafter. Kemiska deskriptorer baserade på joniserade molekyler förbättrade inte prestandan för adsorptionsmodeller för positiva och negativa joner men vi noterade en förbättring av modeller för neutrala substanser som kan bero på en mer korrekt beskrivning av zwitterjoner. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultaten på QSAR-modellers styrkor och svagheter för användning som verkyg vid risk- och exponeringsbedömning av kemikalier. QSARs har stor potential för bred användning vid riskidentifiering och för att förutsäga en mängd olika responser som krävs vid riskbedömning av kemikalier. I kombination med andra verktyg kan QSARs förse oss med data för användning vid integrerade bedömningar där data sammanvägs från olika metoder. De erhållna resultaten visar också att QSARs kan användas för att bedöma och ge en bättre förståelse för kemikaliers öde i vattenreningsverk.
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Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Flame Retardants: Accumulation, Metabolism, and Disrupted Thyroid Regulation in Early and Adult Life Stages of FishNoyes, Pamela January 2013 (has links)
<p>Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of brominated flame retardant chemicals that are added to plastics, electronic components, furniture foam, and textiles to reduce their combustibility. Of the three commercial mixtures historically marketed, only DecaBDE, which is constituted almost entirely (~97%) of the fully brominated congener decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209), continues to be used in the U.S. today. While decaBDE is scheduled for phase-out in the U.S. at the end of 2013, exposures to BDE-209 and other PBDEs will continue into the foreseeable future as products that contain them continue to be used, recycled, and discarded. In addition, decaBDE use continues to be largely unrestricted across Asia, although restricted from use in electronic equipment in Europe. </p><p>Despite limits placed on PBDE uses, they are ubiquitous contaminants detected worldwide in humans and wildlife. Major health effect concerns for PBDEs come largely from evidence in laboratory rodents demonstrating neurotoxicity, reproductive and developmental impairments, and thyroid disruption. The potential for PBDEs, particularly BDE-209, to disrupt thyroid regulation and elicit other toxic outcomes in fish is less clear. Thus, the overall objective of this thesis research was to answer questions concerning how fish, as important indicators of overall environmental health, are metabolizing PBDEs and whether and how PBDEs are disrupting thyroid hormone regulation. The central hypothesis was that PBDE metabolism in fish is mediated by iodothyronine deiodinase (dio) enzymes, which are responsible for activating and inactivating thyroid hormones, and that PBDE exposures are causing thyroid system dysfunction across fish life stages. </p><p>Under the first research aim, in vitro experiments conducted in liver tissues isolated from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) suggested a role for dio enzymes in catalyzing the reductive debromination of PBDEs. Carp liver microsomes efficiently debrominated BDE-99 to BDE-47, and enzymes catalyzing this reaction were associated predominantly with the endoplasmic reticulum (i.e., microsomal fraction) where dio enzymes are located. Competitive substrate experiments in carp liver microsomes also demonstrated that rates of BDE-99 debromination to BDE-47 were significantly inhibited upon challenges with 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) and thyroxine (T4). This finding supported the hypothesis that enzymes involved in the metabolism of PBDEs may have high affinities for thyroid hormones. Indeed, experiments to determine apparent enzymatic kinetics (apparent Vmax and Km values) of BDE-99 hepatic metabolism suggested that enzymes responsible for the catalytic activity appeared to have a higher affinity for native thyroid hormone than BDE-99. </p><p>The second and third research aims were focused on evaluating BDE-209 accumulation, metabolism, and thyroid toxicity in juvenile and adult life stages of fish using the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) as a model. BDE-209 bioaccumulated and was debrominated to several reductive metabolites ranging from penta- to octaBDEs in both juvenile and adult fish exposed to BDE-209. In addition, thyroid hormone regulation in juvenile and adult male fathead minnows was severely disrupted by BDE-209 at low, environmentally relevant exposures. In juvenile minnows, the activity of dio enzymes (T4-outer ring deiodination; T4-ORD and T4-inner ring deiodination; T4-IRD) declined by ~74% upon oral doses of 9.8 ± 0.2 µg/g wet weight (ww) food at 3% body weight (bw)/day for 28 days, compared to controls. Declines in dio activity were accompanied by thyroid follicle hypertrophy indicative of over-stimulation and injury. In addition to thyroid disruption, a distinctive liver phenotype characterized by vacuolated hepatocyte nuclei was measured in ~48% of hepatocytes from treated fish that was not observed in controls. </p><p>Under the third research aim, adult male fathead minnows received dietary treatments of BDE-209 at a low dose (95.3 ± 0.41 ng/g-food at 3% bw/day) and a high dose (10.1 ± 0.10 µg/g-food at 3% bw/day) for 28 days followed by a 14-day depuration period to evaluate recovery. Compared to negative controls, adult male fish exposed orally to BDE-209 at the low dose tested for 28 days experienced a 53% and 46% decline in circulating total T4 and T3, respectively, while fish at the high BDE-209 dose tested had total T4 and T3 deficits of 59% and 62%, respectively. Depressed levels of plasma thyroid hormones were accompanied by a 45-50% decline in the rate of T4-ORD in brains of all treatments by day 14 of the exposure. The decreased T4-ORD continued in the brain at day 28 with a ~65% decline measured at both BDE-209 doses. BDE-209 exposures also caused transient, tissue-specific upregulations of relative mRNA transcripts encoding dio enzymes (dio1, dio2), thyroid hormone receptors (TR&alpha, TR&beta), and thyroid hormone transporters (MCT8, OATP1c1) in the brain and liver in patterns that varied with time and dose, possibly as a compensatory response to hypothyroidism. In addition, thyroid perturbations at the low dose tested generally were equal to those measured at the high dose tested, suggesting non-linear relationships between PBDE exposures and thyroid dysfunction in adult fish. Thus, mechanisms for BDE-209 induced disruption of thyroid regulation can be proposed in adult male minnows that involve altered patterns of thyroid hormone signaling at several important steps in their transport and activation. </p><p>A growing body of evidence describing PBDE toxicity in biota, including data generated here, along with studies showing continued and rising PBDE body burdens, raises concern for human and wildlife health. Long delays in removing PBDEs from the market, their ongoing presence in many products still in use, and their active use outside the U.S. and European Union will leave a lasting legacy of rising contamination unless more concerted regulatory and policy actions are taken to reduce future exposures and harm.</p> / Dissertation
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Efeito do hormônio sintético 17α-etinilestradiol no invertebrado aquático Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) / The effect of the synthetic hormone 17α-ethinyl estradiol on the aquatic invertebrate Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera)Miguel, Mariana 12 February 2016 (has links)
Muitas substâncias descartadas no meio ambiente não são totalmente degradadas, podendo assim persistir no ambiente. Diversos compostos são continuamente introduzidos no ambiente podendo afetar a biota e inclusive o homem. Os fármacos são alguns desses compostos que depois de descartados podem chegar nos corpos de águas naturais, e dentre eles merecem especial atenção os hormônios sintéticos utilizados em larga escala por mulheres em todo o mundo, na forma de contraceptivos orais. O hormônio sintético 17α-etinilestradiol é um micropoluente no ambiente aquático, que pode causar distúrbios na reprodução de diversos organismos atuando como um desregulador endócrino. O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar o efeito do hormônio sintético 17α-etinilestradiol sobre o cladócero Daphnia magna, por meio de testes ecotoxicológicos. Testes de toxicidade crônica foram realizados em duas gerações consecutivas deste microcrustáceo (F0 e F1). Para os testes utilizaram-se neonatas com menos de 24 horas de idade, 6 concentrações do hormônio e dois controles. Foram estabelecidas 10 réplicas com 1 indivíduo por réplica. O ensaio foi realizado em incubadora com temperatura de 25 ± 1°C e fotoperíodo de 12h claro:12h escuro, com duração de 11 (F0) e 13 dias (F1), com término coincidindo com o nascimento das neonatas da terceira ninhada no controle. Os resultados evidenciaram que a exposição ao hormônio diminuiu a fecundidade de Daphnia magna nas quatro maiores concentrações de etinilestradiol na F0 e na concentração de 1000 μg L-1 da F1, revelando maior resistência ao contaminante na segunda geração. Na maior concentração do composto, o tempo para a produção das duas primeiras ninhadas foi maior na geração F1, quando comparada ao controle. Na concentração de 250 μg L-1 verificou-se a ocorrência de um indivíduo intersexo, apresentando tanto características de macho como de fêmea. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que o 17α-etinilestradiol afeta a reprodução de Daphnia magna, e que também pode afetar a reprodução de diferentes invertebrados aquáticos, o que, a longo prazo pode causar danos às populações e comunidades aquáticas, diminuindo as populações e podendo até extingui-las eventualmente. / Many substances are discarded in the environment and not completely degraded, thus persisting in the environment. Some of these are continuously introduced in the environment, affecting the biota, including man. Pharmaceutical drugs are some of these compounds that after discarded can occur in natural water bodies and among them the synthetic hormones deserve special attention for being used in large scale by women world widely, as oral contraceptives. The synthetic hormone 17α-ethinyl estradiol is therefore a micropoluent in the aquatic environment, i. e. found in low concentrations that can cause deleterious effects in the reproduction of many organisms, acting as an endocrine disruptor. The present study had as main objective to analyze the effect of the synthetic estrogen 17α-ethinyl estradiol on the cladoceran Daphnia magna, by carrying out ecotoxicological tests. Chronic toxicity tests were performed on two consecutive generations of this microcrustacean (F0 and F1). In order to perform the tests, neonates aged less than 24 hours, 6 hormones concentrations and two types of controls were used. Ten replicates were established with one individual each. The test was performed in a growth chamber at the constant temperature of 25 ± 1°C and 12 h light:12 h dark photoperiod, had the duration of 11 and 13 days for the F1 and F0 generations, respectively, coinciding with the birth of the third brood in the control. The results evidenced that the exposition to the hormone decreased D. magna fecundity in the four highest of ethinyl estradiol in F0, and in the concentration 1000 μg L-1 for the F1, indicating resistance increase in the second generation. In the highest concentration of this compound the time for the production of the first two broods were higher in the F1 generation as compared with the controls. In the hormone concentration of 250 μg L-1 the occurrence of an intersex individual was verified, simultaneously presenting characteristics of male and female. The results of this study evidenced the 17α-ethinyl estradiol affect the reproduction of Daphnia magna, and can affect the reproduction of other aquatic invertebrates that at long term can cause damages to aquatic populations and communities by diminishing populations and eventually leading them to the extinction.
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The molecular mechanisms of thyroid disruption by brominated flame retardants in fish : in vitro and in vivo studiesParsons, Aoife January 2017 (has links)
Fish are particularly vulnerable to the exposure of anthropogenic pollutants, with a vast array of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) introduced into the aquatic environment via sewage discharge, waste disposal and land runoff. Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are halogenated flame retardants that are used to effectively inhibit the flammability of various materials including plastic products, electrical appliances, construction materials and textiles. BFRs are ubiquitous environmental contaminants and are known to disrupt thyroid hormone (TH) homeostasis in several vertebrate species, including fish. Given the vital role of THs in a wide range of developmental processes and physiological functions, assessing and identifying thyroid disrupting chemicals is crucial for safe guarding the long-term health of humans and wildlife. In fish the molecular mechanisms underlying TH disruption by BFRs and the effects on TH-sensitive tissues during early life stages remains unclear. This has been limited by the lack of fundamental knowledge on the TH system of fish and the difficulties associated with examining transcriptional changes in discrete embryonic-larval tissues. Here I have established the expression profiles of a suite of genes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis of zebrafish (Danio rerio) during embryonic-larval stages and their regulation by the biologically active TH (3, 5, 3′- tri-iodothyronine; T3). Using molecular tools (whole mount is situ hybridisation and RT-PCR), I demonstrate that a number of genes display spatial and temporal expression profiles during embryo/larval development, and their regulation by T3 was tissue- and developmental stage-specific. I subsequently demonstrated that TBBPA and BDE-47, two important BFR compounds, disrupted TH homeostasis at multiple levels of the HPT axis of zebrafish embryo-larvae after short sub-acute exposures. These compounds altered the expression of genes associated with TH conjugation and clearance, thyroid follicle development and TH transport. In addition, we suggest that TH target genes in the brain, liver, pronephric ducts and craniofacial tissues of zebrafish embryo-larvae may be particularly vulnerable to TBBPA and BDE-47 exposure. It has been proposed that environmental pollutants can disrupt TH signalling in wildlife by disrupting the activity of thyroid receptors (TRs), ligand-binding transcription factors, which mediate the genomic actions of THs. The ability of BFRs to disrupt fish TRs has not yet been examined. Here I developed an in vitro reporter gene transcriptional assay for zebrafish thyroid hormone receptors (zfTRα and zfTRβ) in human embryonic kidney cells and investigated their interactions with several BFR compounds. The assays were optimised and validated using the natural TR agonist T3 in cells transiently transfected with two reporter vector constructs, pGL4.24-PAL and pGL4.24-DR4. None of the six brominated flame retardants tested, namely, tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), 2,2′,4,4′-tetra-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), 2,2′,4,4′,6-penta-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-100), 2,2′,3,4,4′,5′,6-hepta-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-183) and deca-bromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) had an agonistic effect on zfTRα and zfTRβ activity. These results are consistent with our previous finding which suggests that altered TH homeostasis may be a result of increased metabolism and excretion of THs and/or changes in the production of TH by the thyroid follicles. In conclusion, this investigative work aids the understanding of fundamental TH processes in fish, such as gene expression and regulation, and increases our understanding of the mechanisms and potential targets of BFRs in fish.
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Environmental pollutants and the reproductive system in birds : Developmental effects of estrogenic compoundsBerg, Cecilia January 2000 (has links)
<p>A number of environmental pollutants have been shown to mimick the action of the female sex hormone estrogen and are, therefore, suspected to be responsible for reproductive abnormalities seen in wildlife. Test systems which can be used in hazard and risk assessment of chemicals with estrogenic effects are consequently needed. In this thesis, I propose the avian egg as an <i>in vivo</i> test system for estrogenic compounds. I conclude that malformation of the left testis and the Müllerian ducts (MDs: embryonic oviducts) in avian embryos can be used as endpoints to examine estrogenic activity of chemicals. MD malformation is more easily determined and thereby faster to use as an endpoint than histologically observed feminization of the testis. The usefulness of MD/oviduct malformations as biomarkers for estrogenic effects in wild birds should be considered. </p><p>The environmental pollutants bisphenol A (BPA) and <i>o,p´</i>-DDT induced similar effects as the synthetic estrogens, ethynylestradiol and diethylstilbestrol. BPA caused MD malformations in quail embryos and ovotestis formation in chicken embryos. <i>o,p´</i>-DDT induced MD malformations in both quail and chicken embryos and ovotestis in chicken embryos. The flame retardant, tetrabromobisphenol A did not induce estrogen-like effects in quail or chicken embryos, but showed a relatively high embryolethality. </p><p>Embryonic exposure to estrogen caused persisting malformations of the oviduct, as well as a changed distribution pattern of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the shell gland of adult females. Considering the crucial role of carbonic anhydrase in shell formation, such changes could result in decreased shell quality. I propose that eggshell thinning in avian wildlife could reflect a functional malformation in the shell gland that is induced by xeno-estrogens during embryonic development, rather than being caused by exposure of the adult bird to environmental pollutants. This hypothesis opens new possibilities for studying the mechanisms behind contaminant-induced eggshell thinning in birds.</p>
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Environmental pollutants and the reproductive system in birds : Developmental effects of estrogenic compoundsBerg, Cecilia January 2000 (has links)
A number of environmental pollutants have been shown to mimick the action of the female sex hormone estrogen and are, therefore, suspected to be responsible for reproductive abnormalities seen in wildlife. Test systems which can be used in hazard and risk assessment of chemicals with estrogenic effects are consequently needed. In this thesis, I propose the avian egg as an in vivo test system for estrogenic compounds. I conclude that malformation of the left testis and the Müllerian ducts (MDs: embryonic oviducts) in avian embryos can be used as endpoints to examine estrogenic activity of chemicals. MD malformation is more easily determined and thereby faster to use as an endpoint than histologically observed feminization of the testis. The usefulness of MD/oviduct malformations as biomarkers for estrogenic effects in wild birds should be considered. The environmental pollutants bisphenol A (BPA) and o,p´-DDT induced similar effects as the synthetic estrogens, ethynylestradiol and diethylstilbestrol. BPA caused MD malformations in quail embryos and ovotestis formation in chicken embryos. o,p´-DDT induced MD malformations in both quail and chicken embryos and ovotestis in chicken embryos. The flame retardant, tetrabromobisphenol A did not induce estrogen-like effects in quail or chicken embryos, but showed a relatively high embryolethality. Embryonic exposure to estrogen caused persisting malformations of the oviduct, as well as a changed distribution pattern of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in the shell gland of adult females. Considering the crucial role of carbonic anhydrase in shell formation, such changes could result in decreased shell quality. I propose that eggshell thinning in avian wildlife could reflect a functional malformation in the shell gland that is induced by xeno-estrogens during embryonic development, rather than being caused by exposure of the adult bird to environmental pollutants. This hypothesis opens new possibilities for studying the mechanisms behind contaminant-induced eggshell thinning in birds.
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Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon/Metal Mixtures on Rat Corpus Luteal Cells and Placental Cell Line, JEG-3Nykamp, Julie Ann January 2007 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental contaminants that can be modified to oxygenated PAH (oxyPAHs) derivatives. It is well known that oxyPAHs tend to be much more reactive than their parent compounds. Toxicity can be attributed to direct interaction with target molecules or generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Metals are another class of contaminant found ubiquitously throughout the environment. Some metals are toxic at levels below the 1:1 ratio predicted by the biotic ligand model and are thought to manifest toxicity through ROS generation. Often metals and PAHs occur as co-contaminants in industrialized environments, yet little is known about their potential co-toxicity or mechanisms of action in mammalian reproductive function.
Previously, we described that a PAH, 9, 10-phenanthrenequinone (PHEQ), inhibited LH-stimulated progesterone secretion in dispersed rat corpus luteal (CL) cells (Nykamp et al., 2001). Viability was decreased in CL cells exposed to PHEQ and 1,2-dihydroxy-anthraquinone (1,2-dhATQ), but not their parent compounds phenanthrene (PHE) or anthracene (ANT). Similarly, LH-stimulated progesterone production in CL cells was inhibited by PHEQ and 1,2-dhATQ, but not PHE. Further investigation revealed that PHEQ, but not PHE, ANT nor 1,2-dhATQ generated ROS in CL cells. Viability experiments were repeated using the choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3 with similar results.
Various metals were assessed for their toxicity to both CL and JEG-3 cells. The endpoints used to measure viability were metabolic activity and membrane integrity. In general, metabolic activity was a more sensitive indicator of toxicity than membrane integrity. The order of toxicity for metals in CL cells was Hg2+ > Cd2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ for metabolic activity and Hg2+ ≈ Zn2+ > Cd2+ > Cu2+ > Ni2+ for membrane integrity. Only Hg2+ and Cu2+ were tested in JEG-3 cells. While Cu2+ was non-toxic, EC50s for Hg2+ metabolic activity and membrane integrity were 20 mM and 23 mM, respectively.
Experiments were designed to study the mixtures of metals and PAHs on viability, ROS production, and LH-stimulated progesterone production in CL cells. Mixtures of each metal with either PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ were incubated with CL cells and their effect on metabolic activity and membrane integrity assessed. Generally, most metal/oxyPAH mixtures displayed only additive toxicity. However, mixtures of Cu2+ and PHEQ showed synergistic toxicity to both metabolic activity and membrane integrity. Mixture studies in JEG-3 cells used only combinations of Cu2+ or Hg2+ with PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ. Similar results to metabolic activity and membrane integrity in CL cells were observed. Mixtures of Cu2+ and PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ were tested in CL cells for their effect on LH-stimulated progesterone secretion and ROS production. Additive effects were observed in both LH-stimulated progesterone secretion and ROS production for Cu2+/1,2-dhATQ mixtures while synergistic effects for both parameters were seen with Cu2+/PHEQ.
Efforts to determine the site of action for mixtures of Cu2+/PHEQ involved adding the cholesterol analogue, 22-OH cholesterol (22-OHC) to CL cells in the absence of LH. Cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (CYP450scc) enzyme operates constitutively and the addition of 22-OHC to CL cells resulting in a 5-fold increase in progesterone production without added LH. Kinetic assays with 22-OHC show that while progesterone secretion was inhibited with PHEQ addition alone, a further significant reduction with both Cu2+ and PHEQ was not observed. The use of forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, did not show any significant enhancement of progesterone secretion with the addition of Cu2+/PHEQ compared to PHEQ alone. The potential targets of Cu2+/PHEQ mixture include any step in the steroidogenic cascade from activation of protein kinase A onward with the proteins of the mitochondria, cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, being the most likely.
Differential display polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) was a molecular approach taken to determine the effect of PHEQ on JEG-3 gene expression. The genes whose expression appeared to be up-regulated with PHEQ exposure were serine protease inhibitor, Alu repeat sequence, heterogeneous ribonuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), nucleoporin-like protein, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1a1 (eEF1 a 1), autophagy-linked FYVE domain (Alfy), spectrin, and proteasome. Apparent down-regulated genes in JEG-3 cells after PHEQ exposure included poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 10 (PARP10), polyglutamine binding protein-1 (PQBP-1), heterogeneous ribonuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), and keratin.
In both cell types, oxyPAHs were more toxic than their parent compounds. Metals showed greater toxicity to metabolic activity than to membrane integrity. Of the combinations tested, only PHEQ and Cu2+ exhibited synergistic toxicity. ROS generation was the likely mechanism behind PHEQ/Cu2+ toxicity. Both cell types used represent critical roles in human reproductive health. The proper production of progesterone, a critical hormone for the maintenance of pregnancy in mammals, represents a unique endpoint for the assessment of toxicity. These results illustrate the need to study modified oxyPAHs, metals and metal/oxyPAH mixtures for their potential impact on human reproductive health.
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Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon/Metal Mixtures on Rat Corpus Luteal Cells and Placental Cell Line, JEG-3Nykamp, Julie Ann January 2007 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental contaminants that can be modified to oxygenated PAH (oxyPAHs) derivatives. It is well known that oxyPAHs tend to be much more reactive than their parent compounds. Toxicity can be attributed to direct interaction with target molecules or generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Metals are another class of contaminant found ubiquitously throughout the environment. Some metals are toxic at levels below the 1:1 ratio predicted by the biotic ligand model and are thought to manifest toxicity through ROS generation. Often metals and PAHs occur as co-contaminants in industrialized environments, yet little is known about their potential co-toxicity or mechanisms of action in mammalian reproductive function.
Previously, we described that a PAH, 9, 10-phenanthrenequinone (PHEQ), inhibited LH-stimulated progesterone secretion in dispersed rat corpus luteal (CL) cells (Nykamp et al., 2001). Viability was decreased in CL cells exposed to PHEQ and 1,2-dihydroxy-anthraquinone (1,2-dhATQ), but not their parent compounds phenanthrene (PHE) or anthracene (ANT). Similarly, LH-stimulated progesterone production in CL cells was inhibited by PHEQ and 1,2-dhATQ, but not PHE. Further investigation revealed that PHEQ, but not PHE, ANT nor 1,2-dhATQ generated ROS in CL cells. Viability experiments were repeated using the choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3 with similar results.
Various metals were assessed for their toxicity to both CL and JEG-3 cells. The endpoints used to measure viability were metabolic activity and membrane integrity. In general, metabolic activity was a more sensitive indicator of toxicity than membrane integrity. The order of toxicity for metals in CL cells was Hg2+ > Cd2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ for metabolic activity and Hg2+ ≈ Zn2+ > Cd2+ > Cu2+ > Ni2+ for membrane integrity. Only Hg2+ and Cu2+ were tested in JEG-3 cells. While Cu2+ was non-toxic, EC50s for Hg2+ metabolic activity and membrane integrity were 20 mM and 23 mM, respectively.
Experiments were designed to study the mixtures of metals and PAHs on viability, ROS production, and LH-stimulated progesterone production in CL cells. Mixtures of each metal with either PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ were incubated with CL cells and their effect on metabolic activity and membrane integrity assessed. Generally, most metal/oxyPAH mixtures displayed only additive toxicity. However, mixtures of Cu2+ and PHEQ showed synergistic toxicity to both metabolic activity and membrane integrity. Mixture studies in JEG-3 cells used only combinations of Cu2+ or Hg2+ with PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ. Similar results to metabolic activity and membrane integrity in CL cells were observed. Mixtures of Cu2+ and PHEQ or 1,2-dhATQ were tested in CL cells for their effect on LH-stimulated progesterone secretion and ROS production. Additive effects were observed in both LH-stimulated progesterone secretion and ROS production for Cu2+/1,2-dhATQ mixtures while synergistic effects for both parameters were seen with Cu2+/PHEQ.
Efforts to determine the site of action for mixtures of Cu2+/PHEQ involved adding the cholesterol analogue, 22-OH cholesterol (22-OHC) to CL cells in the absence of LH. Cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (CYP450scc) enzyme operates constitutively and the addition of 22-OHC to CL cells resulting in a 5-fold increase in progesterone production without added LH. Kinetic assays with 22-OHC show that while progesterone secretion was inhibited with PHEQ addition alone, a further significant reduction with both Cu2+ and PHEQ was not observed. The use of forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, did not show any significant enhancement of progesterone secretion with the addition of Cu2+/PHEQ compared to PHEQ alone. The potential targets of Cu2+/PHEQ mixture include any step in the steroidogenic cascade from activation of protein kinase A onward with the proteins of the mitochondria, cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, being the most likely.
Differential display polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) was a molecular approach taken to determine the effect of PHEQ on JEG-3 gene expression. The genes whose expression appeared to be up-regulated with PHEQ exposure were serine protease inhibitor, Alu repeat sequence, heterogeneous ribonuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), nucleoporin-like protein, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1a1 (eEF1 a 1), autophagy-linked FYVE domain (Alfy), spectrin, and proteasome. Apparent down-regulated genes in JEG-3 cells after PHEQ exposure included poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 10 (PARP10), polyglutamine binding protein-1 (PQBP-1), heterogeneous ribonuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), and keratin.
In both cell types, oxyPAHs were more toxic than their parent compounds. Metals showed greater toxicity to metabolic activity than to membrane integrity. Of the combinations tested, only PHEQ and Cu2+ exhibited synergistic toxicity. ROS generation was the likely mechanism behind PHEQ/Cu2+ toxicity. Both cell types used represent critical roles in human reproductive health. The proper production of progesterone, a critical hormone for the maintenance of pregnancy in mammals, represents a unique endpoint for the assessment of toxicity. These results illustrate the need to study modified oxyPAHs, metals and metal/oxyPAH mixtures for their potential impact on human reproductive health.
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The interaction of environmentally relevant pollutants with nuclear hormone receptors of European flounder (Platichthys flesus)Colliar, Louise January 2012 (has links)
Nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) are ligand-activated transcriptions factors which transduce the effects of various hormones as well as nutritional and other environmental signals. They thus function to maintain physiological homeostasis by integrating the tissue expression of specific target genes to regulate a wealth of biological processes including reproduction, development, metabolism and environmental adaptation. Mounting evidence indicates NHRs are the target of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), exogenous chemicals, often of anthropogenic origin, which disrupt NHRs and thus the processes under their control. EDCs can interfere with NHR signalling by activating receptors (agonists), by inhibiting the actions of the receptor (antagonists), or by disrupting endogenous hormone synthesis, secretion, transport or metabolism. Much of the focus to date has been on the risk of EDCs to reproductive functions, via estrogen and androgen NHRs in humans, and also in aquatic organisms. However environmental pollutants also have the potential to interact with other NHRs, particularly in aquatic environments, and cause dysregulation of other critical physiological processes, including energy homeostasis, immune functions and the stress response. To address this possibility a reporter gene assay was developed, allowing the high-throughput screening of pollutants for their interactions with piscine NHRs with critical roles in energy homeostasis, stress reponse and immune functions, namely the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and corticosteroid receptors (CRs) from European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and European flounder (Platichthys flesus), respectively. Complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences encoding the ligand-binding domains of PPARs and CRs, critical for receptor-ligand interactions and receptor activation, were ligated to the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the yeast Gal4 transcription activator protein to create experimental expression plasmid constructs. Co-transfection of these expression plasmids into the fathead minnow (FHM) cell line with an upstream-activating sequence (UAS)-firefly luciferase reporter gene plasmid increased luciferase expression in the presence of known PPAR and CR ligands. Several aquatic pollutants including pharmaceuticals, industrial by-products and biocides were tested for their potential to disrupt PPAR and CR functions by interacting with these receptors in an agonistic or antagonistic manner. Several fibrates, a group of pharmaceutical compounds used to treat dyslipidemia in humans by targeting the PPARs, were able to activate plaice Gal4-PPARα and Gal4-PPARβ in the reporter gene assay, indicative of an interaction with PPAR receptors in non-target species. Fibrates which did not activate Gal4-PPARα were able to inhibit the activation of Gal4-PPARα by the PPARα-specific agonist, Wy14643, suggesting differential effects of fibrates on human and flounder PPARs. In addition some metabolites of widespread phthalate ester pollutants were also agonists of the Gal4-PPARα and Gal4-PPARβ constructs. The Gal4-PPARγ construct was unresponsive to almost all the compounds tested, including the mammalian PPARγ agonist, rosiglitazone. The exception to this was the phthalate metabolite monobenzylphthalate, which induced a small increase in firefly luciferase in Gal4-PPARγ transfected cells. All of the above effects required concentrations of at least 10 µM, which are unlikely to be encountered in the aquatic environment. In contrast bis(tributyltin) oxide (TBTO), a notorious environmental pollutant, inhibited Gal4-PPARα and Gal4-CR constructs at concentrations as low as 1 nM and 100 nM, respectively. These concentrations are lower than those reported in aquatic environments, or in fish tissues, making TBTO a candidate endocrine disruptor in fish by inhibiting PPARα and CR signalling. A European flounder cDNA microarray was used to investigate the trasnscriptional responses of flounder hepatocytes to TBTO (10 nM) exposure. Exposure to TBTO and Wy14643, both alone and in combination, indicated a TBTO-driven downregulation of several potential PPARα-target genes with functions in the immune system, the proteasome, and lipid metabolism, although, based on mammalian comparisons, some potential PPARα-target genes were also upregulated, indicating differences in mammalian and fish PPAR-target genes or reflecting the complexity of organisms at a higher organisational level than cell-based assay systems. However, the microarray-based approach was useful in formulating further hypotheses about the effects of TBTO on PPARα signalling. Overall, these results indicate that exogenous chemicals entering the aquatic environment can interfere with NHRs with functions in energy homeostasis, immune functions and stress, in non-target organisms. The cell-based reporter gene assay is a useful tool for identifying potential endocrine disruptors which target PPARs and CRs and would be a useful method in a first tier testing approach, limiting the use of live animal models and enabling investigation into specific receptors which are targets of endocrine disrupting compounds. Although more work is required to confirm the physiological consequences of TBTO inhibition of PPARα, the results presented here indicate that organisms inhabiting TBTO-polluted environments may experience suppression of the immune system, an increase in non-functional or misfolded proteins through suppression of genes involved in the ubiquitin/proteasome system and a disruption in lipid homeostasis.
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Approches moléculaires pour la découverte, le développement et l’application de biomarqueurs de toxicité chez les gammaridéscité spécifiques applicables au sein de la diversité des gammaridés / Molecular approaches for the discovery, development and application of toxicity biomarkers in gammaridsDomingos Gouveia, Duarte 18 December 2017 (has links)
L'utilisation en routine de biomarqueurs pour la biosurveillance environmentale présente plusieurs limitations, en particulier chez les invertébrés. Parmis ces limitations, la manque de biomarqueurs spécifiques et de approches multibiomarqueurs sont des contraintes majeurs. En se basant sur les catalogues de gènes et protéines obtenus à partir des études proteogénomiques réalisées antérieurement chez l'espèce clé en écotoxicologie Gammarus fossarum, cette thèse a visé l'identification et validation de biomarqueurs moléculaires pour le diagnostic de perturbations toxiques chez cette espèce. À la suite des méthodologies récentes pour le développement de biomarqueurs en santé humaine, nous avons mis en place un dosage multiplexé rapide et spécifique (en utilisant la spectrométrie de masse Selected Reaction Monitoring) pour quantifier simultanément des dizaines de candidats biomarqueurs protéiques. L'éssai a été appliqué pour l'évlauation de l'importance physiologique des candidats et de sa pertinence comme biomarqueurs à travers des expositions à des polluants chimiques au laboratoire et sur le terrain. Le deuxième axe de cette thèse a visé le développement de biomarqueurs spécifiques d'une perturbation endocrinienne via deux approches. La première approche, basée sur un étude de protéomique comparative avec un perturbateur endocrinien connu chez les arthropodes, a permis d'augmenter l'exhaustivité dans le suivi du protéome avec la détection d'environ 4000 protéines (dont 53 modulés par l'exposition). La deuxième approche a compris des recherches d'homologies de séquence, des analyses phylogénétiques, et des études d'expression de gènes pour proposer des candidats biomarqueurs / The routine use of biomarkers in environmental biomonitoring faces several drawbacks, especially in invertebrates. Among these limitations, the lack of validated species-specific biomarkers and multibiomarker methodologies comprise major constraints. Based on gene and protein catalogs obtained from proteogenomics experiments previously performed on the ecotoxicological-relevant species Gammarus fossarum, this thesis aimed at identifying and validating molecular biomarkers for the diagnostic of toxic perturbations in this species. Following recent methodologies for the development of biomarkers in human disease diagnosis, we implemented a fast, specific, quantitative multiplexed targeted proteomics assay (using Selected Reaction Monitoring mass spectrometry) to study dozens of protein biomarker candidates simultaneously. The assay was applied to assess the physiological importance of protein candidates, and to assess their pertinence as biomarkers after laboratory and field exposures to chemical contamination. The second part of this thesis aimed at the development of specific endocrine disruption biomarkers, through two complementary approaches. The first approach, based on a comparative shotgun proteomic analysis using a known endocrine disruptor for arthropods, allowed exhaustively increasing the whole-proteome analysis through the detection of roughly 4000 proteins (53 modulated by the exposure). The second comprised sequence homology searches, phylogenetic analyses, and gene expression studies for proposing new biomarker candidates identified from literature searches
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