Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy lemsystems"" "subject:"conergy atemsystems""
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Effektivisering av energianvändningen på Skanskas betongfabrikerSandström, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att finna specifika effektiviseringsåtgärder för energianvändningen vid Skanskas betongfabrik på Svartberget utanför Umeå samt att ta fram generella riktlinjer för energianvändningen på Skanskas samtliga betongfabriker med avseende på effektiviseringsåtgärder. Energianvändningen som analyserades utgjordes av energin som användes vid de processer och verksamheter som fanns på betongfabriksområdet och som användes i eller i anslutning till betongproduktionsprocessen. På betongfabriken utanför Umeå genomfördes en energikartläggning varvid två effektbalanser skapades, en för elanvändningen och en för eldningsoljeanvändningen. Resultatet av energikartläggningen vid betongfabriken utanför Umeå visade att den största delen eleffekt, 25 procent, gick till driften av betongfabrikens uppvärmningssystem och hela 72 procent av effekten från uppvärmningssystemets eldningsoljeförbränning gick förlorad som värmeförluster. Med ett nytt uppvärmningssystem och förbättrad täthet av betongfabrikens lokaler och bättre isolerade spirorör beräknades energin från eldningsoljeanvändningen kunna minska med drygt 50 procent årligen. Även elanvändningen på fabriken kan minskas om ett nytt uppvärmningssystem tas i bruk då energin från eldningsoljeanvändningen ersätter eleffekten som går till de eldrivna värmefläktarna (12 procent av total eleffekt) och värmestavarna (14 procent av total eleffekt). För Skanskas övriga betongfabriker genomfördes en energiinventering med uppföljande telefonintervjuer för att undersöka vilka fabriker som hade högre respektive lägre energianvändning och vad skillnaderna dem emellan berodde på. Resultatet av energiinventeringen och telefonintervjuerna som gjordes för Skanskas övriga betongfabriker visade att fabrikerna med nya fabrikslokaler och med ett uppvärmningssystem från Polarmatic hade absolut lägst energianvändning. Det framgick även att energianvändningen på betongfabrikerna är starkt beroende av hur ballasten som används vid betongtillverkning värms upp. Fördelaktigast är att tillföra betongen största delen energi genom varmt vatten istället för varmballast då den senare medför större värmeförluster. För minskad energianvändning är det även viktigt att fabrikslokalerna är tätade och spirorören isolerade samt att fabrikslokalerna inte tillförs för mycket underhållsvärme då dessa inte behöver hålla någon komforttemperatur. / The aim of the master’s thesis report was to find specific measurements for improved energy usage at Skanska’s concreting plant outside Umeå and to develop generalized guidelines concerning improved energy usage for all the concrete plants in Sweden belonging to the management of Skanska. The energy usage that was analyzed consisted of energy used in all processes and activities belonging to the concrete plant site and that was used in or in connection with the concrete production process. For the concrete factory outside Umeå an energy audit was conducted in order to map the energy use from which two power balances were created, one for the electricity use and one for the effect spent by heating oil. The results of energy audit at the concrete plant outside Umeå revealed that the largest amount of electric power, 25 percent, went to the operation of the concrete plant’s heating system and a total of 72 percent of power from fuel oil combustion in the heating system disappeared as heat losses. With a new heating system and improved sealing of the concrete plant buildings and better insulated pipes it was calculated that the energy from fuel oil combustion could be reduced by about 50 percent annually. Also the electricity usage at the plant is reduced if a new heating system is adopted due to energy from fuel oil combustion replaces electrical output that goes to the electric heating fans (12 percent of the total electrical output) and the heating rods (14 percent of the total electrical output). For the remaining concrete plants an energy inventory was carried out followed up by telephone interviews. The purpose was to investigate which plants had higher and lower energy use and what the differences between them depended upon. The result of the energy inventory and telephone interviews showed that plants with new premises and with a heating system from Polarmatic had the lowest amount of energy usage. It also showed that energy use in concrete plants is closely dependent on how the aggregate used in concrete production is heated. Most profitable is to provide the concrete the largest amount of energy by adding heated water instead of heated aggregate due to latter results in greater heat losses. For reduced energy use, it is also important that the premises are well sealed and that the pipes are well isolated. The premises should not either be heated too much when they do not need to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
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Energy storage for peak shaving : Case study for the distribution grid in BjörnarboPeterson, Cornelius, Olsén Jonsson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Sala-Heby Energi Elnät is a supplier of electrical power for the communities of Sala, Heby, Morgongåva and Björnarbo in Uppland, Sweden. The electrical power grid in this area is currently facing several challenges. Bottlenecks and power shortages are some of them. As an expansion of the Swedish power grid lies many years in the future, there is a need for other solutions to these problems. Because of this, Sala-Heby Energi Elnät is looking at the prospect of installing an energy storage system in the small community of Björnarbo. This report investigates a number of the most commonly used energy storage options available today and concludes that the most suitable choice for Sala-Heby Energi Elnät would be lithium-ion batteries implemented in a battery energy storage system, a BESS. This report also focuses on how a BESS can reduce power peaks by using a method called peak shaving. The financial implications of implementing a BESS of this kind for this purpose are taken into account as well. The study shows that by utilising a BESS with an energy capacity of 500kWh, the power peaks can be reduced by peak shaving. This not only provides a solution to the capacity problem in Sala-Heby Energi Elnät’s power grid, but a BESS could also allow for them to reduce their power subscription to Vattenfall, Sweden’s electricity provider. This would allow Sala-Heby Energi Elnät to make some financial savings. However, a BESS of this type would be very expensive. The conclusion is that a BESS could manage the energy consumption by using peak shaving but will only be financially profitable in the long run for Sala-Heby Energi Elnät.
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Lokaliseringens och tidpunktens inverkan på ersättning vid inmatning av el : En utvärdering av Metod 2020Kindmark, Malin January 2022 (has links)
According to the Electricity act, an owner of a production facility should get financial compensation from the grid owner for the benefits it has on the grid. The compensation for the grid benefit should correspond to the reduced costs of fees and reduced costs of losses. The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) uses a method called Method 2020 for calculating grid benefit compensation when there is a disagreement between a grid owner and the owner of a production facility. The method should be objective, non-discriminatory, and transparent. The aim was to analyse how Method 2020 meets the requirements of the Electricity act regarding objectivity and non-discrimination as well as being compatible with efficient grid utilization and effective production. The goal was to analyse if the method creates incentives for efficient grid utilization and make suggestions for improving the method. The thesis explored how different actors perceive Method 2020 through interviews with Ei, DSOs, and the Swedish TSO. The perception mainly differs regarding whether the reduced costs and how they are calculated in Method 2020 should correspond to forecasts or actual outcomes. The opinions differ concerning guaranteed power and if it should be part of the grid benefit compensation, which is also related to the time perspective. Furthermore, the thesis explored if all energy sources receive the same compensation and if it is possible to use a generalised compensation for all energy sources. This was executed by combining different grid characteristics, production units, and grid fees in Method 2020. There is significant variation in compensation for hydro, wind, and CHP units in grids dominated by production, consumption, or a mix of both, so that no general compensation is possible. However, compensation for PV units vary very little and should therefore be possible to have a standardised compensation, preferably based on time of use. The compensation will differ geographically due to grid fees. The results showed that Method 2020 is unjust towards production units that are large compared to the grid's transmitted energy. It is therefore suggested that impact of the production unit should be removed from the interconnection point. This will create better incentives for efficient grid utilisation.
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This report analyses accuracy of wind speed predictions using wind atlases for the application of wind farm project development. The report aims to compare publicly available New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) mesoscale model data with the NEWA microscale model data. Later, NEWA microscale predictions are checked with manual WindPro WAsP calculations, which use real wind statistics. 9 locations (3 surface roughness types and 3 distances to Baltic coast) are examined. The results show three key-findings: first, the NEWA mesoscale and microscale models are most consistent in coastal open-field locations. Second, NEWA microscale model is most consistent with WindPro WAsP calculations in coastal and mid-coastal forested areas. Lastly, WindPro WAsP calculations significantly reduced wind speed estimates for in-land locations.
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Analysis and design of a parking place with vehicle-to-grid electricity bufferingBueno Nuin, Tomás January 2022 (has links)
The transition to a zero emissions society has already begun. A big effort should be done in the energy area and as engineers we have the power and the responsibility of using all our knowledge to look for the best and optimal solutions to achieve it. The aim of this project is to study the new technologies that are appearing in the field of electric cars vehicles as well as try to develop a way of integrating this into a project of a real long-term parking. The study will be focused on the use of the technologies known as V2X. This technology has been designed for a bidirectional flow of energy between the EV and the charging points in where the vehicles are connected. This opens new doors to the V2G (Vehicle to grid) and to the V2H (Vehicle to home), giving the opportunity not only to charge the vehicles but also use the energy stored in these vehicles for the situations needed, such as improve the grid stability, the use of microgrids and the money saving for the vehicle’s owners. The study was conducted in AirSon a company found in Ängelholm, Sweden. For the study, several parts were developed. First data acquisition for detailed knowledge of the electrical consumes of the company was done. Then a simulation of production of a photovoltaic installation was done in order to integrate this system into the company and help to feed the charge of the long-term parking with renewable energies. In third place a discussion of how the parking could be developed was held as well as the study of the viability of this. In the results some interesting data has been obtained. In first place from the analysis of the consumes of AirSon the figures representing the electricity usage of each building have been obtained. In second place the calculous of three different photovoltaic installations in different areas is made, obtaining the production per month and hour in each area. Obtaining a total production during June of 37.1 MWh being the month with most production and 2.6 MWh in December being this the month with least production rate. Finally in the results the estimation of the SoC (State of charge) of the cars that arrive to AirSon is found, obtaining an average of 5.37 kWh less energy than the total capacity of the battery at the arrival moment, this means that for completely charge the car the installation needs to provide this 5.37 kWh to each car. Once the energy is delivered into the cars, the parking will be able to take back electricity from the cars in case of necessity of the grid. However, the system will never take more energy from the cars than the one delivered for charging them, due to the parking statement of ensure at least the same energy to the vehicles than the one at the arrival moment. After analysing the results, the key issues are found, such as the weather dependence, the early stage of the technologies and the battery degradation as well as the big investment that needs to be done for having enough energy for the parking to work. Concluding this work with the idea that there is a big potential for the job to work but there are big barriers that need to be overcome first.
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Optimal rening av biogas för småskalig produktion och användning : En studie om energioptimering av biogasanläggningar / Optimal purification of biogas for small-scale production and use : A study on energy optimization of biogas plantsEnefalk, Tommy, Ersöz, Timur January 2016 (has links)
Biogas är ett förnybart bränsle, och intresset för detta bränsle ökar runt om i världen. För att kunna använda biogas som fordonsbränsle måste biogasen uppgraderas innan användning. Koldioxid och andra föroreningar skiljs av, så att metanhalten i den råa biogasen höjs och gasen kan användas i motorer. Flera olika reningstekniker finns, men detta arbete fokuserar på vattenskrubbning. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka den optimala metanhalten i biogasen med hänsyn till nettoenergin och livslängden för de motorer som används. Undersökningen fokuserar på reningsprocessen i biogasproduktionen på små och mellanstora gårdar. Arbetet utfördes genom att ställa upp en energibalans över komponenterna i biogasproduktionen. Energibalansen användes för att skapa en matematisk modell av anläggningen, och beräkningarna gjordes med datorprogrammet Matlab. Den optimala metanhalten för biogasen beräknades till kring 80 % (78 – 83 %) vilket är lägre än den gräns på 85 % som rekommenderas av andra källor. Reningsanläggningens eget energibehov befanns motsvara 2,5 – 8,6 % av biogasens energiinnehåll, beroende på om högtryckskompression används eller inte. Dessa värden har god överensstämmelse med tidigare forskning. Den beräknade metanhalten är inte så låg så att motorernas livslängd förkortas nämnvärt, men det finns en risk för misständningar som kan ge skador på katalysatorn. Eftersom den beräknade metanhalten är lägre än 85 % är det lämpligt att genomföra ytterligare tester för att avgöra om gasen är lämplig som fordonsbränsle. Resultaten påverkas kraftigt av motorns verkningsgrad, vilket också är ett relevant ämne för framtida studier. / Biogas is a renewable fuel, and the demand for this particular fuel type is increasing around the world. In order to use biogas as a fuel for vehicles it must first be upgraded from its raw state. By separation of carbon dioxide and other impurities, the methane content in the raw biogas is increased so that the biogas can be used in engines. Several methods of purification exist, but this report mainly focuses on water scrubbing. This thesis aims to investigate the optimal methane content in biogas with respect to net energy and the lifespan of the engines that are being fueled with biogas. The focus of the report is on the purification process in biogas production for small to medium sized farms. The thesis is conducted by putting up an energy balance formula for the components in the biogas production system. This formula was used for creating a mathematical model of the system, and the calculations were made with the computer programme Matlab. The optimal methane content in the biogas was found to be around 80 % (78 – 83 %), which is less than the lower limit (85 %) that is recommended by other sources. The purification facility’s own energy demand corresponds to 2,5 – 8,6 % of the energy content in the biogas, depending on whether high pressure compression is used or not. These results are highly consistent with previous research. The methane content of the biogas does not reduce the lifespan of the engines notably, but there is a risk of ignition failures which could lead to damages in the catalyzer. Since the optimal methane content is lower than 85 %, it would be appropriate to test the biogas in order to analyze if it is suitable to be used as a fuel. The results are heavily influenced by the engine efficiency, which is also a relevant subject for future work.
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Återanvända glasflaskor som fönster : En experimentell undersökning av glasflaskors tillämpning som fönster i bostadshus / Reused wine bottles as windowsLandmark, David, Singh, Amrat January 2016 (has links)
Vi blir fler och fler människor som delar på vår planet, och vi tär alltmer på de sinande naturresurser som finns tillgängliga. En fortsatt utveckling i denna riktning måste förhindras och ett steg åt rätt håll är att minska påfrestningarna av de naturresurser vi har. Genom att minska slit- och slängkonsumtionen, återvinna mer och återanvända förbrukade varor kan vi nå framsteg. Just återanvändning behandlas i detta kandidatexamensarbete, där syftet är att undersöka huruvida vinflaskor kan återanvändas som glasfönster. Inledningen av rapporten består av litteraturstudier som tar upp och beskriver värmeöverföringsfenomen som egenkonvektion, samt sätter in arbetet i ett perspektiv av hållbar utveckling. Ett av huvudmålen med arbetet är den praktiska tillämpning och därför har vi gjutit egna fönster med inmurade vinflaskor. Med hjälp av dessa vinflaskfönster har vi mätt både lux- och temperaturvärden, vilka används i beräkningar av ljusinsläpp och värmeöverföring genom fönstren. För värmeöverföringsberäkningarna har diverse formler rörande ledning och konvektion använts. I arbetet undersöktes två olika varianter av glasflaskor, hela glasflaskor samt avkapade glasflaskor. Efter litteraturstudier, experiment och beräkningar drogs slutsatsen att de hela glasflaskorna gav både högre ljusinsläpp och mindre värmeförluster.
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Data Acquisition Architecture for HVDC GridsBjörk, Erik, Åkerberg, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
The climate crisis has caused many countries around the world to invest in large amounts of renewable energy. To be able to handle the intrinsic unreliability and geographic de- pendency of many renewable energy sources, HVDC technology is considered due to its low cost when transferring electricity across great distances. Traditional AC grids are controlled with 15-minute intervals at control centers, but HVDC grids require a faster control due to more power fluctuations within the grid. The aim of this project was to propose an architecture for a gateway in a control center for an HVDC grid. The gateway was programmed in C and C++ and the data was sent using UDP packets. Testing of the gateway was done using a real-time simulation of an HVDC grid. The data was sent with intervals smaller than a second which satisfied the speed requirements for this project. A gateway like the one developed in this project can be implemented at control centers to display and process data and to improve the overall reliability of an HVDC grid.
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Solar PV in multi-family houses with battery storageRajasekaram, Nirushan, Costa, Vera January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates the economic viability of a grid connected PV system integrated with battery storage in a multifamily home in Sweden. In addition, a fleet of electric cars is added to the system and its economic feasibility is analyzed. The analysis is further classified based on the roof area available for PV installation, wherein system 1 considers nearly the entire roof area of 908 m2 and system 2 is assumed to have less than half the roof area of 360 m2 for PV installation. To help with the assessment, five scenarios are created; where scenario one represents a baseline Swedish cooperative without PV, scenario two includes a PV system; scenario three incorporates battery storage; four considers an electric vehicle fleet embedded into the system and scenario five has a fleet of gasoline cars. These scenarios are applied to the two systems and their results compared. To address the question of this thesis both scenarios 2 and 3 are simulated in System Advisor Model (SAM) and scenario 4 is modeled in Matlab. The outputs are exported to Excel in order to obtain the Net Present Value (NPV), which is the economic indicator for this assessment. In none of the tested scenarios the NPVs’ are positive and the best result is observed in a PV system installed with battery storage in a roof area of 360 m2, which has a NPV of -82,000 SEK. A sensitivity analysis is done to assess the changes in NPV by varying the input parameters. It is concluded that battery storage is not yet economically viable in a Swedish multifamily house.
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A decentralized energy option for rural electrification - Using polygeneration in IndiaDharmala, Nikhilesh January 2015 (has links)
Electricity access is undeniably linked to equity and economic development especially among the rural communities. Clean cooking energy and safe drinking water are also essential for their socio-economic progress. When addressed in an integrated manner, interventions on these systems could have a wider impact. In this context, this study explores the feasibility and potential impacts of a polygeneration system that provides electricity, cooking gas and clean water to a rural village in India. Developed through a case study methodology, this thesis examines the potential of local resources for power generation and cooking. The system considers the use of electricity for water purification. With the help of a socio-economic survey and a field visit, the demand of electricity in the village is calculated. Based on the results from the resource estimation and demand survey, a polygeneration system with solar and biogas technologies has been designed using the techno-economic optimization software HOMER. The study also estimates ability and willingness to pay of the rural households for electricity. The willingness to pay estimate was based on a bidding game approach, and the influence of price and availability of existing fuels was also analyzed. Based on the existing socio- economic status and attitudes of the local population towards electricity use, potential impacts of polygeneration system on the lives of the villagers have been identified. The analysis concluded that a polygeneration system based on solar PV and biogas technologies is ideal for the village. The project has the potential to supply biogas to 60 % of the households. The levelized cost of electricity from such a system is calculated to be $/kWh 0.262, about five times higher than electricity paid by users connected to the national grid. Yet, the system provides an opportunity to bring energy and clean water services to the village where grid extension is unfeasible due to the particular topography of the region. With access to uninterrupted electricity, cleaner cooking fuels and clean water, the villagers are estimated to primarily benefit in terms of health, education, income generation, safety, entertainment, and comfort.
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